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Masks Don't Work

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Nonpharmaceutical Measures

for Pandemic Influenza in

Nonhealthcare Settings—
Personal Protective and
Environmental Measures
Jingyi Xiao,1 Eunice Y. C. Shiu,1 Huizhi Gao, Jessica Y. Wong, Min W. Fong, Sukhyun Ryu, Benjamin J. Cowling

quantities that might be required to control trans-

There were 3 influenza pandemics in the 20th century,
and there has been 1 so far in the 21st century. Local, mission in the general community. Thus, efforts to
national, and international health authorities regularly control the next pandemic will rely largely on non-
update their plans for mitigating the next influenza pan- pharmaceutical interventions.
demic in light of the latest available evidence on the Most influenza virus infections cause mild and
effectiveness of various control measures in reducing self-limiting disease; only a small fraction of case-
transmission. Here, we review the evidence base on the patients require hospitalization. Therefore, influenza
effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical personal protective virus infections spread mainly in the community. In-
measures and environmental hygiene measures in non- fluenza virus is believed to be transmitted predomi-
healthcare settings and discuss their potential inclusion nantly by respiratory droplets, but the size distribu-
in pandemic plans. Although mechanistic studies sup-
tion of particles responsible for transmission remains
port the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks,
unclear, and in particular, there is a lack of consensus
evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these
measures did not support a substantial effect on trans- on the role of fine particle aerosols in transmission
mission of laboratory-confirmed influenza. We similarly (2,3). In healthcare settings, droplet precautions are
found limited evidence on the effectiveness of improved recommended in addition to standard precautions for
hygiene and environmental cleaning. We identified sev- healthcare personnel when interacting with influenza
eral major knowledge gaps requiring further research, patients and for all visitors during influenza seasons
most fundamentally an improved characterization of the (4). Outside healthcare settings, hand hygiene is rec-
modes of person-to-person transmission. ommended in most national pandemic plans (5), and
medical face masks were a common sight during the

I nfluenza pandemics occur at irregular intervals

when new strains of influenza A virus spread in
humans (1). Influenza pandemics cause considerable
influenza pandemic in 2009. Hand hygiene has been
proven to prevent many infectious diseases and might
be considered a major component in influenza pan-
health and social impact that exceeds that of typical demic plans, whether or not it has proven effective-
seasonal (interpandemic) influenza epidemics. One ness against influenza virus transmission, specifically
of the characteristics of influenza pandemics is the because of its potential to reduce other infections and
high incidence of infections in all age groups because thereby reduce pressure on healthcare services.
of the lack of population immunity. Although influ- In this article, we review the evidence base for
enza vaccines are the cornerstone of seasonal influ- personal protective measures and environmental
enza control, specific vaccines for a novel pandemic hygiene measures, and specifically the evidence
strain are not expected to be available for the first for the effectiveness of these measures in reducing
5–6 months of the next pandemic. Antiviral drugs transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza in
will be available in some locations to treat more se- the community. We also discuss the implications of
vere infections but are unlikely to be available in the the evidence base for inclusion of these measures in
pandemic plans.
Author affiliation: University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
These first authors contributed equally to this article.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3201/eid2605.190994

Emerging Infectious Diseases • www.cdc.gov/eid • Vol. 26, No. 5, May 2020 967

Methods and Results quality assessment (Appendix, https://wwwnc.cdc.

We conducted systematic reviews to evaluate the gov/EID/article/26/5/19-0994-App1.pdf).
effectiveness of personal protective measures on in-
fluenza virus transmission, including hand hygiene, Personal Protective Measures
respiratory etiquette, and face masks, and a system-
atic review of surface and object cleaning as an en- Hand Hygiene
vironmental measure (Table 1). We searched 4 data- We identified a recent systematic review by Wong et
bases (Medline, PubMed, EMBASE, and CENTRAL) al. on RCTs designed to assess the efficacy of hand
for literature in all languages. We aimed to identify hygiene interventions against transmission of labo-
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of each measure ratory-confirmed influenza (8). We used this review
for laboratory-confirmed influenza outcomes for each as a starting point and then searched for additional
of the measures because RCTs provide the highest literature published after 2013; we found 3 additional
quality of evidence. For respiratory etiquette and sur- eligible articles published during the search period of
face and object cleaning, because of a lack of RCTs January 1, 2013–August 13, 2018. In total, we identi-
for laboratory-confirmed influenza, we also searched fied 12 articles (9–20), of which 3 articles were from
for RCTs reporting effects of these interventions on the updated search and 9 articles from Wong et al.
influenza-like illness (ILI) and respiratory illness out- (8). Two articles relied on the same underlying data-
comes and then for observational studies on labora- set (16,19); therefore, we counted these 2 articles as
tory-confirmed influenza, ILI, and respiratory illness 1 study, which resulted in 11 RCTs. We further se-
outcomes. For each review, 2 authors (E.Y.C.S. and lected 10 studies with >10,000 participants for inclu-
J.X.) screened titles and abstracts and reviewed full sion in the meta-analysis (Figure 1). We excluded 1
texts independently. study from the meta-analysis because it provided es-
We performed meta-analysis for hand hygiene timates of infection risks only at the household level,
and face mask interventions and estimated the ef- not the individual level (20). We did not generate an
fect of these measures on laboratory-confirmed in- overall pooled effect of hand hygiene only or of hand
fluenza prevention by risk ratios (RRs). We used a hygiene with or without face mask because of high
fixed-effects model to estimate the overall effect in heterogeneity in individual estimates (I2 87 and 82%,
a pooled analysis or subgroup analysis. No overall respectively). The effect of hand hygiene combined
effect would be generated if there was considerable with face masks on laboratory-confirmed influenza
heterogeneity on the basis of I2 statistic >75% (6). We was not statistically significant (RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.73–
performed quality assessment of evidence on hand 1.13; I2 = 35%, p = 0.39). Some studies reported being
hygiene and face mask interventions by using the underpowered because of limited sample size, and
GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, low adherence to hand hygiene interventions was
Development and Evaluation) approach (7). We pro- observed in some studies.
vide additional details of the search strategies, selec- We further analyzed the effect of hand hygiene
tion of articles, summaries of the selected articles, and by setting because transmission routes might vary

Table 1. Summary of literature searches for systematic review on personal and environmental nonpharmaceutical interventions for
pandemic influenza*
Types of interventions No. studies identified Study designs included† Main findings
Hand hygiene 12 RCT The evidence from RCTs suggested that
hand hygiene interventions do not have a
substantial effect on influenza transmission.
Respiratory etiquette 0 NA We did not identify research evaluating the
effectiveness of respiratory etiquette on
influenza transmission.
Face masks 10 RCT The evidence from RCTs suggested that the
use of face masks either by infected
persons or by uninfected persons does not
have a substantial effect on influenza
Surface and object cleaning 3 RCT, observational studies There was a limited amount of evidence
suggesting that surface and object cleaning
does not have a substantial effect on
influenza transmission.
*NA, not available; RCT randomized controlled trial.
†In these systematic reviews, we prioritized RCTs, and only considered observational studies if there were a small number of RCTs. Our rationale was
that with evidence from a larger number of RCTs, additional evidence from observational studies would be unlikely to change overall conclusions.

968 Emerging Infectious Diseases • www.cdc.gov/eid • Vol. 26, No. 5, May 2020
Pandemic Influenza—Personal Protective Measures

Figure 1. Meta-analysis of risk

ratios for the effect of hand hygiene
with or without face mask use on
laboratory-confirmed influenza
from 10 randomized controlled
trials with >11,000 participants.
A) Hand hygiene alone; B) hand
hygiene and face mask; C) hand
hygiene with or without face mask.
Pooled estimates were not made if
there was high heterogeneity
(I2 >75%). Squares indicate risk
ratio for each of the included
studies, horizontal line indicates
95% CIs, dashed vertical line
indicates pooled estimation of
risk ratio, and diamond indicates
pooled estimation of risk ratio.
Diamond width corresponds to the
95% CI.

in different settings. We found 6 studies in house- influenza virus could survive on human hands for
hold settings examining the effect of hand hygiene a short time and could transmit between hands and
with or without face masks, but the overall pooled contaminated surfaces (2,21). Some field studies
effect was not statistically significant (RR 1.05, 95% reported that influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and influ-
CI 0.86–1.27; I2 = 57%, p = 0.65) (Appendix Figure 4) enza A(H3N2) virus RNA and viable influenza vi-
(11–15,17). The findings of 2 studies in school set- rus could be detected on the hands of persons with
tings were different (Appendix Figure 5). A study laboratory-confirmed influenza (22,23), supporting
conducted in the United States (16) showed no ma- the potential of direct and indirect contact transmis-
jor effect of hand hygiene, whereas a study in Egypt sion to play a role in the spread of influenza. Other
(18) reported that hand hygiene reduced the risk for experimental studies also demonstrated that hand
influenza by >50%. A pooled analysis of 2 studies hygiene could reduce or remove infectious influenza
in university residential halls reported a marginally virus from human hands (24,25). However, results
significant protective effect of a combination of hand from our meta-analysis on RCTs did not provide ev-
hygiene plus face masks worn by all residents (RR idence to support a protective effect of hand hygiene
0.48, 95% CI 0.21–1.08; I2 = 0%, p = 0.08) (Appendix against transmission of laboratory-confirmed influ-
Figure 6) (9,10). enza. One study did report a major effect, but in this
In support of hand hygiene as an effective trial of hand hygiene in schools in Egypt, running
measure, experimental studies have reported that water had to be installed and soap and hand-drying

Emerging Infectious Diseases • www.cdc.gov/eid • Vol. 26, No. 5, May 2020 969

material had to be introduced into the intervention the effectiveness of respiratory etiquette in reducing
schools as part of the project (18). Therefore, the im- the risk for laboratory-confirmed influenza or ILI.
pact of hand hygiene might also be a reflection of the One observational study reported a similar incidence
introduction of soap and running water into prima- rate of self-reported respiratory illness (defined by >1
ry schools in a lower-income setting. If one considers symptoms: cough, congestion, sore throat, sneezing,
all of the evidence from RCTs together, it is useful to or breathing problems) among US pilgrims with or
note that some studies might have underestimated without practicing respiratory etiquette during the
the true effect of hand hygiene because of the com- Hajj (32). The authors did not specify the type of re-
plexity of implementing these intervention studies. spiratory etiquette used by participants in the study.
For instance, the control group would not typically A laboratory-based study reported that common re-
have zero knowledge or use of hand hygiene, and spiratory etiquette, including covering the mouth by
the intervention group might not adhere to optimal hands, tissue, or sleeve/arm, was fairly ineffective
hand hygiene practices (11,13,15). in blocking the release and dispersion of droplets
Hand hygiene is also effective in preventing other into the surrounding environment on the basis of
infectious diseases, including diarrheal diseases and measurement of emitted droplets with a laser diffrac-
some respiratory diseases (8,26). The need for hand tion system (31).
hygiene in disease prevention is well recognized Respiratory etiquette is often listed as a preven-
among most communities. Hand hygiene has been tive measure for respiratory infections. However,
accepted as a personal protective measure in >50% of there is a lack of scientific evidence to support this
national preparedness plans for pandemic influenza measure. Whether respiratory etiquette is an effective
(5). Hand hygiene practice is commonly performed nonpharmaceutical intervention in preventing influ-
with soap and water, alcohol-based hand rub, or oth- enza virus transmission remains questionable, and
er waterless hand disinfectants, all of which are easily worthy of further research.
accessible, available, affordable, and well accepted in
most communities. However, resource limitations in Face Masks
some areas are a concern when clean running water In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that
or alcohol-based hand rub are not available. There are reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks
few adverse effects of hand hygiene except for skin in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus in-
irritation caused by some hand hygiene products fections in the community from literature published
(27). However, because of certain social or religious during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we
practices, alcohol-based hand sanitizers might not be found no significant reduction in influenza trans-
permitted in some locations (28). Compliance with mission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI
proper hand hygiene practice tends to be low because 0.51–1.20; I2  =  30%, p = 0.25) (Figure 2). One study
habitual behaviors are difficult to change (29). There- evaluated the use of masks among pilgrims from
fore, hand hygiene promotion programs are needed Australia during the Hajj pilgrimage and reported no
to advocate and encourage proper and effective major difference in the risk for laboratory-confirmed
hand hygiene. influenza virus infection in the control or mask group
(33). Two studies in university settings assessed the
Respiratory Etiquette effectiveness of face masks for primary protection
Respiratory etiquette is defined as covering the nose by monitoring the incidence of laboratory-confirmed
and mouth with a tissue or a mask (but not a hand) influenza among student hall residents for 5 months
when coughing or sneezing, followed by proper dis- (9,10). The overall reduction in ILI or laboratory-con-
posal of used tissues, and proper hand hygiene after firmed influenza cases in the face mask group was
contact with respiratory secretions (30). Other de- not significant in either studies (9,10). Study designs
scriptions of this measure have included turning the in the 7 household studies were slightly different:
head and covering the mouth when coughing and 1 study provided face masks and P2 respirators for
coughing or sneezing into a sleeve or elbow, rath- household contacts only (34), another study evaluat-
er than a hand. The rationale for not coughing into ed face mask use as a source control for infected per-
hands is to prevent subsequent contamination of oth- sons only (35), and the remaining studies provided
er surfaces or objects (31). We conducted a search on masks for the infected persons as well as their close
November 6, 2018, and identified literature that was contacts (11–13,15,17). None of the household studies
available in the databases during 1946–November 5, reported a significant reduction in secondary labora-
2018. We did not identify any published research on tory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the face

970 Emerging Infectious Diseases • www.cdc.gov/eid • Vol. 26, No. 5, May 2020
Pandemic Influenza—Personal Protective Measures

Figure 2. Meta-analysis of risk

ratios for the effect of face mask
use with or without enhanced hand
hygiene on laboratory-confirmed
influenza from 10 randomized
controlled trials with >6,500
participants. A) Face mask use
alone; B) face mask and hand
hygiene; C) face mask with or
without hand hygiene. Pooled
estimates were not made if there
was high heterogeneity (I2 >75%).
Squares indicate risk ratio for
each of the included studies,
horizontal lines indicate 95% CIs,
dashed vertical lines indicate
pooled estimation of risk ratio,
and diamonds indicate pooled
estimation of risk ratio. Diamond
width corresponds to the 95% CI.

mask group (11–13,15,17,34,35). Most studies were We did not consider the use of respirators in the
underpowered because of limited sample size, and community. Respirators are tight-fitting masks that
some studies also reported suboptimal adherence in can protect the wearer from fine particles (37) and
the face mask group. should provide better protection against influenza vi-
Disposable medical masks (also known as surgi- rus exposures when properly worn because of higher
cal masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed filtration efficiency. However, respirators, such as
to be worn by medical personnel to protect acciden- N95 and P2 masks, work best when they are fit-test-
tal contamination of patient wounds, and to protect ed, and these masks will be in limited supply during
the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily flu- the next pandemic. These specialist devices should
ids (36). There is limited evidence for their effective- be reserved for use in healthcare settings or in special
ness in preventing influenza virus transmission either subpopulations such as immunocompromised per-
when worn by the infected person for source control sons in the community, first responders, and those
or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce ex- performing other critical community functions, as
posure. Our systematic review found no significant supplies permit.
effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory- In lower-income settings, it is more likely
confirmed influenza. that reusable cloth masks will be used rather than

Emerging Infectious Diseases • www.cdc.gov/eid • Vol. 26, No. 5, May 2020 971

disposable medical masks because of cost and avail- It should be feasible to implement this measure in
ability (38). There are still few uncertainties in the most settings, subject to the availability of water and
practice of face mask use, such as who should wear cleaning products. Although irritation caused by
the mask and how long it should be used for. In the- cleaning products is limited, safety remains a con-
ory, transmission should be reduced the most if both cern because some cleaning products can be toxic or
infected members and other contacts wear masks, cause allergies (40).
but compliance in uninfected close contacts could be
a problem (12,34). Proper use of face masks is essen- Discussion
tial because improper use might increase the risk for In this review, we did not find evidence to support a
transmission (39). Thus, education on the proper use protective effect of personal protective measures or
and disposal of used face masks, including hand hy- environmental measures in reducing influenza trans-
giene, is also needed. mission. Although these measures have mechanistic
support based on our knowledge of how influenza is
Environmental Measures transmitted from person to person, randomized tri-
als of hand hygiene and face masks have not dem-
Surface and Object Cleaning onstrated protection against laboratory-confirmed
For the search period from 1946 through October influenza, with 1 exception (18). We identified only
14, 2018, we identified 2 RCTs and 1 observational 2 RCTs on environmental cleaning and no RCTs on
study about surface and object cleaning measures cough etiquette.
for inclusion in our systematic review (40–42). One Hand hygiene is a widely used intervention and
RCT conducted in day care nurseries found that bi- has been shown to effectively reduce the transmission
weekly cleaning and disinfection of toys and linen of gastrointestinal infections and respiratory infec-
reduced the detection of multiple viruses, includ- tions (26). However, in our systematic review, updat-
ing adenovirus, rhinovirus, and respiratory syn- ing the findings of Wong et al. (8), we did not find
cytial virus in the environment, but this interven- evidence of a major effect of hand hygiene on labora-
tion was not significant in reducing detection of tory-confirmed influenza virus transmission (Figure
influenza virus, and it had no major protective ef- 1). Nevertheless, hand hygiene might be included in
fect on acute respiratory illness (41). Another RCT influenza pandemic plans as part of general hygiene
found that hand hygiene with hand sanitizer to- and infection prevention.
gether with surface disinfection reduced absentee- We did not find evidence that surgical-type face
ism related to gastrointestinal illness in elementary masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed
schools, but there was no major reduction in absen- influenza transmission, either when worn by infected
teeism related to respiratory illness (42). A cross- persons (source control) or by persons in the general
sectional study found that passive contact with community to reduce their susceptibility (Figure 2).
bleach was associated with a major increase in self- However, as with hand hygiene, face masks might
reported influenza (40). be able to reduce the transmission of other infections
Given that influenza virus can survive on some and therefore have value in an influenza pandemic
surfaces for prolonged periods (43), and that cleaning when healthcare resources are stretched.
or disinfection procedures can effectively reduce or It is essential to note that the mechanisms of per-
inactivate influenza virus from surfaces and objects in son-to-person transmission in the community have
experimental studies (44), there is a theoretical basis not been fully determined. Controversy remains over
to believe that environmental cleaning could reduce the role of transmission through fine-particle aero-
influenza transmission. As an illustration of this pro- sols (3,46). Transmission by indirect contact requires
posal, a modeling study estimated that cleaning of transfer of viable virus from respiratory mucosa onto
extensively touched surfaces could reduce influenza hands and other surfaces, survival on those surfaces,
A infection by 2% (45). However, most studies of in- and successful inoculation into the respiratory mu-
fluenza virus in the environment are based on detec- cosa of another person. All of these components of
tion of virus RNA by PCR, and few studies reported the transmission route have not been studied exten-
detection of viable virus. sively. The impact of environmental factors, such as
Although we found no evidence that surface temperature and humidity, on influenza transmission
and object cleaning could reduce influenza trans- is also uncertain (47). These uncertainties over basic
mission, this measure does have an established im- transmission modes and mechanisms hinder the opti-
pact on prevention of other infectious diseases (42). mization of control measures.

972 Emerging Infectious Diseases • www.cdc.gov/eid • Vol. 26, No. 5, May 2020
Pandemic Influenza—Personal Protective Measures

Table 2. Knowledge gaps for personal protective and environmental nonpharmaceutical interventions for pandemic influenza*
Intervention Knowledge gaps Suggested studies
Hand hygiene There are major gaps in our knowledge of the Additional high-quality RCTs of efficacy of
mechanisms of person-to-person transmission of hand hygiene against laboratory-confirmed
influenza, including the role of direct and indirect contact, influenza in other nonhealthcare settings,
the degree of viral contamination on hands and various except households and university
types of surfaces in different settings, and the potential for residential halls, would be valuable.
contact transmission to occur in different locations and In particular, studies in school settings
under different environmental conditions. There is little are needed to solve the discrepancy
information on whether greater reductions in transmission between the two studies from the United
could be possible with combinations of personal States and Egypt.
intervention (e.g., isolation away from family members
as much as possible, plus using face masks and
enhancing hand hygiene).
Respiratory etiquette There is no evidence about the quantitative effectiveness RCTs of interventions to demonstrate
of respiratory etiquette against influenza virus. the effectiveness of respiratory etiquette
in reducing influenza transmission
would be valuable.
Face mask There are major gaps in our knowledge of the Additional high-quality RCTs of efficacy of
mechanisms of person-to-person transmission of face masks against laboratory-confirmed
influenza, including the importance of transmission influenza would be valuable. Effectiveness
through droplets of different sizes including small particle of face masks or respirator use to prevent
aerosols, and the potential for droplet and aerosol influenza prevention in special
transmission to occur in different locations and with subpopulation, such as
environmental conditions. immunocompromised persons,
would be valuable.
Surface and object cleaning The effectiveness of different cleaning products in RCTs of interventions to demonstrate the
preventing influenza transmission–in terms of cleaning effectiveness of surface and object
frequency, cleaning dosage, cleaning time point, and cleaning in reducing influenza transmission
cleaning targeted surface and object material– would be valuable. Studies that can
remains unknown. demonstrate the reduction of environmental
detection of influenza virus through
cleaning of surfaces and objects
would also be valuable.
*RCT, randomized control trial.

In this review, we focused on 3 personal protec- This study was conducted in preparation for the
tive measures and 1 environmental measure. Other development of guidelines by the World Health Organization
potential environmental measures include humidifi- on the use of nonpharmaceutical interventions for pandemic
cation in dry environments (48), increasing ventila- influenza in nonmedical settings.
tion (49), and use of upper-room UV light (50), but
This study was supported by the World Health
there is limited evidence to support these measures.
Organization. J.X. and M.W.F. were supported by the
Further investigations on the effectiveness of respi-
Collaborative Research Fund from the University Grants
ratory etiquette and surface cleaning through con-
Committee of Hong Kong (project no. C7025-16G).
ducting RCTs would be helpful to provide evidence
with higher quality; evaluation of the effectiveness of
About the Author
these measures targeting specific population groups,
such as immunocompromised persons, would also be Ms. Xiao is a postgraduate student at the School of Public
beneficial (Table 2). Future cost-effectiveness evalu- Health, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
ations could provide more support for the potential Her primary research interests are influenza epidemiology
use of these measures. Further research on transmis- and the dynamics of person-to-person transmission.
sion modes and alternative interventions to reduce
influenza transmission would be valuable in improv- References
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