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The Problem and Its Background

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Design and simulation of a multi-jet, vertical Pelton turbine aims to

demonstrate the efficiency of the turbine's capability to generate electricity and

how the angle of jet affects the overall efficiency of generating electricity. The

energy harnessed will be stored in a battery to power up electrical devices with

low demand such as light bulbs of lamp street.

Self-sustaining is defined as a system that does not need external input of

motion in order to operate continuously. In this study, the waterfalls will ensure

the continuous flow of water throughout the whole machine. Multiple jets

surround a single Pelton wheel that is mounted vertically. The simulation will

present the flow of water indefinitely, with the velocity of water and the angle of

the jet as the deciding factor for its efficiency.

Philippines, like other Third World country, is in great need of a clean,

sustainable source of energy. This study will hopefully inspire others with the

right resources to create a large-scale prototype and soon use it for mankind’s

benefit without harming the environment.

In Canada, water from Niagara Falls was first diverted for hydroelectricity

in 1893. In 1921, the Sir Adam Beck Generating Station No.1 began diverting
water from the falls into tunnels to produce electricity. It was once the largest

hydroelectric power station in the world.

The exact type and intensity of environmental impacts will vary depending on

the specific technology used, the geographic location, and a number of other

factors. By understanding the current and potential environmental issues

associated with each renewable energy source, we can take steps to effectively

avoid or minimize these impacts as they become a larger portion of our electric


As can be seen and/or experienced, the roar of the waterfall suggests the

power of water. The floodwaters rampaging through the river can uproot trees

and destroy villages. However, the might of water is made even greater if it will

flow through a steep slope of the river. As the name hydropower suggests, water

in lakes, rivers and other reservoirs is harnessed or put to work to produce kinetic

energy. Hydroelectric dams are built to generate electric power by directing water

through high pressure tunnels/penstocks to the turbines, which are wheels with

carved blades as spokes. The falling water spins the blades of the turbines

connected to generators.

As the falling water collides with the bulk of the water at the bottom of the

waterfall, water splashes randomly and chaotically in all directions. Part of the

kinetic energy gained by the falling water is now converted into the kinetic energy

of random motion. As a result, the internal energy of the water increases, and the

water temperature rises at the bottom of the falls. It is said that in the 19th

century, the famous scientist James Joule first attempted to measure the

temperature change of water at a waterfall. His contribution towards the

discovery of conservation of energy resulted in the unit of energy joule being

named after him.

Is it possible to capture part of the kinetic energy generated by falling

water and convert it to a useful form, instead of letting it all dissipate? This is

exactly what a hydroelectric power station does. Hydroelectricity is the

generation of electricity using the kinetic energy of water. In the case of a

waterfall, gravitational potential energy of water first changes into the kinetic

energy of water. This kinetic energy is partially converted into electrical energy by

a generator.

In a community where power generation typically has to be at the expense

of the environment, this study will be of significant use to improve the efficiency

of hydroelectric power without sacrificing the environment. All energy sources

have some impact on our environment. Fossil fuels – coal, oil, and natural gas –

do substantially more harm than renewable energy sources by most measures,

including air and water pollution, damage to public health, wildlife and habitat

loss, water use, land use, and global warming emissions.

Hydroelectric power is the future. This study will prove to increase the

efficiency of that hydropower generation by using multi-jet and changing the

orientation of the Pelton turbine from horizontal to vertical to dramatically

decrease the wear caused by the impact of water jet, thus prolonging the

turbine’s life.

Background of the Study

Hydroelectric power includes both massive hydroelectric dams and small

run-of-the-river plants. Large-scale hydroelectric dams continue to be built in

many parts of the world (including China and Brazil), but it is unlikely that new

facilities will be added to the existing US fleet in the future.

As with many developing countries, Philippines is also in need of a clean

source of electrical energy. The capital-intensive nature, long gestation period

(average of seven years) and accompanying issues of social acceptability of

large hydropower projects remain to be the sector's biggest challenges. On the

other hand, micro-hydro development for off-grid electrification is hindered by

high upfront costs and the need for government intervention and subsidy.

There is considerable resistance to the further development of large

hydropower projects due to the potential for upstream flooding, destruction of

agricultural areas and animal habitat and disruption of communities in the

affected areas. These factors have affected the attractiveness of large

hydropower projects.

Given the many issues plaguing large hydropower projects, the next

logical step would be to focus on smaller, more manageable run-of-river projects.

However, such a shift will not come without considerable challenges such as a

decrease in new capacity given the smaller scale of the projects, intermittent

supply of power and considerable decrease in power generation during the

summer months.

The proposal is dedicated to become a viable design for the development

that will also be beneficial to the community. It will simulate the generation of

electricity which will be beneficial to the locals. On the other hand, the proposal

will not only focus in addressing the needs of present-day individuals, but it will

also evolve for the future generation. With the paramount goal of providing the

primary needs that is dedicated to harmonize the development to the

surroundings, the concept of the whole development will put emphasis on the

integration of engineering and nature.

This study will present the efficient cause for choosing the multi-jet,

vertical Pelton turbine when designing a hydropower plant. The Pelton turbine,

along with its design parameters, are calculated and simulated for better

visualization. Multi-jet Pelton turbines have higher efficiency compared to single-

jet turbines. Since the vertical turbine has its shaft along the y-axis, the discharge

of the water from jets and the rotation of the Pelton wheel is along the x-axis.

This prevents the buckets from the damage done by roaring of water in a vertical


Objectives of the Study

The main thrust of this study is to design and develop a multi-jet, vertical

Pelton turbine that sustains its power source. Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Design a machine for the production of clean energy taking into

consideration the following:

1.1 material specifications;

1.2 machine dimension; and

1.2 system components.

2. Create a simulation of the 3D model of the machine using SolidWorks

indicating the following:

2.1 part modeling; and

2.2 assembly.

3. Conduct a simulation of the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) of the water

flow to the vertical turbine using SolidWorks Flow Simulation software indicating

design optimization.

4. Test the performance of the simulated machine and evaluate the following

parameters using SolidWorks Flow Simulation software:

4.1 operating time;

4.2 percent efficiency;

4.3 power available to the turbine

Significance of the Study

The main thrust of this study was to design and simulate a multi-jet vertical

Pelton turbine and evaluate the effects of various nozzle angle setup to the

system performance and turbine efficiency focusing on the significant advantage

in the efficiency using more than one jet for the production of electrical energy.

This study will be of great importance and beneficial to different sectors through

the following aspects:

To the Mechanical Engineering Department, it will serve as a pivotal point

in a mechanical engineering students’ life, and show that thinking outside the box

is not so far-fetched.

To the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), a

successful simulation of this turbine may inspire others to create a large-scale

prototype but not at the expense of the environment.

To the Department of Energy (DOE), the said simulation will show a viable

option for the combined concept of commercialization of hydropower technology

and micro-hydro project that takes advantage of multi-jet and the vertical

orientation of the turbine.

To the future researchers, this study will be a reference and reliable

source to those who will conduct similar studies.

To the researchers, this study will showcase their knowledge and skills in

designing and simulating the Pelton turbine and pump assembly.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is focused mainly on the simulation of the Pelton turbine that

can be arranged into a vertical setup with more than one jet. It will demonstrate

the motion of the parts of turbine, the movement of the water as it is pumped

towards the blade, and the rotation of the shaft that is connected to the

generator. Ultimately, the study will measure and conclude the optimal angle for

the water jet that is aimed at the turbine. The machine will be able to supply

power to battery storage that can be used for some household appliances like

television, light bulb and electric fan and still get to generate electricity to sustain

its battery.

However, it cannot power other appliances with larger power demand. The

simulation will present machine that is limited to powering up devices with low


Conceptual Framework

The goal of the study is to simulate a multi-jet, vertical turbine assembly

that doesn’t run out of power and still get to power other simple electrical devices

such as a TV, light bulb and electric fan. Theoretically, if this machine is installed

near waterfalls, the electrical energy it can generate will be limitless. However,

the simulation will present the flow of water in accordance to the data gathered

corresponding to the selected location.

The Pelton turbine will be mounted vertically just above the open

reservoir. A pump will deliver water to the nozzles which are directed towards the

turbine at specific angles. The four nozzles will then discharge the water to the

buckets, rotating the vertically mounted turbine. The discharged water will simply

fall down the open reservoir. A generator connected to the turbine will create

electricity that can be stored in a battery for later use. Standard generator has a

capacity of 6W.

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study.

The conceive stage for this study includes the knowledge requirements.

Knowledge requirements include basic information on how electricity is

generated through rotating turbine. Further research and information pertaining

to designing and fabricating such machine will likewise be a tool in

conceptualizing a simulation.

To design a Pelton turbine, first look for available standard values of the

diameter of nozzle, number of nozzles, and net head requirements. The concept

of fluid machineries is imperative in designing the turbine along with the net

head, volume flow rate, absolute inlet velocity, outlet tangential velocity, power

input, runner or pitch diameter of the wheel, shaft diameter, bucket length, bucket

depth, bucket height, notch depth, notch width, bucket width, jet ratio, number of

buckets, and distance between nozzle and buckets. It must also be noted that

Pelton turbine operates at a range of 20m-600m effective head.

The diameter of a single nozzle is 53.24mm. This is true for all 4 nozzles.

The effective head is 200m, and the operational speed is 1500 revolutions per

minute. Volume flow rate will be 536 L/s considering the head, diameter of the

nozzle, and the number of nozzles. The absolute velocity at inlet and tangential

velocity at outlet are 59.22 m/s and 27.24 m/s respectively. Power input or water

power is 1863.9 kW. With respect to the tangential velocity, the runner or pitch

diameter of the wheel is 700mm and the shaft diameter is 98.24 mm, including

the allowance due to unpredictable bending moment. The bucket length, depth,

height and width must be 39.2 mm, 84.7mm, 238mm, and 266mm respectively.

Notch depth and width are 33.28 mm and 85.19 mm respectively. They must be

22 buckets with a distance of 437.5 mm away from the nozzle.

The design stage of this study includes the software requirements.

Software requirements include 3D modeling using SolidWorks and machine

performance using SOLIDWORKS FLOW SIMULATION software. The 3D

modeling includes part modeling and assembly. The machine specification

includes the materials, dimensions and system components.

The proposal is dedicated to become a viable design for the development

that will also be beneficial to the community. It will simulate the generation of

electricity which will be beneficial to the locals. On the other hand, the proposal

will not only focus in addressing the needs of present-day individuals, but it will

also evolve for the future generation. With the paramount goal of providing the

primary needs that is dedicated to harmonize the development to the

surroundings, the concept of the whole development will put emphasis on the

integration of engineering and nature.

This study will present the efficient cause for choosing the multi-jet,

vertical Pelton turbine when designing a hydropower plant. The Pelton turbine,

along with its design parameters, are calculated and simulated for better

visualization. Multi-jet Pelton turbines have higher efficiency compared to single-

jet turbines. Since the vertical turbine has its shaft along the y-axis, the discharge

of the water from jets and the rotation of the Pelton wheel is along the x-axis.

This prevents the buckets from the damage done by roaring of water in a vertical


The process of this study includes the simulation and assembly

considering design parameters, conceptual modeling system simulation, system

evaluation and analysis. Simulated preliminary testing includes operating time,

percent efficiency, and power available to the turbine. This will be achieved

through collection of data during the preliminary simulated testing and comparing

the different trials for design optimization.

Material and Component
Knowledge Requirements
 Multi-jet, vertical Pelton  Construction and
turbine principle Assembly Considering
 Analysis of water flow Design Parameters
rate and rotational speed
of turbine  Conceptual Modeling
 Principle of pump and
generator  System Simulation
 Design knowledge of Design and Simulation of
Pelton turbine (ie. bucket Multi-jet, Vertical Pelton
 System Evaluation and
dimension, wheel
diameter, head) Analysis Turbine

Software Requirements

 SolidWorks
 SolidWorks Flow
Simulation Software

Design Requirements and


 Material Specification

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Definition of Terms

The following important terms used in this study are defined conceptually

and operationally for better understanding:

Absolute velocity. May be related to those involving the relative and the linear

speed of rotation by considering the velocity triangle.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). It is the analysis of fluid flows using

numerical solution methods. Using CFD, you are able to analyze complex

problems involving fluid-fluid, fluid-solid or fluid-gas interaction

Finite Volume Method. A discretization technique for partial differential

equations, especially those that arise from physical conservation laws. FVM uses

a volume integral formulation of the problem with a finite partitioning set of

volumes to discretize the equations. FVM is in common use for discretizing

computational fluid dynamics equations.

Fluid flow. It involves the motion of a fluid subjected to unbalanced forces. This

motion continues as long as unbalanced forces are applied.

Generator. It is a mechanical equipment which converts mechanical form of

energy into electrical energy. In this study, the generator will convert the turbine’s

motion into electrical energy.

Hydroelectricity. It refers to the generation of electrical power by the use of

gravitational force of falling water.

Nozzle. A projecting spout, terminal discharging pipe, or the like, as of a hose or


Operating time. Period during which a system is working in a manner

acceptable to its operator or user.

Pelton turbine. It is an impulse-type water turbine that extracts energy from the

impulse of moving water.

Percent efficiency. In this study, the percent efficiency refers to the relationship

of generated electrical power subtracted by pump consumption and the overall

power stored or collected.

Pump. Delivers water to a higher altitude. This is needed to raise the water up to

the edge of the Pelton setup before letting the fluid fall down to the turbines.

Simulation. An approximate imitation of the operation of a process or system;

that represents its operation over time.

Tangential velocity. The velocity 90-degrees to the axis of turbo-shaft rotation.

Turbine bucket. Includes a leading edge, a trailing edge, a root portion, and a tip


Vertical Pelton Turbine. A Pelton turbine with its shaft oriented vertically and is

intended for use of water energy to generate electricity at high head and low


Water wheel. It is a mechanical device for tapping the energy of running or

falling water by means of a set of paddles mounted around a wheel.


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