United States Patent: (12) (10) Patent No.: US 7,768,192 B2
United States Patent: (12) (10) Patent No.: US 7,768,192 B2
United States Patent: (12) (10) Patent No.: US 7,768,192 B2
US 7,768,192 B2
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Abstract. * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Aug. 3, 2010 Sheet 1 of 4 US 7,768,192 B2
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U.S. Patent Aug. 3, 2010 Sheet 4 of 4 US 7,768,192 B2
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US 7,768,192 B2
1. 2
LIGHTING DEVICE AND LIGHTING cations. In addition, where light emitting diodes (or other
METHOD Solid state light emitters) are already being used, efforts are
ongoing to provide light emitting diodes (or other Solid state
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED light emitters) which are improved, e.g., with respect to
APPLICATIONS energy efficiency, color rendering index (CRI Ra), contrast,
efficacy (lm/W), and/or duration of service.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional A variety of solid state light emitters are well-known. For
Patent Application No. 60/752,555, filed Dec. 21, 2005, the example, one type of solid State light emitteris a light emitting
entirety of which is incorporated herein by reference. diode. Light emitting diodes are well-known semiconductor
10 devices that convert electrical current into light. A wide vari
FIELD OF THE INVENTION ety of light emitting diodes are used in increasingly diverse
fields for an ever-expanding range of purposes.
The present invention relates to a lighting device, in par More specifically, light emitting diodes are semiconduct
ticular, a device which includes one or more Solid state light ing devices that emit light (ultraviolet, visible, or infrared)
emitters. The present invention also relates to a lighting 15 when a potential difference is applied across a p-n junction
device which includes one or more Solid state light emitters, structure. There are a number of well-known ways to make
and which optionally further includes one or more lumines light emitting diodes and many associated Structures, and the
cent materials (e.g., one or more phosphors). In a particular present invention can employ any such devices. By way of
aspect, the present invention relates to a lighting device which example, Chapters 12-14 of Sze, Physics of Semiconductor
includes one or more light emitting diodes, and optionally Devices, (2d Ed. 1981) and Chapter 7 of Sze, Modern Semi
further includes one or more luminescent materials. The conductor Device Physics (1998) describe a variety of pho
present invention is also directed to lighting methods. tonic devices, including light emitting diodes.
The expression “light emitting diode' is used herein to
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION refer to the basic semiconductor diode structure (i.e., the
25 chip). The commonly recognized and commercially available
A large proportion (some estimates are as high as twenty “LED' that is sold (for example) in electronics stores typi
five percent) of the electricity generated in the United States cally represents a “packaged device made up of a number of
each year goes to lighting. Accordingly, there is an ongoing parts. These packaged devices typically include a semicon
need to provide lighting which is more energy-efficient. It is ductor based light emitting diode such as (but not limited to)
well-known that incandescent light bulbs are very energy 30 those described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,918,487; 5,631, 190; and
inefficient light Sources—about ninety percent of the electric 5.912,477; various wire connections, and a package that
ity they consume is released as heat rather than light. Fluo encapsulates the light emitting diode.
rescent light bulbs are more efficient than incandescent light As is well-known, a light emitting diode produces light by
bulbs (by a factor of about 10) but are still less efficient as exciting electrons across the band gap between a conduction
compared to Solid State light emitters, such as light emitting 35 band and a valence band of a semiconductor active (light
diodes. emitting) layer. The electron transition generates light at a
In addition, as compared to the normal lifetimes of solid wavelength that depends on the band gap. Thus, the color of
state light emitters, incandescent light bulbs have relatively the light (wavelength) emitted by a light emitting diode
short lifetimes, i.e., typically about 750-1000 hours. In com depends on the semiconductor materials of the active layers
parison, the lifetime of light emitting diodes, for example, can 40 of the light emitting diode.
generally be measured in decades. Fluorescent bulbs have Although the development of light emitting diodes has in
longer lifetimes (e.g., 10,000-20,000 hours) than incandes many ways revolutionized the lighting industry, some of the
cent lights, but provide less favorable color reproduction. characteristics of light emitting diodes have presented chal
Color reproduction is typically measured using the Color lenges, some of which have not yet been fully met. For
Rendering Index (CRI Ra) which is a relative measure of the 45 example, the emission spectrum of any particular light emit
shift in surface color of an object when lit by a particular ting diode is typically concentrated around a single wave
lamp. Daylight has the highest CRI (Ra of 100), with incan length (as dictated by the light emitting diode's composition
descent bulbs being relatively close (Ra greater than 95), and and structure), which is desirable for Some applications, but
fluorescent lighting being less accurate (typical Ra of 70-80). not desirable for others, (e.g., for providing lighting, Such an
Certain types of specialized lighting have very low CRI (e.g., 50 emission spectrum provides a very low CRI).
mercury vapor or Sodium lamps have Raaslow as about 40 or Because light that is perceived as white is necessarily a
even lower). blend of light of two or more colors (or wavelengths), no
Another issue faced by conventional light fixtures is the single light emitting diode junction has been developed that
need to periodically replace the lighting devices (e.g., light can produce white light. “White' light emitting diode lamps
bulbs, etc.). Such issues are particularly pronounced where 55 have been produced which have a light emitting diode pixel
access is difficult (e.g., vaulted ceilings, bridges, high build formed of respective red, green and blue light emitting
ings, traffic tunnels) and/or where change-out costs are diodes. Other “white' light emitting diodes have been pro
extremely high. The typical lifetime of conventional fixtures duced which include (1) a light emitting diode which gener
is about 20 years, corresponding to a light-producing device ates blue light and (2) a luminescent material (e.g., a phos
usage of at least about 44,000 hours (based on usage of 6 60 phor) that emits yellow light in response to excitation by light
hours per day for 20 years). Light-producing device lifetime emitted by the light emitting diode, whereby the blue light
is typically much shorter, thus creating the need for periodic and the yellow light, when mixed, produce light that is per
change-outs. ceived as white light.
Accordingly, for these and other reasons, efforts have been In addition, the blending of primary colors to produce
ongoing to develop ways by which Solid state light emitters 65 combinations of non-primary colors is generally well under
can be used in place of incandescent lights, fluorescent lights stood in this and other arts. In general, the 1931 CIE Chro
and other light-generating devices in a wide variety of appli maticity Diagram (an international standard for primary col
US 7,768,192 B2
3 4
ors established in 1931), and the 1976 CIE Chromaticity length of about 550 nm on receiving that emission. For
Diagram (similar to the 1931 Diagram but modified such that instance, in some designs, white light emitting diodes are
similar distances on the Diagram represent similar perceived fabricated by forming a ceramic phosphor layer on the output
differences in color) provide useful reference for defining Surface of a blue light-emitting semiconductor light emitting
colors as weighted Sums of primary colors. diode. Part of the blue ray emitted from the light emitting
Light emitting diodes can thus be used individually or in diode chip passes through the phosphor, while part of the blue
any combinations, optionally together with one or more lumi ray emitted from the light emitting diode chip is absorbed by
nescent material (e.g., phosphors or Scintillators) and/or fil the phosphor, which becomes excited and emits a yellow ray.
ters, to generate light of any desired perceived color (includ The part of the blue light emitted by the light emitting diode
ing white). Accordingly, the areas in which efforts are being 10 which is transmitted through the phosphor is mixed with the
made to replace existing light Sources with light emitting yellow light emitted by the phosphor. The viewer perceives
diode light sources, e.g., to improve energy efficiency, color the mixture of blue and yellow light as white light.
rendering index (CRI), efficacy (lm/W), and/or duration of As also noted above, in another type of LED lamp, a light
service, are not limited to any particular color or color blends emitting diode chip that emits an ultraviolet ray is combined
of light. 15 with phosphor materials that produce red (R), green (G) and
A wide variety of luminescent materials (also known as blue (B) light rays. In such an “RGB LED lamp', the ultra
lumiphors or luminophoric media, e.g., as disclosed in U.S. violet ray that has been radiated from the light emitting diode
Pat. No. 6,600,175, the entirety of which is hereby incorpo chip excites the phosphor, causing the phosphor to emit red,
rated by reference) are well-known and available to persons green and blue light rays which, when mixed, are perceived
of skill in the art. For example, a phosphor is a luminescent by the human eye as white light. Consequently, white light
material that emits a responsive radiation (e.g., visible light) can also be obtained as a mixture of these light rays.
when excited by a source of exciting radiation. In many Designs have been provided in which existing LED com
instances, the responsive radiation has a wavelength which is ponent packages and other electronics are assembled into a
different from the wavelength of the exciting radiation. Other fixture. In Such designs, a packaged LED is mounted to a
examples of luminescent materials include Scintillators, day 25 circuit board, the circuit board is mounted to a heat sink, and
glow tapes and inks which glow in the visible spectrum upon the heat sink is mounted to the fixture housing along with
illumination with ultraviolet light. required drive electronics. In many cases, additional optics
Luminescent materials can be categorized as being down (secondary to the package parts) are also necessary.
converting, i.e., a material which converts photons to a lower In Substituting light emitting diodes for other light Sources,
energy level (longer wavelength) or up-converting, i.e., a 30 e.g., incandescent lightbulbs, packaged LEDs have been used
material which converts photons to a higher energy level with conventional light fixtures, for example, fixtures which
(shorter wavelength). include a hollow lens and a base plate attached to the lens, the
Inclusion of luminescent materials in LED devices has base plate having a conventional Socket housing with one or
been accomplished by adding the luminescent materials to a more contacts which are electrically coupled to a power
clear plastic encapsulant material (e.g., epoxy-based or sili 35 source. For example, LED lightbulbs have been constructed
cone-based material) as discussed above, for example by a which comprise an electrical circuit board, a plurality of
blending or coating process. packaged LEDs mounted to the circuit board, and a connec
For example, U.S. Pat. No. 6,963,166 (Yano 166) dis tion post attached to the circuit board and adapted to be
closes that a conventional light emitting diode lamp includes connected to the socket housing of the light fixture, whereby
a light emitting diode chip, a bullet-shaped transparent hous 40 the plurality of LEDs can be illuminated by the power source.
ing to cover the light emitting diode chip, leads to Supply There is an ongoing need for ways to use solid state light
current to the light emitting diode chip, and a cup reflector for emitters, e.g., light emitting diodes, to provide white light in
reflecting the emission of the light emitting diode chip in a a wider variety of applications, with greater energy efficiency,
uniform direction, in which the light emitting diode chip is with improved color rendering index (CRI), with improved
encapsulated with a first resin portion, which is further encap 45 efficacy (lm/W), and/or with longer duration of service.
Sulated with a second resin portion. According to Yano 166,
the first resin portion is obtained by filling the cup reflector BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
with a resin material and curing it after the light emitting
diode chip has been mounted onto the bottom of the cup There exist “white LED light sources which are relatively
reflector and then has had its cathode and anode electrodes 50 efficient but have a poor color rendering, Ra typically less
electrically connected to the leads by way of wires. According then 75, and which are particularity deficient in the rendering
to Yano 166, a phosphor is dispersed in the first resin portion ofred colors and also to a significant extent deficient in green.
so as to be excited with the light A that has been emitted from This means that many things, including the typical human
the light emitting diode chip, the excited phosphor produces complexion, food items, labeling, painting, posters, signs,
fluorescence (“light B') that has a longer wavelength than the 55 apparel, home decoration, plants, flowers, automobiles, etc.
light A, a portion of the light A is transmitted through the first exhibit odd or wrong color as compared to being illuminated
resin portion including the phosphor, and as a result, light C. with an incandescent light or natural daylight. Typically Such
as a mixture of the light A and light B, is used as illumination. white LEDs have a color temperature of approximately
As noted above, “white LED lights” (i.e., lights which are 5000K, which is generally not visually comfortable for gen
perceived as being white or near-white) have been investi 60 eral illumination, which however maybe desirable for the
gated as potential replacements for white incandescent illumination of commercial produce or advertising and
lamps. A representative example of a white LED lamp printed materials.
includes a package of a blue light emitting diode chip, made Some so-called “warm white LEDs have a more accept
of gallium nitride (GaN), coated with a phosphor Such as able color temperature (typically 2700-3500 K) for indoor
YAG. In such an LED lamp, the blue light emitting diode chip 65 use, and good CRI (in the case of a yellow and red phosphor
produces an emission with a wavelength of about 450 nm, and mix as high as Ra=95), but their efficiency is much less then
the phosphor produces yellow fluorescence with a peak wave half that of the Standard “white LEDs.
US 7,768,192 B2
5 6
Colored objects illuminated by RGB LED lamps some of the 1931 diagram) or u' and v' (in the case of the 1976
times do not appearin their true colors. For example, an object diagram). For a technical description of CIE chromaticity
that reflects only yellow light, and thus that appears to be diagrams, see, for example, “Encyclopedia of Physical Sci
yellow when illuminated with white light, may appear duller ence and Technology”, Vol. 7, 230-231 (Robert A Meyers ed.,
and de-emphasized when illuminated with light having an 5 1987). The spectral colors are distributed around the edge of
apparent yellow color, produced by the red and green LEDs of the outlined space, which includes all of the hues perceived by
an RGBLED fixture. Such fixtures, therefore, are considered the human eye. The boundary line represents maximum satu
to not provide excellent color rendition, particularly when ration for the spectral colors. As noted above, the 1976 CIE
illuminating various settings such as a theater stage, televi Chromaticity Diagram is similar to the 1931 Diagram, except
sion set, building interior, or display window. In addition, 10 that the 1976 Diagram has been modified such that similar
green LEDs are currently inefficient, and thus reduce the distances on the Diagram represent similar perceived differ
efficiency of Such lamps. ences in color.
Employing LEDs having a wide variety of hues would In the 1931 Diagram, deviation from a point on the Dia
similarly necessitate use of LEDs having a variety of efficien gram can be expressed either in terms of the coordinates or,
cies, including some with low efficiency, thereby reducing the 15 alternatively, in order to give an indication as to the extent of
efficiency of such systems and dramatically increase the com the perceived difference in color, in terms of MacAdam
plexity and cost of the circuitry to control the many different ellipses. For example, a locus of points defined as being ten
types of LEDs and maintain the color balance of the light. MacAdam ellipses from a specified hue defined by a particu
There is therefore a need for a high efficiency solid-state lar set of coordinates on the 1931 Diagram consists of hues
white light source that combines the efficiency and long life of which would each be perceived as differing from the specified
white LEDs (i.e., which avoids the use of relatively inefficient hue to a common extent (and likewise for loci of points
light sources) with an acceptable color temperature and good defined as being spaced from a particular hue by other quan
color rendering index, a wide gamut and simple control cir tities of MacAdam ellipses).
cuit. Since similar distances on the 1976 Diagram represent
In one aspect of the present invention, illuminations from 25
similar perceived differences in color, deviation from a point
two or more sources of visible light which, if mixed in the on the 1976 Diagram can be expressed in terms of the coor
absence of any other light, would produce a combined illu dinates, u' and v', e.g., distance from the point=(Au'+Av')',
mination which would be perceived as white or near-white, and the hues defined by a locus of points which are each a
are mixed with illumination from one or more additional common distance from a specified hue consist of hues which
sources of visible light, and the illumination from the mixture 30
would each be perceived as differing from the specified hue to
oflight thereby produced is on or near the blackbody locus on a COmmon eXtent.
the 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram (or on the 1976 CIE The chromaticity coordinates and the CIE chromaticity
Chromaticity Diagram), each of the sources of visible light diagrams illustrated in FIGS. 1-3 are explained in detail in a
being independently selected from among solid state light number of books and other publications, such as pages
emitters and luminescent materials. 35
In the discussion relating to the present invention, the two 98-107 of K. H. Butler, “Fluorescent Lamp Phosphors” (The
or more sources of visible light which produce light which, if Pennsylvania State University Press 1980) and pages 109
combined in the absence of any other light, would produce an 110 of G. Blasse et al., “Luminescent Materials” (Springer
illumination which would be perceived as white or near-white Verlag 1994), both incorporated herein by reference.
are referred to herein as “white light generating sources.” The 40 The chromaticity coordinates (i.e., color points) that lie
one or more additional sources of visible light referred to along the blackbody locus obey Planck's equation: E(0)=
above are referred to herein as “additional light sources.” A/(e'-1), where E is the emission intensity, is the
The individual additional light sources can be saturated or emission wavelength, T the color temperature of the black
non-Saturated. The term "saturated, as used herein, means body and A and B are constants. Color coordinates that lie on
having a purity of at least 85%, the term “purity' having a 45 or near the blackbody locus yield pleasing white light to a
well-known meaning to persons skilled in the art, and proce human observer. The 1976 CIE Diagram includes tempera
dures for calculating purity being well-known to those of skill ture listings along the blackbody locus. These temperature
in the art. listings show the color path of a blackbody radiator that is
In another aspect of the present invention, there are pro caused to increase to Such temperatures. As a heated object
vided lighting devices in which a “white' light source (i.e., a 50 becomes incandescent, it first glows reddish, then yellowish,
source which produces light which is perceived by the human then white, and finally blueish. This occurs because the wave
eye as being white or near-white) having a poor CRI (e.g., 75 length associated with the peak radiation of the blackbody
or less) is combined with one or more other sources of light, radiator becomes progressively shorter with increased tem
in order to spectrally enhance (i.e., to increase the CRI) the perature, consistent with the Wien Displacement Law. Illu
light from the white light source. 55 minants which produce light which is on or near the black
Aspects of the present invention can be represented on body locus can thus be described in terms of their color
either the 1931 CIE (Commission International de
IEclairage) Chromaticity Diagram or the 1976 CIE Chroma Also depicted on the 1976 CIE Diagram are designations
ticity Diagram. FIG. 1 shows the 1931 CIE Chromaticity A, B, C, D and E, which refer to light produced by several
Diagram. FIG.2 shows the 1976 Chromaticity Diagram. FIG. 60 standard illuminants correspondingly identified as illumi
3 shows an enlarged portion of the 1976 Chromaticity Dia nants A, B, C, D and E, respectively.
gram, in order to show the blackbody locus in more detail. CRI is a relative measurement of how the color rendition of
Persons of skill in the art are familiar with these diagrams, and an illumination system compares to that of a blackbody radia
these diagrams are readily available (e.g., by searching “CIE tor or other defined reference. The CRI Ra equals 100 if the
Chromaticity Diagram” on the internet). 65 color coordinates of a set of test colors being illuminated by
The CIE Chromaticity Diagrams map out the human color the illumination system are the same as the coordinates of the
perception interms of two CIE parameters Xandy (in the case same test colors being irradiated by the reference radiator.
US 7,768,192 B2
7 8
In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, there and a purity of 57%; light provided at point 2 can have a
is provided a lighting device comprising: dominant wavelength of 565 nm and a purity of 48%; light
a plurality of sources of visible light, the sources of visible provided at point 3 can have a dominant wavelength of 482
light each being independently selected from among Solid nm and a purity of 33%; and light provided at point4 can have
state light emitters and luminescent materials, each Source of 5 a dominant wavelength of 446 nm and a purity of 28%.
visible light, when illuminated, emitting light of a hue, the In some embodiments within this aspect of the invention, a
Sources of visible light, when illuminated, emitting in total combined intensity of light from the first group of sources of
not more than four different hues, visible light is at least 60% (in some embodiments at least
the sources of visible light comprising a first group of 70%) of an intensity of the first group-second group mixed
Sources of visible light and a second group of Sources of 10 illumination.
visible light, In accordance with another aspect of the present invention,
the first group of Sources of visible light comprising there is provided a lighting device comprising:
sources of visible light which, when illuminated, emit light of a plurality of sources of visible light, the sources of visible
two hues which, if mixed in the absence of any other light, light each being independently selected from among Solid
produce a first group mixed illumination as noted above, i.e., 15 state emitters and luminescent materials, each of the sources
which would be perceived as white or near-white, and/or of visible light, when illuminated, emitting light of a hue, the
would have color coordinates (x,y) which are within an area Sources of visible light, when illuminated, emitting in total at
on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram defined by five points least three different hues,
having the following (x,y) coordinates: point 1—(0.59, 0.24); the Sources of visible light comprising a first group of
point 2 (0.40, 0.50); point 3–(0.24, 0.53); point 4 (0.17. Sources of visible light and a second group of Sources of
0.25); and point 5 (0.30, 0.12), i.e., the first group mixed visible light,
illumination would have color coordinates (x,y) within an the first group of Sources of visible light comprising
area defined by a line segment connecting point 1 to point 2, sources of visible light which, when illuminated, emit light of
a line segment connecting point 2 to point 3, a line segment at least two hues which, if mixed in the absence of any other
connecting point 3 to point 4, a line segment connecting point 25 light, produce a first group mixed illumination which would
4 to point 5, and a line segment connecting point 5 to point 1, be perceived as white or near-white, and/or would have color
the second group of sources of visible light comprising one coordinates (x,y) which are within an area on a 1931 CIE
or more one sources of visible light of a first hue, and option Chromaticity Diagram defined by five points having the fol
ally also one or more sources of visible light of a second hue, lowing (x,y) coordinates: point 1-(0.59, 0.24); point
wherein mixing of light from the first group of sources of 30 2–(0.40, 0.50); point 3–(0.24, 0.53); point 4 (0.17, 0.25):
visible light and light from the second group of Sources of and point 5 (0.30, 0.12),
visible light produces a first group-second group mixed illu the second group of sources of visible light comprising at
mination of a hue which is within ten MacAdam ellipses (or, least one additional source of visible light,
in Some embodiments, within six MacAdam ellipses, or, in wherein mixing of light from the first group of Sources of
some embodiments, within three MacAdam ellipses) of at 35 visible light and light from the second group of Sources of
least one point on a blackbody locus on the 1931 CIE Chro visible light produces a first group-second group mixed illu
maticity Diagram. mination of a hue which is within ten MacAdam ellipses (or,
In this aspect of the invention, the first group mixed illu in Some embodiments, within six MacAdam ellipses, or, in
mination can instead be characterized by the corresponding some embodiments, within three MacAdam ellipses) of at
values foru' and v' on a 1976 CIE Chromaticity Diagram, i.e., 40 least one point on a blackbody locus on said 1931 CIE Chro
the first group mixed illumination would be perceived as maticity Diagram,
white or near-white, and/or would have color coordinates and wherein an intensity of at least one of the hues is at least
(u',v) which are within an area on a 1976 CIE Chromaticity 35% of an intensity of the first group-second group mixed
Diagram defined by five points having the following (u',v) illumination.
coordinates: point 1–(0.50, 0.46); point 2 (0.20, 0.55); 45 The expression “intensity' is used herein in accordance
point 3–(0.11, 0.54); point 4 (0.12, 0.39); and point with its normal usage, i.e., to refer to the amount of light
5 (0.32, 0.28). produced over a given area, and is measured in units such as
For example, in a specific embodiment, light provided at lumens or candelas.
point 2 can have a dominant wavelength of 569 nm and a In this aspect of the invention, the first group mixed illu
purity of 67%; light provided at point 3 can have a dominant 50 mination can instead be characterized by the corresponding
wavelength of 522 nm and a purity of 38%; light provided at values for u' and v' on a 1976 CIE Chromaticity Diagram, i.e.,
point 4 can have a dominant wavelength of 485 nm and a the first group mixed illumination which would be perceived
purity of 62%; and light provided at point 5 can have a purity as white or near-white, and/or would have color coordinates
of 20%. (u',v) which are within an area on a 1976 CIE Chromaticity
In some embodiments within this aspect of the present 55 Diagram defined by five points having the following (u',v)
invention, the first group mixed illumination would have coordinates: point 1—(0.50, 0.46); point 2 (0.20, 0.55);
color coordinates (x,y) which are within an area on a 1931 point 3–(0.11, 0.54); point 4 (0.12, 0.39); and point
CIE Chromaticity Diagram defined by four points having the 5 (0.32, 0.28).
following (x,y) coordinates: point 1-(0.41, 0.45); point In some embodiments within this aspect of the present
2–(0.37, 0.47); point 3–(0.25, 0.27); and point 4 (0.29, 60 invention, the first group mixed illumination would have
0.24), (i.e., the first group mixed illumination would have color coordinates (x,y) which are within an area on a 1931
color coordinates (u',v) which are within an area on a 1976 CIE Chromaticity Diagram defined by four points having the
CIE Chromaticity Diagram defined by four points having the following (x,y) coordinates: point 1-(0.41, 0.45); point
following (u',v) coordinates: point 1—(0.22, 0.53); point 2–(0.37, 0.47); point 3–(0.25, 0.27); and point 4 (0.29,
2—(0.19, 0.54); point 3–(0.17, 0.42); and point 4 (0.21, 65 0.24), (i.e., the first group mixed illumination would have
0.41))—for example, in a specific embodiment, light pro color coordinates (u',v) which are within an area on a 1976
vided at point 1 can have a dominant wavelength of 573 nm CIE Chromaticity Diagram defined by four points having the
US 7,768,192 B2
9 10
following (u',v) coordinates: point 1—(0.22, 0.53); point mixing light from a plurality of sources of visible light, the
2—(0.19, 0.54); point 3–(0.17, 0.42); and point 4 (0.21, sources of visible light each being independently selected
0.41))—for example, in a specific embodiment, light pro from among Solid state light emitters and luminescent mate
vided at point 1 can have a dominant wavelength of 573 nm rials, each source of visible light, when illuminated, emitting
and a purity of 57%; light provided at point 2 can have a light of a hue, the sources of visible light, when illuminated,
dominant wavelength of 565 nm and a purity of 48%; light emitting in total three different hues,
provided at point 3 can have a dominant wavelength of 482 the Sources of visible light comprising a first group of
nm and a purity of 33%; and light provided at point4 can have Sources of visible light and a second group of Sources of
a dominant wavelength of 446 nm and a purity of 28%. visible light,
In Some embodiments within this aspect of the invention, a 10 the first group of Sources of visible light comprising
combined intensity of light from the first group of sources of sources of visible light which, when illuminated, emit light of
visible light is at least 60% (in some embodiments at least two hues which, if mixed in the absence of any other light,
70%) of an intensity of the first group-second group mixed produce a first group mixed illumination which would have
illumination. Xy color coordinates which are within an area on a 1931 CIE
In particular embodiments of the present invention, at least 15 Chromaticity Diagram defined by five points having X.y coor
one of the sources of visible light is a solid state light emitter. dinates: 0.59, 0.24; 0.40, 0.50; 0.24, 0.53; 0.17, 0.25; and
In particular embodiments of the present invention, at least 0.30, 0.12,
one of the sources of visible light is a light emitting diode. the second group of sources of visible light consisting of at
In particular embodiments of the present invention, at least least one source of visible light of a first additional hue,
one of the sources of visible light is a luminescent material. wherein mixing of light from the first group of Sources of
In particular embodiments of the present invention, at least visible light and light from the second group of Sources of
one of the sources of visible light is a phosphor. visible light produces a first group-second group mixed illu
In particular embodiments of the present invention, at least mination of a hue which is within ten MacAdam ellipses (or,
one of the Sources of visible light is a light emitting diode and in Some embodiments, within six MacAdam ellipses, or, in
25 some embodiments, within three MacAdam ellipses) of at
at least one of the sources of visible light is a luminescent
material. least one point on a blackbody locus on the 1931 CIE Chro
In particular embodiments of the present invention, an maticity Diagram.
intensity of the first group mixed illumination is at least 75% In some embodiments within this aspect of the present
of an intensity of the first group-second-group mixed illumi 30
invention, the first group mixed illumination would have
nation. color coordinates (x,y) which are within an area on a 1931
In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, CIE Chromaticity Diagram defined by four points having the
there is provided a lighting device comprising: following (x,y) coordinates: point 1-(0.41, 0.45); point
at least one white light source having a CRI of 75 or less, 2–(0.37, 0.47); point 3–(0.25, 0.27); and point 4 (0.29,
at least one additional source of visible light consisting of In some embodiments within this aspect of the invention, a
at least one additional source of visible light of a first addi combined intensity of light from the first group of sources of
tional hue, the at least one additional source of visible light visible light is at least 60% (in some embodiments at least
being selected from among Solid State light emitters and lumi 70%) of an intensity of the first group-second group mixed
nescent materials, illumination.
wherein mixing of light from the white light source and In accordance with another aspect of the present invention,
light from the at least one additional source of visible light there is provided a method of lighting, comprising:
produces a mixed illumination which has a CRI of greater mixing light from a plurality of sources of visible light, the
than 75. sources of visible light each being independently selected
In some embodiments within this aspect of the present 45 from among Solid state light emitters and luminescent mate
invention, the combined intensity of light from the at least one rials, each source of visible light, when illuminated, emitting
white light source is at least 50% (in some embodiments at light of a hue, the sources of visible light, when illuminated,
least 75%) of the intensity of the mixed illumination. emitting in total four different hues,
In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, the Sources of visible light comprising a first group of
there is provided a lighting device comprising: 50 Sources of visible light and a second group of Sources of
at least one white light source having a CRI of 75 or less, visible light,
and the first group of Sources of visible light comprising
additional sources of visible light consisting of at least one sources of visible light which, when illuminated, emit light of
additional source of visible light of a first additional hue and two hues which, if mixed in the absence of any other light,
at least one additional source of visible light of a second 55 produce a first group mixed illumination which would have
additional hue, the additional sources of visible light being Xy color coordinates which are within an area on a 1931 CIE
selected from among Solid state light emitters and lumines Chromaticity Diagram defined by five points having X.y coor
cent materials, dinates: 0.59, 0.24; 0.40, 0.50; 0.24, 0.53; 0.17, 0.25; and
wherein mixing of light from the white light source and 0.30, 0.12,
light from the additional sources of visible light produces a 60 the second group of sources of visible light consisting of at
mixed illumination which has a CRI of greater than 75. least one source of visible light of a first additional hue and at
In some embodiments within this aspect of the present least one source of visible light of a second additional hue:
invention, the combined intensity of light from the at least one wherein mixing of light from the first group of Sources of
white light source is at least 50% (in some embodiments at visible light and light from the second group of Sources of
least 75%) of the intensity of the mixed illumination. 65 visible light produces a first group-second group mixed illu
In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, mination of a hue which is within ten MacAdam ellipses (or,
there is provided a method of lighting, comprising: in Some embodiments, within six MacAdam ellipses, or, in
US 7,768,192 B2
11 12
some embodiments, within three MacAdam ellipses) of at visible light being selected from among Solid State light emit
least one point on a blackbody locus on the 1931 CIE Chro ters and luminescent materials,
maticity Diagram. wherein mixing of light from the white light Source and
In some embodiments within this aspect of the present light from the at least one additional source of visible light
invention, the first group mixed illumination would have produces a mixed illumination which has a CRI of greater
color coordinates (x,y) which are within an area on a 1931 than 75.
CIE Chromaticity Diagram defined by four points having the In some embodiments within this aspect of the present
following (x,y) coordinates: point 1-(0.41, 0.45); point invention, the combined intensity of light from the at least one
2–(0.37, 0.47); point 3–(0.25, 0.27); and point 4 (0.29, white light source is at least 50% (in some embodiments at
0.24). 10 least 75%) of the intensity of the mixed illumination.
In Some embodiments within this aspect of the invention, a In accordance with another aspect of the present invention,
combined intensity of light from the first group of sources of there is provided a method of lighting, comprising:
visible light is at least 60% (in some embodiments at least mixing light from at least one white light source having a
70%) of an intensity of the first group-second group mixed CRI of 75 or less, and
illumination. 15 light from additional Sources of visible light consisting of
In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, at least one additional source of visible light of a first addi
there is provided a method of lighting, comprising: tional hue and at least one additional source of visible light of
mixing light from a plurality of sources of visible light, the a second additional hue, the additional sources of visible light
sources of visible light each being independently selected being selected from among Solid State light emitters and lumi
from among Solid state emitters and luminescent materials, nescent materials,
each of the sources of visible light, when illuminated, emit wherein mixing of light from the white light Source and
ting light of a hue, the sources of visible light, when illumi light from the additional sources of visible light produces a
nated, emitting in total at least three different hues, mixed illumination which has a CRI of greater than 75.
the sources of visible light comprising a first group of In some embodiments within this aspect of the present
Sources of visible light and a second group of Sources of 25 invention, the combined intensity of light from the at least one
visible light, white light source is at least 50% (in some embodiments at
the first group of Sources of visible light comprising least 75%) of the intensity of the mixed illumination.
sources of visible light which, when illuminated, emit light of The present invention may be more fully understood with
at least two hues which, if mixed in the absence of any other reference to the accompanying drawings and the following
light, produce a first group mixed illumination which would detailed description of the invention.
have colorx.y coordinates which are within an area on a 1931 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING
CIE Chromaticity Diagram defined by five points having x,y FIGURES
coordinates: 0.59, 0.24; 0.40, 0.50; 0.24, 0.53; 0.17, 0.25; and
0.30, 0.12, 35 FIG. 1 shows the 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram.
the second group of Sources of visible light comprising at FIG. 2 shows the 1976 Chromaticity Diagram.
least one additional source of visible light, FIG.3 shows an enlarged portion of the 1976 Chromaticity
wherein mixing of light from the first group of sources of Diagram, in order to show the blackbody locus in detail.
visible light and light from the second group of Sources of FIG. 4 shows a lighting device in accordance with the
visible light produces a first group-second group mixed illu 40 present invention.
mination of a hue which is within ten MacAdam ellipses (or,
in Some embodiments, within six MacAdam ellipses, or, in DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
some embodiments, within three MacAdam ellipses) of at
least one point on a blackbody locus on the 1931 CIE Chro As noted above, in one aspect of the present invention,
maticity Diagram, 45 there are provided lighting devices in which a “white' light
and wherein an intensity of at least one of the hues is at least Source (i.e., a source which produces light which is perceived
35% of an intensity of the first group-second group mixed by the human eye as being white or near-white) having a poor
CRI (e.g., 75 or less) is combined with one or more other
In some embodiments within this aspect of the present Sources of light, in order to spectrally enhance (i.e., to
invention, the first group mixed illumination would have 50 increase the CRI) the light from the white light source.
color coordinates (x,y) which are within an area on a 1931 As noted above, in another aspect of the present invention,
CIE Chromaticity Diagram defined by four points having the illuminations from two or more sources of visible light which,
following (x,y) coordinates: point 1-(0.41, 0.45); point if mixed in the absence of any other light, would produce a
2–(0.37, 0.47); point 3–(0.25, 0.27); and point 4 (0.29, combined illumination which would be perceived as white or
0.24). 55 near-white, is mixed with illumination from one or more
In Some embodiments within this aspect of the invention, a additional sources of visible light, the respective sources of
combined intensity of light from the first group of sources of visible light each being independently selected from among
visible light is at least 60% (in some embodiments at least Solid state light emitters and luminescent materials.
70%) of an intensity of the first group-second group mixed Skilled artisans are familiar with a wide variety of “white'
illumination. 60 light sources which have poor CRI, and any such sources can
In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, be used according to the present invention. For example, Such
there is provided a method of lighting, comprising: “white' light sources include metal halide lights, sodium
mixing light from at least one white light source having a lights, discharge lamps, and some fluorescent lights.
CRI of 75 or less, and Any desired solid state light emitter or emitters can be
light from at least one additional source of visible light 65 employed in accordance with the present invention. Persons
consisting of at least one additional source of visible light of of skill in the art are aware of, and have ready access to, a wide
a first additional hue, the at least one additional source of variety of such emitters. Such solid state light emitters
US 7,768,192 B2
13 14
include inorganic and organic light emitters. Examples of Patent Application Ser. No. 60/752,753. The lighting device
types of Such light emitters include light emitting diodes shown in FIG. 4 comprises solid state light emitters 12
(inorganic or organic), laser diodes and thin film electrolumi mounted on a housing 11.
nescent devices, a variety of each of which are well-known in The devices according to the present invention can further
the art. 5 comprise one or more long-life cooling device (e.g., a fan
As noted above, persons skilled in the art are familiar with with an extremely high lifetime). Such long-life cooling
a wide variety of Solid state light emitters, including a wide device(s) can comprise piezoelectric or magnetorestrictive
variety of light emitting diodes, a wide variety of laser diodes materials (e.g., MR, GMR, and/or HMR materials) that move
and a wide variety of thin film electroluminescent devices, air as a "Chinese fan”. In cooling the devices according to the
and therefore it is not necessary to describe in detail such 10 present invention, typically only enough air to break the
devices, and/or the materials out of which such devices are boundary layer is required to induce temperature drops of 10
made. to 15 degrees C. Hence, in Such cases, strong “breezes' or a
As indicated above, the lighting devices according to the large fluid flow rate (large CFM) are typically not required
present invention can comprise any desired number of Solid (thereby avoiding the need for conventional fans).
state emitters. For example, a lighting device according to the 15 The devices according to the present invention can further
present invention can include 50 or more light emitting comprise secondary optics to further change the projected
diodes, or can include 100 or more light emitting diodes, etc. nature of the emitted light. Such secondary optics are well
In general, with current light emitting diodes, greater effi known to those skilled in the art, and so they do not need to be
ciency can be achieved by using a greater number of Smaller described in detail herein—any such secondary optics can, if
light emitting diodes (e.g., 100 light emitting diodes each desired, be employed.
having a surface area of 0.1 mm vs. 25 light emitting diodes The devices according to the present invention can further
each having a surface area of 0.4 mm but otherwise being comprise sensors or charging devices or cameras, etc. For
identical). example, persons of skill in the art are familiar with, and have
Analogously, light emitting diodes which operate at lower ready access to, devices which detect one or more occurrence
current densities are generally more efficient. Light emitting 25 (e.g., motion detectors, which detect motion of an object or
diodes which draw any particular current can be used accord person), and which, in response to Such detection, trigger
ing to the present invention. In one aspect of the present illumination of a light, activation of a security camera, etc. As
invention, light emitting diodes which each draw not more a representative example, a device according to the present
than 50 milliamps are employed. invention can include a lighting device according to the
The one or more luminescent materials, if present, can be 30 present invention and a motion sensor, and can be constructed
any desired luminescent material. As noted above, persons such that (1) while the light is illuminated, if the motion
skilled in the art are familiar with, and have ready access to, a sensor detects movement, a security camera is activated to
record visual data at or around the location of the detected
wide variety of luminescent materials. The one or more lumi
nescent materials can be down-converting or up-converting, motion, or (2) if the motion sensor detects movement, the
or can include a combination of both types. 35 light is illuminated to light the region near the location of the
For example, the one or more luminescent materials can be detected motion and the security camera is activated to record
selected from among phosphors, Scintillators, day glow tapes, visual data at or around the location of the detected motion,
inks which glow in the visible spectrum upon illumination For indoor residential illumination a color temperature of
with ultraviolet light, etc. 40 2700k to 3300 k is normally preferred, and for outdoor flood
The one or more luminescent materials, when provided, lighting of colorful scenes a color temperature approximating
can be provided in any desired form. For example, the lumi daylight 5000K (4500-6500K) is preferred.
nescent element can be embedded in a resin (i.e., a polymeric It is preferred that the monochromatic light elements are
matrix). Such as a silicone material or an epoxy. also light emitting diodes and can be chosen from the range of
The sources of visible light in the lighting devices of the 45 available colors including red, orange, amber, yellow, green,
present invention can be arranged, mounted and Supplied with cyan or blue LEDs.
electricity in any desired manner, and can be mounted on any The following are brief descriptions of a number of repre
desired housing or fixture. Skilled artisans are familiar with a sentative embodiments in accordance with the present inven
wide variety of arrangements, mounting schemes, power Sup tion:
plying apparatuses, housings and fixtures, and any Such 50 (1) combining a high efficiency “standard (6500 k) white
arrangements, Schemes, apparatuses, housings and fixtures with other colors such as red and/or orange to make the color
can be employed in connection with the present invention. warmer (a cooler color temperature) and to increase the CRI
The lighting devices of the present invention can be electri (color rendering index) over standard white LEDs and also
cally connected (or selectively connected) to any desired over “warm white” LEDs (typically 2700-3300K);
power source, persons of skill in the art being familiar with a 55 (2) combining a very yellowish white LED (basically blue
variety of Such power Sources. LED plus phosphor arrangement but with “too much yellow
Representative examples of arrangements of Sources of phosphor) and a red or orange LED to produce a "warm
visible light, schemes for mounting sources of visible light, white' color with a high CRI (such a device was tested and
apparatus for Supplying electricity to sources of visible light, found to work well with CRI of >85 and warm white color
housings for sources of visible light, fixtures for Sources of 60 temperatures (~2700K) and on the blackbody locus;
visible light and power supplies for sources of visible light, all (3) combining a standard white LED in the range 5500K to
of which are suitable for the lighting devices of the present 10,000K with red and cyan LEDs (such a device was tested
invention, are described in U.S. Patent Application No. and found to exhibit a CRI of >90);
60/752,753, filed Dec. 21, 2005, entitled “Lighting Device' (4) combining yellow white and red for a residential warm
(inventors: Gerald H. Negley, Antony Paul Van de Ven and 65 white light fixture;
Neal Hunter), the entirety of which is hereby incorporated by (5) combining standard white plus red plus cyan for a
reference. FIG. 4 depicts a lighting device disclosed in U.S. "daylight white' flood light;
US 7,768,192 B2
15 16
(6) combining light from one or more substantially mono 3. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein mixing of
chromatic light emitting elements with Substantially white light from said first group of sources of visible light and light
light emitting elements with a color temperature Suitable for from said second group of sources of visible light produces a
the object being illuminated and having a CRI of greater then first group-second group mixed illumination of a hue which is
85; 5 within six MacAdam ellipses of at least one point on a black
(7) using a Substantially white emitter (e.g., an InGaN light body locus on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram.
emitting diode of a blue color in the range from 440 nm to 480 4. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein mixing of
nm) to excite a phosphorescent material which emits gener light from said first group of sources of visible light and light
ally yellow light in the green through red portion of the from said second group of sources of visible light produces a
spectrum and Such that a portion of the blue light is mixed 10 first group-second group mixed illumination of a hue which is
with the excited light to make white light; within three MacAdam ellipses of at least one point on a
(8) combining a yellowish-white LED having a CIE 1931 blackbody locus on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram.
Xy of approximately 0.37, 0.44 with an orange or red LED in 5. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein said first
the range 600 nm to 700 nm to produce a light for indoor group-second group mixed illumination has a CRI of at least
lighting in the range of 1800 to 4000k color temperature—for 15 85.
example, combining the sources in a lumen ratio of 73% for 6. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein said first
white and 27% for orange produces a warm white light source group-second group mixed illumination has a CRI of at least
with a high efficiency and high CRI; 90.
(9) combining standard white LEDs (e.g., about 6500 K) 7. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein a com
with cyan and red LEDs (the cyan and red can be combined bined intensity of said light from said first group of sources of
into a single binary complementary device or used sepa visible light is at least 60% of an intensity of said first group
rately)—combining the red, cyanand white in the proportions second group mixed illumination.
of 10%, 13% and 77% respectively produces a daylight like 8. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein a com
white light with a very high color rendering index, suitable for bined intensity of said light from said first group of sources of
illumination of objects outside (which are typically colored 25 visible light is at least 70% of an intensity of said first group
for viewing in natural daylight a higher color temperature second group mixed illumination.
such as 5000K); 9. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein said at
(10) combining daylight-white in a WRC (white red cyan) least one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a
provides a much larger gamut than is available with printing solid state light emitter.
in the CMYK inks and is therefore excellent for the illumi 30 10. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein said at
nation of outdoor printed matter including billboards. least one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a
Any two or more structural parts of the lighting devices light emitting diode.
described herein can be integrated. Any structural part of the 11. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein said at
lighting devices described herein can be provided in two or least one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a
more parts (which can be held together, if necessary). 35 luminescent material.
The invention claimed is: 12. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein said at
1. A lighting device comprising: least one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a
a plurality of sources of visible light, said sources of visible phosphor.
light each being independently selected from among 13. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein said at
Solid state light emitters and luminescent materials, each 40 least one source of visible light of a first additional hue is
Source of visible light, when illuminated, emitting light saturated.
of a hue, said sources of visible light, when illuminated, 14. A lighting device comprising:
emitting in total three different hues, a plurality of sources of visible light, said sources of visible
said sources of visible light comprising a first group of light each being independently selected from among
Sources of visible light and a second group of sources of 45 Solid state light emitters and luminescent materials, each
visible light, Source of visible light, when illuminated, emitting light
said first group of Sources of visible light comprising of a hue, said sources of visible light, when illuminated,
sources of visible light which, when illuminated, emit emitting in total four different hues,
light of two hues which, if mixed in the absence of any said sources of visible light comprising a first group of
other light, produce a first group mixed illumination 50 Sources of visible light and a second group of sources of
which would have x,y color coordinates which are visible light,
within an area on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram said first group of Sources of visible light comprising
defined by five points havingx,y coordinates: 0.59, 0.24; sources of visible light which, when illuminated, emit
0.40, 0.50; 0.24, 0.53; 0.17, 0.25; and 0.30, 0.12, light of two hues which, if mixed in the absence of any
said second group of Sources of visible light comprising at 55 other light, produce a first group mixed illumination
least one source of visible light of a first additional hue, which would have x,y color coordinates which are
wherein mixing of light from said first group of sources of within an area on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram
visible light and light from said second group of sources defined by five points having x,y coordinates: 0.59, 0.24;
of visible light produces a first group-second group 0.40, 0.50; 0.24, 0.53; 0.17, 0.25; and 0.30, 0.12,
mixed illumination of a hue which is within ten Mac 60 said second group of Sources of visible light comprising at
Adam ellipses of at least one point on a blackbody locus least one source of visible light of a first additional hue
on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram. and at least one source of visible light of a second addi
2. A lighting device as recited in claim 1, wherein said first tional hue;
group mixed illumination would have X.y color coordinates wherein mixing of light from said first group of Sources of
which are within an area on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity Dia 65 visible light and light from said second group of sources
gram defined by four points having X.y coordinates: 0.41. of visible light produces a first group-second group
0.45; 0.37, 0.47; 0.25, 0.27; and 0.29, 0.24. mixed illumination of a hue which is within ten Mac
US 7,768,192 B2
17 18
Adam ellipses of at least one point on a blackbody locus said second group of Sources of visible light comprising at
on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram. least one additional source of visible light,
15. A lighting device as recited in claim 14, wherein said wherein mixing of light from said first group of Sources of
first group mixed illumination would have X.y color coordi visible light and light from said second group of sources
nates which are within an area on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity 5 of visible light produces a first group-second group
Diagram defined by four points having x,y coordinates: 0.41. mixed illumination of a hue which is within ten Mac
0.45; 0.37, 0.47; 0.25, 0.27; and 0.29, 0.24. Adam ellipses of at least one point on a blackbody locus
16. A lighting device as recited in claim 14, wherein mixing on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram,
of light from said first group of sources of visible light and and wherein an intensity of at least one of said hues is at
light from said second group of Sources of visible light pro 10 least 35% of an intensity of said first group-second
duces a first group-second group mixed illumination of a hue group mixed illumination.
which is within six MacAdam ellipses of at least one point on 28. A lighting device as recited in claim 27, wherein said
a blackbody locus on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram. first group mixed illumination would have X.y color coordi
17. A lighting device as recited in claim 14, wherein mixing nates which are within an area on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity
of light from said first group of sources of visible light and 15 Diagram defined by four points having x,y coordinates: 0.41.
light from said second group of Sources of visible light pro 0.45; 0.37, 0.47; 0.25, 0.27; and 0.29, 0.24.
duces a first group-second group mixed illumination of a hue 29. A lighting device as recited in claim 27, wherein mixing
which is within three MacAdam ellipses of at least one point of light from said first group of sources of visible light and
on a blackbody locus on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Dia light from said second group of Sources of visible light pro
gram. duces a first group-second group mixed illumination of a hue
18. A lighting device as recited in claim 14, wherein said which is within six MacAdam ellipses of at least one point on
first group-second group mixed illumination has a CRI of at a blackbody locus on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram.
least 85. 30. A lighting device as recited in claim 27, wherein mixing
19. A lighting device as recited in claim 14, wherein said of light from said first group of sources of visible light and
first group-second group mixed illumination has a CRI of at 25 light from said second group of Sources of visible light pro
least 90. duces a first group-second group mixed illumination of a hue
20. A lighting device as recited in claim 14, wherein a which is within three MacAdam ellipses of at least one point
combined intensity of said light from said first group of on a blackbody locus on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Dia
sources of visible light is at least 60% of an intensity of said gram.
first group-second group mixed illumination. 30 31. A lighting device as recited in claim 27, wherein said
21. A lighting device as recited in claim 14, wherein a first group-second group mixed illumination has a CRI of at
combined intensity of said light from said first group of least 85.
sources of visible light is at least 70% of an intensity of said 32. A lighting device as recited in claim 27, wherein said
first group-second group mixed illumination. first group-second group mixed illumination has a CRI of at
22. A lighting device as recited in claim 14, wherein said at 35 least 90.
least one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a 33. A lighting device as recited in claim 27, wherein a
solid state light emitter. combined intensity of said light from said first group of
23. A lighting device as recited in claim 14, wherein said at sources of visible light is at least 60% of an intensity of said
least one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a first group-second group mixed illumination.
light emitting diode. 40 34. A lighting device as recited in claim 27, wherein a
24. A lighting device as recited in claim 14, wherein said at combined intensity of said light from said first group of
least one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a sources of visible light is at least 70% of an intensity of said
luminescent material. first group-second group mixed illumination.
25. A lighting device as recited in claim 14, wherein said at 35. A lighting device as recited in claim 27, wherein said at
least one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a 45 least one additional source of visible light is a solid state light
phosphor. emitter.
26. A lighting device as recited in claim 14, wherein said at 36. A lighting device as recited in claim 27, wherein said at
least one source of visible light of a first additional hue is least one additional source of visible light is a light emitting
saturated. diode.
27. A lighting device comprising: 50 37. A lighting device as recited in claim 27, wherein said at
a plurality of sources of visible light, said sources of visible least one additional Source of visible light is a luminescent
light each being independently selected from among material.
Solid state emitters and luminescent materials, each of 38. A lighting device as recited in claim 27, wherein said at
said sources of visible light, when illuminated, emitting least one additional source of visible light is a phosphor.
light of a hue, said sources of visible light, when illumi 55 39. A lighting device as recited in claim 27, wherein said at
nated, emitting in total at least three different hues, least one additional source of visible light is saturated.
said sources of visible light comprising a first group of 40. A method of lighting, comprising:
Sources of visible light and a second group of sources of mixing light from a plurality of sources of visible light, said
visible light, Sources of visible light each being independently
said first group of Sources of visible light comprising 60 Selected from among solid State light emitters and lumi
sources of visible light which, when illuminated, emit nescent materials, each Source of visible light, when
light of at least two hues which, if mixed in the absence illuminated, emitting light of a hue, said sources of vis
of any other light, produce a first group mixed illumina ible light, when illuminated, emitting in total three dif
tion which would have color x,y coordinates which are ferent hues,
within an area on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram 65 said sources of visible light comprising a first group of
defined by five points havingx,y coordinates: 0.59, 0.24; Sources of visible light and a second group of sources of
0.40, 0.50; 0.24, 0.53; 0.17, 0.25; and 0.30, 0.12, visible light,
US 7,768,192 B2
19 20
said first group of Sources of visible light comprising illuminated, emitting light of a hue, said sources of vis
sources of visible light which, when illuminated, emit ible light, when illuminated, emitting in total four dif
light of two hues which, if mixed in the absence of any ferent hues,
other light, produce a first group mixed illumination said sources of visible light comprising a first group of
which would have x,y color coordinates which are 5 Sources of visible light and a second group of sources of
within an area on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram visible light,
defined by five points havingx,y coordinates: 0.59, 0.24; said first group of Sources of visible light comprising
0.40, 0.50; 0.24, 0.53; 0.17, 0.25; and 0.30, 0.12, sources of visible light which, when illuminated, emit
said second group of Sources of visible light comprising at light of two hues which, if mixed in the absence of any
least one source of visible light of a first additional hue, 10 other light, produce a first group mixed illumination
wherein mixing of light from said first group of sources of which would have x,y color coordinates which are
visible light and light from said second group of sources within an area on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram
of visible light produces a first group-second group defined by five points having x,y coordinates: 0.59, 0.24;
mixed illumination of a hue which is within ten Mac 0.40, 0.50; 0.24, 0.53; 0.17, 0.25; and 0.30, 0.12,
Adam ellipses of at least one point on a blackbody locus 15 said second group of Sources of visible light comprising at
on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram. least one source of visible light of a first additional hue
41. A method as recited in claim 40, wherein said first and at least one source of visible light of a second addi
group mixed illumination would have X.y color coordinates tional hue;
which are within an area on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity Dia wherein mixing of light from said first group of Sources of
gram defined by four points having X.y coordinates: 0.41. visible light and light from said second group of sources
0.45; 0.37, 0.47; 0.25, 0.27; and 0.29, 0.24. of visible light produces a first group-second group
42. A method as recited in claim 40, wherein mixing of mixed illumination of a hue which is within ten Mac
light from said first group of sources of visible light and light Adam ellipses of at least one point on a blackbody locus
from said second group of sources of visible light produces a on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram.
first group-second group mixed illumination of a hue which is 25 54. A method as recited in claim 53, wherein said first
within six MacAdam ellipses of at least one point on a black group mixed illumination would have X.y color coordinates
body locus on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram. which are within an area on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity Dia
43. A method as recited in claim 40, wherein mixing of gram defined by four points having X.y coordinates: 0.41.
light from said first group of sources of visible light and light 0.45; 0.37, 0.47; 0.25, 0.27; and 0.29, 0.24.
from said second group of sources of visible light produces a 30 55. A method as recited in claim 53, wherein mixing of
first group-second group mixed illumination of a hue which is light from said first group of sources of visible light and light
within three MacAdam ellipses of at least one point on a from said second group of sources of visible light produces a
blackbody locus on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram. first group-second group mixed illumination of a hue which is
44. A method as recited in claim 40, wherein said first within six MacAdam ellipses of at least one point on a black
group-second group mixed illumination has a CRI of at least 35 body locus on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram.
85. 56. A method as recited in claim 53, wherein mixing of
45. A method as recited in claim 40, wherein said first light from said first group of sources of visible light and light
group-second group mixed illumination has a CRI of at least from said second group of sources of visible light produces a
90. first group-second group mixed illumination of a hue which is
46. A method as recited in claim 40, wherein a combined 40 within three MacAdam ellipses of at least one point on a
intensity of said light from said first group of Sources of blackbody locus on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram.
visible light is at least 60% of an intensity of said first group 57. A method as recited in claim 53, wherein said first
second group mixed illumination. group-second group mixed illumination has a CRI of at least
47. A method as recited in claim 40, wherein a combined 45 58. A method as recited in claim 53, wherein said first
intensity of said light from said first group of Sources of group-second group mixed illumination has a CRI of at least
visible light is at least 70% of an intensity of said first group 90.
second group mixed illumination. 59. A method as recited in claim 53, wherein a combined
48. A method as recited in claim 40, wherein said at least intensity of said light from said first group of Sources of
one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a solid 50 visible light is at least 60% of an intensity of said first group
state light emitter. second group mixed illumination.
49. A method as recited in claim 40, wherein said at least 60. A method as recited in claim 53, wherein a combined
one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a light intensity of said light from said first group of Sources of
emitting diode. visible light is at least 70% of an intensity of said first group
50. A method as recited in claim 40, wherein said at least 55 second group mixed illumination.
one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a lumi 61. A method as recited in claim 53, wherein said at least
nescent material.
one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a solid
51. A method as recited in claim 40, wherein said at least state light emitter.
one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a phos 62. A method as recited in claim 53, wherein said at least
phor. 60 one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a light
52. A method as recited in claim 40, wherein said at least emitting diode.
one source of visible light of a first additional hue is saturated. 63. A method as recited in claim 53, wherein said at least
53. A method of lighting, comprising: one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a lumi
mixing light from a plurality of sources of visible light, said nescent material.
Sources of visible light each being independently 65 64. A method as recited in claim 53, wherein said at least
Selected from among Solid State light emitters and lumi one source of visible light of a first additional hue is a phos
nescent materials, each Source of visible light, when phor.
US 7,768,192 B2
21 22
65. A method as recited in claim 53, wherein said at least from said second group of sources of visible light produces a
one source of visible light of a first additional hue is saturated. first group-second group mixed illumination of a hue which is
66. A method of lighting, comprising: within six MacAdam ellipses of at least one point on a black
mixing light from a plurality of sources of visible light, said body locus on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram.
Sources of visible light each being independently 5 69. A method as recited in claim 66, wherein mixing of
Selected from among Solid State emitters and lumines light from said first group of sources of visible light and light
cent materials, each of said sources of visible light, when from said second group of sources of visible light produces a
illuminated, emitting light of a hue, said sources of vis first group-second group mixed illumination of a hue which is
ible light, when illuminated, emitting in total at least within three MacAdam ellipses of at least one point on a
three different hues, 10 blackbody locus on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram.
said sources of visible light comprising a first group of 70. A method as recited in claim 66, wherein said first
Sources of visible light and a second group of sources of group-second group mixed illumination has a CRI of at least
visible light, 85.
said first group of Sources of visible light comprising 71. A method as recited in claim 66, wherein said first
sources of visible light which, when illuminated, emit 15 group-second group mixed illumination has a CRI of at least
light of at least two hues which, if mixed in the absence 90.
of any other light, produce a first group mixed illumina 72. A method as recited in claim 66, wherein a combined
tion which would have color x,y coordinates which are intensity of said light from said first group of Sources of
within an area on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram visible light is at least 60% of an intensity of said first group
defined by five points havingx,y coordinates: 0.59, 0.24; second group mixed illumination.
0.40, 0.50; 0.24, 0.53; 0.17, 0.25; and 0.30, 0.12, 73. A method as recited in claim 66, wherein a combined
said second group of Sources of visible light comprising at intensity of said light from said first group of Sources of
least one source of visible light, visible light is at least 70% of an intensity of said first group
wherein mixing of light from said first group of sources of second group mixed illumination.
visible light and light from said second group of sources 25
74. A method as recited in claim 66, wherein said at least
of visible light produces a first group-second group one additional source of visible light is a solid state light
mixed illumination of a hue which is within ten Mac
Adam ellipses of at least one point on a blackbody locus
on said 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram, 75. A method as recited in claim 66, wherein said at least
and wherein an intensity of at least one of said hues is at least 30 one additional Source of visible light is a light emitting diode.
35% of an intensity of said first group-second group mixed 76. A method as recited in claim 66, wherein said at least
illumination. one additional source of visible light is a luminescent mate
67. A method as recited in claim 66, wherein said first rial.
group mixed illumination would have X.y color coordinates 77. A method as recited in claim 66, wherein said at least
which are within an area on a 1931 CIE Chromaticity Dia 35 one additional source of visible light is a phosphor.
gram defined by four points having X.y coordinates: 0.41. 78. A method as recited in claim 66, wherein said at least
0.45; 0.37, 0.47; 0.25, 0.27; and 0.29, 0.24. one additional source of visible light is saturated.
68. A method as recited in claim 66, wherein mixing of
light from said first group of sources of visible light and light k k k k k