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Prescription For Cutting Costs: Loyal Relationships

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Prescription for

cutting costs

By Fred Reichheld Loyal relationships

In the current downturn, many companies are tightening belts. But

too many are missing their biggest opportunity to keep costs down:
building loyal relationships with customers and other stakeholders.

How do loyal relationships translate into cost savings? Consider

the cost of serving a long-standing customer versus the cost of
courting one. Across a wide range of businesses, customers generate
increasing profits each year they stay with a company. In financial
services, for example, a 5% increase in customer retention produces
more than a 25% increase in profit. Why? Return customers tend
to buy more from a company over time. As
they do, your operating costs to serve them
Chick-fil-A has so effectively
decline. What’s more, return customers refer
mastered the economics of
others to your company. And they’ll often
loyalty it can afford to pay
pay a premium to continue to do business
store operators double or
with you rather than switch to a competitor
triple its industry’s average
with whom they’re neither familiar nor
compensation and still give
comfortable. Of course, not every customer
10% of profits to charity.
has potential to be profitable and long-standing.
Cost-effectiveness dictates that you segment
clients to identify the subset that holds this potential, so you can
target your investment in relationship-building.

Fred Reichheld is a fellow of Bain

& Company, and author of Loyalty

Rules! How Today’s Leaders Build

Lasting Relationships, Harvard

Business School Publishing,

September 2001.
Consider the case of Vanguard, the mutual fund
industry cost leader. When Jack Brennan took over Loyalty leaders develop annual report cards
as CEO in 1996,Vanguard’s flagship S&P 500 Index on suppliers and dealers with as much care
Fund costs were just 0.20% of assets. By 1999, they as they give to annual reports for investors.
had declined to 0.18%—a 10% improvement. One
of the reasons is that Brennan, like his predecessor, measures including sales, sales growth, and profits.
John Bogle, is committed to customer retention. The stores whose performance falls into the bottom
And Brennan’s particular passion is selecting the 15-20% of all Chick-fil-A units automatically get
right kinds of customers up front—the kinds with extra attention from company consultants. Customer
high potential for long-term relationships with the survey frequency is doubled, and improvement plans
firm. For example, a few years back,Vanguard are developed with each operator. Operators and
rejected an institutional investor that tried to invest employees receiving the added scrutiny understand it
$40 million in a fund, because Vanguard suspected is meant to help them get back on track; they know
that the customer would soon churn the investment, that long-term relationships require honest, two-
creating extra costs for all the existing customers. way communications and learning, and they value
The customer complained to Brennan, who supported the company’s commitment to that goal. The
the decision and used it as an opportunity to ultimate result, of course, is a dramatic saving in
underscore the need to be selective about customers. hiring costs; Chick-fil-A’s average store operator
Loyalty leaders also reduce costs by building trusting turnover rate is 5% versus the competition’s 35-40%.
relationships with employees. Consider Chick-fil-A, Customers, employees, suppliers, distributors,
a chain of quick-service restaurants that has so channel partners—almost every stakeholder in your
effectively mastered the economics of employee company is a potential cost-reduction crusader.
loyalty that it can afford to let store operators earn If you facilitate a supplier’s operations by being
compensation that’s double or triple industry averages, flexible about delivery times, for example, that
while generating enough cash to grow the chain supplier might be more willing to flex for your
and give about 10% of profits to charity. Those special need. And over time, as you build trust, that
compensation standards help grow loyal employees supplier will likely be loyal to you even if one of
who nurture attractive client relationships. your competitors offers a more attractive short-term
Performance feedback, too, bolsters loyalty. Every contract. You’ll both save on switching costs; and
store operator can easily find out (right on the in- if you’re attentive, you’ll maximize the efficiency
store computer) his or her standing in comparison of your transactions as your relationship matures.
to the other 600 or so Chick-fil-A operators on

B a i n & C o m p a n y, I n c . Prescription for cutting costs: Loyal relationships 2

What are the secrets of the loyalty leaders? Identify ways to help underperformers:

Develop annual relationship report cards on

The companies that best understand cost savings
suppliers and dealers (and customers and employees)
through loyalty take very deliberate steps. A few
with as much care as you give to annual reports
you might consider:
for investors. Test a 360-degree feedback system,
Modify customer-a
acquisition incentives: starting with senior managers and rolling out to
Reward your sales teams and marketing channels all employees.
for acquiring customers that stick. Consider
Use the Internet:
commission or bonus reductions if customers
Loyalty leaders such as Vanguard have shifted
defect before 18 months.
almost half of their customer transactions to the
Reallocate marketing investments: Web. Make sure your Web site is so simple to
Systematically rank all of your customer use that many customers will prefer this faster
acquisition campaigns on the basis of their and cheaper alternative.
yield of loyal customers. Shift resources towards
No company is immune to the pressures of the
programs that attract the richest mix of loyal
market. But companies that focus on building
customers. (Many firms today are wasting half
loyal relationships that by their very nature keep costs
their marketing expenses on disloyal customers
to a minimum are far better positioned to remain
who will never stick around long enough to
strong in the face of market turbulence.
pay back the acquisition investment.)


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