Passat V8 Engine
Passat V8 Engine
Passat V8 Engine
Engine Management of
the W8 Engine in the Passat
Motronic ME 7.1.1
The Motronic engine management system of the
W8 engine enables high power output with mini-
mal fuel consumption through adaptation to all
operating modes. The heart of the Motronic
system is the electronic control unit (J220). It pro-
cesses incoming signals and transmits adjustment
commands for controlling the subsystems. At the
same time, the control unit serves the diagnosis
of subsystems and components.
For further information on the W8 engine, please refer to SSP 248 „The W Engine Concept“.
NEW Important
This self-study programme explains the design Please always refer to the relevant Service literature for current
and function of new developments. inspection, adjustment and repair instructions.
The contents are not updated.
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
System overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Subsystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Functional diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
- Regulation of combustion
- Monitoring and regulation of exhaust
- Regulation of injection
- Regulation of ignition (ignition system with single-spark ignition coils)
- Regulation of idling speed
- Stereo lambda regulation of exhaust emissions
- Fuel tank ventilation system
- Electronic power control
- Cruise control system
- Secondary air system
- Knock control
- Continuously variable inlet valve timing, two-position exhaust valve timing
- Control of engine mountings
- Regulation of coolant temperature
- Regulation of electric vacuum pump
- Self-diagnosis
The engine control unit in the CAN data bus
The engine control unit communicates with the control units in other vehicle systems.
Data is exchanged through the CAN data bus, which joins the individual control units in a single system.
Drivetrain CAN
ABS Steering angle
control unit sensor Dash panel insert
CAN High
Engine control
Through the CAN data bus, data are exchanged between the engine control unit and
For further information, please refer to SSP 186 „The CAN Data Bus“.
System overview
Radiator fan 2
G61 Knock sensor 1, G66 Knock sensor 2 control unit J293
G198 Knock sensor 3, G199 Knock sensor 4
1 Fuel tank
2 Fuel pump
3 Filter
4 Fuel rail
5 Fuel pressure regulator
3 6 Injectors
2 1
7 Engine control unit
8 Accelerator pedal module
9 Air mass meter with sender
for intake air temperature
6 6
6 6 10 Engine speed sender
11 Temperature sender (G62)
6 12 Lambda probes
6 6 13 Throttle valve control part
4 14 Hall senders
11 12 13 14
8 9 10
The fuel pump, which is located in the fuel tank, The quantity of fuel injected is determined solely
pumps fuel through the fuel filter to the injectors. by the length of the period during which the
The injectors are connected to each other by the injector is open. The pressure regulator regulates
fuel rail. Injection occurs sequentially. Using the the injection pressure in the fuel rail and regula-
input signals, the control unit calculates the tes the return flow of excess fuel to the fuel tank.
necessary fuel quantity and the required injec-
tion period.
The ignition system
Input signals for calculating the ignition timing
Knock control
Unfavourable operating conditions can lead to self-ignition (pre-ignition knock).
Consequently, the ignition timing must be adjusted.
Input signals
4 3 3
Each bank of the W8 engine is equipped with When knocking is detected in a cylinder, the
two knock sensors mounted on the crankcase. To engine management system changes the ignition
prevent the connectors in the wiring harness from timing of the knocking cylinder (by retarding the
being interchanged on the sensors, the connec- firing point) until the knocking ceases.
tions are colour coded. The knock signals can be
related to individual cylinders with the aid of the When the affected cylinder no longer has the
Hall signals. tendency to knock, the control unit returns the
ignition timing to its former setting (advancing
the firing point).
Variable valve timing
The task of variable valve timing is to set the best valve timing for the operating modes idle, maximum
power and torque. Variable valve timing optimises the ratio between fresh air and exhaust gas. This is
referred to as internal exhaust gas recirculation. The overlap angle, during which the inlet valve is
already opening while the exhaust valve is not yet closed, determines the quantity of „recirculated“
exhaust gas.
Input signals
1 Solenoid valves
2 Engine control unit
7 6
3 Air mass meter
3 4 5
4 Engine speed sender
5 Temperature sender
1 at engine outlet
6 Hall senders
6 7 Oil temperature
2 1
To adjust the camshafts, the engine control unit The camshafts are adjusted according to a map
requires information on engine speed, engine stored in the engine control unit, whereby the
load, engine temperature, positions of the inlet camshafts can be continuously adjusted. The
crankshaft and camshafts and, from the dash camshaft adjusters on the exhaust camshafts are
panel insert via CAN, oil temperature. The always moved by the engine control unit to one
engine control unit actuates the solenoid valves end position or the other.
according to operating mode.
For further information, please refer to SSP 246 „Variable Valve Timing with Fluted Variator“.
Input signals
1 Injectors
6 5 2 Engine control unit
3 Air mass meter
4 7 4 Engine speed sender
3 1 5 Pre-catalyst
lambda probes
6 After-catalyst
lambda probes
7 Coolant temperature
6 5
During stereo lambda regulation, separate regu- Using this signal, the control unit calculates the
lation loops, each including a catalyst, a pre- momentary composition of the fuel-air mixture.
catalyst probe and an after-catalyst probe, When deviation from the specified value occurs,
determine the correct fuel-air mixture for each the injection period is corrected.
cylinder bank.
In addition, adaptive lambda regulation takes
The lambda probes inform the control unit of the place. (The control unit adapts to the operating
residual oxygen content in the exhaust gas. conditions and stores the learnt values.)
The fuel tank ventilation system
Input signals for fuel tank ventilation regulation
● Engine speed
● Engine load signal from air mass meter
● Engine speed
● Signal from lambda probes
● Signal from throttle valve control part
1 Fuel tank;
2 Activated charcoal filter
3 Solenoid valve for
5 6 activated charcoal filter
7 8 9
4 Engine control unit
5 Air mass meter
3 6 Engine speed sender
7 Temperature sender
at engine outlet
8 Lambda probes
9 Throttle valve control part
The fuel tank ventilation system prevents fuel This briefly changes the fuel-to-air ratio. The
vapour which develops in the tank from escaping change in the mixture is registered by the
to the atmosphere. The fuel vapour is stored in lambda probes, causing lambda regulation to be
the activated charcoal filter. After evaluating the activated by the engine control unit and the mix-
input signals, the engine control unit actuates the ture settles back to lambda = 1.
solenoid valve.
The fuel vapour stored in the activated charcoal
filter is directed through the intake manifold to
the engine for combustion.
With the aid of the cruise control system, a vehicle speed above 30 km/h can be specified. This speed
will then be maintained without driver intervention.
Input signals
● Engine speed
● Engine load signal from air mass meter
● Vehicle speed
● Signal „brake operated“
● Signal „clutch operated“
● „On“ and „off“ signals from CCS switch
The signal from the CCS switch goes to the The signal „brake operated“ or „clutch operated“
engine control unit which in turn actuates the causes the cruise control system to be switched
throttle valve control part. off.
The throttle valve control part opens the throttle
valve according to the speed set. If the vehicle is
equipped with a multi-function steering wheel,
an additional CCS switch is located on the stee-
ring wheel. For further information, please refer to
SSP 195 „The 2.3 ltr. V5 Engine“.
Electronic power control
Input signals
The driver’s input, i.e. the signals from the accele- This realisation is achieved via the throttle valve
rator pedal, are transmitted to the engine control (which is adjusted by an electric motor), the igni-
unit, which uses these signals to calculate, in tion and the fuel injection. The ESP warning lamp
consideration of the additional signals, the opti- indicates to the driver that there is a fault in the
mal realisation of the torque demand. electronic power control system.
For further information, please refer to SSP 210 „Electronic Power Control“.
10 5 9 9 5 10
The secondary air system reduces the exhaust The input signals enter the engine control unit,
emissions following a cold start. During the which then actuates the secondary air pump and
warm-up phase, the level of unburned hydrocar- the secondary air inlet valve simultaneously via
bons is elevated. The catalyst cannot process this the secondary air pump relay. Vacuum from the
amount because it has not yet attained its opera- secodary air inlet valve operates the combina-
ting temperature, but a mixture of lambda = 1 tion valve. The secondary air pump briefly forces
must be attained. Blowing in air behind the air into the exhaust gas stream behind the
exhaust valve enriches the exhaust gas with oxy- exhaust valve. Beginning at partial load, the
gen, and post-combustion occurs. The heat secondary air system is switched off.
released warms the catalyst more quickly to its
operating temperature.
Engine mounting regulation
Input signals
1 Electro-hydraulic engine
3 mounting solenoid valve
2 Engine mounting
3 Engine control unit
4 Engine speed sender
5 Vehicle speed
To intake manifold
2 2
The hydraulically damped engine mountings with Depending on the engine speed and the vehicle
electro-pneumatic actuation reduce the transmis- speed, the engine control unit actuates the sole-
sion of engine oscillation to the body over the noid valve. The solenoid valve switches between
entire engine speed range. the damped engine mounting state in idling
mode and the undamped engine mounting state
in driving mode.
Input signals
● Engine speed
● Engine load signal from air mass meter
● Coolant temperature at engine outlet
● Coolant temperature at radiator outlet
● Vehicle speed
The regulated vacuum pump system
(only for vehicles with automatic gearboxes)
Input signals
1 Relay
2 Electric vacuum pump
3 Engine control unit
4 Pressure sensor for brake servo
5 Anti-return valve
3 6 To intake valve
4 7 Brake servo
2 5
Vehicles with an automatic gearbox are equip- The pressure sensor measures the current pres-
ped with an electric vacuum pump. sure and sends this value to the engine control
This pump supports the brake servo by ensuring unit. The engine control unit compares the actual
that there is sufficient vacuum at the connection value with the stored specification and actuates
point for the brake servo. vacuum pump for brakes V192 via brake servo
relay J569.
For further information, please refer to SSP 257 „Electronic Vacuum Pump for Brake Servo
Air mass meter G70 with intake air temperature sender G42
The air mass meter signal is used for calculating If the signal fails, the engine control unit calcula-
all functions dependent on engine speed and tes a substitute value.
load like, for example, injection period, ignition
timing, variable valve timing and fuel tank venti-
For further information, please refer to
SSP 195 and SSP 252.
This signal is used to calculate the injection time, If the signal fails, the engine cannot run.
the injection quantity and the ignition timing. Fur-
ther, it is used for variable valve timing and tank
Coolant temperature senders G62 and G83
The actual values of the coolant temperature are
measured at two different points. Coolant tempe-
rature sender G62 is located on the engine block
(at the coolant outlet) and coolant temperature
sender G83 on the radiator outlet.
Sender G62
Coolant outlet at rear of engine Sender G83 at radiator outlet
S249_021 S249_022
The signals of both temperature senders G62 If the signal fails, the control unit uses a substitute
and G83 serve the coolant temperature regula- temperature stored in it. The fans go into emer-
tion in the coolant circuit. gency operation (both fans run).
The signal from temperature sender G62 is used
as an input signal for calculating injection peri-
ods and ignition timing, for idling speed regula-
tion, for fuel tank ventilation and for the
secondary air system.
Lambda probes
The broad-band lambda probes G39, G108
Broad-band lambda probe
The after-catalyst probe serves for checking the
function of the catalyst and the lambda regula-
tion loop. S249_024
Brake servo pressure sensor G294
(only for vehicles with automatic gearbox)
For further information, please refer to SSP 257 „Electronic Vacuum Pump for Brake Servo
Hall senders G40 and G163 indicate to the If a Hall sender fails, the camshafts cannot be
engine control unit the positions of the inlet adjusted. However, the engine continues to run,
camshafts and Hall senders G300 and G301, the and will also start again after it is shut off.
positions of the exhaust camshafts.
The signals of all four Hall senders serve as input
signals for variable valve timing as well as for
the calculation of sequential injection and igni-
tion timing.
The signal from sender G40 is also used for
determining the TDC point of the No. 1 cylinder.
Knock sensors G61, G66, G198, G199
S249_033 S249_030
S249_031 S249_032
The knock sensors indicate to the engine control If a knock sensor fails, the ignition timing of the
unit when knocking combustion occurs. It initiates affected cylinders is retarded. If all knock sensors
an ignition timing adjustment until the knocking fail, the engine management system switches to
ceases. emergency knock control, during which the igni-
tion timing is generally retarded so that the maxi-
mum engine output is not available.
The signals from the accelerator pedal position If a sender fails, the pedal value is limited to a
senders serve to communicate the driver’s input defined value. At full load, the output is
to the engine control unit and also as kickdown increased slowly. If the signals between G79 and
information for the automatic gearbox. G185 implausible, the lower value is used.
The EPC (electronic power control) warning lamp
indicates a fault.
Brake light switch F and brake pedal switch F47
Use of signal:
Use of signal
Sensors / Actuators
To open or close the throttle valve as well as to Both angle senders transmit the current position
adjust a particular throttle valve setting, the of the throttle valve to the engine control unit.
engine control unit actuates the electric motor for
throttle valve drive.
If the throttle valve drive fails, the throttle valve is If both angle senders fail, the throttle valve drive
automatically drawn to the emergency running is switched off. The engine will only run at an
position, permitting limited operation with an increased idling speed.
increased idling speed.
Fuel pump G6
The fuel pump is installed directly in the fuel tank.
With the aid of the pressure regulator, it creates
a pressure of 4 bar in the fuel system.
To supply the engine, fuel is delivered from the
fuel pump G6 through the fuel filter to the fuel
G6 S249_039
Effects of failure
In addition, fuel pump G23 is located in the additional fuel tank and a suction-jet pump in the
fuel tank. The fuel pump G23 is actuated by fuel pump control unit J538 and delivers fuel from
the additional fuel tank to the main fuel tank. The suction-jet pump ensures that fuel from the
left chamber of the fuel tank reaches the fuel pump G6. Neither fuel pump G23 nor the suc-
tion-jet pump are actuated by the engine control unit.
For further information, please refer to SSP 261 „The Passat W8“.
For further information, please refer to If the relay fails, the engine cannot be started.
SSP 127 „VR 6 Engine“.
Effects of failure
If individual injectors fail, fuel is not injected at
that position. This means that the engine runs at
reduced output. For further information, please refer to
SSP 127 „VR 6 Engine“.
Effects of failure
Inlet camshaft timing adjustment valves 1 N205 and 2 N208 and
Exhaust camshaft timing adjustment valves 1 N318 and 2 N319
The solenoid valves are integrated in the control In the process, valves N205 and N208 are
housing of the camshaft adjuster. They direct the responsible for the continuous adjustment of the
oil pressure to the camshaft adjusters according inlet camshafts and valves N318 and N319, for
to the specifications of the engine control unit in the adjustment of the exhaust camshafts. The
regard to the direction and distance of adjust- exhaust camshaft adjusters can only be set to the
ment. Fluted variators are used as camshaft end positions „advanced“ or „retarded“.
Inlet camshaft
Fluted variator N205 N318
Exhaust camshaft
Fluted variator
Control housing
From activated
S249_048 charcoal filter
Effects of failure
Combination valve
Vacuum from the secondary air inlet valve ope-
rates the combination valve, opening the path
for air from the secondary air pump to the secon-
dary air duct in the cylinder head. At the same
time, the valve prevents hot exhaust gases from
S249_055 reaching the secondary air pump.
Effects of failure
For further information, please refer to SSP 174 „Changes in the VR6 Engine“ and SSP 217 „The
V8 V5 Engine“.
Effects of failure
For further information, please refer to SSP 257 „Electronic Vacuum Pump for Brake Servo
Map-controlled engine cooling thermostat F265
Lifting pin
Effects of failure
Engine mountings
Two hydraulically damped engine mountings ensure improved driving comfort. They reduce the transmis-
sion of engine vibration to the body.
Right engine
console Left engine mounting
Mounting cover
The engine oscillation on a bad road surface is damped by the flow of a liquid (glycol mixture) between
chambers 1 and 2. The task of the damping is to reduce resonant engine oscillation due to uneven road
surface. The damping is dependent on the form (length and diameter) of the spiral-shaped channel and
is adapted to the particular engine in the vehicle.
Glycol mixture
Chamber 1
Nozzle bodies
Chamber 2
Valve plate
Positioning spring
S249_101 To engine mounting S249_096
Vacuum connection
To intake manifold
The engine mounting is pneumatically actuated Opening the connecting channel changes the
by the 3/2-way solenoid. The electro-hydraulic damping. The mounting is dynamically soft,
engine mounting valve directs vacuum or which reduces the transmission of engine vibra-
atmospheric pressure to the positioning spring of tion at idling speed.
the engine mounting. When current is applied,
the valve plate lifts, opening the connection bet-
ween the intake manifold and the engine moun-
ting. The vacuum present at the vacuum
connection of the engine mounting pulls the posi-
Nozzle bodies
tioning spring downwards, which opens the con-
necting channel between chambers 1 and 2.
Exchange of fluid
through connecting
Engine mounting - driving mode
At a speed of about 5 km/h, the engine control Due to the atmospheric pressure at the posi-
unit cuts off current to the solenoid valve. The tioning spring, the connecting channel between
valve plate of the solenoid valve closes the con- chambers 1 and 2 closes. The exchange of fluid
nection to the intake manifold. Via the solenoid (glycol mixture) between the two chambers
valve, atmospheric pressure reaches the posi- occurs through the spiral-shaped channel in the
tioning spring of the engine mounting. nozzle bodies.
Engine vibrations
Resting state channel
(no current to solenoid valve N144) Connecting
Glycol mixture
Chamber 1
Nozzle bodies
Chamber 2
Nozzle bodies
Functional diagram
Functional diagram
Kl. 30
Kl. 15
E45 E227
E45 - CCS switch N70 - Ignition coil 1
E227 - CCS button N127 - Ignition coil 2
J220 - Motronic control unit N291 - Ignition coil 3
J271 - Motronic current supply relay N292 - Ignition coil 4
N30 - Injector, cylinder 1 N323 - Ignition coil 5
N31 - Injector, cylinder 2 N324 - Ignition coil 6
N32 - Injector, cylinder 3 N325 - Ignition coil 7
N33 - Injector, cylinder 4 N326 - Ignition coil 8
N83 - Injector, cylinder 5 P - Spark plug connector
N84 - Injector, cylinder 6 Q - Spark plug
N85 - Injector, cylinder 7 S - Fuse
N86 - Injector, cylinder 8
Kl. 30
Kl. 15
a a
Functional diagram
Kl. 30
Kl. 15
b b
a a
Kl. 30
Kl. 15
F265 - Map-controlled engine cooling thermostat J496 - Additional coolant pump relay
G6 - Fuel pump J569 - Brake servo relay
G28 - Engine speed sender N144 - Electro-hydraulic engine mounting solenoid valve
G40 - Hall sender 1 N205 - Inlet camshaft timing adjustment valve 1
G163 - Hall sender 2 N208 - Inlet camshaft timing adjustment valve 2
G300 - Hall sender 3 N318 - Exhaust camshaft timing adjustment valve 1
G301 - Hall sender 4 N319 - Exhaust camshaft timing adjustment valve 2
G62 - Coolant temperature sender S - Fuse
J17 - Fuel pump relay V36 - Water pump
J220 - Motronic control unit V101 - Secondary air pump
J299 - Secondary air pump relay V192 - Vacuum pump for brakes
The engine control unit enables a broad self-diagnosis of all subsystems and electrical components.
● VAS 5051
● VAS 5052
With the vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system VAS 5051,
● Vehicle self-diagnosis
● Testing
● Guided fault finding and
● Administration
can be performed.
VAS 5051
VAS 5052
Vehicle Diagnosis and Service Information System
Version -GB- / V01.02 20/08/2001
fault finding
With the vehicle diagnosis and service information system VAS 5052,
● Vehicle self-diagnosis
● Service Information System and
● Administration
can be performed.
VAS 5052
When faults occur in the system, they will be detected by self-diagnosis and stored in the fault memory.
With function 02, the fault memory can be read using the vehicle diagnosis systems.
J17, G6
G83 N30, N31,
N32, N33
G39 N83, N84,
G108 N85, N86
G131 J285 N70, N127,
N291, N292
G40, G163, N323, N324,
G300, G301 N325, N326
G61, G66, N205, N208,
G198, G199 N318, N319
J338 N80
F, F47
Please note that Repair group 01 is integrated in „Guided fault finding“. In it, you will also find
the functions „Read measured value block“ and „Final control diagnosis“.
Erase fault memory
This function erases the contents of the fault memory following „Read fault memory“. However, the readi-
ness code and various adaptation values such as the camshaft and lambda adaptation values will also
be erased. To ensure that the fault memory is properly erased, the ignition must be switched off once.
Following „Erase fault memory“, one must check whether the camshafts have readapted them-
selves. Without adaptation, camshaft adjustment will not occur, resulting in a noticeable loss
in power. There are two ways to adapt the camshafts:
● Idle the engine briefly after erasing the fault memory and restarting the engine.
● Initiate basic settings following the instructions in the workshop manual.
Erasing the fault memory should be carefully considered because the readiness code will be
erased simultaneously, and „Create readiness code“ will be required.
The readiness code must always be created following a repair so that it will not be erased in
the course of further work. The readiness code can be created with the VAS 5051 using the
function „Guided fault finding“.
Readiness code
After the entire number of diagnoses has been performed, an 8-digit readiness code is set. Each position
of the number code may have the value 0 (diagnosis performed) or 1 (diagnosis not performed). The rea-
diness code does not provide any information about whether a fault exists in the system. A lit-up exhaust
warning lamp is the visual indication of one or more detected and stored faults.
A vehicle must only leave the workshop and be delivered to the customer after the readiness
code has been generated.
For more information about the readiness code, please refer to SSP 175 as well as SSP 231.
Test Your Knowledge
1. The engine control unit receives the signal for engine load from
d. Secondary air injection brings the catalyst up to operating temperature more quickly.
b. In brake systems with ESP, the pressure sensor is screwed directly into the hydraulic unit and
measures the current pressure in the brake system.
c. The pressure sensor measures the momentary pressure at the connection for the brake servo.
4. The coolant temperature is regulated using a map stored in the engine control unit.
The coolant temperature in any engine operating mode
b. is measured by two temperature senders and transmitted to the engine control unit.
5. If a temperature sender fails
c. the control unit uses a substitute temperature stored in the engine control unit.
d. The characteristic of the engine mounting when the solenoid does not receive current
is dynamically „soft“.
a. can be created with the VAS 5051 using the function „Guided fault finding“.
b. is an 8-digit code. From this code, one can determine whether the diagnoses were performed
or not.
1.) b
2.) d
3.) c
4.) b
5.) a, c
6.) b, c
7.) a, b