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Bohr's Model

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Q.1. An electron in an atom jumps in such a way that its kinetic energy changes from x to . The change in potential
energy will be:
3 3 3 3
(a*)  x (b)  x (c)  x (d)  x
2 8 4 4

Q.2. The potential energy of an electron in the hydrogen atom is – 6.8 eV. Indicate in which excited state, the electron is
(a*) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth

Q.3. What is the potential energy of an electron present in N-shell of the Be 3+ ion?
(a) – 3.4 eV (b) – 6.8 eV (c) – 13.6 eV (d*) -27.2 eV

Q.4. The kinetic and potential energy (in eV) of electron present in third Bohr’s orbit of hydrogen atom are respectively:
(a) – 1.51, - 3.02 (b*) 1.51, - 3.02 (c) – 3.02, 1.51 (d) 1.51, - 1.51

Q.5. The distance between 4th and 3rd Bohr orbits of He+ is:
(a) 2.645  10 10 m (b) 1.322  10 10 m (c*) 1.851  10 10 m (d) None of these

Q.6. What atomic number of an element “X” would have to become so that the 4 th orbit around X would fit inside the 1st
Bohr orbit?
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c*) 16 (d) 25

Q.7. The ratio of velocity of the electron in the third and fifth orbit of Li 2+ would be:
(a) 3 : 5 (b*) 5 : 3 (c) 25 : 9 (d) 9 : 25

Q.8. If radius of seconds stationary orbit (in Bohr’s atom) is R. Then radius of third orbit will be:
(a) R/3 (b) 9R (c) R/9 (d*) 2.25 R

Q.9. Which state of Be3+ has the same orbit radius as that of the ground state of hydrogen atom?
(a) 3 (b*) 2 (c) 4 (d) 5

Q.10. Select the incorrect graph for velocity of e- in an orbit VS. Z, and n :

(a) (b) (c) (d*)

Q.11. What is the frequency of revolution of electron present in 2nd Bohr’s orbit of H-atom?
(a) 1.016  1016 s 1 (b) 4.065  1016 s 1 (c) 1.126  1015 s 1 (d*) 8.13  1016 s 1

Q.12. According to Bohr’s atomic theory, which of the following is correct?

(a) Potential energy of electron 
(b) The product of velocity of electron and principle quantum number n   Z 2
(c*) Frequency of revolution of electron in an orbit 
CHEMISTRY ZONE GE-3, City Centre, Sec – 4, Bokaro Steel City (Jharkhand). Call @ 9708038872 Page 1

(d) Coulombic force of attraction on the electron 

Q.13. Number of waves produced by an electron in one complete revolution in n th orbit is:
(a*) n (b) n2 (c) (n + 1) (d) (2n + 1)

Q.14. What is the separation energy (in eV) for Be3+ in the first excited state in eV?
(a) 1.36 eV (b) 27.2 eV (c) 40.8 eV (d*) 54.5 Ev

Q.15. If in Bohr’s model, for unielectronic atom, time period of revolution is represented as T n, z where n represents shell no.
and Z represents atomic number then the value of T1, 2 : T2, 1 will be:
(a) 8 : 1 (b) 1 : 8 (c) 1 : 1 (d*) 1 : 32

Q.16. Which of the following is discrete in Bohr’s theory?

(a) Potential energy (b) Kinetic energy (c) Velocity (d*) Angular momentum

Q.17. What is the ratio of time periods (T1/T2) in second orbit of hydrogen atom to third orbit of He+ ion?
(a) 8/27 (b*) 32/27 (c) 27/32 (d) None of these

Q.18. If the ionization energy of He+ is 19 .6  10 18 J per atom then the energy of Be3+ ion in the second stationary state is:
(a)  4.9  10 18 J (b)  44.1  10 18 J (c)  11 .025  10 18 J (d*) None of these

Q.19. The energy of the second Bohr orbit in the hydrogen atom is – 3.41 eV. The energy of the second Bohr orbit of He + ion
would be:
(a) – 0.85 eV (b*) – 13.64 eV (c) – 1.70 eV (d) - 6.82 eV

Q.20. Which of the following statement(s) is/are consistent with the Bohr Theory of the atom (and no others)?
(1) An electron can remain in a particular orbit as it continuously absorbs radiation of a define frequency.
(2) The lowest energy orbits are those closed to the nucleus.
(3) All electrons can jump from the K shell to the M shell by emitting radiation of a definite frequency.
(a) 1, 2, 3 (b*) 2 only (c) 3 only (d) 1, 2

Q.21. The mass of a proton is 1836 times more than the mass of an electron. If a sub-atomic particle of mass (m’) 207 times
the mass of electron is captured by the nucleus, then the first ionization potential of H:
(a) decreases (b*) increases (c) remains same (d) may be decease or increase
 13.6 2
Q.22. The energy of an electron moving in nth Bohr’s orbit of an element is given by E n  Z eV atom (Z = atomic
number). The graph of E Vs Z2 (keeping “n” constant) will be:

(a) (b*) (c) (d)

Q.23. If 0 be the permittivity of vacuum and r be the radius of orbit of H-atom in which electron is revolving then velocity
of electron is given by:
e 4 0 rm 4 0 rm
(a*) v  (b) v  e  4 0 rm (c) v  (d) v 
4 0 rm e e2

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Q.24. Energy required to ionize 2 mole of gaseous He+ ion present in its ground state is:
(a) 54.4 eV (b*) 108.8 NA eV (c) 54.4 NA eV (d) 108.8 eV

Q.25. Potential energy of electron present in He+ is:

e2 3e 2 2e2 e 2
(a) (b) (c*) (d)
2 0 r 4 0 r 4 0 r 4 0 r 2

Q.26. A single electron in anion has ionization energy equal to 217.6 eV. What is the total number of neutrons present in one
ion of it?
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c*) 5 (d) 9

 Ke 2
Q.27. For a hypothetical hydrogen like atom, the potential energy of the system is given by U  r   , where r is the
distance between the two particles. If Bohr’s model of quantization of angular momentum is application then velocity
of particle is given by:
n 2 h3 n3 h3 n3 h3 n 2 h3
(a) v  (b) v  (c*) v  (d) v 
Ke 2 8 3 m2 8 Ke 2 8 3 m 2 24 Ke 2 8 3m 2 24 Ke 2 8 3m 2

A small particle of mass m moves in such a way that P.E.   mkr , where k is a constant and r is the distance of
the particle from origin. Assuming Bohr’s model of quantization of angular momentum and circular orbit, r is directly
proportional to:
(a) n (b) n (c*) n (d) None of

A beam of specific kind of particles of velocity 2.110 m / s is scattered by a gold (Z = 79) nuclei. Find out specific
charge (charge/mass) of this particle if the distance of closet approach is 2.5 10 m.
(a*) 4.84  107 C / g (b) 4.84 10 7 C / g (c) 2.42  107 C / g (d) 3  1012 C / g

Q.30. What is the angular velocity   of an electron occupying second orbit of Li2+ ion?
8 3 me4 8 3 me4 64  3 me 4 9 3 me 4
(a) (b) (c)  (d*)
h3 9h3 9 h3 h3

Q.31. The ratio of the radius difference between 4th and 3rd orbit of H-atom that of Li2+ ion is:
(a) 1 : 1 (b*) 3 : 1 (c) 3 : 4 (d) 9 : 1

The velocity of an e- in excited state of H-atom is 1.093 10 m/s . What is the circumference of this orbit?
10 10 10 8
(a) 3.32 10 m (b) 6.64 10 m (c*) 13.30 10 m (d) 13.38 10 m

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