Burj Dubai Development The Dubai Mall: Main Contract Joint Venture: Dbb/Ag&Ccc
Burj Dubai Development The Dubai Mall: Main Contract Joint Venture: Dbb/Ag&Ccc
Burj Dubai Development The Dubai Mall: Main Contract Joint Venture: Dbb/Ag&Ccc
2.3 Identification of Checked material received is identified by job number or Part Material Requisition A S S
materials Delivery Notes
No., material requisition number, sizes and thickness with
metal marker
3.0 Pre-Fabrication
3.1 Trace ability on Cut Check if job number of the relevant plate is A
out materials transferred on cut out by marking, if cut out >1
meter / sq. rneter.
4.3 Visual Inspection of Check weld profile/profile parameters. Release for visual Client Drawings Visual inspection reports. A S S
Welds acceptance. Request for NDT AWS D1.1 Sect. 6.0 Welder certifications
5.3 NDT After repair Area and location to be marked up. Welding Department
to be informed conduct repair as per NDT Report. NDT Reports A R R
Extent of NDT to be in accordance with client NDT Reports A R R
specification and relevant code. TPI
5.4 Stage Inspection release Notify client for final acceptance before blasting. Final Dimension Reports A A A M.I.R
(Shop Assembly) & N.D.T Reports H H
5.5 After Painting Notify client for final Inspection. QC Dossier including A A M.I.R
Paint report H H
6.0 Steel Work Erection
6.1 Erection of Structures 1. Check Alignment of Beam
2. Check No. of bolts at every connection. Technofab Inspection
Section 7 of AISC Report & Client A A A/ WIR
Drawing W
7.0 Testing Plan NDT on weld joints (As per 5.1) Specification &
Drawings M/s APTS Report A R R/ Third party
W Test report
ACTION/ A : Actual Inspection, H: Hold Point, W: Witness, R: Reviwew of Documentation, S: Surveillance
VERIFYING PARTY/ 1: Technofab Steel Construction LLC 2: DBB/AGCCC-JV, 3: CONSULTANTS