English Translation Olympic Shooting
English Translation Olympic Shooting
English Translation Olympic Shooting
You want to always be in shape. From January to December I would like to obtain optimal results, if possible with air pistol, sport pistol
and free. It does not matter if it is tournaments and Deutsche Meisterschaften Championships. This wish is highly commendable, but
difficult to achieve. To maintain performance, effort and rest must alternate. As with breathing, the proper rate of inhale and exhale
provides the desired mix of oxygen. Who wants to annul this natural law, sooner or later reaches its limit. The shape curve breaks,
usually at the least appropriate time. The most ambitious athletes depend on precisely handling their curve in a sporty way. The first
The annual overview: Performance management begins with recording events to occur. What Championships will take place when
Assessment: Offers are valued and classified. If you want to participate, where you want to classify and on what day you want to give
your best. This discussion can be done with yourself. Better, discuss it with the coach, or with a colleague. In any case, the day of the
Shooting Championship should be clearly set. The markings in the table symbolize the importance of certain Championships, the
objectives to be achieved in each one of them. Delineate the bulk of the volume: When the reason and goal are defined, planning
begins The first thing is to make a sketch of the curve ideally. This culminates towards the Shooting Championship and shows a high
Depending on the shape curve, the volume of technical training. This is increased according to the theoretical knowledge of sports
science a few weeks before the goal, towards the set day it is reduced, since the effect of the training acts with a delay. Our example
starts from a 6 week phase. It can be tried with longer or shorter periods. If you plan for several years systematically and evaluate
Intensity: Effective training does not happen at the same pace. Rather they would have to increase concentration and quality of
performance. The best way to observe the development is based on the training results, ideal is the series average in tenths (94.4 /
96.8 / 98.2). In the example the four ascending blue curves represent this development.
Condition : The provision for endurance, strength and mobility is synchronized with shooting training. While shooting a lot, fitness is
economized. A decrease in strenuous training provides time to run, exercise, or go to the sauna. The green surface in the example
Delineate a path and make its development visible….
The result view contains all the results, which have been triggered during a season. This actual shape curve demonstrates without a doubt how
performance capacity is presented. In addition, the important results (Championships) are indicated separately (with the color lilac), to visualize the
difference between performance controls with less “psychic load” and those under greater pressure. To achieve the title, in the National Championship,
the red line (380 points) that shows the result of the qualifications must be reached.
The green surface shows the development of the desired shape. The athlete aspires to a result within his area, to achieve the set objectives and the
development of the expected ways.
Sighting shots in a Championship are generally somewhat different than in the National Championship.
Pauses: Throughout the year, alongside the training, other tasks and activities are developed. Holidays must be determined. You want
Obviously the planning has a provisional character. Modifications are unavoidable as unforeseen events happen constantly.
Performance review: Planning is fine, controlling is better. Only if the development of the objectives is kept in mind, can you react in
time to any deviation from what was planned. The driving line and axis (green) of the table is your target result. For example, the 380
points, which must be reached in the National Championship, necessary to qualify to be called up to the national team.
One must determine where his own guideline or guideline should go. On the next page you will find an empty table, which you can fill
in according to your performance capacity. For this, the results of objectives of the green axis must be recorded, upwards and
downwards, 12 points respectively will be scored as the Top zone. If the series is above or below the aspirated average value, it
As in the Shooting Championship you always have to calculate with losing, the training results should be calculated beforehand to
reach 380 points, it should systematically reach 384 sooner. (This for the
Championship psychology ...). The boundary between the red area and the green area is the debit curve.
In the table one must complete the results of the Championship (also the negative ones). To control the performance, the results of
simple tournaments (little stress, low need for tactics) of major Championships (playing away, Little Leagues) should be marked with
small points. This way you can see if there is any difference between the important tournaments and the not so much.
The points are located on the corresponding line. The columns indicate the time axis in weeks. When you join the points with a line,
If this does not coincide with what was planned, there are two possibilities: either the effort is intensified (more training and more
intensive, take the advice into account) or the expectations are corrected: "with 375 points which is not so bad either". Of course,
exceeding targets is more enjoyable. But keep your feet on the ground so you don't feel pressured.
T.4.2. Monthly planning
The month is a period of time, during which current events are kept in focus. While annual planning is relatively remote and deals with
distant abstract goals, concrete actions are addressed in the monthly rhythm. The trip to the Championship is organized,
appointments are made, existing defects must be removed until the Championship in three weeks.
The month ahead should be clearly in your sights. Private, work, study or sports commitments must be coordinated so that family,
Likewise, four weeks are a natural period of time to prepare for a major Championship. Many athletes are in a "pre-start state" at this
point. Thoughts are increasingly occupied with the event, ideas about the place and course of the Championship are more plastic. A
natural nervousness makes itself felt, the intensity of the preparation increases.
Monthly sheet: To keep the 30-day sequence in view, the use of a calendar sheet is recommended. The second plane to monthly
planning is the yearly elaboration. The bulk of the course that now differs from it is deduced from it. The month should also contain
both private and work sporting events, in order to keep these "parallel scenarios" under control.
Hard facts: Contrary to well-established goals in annual planning, the monthly calendar contains hard factors. When, where and at
what moment do you start, what training units have been planned, what results have been achieved? Mental advantages: It is worth
spending an hour of planning each month on these questions. With this the next stage is passed almost as a test track and an
Disciplinary column: In today's society of pleasure and entertainment, the term discipline
sounds old. However this quality is found in successful athletes. The strong are punctual, they carry out their task, even when they
Delineate a path and make its development visible….
The shooter is not used to spectators, the press, or intense encouragement. Whoever manages to get used to these circumstances, will perceive the
activity of a Championship under these conditions as a comfortable event.
This surely must be the reason why more and more international stars such as Olympic champion Roberto Di Donna, Makhail Nestruev or Frank
Dumlin have found their way to the BundesLiga ...
The sports column and others: The problem of good form does not match the thoughts of discipline. Everyone knows how important
the body's performance capacity is. Despite this, precisely this area is neglected and repressed. Finally the decisive points are
missing, because one is overcome by the tension in the last shots. If you want to avoid this dead end, start the trail on the right with
clear planning for running, gymnastics, and stretching. The first thing is to have a solid understanding of these skill areas. Then the
training units should be carefully recorded on the monthly sheet, that is, time and volume of exercise. To do this, an abbreviation (C =
running, GYM = gymnastics,…) an estimated starting time (9.00) and an indication about the volume (20 min.
Approved training units are checked, in order to control the premises below. Units not executed are left free on the calendar as a
reminder. Under others Events and encounters related to planning are recorded. Appointments at work, family parties and visits to the
dentist should be noted in this area. Everything that must be done outside the shooting range.
Shooting and Results: All “performances” with the pistol are recorded in this column: dry training, training nights, seminars, Federation
Championships and tournaments. If other related circumstances coincide with these appointments (starting times, places, ...) they
To this are added the personal plans for these appointments. That is, performance control, number of shots, special training content,
etc. If another record or annotation is to be made later, it usually takes place between the lines.
In this column the number of points is noted, the best is in steps after series of 10. Additional data such as shooting time, eventual
Performance diagram: The number of points and parallel results from the effect record are recorded in the table, in order to keep the
performance curve in mind. The motivating factor for this curve should not be underestimated. It's amazing how fast the ambition of
this line depends. Annotations should always be up to date and it is important to keep good handwriting.
It is important to harness the enthusiasm and mentally schedule the next month. Are there data and objectives in mind for the next few
weeks or is it planned from one minute to the next? The consequences always begin in this second.
T.4.2. The training unit
Training unit
The night before or during the day: set concrete planning, motivation, goals and "think ahead"
EXERCISE OF THE TECHNIQUE Carry out the exercise, for example in parts, the exercise corresponds to a
INDIVIDUAL ASSISTANCE The coach corrects the errors of position and movement of each one; annotations
CONCRETE OBJECTIVE After duty: eg exact control of point 0, record of continuation point, justify hits under
9.0, ...
e.g .: maximum 10 sighting shots in a maximum of 10 minutes
FINAL: According to the ISSF rules or in the form of a bet, betting 1 peso
Assign tares until the next training session Plan pending training
sessions / Championships
Individual personal, technical and other problems individually are dealt with outside the group.
In practice the unit of exercises of an air pistol shooter lasts from 2 to 3 hours. Well structured and carried out consistently 120 - 180
minutes are more than enough to achieve a correct learning effect. This period is sufficient for the muscles and coordination as well as
Miniature Tournament: The training unit can contain all the items found in a tournament. This is good, since in this way you get used
to the unique situations during the Championship. After you've practiced a hundred times, they end up being automatic.
This begins the night or the day before with the mental preparation.
Here you should recall the experiences from the last time you shot and make a convenient plan for the next unit.
To begin with, the post is expected social contacts. General conversations and other useful information. These talks are unavoidable
Stretching and dressing they serve for the corporal preparation. They intone and at the same time provide the distance to the group.
This isolation and concentration are accentuated with the preparation of the gun and the ordering of the utensils in the position.
The exercise of the technique on the training night corresponds to the shooting test before the Championship. Here the shooter
immerses himself in order in the way of facing external and internal, in the development of movements, aiming and shooting (with
persistence). Once the shot runs smoothly, details can be highlighted, which want to be improved or changed. The objective is not the
Each workout should have a clear definition of the performance control: When it starts? What is the first shot? When it ends? How
high is the result? The goal of performance monitoring is the Ten, despite this development must remain in the center of attention. The
control can contain additional tasks, technical (shooting, zero point, ...) or tactical (time distribution). Reductions, divisions or
To get used to the increase in psychic pressure during a competition, a final shot is recommended as the “crowning” of the close of a
shootout. It is recommended that the coach in the club takes charge of the organization and implementation. If not, you must look for
one or more opponents and through bets create the necessary suspense. In a final it is very important that the technique remains
Before packing, take a few moments to reflect on the objectives and results of the training.
The training unit is the germ cell of technical and tactical development ...
The position when loading, the starting position and eye screens. These details are as important as the way you face it. They are tested in training
and automated here, in order to look good during the Championship.
Monika Martin has decided on a peculiar shade that softens the light from above and hides the side events. It doesn't matter how the head is covered. The
important thing is to see well.
The human being is an animal of habit. What you do daily and in the same place requires little energy.
Generally, the routines are in order. It is good, if you start regularly with stretching exercises, clean the barrel and test the cartridges,
check the technical elements of the barrel when making the test shots. These rituals are very important during the Championships
because they promote concentration and self-confidence and lead one through the program on wheels. Pulling could almost be called
a "repetition discipline." Because finally a high result is nothing more than the continuous reproduction of neat shots.
A behavior according to an "F" scheme does not present problems as long as the habit itself is appropriate. It is convenient to review
the automated actions and review them one by one to test their value. For example, positive routines can be:
- Warming up (stretching)
- (when dressing)
- Organization of the position (tools, position of the feet) How to face dry (in the
- changing room)
- others
- without checking
- crisis
These key terms can be used as a test to know yourself. Put a cross on the behavior that is typical for you. A critical analysis
deserves what cannot be ticked in the green part. In the black part, it should be asked if something can be modified. It's less about
moral categories, much more about discipline. Concentration on the content of the training unit has an absolutely decisive daily
influence on development. During training you should demonstrate the same ambition, which you are used to during a Championship.
T.5.1. Training and tournament protocol Page 1
Performance control with final, target 368 points and no 7. Adjust the grip
End of training
More hoops
Filing more
++ + or - --
Reaction of
Time rhythm
Tense neck,
Pauses every
entry into play
ten shots
++ + or - --
The daily protocol on the following pages is for recording a training unit or a Championship. The left page is dedicated to the statistics
of the results, the weapon, the way of facing, the position of the feet and a final evaluation of the different performance areas. This
covers all the important elements. If one day there are no modifications to the weapon, no comment is necessary. Now the individual
Results statistics: Complements for the actual series protocol are recorded here. For example, the distribution and development of
Shooting questions can be included (center point of series of 10, shots under 10.2). The hundredths distribution covers all shots in a
program. Each shot is evaluated by hundredths. With electronic equipment this happens automatically (Polytronic, Meyton, Sius).
Sometimes you have to set the knob to "Test" or "Final / sighter" respectively. Below are the Ten in print. Who shoots on paper
targets, needs a target reading machine. If the club does not have any of these acquisitions, the shots can be calculated by oneself by
Gun Design: In this side view all modifications related to the weapon are noted. Modifications of the grip and its position, support in
At the beginning of each season, the basic positions of the pistol should be recorded, to keep the starting values in sight.
The views of the way of facing: From the side view and from above you will find the image of the way of facing in order to note areas
of problems and modifications. Usually reaches an arrow with some keywords, to remember at the beginning of the next training unit,
where the conflicts were and what the solutions should be.
The scale for own estimate to the right below is used to record more elements of the shot on that given day. From the way of facing
through the development of movements to the well-being of the body and the appearance of concentration, practically all the relevant
components of the shooter are alluded to. These should be evaluated, just as it was used in school. Very good states ("++") are
marked with a cross to the left of the target. Insufficient performances deserve the cross outside to the right ("- -"). In the middle are 3
they should be placed only on one of the targets, never between two. This facilitates a clear judgment and avoids imprecise judgments.
The Self-Assessment Scale is a very quick way to assess. Once you are familiar with it, it can be completed in less than a minute.
She also records in a practical way all the relevant points of view and thus adapts to the description of the shooter's development. A
glance at the last 10 training units quickly shows where you are improving and where your weak spots lie.
Mental training: Whoever deals after shooting with protocol the Championship or takes care of the exercise unit, automatically does
a mental training with it. The events and developments of the last hours are forcibly brought back before your eyes, strengths and
weaknesses are visualized. This doubles the mental results of the training process. Understanding and knowledge are often only
Mental repetition is in turn the best preparation for the next action. Inevitably one wonders, what precedes the next goal. With this,
planning for the next unit has begun. Contents and strengths are defined by themselves.
As soon as a greater number of protocols are available, a longer stage of training is allowed to recapitulate with the fast camera.
Trends are recognized in the development of the result against the background of technical and physical circumstances.
It goes without saying that the shooter should (make) protocol without fail all his skills. The experiences here are especially important,
when it comes to planning training and directing form towards the peak of the season. Whoever forgets a bad performance in a
tournament, will surely repeat the same mistakes. Anyone who meticulously evaluates the result can obtain very useful information.
T.5.2. Training and tournament protocol Page 2
Result protocol
The daily protocols in the training plan serve for the recording of
a unit
flaws are recognized only when all shots and images of the shot
Result Time
straight from the target. For this, the cards are required after the
shots and the targets are noted one by one in the symbolic
TO such
some practice. You can choose a soft pencil (2B), mistakes are
Result Time
erased with an eraser.
more about the true value of the shot. On the one hand, it
quickly get a sense for the evolution of the limit. One hundredth
or so is not
serious. The important thing is that the trend is correct. Optimal would be the use of a target reading machine or an electronic target,
The shots in a series of Ten are grouped below in the cumulative shot image. Here each shot is represented by a small dot, because
10 larger dots would overlap. The point is at the midpoint of impact, as the example shows. This transfer also takes practice, but after
a while it becomes easy. The net number of points ("97") is placed under the accumulation target and next to it the gross aggravating
factor in hundredths ("100.8"). Below, at the end it is added, to underline the overall result (384 / 399.2).
The outside shooting footage is especially interesting for shooting performance. It is recognized at a glance, if the image of the hit is in
the center or is delayed. The violet cross symbolizes the center of the certain surface. If you are to the side of the midpoint, check the
sight setting.
The time that passes (rate of fire) it is noted in the yellow box. Especially if it is observed by a coach target times can be protocolized ( firing
and other observations. You do not need a stopwatch for this. The simple counting from the moment of stop of the gun gives sufficient
exact results. During observation at a Championship on the ground this method is the strategy of choice. The Coach counts the times
(… 21… 22… 23…) and can make the corresponding report during the tournament.
Once the protocolization begins, it is immediately obvious how many possibilities this method offers.
The annotations of the meeting, shooting position and result ...
T.5.3. Training protocol and Air Pistol tournament
++ + or - --
Reaction of
Time rhythm
entry into play
++ + or - --
Total protocol for the air gun
T.5.4. Free Gun Protocol
++ + or - --
Reaction of
Time rhythm
entry into play
++ + or - --
Total protocol for free gun
T.5.5. Precision Sports Pistol Protocol
++ + or - --
Reaction of
Time rhythm
entry into play
++ + or - --
Total protocol for the sport pistol, precision.
T.5.6. Sport Pistol and Rapid Fire Protocol
++ + or - --
Reaction of
Time rhythm
entry into play
++ + or - --
SPORTS PISTOL PROTOCOL (Duel) and Rapid Fire (half program)
T.6. Uschi Seifert: Youth training For rifle shooters there have been special
training rifles for some years. These are
operated only with a Scatt system and for this
reason they are absolutely harmless.
So: lower the weights, soft ammo, and a small grip so your
finger hits the trigger.
The question of the ideal age to start depends on body development. It generally moves between 10 and 14 years. Just as important
as strength, coordination and ability to concentrate on the part of girls and boys, is the club's offer. On the one hand there should be
air pistols, which have small handles, and if possible a light weight (eg Walter 200, Pardini, Hämmerli AP 40). The other determining
criterion is the responsible coach. He should regularly take care of his protégés and possess, alongside his shooting experience,
sufficient pedagogical and sports knowledge. When young people present for pistol training, their general physical condition should be
observed. Are strength, perseverance and dexterity developed? Are there deficits, which must be leveled before from the start of
shooting training?
In my experience this aspect is overlooked by coaches or underestimated. Many adolescents are much less "athletic" than youth were
10 years ago. The overweight and the tendency of the lack of weight, little body activity as well as the excessive consumption of TV
and PC (games) can be the causes. In my opinion, especially the sensation of the body (balance, tension) has been underdeveloped
while the perception of one's own states of the soul are exaggerated or dramatized: "I don't feel like it, I'm tired, unmotivated"
It is not the coach's job to criticize the development of this society, much more must he consciously face the situation from the existing
state. That is why I take a long walk with the newcomers to get an idea of their condition. I ask the young shooters about other
sports, their school sports and other possible hobbies. At the same time I talk to them about their goals (and those of the parents), in
In the 2 to 3 training days per week, general sports training (warm-up, stretching, strength exercises with the body (with support) (gag)
occupy 30 to 50% of the total time. It is carried out before and after shooting in the shooting range.
As a compensatory sport, I recommend all ball sports, because they harmonize movement and coordination. I advise against strength
training with weights, as according to my experiences, it irritates sensitivity when holding and shooting.
If the body base is sufficient, the new in three months will be in a position to handle a pistol from the way of facing. Shooting from the
knot or with the support of the hand is done only at the beginning, to convey the basic rules of aiming and shooting.
Starting from the bodily state.
The most important basic condition
for achieve
progress in pistol shooting is a
"proper" weapon, light with a small
enough grip. This
During the construction of the way of facing we start with an open position, because steep variants (see pages 9 - 17) for small and
light bodies are not feasible. Just while the arm is still pulling “up” (target height close to eye level), an open orientation towards the
target is recommended.
For now, shooting training is done in stages of 5 shots, given that strength and concentration are generally not enough for more. Then
the position of the feet on the ground is marked with chalk, so that the way to face can be found safely in the next stage.
Young people naturally want to always shoot Ten. That is why training generally begins with a performance stage (training exit phase)
under full pressure. The central technical points such as aiming, shooting and persisting are discussed below, which have been
Pauses, instructions, and changing problems favor young people, because they correspond to their rhythm of attention. We are also
preparing the tactical training with it, because during the Championship the student should be able to "interrupt" without problems.
Shooting games are frequently cited in the literature and in training, but in practice they play a secondary role. They should only be
used if they have a specific relationship to an essential technical point. In this way you can apply the game "as many as possible of
Ten in 5 minutes", to get closer to the rhythm issue. If the coach uses this or similar games just for entertainment, the training sooner
To Marianne Rahner, my training and team colleague, I thank many important quotes about shooting, which to this day influence my
work as a coach. “Uschi”, he used to say to me at the time, “you are here shooting and not playing football. Effort and struggle are
here in the wrong place, everything that happens here is calm and relaxed, your opponent is yourself. "
Self-perception and one's own command are the most important development goals of a future pistol shooter. The evolutionary
process can extend up to 20 - 30 years, so it is not necessary to rush at first. It is about educating the muscles, the thoughts and later
also the tactical procedure, to serenity. Each stimulus or motivation from the Coach should be dosed with caution.
Also people with less sports talent can become good shooters. They learn more slowly and therefore in their young age they will not
necessarily be among the first. For this, they can become reliable champions through the slow and even acquisition of potentials.
Who trains young people, assumes a responsibility, which is above training and accompaniment during a Championship. A good
Coach knows both the home and school situation of his apprentices, as well as their wishes and dreams.
T.7.1. Methods: Dry training
1.54 meters
There is a place in the smallest cabin: three to four meters are enough, to train the way of facing and the development of movements. As a
requirement a support and a reduced target are needed. Ideal would be the use of a SCATT, with which the air pistol, the sports pistol (precision and
speed) and the free pistol can be simulated to scale. A daily session takes little time, but has enormous effects on training.
A mirror provides useful services, which show at all times how the way of facing is oriented. A poster on the wall remembers the most important rules.
The training target must be hung at the correct height, to convey the correct sensation of the way of facing. To do this, you have to measure the height
of the barrel over the actual firing range, while aiming exactly at the target.
At home this process is reversed. The barrel is brought to the recorded height and then the training target is brought to the line of sight.
Also the position of the feet should be noted during a prolonged training, so that it can be repeated exactly at home.
The title doesn't sound attractive, but dry training is still a very important part of exercise practice.
Under this title it is understood the realization of a shot (or part of it) without loaded ammunition or pellet respectively. By not having
ammunition, the absence of detonation and recoil, automatically direct our concentration to those parts, which precede the shot, which
For example:
- Rate of fire and shot
- sight adjustment
- Before a tournament
- Before a final
Here the functions and duties may be different according to the season or the situation of a problem. The following aspects are
eventually typical:
- Dry training in the preseason, at home, for the construction of a special condition and for the stabilization (or modification)
of the development of movements. In this framework also happen adjustments of the weapon, or special studies of the
- Dry training in a phase of training with high number of shots for the care of the principles (Continued).
- Dry training the night before the match in special preparation for the Championship at the Championship site and before a
- Dry firing during training without ammunition, performance or championship control to stabilize movement development or
to test the trigger. But be careful never to shoot dry during a Final.
- For dry training the gun is necessary first of all. In the ideal case it should have a “dry trigger”, which disengages, without
Of meaning and fun in dry times.
For the sport pistol the SCATT system offers a program for
precision and speed (above) respectively.
Here too the paths and parameters of each shot are exactly
Especially interesting is the command function, which orders the
shooter to load and says the words “start” and “stop”.
With the air pistols and sports pistols, respectively, you can "skimp" both
dry and with ammunition. Here the comparison between real and
simulation conditions is offered. Many shooters find that they get better
results during dry training than on the job.
In the Pardini and Morini sporting and rapid-fire pistols, the 5-shot sequences can be simulated without problem “dry”, because the
trigger of these weapons allows it automatically. Rapid-fire pistols with a dry mechanical trigger, as provided for the Walter GSP a few
Professional shooters and coaches agree that dry training is an essential part of the training process. Up to 60% of the work on the
way of facing is done during the preseason without ammunition, in the Championships phase it should be shot without ammunition
daily or every other day, to maintain at a high level fine coordination, strength and sense of rhythm .
The biggest problem with dry training is monotony. Only highly motivated or very disciplined athletes can have the leisure to perform
retention exercises in
the required volume. To stay motivated, you need to maintain the framework of gun “meditation”. Whoever creates a framework with
some resources automatically increases the stimulus, to really practice every day. Simple resources, such as a mirror, a poster, or
Dry training takes on a new dimension through the use of SCATT equipment. With it, practically all the characteristics of the dry shot
are simulated very closely to reality. On the PC screen, not only the correct point of the shot and the number of points and the total
sum are recorded, but also the retention path and the trigger curve appear, but also the length of the oscillations are meticulously
For the sport pistol and OSP there are dynamic programs in the package, which emit commands and time-signals, through luminous
points, and with this they are quite close to the reality in the position. In this way, dry training acquires a more modern aspect, since it
allows to carry out up to Championships against oneself or against others. Who thinks, that he should but does not feel like it, could
T.7.2. Barbara Georgi: 10 training methods
International Top shooters and National Team members do not train in any
other way than in the Juniorenkader of the German Shooter League or in the
performance groups of the country confederations. The important thing is to
leave the line of the eternal routine of the "performance controls", to highlight
certain elements of the shot and educate them separately.
For this reason coaches in ambitious clubs and individual shooters wishing
to advance should be intensively engaged with the elementary methods of
precision training.
These standard exercises are made up of training plans and units below,
which determine the exercise routine. The conditions for the basic exercises
presented are found at all shooting ranges. It would be nice to have a
well-versed coach. Better still, if colleagues of the same level and with
similar motivation, participate in the group.
Maria Grozdeva, Bulgaria, with two gold and three bronze medals, is
the most successful pistol shooter today. Here during the World Cup
in Munich
The daily training routine of the precision shooter is marked by few elements, always recurring, that are closely linked to the events
Here are the 10 most common basic exercises, which are used equally both during the training of the new generation and in the
Dry training is the preparation of the body and nervous system for the impending load. The shooter warms up his muscles and mental
direction for non-projectile shooting. The musculature prepares for fine coordination and thoughts turn toward the shot. Through dry
training with the right and left hands, both halves of the brain are activated.
The TS is not only carried out as an autonomous program, it can also be applied in non-projectile training or during the Championship,
The TS should be performed before each training and Championship (15 - 30 min.) And can also be used as a replacement for a
training unit (45 - 60 min.) Without projectile. It is performed from lifting to rear aiming in the same way as shooting without a projectile.
Each shooter should develop his own TT program, individually tailored to his training capabilities and goals. For this, a program before
one. Right / left weapon hold 30 sec instead. 4 times each = 4 min.
two. Right / left weapon hold for 20 sec. 3 times each = 2 min.
3. TS on white target
- 4 ways to face
5. white
6. TS on mirror white
Similar exercises are used throughout the world and in the country.
Barbara Georgi, born in 1957, National Junior Pistol Coach in the German League of Marksmen since 1993. She is a committed sports teacher with a
diploma and risks a yellow card during Coaching, when it comes to the well-being of her protégés on the shooting line. Sometimes it is good to keep the
rules in sight.
2. 3. 4
Cornelia Froehlich begins her training with the left facing. The Swiss Olympic finalist is stylistically among the most convincing pistol shooters.
With this training method all technical elements can be trained, without having to pay attention to the bra space. The course of the shot is
carried out in the same way, as during training on the target of the bullseye.
When aiming, concentration is focused on the optimal position of the front sight on the rear sight.
If the element to shoot (unhook) must be trained, the shooter can recognize the change in position of the front sight on the rear sight,
The objective is, not to change the position of the front sight on the rear sight during the triggering (shooting) process.
In this training method, the disturbing quantity Result is deactivated as soon as the position of the accurate shot is not controlled. The
shooter can concentrate on developing technique and does not "run" behind a certain number of points. With this method, partial
Technique training regarding the impact result. Here too certain technical elements can be trained up to general coordination. The result
of the impact is controlled after each shot. The execution of the technique should then be compared with the result of the impact. In
In this training method, each shot is first worked mentally (visualization), then the dry shot training is executed and then shot with
ammunition. This trains mental readiness toward optimal execution of the shot. This is followed by the optimal imaging first without
allowed to "interleave" this sequence. If sensitivity has been lost, it is a welcome return.
Together with the shooting technique, mental training also improves concentration perseverance. According to the training state, repeat
between 10 and 25 times. It can also be done as performance training, while planning a program (eg number of points).
T.7.3. Barbara Georgi: 10 training methods, part 2
The staggered shot, a very old game for relaxation but also to sharpen the
competition instincts.
It can be done alone, but it is better with one or more opponents.
As a variant, 1,2 or 3 attempts are awarded per station. Between good shooters
of different levels it is possible to differentiate, in that it varies according to the
number of attempts allowed.
A variant could be the pattern indicated by the coach or by the shooter
himself. To do this, a line is drawn before the start below the number of The principle of stepped firing
points to be achieved. (see red line). and all the others
exercises are also applicable without any
inconvenience with free pistol and
As an open game, the shooter makes a circle around the number of points,
with pistol
which have been reached in the corresponding step (blue box).
6. Analysis of deviations
It can be done through technique or through performance training. The shooter determines post-shot deviation based on the position of
the front sight on the rear sight in the holding space immediately prior to the shot. The shot is scored with score and direction. The shot
on the target is then controlled and also scored. The more he trains in this way, the better the shooter will be able to appreciate the
consequence of aiming and shooting errors, the differences between the intended shot and the actual shot are reduced.
The task is to achieve with a certain number of shots, the goal set, in points, then you can move on to the next exercise. The score must
be stipulated in advance, how many times a stage can be repeated. For this there are stage programs, which must be worked on. For
each goal achieved, certain points are obtained, which are added at the end. It is important to set achievable but demanding individual
8. Starting stage training
A training method close to the Championship should be done as real as possible. Here the transition from sighting shot to qualifying
Exercise is always done at the beginning of a training unit. The shooter should prepare as for a Championship (warm-up, TS, etc.).
He is then given the task of shooting a certain number of series with a previous test in a certain time. This task is made difficult if a goal
It is done at the end of a training unit. The goal is concentration resistance, to be still strong in the last series of the Championship.
Series and time are fixed in advance. Here too the task can be made difficult with a goal for the series. For example:
If Chemnitz or China, staggered shots Fantastic!
The Chinese shooters and marksmen had little regard for the
established pistol nations of old Europe. Asians have copied
the basic rules of technique bluntly.
- last series, neatly continued on each shot last series, X points
To diversify performance training, various tasks can be set. Here are some examples:
In a Championship under training conditions, the transformation of capacity and variable availability under real conditions are
For this reason, the Control Championship is based on the rules of the sports order (number of shots, shooting time, allocation of the
Here you can train the formation of pauses, tactical variants regarding the rhythm of shots, the implementation of a management plan.
• unconditional magnitude
Concentration on the target image in the respective phases (Start phase, work, trigger, review)
Concentration on the front sight in the particular phases. Shoot with an optimal sight
Concentration on the front sight / image of the target in the particular phases (Start phase, work, trigger,
Concentration on the front sight / image of the target in the particular phases (Start phase, work, trigger,
T.7.4. Target path analysis with SCATT system
The path of arrival from the target to the top edge of the target lasts with double breathing, 2.2
seconds. It should be directed vertically to the center!
The last second before the shot, here about halfway (56%) in the Ten. This curve is calculated
The way the by the computer after the shot). Its length in millimeters (148) indicates the rest of the bra. Its
zone center is marked by the yellow cross in "replay".
The last 2 hundredths before the shot describe the shot. The shorter the line, the neater the
finger work has been. The reaction is correct, when the shot is directed, as in the example,
towards the center of the retention space.
It is best to shoot dry, without ammo, with SCATT, and ideally on an electronic target at best.
The Target Pathway Systems (SCATT) are without question the breakthrough for modern pistol training. Until now it was only
accessible for National Teams, but meanwhile its price is so low that any committed Club and more and more private people can
access this technique. At this time the price for a Top system of the international performance elite is around 1000, - Euros, with a
trend in
low. The state-of-the-art technology is worth it, since the alternatives are hardly cheaper, but they fall short of the quality and function
The possibilities of this procedure are compelling. They can be used in the
training without ammunition, for analyze, because a shot hits or deflects it. What was previously discussed can now be clarified
without doubt. If a shot has “failed” when shooting, aiming or holding, it is answered unequivocally by the repetition on the PC.
Analysis and training go hand in hand. Since the error of the last shot is clearly reflected, the shooter will try to correct it immediately.
This can happen immediately or later, in any case training is the right way. Who perseveres, solves their problems.
Detailed questions About the characteristics of the grip or the position of the trigger can be exhaustively answered by SCATT and Cia.
It is tested, until the desired result appears on the screen and with that the “correct” setting has been obtained.
The way of the right shot.
SCATT registration lasts up to one second after triggering. During this time the After the shot, the value of the impact, the length
weapon should persist (continue) and thus remain in range of the target. This must of support and the center of the zone of impact
be practiced stubbornly during training to be applied during competition. appear on the curve.
aim or retention space.
The SCATT system screen after shooting, here with the basic settings. The path of the target is recognized with its individual phases, which are
identified with each other with colors. On the left is the general image of the shot with the values in numbers for the result, shot time, retention space
and rest space.
The overall picture of the shot in a series, the last shot appears in color. Thus it can be observed in the usual way, how the shots are grouped in the
course of time.
All the shots of a program or of 5 series can also be requested, the program allows infinite variations. The yellow cross marks after each shot the
center of the grouping of a series. This helps keep the scope calibration in mind.
He dry training at home, So far treated with a smile or postponed, it surprisingly turns into an eye-opening experience. Because the
points are made and are counted, home exercise becomes fun. Take the gun, turn on the PC and you can start. The ancients fears regarding
problems with the computer, program and installation they have disappeared.
Meanwhile, also the knowledge of SCATT is very easy. After a few shots everyone has understood what it is about. That is, hold
steady, aim meticulous, shoot neat, and enough continuation. All this not too slowly and as much as possible similar from shot to shot.
The photos above show the representation over time and the most important passages of the reproduction.
This should reach, for the understanding of the basic ideas of the system. Everything else is learned by doing. The best guide through
T.7.5. Jan-Eric Aeply: Track of the target (SCATT) Air Pistol and 50 m. Gun.
The SCATT sensor is preferably attached to the rear of the barrel. In this way, the
pistol can be deposited, without coming into conflict with the device, and in this
place the effect of the additional weight is less.
Objectification procedures have become essential in the practice of scientific training. They are used in the diagnosis and in the
direction of training and assist, for example, the accentuation of the conditioned performance factors and especially the development
Meanwhile, objectification procedures are decisive in the individual direction of conditioned training and help coaches and athletes in
the search for the optimal technique. During the training process they are applied to control certain parameters. Especially the SCATT
analysis has undergone a revolutionary development in the last 20 years and therefore it is not possible to imagine a training process
without it.
In the past, a laser pen was held in the pistol and the point on the target was observed. The movements were recorded with a video
camera and then evaluated. Today much more exact analyzes can be carried out with the computer and the infrared ray technique.
This makes it possible not only to observe technical development, but also to learn it efficiently and optimize it.
In particular, the "recognition process" is carried out in this principle according to scientific customs. This happens in national and
international training centers, but also in Clubs or individuals according to the following steps:
• rest
The development of movements during precision shooting is being given more and more importance, not least as a result of improved
analysis procedures. Since you can now see exactly how the gun moves with the shot, this detail can be effectively "improved".
The exact execution of the technique is the key point of the training.
Repetition accuracy is success.
It sounds like desperation, but it is a relaxation technique. Jan-Eric twists his face to
loosen tensions during the Championship. These are manifested precisely in the area of
the head, especially around the eyes and the musculature of the jaw. 30 seconds is
enough to regenerate muscles and relax later thoughts.
Jan-Erik firmly rejects that this method also serves to disturb the opponent.
Attentive observation,
one of the duties
main coach. Jan-Erik Aeply, born 1966, coach in Bavaria and assistant coach of the
Federal State since
1996 German champion with free pistol 2004.
Contrary to other sports disciplines, in which only a few attempts decide on victory or defeat, the pistol shooter has 40 or 60 attempts.
Each shot is a Championship unto itself. At the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics (10m air pistol), Chinese Wang Yifu lost the
Championship in the last shot, because precisely this attempt alone did not hit the target.
It is of little use to the shooter, acquiring a shooting technique, which is only good for 20 or 30 shots and then under the influence of
Through the implementation of the SCATT procedure (goal run), technical weaknesses can be unmasked, which can be observed in
their development through the distance of the Championship. Who tends to hold the weapon for a long time, will be able to overcome
perhaps 2 or 3 series. Then overexertion leads to leaks and with few mistakes can ruin the result.
Techniques: For an accurate analysis of the SCATT the sensor on the weapon should be lightweight. A very heavy body modifies the
weight of the pistol in such a way that the sense of the muscle is
influenced and increases the movements of the weapon. In practice it counts first of all that the development of the 1: 1 movement
can be transferred or it can also be repeated more slowly. Another central point of view is the differentiation of the different elements,
that is, the exact annotation, for example, of the retention point or the length of the objective's path. These reflexes direct attention
during training to certain central points, which therefore appear in the center of concentration. Whoever concentrates on the blue
"trigger curve" will automatically strive to perform this "short and well" section.
In recent years I have seen Top marksmen coaches with many techniques and development of diverse movements. Whether a "single
breath", "double breath" or "multiple breath", all shooters bring the pistol from above towards the target. One is faster, the other
slower. But in one thing the experts act the same: And this is in the accuracy of the repetition of the development of the movement. In
decisive situations, Top shooters differ from “beginners” in that they carefully respect the developments studied.
For this reason, it is vitally important to automate the shooting technique, so that it can work under extreme conditions according to
Through the implementation of the SCATT analysis this factor can be perfectly refined.
T.8. Training items, equipment, literature
In order to train properly, the aspiring marksman doesn't really need much. For now, the gun is essential and hearing protectors are
not borrowed ... Everything else can be solved in the beginning with everyday utensils. Comfortable clothes, shoes, in which one feels
comfortable. Post, ammunition and even a loaned weapon are usually provided by the Club, later and with latent enthusiasm, each
one will equip themselves with the necessary. For beginners and advanced users, all the available learning elements are very
valuable. These are so far quite rare in the pistol sector. Who is oriented in parallel to his attempts with thematic literature, facilitates
that power and understanding run along the same lane. A good instruction book offers
the theoretical base, around which the understanding of all other practical and theoretical experiences can be grouped. Special titles,
eventually about the psyche, the regulation (sports regulation), the diet or the condition, complete the home library of the pistol
shooter. Later, more titles will be added, books on the subject "Guns" or older specialized literature.
In dry shooting training and in real shooting on the job, educational posters are a useful medium. In them you can see at a glance the
way of facing, development of movements and many other details. Also the discussion with the coach or colleagues gains in
Instructional movies are a third source of information. They offer a look at the development of the movements and thereby show a
more real level of the event. We refer to our videos and DVDs about pistol shooting, which are not totally current, but can still be
considered as an example.
Learning elements accelerate the training process ...
"Oldis but goldies", two instructive films, in which Uwe and Ralf are in action. Instructive posters, above an example of a shotgun
More than 10 years old, now up-to-date available on DVD (60 min.). They are sector, they are also for pistol shooting. They are
still the best of what exists about pistol images. appropriate for an intermediate control look or as a
basis for explanations and discussions.
suitable to the
times is a SCATT (lens
track system)
Each coach knows how to appreciate the attention that a chosen chapter of a good educational film generates in a training night.
The current most effective resource for technical training is the SCATT (target track system). They streamline the learning process on
the job and at home. Those who really want to progress or simply know the secrets of shooting have an ally here.
Anyone who has vision difficulties should purchase a special shooting glasses as soon as possible. It should be lightweight and
prescribed by a competent optician. In determining the lens, inadequate vision and astigmatism should be competently corrected. This
is better to happen at the shooting range, because only here you can verify, if you can really recognize with the new lenses, the
distance on the target. These shooting glasses are not intended for reading.
For the choice of the pistol we recommend to see the subsequent chapter, on the topic "Weapons". Described here is what to
consider when buying a new pistol. Anyone requesting a general catalog for equipment such as Stelljes, Allermann, fröwis or
Gehmann, can spend hours choosing from the huge offer of all types of pistols and aid elements. Good specialized magazines such
as VISIER, SCHIESSEN SCHWEIZ or the “DEUTSCHE SCHÚTZEN ZEITUNG” offer articles about shooting technique, about the
pistol test and information coverage on current Championships, World Championships, National League and Regional Championships
T.9. Gretje Reinemer: Condition for pistol shooters
Gretje Reinemer, born in 1977, has been an official psychotherapist for the German League of Marksmen
since 2003. She knows exactly the problems of shooters and shooters. Through individual fitness programs,
she strives to put in shape and keep the Top athletes of different specialties there.
Condition training is, next to technique and tactics, another element to optimize performance capacity. The impact of regular physical
training is generally underestimated. In order to achieve optimal performance, a balanced strength, endurance, and movement
training makes sense and is important. To make the best use of the time available, this training should be directed and integrated as
1. Resistance
Extensive and intensive training with the pistol is only possible on the basis of good endurance, because only then can technique and
tactics be maintained for a longer period of time. This consequence is based on the appearance of adaptation effects in the body,
Here the type of training is decisive. The shooter needs so-called "basic endurance", that is, the basis for endurance performance.
Here it makes sense to use a pulse meter. To determine the load range, you can use for example the Lagerström formula :
Training pulse =
The resting pulse is the lowest in the awake state, and is preferably measured in the morning after waking up or at another quiet time.
With the calculated training pulse, the training range is determined, as soon as +/- 5 beats are calculated. Example: Training pulse =
If you do not have a heart rate monitor, you should take a break every 5 min. and take the pulse and adjust it to the calculated pulse.
Resistance training should be done 2 times a week. Here the duration of training should last at least 30 minutes, and after getting
used to the load it should reach an hour. The form of movement that is chosen is not decisive. It is recommended to run, swim, ride a
bicycle, ski, etc. It is important that during the total duration of the training the pulse is maintained, because only then is an adaptation
of the body achieved. It also makes sense to pay attention to an upright posture during training.
After approximately 8 weeks of resistance training, the resting pulse should be controlled and the load factor corrected. A new
calculation of the formula returns an updated training pulse. In this way you can re-optimize your own progress.
2. Toning
The concern, of losing coordination through toning, is unfounded, if the training is done consciously. To ensure this, body-weight
exercises, weights, and a gymnastic band should be learned and performed for the whole body, especially for the trunk and arms. A
sequence of 20 with 3 reps (or hold for 20 seconds) makes sense. This improves primarily the strength endurance and the strength
level increases slowly, so that loss of coordination is not to be expected. For optimal training in time, the choice of exercises is
important. On the one hand, the muscle groups should be trained, which are used
during shooting. On the other hand, the rest are of equal importance, since they generate the necessary stability to prevent injuries
and overload.
3. Mobility - Stretching
Mobility training is used to expand joint movements and counteract flexibility limitations. A good level of mobility improves the way the
muscles work, regulates muscle tension and helps to develop a sense of muscle, to assess the own daily state of the muscles. For the
continuous breathing
It is important to be able to differentiate, if you stretch before or after training. For this, different methods should be used in each case.
Functional gymnastics for strength:
Before training: The goal is to establish here by means of an optimal state of tension of the musculature to prepare it for the imminent
TO) A general warm-up in the form of jogging or running games (approx. 5 minutes)
For stretching, the muscle to be stressed is placed in a tension position and held there for approximately 8 seconds. In the elastic
stretch the muscle to be stretched is brought into the stretch position, then this muscle is stretched elastically from this position 8
times with short intervals. This method of stretching has been updated again after it had long been considered harmful.
AND) Finally another load of the same muscle group for about 8 seconds.
F) This is followed by the warm-up program without and with the weapon.
After training, the state of tension of the muscles should be normalized again, promote the regeneration of the muscles and, through a
stretching program, influence mental regeneration. The most indicated is the classic stretching stretch. Now the stretch position is
assumed and held for at least 20 seconds. The duration depends on the relaxation of the muscle. Only when he sits down should the
relaxation end (20 seconds to a maximum of 3 minutes). Repeat each stretch 2-3 times if possible.
By the way, stretching doesn't need to be done directly after training. After a hot shower or at night it has the same effect.
PRACTICE. Here are some examples of complex toning exercises, which are
especially important for the pistol shooter. 2 - 3 units per week noticeable effects
are felt. Who wants to train more intensely, find suggestions in the literature
"Skier exercise"
With the forearms supported, they rise and keep both knees at the same time a few
A variation is to slowly slide your torso back and forth, but without sinking into the shoulder belt.
Another variation is to slowly move both knees from right to left.
Trained people can lift one hand and / or one foot off the ground respectively. Here it is necessary to pay attention, that the weight is
transferred slowly in order to avoid the least amount of elusive movements possible.
By raising the knees the muscles of the abdomen are required first. Additionally support the triceps and shoulder blade muscles.
Lie face down and raise the balls of the feet, the knees remain in contact with the floor, the pelvis is pressed against the floor. The
gaze is directed towards the ground, so that the head remains as a continuation of the spinal column. During all exercises the whole
body remains stressed. The arms can now perform various movements:
- In OR to hold in 90 °
the arms
rapid toward
up Y down with a
These exercises can be varied from one another. Additionally, additional weights such as dumbbells or medicine balls can be used.
T.9. Gretje Reinemer: Condition for pistol shooters, part 2
(3) Sit-Ups
Sit-Ups are the classic exercises for training the abdominal muscles. Starting position is lying on your back. The arms can be located
either to the side of the body, to the side or behind the head or stretched back respectively. It's just important, no pull of the head. But
The head should always be in a physiological position of extension of the spine. For control, a fist can be placed between the sternum
and the chin. This distance should be maintained throughout the duration of the exercise.
The legs stand bent, stay in the air, on a chair, a bench or the like. They should not be stretched nor have a bra anywhere.
Breathing is important, as the breath and the muscles of the abdomen cooperate. For this reason, it must always expire when the
a "tension ring". If these points are taken into account, all known variations can be applied. Some examples:
From the position lying on the back with outstretched arms, which are raised to the side of the body and in joints of the knees and hips
bent at 90 ° slowly raise the torso in combination with the expiration and lie down again.
For static toning, push the hand diagonally against the knee and hold. Continue with the breath.
To tone the oblique muscles, both arms are brought to the side so that the torso can be turned up on its side or kept static.
- Lying on the floor on your back, about two steps away from the door with your head towards the door.
- Place the towel under the thorax, so that it is still under the ribs and the thorax in the back position has a slight overextension.
- Place your legs shoulder-width apart on the floor and apply slight pressure to the floor with your heels.
- Wrap the ends of the gymnastic band around each hand, join both hands in front of the face.
- Remove the shoulder belt from the floor so that the torso is almost parallel to the floor.
- The hands draw the band up to chest level and "wring out" it under tension.
… And strength scores points.
To do this, choose a position of legs apart at the hips with the knees slightly bent and the right trunk in the sense of a right back
position. The feet are placed on the middle of the tape (at least two meters long), crossed in front of the body and with the tips the
Arms are brought up / out. The final position is to stretch the arms next to the ears (as if trying to catch a large ball).
Mainly the muscles of the back and shoulder blade are worked, as well as the biceps and the Delta muscle. This exercise operates
especially stabilizer.
(6) Raise arm and leg "diagonally"
Supported on hands and legs, the tape is held with one hand and the other end is fixed on the foot. Raise the arm and leg diagonally
with the tape and stretch. Repeat this movement several times, changing hand and foot.
- fold the gymnastic band in half, wrap it around the hand and stretch between the right hand and foot.
- The elbow remains close to the trunk, keep the torso upright and in a stable position.
The gymnastic tape is, for example, tied on a latch or a trellis at chest level, the ends are rolled up with the hands.
With your arms at shoulder height, simultaneously pull both arms back. The elbows are brought out and remain at chest level
throughout the movement. The movement begins with the shoulder blades as they are joined behind. The shoulders should remain
P.1. On the psyche of pistol shooting
In the background the hopes of the clubs and the Fans, the rivals in the sights, between the
midpoint on the monitor. A situation that is assigned an important role in the psychic aspect.
As an indication for the psychological load, the relationship between training results and
Championships respectively governs. The National League results have an additional "nerve
When shooters discuss shooting secrets during Championships, one or the other frequently refers to the "psychological" factor that
weighs like a curse on their task. “During training everything works out perfect. But many times, at the important moment, this streak is
It almost seems that some shooters are in a state of war with their soul. Is the psyche a malicious inner voice, which puts us a foot
Before following the shooter into these negative thoughts, his technique should be reviewed again. Because it is precisely these
conflicts that are responsible for the nines and worst results. A glance at the way of facing and the movements reveal in most cases
much more profane motives. An incorrect position, blunders in the adjustment of the weapon, bad triggering and the total absence of
the continuation of the shot, explain at least 90% of the erroneous shots. Many times what is attributed to the psyche is explained
On the other hand, the psychic abilities of a pistol shooter are naturally important. The best way to rate them according to their
importance is to rank them according to their technical, conditional or tactical aptitude. The shot is a joint act, requiring both good
mental and emotional states as well as sufficient strength and mature technique.
Therefore, training as the stimulation of mental and emotional capacities should be part of the training plan. And this from the
beginning, not just the night before the start of the Olympics. For effective psychic strategies must be recognized, studied and trained
Over 1000 schools, therapies, and methods have described psychology as one of the oldest sciences of the past 4000 years. These
include recognized relaxation techniques such as yoga or the autogenic training. Also clinical methods like
behavior or conversation therapies, that offer quick and effective aids for performance capacity and affective life problems.
For the athlete it is unacceptable to orient themselves in the offer of so many possibilities. He has a specific problem and is looking for
practical tools to solve it. For this reason we have tried to attribute to few basic reasons the amount of eventual individual difficulties of
an athlete.
To the three main reasons above we contrast three basic techniques in practice:
- Psychic regulation.
It's not always the fault of the nerves.
As the blue fields in the graph indicate, through effective psychic training performance losses under pressure can be reduced. Training results also
increase, when mental processes are trained.
If you look at a close-up of the most exciting phase of a Championship, it is believed to be witnessing above all a psychic effort. But the gesture on
Roberto's face could indicate both a tactical or technical reflection. Or simply be a gesture of relaxation. What we see in a face is largely marked by our
own assumptions or expectations.
This compaction will seem presumptuous, but in practice it has been effective. Convincing problem solutions do not necessarily lie in
peculiar methods but rather in the consistent and rigorous application of means. Who is tired needs to rest and not eventually
consume energizing herbs. Who cannot concentrate, needs a pause and fewer computer-supported targeting programs. A
This seems obvious when it comes to shooting-technical skills or conditions. That psychic abilities need the same conditions seems to
surprise many. But whoever expects strong reactions in the crisis, must have practiced widely. It is reassuring to know that each of us
has incorporated the most important psychic defense mechanisms. We can all relax and imagine something. Obviously, to a different
extent, since these reflexes are more or less practiced by everyone. To bring them to the Match level, you need to train.
Since in sport and especially in performance sport the strongest always wins, it is necessary to pay attention to the systematic training
of these basic skills. You have to be in a position to "lower" relaxation, when before the first shot, the heart beats up to the neck. It is
very important to drive away negative thoughts, when they want to convey fear before the last shot, or after an eight. And the wish
itself is only realized, if you have a clear view of the goal and strategies.
In the next few pages we present a “basic psychological package”, which has been crystallized in the practice of almost 30 years of
For more information and for those who want specific training, we recommend our book "The Psychology of Shooting" with Audio-CD
P.2. Psychoregulation
Emotion-tension- CHAMPIONSHIP
EMOTION (Pulse, respiration, tension ...)
vigorous-motivated STIMULATION
in the subject TRAINING
Distracted-tired- FINAL
Psychic emotion, for example during (additional) the first shot, causes the increase Then they are
pulse rate. beats per minute. In extreme cases, frequent 140 to 160 can
contractions. to get to to be until 200
In order to be able to implement with a calming effect of the breath, one should proceed systematically, for example becoming familiar with autogenic
training or yoga.
In the book "The psychology of shooting" you will find a training plan and an Audio-CD with the most important basic exercises.
Out of sight ….
The heart beats faster, the muscles tense, the thoughts are narrower. It is not important here, if the threat is real or if it only exists in
fantasy. A large dog on the loose can mobilize us just like thinking about an exam in three weeks.
The same threats are answered by different people in different ways. What drives one out of their boxes does not affect the other. And
even the same person can react to the same threat on different days in a different way.
Shooting can also be considered a "threat". Training in beginners, the Championship then in all performance classes. Most shooters
answer, that they feel intimidated in many ways, before and during an important Match. The symptoms described here are of an
astonishing variety.
The main manifestations of the body can be:
• locked).
These lists can be expanded. We stop here, because more than one person breaks down when reading them.
Reality shows that the majority of shooters see in these difficulties a massive limitation of their performance. This refers to beginners
as well as Olympic champions alike. If it does not work during the Championship, it is mainly experienced as distortion of the
level of stimulation.
As a coach it is observed that athletes can totally lose their minds during a match. The way of facing, the technique, the rhythm and
the continuation show massive deficits, the tactical rules are totally forgotten. The red head and erratic movements betray this state of
See the wave and then quiet ...
The emotion in a match is basically influenceable. How much nervous symptoms take hold of the shooter depends primarily on his
own behavior at the moment. If the symptom appears, it can be actively coped with. Through directed behavior in the situation itself.
one. Take on the excitement and disrupt existing developments. Pause.
two. Take a relaxed position, regulate your breathing (through your abdomen), and loosen your muscles.
3. Wait until the excitement returns to a bearable level. Resume development with a
How well these regulations work in the emergency depends on practice. Who practices it only once a year, cannot expect miracles.
Periodic practices before each start generate small progresses that finally achieve a fairly good "guiding ability".
In addition, regulation is allowed to be used not only to reduce emotion. Also when feeling tired and unfocused, it helps to refocus.
Breathe faster, increase the tension of the muscles and make up your mind, attack again.
In the pages referring to breathing we have presented basic exercises to learn psychoregulation. The graph to the left shows this
principle. While the training takes place during a low and even level of excitement, during the Championship it continues to increase
considerably and irregularly. Whoever can, develops artificial pressure on the practice night and attends all the important matches.
Regulation (green curves) smooths the ends. It is always used, when the waves are very high or gently disappear. The more you
If a pause is introduced and what is done during it, it is reserved for the free disposal of the shooter. Take your hand out of the grip, stretch your fingers and
refresh them. Why not…
In this way the muscles, respiration and perception are occupied, at the same time the aggregates are calmed, which until recently have been
stressed: arm and shoulder, eyes and concentration.
Sometimes in this way results are obtained, which fall far behind expectations.
But as a coach there are also hopeful things. Shooters, showing similar body and nerve loads, but keeping technique under control.
That in front of