Quiz UTS
Quiz UTS
Quiz UTS
3. Value delivery process is traditional view of marketing is that the company makes
something and then sells it, with marketing taking place during the selling process.
Nowadays, in dealing with many different types of people with their wants & needs, a
smart company must create and deliver products for a well-defined target markets. Value
delivery process begins before there is a product, continues through development and
after launch. Instead of focusing only on making and selling, companies now see
themselves as a part of value delivery process.
Value delivery process is a 3 phases to the values and creation and delivery sequence,
which are:
⚬ Choosing the value: segment the market, select target, develop positioning.
⚬ Providing the value: identifying the product specification (price, features)
⚬ Communicating the value: use the internet / sales force to promote the product
4. SWOT analysis is a vital process that helps a business to evaluate its internal and
external environment by identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Almost everybody
in the business world is aware of SWOT. While a SWOT analysis is mainly used by the
management, it can be effectively used for marketing and branding as well. The analysis
focuses on identifying the external and internal factors that might affect the future
performance of any business. The four factors mentioned in a SWOT analysis (Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) aim to evaluate the balance between the internal
resources and capabilities of a company and external possibilities and threats.
SWOT identifies the strategies used for creating a specific business model according to
the company’s available resources and capabilities, including the environment in which
the company operates. It views positive and negative factors both inside and outside the
firm, that affect its success. The analysis helps the company forecast or predict changing
trends that benefit the decision-making process of any organization.
• Strengths
Internal positive factors. Strengths are the qualities that determine the success of any
• Weaknesses
Internal negative factors. You must be aware that weaknesses are the qualities that hinder
an organization’s productivity and prevent an organization from accomplishing its
mission and reaching its full potential. However, weaknesses are controllable and the
magnitude and impact of the damage can be reduced but to do so, you will first have to
identify your company’s weaknesses.
• Opportunities
External positive factors. There are countless opportunities that are present in the
environment within which the organization operates. Companies can always benefit from
such opportunities. The opportunities may arise from the market, competition or
• Threats
External negative factors. Threats are elements of vulnerability that may jeopardize the
reliability and profitability of any business
Some benefits of performing a SWOT analysis include:
a) Cost-effective
We dont require extensive training nor any form of technical skill for conducting a
SWOT analysis. In addition, you don’t require an external consultant. All you need is a
staff member who has prior knowledge of business.
c) Promotes Discussion
SWOT analysis promotes discussion. It is important that you have your employees on the
same page. Every single employee plays an important role in driving an organization to
5. Why its important? When marketers use market segmentation it makes planning campaigns
easier, as it helps to focus the company on certain customer groups instead of targeting the mass
market. Segmentation helps marketers to be more efficient in terms of time, money and other
resources. Market segmentation allows companies to learn about their customers. They gain a
better understanding of customer’s needs and wants and therefore can tailor campaigns to
customer segments most likely to purchase products.
Market segmentation involves dividing a large homogenous market of potential customers into
clearly identifiable segments. Customers are divided based on meeting certain criteria or having
similar characteristics that lead to them having the same product needs. Segments are made up of
customers who will respond similarly to marketing strategies. They share common interests,
needs, wants and demands.
Companies need to identify market segments in order to perform effectively. It is important to
have keen understanding of consumer behavior and careful strategic thinking about what makes
each segment unique & different.
To compete more effectively, target marketing is needed. It requires:
⚬ Identify & profile distinct groups of buyers --> segmentation
⚬ Select one or more market segments to enter --> targeting
⚬ Establish, communicate and deliver right benefits for the company --> positioning
Most producers dont sell their products directly to customers / users - between them, stands a set
of intermediaries with a variety of functions. Marketing channels are sets of interdependent
organizations participating in the making of product / service available for use / consumption.
• Some titles used to describe these intermediaries are:
⚬ Merchants: Buy and resell the products
⚬ Agents: Search customers & negotiate on the producer's behalf
⚬ Facilitators: Assist in distribution process but do not negotiate purchases
Channels play an important roles in the success of a company & affect other marketing
decisions. Marketing channels is expected to convert potential buyers into profitable customers.
Decisions regarding marketing channels affect long-term commitments with other firms, as well
as a set of policies / procedures. To manage its intermediaries, the firm must decide how much
effort to devote to push and pull
● Push Strategy = Use manufacturer's sales force, trade promotion money, or others to
intermediaries to carry, promote, & sell the products.
● Pull Strategy = Manufacturer uses advertising, promotion, or other forms of
communication to persuade customers to demand the product from intermediaries.