LMR Soch
LMR Soch
LMR Soch
Spherical concave (diverging) lenses are used for treatment of myopia and Spherical convex (converging) lenses are used
for the treatment of hypermetropia.
LASIK – Argon fluoride (EXCIMER) laser is used – 193 nanometer wavelength, Photoablation.
ReLEx and SMILE are the latest surgeries for myopia using Femtosecond laser.
Regular astigmatism is if the principal meridian are perpendicular to each other.
Irregular astigmatism if the principal meridian are not perpendicular to each other.
Deep anterior chamber, jet black pupil, hypermetropia, Jack in the box phenomenon, Pin cushion defect – seen in Aphakia.
Aniseikonia – change in shape or size of image.
Retinoscopy/shadow test/ skiascopy, Refractometry are objective tests for refraction.
Jackson’ cross cylinder test and astigmatic fan test are used for refinement of cylindrical error.
Duochrome test and pinhole test are used for refinement of spherical error.
Movement of red reflex against the retinoscope indicates >1D myopia, when retinoscopy done at the usual distance of
1 meter.
Size of a pinhole is 1 mm and it is used to neutralixe refractive errors till 4D.
Presbyopia occurs due to physiological insufficiency of accommodation and is treated with use of convex lenses over the
existing myopia correction – Add for near.
Chapter 2 • Optics
Salient Features of Common Cycloplegic and Mydriatic Drugs
S.No. Name of the drug Age of the Dosage of Peak Time of Duration Period Tonus
patient when instillation effect performing of action of post- allowance
indicated retinoscopy cycloplegic
1. Atropine sulphate <5 yearsQ TDS × 3 day 2–3 days 4th day 10–20 After 3 1DQ
(1% ointment) days weeks of
2. Homatropine 5–8 years One drop every 60–90 After 90 48–72 After 3 0.5DQ
hydrobromide 10 minutes for six minutes minutes of hours days of
(2% drops) times instillation of retinoscopy
first drop
3. Cyclopentolate 8–20 years One drop every 80–90 After 90 6–18 After 3 0.75DQ
hydrochloride (1% 15 minutes for minutes minutes of hours days of
drops) three times instillation of retinoscopy
first drop
4. Tropicamide Not used as One drop every 20–40 — 4–6 hours — —
(0.5%, 1% drops) cycloplegic for 15 minutes for minutes
retinoscopy; three to four
used only as times
5. Phenylephrine
(5%, 10%)
Used only as
mydriatic 15 minutes
One drop every 30–40
— 4–6 hours — —
Frequent Causes of Decreased VisionQ
Causes of gradual, painless and progressive diminution of vision
There are multiple probable questions that can be asked 3. Infant in the image is most likely suffering from:
on a single image. a. Accomodative esotropia
b. Essential infantile esotropia
Question number 1 is based on Image 1. c. Bilateral blue dot cataract
d. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Image 1
1. Identify the ocular surgery being done in the image:
a. Lasik b. Keratoplasty
Image 4
4. Instrument shown in the image is used for:
Question number 2 is based on Image 2.
a. Adjustment of refraction
b. Refinement of cylindrical correction
c. Refinement of spherical correction
d. Binocular balancing
Image 2
2. The optical procedure being done is used for:
a. Objective refraction
b. Subjective adjustment of cylinder Image 5
c. Binocular balancing of vision
d. Subjective refinement of cylinder 5. All of the following can be seen in the above image, except:
a. Foster Fuchs spots b. Chorioretinal atrophy
c. Lacquer cracks d. Peripapillary atrophy
Question number 3 is based on Image 3. 6. The following complications can be seen in a patient with
the above fundus image, except:
a. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
Chapter 2 • Optics
Image 7
Image 9
12. Optics of a 15 years old patient shown below, what is the
diagnosis based on the optics:
a. Astigmatism
(AIIMS Nov 2017)
b. Aphakia
9. A 16 year old male come complaining of severe, gradual,
c. Hypermetropia
progressive loss of vision in both eyes. He gives history of
wearing spectacles since 5 years of age, with last refraction d. Myopia
being done 6 months back. On retinoscopy, a refractive error
of -8D spherical error is seen. On B scan, the above result Question number 13 is based on Image 10.
was obtained. What can be seen in the B-scan image?
a. Posterior staphyloma
b. Chorioretinal atrophy
c. Vitreous hemorrhage
d. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
Image 10
13. Above is a common instrument used in ophthalmology. In
order to view the entire retina what is the power of lens you
would like to attach to the instrument: (AIIMS Nov. 2016)
a. +90 D
b. +78 D
c. –58 D
Image 8 d. +20 D
Most Recent Questions of 2017-2018 are given at the end
Visual Acuity – Tests 25. Which component of the eye has maximum refractive index?
a. Anterior surface of lens (AIIMS 2010)
14. Distance of patient while reading Snellen chart is b. Posterior surface of lens
(Recent pattern Nov/Dec 2016) c. Centre of lens
a. 6 feet b. 25 cms d. Cornea
c. 6 meters d. 25 feet
26. Alpha angle is the angle between:
15. The angle in minutes subtended by the topmost letter in
a. Pupillary axis and optical axis
Snellen chart when viewed from a distance of 6 meter is
b. Visual axis and optical axis
(AIIMS May 2016)
c. Centre of eyeball rotation and line of fixation
a. 60 b. 5
d. None of the above
c. 1 d. 50
27. Visual axis is: (Recent Pattern 2015-16)
16. Type of visual acuity used in Snellen chart testing
a. Centre of cornea to retina
a. Minimum visible (Recent pattern Nov/Dec 2016)
b. Minimum resolvable b. Object to fovea
c. Minimum discriminable c. Centre of lens to cornea
d. Minimum hyperacuity d. None
28. Normal axial length of the eye– (Recent Pattern 2015)
a. 18 mm b. 20 mm
Optics c. 24 mm d. 28 mm
29. Newborn eye with respect to refractive error is–
17. Which of the following describes image seen through a (Recent pattern Nov/Dec 2016)
prism? (Recent pattern 2014) a. Emmetropic b. Hypermetropic
a. Inverted
c. Near the apex
a. 40 D
c. 4 D
b. Tilted
d. Near the base
18. Focal length of 0.25 m power of lens is–
b. 1/4 D
d. 25 D
(Recent pattern 2015)
c. Myopic
Refractive Errors
d. Astigmatic
20. What is sturm’s conoid? (Recent pattern 2015) 31. Foster fuch’s spots are seen in– (Recent Dec. 12 Pattern)
a. Distance between two focal points created by differential a. Hypermetropia b. Myopia
refractive power of lens or cornea in different meridians. c. Astigmatism d. None
b. Pattern of alignment of rays due to a cylindrical lens 32. Which is the most common complication of pathological
53. A 55-year-old male with a limbal scar presents to the
a. 1D b. 2D
ophthalmology clinic with markedly defective vision for
c. 3D d. 4D
near and far. Clinical examination reveals a wide and deep
42. Pseudopapillitis is seen in – (Recent pattern 2014)
anterior chamber, iridodonesis and a dark pupillary reflex.
a. Myopia
b. Hypermetropia
c. Squint
d. Presbyopia
43. Shortening of 2 mm of axial length of eyeball causes
(Recent pattern Nov/Dec 2016)
A vision of 6/6 is achieved with correcting lens of +11D.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis.
a. Aphakia
c. Hypermetropia
b. Pseudophakia
(All India 2012)
Most Recent Questions of 2017-2018 are given at the end
58. Methods to measure error of refraction are all except– 68. A 50 year old man complains of problem in his near vision.
(Recent pattern 13) His vision is N-18 for both eyes which improved to N-6 on
a. Retinoscopy b. Refractometry adding + 1 D sphere. Which would be the best immediate
c. Keratometry d. Binocular balancing management of this patient? (AIIMS 2014)
59. Distance from which retinoscopy should be performed a. Refractive correction with near add
(Recent pattern 2013) b. Cataract surgery
a. 25 cm b. 33 cm c. Refractive correction under atropine
c. 50 cm d. 100 cm d. Radial keratotomy
60. Jackson’s crosscylinder test is used for– 69. True statement about accommodation: (PGI May 2013)
a. Subjective verification (Recent pattern 2015) a. Mainly occurs due to change in curvature of posterior
b. Subjective refinement surface of lens
c. Subjective balancing b. Helps to improve stereopsis
d. Objective refining c. It is abolished by sympathomimetic drugs
61. The most convenient form of cross cylinder is a combination d. Produced due to an increase in curvature of the anterior
of– (Maharashtra 10, Recent Question 2016) surface of the lens
a. –0.5 Diopter sphere with +1 Diopter Cylinder e. Elasticity of capsule has bearing on accomodation
b. +0.5 Diopter sphere with –1 Diopter Cylinder 70. All are true about presbyopia except: (PGI Nov 2011)
c. +0.25 Diopter sphere with +0.5 Diopter Cylinder a. Common in young age group
d. –0.25 Diopter sphere with +0.5 Diopter Cylinder b. Not able to see near objects
62. Duochrome test is for– (Recent pattern Dec. 12) c. Spectacles having unifocal or bifocal lens should be used
a. Subjective verification of refraction d. Correction of refractive error should be done
b. Subjective refinement of refraction e. Failure of accomodation
c. Subjective binocular balancing
71. Spasm of accommodation (Recent pattern 2016)
d. None
63. Lensometer detects:
a. Correct power of glasses
b. IOP power
c. Corneal topography
d. Biochemical constitution of lens
(Recent pattern 2015)
a. Caused by 1% tropicamide
b. Caused by Pilocarpine
c. Masquerades as myopia
d. Treatment is with Pilocarpine
Accommodation and Its Anomalies 72. Oculus Dexter refers to (Recent pattern 2013)
a. Left Eye b. Right Eye
64. A 30 year old man has 6/5 vision each eye, unaided. His
a. TIA b. Tobacco 86. Stenopaeic slit can be used for all except (AIIMS May 2018)
c. Optic neuritis d. Papilloedema a. Finchams test
82. About Degenerative myopia which of the following is true: b. Iridectomy
(AIIMS May 2013, May 2004) c. Corneal tattooing
a. Myopic degeneration can lead to retinal detachment
b. It is amore common in men than women
c. Less than -6 D
d. Optic disc swelling is seen
d. Axis of cylindrical refractory error
87. What is the refractive status of a newborn? (MCI Dec 2017)
a. Myopic
c. Astigmatic
b. Hypermetropic
d. Emmetropic
Most Recent Questions of 2017-2018 are given at the end
1. Ans. (c) SMILE (High Myopia is the most common cause predisposing to
Ref: American academy of ophthalmology, aao.org RRD.)
Option b – Primary open angle glaucoma, pigmentary glau-
SMILE is a minimally invasive, FLAPLESS procedure, FDA coma are seen as complications/associations of high myopia.
approved for treatment of myopia from –1.00 D to –8.00 D (The anterior chamber is deeper in myopia due to increased
with ≤ –0.50 D of cylinder. axial length.)
Using femtosecond laser, an intrastromal (corneal) lenticule Option c – Vitreous hemorrhage is the most dreaded
is cut, which is then removed through small 2 mm incisions complication, it can be retinal, vitreous or Choroidal.
(being seen in the image). Bowman’s layer is preserved. Option d – Foveal Retinoschisis (splitting of retina) occurs
2. Ans. (d) Subjective refinement of cylinder with posterior staphyloma, which is a sign of pathological
Ref: Khurana optics 2nd/153
The instrument seen in the image is the Jackson cross cylinder 7. Ans. (a) The patient has a myopia of 7D/, (c) Concave
(over the trial frame) – which is used for subjective refinement Contact lens are superior to spectacles for myopia correction
of cylinder. in the patient/(d) It can be associated with Marfan syndrome
Option a/b – the patient with the above fundus image has
3. Ans. (b) Essential infantile esotropia Pathological myopia.
Ref: Pradeep sharma 2nd/189 Such cases have Myopia >6D and Axial length >26mm.
In the image – the left eye of the infant has been patched – Option c – in high Myopia, contact lenses are a better treatment
option than spectacles as they avoid peripheral distortion and
Occlusion therapy – done to prevent amblyopia – strabismic
minification produced by the strong concave spectacle lenses.
amblyopia occurs in large angle squint as in a case of non-
accommodative Essential infantile esotropia.
Option a - Accommodative esotropia requires spec
correction to overcome the refractive error.
Option c – cannot be seen here, they are fine criss crossing 11. Ans. (c) Sjögren’s hand figure test
lines. Its obvious through the image. All that needs to be remembered
Option d – peripapillary atrophy / temporal myopic crescent – is the list of visual acuity test to rule out the bogus option d –
due to thinned or absent RPE. (green arrow) there is no test like Allen pre-school hand picture test.
6. Ans. (b) Primary angle closure glaucoma 12. Ans. (d) Myopia
The above image is most likely a case of Pathological/ Ref: AK Khurana 6th edition Pg.no 38
Degenerative myopia (as explained in the previous question). Image is formed in front of retina, so it is myopia.
Option a – RRD is related to the severity of myopia, being
much more common in high myopes. 13. Ans. (d) +20 D
Ref: Yanoff & Ducker 4th edition Pg no 89 39
•• Instrument is indirect ophthalmoscope.
•• Condensing lens commonly used is 20D biconvex lens.
Power of eye 60D
•• Magnification = =
Power of lens 20D
= 3 times
an angle of 5 minutes at the nodal point when viewed from
a distance of 60 meter from the eye. Those in the subsequent
23. Ans. (a) Anterior surface of cornea
lines will subtend an angle of 5 min if they are 36, 24, 18, 12, 9,
6 meter from the eye. Ref: Cornea by Mannis /145
So, the answer is 50 minutes with the application of On average anterior cornea has refractive power of +48D of
trigonometry which says,
Tan (angle) = Height of letter/distance of viewing
16. Ans. (b) Minimum resolvable
Ref: Khurana optics 2nd/43
,2 convergence and posterior cornea –5D of divergence.
24. Ans. (c) Curvature of the cornea
Ref: Optics of the human eye, p 15-20
Cornea is the most important refracting medium responsible
for convergence of light rays to the retina because of its
17. Ans. (b) Near the apex
curvature and difference in refractive index from air to comea.
Ref: Khurana optus 2nd /24
25. Ans. (c) Centre of lens
The prism produces displacement of the objects seen through
it towards apex (away from the base). Ref: Optics of the human eye, p 15-20
18. Ans. (c) 4D 26. Ans. (b) Visual axis and optical axis
Ref: Parson Ophthalmology 21 /e p. 49
19. Ans. (a) 1.3 D Line joining fixation point, nodal point and fovea.
46. Ans. (b) Non perpendicular principal meridians
•• Correction of myopia: Extraction of clear lens (–16 to –18
Ref: Elkingtion optics 4th/115
D) > Phakic IOL (> –12 D) > LASIK (upto –12 D) > Radial
keratotomy & PRK (–2 to 6 D). •• Irregular astigmatism – principal meridians are not at 90° to
each other
pathognomonic of pathologic myopia’ are not the same, significant if > 2.5D difference.
38. Ans. (a) 193 nm 49. Ans. (d) Difference in the size of image formed by the two eyes
Ref: Yanoff 3rd/43, 44, 45 Ref: Khurana optics 2nd/84
Corneal Reshaping procedures such as photorefractive •• Aniseikonia is defined as a condition where the images
keratectomy (PRK) and Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis projected on the visual cortex from the two retinae are
(LASIK) are performed by laser in the ultraviolet wavelength abnormally unequal in size or shape.
of 193 nm to 213 nm. The most commonly used laser for such 50. Ans. (d) Contact lens
procedures is the Argon Fluoride Excimer Laser (ArF) with a
wavelength of 193 nm. Ref: Khurana optics 2nd/e p. 84, Kanski 4th/814
•• Up to 5 percent aniseikonia is well tolerated. For high degree
39. Ans. (b) Age of 15 years
Chapter 2 • Optics
Option d– cycloplegia leading to loss of accommodation, will
55. Ans. (d) Retinoscopy resolve in hours to day depending upon the drug used (10-20
Ref: Khurana optics 2nd/124 days after atropine )
•• Retinoscopy, also called skiascopy or shadow test, is an
Option c– The accommodative system is slow in making
<1D Myopia 1D Myopia >1D Myopia 66. Ans. (b) Increased myopia asymmetry
Ref: Manual of ocular diagnosis and therapy p. 270
•• Pilocarpine(Cholinergic drug) produces spasm of
68. Ans. (a) Refractive correction with near addition 76. Ans. (a) 0.01
Ref: Khurana optics 2 /101–103
nd Ref: Parson 21/e, p 152
Here the patient is suffering from presbyopia (50 year old, Tropicamide comes in 0.5% and 1% drops
problem in near vision) thus correction for near vision over 1%=1/100=0.01
correction of distance. For more, refer to bonus page
69. Ans. (d) Produced... & (e) Elasticity... 77. Ans. (b) Phenylephrine, (d) Pilocarpine
Accomodation has no role in stereopsis Phenylephrine not used as cyclopegic for retinoscopy; used as
mydriatic alone or in combination with tropicamide.
Ocular Changes in Accommodation
“The shape of lens at any one time is thus result of a balance 78. Ans. (c) Tropicamide & (d) Phenyephrine
b/w its own elasticity & that of its capsule. The capsule is more
79. Ans. (b) Vision <4/60 in better eye
elastic(than lens) & when the ciliary muscle contract the ciliary
body approaches the lens, thus slackening the zonules so that Ref: Parson’s 22nded/pg 562
the capsule relieved of tension, is able to mould the lens into its •• Visual acuity <3/60 or fields <10° is the criteria for blindness
accommodated form” (Parson 20th/ 58) according to World health organization (WHO).
•• Visual acuity <6/60 in better eye or fields <20° – NPCB
70. Ans. (a) Common in young age group
criteria. (Old guidelines-valid for question in 2016)
Ref: Khurana optics 2nd/ed 100–101
Refer text 80. Ans. (c) Amblyopia
Ref: Kanski 7th ed/p 744
71. Ans. (c) Masquerades as myopia
Vision in right eye is 6/36 but the ocular examination is
Ref: Khurana anatomy 2nd/106)
Spasm of accommodation is caused by strong miotics such
as ecothiophate and not generally due to Pilocarpine. The
treatment is with Atropine.
Overacting accommodation leads to focus at near objects,
normal. This there is no organic cause for decreased vision
(Anisometropic amblyopia due to > 2.5D difference in
refractory power between the two eyes).
81. Ans. (a) TIA
thus induced blurring of vision for far (Pseudomyopia). Ref: Khurana 4th/e p. 306
72. Ans. (b) Right Eye •• Amaurosis fugax is sudden temporary and painless loss of
Ref: Oxford American Handbook of Ophthalmology (Oxford vision due to transient failure of retinal circulation.
University Press) 2010/XVIII; Clinical Examination in •• It may occur in carotid transient ischemic attack (TIA).
Ophthalmology by Mukherjee (Elsevier India, 2009)/22 82. Ans. (a) Myopic degeneration can lead to retinal detachment
Oculus Dexter refers to the right eye and is abbreviated OD Repeat may 2014
Ciliary muscles are derived from Neural crest and not neural near vision at 25 cm when his accommodation has decayed
ectoderm. to 6 D. This usually occurs between 40 and 45 years of age.
A person experiencing such difficulty and discomfort for near
75. Ans. (b) Atropine ointment vision due to reduced amplitude of accommodation is said to
Ref: Khurana 4th/e p. 550 be presbyopic.
•• Atropine ointment (1%) is the cycloplegic of choice for 84. Ans. (a) –0.5D at 180°
refraction in a young child.
Ref: Khurana optics and refraction 2nd/80
With the rule astigmatism – two prinicipal meridian are at
right angles with the vertical meridian being more curved.
Correction requires Convex (+) cylinder at 90° or Concave
(-) cylinder at 180°
In the question Myopic astigmatism is given means the patient
has to be given a concave [diverging (-)] cylindrical lens
85. Ans. (a) Occlusion therapy
↓ ↓
Halos break Halos remain intact 87. Ans. (b) Hypermetropic
↓ ↓ (Ref: Khurana 6th/13)
Cataract Angle closure glaucoma
Eye at birth
•• Determine power and axis of cylinder – The slit aperture
acts as an elongated ‘pin-hole’, only allowing light in the axis
of the slit to enter the eye. Hence, when the slit lies in one
principal axis of the astigmatic eye, the second line focus
is eliminated and the blur of Sturm’s conoid reduced thus
Newborn is Hypermetropic by +2 to +3 D
Anteroposterior diameter is smaller (70% of adult) – 16.5 mm
Corneal horizontal diameter is smaller – 9.5 to 10 mm
Tears are not secreted
AC is shallow
allowing a clearer image to be formed.