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Questi On Name Question Text Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Correct Option

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Questi Question Text Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Correct Option

GTE 1 In a choked density decreases. pressure pressure increases. pressure increases.
nozzle, decreases.
GTE 2 Using standard 29°C. 59°F. 59°C. 59°F.
conditions, the
standard sea
GTE 3 Standard sea 29.92 inches Hg. 29.29 inches Hg. 29.00 inches Hg. 29.92 inches Hg.
level pressure
GTE 4 The highest at the nozzle exit. at the burner just after the last just after the last
pressure in a exit. compressor stage but compressor stage
gas turbine is before the burner. but before the
GTE 5 The velocity of remains constant. increases. decreases. increases.
subsonic air as
it flows
through a
GTE 6 A turboprop impingement of the reaction of the reaction of the reaction of the
engine derives prop-wash on the prop-wash. propulsion gases. prop-wash.
its thrust by outside air.
GTE 7 Adiabatic an isothermal one where there is one where there is no one where there is
compression process. an increase in loss or gain of heat. no loss or gain of
is kinetic energy. heat.
GTE 8 In a ducted fan turbine. air passing over the accessory gearbox. turbine.
engine, the fan compressor.
is driven by
GTE 9 A modular all engines have a the engine is its major components its major
constructed specific component constructed by the can be removed and components can be
gas turbine layout. vertical assembly replaced without removed and
engine means technique. disturbing the rest of replaced without
that the engine. disturbing the rest
of the engine.
GTE 10 The accessory on the in the forward attached to the on the
gearbox of a HP Compressor bearing housing. turbine casing. HP Compressor
high bypass housing. housing.
engine is
GTE 11 On a gas I P turbine. LP turbine. H P turbine. LP turbine.
turbine engine,
what is the fan
driven by?
GTE 12 Which law Bernoulli's Newton's laws. Charles's law. Bernoulli's
relates to the theorem. theorem.
pressure, and
energy in a
GTE 13 The density of volume/weight. weight/volume. pressure/volume. weight/volume.
gas may be
expressed as
GTE 14 E S HP is. Horsepower/efficien Shaft horse power Power available at Shaft horse power +
cy. + exhaust efflux. the turbine less the exhaust efflux.
power required to
drive the.
GTE 15 A divergent velocity, increase velocity, pressure pressure, increase velocity, increase
duct will cause pressure. remains constant. velocity. pressure.
subsonic flow
to decrease
GTE 16 The Brayton the name given to the continuous the constant velocity the continuous
cycle is. the intermittent combustion cycle cycle taking place in combustion cycle
cycling of an taking place in a a gas turbine taking place in a gas
electrical de-icing gas turbine engine. turbine engine.
system. engine.
GTE 17 The purpose of increase the kinetic induce a swirl to increase the static increase the static
a diffuser is energy of the air. the air prior to pressure of the air. pressure of the air.
to. combustion.
GTE 18 On a triple the LP compressor. the the I P compressor. the
spool engine, HP compressor. HP compressor.
the first stage
of turbines
GTE 19 Ram effect the increase of conversion of conversion of kinetic conversion of
is. dynamic pressure at static pressure to energy to pressure kinetic energy to
the face of the kinetic pressure at energy at the face of pressure energy at
compressor. the face of the the compressor. the face of the
compressor. compressor.
GTE 20 Which of the Both the compressor The compressor Both the compressor Both the compressor
following and combustion assembly is larger and combustion and combustion
statements is system are larger and combustion chamber are smaller chamber are smaller
true on a high than their turbojet chamber smaller than the turbojet than their turbojet
bypass ratio equivalent. than their turbojet equivalent. equivalent.
GTE 21 In the dual turbine thrust first stage free power turbine free power turbine
axial flow or indication. compressor speed. speed.
twin spool speed.
system with a
free power
turbine, Nf
would be an
GTE 22 A waisted drive achieve dynamic reduce weight. provide a fuse if the provide a fuse if the
shaft is balance. driven component is driven component is
primarily overloaded. overloaded.
GTE 23 The 'core Inlet, compressor, Turbine, Compressor, turbine, Turbine, combustion
engine' or 'gas combustion combustion exhaust, propelling chamber,
generator' is chamber, turbine, chamber, nozzle. compressor.
made up of the exhaust. compressor.

GTE 24 The principle the calorific value the interaction of every action has a every action has a
of jet of fuel burnt is fluids and gases. equal and opposite equal and opposite
propulsion equal to aircraft. reaction. reaction.
GTE 25 Boyle's law its absolute pressure its absolute its absolute pressure its absolute pressure
states that, at is proportional to its temperature is is inversely is inversely
constant volume. proportional to it's proportional to its proportional to its
temperature, if volume. volume. volume.
a gas is

GTE 26 What part of a Immediately after Just before the Immediately after Just before the
jet engine has the combustion combustion the HP compressor. combustion
the most chamber. chamber. chamber.
GTE 27 Ram effect' remain constant. decrease. increase. increase.
due to aircraft
forward speed
will cause the
efficiency of
the engine
GTE 28 The efficiency decreases. remains constant. increases. increases.
of a gas
turbine engine
at altitude.
GTE 29 Which At the higher engine At the lower The thrust delivered At the higher engine
statement is speeds, thrust engine speeds, per pound of air speeds, thrust
true regarding increases rapidly thrust increases consumed is less at increases rapidly
jet with small increases rapidly with small high altitude. with small increases
engines?. in RPM. increases in RPM. in RPM.
GTE 30 Some low pressure rotor low pressure rotor throttle must be low pressure rotor
turboprop and will increase in will decrease in retarded to prevent will increase in
turbojet speed as the speed as the overspeeding of the speed as the
engines are compressor load compressor load high pressure rotor compressor load
equipped with decreases in the decreases in the due to the lower decreases in the
two spool or lower density air. lower density air. density air. lower density air.
When these
engines are
operated at
high altitudes,
GTE 31 Ram effect' remain constant. decrease. increase. remain constant.
due to aircraft
forward speed
will cause the
thrust of the
engine to.
GTE 32 With a fixed EPR goes up. EPR remains EPR goes down. EPR goes down.
throttle, and constant.
with increased
what happens
to EPR?.
GTE 33 At what stage Compressor outlet. Turbine outlet. Compressor inlet. Compressor outlet.
in a gas turbine
engine are gas
pressures the
GTE 34 Increasing ram reduces thrust due increases thrust reduces thrust due to increases thrust due
effect with to reduced due to increased reduced turbine to increased
increased compressor maximum airflow. temperature. maximum airflow.
speed. efficiency.
GTE 35 The highest burner cans. turbine inlet guide turbine blades. turbine inlet guide
heat to metal vanes. vanes.
contact in a jet
engine is
GTE 36 Which Single spool, axial Dual stage, Split spool, axial Split spool, axial
compressor flow. centrifugal flow. flow. flow.
type gives the
advantages for
both starting
flexibility and
improved high

GTE 37 Which of the Compressor inlet air Burner can Turbine inlet Turbine inlet
following is the temperature. pressure. temperature. temperature.
limiting factor
of turbine
GTE 38 At altitude, same as at sea higher than at sea lower than at sea higher than at sea
idling RPM level. level. level. level.
GTE 39 Thrust. increases with high increases with low decreases with low increases with low
temperature. temperature. temperature. temperature.
GTE 40 Which of the Altitude of the Compression ratio, Speed of the aircraft, Altitude of the
following aircraft, Ambient Turbine inlet Compression ratio, aircraft, Ambient
variables temperature. temperature, Turbine temperature.
affect the inlet Altitude of the inlet temperature,Al
air density of a aircraft, Ambient titude of the
turbine temperature. aircraft.
GTE 41 The propulsive low, with a low high, with a low high, with a high high, with a low
efficiency mass flow mass flow mass flow mass flow
is. acceleration. acceleration. acceleration. acceleration.
GTE 42 The RPM for lower on a colder lower on a hotter greater on a colder lower on a colder
maximum day. day. day. day.
power would
GTE 43 How does Increase in Low temperatures Low temperature Low temperature
engine thrust temperature gives give low thrust. gives greater mass gives greater mass
vary with greater thrust flow and therefore flow and therefore
temperature?. because of low greater thrust. greater thrust.
friction in
GTE 44 A method of fuel consumption. thrust to weight specific fuel specific fuel
comparing ratio. consumption. consumption.
efficiencies is
GTE 45 With a fixed RPM will increase. RPM will remain RPM will decrease. RPM will increase.
throttle in a constant.
GTE 46 The point of exhaust exit combustion nozzle guide vanes. exhaust exit
maximum nozzle. chamber. nozzle.
velocity in the
engine is in
GTE 47 At constant increases with remains constant decrease with remains constant
RPM, the height. irrespective of height. irrespective of
pressure ratio height. height.
of the
and the
rise across the

GTE 48 With the depends on RPM. is minimum. is maximum. is minimum.

GTE 49 The efficiency mechanical propulsive thermal efficiency. propulsive
of conversion efficiency. efficiency. efficiency.
of kinetic
energy into
work is a
GTE 50 What effect Decreases Decreases engine Has little or no Has little or no
does high compressor and pressure ratio. effect. effect.
atmospheric turbine RPM.
humidity have
on the
operation of a
GTE 51 Power is increasing fuel increasing air and increasing airflow to increasing air and
adjusted in a flow. fuel flow. the combustion fuel flow.
gas turbine chamber.
engine by.
GTE 52 The engine is permanently is connected to the is permanently is permanently
rating connected to the E EPR transmitter. connected to the connected to the
plug. E C. Engine casing. Engine casing.
GTE 53 Flat Rated the thrust at the that power that power achieved the thrust at the
thrust is ambient achieved at idle at maximum EGT. ambient
defined as. temperature point RPM. temperature point
above which thrust above which thrust
drops below 100%. drops below 100%.
GTE 54 Thrust rating varying the ballast changing the varying the EPR changing the engine
on an FADEC resistor in the EGT engine rating datum plug. rating plug.
controlled system. plug.
engine can be
GTE 55 Propeller engine RPM. shaft horsepower. propeller RPM. shaft horsepower.
torque is
GTE 56 The total SHP. BHP. E S HP . E S HP .
power in a
engine is
GTE 57 If an electrical decrease. remain constant. increase. remain constant.
de-icing system
is operating,
thrust will.
GTE 58 A bellmouth helicopters. supersonic aircraft with low helicopters.
compressor aircraft. ground clearance.
inlet is used
GTE 59 Electrical de- continuously and cyclically cyclically dependent continuously and
icing intermittently. independent of on ambient air intermittently.
operates. ambient air temperature.
GTE 60 The inlet door idle speed. supersonic subsonic speeds. subsonic speeds.
on a variable speeds.
intake is open
GTE 61 Anti-ice is OAT +10°Centigrad thunderstorms. OAT below OAT +10°Centigrad
recommended e and visible 10°Centigrade . e and visible
during. moisture. moisture.
GTE 62 A pitot intake reduces ram produces the speeds up the air produces the
is divergent compression. maximum amount before it hits the maximum amount of
from front to of ram compressor face. ram compression.
rear because compression.
GTE 63 Anti icing of electrical heating electrical heating engine bleed air engine bleed air
jet engine air elements located elements inside ducted through the ducted through the
inlets is within the engine the inlet guide critical areas. critical areas.
commonly air inlet cowling. vanes.
GTE 64 The term 'Ram ambient pressure ambient ambient pressure and ambient pressure
Ratio' in regard and ambient temperature and compressor inlet and compressor
to air intakes is temperature. compressor inlet pressure. inlet pressure.
the temperature.
GTE 65 An increase in have no effect upon increase the decrease the decrease the
the Ram Ratio the temperature of temperature of the temperature of the temperature of the
of an intake the air. air. air. air.
GTE 66 As an aircraft increases due to the decreases due to is not effected by decreases due to
approaches the ram effect. the shock wave. forward speed. the shock wave.
range, the
efficiency of a
Pitot type
GTE 67 Inlet guide rubber boots. thermal blankets. engine bleed air. engine bleed air.
vanes are anti-
iced with.
GTE 68 Intake air decreases the increases the has little effect on decreases the
turbulence. efficiency of the efficiency of the the efficiency of the efficiency of the
compressor. compressor. compressor. compressor.
GTE 69 What will be A decrease in Increased power at Increased power for A decrease in
the effect of power. altitude. take off. power.
operating the
intake anti-
icing system of
a gas turbine
GTE 70 A Pitot intake produces the reduces ram speeds up the air produces the
is divergent maximum amount of compression and before it hits the maximum amount of
from front to ram compression. turbulence. compressor face. ram compression.
rear because
GTE 71 With an continuously. part continuous - intermittently. part continuous -
electrical ice part intermittent. part intermittent.
system, the
GTE 72 A bypass supplies less air supplies more air supplies only the supplies more air
engine LP than is required for than is required for required quantity for than is required for
compressor. combusti15.4 combustion. combustion. combustion.
GTE 73 How does a The velocity of the More turbine Higher compression Higher compression
dual axial flow air entering the wheels can be ratios can be ratios can be
compressor combustion used. obtained. obtained.
improve the chamber is
efficiency of a increased.
GTE 74 In a reverse provide initial prevent increase the provide initial
flow system, turning of the compressor surge. temperature rise. turning of the
the last stage airflow. airflow.
of an axial flow
compressor is
This is to.
GTE 75 What are the Bucket and Impeller and Turbine and Impeller and
two main expander. diffuser. compressor. diffuser.
components in
a centrifugal

GTE 76 A bypass ratio equal to 1/5 of the five times the hot five times the cold five times the hot
of 5:1 indicates hot stream. stream. stream. stream.
that the bypass
flow is.
GTE 77 The stator direct air into the convert velocity convert pressure convert velocity
vanes in an first stage rotor energy into energy onto velocity energy into pressure
axial-flow vanes at the proper pressure energy. energy. energy.
compressor. angle.

GTE 78 What units in a Bleed air valves. Stator vanes. Inlet guide vanes. Bleed air valves.
gas turbine
engine aid in
stabilisation of
the compressor
during low
thrust engine

GTE 79 What purpose To convert pressure To increase the air To convert kinetic To convert kinetic
do the diffuser energy into kinetic velocity. energy into pressure energy into pressure
vanes of a energy. energy. energy.
GTE 80 During the high At maximum swirl At minimum swirl At maximum swirl At minimum swirl
RPM range on position, bleed position, bleed position, bleed valves position, bleed
an axial flow valves open. valves closed. closed. valves closed.
gas turbine
engine, in what
position are
the variable
intake guide
vanes and
GTE 81 What is the To convert pressure To reduce pressure To increase pressure To increase pressure
purpose of the to velocity. and increase and reduce velocity. and reduce
diffuser section velocity. velocity.
in a turbine
GTE 82 The fan speed low pressure forward turbine high pressure low pressure
of a twin spool compressor. wheel. compressor. compressor.
engine is the
same as
GTE 83 Bleed valves closed position. open position. mid-position. open position.
are normally
spring loaded
to the.
GTE 84 What is the To increase air To direct the flow To straighten airflow To straighten
function of the swirling motion into of gases into the to eliminate airflow to eliminate
stator vane the combustion combustion chamb turbulence. turbulence.
assembly at chambers. ers.
the discharge
end of a
typical axial

GTE 85 In a turbine always turns at the seeks its own best is connected directly seeks its own best
engine with a same speed as the operating speed. to the high speed operating speed.
dual spool high speed compressor.
compressor, compressor.
the low speed

GTE 86 What units in a Stator vanes. Bleed air valves. Inlet guide vanes. Inlet guide vanes.
gas turbine
engine aid in
guiding the
airflow during
low thrust

GTE 87 The convergent. divergent. parallel. convergent.

case annulus
GTE 88 If the tip there would be there is danger of aerodynamic aerodynamic
clearance in a pressure losses seizure. buffeting would buffeting would
centrifugal through leakage. cause vibration. cause vibration.
compressor is
too small.
GTE 89 A 1st stage LP middle third of outer third only. root section only. outer third only.
compressor blade chord-wise.
blade is able to
continue in
service if the
damage is
within limits,
and within
GTE 90 What is meant One rotor and one All rotors and One rotor and one One rotor and one
by a stator assembly. stators. guide vane stator assembly.
compressor assembly.
GTE 91 What is the 1.5:1. 1.2:1. 5:1. 1.2:1.
pressure rise
across each
stage of an
axial flow

GTE 92 Where does Rotor blades. Stator Blades. Rotor and Stator Rotor and Stator
compression blades. blades.
take place as
air passes
through an
axial flow

GTE 93 Nozzle Guide engine overspeed. engine overheat. engine shock engine overheat.
Vane bow is an loading.
GTE 94 A build up of has a large effect on has no effect on has no effect on has a large effect on
foreign objects compressor the efficiency of compressor efficiency compressor
and dirt on efficiency and may the compressor but due to the speed of efficiency and may
compressor cause corrosion. may cause rotation. cause corrosion.
blades. corrosion.
GTE 95 What is the Increase the Control direction Prevent compressor Control direction of
purpose of the velocity of the of the airflow. surge. the airflow.
stator vanes in airflow.
the compressor
section of a gas
GTE 96 In a twin spool a lower RPM than a higher RPM than the same RPM than the same RPM than
compressor, the HP spool. the HP spool. the HP spool. the HP spool.
the LP section
runs at.
GTE 97 In a turbojet constant velocity. constant volume. constant pressure. constant pressure.
occurs at.
GTE 98 A tubo-annular a number of flame a number of flame an annular flame a number of flame
gas turbine tubes in an annular tubes each with its tube in an annular air tubes in an annular
combustion air casing. own air casing. casing. air casing.
GTE 99 In which type Cannular. Annular. Can. Can.
of turbine
chamber is the
case and liner
removed and
installed as
one unit during

GTE In a turboprop pressure. density. volume. pressure.

100 engine,
takes place at
GTE The air passing entirely combined used to support speeded up and used to support
101 through the with fuel and combustion and to heated by the action combustion and to
combustion burned. cool the engine. of the turbines. cool the engine.
GTE The air used Primary and Primary. Secondary. Primary.
102 for combustion secondary.
GTE Combustion 2000°Centigrade. 2000°Fahrenheit. 2000°K. 2000°Centigrade.
103 chamber flame
temperature is
in the order
GTE Hot spots in dirty compressor malfunctioning fuel faulty igniter plugs. malfunctioning fuel
104 the combustion blades. nozzles. nozzles.
section of a
engine are
GTE Another name turbo-annular. multiple can. can-annular. can-annular.
105 for a cannular
GTE Another name annular. tubo-annular. multiple can. tubo-annular.
106 for a cannular
GTE The 82%. 8%. 18%. 18%.
107 approximate
percentage of
the mass
airflow taken
in by the flame
tube snout
GTE What Tertiary hole. Swirl vanes. Cascade vanes. Swirl vanes.
108 component
creates a
vortex in a gas
turbine flame
GTE In the static pressure and static pressure static pressure and static pressure
109 combustion volume remains decreases slightly volume decreases. decreases slightly
chamber. constant. and volume and volume
increases. increases.
GTE Which of the Annular, variable, Multiple can, Can, multiple can, Can, multiple can,
110 following types and cascade vane. annular, and can- and variable. and variable.
of combustion annular.
sections are
used in aircraft
GTE Secondary air increasing axial combustion. cooling. cooling.
111 in the velocity of gases.
chamber is
used for.
GTE A shroud flakes the carbon to prevents carbon builds up carbon prevents carbon
112 placed around minimise build up. deposits to assist build up.
fuel accumulations. atomisation.
GTE Carbon forming increasing the producing changing the fuel changing the fuel
113 on fuel spray combustion turbulent air spray angle. spray angle.
nozzles will chamber pressure flow.
have the effect ratio.
GTE Combustor air will film cool the is by-pass air. is considered as the will film cool the
114 that is not used liner and dilute total air flow. liner and dilute
to support combustion combustion
combustion. chamber exit chamber exit
temperature. temperature.
GTE At high main nozzle. primary nozzle. primary and the main primary and the
115 rotational nozzle. main nozzle.
speed at sea
level, a duple
burner would
be passing fuel
via the.
GTE The fabricated argon arc process. electric resistance oxyacetylene argon arc process.
116 liner of a flame welding. welding.
tube is
mainly by.
GTE Why is it To allow unburnt To prevent To allow fuel to To allow unburnt
necessary to fuel to drain away. pressure build-up return to LP when fuel to drain away.
117 have a in the combustion H.P cock is closed.
combustion chamber.
GTE The purpose of flame re- gas re- adequate mixing of gas re-circulation.
118 the swirl vanes circulation. circulation. fuel and air.
in the
chamber is to
GTE A vaporising with the airflow. across the against the airflow. against the
119 burner injects airflow. airflow.
GTE A duplex one for water one for low speed one for normal flow one for low speed
120 burner in a gas injection and one conditions the conditions and the conditions the
turbine engine for fuel flow. second used for 2nd one to increase second used for high
has 2 high speed the normalmaximum speed conditions.
orifices. conditions. flow.
GTE A combustion convergent inlet, convergent inlet, divergent inlet, divergent inlet,
121 chamber has divergent outlet. convergent convergent outlet. convergent outlet.
a. outlet.
GTE The three main impulse, vector, and reaction, impulse, reaction, impulse, reaction,
122 types of impulse-vector. converging, and and impulse- and impulse-
turbine blades diverging. reaction. reaction.
GTE What are the Stator and rotor. Hot and cold. Impeller and Stator and rotor.
123 two main basic diffuser.
components of
the turbine
section in a gas
GTE Turbine constant area divergent duct. convergent duct. constant area
124 impulse duct. duct.
blading forms
GTE The turbine increases air uses heat energy to drives the drives the
125 section. velocity to create expand and compressor section. compressor
thrust. accelerate the gas section.
GTE Where do Across the blade Across the leading Along the leading Across the leading
126 stress rupture root, parallel to the or trailing edge at edge, parallel to the or trailing edge at a
cracks usually fir tree. a right angle to the edge. right angle to the
appear on edge. edge.
GTE What is meant The turbine blades The turbine wheel The turbine wheel is The turbine blades
127 by a shrouded are shaped so that has a shroud or enclosed by a are shaped so that
turbine?. their ends form a duct which protective shroud to their ends form a
band or shroud. provides cooling air contain the blades in band or shroud.
to the turbine case of failure.
GTE Turbine nozzle decrease the direct the flow of increase the velocity direct the flow of
128 diaphragms velocity of the gases parallel to of the heated gases gases parallel to the
located on the heated gases the vertical line of flowing past this vertical line of the
upstream side flowing past this the turbine point. turbine blades.
of each turbine point. blades.
wheel, are
used to.
GTE Reduced blade shrouded turbine impulse type fir tree blade shrouded turbine
129 vibration and rotor blades. blades. attachment. rotor blades.
in turbines are
brought by.
GTE What term is Stretch. Creep. Distortion. Creep.
130 used to
describe a
permanent and
deformation of
GTE What is the Directs the gases in Supplies the power Increases the Supplies the power
131 major function the proper direction to turn the temperature of the to turn the
of the turbine to the tailpipe. compressor. exhaust gases. compressor.
assembly in a
GTE A turbine disk a disk at the core of a segmented or a shroud around the a disk at the core of
132 is. the engine that the complete shroud stators of the the engine that the
blades are attached on blade tips that turbine. blades are attached
to. reduces leakage. to.
GTE When carrying speckling. tip curl. colour changes. tip curl.
133 out a
borescope the
damage on
turbine blades
that would
indicate a
failure is.
GTE The active automatically adjusting stator ensuring turbine ensuring turbine
134 clearance adjusting engine vane position blade to engine case blade to engine case
control system speed to maintain a according to clearances are kept clearances are kept
aids turbine desired EPR. operating to a minimum by to a minimum by
engine conditions and controlling case controlling case
efficiency power temperatures. temperatures.
by. requirements.
GTE Turbine rear straighten the gas increase the increase the pressure straighten the gas
135 struts. flow. velocity of the gas of the gas flow. flow.
GTE Bowing of over-temperature over-speed under-temperature over-temperature
136 turbine blades condition. condition. condition. condition.
GTE On an impulse- impulse at the root reaction at the impulse and reaction impulse at the root
137 reaction and reaction at the root and impulse at all the away along and reaction at the
turbine blade tip. the tip. the blade. tip.
it is.
GTE Turbine creep turbine blades. turbine disks. N.G.Vs. turbine blades.
138 effects.
GTE Creep is. not found in a temporary a permanent a permanent
139 turbines. deformation of deformation of deformation of
turbine. turbine. turbine.
GTE Creep, has no effect on increases turbine decreases turbine increases turbine
140 overall. turbine diameter. diameter. diameter. diameter.
GTE How are Splined. Curvic couplings. Bolted. Bolted.
141 turbine disks
attached to
the shaft in gas
GTE An increase in prolonged high products of over speed. prolonged high
142 turbine temperatures and combustion. temperatures and
diameter is centrifugal loads. centrifugal loads.
caused by.
GTE Which of the Pitting. Galling. Cracking. Cracking.
143 following is
most likely to
occur in the
turbine section
of a gas
GTE Aluminium white or silver white powder black stains. white or silver
144 deposits on the speckles. traces. speckles.
turbine show
up as.
GTE An greater axial uniform axial greater axial velocity uniform axial
145 impulse/reacti velocity at the velocity from blade at the blade tip. velocity from blade
on turbine is blade root. root to tip. root to tip.
designed to
GTE Excessive turbine blade creep not a serious a serious fire risk in turbine blade creep
146 turbine and an increase in problem as long as the engine. and an increase in
temperatures the diameter of the engine oil pressure the diameter of the
can lead turbine. is within limits. turbine.
GTE What are blue Titanium. Aluminium. Magnesium. Titanium.
147 and golden
evidence of, on
a turbine
GTE Necking and is due to thermal is formed during is due to bending is due to thermal
148 mottling of stress. manufacture. when the gas hits the stress.
turbine blades.
GTE Impulse blades impulse blades the N.G.V's cool the airflow has a the airflow has a
149 operate cooler rotate at higher the air. higher velocity higher velocity
than reaction speeds. through a impulse through a impulse
blades turbine N.G.V. turbine N.G.V.
GTE During a dry motor the hand turn the attach a device to attach a device to
150 borescope engine at minimum turbine wheel. the accessory the accessory
check of the speed. gearbox and rotate gearbox and rotate
H.P turbine slowly. slowly.
GTE The turbine converts dynamic circulates air to extracts heat energy converts dynamic
151 section of a jetpressure into cool the engine. to drive the pressure into
engine. mechanical compressor. mechanical
energy. energy.
GTE The function of swirl and collect the collect the exhaust straighten and collect straighten and
152 the exhaust exhaust gases into a gases and act as a the exhaust gases collect the exhaust
cone assembly single exhaust jet. noise suppressor. into a solid exhaust gases into a solid
of a turbine jet. exhaust jet.
engine is
GTE A nozzle is sonic. subsonic. supersonic. sonic.
153 'choked' when
the gas flow or
air flow at the
throat is.
GTE The struts on straighten the gas support the support the exhaust support the exhaust
154 the exhaust flow only. exhaust cone and cone only. cone and straighten
cone. straighten the gas the gas flow.
GTE A nozzle is subsonic. supersonic. subsonic or subsonic or
155 'choked' when supersonic. supersonic.
the engine
inlet airflow
GTE What is the 180°. 50°. 135°. 135°.
156 maximum
practical angle
through which
the gas flow
can be turned
during thrust
GTE A supersonic convergent then divergent then a convergent duct convergent then
157 duct is. divergent along its convergent along that is choked at the divergent along its
length. its length. largest end at mach length.
GTE Noise from the high frequency, high low frequency, low low frequency, high low frequency, high
158 jet wake when decibel. decibel. decibel. decibel.
untreated by
GTE Hot spots on a faulty igniter an improperly a faulty combustion a faulty combustion
159 the tail cone of plug. positioned tail chamber. chamber.
a turbine cone.
engine are
indicators of a
fuel nozzle
GTE An exhaust increase and the decrease and the increase and the increase and the
160 cone placed aft velocity to velocity to velocity to increase. velocity to
of the turbine decrease. increase. decrease.
in a jet engine
will cause the
pressure in the
first part of
the exhaust
duct to.
GTE A convergent- requires the aircraft makes maximum produces a type of makes maximum use
161 divergent to be travelling at use of pressure thrust known as of pressure thrust.
nozzle. supersonic speeds. thrust. kinetic thrust.
GTE The velocity of decreases. increases. is inversely increases.
162 supersonic air proportional to the
as it flows temperature.
through a
GTE The Jet Pipe of protects the has an inner cone is convergent in protects the
163 a gas turbine airframe from heat to protect the rear shape to increase the airframe from heat
engine. damage. turbine disc. velocity as much as damage.
GTE For what To increase the To decrease the To increase the To increase the
164 purpose is the velocity and velocity and velocity and pressure velocity and
propelling decrease the increase the of the gas stream decrease the
nozzle of a gas pressure of the gas pressure of the gas leaving the nozzle. pressure of the gas
turbine engine stream leaving the stream leaving the stream leaving the
designed?. nozzle. nozzle. nozzle.
GTE If the exit area exit velocity lower will choke at a exit velocity lower, exit velocity lower
165 of the nozzle causing loss of lower gas negligible effect on causing loss of
was too large, thrust. temperature. thrust. thrust.
the effect
GTE A choked increases thrust. decreases thrust. has no effect on the increases thrust.
166 nozzle. thrust.
GTE The exhaust increase decrease impart a high exit impart a high exit
167 section is temperature, temperature, velocity to the velocity to the
designed therefore increasing therefore exhaust gases. exhaust gases.
to. velocity. decreasing
GTE Reverse thrust closed. 75% power open. closed.
168 can only be position.
selected when
the throttle
GTE A Convergent- makes maximum use produces a type of requires the aircraft makes maximum use
169 Divergent of Pressure thrust. thrust known as to be travelling at of Pressure thrust.
nozzle. kinetic thrust. supersonic speeds.
GTE On front fan hot and cold hot stream is cold stream is cold stream is
170 engines, to streams are reversed. reversed. reversed.
obtain thrust reversed.
GTE Exhaust noise lowering the increasing the increasing the jet increasing the
171 can be reduced vibration mixing rate. velocity. mixing rate.
by. frequency.

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