Biohacking:: COVID-19, The Flow State, Your Pantry and More!
Biohacking:: COVID-19, The Flow State, Your Pantry and More!
Biohacking:: COVID-19, The Flow State, Your Pantry and More!
During this particularly peculiar time in our species killing off many people, some of whom, just like us, put
history, many of us have been waiting in our homes, no thought into their nutrition and fueling their immune
waiting patiently for the Coronavirus, or COVID-19, to system’s power.
pass us by either through mild infection and additional The time is now. It’s not too late to adapt and pivot
recovery or by simply disappearing as quickly as it came. towards a diet and supplementation plan that will
But while most focused on the symptoms of this dreadful ensure your immune system has a fair chance when the
virus, many forgot about preparing to combat it on a COVID-19 and any other virus comes knocking at your
micro-level. door.
There are certain nutrients and foods that play a huge With all that being said, we’d like to present you with a
part in how well our body is prepared to fight and resist list of essential micronutrients and consumables that
viruses. Many of us have heard of some of these before, will add more pep to your immune system’s defence and
but have taken no action to consume them because the vitality. We’ll start with the essentials and then move on
situation did not seem too urgent or necessary at the to the extras. The asterisk ’*’ means that the element is
time. However, we are now in a completely different era. potentially best for combatting the COVID-19 virus.
A pandemic has taken the world by storm and is sadly
*Vitamin C – Preferred form as liposomal ascorbic acid Iodine – Preferred forms as elemental diatomic or/and
for high bioavailability ionic monoatomic
“A Micronutrient that contributes to immune defence by “A Micronutrient that also is known to have broad antiviral
supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and properties. These effects are mechanistically similar in
adaptive immune system.” 1 principle to iodine’s antibacterial activity.” (7)
*Vitamin D – Preferred form is D3 in liquid form or Folic acid – Preferred form as Methyl folate
capsules “A Micronutrient that can modulate the innate “A Micronutrient, when deficient alters the immune
and adaptive immune responses. Deficiency in vitamin D system’s functions and could lead to decreased resistance
is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an to infections, as commonly observed in folate-deficient
increased susceptibility to infection.” (2) humans and animals.” (8)
Copper – Preferred form is Bisglycinate
*Zinc - Preferred form is liquid sulphate, acetate or “A micronutrient, when deficient, impairs the immune
picolinate capsules “A Micronutrient that is a critical factor function and may be highly correlated with an increased
that can influence antiviral immunity, particularly as zinc- incidence of infection and higher mortality rates observed
deficient populations are often most at risk of acquiring in copper-deficient animals.” (9)
viral infections.” (3) Vitamin A – Preferred form is retinol
taken as capsules Vitamin E – Preferred form is all eight kinds of Tocopherol
“A Micronutrient that is crucial for maintaining mucus “A micronutrient that in many studies provided evidence
integrity in the body and enhancing immune function.” (4) that the immunostimulatory effects of vitamin E confer
improved resistance to infections” (10)
Probiotics – Preferred strains from Lactobacillus and
Bifidobacterium “Probiotics regulate host innate and
adaptive immune responses by modulating the functions
of dendritic cells, macrophages, and T and B lymphocytes”
(5) Selenium - Preferred form is methionine in capsules
“An essential Micronutrient that affects various aspects of
human health, including optimal immune responses.” (6)
*Glutathione – Preferred form as precursor N-acetyl- “This is an herb of which the antiviral and antimicrobial
Cysteine or straight as Glutathione in capsules or liposomal activities have been most commonly reported.”” (17)
“Two randomized placebo-controlled trials have shown *Silver – Best taken in Colloidal over nanoparticles
that treatment of HIV-infected patients with N-acetyl- “Recent studies have identified the broad-spectrum
cysteine caused in both cases a significant increase in all antiviral properties of silver nanoparticles against
immunological functions under test” (11) Oregano oil – respiratory pathogens, such as adenovirus, parainfluenza,
Taken as an extract in its natural form and influenza” (18)
“People have traditionally used oil of oregano for
respiratory health. It’s also become a popular alternative Chaga – Best taken naturally, powder or extract “This
remedy for cold and flu symptoms.” (12) is a Mushroom that is well known for its antimicrobial,
antiviral and antitumor properties. Therefore, scientific
Olive leaf extract – Taken as capsules or as liquid in research regarding the effects of Chagas has been centred
its natural form “An Herb that has antiviral properties around its common folk uses. (19)
due to the prevention of virus entry into the cells. It also
demonstrated inhibitory properties against fungi” (13) Pau d arco – Taken in its natural form or/as a hot beverage
*Quercetin – From whole food source or/with dihydrate ”This is a Bark that contains chemical compounds
form “A polyphenol derived from plants, Quercetin called naphthoquinones, specifically lapachol and beta-
has a wide range of biological actions including anti- lapachone. They seem to have antifungal, antiviral, and
carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties” antibacterial properties. They also contain significant
(14) amounts of the antioxidant quercetin.” (20)
Melatonin – Best taken as capsules, tablets or liposomal Now that you’ve taken some time learning about these
form “This is a hormone that modulates a wide range of nutrients, take some action and go acquire some. Do
physiological functions with pleiotropic effects on the it now while the idea is hot and the emotion is strong.
immune system.” (15) Viruses show no mercy to their victims, whether healthy
or unhealthy, but it is the healthy victims that stand more
Samento (cat’s claw) – Best taken as an extract in its of a fighting chance. Keep your body’s boxing gloves up
natural form and in its fighting stance. Add some of these elements
“The antiviral and immunomodulating in vitro effects from to your regular everyday diet and sleep soundly at night
Samento oxindole alkaloids displayed novel properties knowing that your immune system’s sentinel is never tired
regarding therapeutic procedures in Dengue Fever and and is always ready to squash any pesky viral invader with
might be further investigated as a promising candidate for strength and fortitude.
clinical application.” (16) Liquorice root – Best taken as an
extract in its natural from
Disclaimer: This document is only an extraction from other online sources about research evidence for immune strengthening and antiviral
properties. The author takes no responsibility for the credibility of information extracted nor the effectiveness of the application thereof on
Covid-19 or other diseases whatsoever.
Instagram: optiselfcoach
Twitter: Optiself
“The first and best victory is to
conquer self. To be conquered
by self is, of all things, the most
shameful and vile.” - Plato
Cold Run Therapy:How to use the cold weather to your body’s advantage 10
Bio- hack: Oil Cleansing Method - How to face the facts 14
Iridology and Biohacking 17
Covid, Chronic Disease and Herbs 20
Biohackers Pantry: Community Kitchen In times of social distancing 22
A family evening routine for a restful sleep 30
Nature’s Children :Let Mother Nature Tend your mind 34
Biohack – Read every day…and keep Dementia away 38
The Flow State 43
Beyond Supplements :How light
can impact your health and well-being 48
Is it worth investing in Smartwatches OR Fitness Trackers? 50
Closing the Ring Around Covid? 53
“When you compete
against everyone
else, no one wants to
help you. But when
you compete against
yourself, everyone
wants to help you.”
Simon Sinek
The Cold, given its potential to strengthen the immune Finland, a nation of 100 years. Today is a day of celebration
system, boost fat burning, shield the nerves, improve sleep and it seems that nature shows its best as well. The whole
quality, reduce pain, regulate blood sugar levels and much month of November was grey and the beginning of December
more, is the loving friend that we all need now in our lives. provided depressing darkness but today there is no escaping
These times require a strong immune system, which made from the sun shine. The rays are shining from a blue sky and
me think of an old hobby of mine: “cold running”. In this the motionless surface of the lake complements the view to
article I share a memorable cold running story of mine and further please the eye and the mind. Today, there is no need
tell you about three different Nobel Prize winning methods I for light therapy lamps to wake up! The swans are flying in a
use everyday to make myself stronger against diseases. This V-formation. A single, little bird is chirping in the snowy forest. I
story took place three years ago on the Finnish Independence feel like I am in Narnia or some other magical place. First, I look
Day. for the swans and then for myself: I find myself on the surface
brain, kills bacteria, and more. It is the main weapon for me
of the water. It is below zero degree centigrades, and against
against inflammation via increased blood flow. When NO is
any norm, I am wearing only a t-shirt and shorts but WOW - it
produced in the white blood cells (such as macrophages),
has been a while since I felt so ALIVE! I am with a friend, just
huge quantities are created and become toxic to invading
as crazy as I am, and we have been going on for more than an
bacteria and parasites. Before you call me crazy, check
hour while enjoying fully the limited supply of vitamin D while
out who received the 1998 Nobel Prize in physiology and
providing a proper challenge for our cardiovascular system.
According to current information, we are fighting against the
The body gets an amazing stimulus from the cold air so
formation of cancer cells through stress proteins, also called
that my mind can also concentrate on the essential: the
heat-shock proteins (cf. Hsf1). The stimuli in our bodies are
company and the view that a 100-year-old Finland can sure
partly due to running and partly due to the exposure to the
provide. The first people we encounter after a few kilometres
cold. The term ‘cold running’ (ie. running in the cold without
of running reveal that our shenanigans are not considered
proper clothing) is not very popular yet, but this is what the
normal by the other people. At that moment I can’t fathom
term denotes.
that kind of thinking as my pineal gland has begun to produce
huge amounts of ‘happy hormones’ and I am feeling almost
We started our journey from my home at 11:45 am, fueled
immortal. We say that we live in the north but how many
only by some coffee, polyporus tea and raw chocolate as
of us really expose ourselves to the northern conditions?
nourishment before heading out. There’s not a huge spike
We have a steady 21 degree centigrades in our houses and
in our blood sugar levels and we still enjoyed the autophagy
when we need to leave the house we put on puffy jackets
(“self-devouring”; regulated mechanism of the cell that
and walk straight into our heated car to take ourselves to our
removes unnecessary or dysfunctional components) going
destination. Sound familiar? How should our bodies know
on inside our cells. By the way, the award of the 2016
that we live in the north? There is no built-in GPS in our body.
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine went to a Japanese
autophagy researcher Yoshinori Ohsumi.
“Put some clothes on, for heaven’s sake! You’ll catch a cold!”
… “Don’t you think that you are a little underdressed for this
The first steps in the crispy, cold air come as a mild shock but
weather?” We’ve all heard these remarks from some family
from experience I know that right before the first kilometre
members. Ninety percent of the passers-by had these or
the suffering transforms into a feeling of being invincible.
similar remarks about our clothing but I didn’t heed their
Coldness turns into coolness and the body figures out that
advice. My friend cleverly always retorted to them “As long
today is not the easy way out from this and starts producing
as you stay moving, there’s no danger”. We know that these
heat. I have hardly been running during the summer and
comments come from a good place, but sometimes to grow,
my BMI indicates that I am slightly overweight, but now
you have to challenge yourself.Everybody knows that one
my step is springy and I am not even exhausted. This takes
person who catches a cold very easily. Have you noticed how
us to the second Nobel Prize winning method and it is as
they always dress so warm and even wear woolly socks in
simple as nasal breathing. The vasodilator gas, nitric oxide
the bed during summer? In theory, they live in a “southern”
(NO) is produced in the paranasal sinuses and is excreted
climate and they catch a cold because of that! To them, our
continuously into the nasal airways of humans. This NO will
cold running trip could be fatal. I can’t even remember the
normally reach the lungs with inspiration, especially during
last time I caught a cold or I was down with a fever because
nasal breathing and it protects the heart, stimulates the
my body is truly acclimated to the cold. I have been taking spreads across my body and my mind – I feel so euphoric that
fairly regularly dips in a hole in the ice or in cold plunge pools the colours intensify and I feel every ray of light to caress my
for nearly a decade. I can stay in 6 degree centigrade water exposed body that has been energized by the cold and the
(42.8 Fahrenheit) for 21 minutes. Water conducts heat (or cold sun. At this point, we get excited to take photos of the scenery,
in this case) four times faster than air due to the molecule perhaps to prolong the unique experience of being part of
density of water. So, I have been training my cold tolerance the northern nature. I think out loud, “The human body is so
and my body’s thermogenic ability quite a bit. And it’s easy! amazing, so adaptable!” My friend, who has been able to stay
Just expose yourself to cold in increasing amounts. A good over half an hour in a cold plunge pool, replies “The body is as
example of people who have a good tolerance of cold are the amazing as it wants to be, it only needs challenges”. Both of us
homeless; usually alcohol-ridden people who have spent give a little smile and it feels as if we were the first people to
their days and nights all year round outside exposed to the invent an aeroplane while everybody else is warning that we’ll
weather conditions. Their blood circulation on the surface end up as flat as pancakes. No way, we’re flying.
of the skin is boosted thanks to the survival mechanisms of
the body and alcohol. There is some evidence that alcoholics We reached my house after a two and half hours journey and
have greater amounts of brown adipose tissue (BAT), which we put the kettle on. We cycle through the photos that we took
can produce heat without vibrating (cf. muscle). BAT is during the trip as we ease into a chair. It’s only after the warmth
extremely good for your body: it burns calories while you are of the tea and house that we notice our bodies are really tired
exposed to the cold! BAT can also be found in animals that and weary. It was like the warm tea had given permission to
hibernate. our bodies, saying, “no worries , old buddy. It’s my turn to keep
you warm again”. I buried myself under a blanket and I felt my
Now our journey is nearing a half-way mark as we spot my body screaming for fuel. I burned twice the amount of calories
parents’ holiday home; a typical Finnish summer cottage. We on that trip. I just had two sandwiches and at 2 pm, I am ready
had decided in advance to take a dip in a hole in the ice when for a nap. “Flying” requires much more fuel than driving a car.
we arrive. When we reach the cottage, the mood is elevated
and I am even sweating.; mostly on my back, as the cold So, that is one of my favourite wintertime hobbies still today,
air cannot reach there so easily. We run into the ice water however nowadays I have added another Nobel Prize winning
almost immediately, as this something new for the both of technique into my repertoire: The Wim Hof Method (WHM for
us, combining cold running into a dip into the icy water. We short). Now the method itself didn’t win the prize but it uses
are hoping that the generated heat from the run will help the same complex cascade of processes involved. If you want
us in our experience. And it did exactly that! We didn’t stay to dive into the scientific papers behind it, Google ‘Nobel Prize
very long in the water and didn’t experience any shock from 2019’ or ‘hormetic hypoxia’. In a nutshell, with the breathing
the frigid pool. The actual process was a relatively easy new exercises you vary your oxygen levels and once you reach
feature for us. We dried ourselves and then I noticed that the hypoxia (low levels of O2), your kidneys start producing
heat escaped from the extremities to secure the function erythropoietin (EPO). EPO itself increases the production of
of core organs. This is a completely normal process when oxygen-carrying red blood cells. In turn, increased levels of red
your body fights against the cold exposure. We continue our blood cells affect O2 availability in the body because red blood
trip back to my place. The first kilometre running back feels cells are responsible for the transport of O2 from the lungs to
similar to the beginning of our journey but then the warmth all body tissues. (This is also why some endurance athletes use
EPO for doping— it increases their supply of oxygen-carrying viruses. WHM practice won’t keep COVID-19 from invading
red blood cells). Now I ask you, can you see the way this your body, but a strengthened immune system means a
could be possibly helpful to all of us? bigger arsenal to combat the infection, and therefore fewer
The smartest doctor in the room is always your body and and less severe symptoms.
the best way to dive into your own physiology is the Wim
Hof Method which consists of cold exposure and breathing Now, if you’re not feeling too well, and you’re looking to use
exercises. It lets you hear the softest whispers your body is the Wim Hof Method to fight off the infection, do not do the
trying to tell you before they turn into loud and painful cries. cold training parts of the method. When you’re sick, your
During the breathing exercises the heightened oxygen levels immune system has its hands full just fighting off the virus.
hold a treasure trove of benefits: more energy, reduced stress If you then expose yourself to the cold, you add another
levels, and an augmented immune response that swiftly stressor, forcing the immune system to divide its capacity
deals with pathogens. The technique can be found easily on and fight a war on two fronts. We all know how that worked
Google or on YouTube. Another reason to love this – it’s free! out in the past.
The 2014 Radboud study showed that WHM practice -Joonas Jaatinen, D.N
upregulates your immunity by increasing the production of
white blood cells and B-lymphocytes. These are the little Sources:
critters that protect you from foreign marauders such as
Wait wait wait; Oil and cleanse in the same sentence? Am What is the Oil Cleansing Method and how does it work?
I reading that right? How is oil supposed to cleanse my The Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) is a topical type of
face? I know what you’re thinking, ‘I’ve tried everything treatment that helps to combat acne and other facial
to help clear up my skin ranging from harsh chemicals detriments to the skin. You can make the treatment
to antibiotics. And now you want me to try oil?’ Well this yourself at home with just a couple of oils. It works by
article is here to address these questions and provide pulling the oil that your skin naturally produces, called
you with a full in-depth intro into this natural face- sebum, out of your pores and leaving your skin feeling
cleanser that is taking the acne, eczema, and general smooth and hydrated. Sebum is the leading cause of
skin-care world by storm. acne, due to its tendency to get stuck below the skin in
your pores, attracting bad bacteria that your immune
And what better time to try something new? Most of system responds to by becoming inflamed and creating
us are spending most of our time in our homes due to a pimple around the infected area.
COVID-19. Sometimes the best time to try something
new is when you don’t have an audience to pester you By rubbing natural, cold-pressed oils onto your skin,
everyday. (such as castor, almond, jojoba, grapeseed, or olive oil
to name a few of the most common) you are drawing out the Also, do an initial test on a small patch of skin to check for
excess sebum by dissolving it with the rubbing oils. possible allergies before rubbing it all over your face. Most
people aren’t allergic but better safe than sorry. My mix
The science behind it is actually quite simple. It goes back to a involves about 20% castor oil and 80% sweet almond oil but
basic rule of chemistry in relation to solvents. The short-hand you can use a wide variety of oils and research them further
rule is that ‘like dissolves like’. More scientifically speaking, to see what might work best for you. I’ve listed some common
polar substances tend to dissolve other polar substances ones below for each skin type:
(think about water, H2O and salt, NaCl) and nonpolar
substances tend to dissolve other nonpolar substances Oily - Grapeseed, pumpkin seed, sunflower
(think about sebum and other oils). Because Sebum and Acne-prone - Jojoba, hemp, castor oil
natural oils have a very similar chemical structure, they Sensitive - Camellia (for inflamed skin)
mix together quite easily, making it just about perfect for Dry - Avocado, extra virgin olive oil, almond
removing all the bacteria, dirt, makeup and everything else
sebum traps under your skin. How do you do this OCM?
It’s a simple process that takes less than 10 minutes.
What oils are best for this method? First, wash your hands with soap and water. After drying them,
It depends on what skin type you have; oily, dry, or a mix. As pour a small amount of castor oil into the palm of your hand.
a biohacker myself, I gave this OCM a try a few weeks ago. I Now pour a larger amount of your carrier oil into the same
still do it every night and my skin has never been clearer; but palm. Rub your hands together and mix the oils. Now, with a
I have made a few adjustments since I first began. When I first dry face, rub the oils all over, concentrating more on irritated
started, I used olive oil as my carrier oil (carrier here refers to or inflamed areas of the skin. Rub gently for at least a couple
its ability to soften up the thicker, antibacterial oil, in this ca of minutes.
se, castor oil) and it seemed to work for a couple of days, but
then I found my breakouts increasing. Second, take a soft washcloth, preferably cotton or microfiber,
and hold it under hot water until its wet and steamy. Now wring
After a bit more research I found that olive oil, although it out and then hold the cloth on each side of your face for at
effective for some, is largely problematic for a majority of least 30 seconds or until you feel the cloth starting to cool. This
people. I then made the switch to sweet almond oil, which opens up the pores of your skin allowing the oil to penetrate
is great for hydrating the skin too. Since then, my skin has deep into the layer of the skin where that nasty sebum is
become much clearer and smoother. I highly recommend hiding. Now, hold the cloth under hot water once more and
using castor oil if you have acne-prone skin, as it is rated after wringing it out, very softly wipe your face from the top
as one of the best oils for combating acne. You may have to down, gently soaking up any excess oil. Be sure to wash the
experiment a bit with some different oils until you find the cloth with soap and water to get all that oil off before using it
one your face likes best. for your next cleanse.
Lastly, if your skin is fairly dry, use a non-comedogenic again; so, they usually jump back on board and prep their oil
moisturizer to add some moisture to your skin after the rubbing fingers for more cleanses. I used to find it as sort of a
cleanse. Depending on the types of oil your using, you chore, but now it’s a habit I’m happy to do and actually look
shouldn’t really have to add a moisturizer to your skin after forward to; to the point that when I wake up in the morning,
the cleanse but for peace of mind, it can’t hurt to rub on a little I’m already telling myself that I can’t wait until bedtime just to
a few minutes afterwards. give myself this time to treat my skin.
And that’s it! You’re done! I usually do this at night to take off All in all, you have nothing to lose by trying this method. The
all that dirt and oil that’s accumulated during the day. Also, only side effects I’ve been able to find include skin redness or
sleep is when the body rests and heals, so it seems ideal to do irritation, but this seems to be very rare and is usually only if
this right before bed. the user has an allergy to the oil being used. And plus, if there
are side effects, who else is going to notice besides your fellow
When will I see results? cat and/or dog keeping your company during the quarantine?
I can’t speak for everyone but I saw results in two days. Not
perfectly clear but much better than before. After a week, The oils should cost less than $20 USD combined and it
it was easy to see that my skin was much healthier and the only takes 10 minutes at the most to do. It’s not an artificial
breakouts had all but disappeared. From what I’ve read and substance or a man-made chemical that will irritate your skin
researched, most people see results in a week’s time or less. further. Its all natural, its cheap, and it could be the answer to
And those that had more severe skin conditions saw results that clear, acne-free skin you’ve long been looking for.
in weeks or a couple of months. What I have heard is that
when people stop doing the OCM or switch to other harsh Dallas McClain
chemical cleansers, their skin relapses and begins to breakout Editor- in Chief
“The eyes are the windows to your soul....” It’s a very famous pharmaceutical drugs. I use mostly supplements, herbs and
saying. The eyes are in fact a window to your DNA code as well diets to fix whatever problems I observe in the patients I see.
as a good map for determining if you have any problems with
your body. By Problems, I am referring to parasitic infections, After all, most ailments are just afflictions which have
heavy metal overload, microbe imbalances, lymphatic beeninherited by a previous generation that did not eat
blockages and cholesterol problems. properly or bother to detox before considering to birth a child.
The children are born with not only the father’s afflictions but
In today’s pandemic-stricken world, we can even use the also the mother’s. Let me explain: A boy who has a stagnant
eyes to give us clues about our own immune system’s well- lymphatic system goes out one night and meets a good looking
being and preparedness to tackle such a foe as the now girl in a bar. They decide to start dating and unbeknownst to
infamous,COVID-19 virus. him, she has a microbe imbalance. After some time the two of
them decide to marry and have children. The child will be born
You can see everything in the eyes, even personality with a stagnant lymphatic system and a microbe imbalance.
characteristics determined by the fabric of one’s eye. We can
even determine how quickly or how well someone will heal Iridology is just a very deep detox, killing anything in your body
from a genetic flaw. Yes, I say genetic flaw because we inherit that prevents you from being you. When you go for an Iridology
a lot of our genetic weaknesses from our parents. Things session the Iridologist will use a special camera and take a
like Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle cell anemia, Marfansyndrome, photo of your eyes very much like the one here. With this photo
Huntington’s disease and autoimmune diseases just to name they will be able to determine what needs to be detoxed out of
just a few – are all examples of genetic inheritance; and these your body without using pharmaceutical drugs.
are probably just the tip of the Iceberg.
Everything will be natural as this science is traditionally used
I’man experienced Iridologist writing an article today to tell in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese medicine. Both of these
you that it’s possible to hack into your genetic code and cure philosophies are all Herbal practices, not Western medicine.
your bloodline of these diseases with a detox using non-
We incorporate superfoods such as Moringa, Coconut oil, before they start to take hold. If your immune system is
fermented foods, as well as supplements and herbs, like working properly things like the Coronavirus, Tuberculosis, Flu
Burdock root, Vitamin B12 and Diatomaceous Earth. We and Pneumonia will be destroyed long before you show any
also especially focus on healing diets, as well as things like symptoms of having these diseases.
saunas, steam rooms and massage.
The problem however, is due to eating poorly and toxin
We go back to very ancient ways of healing before the times overloads like heavy metals, fungus and microbe imbalances.
of Big Pharma. We do away with the mindset of just popping This leads to our immune systems not functioning properly
a pill to fix an affliction by actually digging which leaves us open to attacks from these pathogens.
deeper to find causes, rather than just treating symptoms. If
you go to a G.P. and tell them you have a headache they will In Iridology and Natural Medicine we look to build up peoples
most likely just give you a pill like Paracetamol, which is a natural immune systems by making changes to the way you
mild painkiller. However if you go to an Iridologist they will eat, detoxing fungi, correcting any microbe imbalances which
dig deeper and ask themselves, “why do you actually have could’ve been caused by taking too many Antibiotics, and
the headache? And What’s causing the headache? Let’s look detoxing Heavy Metals out of your body like Mercury, Sulfur
at that and treat that rather.” or Copper. We bring your body back into its natural state and
Most people are given a very strong immune system, one that restore the balance to make it the fighting, impenetrable
is more than capable of fighting off any serious infections machine it was meant to be.
Claire Svoboda was born and studied Claire enrolled in an Iridology and Natural
Sports Therapy in South Africa. She has Medicine Course through the School of
been actively involved in Alternative healing Natural Medicine where she learned to
from a very young age. Claire has worked combine her body Therapy techniques
alongside Chiropractors, Homeopaths, with Natural Medicine. Her approach to
Herbalists and Counselors healing together healing is a holistic approach where she
as a team to help patients get back on aims to find and deal with causes rather
track through an alternative treatment to than symptoms.
Western medicine. After moving to the UK,
“Be fearful that in a
month’s time, you will
be in exactly the same
place that you are right
- Steve Sims
We live in a high tech world and yet every year more and more small air sacs which release oxygen into the bloodstream and
people suffer from chronic and infectious diseases. Now, the absorb carbon dioxide.
strange virus known as Covid -19 has literally changed all our
lives – and is especially affecting those who have chronic When the virus enters the body, it is not looking for just
conditions like diabetes, hypertension and obesity. any healthy cell but one type in particular – those that
are expressing a high amount of something called ACE2
Have you wondered why chronic disease is so common – and (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 to be technical). We’ve all
whether it is avoidable? As a herbalist, I know the power of seen the diagram of the virus with its little ‘arms’ and when
plant medicine to restore and protect the body – a power those arms find high ACE2 cells, they dock on and start their
that has been proven over thousands of years and may now work. Let’s understand better what’s going on from a recent
be more needed than ever. letter to The Lancet magazine written by distinguished medical
Covid-19 is referred to as a virus but it is not actually a living experts:
thing. It’s more like a piece of a molecule and since it cannot
replicate alone it aims to get inside healthy cells in the What type of cells become high in ACE2?
human body and use them to multiply and infect more cells. Those in the lung, intestine, kidney, and blood vessels.
This virus can attack organs like the kidneys, brain and lungs
while also depriving the blood of essential oxygen. This Who tends to have high ACE2 cells?
happens because, once inside the respiratory system, it can People who suffer from diabetes, hypertension and metabolic
travel down its many branching airways as far as the alveoli, disease
What do doctors give patients who have these problems? When it comes to recovery from covid type symptoms, I keep
ACE inhibitors and ARBs seeing how good our Expert Herbalist Cough formula is for
nourishing, protecting and restoring the lungs. It is full of
What effect do these drugs have on the body? antibacterial and antiviral herbs that particularly nourish
They actually increase the amount of ACE2 expressed by lungs, stop spasm and clear phlegm.
cells, making the person even more susceptible to Covid-19
virus and less able to fight it off. So both chronic disease and For maintaining good health, of course we need to address
the conventional treatment for it may be putting people in all the lifestyle causes of inflammation. Meanwhile to help
danger from this strange new virus. It seems that we need to strengthen and protect the immune system, Expert Herbalist
go back to examine the cause of chronic disease and how it Resist herbal formula can be taken long term at a maintenance
can be addressed. dose. Also very important is Vitamin D3, along with food-state
That’s simple – the cause is Inflammation - and inflammation Vitamin C. Those with low levels of vitamin D have been seen
is the immune system’s biological response to aging, stress, a to be more susceptible to covid. Elderberry is useful, too, as it
poor diet high in processed food and sugar, excessive alcohol, helps prevent the virus from attaching to the lung by coating
lack of exercise, obesity and other medical conditions. the alveoli receptors.
In the thinking of traditional Chinese medicine, this We are working on new formulas all the time, so be on the
inflammation creates a propensity for heat within the body lookout for additions to our range and feel free to get in touch
– and heat can lead to a stagnation of body fluids, especially if you need specific health advice. Meanwhile, to learn more
blood stagnation. There is a whole range of herbs that can about herbs and good health, download our free e-book,
efficiently clear this heat and stagnation, without unpleasant ‘Herbs and the Human Body’. Live well, love well, stay well.
or dangerous side effects – and many of them are in our
Resist herbal formula.
Traditional Chinese Medicine expert and Osteopath, It was during his studies in the Far East that Matt saw
Matt Jackson has launched the UK’s first range of the role of herbal medicine in the everyday health and
Chinese herbal formulations for modern health wellness of people. He saw that using herbal remedies
problems. was powerful and effective without the side-effects of
many modern drugs.
The Expert Herbalist range harnesses the ancient Matt has created the Expert Herbalist range to offer
wisdom of the East, where herbal medicine has been people the benefits of herbal medicine in a way
used for centuries to heal the body and promote a that is convenient and easy to use. He has created
healthy long life. combinations of herbs that work synergistically and
are safe for regular use.
Matt comes from a medical family but felt drawn to a
more natural approach to health and optimal wellness. The Expert Herbalist range is the result of Matt’s 25
His studies have taken him to the Himalayas where he year’s experience and he is passionate about helping
began a 4-year monastic training and China, where he people to have access to these powerful herbal
studied herbal medicine and acupuncture, working in remedies so they can live a happier, healthier long life.
hospitals alongside leading Chinese doctors.
In the UK, Matt studied at the London School of Oriental Matthew Jackson Somerset Health Practice
Medicine and the London School of Osteopathy.
I am writing this article while sitting on the steps of our Our ancestral home is usually empty in the summer months
ancestral home in a small village in Gujarat, India, where my and this was the first time I would open the doors of this grand
family and I have resided for the last 3 months during the house and be the head of the kitchen. With my boys’ healthy
Covid 19 epidemic. This is a far cry from my usual lifestyle appetites, my first call of action was to stock the kitchen pantry
in London where I was born and raised. Although I have with staples to see us through at least a few months. Unlike
been living on and off in India for the last 10 years, I grew the city this wasn’t a simple trip to the supermarket to fill my
accustomed to the city life of Mumbai and Delhi with all trolley with easy to cook ingredients. Everything was locally
conveniences at hand. sourced, mostly seasonal or in whole grain form and there was
no processed foods, which was actually a bonus! Although it
When the Covid 19 pandemic hit India, my husband and is far more laborious making meals in the village, what else
I decided the best place for our family was in our ancestral was there to do except embrace the experience and enjoy
home in the village. Giving up modernity and luxuries we the traditional preparations of wholesome meals. What I had
packed our bags and headed to Gujarat before the borders always believed in theory, about sticking to the ancestral diet
were sealed and social distancing became the norm for the and lifestyle, not only proved to be true for our health but also
foreseen future. For me the village offered safety, freedom to our pockets.
for my kids to run around, plentiful local produce and most
of all, a sense of community.
I don’t expect everyone to hide away in a remote village This would probably not have happened in the city. For me
during these times but I do believe that anyone can adopt it was this sense of community and rallying round to support
the principles I have learned whilst being here. Let me share each other that showed me the importance of charity. When
with you, not only how to biohack your pantry for optimal you do go to the supermarket, try to contribute a few items
health but also save you trips to the supermarket in times of to charity for those in need. When you are clearing out your
social distancing. Soon enough the world will start to open kitchen cupboards and find tins or packets of food that you
up again but it is important we continue some of the lessons might not use, donate them. If anything I believe we have
we have learned during this time. learned how important a sense of community is through
all this. Even when this is all behind us, let us not forget the
How do we move on from here and still stay safe? importance and impact of giving.
peelings - they don’t like those! Food that is still consumable At first I was in despair at not being able to order my favorite
but in excess is either up-cycled into other dishes or offered take out, but eventually once my body got all the nutrients it
to those who may not have enough to eat. Whether it is a needed from the wholesome foods I cooked at home, my health
bowl of rice, a few chapatti or some vegetables, they are improved and the cravings disappeared. Select the freshest
always gratefully received by someone in need. produce with the longest shelf life and choose whole grains
instead of refined and processed foods. Pulses and legumes
Payment for small jobs is often given in grains or produce will give you the protein you need plus essential nutrients with
from their farms instead of money. Even the miller takes a long shelf life.
payment in grains for those who bring their harvest to be
milled. He then sells the flour to others and makes his money Use spices and herbs for flavour and micronutrients. To boost
that way. Be mindful of food waste and if you have made my family’s immune system or cure the most common ailments
extra on occasion then maybe offer to a friend or neighbor from colds, coughs and even cuts, I turn to my spice cupboard.
who would appreciate the gesture. These have to be on the essentials list not just for flavour but
for optimal health. I noticed in all the time I have been here
Planning meals that people very rarely get sick and they rarely go to the GP
Take stock of what you already have in your pantry cupboards or hospital. They go to the local Vaid (Ayurvedic Practitioner)
and refrigerator. Fruit and vegetables that I wasn’t going to who learned the science of ayurveda from his forefathers. His
use before they spoiled I chopped up and put in freezer bags methods of healing and future prevention of ailments is all
for later use. We often buy way more than we need, hoard it or natural and mostly plant based. What keeps them healthy is
throw it away. I would recommend trying it out for yourself. a combination of their daily routine, diet, low stress levels and
Use everything you already have in the house before you go a sense of community and belonging. Nobody is alone here
shopping. This way you rotate products that may never see or goes hungry and that is what keeps them living up to and
the light beyond the cupboard doors. Be more adventurous beyond 100 years of age.
with the ingredients at hand and substitute ingredients that
are not available. Get creative! The lack of modern facilities and doing things the traditional
way meant I did not have a microwave, oven, toaster, kettle,
Buy multi purpose ingredients, ones you can use to create food processor or electric whisk! - All things that most regard
more than one meal. Plan meals and shopping lists of as kitchen must-haves in Urban homes. For the last 3 months
necessities to avoid unnecessary items and overspending, non stick pans were out and traditional pots and pans came
especially with fresh produce. back into use. I can tell you, hand on my heart, that I have not
missed a single one. I learned to turn my pressure cooker into
What does your body need rather than what your taste buds an oven, I made tea the Indian way on the stove and I am in love
want? Choose ingredients that have high nutritional value, with the old durable cookware that has lasted since the 1950’s.
vitamin, minerals and antioxidants to boost immunity. It is
far easier for me to do that here than in the city because of all Not only are there no toxins leaching into our food anymore,
the temptation of snacks and fast food options that comes but I am fortifying my food with trace minerals from the
with city-life. But since going out to eat or even ordering in cookware, such as iron and earth minerals from clay. Why not
became a risk, everyone got back to home cooked meals and give your cookware a check and get rid of anything that may be
were probably a lot healthier for it; I know I was. toxic such as aluminum or scratched non stick pans. Replace
them with cast iron, ceramic or stainless steel.
Keep a well stocked pantry ingredients and recipes that my ancestors prepared here in the
Stock up on staples like whole grains, beans and lentils. village and tasted food they would have enjoyed.
These will provide you with a good source of carbohydrates,
protein and essential nutrients. Try to stick to ones that are My daily routine here is probably not so far removed from
from your ancestral diet or are local for the most benefits. Try hers: rising early, doing the chores, cooking for my family
and find local ethnic stores as the products may be cheaper and chatting on the steps of our home to the neighbors in
and in bigger packs. the evening before retiring to sleep under the ceiling fan. Our
ancestors held on to tradition, and no matter where in the
A little tip; before storing grains and legumes, run a few world they lived, they were reluctant to change and for good
drops of oil such as sunflower through them to preserve shelf reason too. They had simple and nutritious diets that kept
life and avoid pests. Rinse thoroughly before use and always them healthy and strong till old age.The more ancient the diet,
pre-soak legumes before cooking. the better it is for you . The benefits of the ancestral diet have
been extensively researched by Steven Le’s and documented
Ancestral diet in his book, ‘100 Million Years of Food: What Our Ancestors
Our eating habits have changed drastically in only a Ate and Why It Matters Today.’ Science aside, ancestral eating
generation or two, as have the health risks we face because habits cut down on ingredients and decision making. Most
of them. Think back to your childhood or your grandma’s traditional eating habits rotate foods and are seasonal rather
kitchen and the food memories and flavours it evokes. than too much variety. I am sure a relative would be absolutely
I’m pretty sure nothing you have eaten this week could be thrilled to share some recipes.
recalled with as much fondness. I know I have rediscovered
My Pantry
These ingredients work for me and mine, so please feel free to use them as
a guide. My Pantry is predominantly influenced by my ancestral diet, but
most of these ingredients are versatile in creating flavours from all over the
world. If you trace back your ancestral diet as far back as you can, it won’t
differ too much from one person to the next. Most of it is found in nature
and unprocessed, only the flavour profile and regional varieties may differ.
Millets & Pseudo-grains Amaranth Amaranth is an ancient grain and is rich in fiber, protein
Pearl millet and is gluten free. A good source of manganese, magne-
sium, phosphorus and iron. Improves brain function and
Finger millet
strengthens bones.
Sorghum High in phenolic acids that act as an antioxidant. Regu-
lates cholesterol and insulin production.
Legumes Chickpeas white and black variety Mung bean bought in any form whether fresh, dried,
Split Chickpeas (Chana Dal) whole, split, husked, sprouted or ground has so many uses
Beans and benefits. It is the super legume high in protein, fiber,
Chickpea flour (Gram flour/Besan)
rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals. sprouted mung
Lentils Kidney beans beans also contain reduce levels of phytic acid, an anti-nu-
Black Gram (Urid) whole/split trient that reduces the absorption of minerals. antioxi-
Mung whole/split dants reduce risk of diabetes, heart disease, heat stroke.
Split Red Lentils (Masoor) Aid healthy gut biome. Perfect food for stages in life.
Split Pigeon Peas (Toor)
Hyacinth Beans (Vaal)
Black Eyed Peas (Lobia)
Sweeteners Natural cane sugar brown and white Jaggery/ Gur is made from unrefined cane sugar and
contains trace amounts of micronutrients including iron,
Jaggery (Gur) potassium, magnesium, and B-vitamins. Jaggery is great
for digestion and many more health benefits.
Raw Honey local and organic
Food Group Ancestral Ingredients My Star Ingredient
Spices Turmeric Individually Black Pepper & Turmeric have huge benefits
Red Chillies dry whole/ ground to health, but as a duo they amplify benefits by 2000%.
Cumin seeds
Together they improve digestion, immunity, kidney and
Coriander seeds
liver function, skin, teeth, appetite. They also help reduce
Black Mustard seeds weight, gas, congestion, arthritis, depression, cancer risk,
Fenugreek seeds inflammation, diabetes risk and probably a lot more.
Fenugreek leaves dried
Fennel seeds
Carom/ Bishops weed seed (Ajwain)
Himalayan Salt
Black Pepper
White Pepper
Curry Leaves (dried)
Fenugreek leaves (dried)
Cardamom green
Black Cardamom
Tej Patta Indian Bay/Cinnamon leaves
Garcinia indica (Kokum)
Star Anise
Garam masala (own blend)
Chai masala (own blend)
Ground Ginger
Fats Ghee Ghee is liquid gold and nourishes the whole body. Ghee
has SCFA (short chain fatty acids) the best kind. Promoting
Coconut oil fat burning, gut flora, healthy heart, brain function and
radiant skin. Reduces the glycaemic index in foods. Regu-
Sunflower oil lates blood sugar levels, thyroid function.
Sesame oil I make my own it is fairly easy. However, it has become
more widely available globally.
Miscellaneous Pickles Indian Pickles
Popadoms/Papad Whether they are Indian or not doesn’t matter as long as
Vadi dried lentil cakes they have gone under the fermentation and preservation
process, they will aid your digestion system and allow
Homemade savouries your gut biome to flourish. they also add so much depth of
Tea flavour to a meal.
Khichadi- Indian lentil and rice dish Chai Masala (Spice blend for Indian tea
Everyone should have a stock cupboard recipe or two up
25g Cloves
their sleeve that is easy and nutritious for the whole family. 35g Cardamom pods green
Khichadi is that perfect meal. It has 84% more absorbable 80g Black Peppercorns
protein than chicken and rice, at a fraction of the cost. You 100g Ground Ginger
60g Whole Cinnamon or 40g Ground
can add a variety of vegetables and spices to liven it up too,
1/2 Nutmeg grated
along with the added nutritional benefits. It is the perfect
food from weaning babies to wise elders. Enjoy with ghee for 1. Place all the whole spices in a spice or coffee grinder until it’s a
optimal absorption of nutrients and homemade yogurt for fine powder.
added probiotics. 2. Combine with the remaining ground spices and transfer to an
airtight jar or tin.
3. You will never need to buy an expensive Chai latte again!
Serves: 4
4. Add a pinch to your tea, or if you’re like me and prefer going
caffeine free (or don’t drink tea), then enjoy in hot milk or even use
1 1/2 cup Rice
for delicious spiced desserts as you would a pudding spice blend.
1 1/2 cups Mung Dal/Green gram split with or without husk
1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
How to make Indian tea
1 tsp Cumin seeds
750ml Water
1 cup water
Salt to taste
1 cup milk
2 tsp loose tea extracts leaves depending on strength
1. Ghee to serve.
1/4 tsp chai masala
2. Wash and Soak the split mung and rice in water for 1 hour; then
Sugar to taste
3. Transfer to a large pot or pressure cooker and add 750ml water.
1. Optional 1/2 tsp fresh grated ginger
Add turmeric, cumin seeds and salt.
2. Add the water, tea leaves, sugar and spices to a pan.
Cook on a medium heat until almost all the water is absorbed into
3. On a medium heat, bring to a boil for 2 minutes.
the khichdi.
4. Add milk and bring back to a boil; don’t walk away, as it can boil
Put the lid on and turn down the heat for a further 5 minutes.
(If cooking in a pressure cooker, allow to cook for 10 minutes or
5. Once it comes to a boil lower the heat and simmer for 4 minutes.
two whistles on medium heat. Then switch off. Do not remove the
6. Then carefully pour tea through a strainer into a pot or cups and
lid; leave it to rest for 10 minutes).
discard the tea leaves.
Fold in a tablespoon of ghee and serve extra on the side if needed.
7. Enjoy this warming cuppa and the amazing health benefits. It
Note: If you prefer a looser consistency, especially for babies, then
strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation, helps
just another 200ml of water while cooking. Also experiment with
blood circulation, improves metabolism, aids digestion, prevents
different split lentils (I use Toor Dal/Pigeon Peas split or Masoor
colds and coughs, enhances one’s mood and so much more.
Dal/Red split lentil quite often).
Sonal Patel is a Chef and Wellness Educator Spice Chakra, a conscious food and well-being
working with families in the UK and India to company. As a mother of two boys while living
build conscious cooking and lifestyle habits. between two continents, her current focus is
After appearances on Masterchef in the UK, on biohacking for children and using food as a
she journeyed to India to further explore the powerful medicine.
culinary teachings of her rich ancestry and
Ayurveda. It was there where she started Facebook: Sonal Patel
Instagram: spicechakra
– Leonardo da Vinci
We all know that sleep is pretty important. What many What about an occasional night out, you may ask. Although it’s
of us don’t realize is how critical it is to our overall health not great and you may feel tired, irritated and spaced out, a
and wellbeing. When we’re talking about sleep we mean night without sleep won’t seriously harm your health. What’s
deep and restful, not the ‘tossing and turning’ kind. Sleep really important is making sure you’re getting enough sleep
is critical to supporting your immune system! Studies show on a daily basis. Quality rest will not only help you maintain
that not getting enough of it can leave you more vulnerable your physical and mental wellbeing but can also resolve some
to viruses. underlying issues that are making your life more difficult. That
being said, you should treat sleep as a necessity, a base of your
Lack of sleep can also affect the speed of your recovery if everyday living.
of that, a recent study conducted at University of Washington can learn how to get a restful sleep every night. All you have to
exposed that the time needed for the vaccine to do its job remember is that practice makes perfect, and getting your body
took 2-3 times longer in the group of the sleep-deprived into a routine is key with those techniques. And remember,
subjects compared to the well-rested ones! Not getting there’s no better time to start than NOW!
and diabetes, just to name a few! Everyone is different and so are our sleeping needs. In an ideal
world, you would have the time to go to sleep and wake up
in line with your body’s internal clock, without worrying Take a warm (not hot) bath - it will help you reach an ideal
about putting the alarm on. Lockdown is the ideal time to temperature for rest. Try adding a few drops of lavender
run this experiment, as we all have more time to sleep-in. essential oil for some relaxing aromatherapy.
All you have to do is make sure all of you go to bed and Do yoga - Gentle stretches and asanas will help you relax the
wake up at your natural times. The next day repeat that, muscles. Remember to not overdo it!
but make sure to write down the time everyone fell asleep Have a warm drink - Ayurveda advises warm milk with
and woke up the next morning. That will give you an idea nutmeg as a natural sleep aid. You can also try a relaxing
of how much sleep everyone requires and so you can start herbal tea.
adjusting your evening routine to make sure you all get
enough sleep. Relax the mind:
Meditate - It will help you clear and calm the mind.
2. Program your brain for sleep Make a to-do list for the next day - Getting it all out on paper
We humans like things being regular. And so your brain will help your brain let go for the night. It’s especially good if
likes to rest at the same time every night. Once you find you’re suffering from ‘evening anxiety’.
out how much sleep you all need you can start setting the Distract the mind by reading or listening to stories - It will
daily routine by scheduling bedtime for all of you. It can be help you fall asleep more easily and it’s something you can
difficult to start with but will get easier with time once your practice with your children.
body and mind get used to the regularity. Remember, it’s
not all set in stone and leave room for flexibility, as there 5. Get some herbs
may be days when it simply won’t be possible. Herbs are a natural way of helping you achieve a healthy
body and mind. Instead of reaching for the sleeping pills
3. Consider your productivity try one of the following teas next time! You can include a
We all have different working styles and although many relaxing herbal tea in your family’s daily evening routine.
things can be adjusted, some just can’t. If you are most The best herbs for facilitating sleep are:
productive in the early mornings and you like to get things
done before the kids get up, try going to sleep an hour or Passiflora Chamomile Valeriana
two before your scheduled bedtime. This way you won’t Lemon Balm Lavender
have to sacrifice your sleep for morning productivity and
you won’t disturb your circadian rhythm too much. If 6. Ditch the screens
you are more productive in the evenings give yourself a Don’t use your smartphone for at least an hour before
deadline for going to sleep, especially if you have to get up going to bed. The blue light emitted from screens including
early in the morning. phones, Ipads, laptops, can delay the release of melatonin,
increase alertness and disrupt your body’s internal clock!
4 Find time to unwind Planning this evening downtime will be easier once you
Although resting before getting rest may sound strange to know your sleeping schedule. This can become the perfect
you, it will actually help you fall asleep faster. Noone’s got time for some self-care and family time, especially if you’re
the time to do it all but try at least some of the following: finding it difficult to gather everyone together regularly! You
Relax the body
can also use this time to take a bath, read or put your kids Now you’re equipped in the necessary knowledge to approach
to bed. Not using screens can help you squeeze in some your evening routine like a true biohacker! Remember that the
quality time with yourself and your loved ones! key is trying out different techniques and finding what works
for you. It will take some time but once you find that perfect
7. Prepare the room routine for yourself and the family, your body and mind will
You now know how to prepare your mind and body for a thank you for it!
restful sleep. What’s left is getting your bedroom ready.
As you’re falling asleep your body temperature drops, ABOUT THE AUTHOR:
that’s why the best temperature for sleep is between 17-
19 degrees! For babies and toddlers, it should be slightly
higher - about 21-23 degrees. Make sure the room is dark,
quiet and comfortable. Investing in a good quality mattress Author: Karolina Ba
CEO & Founder of
is always a good idea! Your bedroom should be a relaxing THEENK TEA | www.
environment, try to keep the TV and other electronic
devices out.
power to affect groups of atoms and
even tamper with the odds of atomic
behavior, and that even the course
of the world is not predetermined
by physical laws but may be altered
by the uncaused volition of human
months. Every nation, state, even continent is experiencing problems dissolved in an uncomplicated shift, each gaining
this change in differing ways. As a Natural Biohacker, my new perspectives simply by being more connected to Nature.
Home’ did not always mean Stay Inside. Alas this was not meet the sea, where the Atlantic spills into the Mediterranean
understood by many, nor even possible for others. and where the sun rises behind the mountains of Africa and
sets on the beaches of Europe. It was magical.
Recently I moved to the UK. Prior, I spent the last ten I’d sit with my clients on the big sand dune, looking at the
years living and working in Southern Spain practicing as a snow capped mountains of Morocco and gently say that the
psychotherapist. It was there that I developed my practice, sand dune can’t be controlled. Every grain is always moving.
initially inspired by Richard Louv and his book ‘Last Child I’d explain that the sand blows in from Morocco and does not
in the Woods’. I added what I called Nature Sense: a type just land in Spain, but can also be found from the shores of
of outdoor therapy. I found that when I took my practice Iceland across to the beaches in the Caribbean.
When we spoke about Nature, strangely instead of their have to know how to hear the call of Nature and understand its
presenting issue, in time my clients would find a connection healing language.
and resolve for their story. They found metaphors
everywhere we went. For instance experiencing the dune, From the Lockdown in London I have looked to my friends in
with no control, they could finally begin to feel safer in a Spain and shuddered at the draconian measures put in place
world where control is difficult. Other’s found different to curb the virus. They locked them from life, from nature,
messages and we all relate to nature in our own particular from light. I was thankful that going outside was encouraged
way. in the UK and other countries. The extremely dangerous virus,
the longer lasting illness, were both constant messages from
I recall one client specifically who had more money than the news that cheaply peddled fear to keep people inside lit
he’d ever be able to spend. He came to me because he was up with the sickening blue light of their screens. People were
so unhappy. It’s called Paradise syndrome! I took him to dying unnecessarily, as the culture of the west is more focused
a wild beach by an ancient Roman town, complete with a on symptom-led treatment, not prevention.
crumbling amphitheatre, but now only inhabited by sand
voles, birds and creeping cats. On the rocks there were some There was almost no mention from the governments of
even more ancient footprints - Tumbas as referred to by the the world about the necessity of natural Vitamin D, of
locals. They were hollows made by the Phoenicians over a supplementing with Zinc or a host of other immunity makers,
thousand years ago. There, in the far past they’d leave their or of adaptogens. Fear was wrapping the government in one
dead, offered to the ever circling vultures that still fly above. direction and its people in others. Biohackers were not claiming
Now much less foreboding, the Tumbas appear as gentle solutions, only insights on how to reduce your risk, perhaps
grooves surrounded by wild flowers and sunshine. taking a potential hospital stay from 3 weeks, to a simple high
temperature at home, if anything at all. An observation on how
My client, however, felt compelled to lie in one. I just held humanity has been dealing with viruses from the dawn of time
the space. We walked back in silence. There was no need seemed to be blocked!
for words, it was what is known in Japanese as “Yuugen”,
meaning feelings too deep for words. Life for him changed The shameful situation followed where people of color with
after that. He traded in his Italian loafers and meticulously foundational jobs were dying disproportionately because
tailored jacket for board shorts and a campervan (albeit high no one told them that the sun needs to kiss their skin each
end!). His grey, laptop face started to shine, well-alive and day. The fear of offence by the grey power was over riding a
tanned. More importantly, without doubt he became much biohackers fundamental arsenal.
happier and it was that day where his change began.
Nature is our connection, it is our balance and remedy to In my world, in emotional and mental health, the reality is
the ever modern indoor life. As a natural biohacker, I have horrendous. People calling up their doctors and getting
to connect with Nature every day in order to earth myself antidepressants for an anxiety that’s trying to deliver a real
and buffer the technology - that is the reality of my world. and present message. If some doctors could only say one thing
But this does not have to be on the shores at the edge of the and tell these people who are at home for weeks on end - to go
world. I can do this in London. We all can do this, we just outside for a walk, breath in the trees, put your face to the sun,
sleep with the dark and rise with the light it would help so
many to feel better. ITs also simple, free advice.
2. Play 3’s. Sit quietly and hear three natural things, see 7. Explore gardening or if that’s not cool - gerilla
three natural things and touch three natural things. Take gardening. Find a scrubby place and secretly do it up. Buy
your time. seeds and make your world a better place.
3. Breathe. Find somewhere to sit - or even lie down. Practice 8.. Explore circadian living. Get up with the light and sleep
deep belly breathing. Hold it and breathe out longer. Take a with the light. Introduce candles to evening meal time. Let
big breath and hold it for 5 seconds and then releasing it for the kids light them;doing ‘dangerous’ stuff is important.
7 seconds. Also try to ‘box breathe’. As long as you hold and
release, you’ll trigger your anatomic system to move from 9. Go to a farmers market. Don’t just buy but ask about the
your stress side to your regenerative side - sympathetic to stuff you’re buying. These are people who are passionate
parasympathetic. about what they do. Buy fruit and vegetables that are
4. Lean against a tree, or put your feet on the grass, weird shapes and have a little dirt on them. Support good
or sink your hands into the earth. This is grounding or agriculture.
earthing. It balances out your energy and aligns it with the
planet. Reflect when the last time it was that your body 10. We know the names of brands more than we do the
touched the actual globe that we spin on. Do this often. names of trees and flowers. Change that.
5. Make a pesto! Collect nettles (wear oven gloves!) and 11. Hold meetings outside, for your family, friends and
dump them in hot water when you get home to take out the business. Spread the awareness.
sting. Then whizz them up with olive oil and salt and some
pine nuts. Presto - you have Pesto - free food in the city! Above all, play. If you don’t have children, discover the child
within you. If you do this on the street, it’s not so forgiving.
6. Get free therapy. Tell a tree your problem. Let your If you do it in nature, it’s rarely questioned. Why is that? Its
child know it’s safe to tell the tree it’s biggest secret, fear or because Nature is our Happy Place. We’ve just forgotten this
confession. It feels good. It may give them the courage to tell prime truth. It is a family feeling, a wise grandparent. It’s our
you. Go back to the same tree often. Tell it good stuff too. baseline biohack that’s free and makes us feel better than a
Watch how it changes in the seasons. Watch how your child pill or a static bike in a basement. Love nature and it will love
grows with it. us back and protect us like the child of it that we are.
“Leaders are readers.” “Those who read, succeed.” Almost up this new habit. It will not only add immense value to our
all of us know these common expressions but when do we everyday life, but also help keep us from going crazy from all
ever think about the proof behind them? That would take that time spent in lockdown.
research, and then that would mean reading. It’s one of those
things that we know we should do, but just like starting a I didn’t discover the immense value that reading carries until
diet, going to the gym, or any other healthy habit, its not only I was in my mid-twenties. Life before that composed a scene
difficult to start, but also to keep up with. But now many of of a boat sailing on unpredictable currents and unconquerable
us are discovering extra time on our hands on account of the winds. Reading helped bring more peace and calmness into my
COVID-19 pandemic, so in reality, now is the best time to pick life, and I think it can do the same for you.
But don’t just go by my opinion, after all, who am I? I know score was 55%, while the average of the older age group was
a skeptical reader when I see one. Perhaps scientific proof 63%, meaning that humans continue to learn language skills
can help shine a light on the hidden codes these expressions even as adults.
are signaling. In this article, we’ll cover some of the most
commonly acclaimed benefits from everyday reading, all But the most interesting note here is that those participants
backed by research and science. who read frequently for pleasure scored the highest marks
on the test. Adults aren’t the only ones expanding their
1. Reading increases intelligence minds as they read. Children perhaps show the greatest
Reading has been shown as one of the best activities to growth in intelligence when reading. A paper published by
increase intelligence as it exposes oneself to a wide variety of The University of California Berkeley showed that Children’s
vocabulary and also implores the memory part of the brain books expose children to 50% more words than prime TV or
by introducing many elements in the story for the reader even a conversation between two college graduates. This early
to keep track of, such as events, characters, dates, etc. As exposure leads to higher scores on not just reading tests, but
children we learn at a rapid pace and soak up information overall intelligence tests.
like a sponge, but although the rate of learning is not as quick
in adulthood, there’s no reason to suggest that the learning 2. Reading reduces stress
stops there. The University of London conducted a study When it comes to relaxing activities, reading tops the list. A
that tested the vocabulary skills of the same people, first at study conducted at the University of Sussex in England found
age 16, and then later at age 42. The researchers asked the that only six minutes of reading was enough of a distraction
participants how often they read and other simple questions to reduce participants’ stress levels by 68 percent. Interestingly
about their daily habits. The younger age group average enough, reading proved to be the most successful in achieving
this relaxation effect, more than drinking a cup of tea or Another study conducted by Robert S. Wilson at The University
coffee, listening to music, or taking a walk. When we read a Medical center in Chicago looked at a sample of 294 elderly
book, we forget about the world around us and lose ourselves men and women, mostly in their 80s, who were given mental
in the story, allowing our worries to dissipate and letting our and thinking exams every year in the remaining years of their
minds wander free and happily. The next time you’re feeling lives. Its important to note that the participants also completed
stressed and wanting to pull your hair out, take a breath, light questionnaires stating how often they performed mentally
a candle, and crack open a book. It only takes a few pages stimulating tasks, such as reading, writing letters or visiting a
and a few minutes to get you feeling well again. library. After the participants passed away, their brains were
examined by researches for any signs of Alzheimer’s and
3. Reading can make you more empathetic Dementia. The researchers found that people who participated
Being able to truly understand and empathize with people in mentally challenging activities most often, both early and
is an attribute that is largely valued in today’s defensive and late in life, had a slower rate of decline in memory compared
vulnerable society. Researches from the New School for to those who did not engage in such activities. “Based on this,
Social Research in New York have concluded that reading we shouldn’t underestimate the effects of everyday activities,
fictional books, contributes to the enhancement of what such as reading and writing, on our children, ourselves and our
scientists are calling, ToM, or Theory of the Mind, an ability parents or grandparents,” said Dr. Wilson.
that revolves around the understanding of others and their
perspectives. “Understanding others’ mental states is a At this point its relevant to ask if the theory of the cognitive
crucial skill that enables the complex social relationships reserve hypothesis of mental function is more credible due to
that characterize human societies,” David Comer Kidd and this study. This theory essentially hypothesizes that mentally
Emanuele Castano wrote of their findings. challenging tasks help to maintain and build brain cells and
connections between brain cells. In turn, these connections
4. Reading can slow the progress (and possibly prevent) come to our assistance later in life by offsetting the damage
Alzheimer’s and Dementia. to the brain caused by Alzheimer’s and Dementia, thereby
Perhaps one of the most motivating reasons to read is to assisting with preserving the memory and thinking skills.
keep Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease at bay. Dementia
is a widely used term for a decline in mental ability that is This isn’t the only study to present this correlation. One
serious enough to cause disturbance with everyday life. publication from the PNAS, Proceedings of the National
Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of Dementia, Academy of Sciences, revealed that those who participate
accounting for 60 to 80 percent of cases. Albert Einstein once in mental exercises that highly stimulate the brain, such as
said, “Once you stop learning, you start dying”. Without reading, chess, or puzzles could be 2.5 times less likely to
something to stimulate our minds, our brain’s power only develop Alzheimer’s than those who use their free time on less
remains stagnant or declines. A study published in the online stimulating activities.
Journal of Neurology showed that habitual mental exercise
was able to lower brain decline by 32 %.
5. Reading can increase your lifespan we establish a bedtime ritual, such as reading a book before
That’s right. Reading can add more time onto that precious bed, we train the brain to wind down and prepare for bed. It’s
life of yours. Researchers collected data on 3,635 people over important to mention that this is only true with actual physical
50 years old participating in a larger health study who had books, not electronic books on screens. Research has shown
answered questions about reading. After dividing the sample that e-screens and tablets can actually hurt your sleep and
into three groups: those who read no books, those who read keep you awake longer. This is especially important in the case
books up to three and a half hours a week, and those who of children. According to a publication in Pediatrics, 54% of
read books for more than three and a half hours a week, children sleep near a small screen and clock 20 fewer minutes
researchers found that book readers tended to be female, of sleep because of it. There’s something about the pages of a
college-educated and in higher income groups. Because of book that brings the body to a relaxed, restful state, in contrast
this, researchers controlled for those factors as well as age, to the restlessness brought on by our electronic devices.
race, self-reported health, depression, employment and
marital status. Compared with those who did not read books, In conclusion, reading is an activity that leads to better lives
those who read for up to three and a half hours a week were all around. Incorporating it as a daily habit will serve you
17 percent less likely to die over a 12-year follow-up period; wonders. If you’re having trouble starting or keeping up with
and those who read more than that were 23 percent less it, try to first choose a book that will allure your interests.
likely to die. Book readers lived an average of almost two Then gradually you can gravitate to other genres that perhaps
years longer than those who did not read at all. have more knowledge to offer. Place your book somewhere
you’ll always see it: on your bedside table, your work desk, or
They discovered a similar but weaker association among anywhere you spend a lot of your time. This will ensure that
those who read newspapers and periodicals. Books proved to you don’t forget to take a few minutes to exercise your brain. It
have the larger impact of one’s lifespan. “People who report may be slow-going at first, but once you pick up some steam,
as little as a half-hour a day of book reading had a significant you’ll find yourself loving it, and may find that it’s now more
survival advantage over those who did not read,” said the difficult to control yourself from reading too much.
senior author, Becca R. Levy, a professor of epidemiology at
Yale. “And the survival advantage remained after adjusting Dallas McClain
for wealth, education, cognitive ability and many other Editor- in Chief
variables.” So, if you want to be celebrating next New Year’s
Eve, set and follow the resolution of reading every day, and
take comfort in the fact that the phrase, “There’s always next
year”, will perhaps hold more truth for you.
“You simply can’t think
efficiency with people. PRODUCTIVITY
You think effectiveness
with people and
efficiency with things.” –
Stephen R. Covey
Have you ever experienced the feeling where you can do no Repeated entry into The Flow State is associated with higher
wrong, where every action you take is perfect, where time levels of happiness, longer lifespans, higher levels of wealth
slows down or speeds up and you’re totally in the moment and more career success. Perhaps the most relevant benefits
undistracted by what’s going on around you or by the voice in today’s viral environment are upgraded overall health and
in your head? improved immune systems.
If you answered yes you’ve experienced The Flow State. It’s also been calculated that you perform up to 350% better
when you are in a flow state.
The Flow State is the ultimate human performance state, In fact if biohacking is the quest for peak performance, The
it’s often referred to in layman’s terms as “the Zone.” It’s Flow State is the pinnacle of that search.
that time when you perform perfectly. Where everything is
effortless, time dilates and you are often left with a huge buzz No wonder companies like Apple, Google and Microsoft are
and a sense of well being. spending millions on projects to implement more of it in the
workplace. But how do we, who don’t have the budget of these
mega corporations get more Flow in our lives, especially at word “relaxed.” With all that frustration and stress generated
the moment where its immune boosting effects are needed through the struggle phase there is NO WAY you’re relaxed.
more than ever?Well, the first step is to understand how it You have to calm down, release, and clear out that cortisol and
works. breath.
Before we get anywhere near the flow state we have to go Our mothers were all flow hacking experts. When you got
through a series of steps, the first is… frustrated doing some task or because you couldn’t do
something well, what did she say? “Do something else for a
This is, as the name would suggest, the unpleasant (but And what inevitably happens when you do? You come back and
absolutely necessary) part. It’s also where we’ll spend most perform 10 times better often wondering what all the fuss was
over again, but each time we fail a little less. This is the phase
where we’re practicing a new skill and messing it up every As another example, when do all the best ideas hit you? It
time; the time when we’re desperately trying to work out usually comes when you’re daydreaming (or singing) in the
how it all fits together; the part when we’re pissed off and shower! (And you’re nowhere near a pen to write down the life
disillusioned and tempted just to sack it all off and go to the changing idea you’ve just had!) Why the hell is this? Because
During this stage cortisol levels rise and our brain is emitting The Release Phase.
beta waves- types of waves often related to problem solving. We have to shift from the beta brain wave, cortisol fight or
It’s frustrating, stressful and is the very reason most of us flight response of the struggle phase to the alpha brain wave
don’t really have much experience of Flow, because we give dominated, relaxed release phase. Doing this triggers a whole
up long before we get there. Those who don’t give up come host of chemical changes within the body, clearing out the
up against another problem. cortisol and putting you in that day dreaming, meditative state.
You see, we have been conditioned since a very early age Expert thinkers have been aware of this for years. Einstein used
to believe old sayings such as “try, try and try again” or “if to spend 20 minutes a day on his back in a rowing boat just
you work hard enough you can achieve anything.” And so we staring up at the clouds daydreaming. Edison used to sit in a
do, we struggle harder and harder, getting more and more chair with a cricket ball in his hand and fall asleep, so that just
frustrated, more and more stressed. as he started to drift off his hand relaxed, dropped the ball and
boom - he was hit with an idea.
brick wall long enough we’ll break through. Unfortunately… prepared to enter the flow state. It’s only then the magic can
this doesn’t work. Why? - Because Flow is an intensely happen and when it does you enter…
The Flow State
The body dumps norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, Flow can show up almost anywhere in life and it’s not a binary
anandamide, and endorphins into the blood stream so we state. So you may have a mind bending, universe twisting flow
enter a totally altered state. All of these are performance experience or you may not really notice it. But some simple
enhancing, feel good neurochemicals which make you faster, examples are when you are having a conversation about a
stronger, and quicker – both physically and mentally – and topic you find really engaging and you look up and realise
make you feel really damn good while doing it. They enable an hour has passed! But you could swear you’ve only been
the brain to make new connections at lightning speed and talking for 5 minutes. Another instance might be when you’re
perform at its absolute highest potential. Time speeds up performing an activity you absolutely love and again all sense
or slows down and every action seems effortless, perfect, of time, even of self, vanish because you’re so intent are you on
almost God-like. the task at hand.
It’s literally the most addictive high on the planet. All those Computer games are great at inducing the flow state (which
weed smoking and drug taking extreme sports athletes are is incidentally why they’re so damn addictive). Extreme sports
not necessarily drug addicts as much as they are flow addicts. and public speaking are other areas where the flow state is
The chemicals in these drugs go part way to simulating the experienced often but rest assured that it can show up in
intense high these individuals feel smacking the lip of a 20m almost anything. Hell, for some people it might even show up
wave or dropping down a perfect, powdered slope. while washing the dishes!
In the flow state you’ll perform up to 350% better than The Recovery Phase
normal and what’s more, because your brain makes new This is where we as biohackers have a huge advantage. How
connections at an incredible rate, you’ll learn A LOT faster. do we recover effectively? - By eating right, sleeping well and
For all us nerds, it’s like levelling up your character in a supporting our bodies in every way we can recover properly
Role playing Game. You are now just intrinsically better and and help prepare ourselves for the next flow experience.
cannot go back to what you were!
In short, the stronger our biology is, the more often we’re
The issue here is that the flow state is highly addictive, so we able to get into the flow state and the longer we can stay
just want more and more. However it’s also hugely draining there. This then forms a feedback loop as the flow state itself
on our biology. It uses up a lot of resources so most of us improves our health and upgrades our biology. All of this
can’t stay there for very long. This is one of the reasons for means we’ll be happier, higher performance individuals and
the “one last go” syndrome in sports: we just want one more crucially, we’ll be better naturally protected against invaders
go, but because we no longer have the energy to maintain a such as Covid19 when using the FLOW process to our healthy
flow state, this is usually where we get injured. advantage.
So the final stage of the flow cycle and the one we always
ignore is: References
The Rise of Superman - Steven Kotler
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience - Mihaly
“Civilization advances
by extending the number
of operations we can
perform without thinking
about them.”
– Alfred North Whitehead
AND WELL-BEING Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels
We, as biohackers and health-conscious humans, are it “heliotherapy”; the ancient Greeks used frequent sunlight
accustomed to putting things into out bodies in order to exposure for depressed people. Hippocrates also believed that
upgrade them. We’ve learned that things like supplements, Greeks were happier and more optimistic than people living
additives, and so on can help us achieve higher performance in northern countries because of their higher exposure to light
and better wellness; And that is true to a certain extent, but from the sun.
by using supplements, for example we often neglect the
largest organ in our body: our skin. In today’s world, we exile We, humans know that our body is a powerhouse that needs fuel
this significant part of our body and banish it from reaping to be healthy and functional. So what we surround ourselves
the benefits our ancestors used to get daily. with, put into our bodies, and work with daily impacts us more
The average human in today’s modern western world spends than we might care to admit. Under these circumstances, it is
more than 90% of their time indoors and therefore, out of even more important to acknowledge this essential correlation
the sun’s nourishing rays. This not only leads to low vitamin and make it a strong one. We have always absorbed sunlight.
D levels, but to a whole lot of other health deficiencies. Then,
when we do go outside, we’re often taught to take proper From Hippocrates to NASA
precautions such as sunscreen or sunglasses, as wrinkles or Hippocrates was right. Modern science merely is using/
skin conditions might occur. We often believe that even the testing specific light frequencies (or wavelengths) with healing
little bit of sun that we do see can’t benefit us that much. properties.
For more than 50 years, science (and NASA in particular) has
Light as fuel been researching these specific wavelengths of light. They
The use of Light therapy goes way back. Before randomized came to a conclusion, that red and near-infrared wavelengths
controlled trials, people intuitively knew that all of the light which occur during sunrise and -set, where the sky is visibly
we were being exposed to each day had to impart some red, are especially beneficial for us humans. The unique thing
health benefits to us. Natural sunlight therapies have been about these wavelengths is that they don’t contain harmful
around for the last 10.000 years. The ancient Egyptians called ones that can be dangerous. UV and blue light, for example,
can majorly impact our sleep, circadian rhythm and cause Quarantined from the sun
sunburns and even skin cancer. In today’s world, we are faced with an unprecedented situation.
Not only can we as biohackers, but also the general public can
The Good Kind of Light feel the effect of not getting enough light. We as humans now
Red-light therapy (RLT), also known as low-level laser have to shine a light on how we can feel better. Especially with
therapy or Photobiomodulation, is widely used by pro- simple at-home methods, such as red-light therapy, no matter
athletes to up their recovery rate and therefore, performance where you are, you can add the most beneficial wavelengths of
rate. Additionally, today there are more than 4000 studies sunlight into your daily life. There are tons of use cases specific
on the topic which prove the diverse therapeutic effects. to overcome quarantine, and the effects then come with our
Research sparks new experiments beyond the professional new COVID-19 life. A few examples are:
world and reaches far into today’s anti-aging and biohacking
communities. Companies on the market produce red light -Higher immunity through higher NO (nitric oxide) levels
therapy devices for at-home use, which can be seen as a -Better functioning glucose metabolism
great addition to daily sunlight exposure. -More efficient Vitamin D synthesis through magnesium
-Less inflammation in our bodies.
This bandwidth of wavelengths is particularly powerful, as it
doesn’t only penetrate the skin but reaches into our cells and So even if we can’t go out as much as we want to right now or
alters their function. Specifically, with RLT, our mitochondria aren’t able to because we live in a big city, red-light therapy
(also called the powerhouses of the cells) gets targeted. can be by your side through this. To sum it all up, light is an
Mitochondria are located inside our cells and take in glucose essential building block for health and well-being. It is crucial
and oxygen from the food we consume daily. They produce (not only today but every day) to get our bodies moving and
energy, packaged as molecules of so-called ATP (adenosine outside into the sun – or in front of a high-quality red-light
triphosphate). RLT boosts this natural effect by enabling therapy panel.
the mitochondria to produce more ATP. You can see this as
supercharging yourself to function even better.
We are Babsi and Thomas from Luminousred. We We are hackers at heart, and we see that technologies, like
combined our professional expertise in lighting design light hacking, are only going to become mainstream and
(Thomas) and psychology (Babsi), sprinkled them used by everyday people a long time ahead of us. And
with our own experiences, and brought you something that is a pity. That is why we want to make that technology
unique. accessible for everyone to incorporate into daily life.
In the simplest terms, with Luminousred, we created a And people who take the plunge and get a device for
company that breaks down scientific research and offers themselves usually cannot grasp the full extent of research
high-end at-home red light therapy devices. Usually, and the ideal individual usage of this technology because it
products in the field can run up to 140k dollars and are is not shown to them in detail. This mixture of factors leads
only used by Olympic athletes or NASA astronauts. to vast incomprehension among them. We want to change
that and want to use this promising technology and make
But to be honest, our true purpose goes far deeper it more accessible and understood.
than that. Due to health issues around two years ago, Luminousred - Light Hacking for a brighter future
Thomas was in a situation in which his body suddenly
lost its performance. Together we explored intensively
on biohacking, and after many experiments, Thomas
managed to make his body even more powerful. One Facebook:
major steppingstone here was red light therapy. Instagram: luminousred.light
Voucher for the newsletter: biohackersupdate20 (valued at
$20 off)
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels
At this time of hour, we all are isolating in some way or more of an effort in keeping themselves and their community
another; either by staying home or being in a state of healthy. Since direct contact to an infected person is the
quarantine. The rise and spread of the pandemic disease, way this virus spreads and forms a chain, people are strictly
COVID-19 known commonly as the Coronavirus, is changing advised to stay home and self-isolate. Working out at home
everyday life for most people around the world. Cities are and maintaining some sort of physical activity is must for each
under lock down across Europe, entire Asia, the Middle East, human being. Lifestyle factors may also determine if a person
Amidst this outbreak, there are fitness enthusiasts out there There are two major factors in this case: Physical activity
who believe in continuing their routine and are making even (PA) and Mental Health (MH). Since both factors are equally
important, here we will focus on PA, whereas MH requires Any wearable we choose, either be a tracker or smartwatch,
a different forum to present its analysis. A sedentary or gadgets like smartphones, smart TVs, Desktops and
lifestyle is usually associated with an increased risk for Laptops, we can take prime advantage of incorporating their
chronic disease, loss of movement, and decreased immune functionalities for our own well-being. Wearables are solely
system response. For these reasons, physical activity and dedicated to tracking your workouts, physical exercises and
movement are salient during the coronavirus pandemic. The those activities that fall under aerobic PA. The idea of using a
WHO recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 wearable is to make your workout challenging and productive
minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, or a by directing a well calculated and recorded data of the
combination of both. particular exercise.
Taking this into consideration, I will share some points to
explore how by embracing the technology available right If we are doing our PA without any challenge or data to be
now, an individual can uplift and help maintain a healthy analysed, our PA sessions will eventually become monotonous
lifestyle at home. for most of the individuals since mental health is also being
affected side by side during isolation or lockdown. We
Wearables and Gadgets at Home: cannot commit to a healthy lifestyle if we cannot stick to a
As the internet says, “A wrist-worn device that can detect daily routine and work on our body. One can never fail in
some combination of walking steps, running distance, heart maintaining a healthy lifestyle if he or she measures progress
rate, sleep patterns and swimming laps is a fitness tracker”. and shortcomings.
Fitness trackers and smartwatches can be worn on the To make it more interesting, people enjoy when there is a
wrist, arm, chest, ankle, and even some shoes have a tracker graphical guide to the PA. The presence of well acclaimed
in them. This technology is mostly available nowadays channels, pages, and perpetual fitness trainers whose content
for fitness enthusiasts, fitness trainers, and even casual and support can be gained via smartphone, smart TV, or
exercising individuals etc. Every PA involves determination computer, always keeps one focused and enthusiastic.
and challenging oneself. During the COVID lockdown,
people are spending most of the time at home since that’s Many people have access to their smartphones these days
the major solution to fight this pandemic. While staying at and because of this, we can integrate its mobility into our
home however, its important to challenge yourself with PA sessions. Smartphones can download PA assistant
some PA. The government also urges every individual to do applications, either for a small cost or for free. A smartphone
some or the other PA during the day, since it very essential has sufficient hardware required to track and analyse data of
for following reasons: your PA. No other external equipment is required in this setup.
This article does not focus on any specific applications or
-Weight management promote any service provider on the basis that people should
-Immunity boosting wellness explore for themselves according to their needs and flexibility.
-Body flexibility and functioning
-Reducing health risks It is believed that there are some outdoor places in different
-Stress & Anxiety relief regions that are open for every individual and thus some people
are allowed to leave their house premises. However people Behavioural Awareness
should be really careful while adapting to such situations. Studies show that simple awareness of things like, posture,
weight, stress levels, inactivity for hours etc., has a positive
Lastly, I am sharing some of the benefits of wearable effect on our ability to change them. It’s hard for the human
technology in our continuous struggle of attaining a healthy brain to monitor all of these things at the same time, so that is
lifestyle: where wearable technology comes into play.
Instagram: finden_foe
The Öura ring, a fundamental in the biohacking tracking arsenal, During the pandemic, it’s this very versatility that took on an even
has been worn by Princes, tech billionaires and of course those of more important role than our snooze time optimization. Öura has
us who want to self-optimize. Most recently The NBA purchased been involved with the University of California, San Francisco and
more than 1,000 Öura rings as it’s basketball players and coaches West Virginia’s Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute where 3,000
head to Orlando, Florida, to restart their season as the US tries to health professionals and emergency workers are wearing the ring.
regain some sense of normalcy after the initial quarantine due to The studies are leveraging Öura’s biometric sensors to help pre-
Covid-19’s first wave. dict and make more effective decisions concerning the spread of
COVID19. Over 150,000 Öura users can also opt in to help with the
The ring, if you don’t already know, is one of the most advanced development of an algorithm helping to understand and manage
trackers out there, especially when it comes to the one place we this pandemic. With the coronavirus still on the prowl, perhaps the
can truly control our lives: our bedroom. It measures not just our Öura ring can help set our minds at ease a bit with its complex track-
sleep, but our temperature, breathing, heart, stress and of course ing, premium durability and viral-combating technology.
our dreamtime - REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep! It also tracks
Fiona Austin is a positive psychologist practicing
your daytime activity too, including random situations such as be- in the UK and Spain. She takes her clients outside
for walk and talk sessions, introducing individuals,
ing immersed in an icebath, doing the dishes or running the Gobi families and companies to fundamental biohacking
through her programme Nature Sense - Going
Desert. its titanium durability is second to none.
outside to feel good Inside.
There is so much support behind our cause and we are
eternally grateful. As a new company fresh off the block,
we’ve had our fair share of challenges but becuase of all
of our supporters, we’ve overcome them and produced,
becoming more humble and stronger along the way.
Our many Thanks to all those who made this possible:
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Nutritionist and Chef, Sonal Patel