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First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care.
The content of this chapter was revised in October 2011.

Table of Contents

ASSESSMENT OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM.............................................6–1

Prostate Cancer Screening.................................................................................6–4
COMMON PROBLEMS OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM................................6–4
Asymptomatic Bacteriuria...................................................................................6–4
Pyelonephritis, Acute..........................................................................................6–9
Urinary Incontinence.........................................................................................6–13
Acute Prostatitis................................................................................................6–20
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia............................................................................6–24
Erectile Dysfunction..........................................................................................6–28
EMERGENCIES OF THE MALE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM..............................6–31
Acute Urinary Retention....................................................................................6–31
Testicular Torsion..............................................................................................6–33
Partial or Intermittent Testicular Torsion............................................................6–33

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

Genitourinary System 6–1


The following characteristics of each symptom should –– Polyuria

be elicited and explored: –– Incontinence (including urge, overflow, enuresis,
–– Onset (sudden or gradual) mixed, and stress)
–– Acuity or chronicity –– Leakage of urine involuntarily
–– Chronology –– Leakage of urine when coughing, laughing
or exercising
–– Current situation (improving or deteriorating)
–– Leakage of urine when walking to the
–– Location and character
–– Radiation
–– Use of pads or other devices to catch urine
–– Timing (frequency, duration, intermittent or
–– Inability to completely empty bladder
–– Amount of urine lost each time
–– Severity and extent
–– Nature of urine stream (speed, strength, volume)
–– Precipitating and aggravating factors
–– Colour and odour of urine
–– Relieving factors
–– Presence of sediment, sand or stones in urine
–– Associated symptoms
–– Hematuria
–– Effects on daily activities
–– Presence of urethral or genital discharge or lesions
–– Previous diagnosis of similar episodes
–– Pain in costovertebral angle, flank or abdomen
–– Previous treatments
–– Suprapubic pain
–– Efficacy of previous treatments
–– Perineal, genital, groin or low back pain
–– Associated symptoms (for example, fever,
chills, trauma, repetitive activity) –– Painful intercourse
–– Libido
Assess and monitor pain or discomfort using a pain
–– Fertility
intensity instrument such as the Wong-Baker Faces
Pain Scale, the Numeric Rating Scale, or the Comfort Male Genital System
Scale (available at: http://painconsortium.nih.gov/
pain_scales/). Also assess presence of night pain, –– Difficulty in starting or stopping urinary stream
radiation or referred pain and course. –– Voluntary bearing down (straining) to urinate
–– Hesitancy, intermittency
CARDINAL SYMPTOMS –– Post-void dribbling or post-void fullness
In addition, the general characteristics outlined above –– Circumcision
should be explored for each symptom described –– Discharge from penis, itching
below, if applicable. –– Blood in sperm
–– Lesions on the external genitalia
Urinary System (Male and Female)
–– Genital, groin, suprapubic or low back pain
–– Frequency of urination –– Testicular or scrotal pain or swelling
–– Amount of urine (large or small) –– Erectile dysfunction
–– Urgency (client’s sense that he or she must void –– Testicular self-examination (frequency, regularity)
now, cannot wait) –– History of hydrocele, epididymitis, prostatism,
–– Dysuria and its timing during voiding (at beginning varicocele, hernia, undescended testis,
or end, throughout) spermatocele, recent vasectomy
–– Nocturia (new onset or increase in usual pattern)
–– Urinary retention or anuria

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–2 Genitourinary System

Other Associated Symptoms FAMILY HISTORY (SPECIFIC

–– Fever, chills, rigors, malaise
–– Nausea, vomiting –– Urinary tract infections
–– Diarrhea, constipation –– Renal disease (for example, renal cancer,
–– Decrease in appetite polycystic kidneys)
–– Weight loss –– Prostate cancer
–– Change in sleep pattern –– Diabetes mellitus
–– Lymphadenopathy –– Kidney stones
–– Sexual or physical abuse
–– Cystitis, pyelonephritis
–– Renal disease –– Personal hygiene, toileting habits
–– Congenital structural abnormalities in the –– Fluid intake
genitourinary tract –– Recent injury or trauma
–– Renal stones –– Current sexual activity; last sexual contact
–– Recent onset of or increase in sexual activity –– Sexual orientation (male and/or female partners)
–– Recent genitourinary tract instrumentation (for –– Contraception and condom use
example, catheter, urethral dilatation, cystoscopy) –– Sexual practices, including risk behaviours
–– Menopause (with no hormone replacement (for example, oral, anal or vaginal intercourse)
therapy) –– Number of sexual partners in past 2 months;
–– Diabetes mellitus in past year
–– Immunocompromised state –– Satisfaction with frequency and quality of sexual
–– Sexually transmitted infections (including HIV experiences
and hepatitis) –– Symptomatic sexual partner
–– Sexual abuse –– History of sexually transmitted infection
–– Mental status (can contribute to urinary –– Use of contraceptive creams, foam, condoms, etc.
incontinence) –– Use of bubble bath, douches (by women)
–– Allergies –– Tight-fitting underwear or other clothing
–– Exposure to chemical irritants –– Disruption in sex life (from GU symptoms)
–– Medications (for example, immunosuppressants, –– Smoking (associated with risk of bladder cancer)
oral contraceptives, antihypertensives, –– Substance use (alcohol and drugs)
antipsychotics) –– Sex while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
–– Surgical procedures –– Missing work, school or social functions because
–– Risk behaviours (for example, unprotected sex, of genitourinary symptoms (for example,
substance abuse, use of illicit injection drugs) incontinence)
–– Victim of abuse (for example, sexual)
–– Occupational exposure (for example, volatile
hydrocarbons, benzene, aniline, heavy metals,
ionizing radiation) – increased risk of kidney

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–3


GENERAL Percussion
–– Apparent state of health –– Suprapubic or costovertebral angle tenderness
–– Appearance of comfort or distress –– Bladder distention
–– Colour (for example, flushed, pale) Remember to also examine the following areas as part
–– Hydration status of your assessment:
–– Nutritional status (emaciated or obese)
–– Head, eyes, ears, nose, throat: assess for
–– Match between appearance and stated age
pharyngitis and conjunctivitis (chlamydial
VITAL SIGNS infection, gonorrhea)
–– Skin: assess for skin lesions, rashes, polyarthralgias
–– Temperature of systemic gonorrhea and hydration status
–– Heart rate
–– Respiratory rate MALE GENITAL TRACT
–– Blood pressure
URINARY SYSTEM –– Penis (including urethra, prepuce, glans, shaft,
(ABDOMINAL EXAMINATION) skin): inflammation, discharge (at urethral meatus
before and after instructing the client to “milk”
Inspection the penis from its base), lesions (ulcers, warts),
–– Inguinal and femoral areas nodules, scars, swelling, asymmetry, stenosis,
–– Abdominal contour looking for asymmetry or ability to retract foreskin (if present), phimosis,
distention (a sign of ascites), pulsations, or masses paraphimosis, hypospadias, epispadias
–– Peripheral vascular irregularities –– Scrotum: inflammation, lesions, swelling, masses,
–– Previous abdominal or flank surgical scars asymmetry, rashes, warts, veins
–– Edema (facial, peripheral) –– Pubic area: inflammation, lesions (warts, ulcers),
nodules, scars, changes in hair distribution, nits
–– Ulcers, warts, nodules, scars, and inflammation
–– Inguinal and femoral areas (for hernial bulges)
–– Ask the client to bear down or cough while
inspecting urethra for stress incontinence; repeat
in females with pressure to lateral vaginal fornix
–– Rectum looking for lesions, discharge, swelling, –– Penis: tenderness, induration, nodules, lesions
hemorrhoids, excoriations, masses, inflammation –– Testes and scrotal contents (including epididymis,
spermatic cord): size, position, shape, consistency,
Palpation atrophy of testes, tenderness, swelling, warmth,
masses, hydrocele
–– Suprapubic tenderness
–– Prostate (digital rectal exam): size, shape, contour,
–– Bladder distention
consistency, mobility, tenderness, or nodules
–– Abdominal tenderness, induration, or masses
–– Superficial inguinal ring (for hernia)
–– Costovertebral angle tenderness
–– Inguinal canal (while standing) and femoral areas
–– Enlargement of kidney (normal kidneys are usually
(for hernia)
not palpable unless the client is thin)
–– Cremasteric reflex
–– Inguinal nodes or swellings
–– Femoral area (anterior thigh) for hernias FEMALE GENITAL TRACT
–– Supraclavicular lymphadenopathy
See Chapter 13, “Women’s Health and Gynecology”,
–– Rectum (digital rectal exam): hemorrhoids, masses, for details of this examination.
anal sphincter tone

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–4 Genitourinary System

LABORATORY EVALUATION Prostate cancer screening is controversial. Screening

–– Urine: colour, cloudy or clear using a digital rectal exam (DRE) does not ensure
early detection of the cancer. Serum prostate specific
–– Dipstick testing: blood, protein, white blood cells
antigen (PSA) testing results may cause unnecessary
(WBC), nitrites, pH
stress if the client requires further testing.
–– Microscopic urine (spun urine): white and red
blood cells, bacteria or casts, epithelial cells Refer all asymptomatic men who are expected to live
–– Urine culture and sensitivity at least 10 years and who are over age 50 (40 in those
–– Culture and sensitivity of urethral discharge or with a family history of prostate cancer) to a physician
prostatic secretions or nurse practitioner to discuss the risks and benefits
of prostate cancer screening with DRE and/or serum
–– Prostate specific antigen (has limited specificity)
PSA testing. The decision to screen or not screen must
–– Creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (for kidney be individualized to the client.
If an asymptomatic man has positive screening results
Consider additional diagnostic tests (for example,
from the DRE and/or serum PSA testing, refer the
HIV, N. gonorrhoeae, hepatitis) for individuals with
client to a physician or nurse practitioner to discuss
risk factors for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
the results.
(see Chapter 11, “Communicable Diseases”).
If a client has symptoms that may signify prostate
cancer (for example, genitourinary symptoms such
as urgency or nocturia) a DRE should be done.
Prostate cancer is the leading non-skin cancer in men9 Advanced prostate cancer may present with erectile
and causes more mortality for First Nations males dysfunction, hematuria and hematospermia in older
than the rest of the Canadian population.10 Risk factors men, and metastases (for example, bone pain). Any
for prostate cancer are increasing age (most significant man with symptoms that may signify prostate cancer
after age 40), genetics, and possibly diet.11 (with or without an abnormal DRE) should be referred
urgently to a physician for further assessment and/or
investigations (for example, serum PSA testing and/
or a prostate biopsy). A diagnosis of prostate cancer
requires a biopsy.



BACTERIURIA43,44,45,46,47,48 –– Diabetes (in particular women, those using insulin,
those who have had diabetes for a longer time, and
Presence of bacteria in appropriately collected urine
First Nations individuals)
without the client experiencing symptoms or signs of
–– Older age
a urinary tract infection, as demonstrated by more than
105 cfu/mL of a single bacterial species cultured on 2 –– Sexual activity
successive midstream urine specimens for women and –– Female anatomy (more common in women because
one specimen for men or those who are catheterized. the urethra is short and located close to the vagina)
–– Males practising insertive anal intercourse
In the young and healthy this condition is transient,
–– Uncircumcised male
often only lasting a couple of weeks.
–– Bladder outlet obstruction (for example, prostatic
CAUSES hyperplasia)
–– Urinary tract instrumentation
–– Bacteria (for example, E. coli)
–– Indwelling catheters
–– Contamination of specimen

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–5

HISTORY –– Eradicate bacteria from genitourinary (GU) tract

–– No urinary complaints in clients undergoing invasive urologic procedures
where mucosal bleeding is expected
–– Usually discovered on routine examination of urine
–– Avoid treating all other clients to decrease the
–– The prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria among
potential for antibiotic resistance
healthy women increases with advancing age
–– Common in women 20–50 years of age, and in Nonpharmacologic Interventions
up to 30% of pregnant women
–– Asymptomatic bacteriuria is rare among healthy Client Education
young men –– Recommend adequate fluid intake to flush bacteria
–– Chronic low-grade prostatitis is often present from the bladder and prevent stasis of urine
in men > 50 years of age (6–8 glasses of fluid per day)
–– Common in elderly clients and those with –– Instruct female client about proper hygiene (wiping
an indwelling urinary catheter from front to back)
–– Teach client the signs and symptoms of acute
PHYSICAL FINDINGS infection and advise client to return to the clinic
if these occur
Pharmacologic Interventions
Females require 2 consecutive positive cultures and
–– Cystitis
males require one positive culture before treatment is
–– Pyelonephritis warranted.
–– Preterm birth
–– Low birth weight Pregnant Women
–– Perinatal mortality Treat all pregnant women with this condition to ensure
resolution of the bacteriuria:
amoxicillin 500 mg PO tid for 3–7 days
Pregnant clients (12–16 weeks’ gestation) and those
pre-operative to invasive urologic procedures (for For clients with allergy to penicillin:
example, transurethral resection of the prostate) are nitrofurantoin (MacroBID), 100 mg PO bid for 3–7 days
the only ones who should be screened. All other
Nitrofurantoin is contraindicated at term (after 35
clients should not have their urine screened for
weeks) and during labour in pregnant women. Contact
asymptomatic bacteriuria.
a physician for help in choosing an antibiotic if the
–– Urine: clear pregnant client is allergic to penicillin and is near
–– Dipstick test: normal term.
–– Microscopic examination: bacteria evident Pre-Operative to Invasive Urologic Procedures where
–– Culture: positive in 24–48 hours Mucosal Bleeding is Expected
Ensure that the specimen is a properly collected, As per specific pre-operative recommendations.
midstream urine sample.
Other Groups: Healthy Nonpregnant Women,
MANAGEMENT Diabetics, Elderly, Clients with a Urethral Catheter
Antibiotic treatment is not needed.
Goals of Treatment
If there have been no GU problems in the
–– Recognize the significance of asymptomatic
past and there are currently no symptoms, the
bacteriuria in the various subgroups (prenatal,
problem is probably only contamination. Educate
immunocompromised, elderly)
about Nonpharmacologic Interventions (see
–– Eradicate bacteria from genitourinary (GU) tract “Nonpharmacologic Interventions”).
in pregnant women; it may progress to urinary
tract infection, pyelonephritis, miscarriage, pre-
eclampsia or sepsis

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–6 Genitourinary System

Follow-Up –– Congenital abnormality of GU tract

Pregnant Women: –– Renal calculi
–– Tumour
Follow up with midstream urine for culture and
–– Urethral stricture
sensitivity 1 week post-treatment. Repeat culture and
sensitivity monthly. Retreat if necessary based on –– Pregnancy
the susceptibility report with either a longer duration –– Related to sexual activity (in women)
of the same antibiotic or a different one. Discuss –– Use of spermicides (including condoms coated
persistent positive cultures with a physician. with them), diaphragm
–– Bladder outlet obstruction (for example, prostatic
–– Immunocompromised state (for example HIV
Infection of the bladder. It can occur alone or in infection)
conjunction with pyelonephritis. They are common –– History of > 6 urinary tract infections
throughout a female’s lifespan. –– Recent antimicrobial use
Uncomplicated if: nonpregnant female with no –– Male performing insertive anal intercourse
structural or functional genitourinary abnormalities –– Uncircumcised male
(for example, chronic catheter, obstruction, spinal –– Sexual intercourse with a female partner with
cord injury). a urinary tract infection
Complicated: all other individuals other than Risk Factors for Recurrent Cystitis
those listed as uncomplicated (for example, males,
genitourinary tract abnormalities, pregnant); often is –– Genetic or biologic factors
due to a mixed bacterial infection and is more likely –– Frequent sexual intercourse
to involve resistant organisms. –– Spermicide use within the last year
–– New sexual partner within last year
Recurrent UTI is defined as 2 uncomplicated UTIs in
6 months or, more traditionally, as 3 or more positive –– First cystitis at < 15 years of age
cultures within the preceding 12 months. It can be –– Mother with a history of cystitis
attributed to: –– Shorter length from urethra to anus
–– Urinary incontinence
–– Reinfection: cystitis caused by a different organism
than the original infection OR the same organism if –– History of cystitis before menopause
it occurs more than 2 weeks after end of treatment
OR if there is documentation of a sterile urine
culture after treatment ending before the onset –– Dysuria
of another infection –– Frequent urination, small amounts
–– Relapse: cystitis caused by the same organism as –– Hematuria
the original infection and occurring within 2 weeks –– Urgency
of treatment ending –– Suprapubic discomfort
–– No nausea or vomiting
–– No vaginal discharge or irritation
–– E. coli (most common organism, in 80–90% of cases)
–– No urethral discharge
–– Also Klebsiella, Staphylococcus saprophyticus,
–– Risk factors as described above (see “Risk
Pseudomonas, group B Streptococcus, Proteus
mirabilis, fungi
In women, note last menstrual period. In men, note
Risk Factors symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia
–– Female (see the section “Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia”).
Often symptoms are more subtle in older adults.
–– Diabetes mellitus treated with insulin
–– Urinary instrumentation (for example, catheter)
–– Urinary retention (for example, due to multiple

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–7

In clients with an indwelling catheter, evaluate for –– Diagnostic uncertainty exists (for example,
cystitis if they develop a fever or other systemic atypical symptoms OR typical cystitis
symptoms (for example, malaise, confusion, symptoms and negative leukocyte esterase
hypotension). dipstick)
–– Client is pregnant
PHYSICAL FINDINGS –– Only one of the following or none of the
–– There may be no physical findings in cystitis following signs and symptoms are present:
–– Temperature may be elevated (usually only in dysuria, more than trace amount of urine
upper urinary tract infections) leukocytes, or positive nitrites on urine dipstick
–– Mild to moderate suprapubic tenderness –– Client symptoms persist after empiric therapy
–– Prostate may be enlarged –– A relapse occurs less than a month after therapy
–– No costovertebral angle tenderness or flank pain when no culture was done for the initial infection
–– Pelvic examination if urethral or vaginal discharge –– Obtain urine sample for culture and sensitivity in
is present, or vaginal irritation reported, sexually those with an indwelling catheter by removing the
active male, or uncertain diagnosis. In pure cystitis old one and inserting a new one
one would not expect to see signs of vaginitis, –– Obtain a vaginal swab for analysis (routine and
urethral discharge, herpetic ulcerations, nor any microscopy, culture and sensitivity) as required
signs of cervicitis –– Obtain appropriate swabs or urine sample for
Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS if an STI is suspected (for example, if dysuria
–– Pyelonephritis and positive for leukocyte esterase, but negative
urine culture and sensitivity) (see Chapter 11,
–– Urethritis
“Communicable Diseases”)
–– Vulvovaginitis
–– Consider additional diagnostic tests (for
–– Urinary calculi
example, for HIV, hepatitis A, B and C, syphilis)
–– Sexually transmitted infection (STI) for individuals with risk factors for sexually
–– Pelvic inflammatory disease transmitted infections (STIs) (see Chapter 11,
–– Benign prostatic hyperplasia “Communicable Diseases”)
–– Diabetes mellitus –– Check the blood glucose level if symptoms suggest
–– Chronic prostatitis (if recurrent cystitis) diabetes mellitus
–– Renal tuberculosis (TB)
Goals of Treatment
–– Ascending infection (pyelonephritis)
–– Relieve symptoms
–– Sepsis
–– Eradicate bacteria from the bladder
–– Kidney failure
–– Prevent recurrent infection
–– Chronic cystitis
Appropriate Consultation
Consult a physician if the client is suspected to have a
–– Obtain midstream urine for urine dipstick testing
relapse, as further testing may be required.
(leukocyte esterase and nitrites positive)
–– Urine culture and sensitivity might be useful if:
–– Client is not responding to treatment
–– Client is known to have an abnormality of the
GU tract
–– Client is suspected to have a complicated
infection (for example, male), (see the section

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–8 Genitourinary System

Nonpharmacologic Interventions Complicated Cystitis58 (see the section “Cystitis”)

Client Education For those with no systemic symptoms (for example,
Counsel client about appropriate use of medications high fever, vomiting)
(dose, frequency, side effects, need to complete entire sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (Septra DS,
course of treatment) generics), 1 tab PO bid for 7–10 days
–– Instruct client in proper perineal hygiene (wiping or
from front to back) to prevent recurrence ciprofloxacin 250 mg PO bid for 7–10 days
–– Remove catheter if not required; if one is required
use intermittent catheterization if possible, Monitoring and Follow-Up
otherwise replace the catheter when beginning
–– Once culture and sensitivity results are received
antibiotic treatment
(if applicable), tailor treatment according to the
Pharmacologic Interventions56 susceptibility profile
–– If symptoms do not begin to resolve within 48
If ≥ 2 of the following are present treat with hours or if symptoms progress despite treatment,
antibiotics, without waiting for the urine culture and client should return to the clinic for reassessment
sensitivity result (if testing required):
–– Arrange follow-up after the completion of therapy;
–– Dysuria (burning or pain on urination) assess for continuing symptoms; if the client is
–– More than trace amount of urine leukocytes asymptomatic (except for pregnant clients) there
–– Positive for nitrites is no need to repeat the urinalysis and culture to
ensure resolution of cystitis
Uncomplicated Cystitis57 (see the section “Cystitis”) –– For pregnant clients, follow up with midstream
nitrofurantoin (MacroBID), 100 mg PO bid for 5 days urine for culture and sensitivity 1–2 weeks post-
or treatment. Repeat culture and sensitivity monthly.
Re-treat if necessary based on the susceptibility
sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (Septra report with either a longer duration of the same
DS, generics) 1 tab PO bid for 3 days (use
antibiotic or a different one
sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim as a first-line
agent only if the level of resistance is ≤ 20%
or the organism is susceptible to this agent)
Clients with chronic or recurrent cystitis should be
Recurrent Cystitis58 (see the section “Cystitis”)
referred to a physician. Men ≥ 50 years of age who
sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (Septra DS, present with a true (culture-positive) urinary tract
generics), 1 tab PO bid for 7–14 days infection for the first time should also be referred
or to a physician for further evaluation.
ciprofloxacin 250 mg bid for 7–14 days PREVENTION
Cystitis in Pregnancy58 To prevent recurrent cystitis:
nitrofurantoin (MacroBID), 100 mg PO bid for 7 days
–– Do not use spermicide-containing products
Nitrofurantoin is contraindicated at term (after –– Void early after sexual intercourse
35 weeks) and during labour in pregnant women. –– Advise women with recurrent cystitis to drink
or cranberry juice or take cranberry tablets59
amoxicillin 500 mg PO tid for 7 days; do not start
–– Antibiotic prophylaxis for women with
unless the culture and sensitivity indicates the > 2 episodes of symptomatic cystitis in 6 months
bacteria are susceptible OR >3 over 12 months OR pregnant female who
has another condition (for example, diabetes) that
Contact a physician for help in choosing an antibiotic increases their risk of cystitis after first infection.
if the pregnant client is allergic to penicillin and is Consult a physician to discuss the need for a
near term. prescription
–– Postmenopausal women may use intravaginal
estrogen cream. Consult a physician to discuss
the need for a prescription

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–9

PYELONEPHRITIS, ACUTE45,54,60,61,62,63,64 Males

Infection of the kidney that is characterized by –– Homosexuality

infection within the renal pelvis, tubules, or –– Lack of circumcision
interstitial tissue. –– Anatomic abnormality
Uncomplicated if: non-pregnant female with no –– Obstruction of normal flow resulting from prostatic
structural or functional genitourinary abnormalities hypertrophy and urethral strictures
(for example, chronic catheter, no obstruction), not
immunocompromised (for example, diabetic), and
with no vomiting and no fever or sepsis. –– Flank pain
–– Fever (> 38°C), shaking chills
Complicated: all other individuals other than
those listed as uncomplicated (for example, –– Headache
obstruction, males, genitourinary tract abnormalities, –– Malaise
immunocompromised, pregnant, spinal cord injury); –– Nausea and vomiting
often is mixed bacterial and more resistant organisms; –– Dysuria, frequency, urgency may be present
results from a progression to emphysematous –– Abdominal or flank pain may be present
pyelonephritis, renal corticomedullary or perinephric –– Complicated case may have weeks to months
abscess, or papillary necrosis. of malaise, fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain,
–– E. coli (most common) PHYSICAL FINDINGS
–– Also Enterobacter, Klebsiella, S. saprophyticus, –– Temperature elevated
Pseudomonas and Proteus (among others) –– Heart rate may be elevated
–– Fungi –– Blood pressure may be mildly elevated
–– In unresolving pyelonephritis, suspect tuberculosis –– Client appears moderately to acutely ill
of the kidney –– Mild, generalized abdominal discomfort
Risk Factors –– Marked or severe pain with deep abdominal
palpation of kidney
–– Genetic factors –– Marked or severe costovertebral angle tenderness
Complicated: with percussion over kidney
–– Urinary tract obstruction DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
–– Urologic dysfunction
–– Pneumonia
–– Antimicrobial resistant pathogen
–– Acute cholecystitis with fever
–– Diabetes
–– Appendicitis
Females (at highest risk due to proximity of urethra –– Acute pancreatitis
to anus and vagina) –– Pelvic inflammatory disease
–– Increased sexual activity (> 3 times per week –– Renal colic
in past 30 days) –– Bladder obstruction
–– New sexual partner in past year –– Musculoskeletal pain
–– Recent spermicide use –– Shingles
–– Pregnancy, in particular nulliparous women
–– Urinary tract infection (upper or lower tract)
in the past year
–– Stress incontinence in the past 30 days
–– Mother with history of urinary tract infection
–– Anatomic abnormalities

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–10 Genitourinary System

COMPLICATIONS Adjuvant Therapy

–– Acute renal failure Moderate or Severe Infection
–– Chronic renal failure –– Start IV therapy with normal saline
–– Renal abscess –– Adjust IV rate according to hydration status
–– Sepsis (see the section “Dehydration” in Chapter 5,
–– Focal renal scarring “Gastrointestinal System”), age and other medical
–– Renal papillary necrosis problems (for example, diabetes mellitus, heart
–– Emphysematous pyelitis and/or cystitis disease)
–– Respiratory dysfunction
Nonpharmacologic Interventions
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS Mild Infection (Uncomplicated)
–– Obtain midstream urine for urine dipstick testing –– Rest until symptoms improve
(leukocyte esterase positive [pyuria] in most clients
with acute pyelonephritis) Client Education
–– Obtain midstream urine for urinalysis (routine and –– Counsel client about appropriate use of
microscopy, culture and sensitivity) medications (dose, frequency, completion of entire
–– Blood culture, if pregnant or suspected to be septic course of antibiotics)
–– Pregnancy test to rule it out, if child-bearing-age –– Instruct client about proper hygiene to prevent
female recurrence of infection
–– Ask client to report recurrence of symptoms
MANAGEMENT immediately
Early or mild infections may be treated on an
Pharmacologic Interventions
outpatient basis.
Mild, Uncomplicated Infection (see “Management”
Moderate or severe (complicated and uncomplicated) above and the section “Pyelonephritis, Acute”)
infections usually require inpatient treatment. This
includes those with: Early or mild infections may be treated on an
outpatient basis.
–– Moderate to severe infection (high fevers, pain and
are debilitated) Analgesic and antipyretic:
–– Sepsis acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO
–– Nausea and/or vomiting with an inability to q4–6h prn (maximum 12 regular-strength tabs,
rehydrate or take medications orally 4 g/day)
–– Pregnancy Oral antibiotics65:
–– Potential medication compliance concerns
sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (Septra DS,
generics), 1 tab PO bid x 14 days if the pathogen
Goals of Treatment is known to be susceptible to this agent
–– Relieve symptoms or
–– Eradicate bacterial infection
ciprofloxacin 500 mg po bid x 7 days
–– Prevent complications or reinfection
Consult a physician for choice of antibiotic if there
Appropriate Consultation is an allergy to the recommended agents.
Moderate or Severe Infection Complicated Infections and Severe Uncomplicated
–– Consult a physician regarding choice of Infection (see the section “Pyelonephritis, Acute”)
intravenous (IV) antibiotics and need for medevac Analgesia and antipyretics for fever and pain:
acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1 or 2 tabs PO
q4–6h prn (maximum 12 regular-strength tabs,
4 g/day)

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–11

Antiemetics to control severe nausea and vomiting: CAUSES

dimenhydrinate (Gravol), 50 or 75 mg IM or IV if line –– Neisseria gonorrhoeae (often symptomatic in men,
in place asymptomatic in women)
For antibiotics, consult a physician. –– Chlamydia trachomatis (often symptomatic in
women, asymptomatic in men)
Extra consideration is required in choosing drugs for –– Trichomonas vaginalis
a pregnant woman. Consult a physician.
–– Herpes simplex virus
Monitoring and Follow-Up66 –– Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum
–– Candida albicans
Mild Infection (Uncomplicated and Complicated)
–– Adenovirus
–– Follow up in 2–3 days to determine clinical –– Chemical irritation from products used and/or those
response to therapy; if poor response after 72 hours inserted into vagina (for example, spermicides,
of therapy (for example, no improvement or condom, tampon, soaps)
worsening), consult a physician as radiographic
evaluation may be warranted Risk Factors
–– Arrange follow-up after the completion of therapy; –– Repeated sexual exposure
assess for continuing symptoms; if the client is
–– Inadequate treatment for a previous sexually
asymptomatic (except for pregnant clients) there is
transmitted infection
no need to repeat the urinalysis and culture
–– New, recent sexual partner
Moderate to Severe Infection (Complicated) –– Partner with urethral discharge and/or diagnosed
–– Monitor response to therapy, vital signs, and sexually transmitted infection
urinary output –– History of sexually transmitted infection
–– For pregnant clients, follow up with midstream (for example, gonorrhea)
urine for culture and sensitivity 1–2 weeks post- –– Multiple sexual partners
treatment. Repeat culture and sensitivity monthly –– Young age
for the rest of the pregnancy –– Inconsistent use of barrier contraception
–– Low socioeconomic status
Moderate to Severe Infection (Complicated) HISTORY

–– Medevac to hospital as soon as possible –– Dysuria (pain, tingling or burning in perineal

area with voiding or just after) may be present;
Refer the following individuals to a physician, as they in women may be on and off for a day or two
may require further investigation: (chlamydia); occurs prior to lesions developing
–– Poor response after 72 hours of antibiotics (herpes simplex)
–– Males with pyelonephritis –– Meatal discharge may be present (for example,
–– Infection with Pseudomonas for entire day, at first morning void, scanty);
Gonorrhea often has acute onset and copious
–– Individuals with diabetes
purulent discharge; often none for Chlamydia
–– Recurrent pyelonephritis after a course of
–– Pruritus at urethral meatus may be present
appropriate therapy
–– Ulcer may be present
–– Immunocompromised
–– Frequency, urgency may be present
–– History of renal stones or another urologic concern
–– Fever, chills, inguinal lymphadenopathy, headache
–– Prior urologic surgery
may be present (initial herpes simplex virus
URETHRITIS67,68,69,70,71,72,73 –– No hematuria
Infection of the urethra causing inflammation –– Activity causing irritation precedes dysuria
(dysuria and/or urethral discharge). (if chemical irritant)
–– Ask about risk factors (see “Risk factors”)
–– Take a sexual history; see “Personal and Social
History (Specific to Genitourinary System)”

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–12 Genitourinary System


–– Client appears well –– Obtain midstream urine for dipstick testing
–– Urethral meatus may be crusted or erythematous (positive leukocyte esterase, no hematuria for
–– Mucoid, mucopurulent or purulent urethral Chlamydia, N. Gonorrhoeae, and Trichomonas)
discharge may be present (gonorrhea, chlamydia); –– Obtain midstream urine for urinalysis (routine and
in males must retract foreskin and milk the urethra microscopy, culture and sensitivity); culture has no
from the base of the penis to the meatus; discharge growth in Chlamydia
may also be present at cervical os in females –– Take endourethral swabs for culture or first 20 mL
–– Lymph nodes (for example, inguinal) may be of first morning void or after > 2 hours of not
present and/or tender (in syphilis) voiding for nucleic acid amplification testing for
–– Perineal area lesions or ulcer(s) may be present N. gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia; swabs are the best
(syphilitic chancre or herpes simplex virus) route to diagnose N. gonorrhoeae
–– Abdominal (including costovertebral angle –– Offer urethral swabs for trichomoniasis in men
tenderness) and digital rectal (males only) exams –– Consider offering additional diagnostic tests (for
have no acute findings example, for HIV, hepatitis A, B, and C virus)
–– Temperature not elevated for individuals with risk factors for sexually
–– No testicular or epididymal swelling, masses transmitted infections (STIs), (see Chapter 11,
or tenderness “Communicable Diseases”)
–– Offer Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS (VDRL) or Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) testing
for syphilis (perform it if an ulcer is present)
–– Epididymitis
–– If a genital ulcer is present, take a culture for
–– Prostatitis (acute or chronic)
herpes simplex virus
–– Cystitis
–– Pyelonephritis MANAGEMENT
–– Reactive arthritis Treatment depends on suspected cause, based
–– Chemical irritation on signs, symptoms, risk factors and diagnostic
–– Endourethral chancre (syphilis) test results.
–– Chronic pelvic pain disorder
Goals of Treatment
–– Relieve symptoms
–– Pelvic inflammatory disease –– Prevent complications of infection
–– Tubo-ovarian abscess –– Prevent recurrence
–– Infertility
–– Cervicitis Appropriate Consultation
–– Vaginitis Consult a physician if urethritis has recurred or if it
–– Urinary tract infection (cystitis or pyelonephritis) has not resolved after the course of treatment.
–– Epididymitis
–– Prostatitis Nonpharmacologic Interventions
–– Urethral stricture or stenosis –– Advise client to return to the clinic for
–– Abscess reassessment if symptoms worsen
–– If sexually transmitted infection is suspected or
is the cause, educate client about the importance
of their partner being tested and treated

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–13

Client Education Monitoring and Follow-Up

–– Educate to avoid chemical irritants (for example, –– Follow up in 7 days, when the course of antibiotics
spermicide), if it is a potential cause is completed to ensure symptom resolution, good
–– Explain disease process and expected course (for compliance with medication, no re-exposure to
example, symptoms may be present for up to 7 days partner and no new partners
after treatment is completed) –– If N. gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia are confirmed as
–– Counsel client about appropriate use of medication the causative organism, ensure contact tracing and
(dose, frequency, side effects, completion of entire a report to Public Health is made according to the
course prescribed) procedures in your region
–– Counsel client about preventing spread of STIs –– Treat current sexual partner(s) and those within the
to sexual partners (for example, abstain from sex past 60 days, even if asymptomatic
for 1 week after treatment begins for last partner –– Do a test of cure (repeat sexually transmitted
treated, consistent condom use, explore barriers infection testing) 3 weeks after treatment only for
to safe sexual practices) pregnant women
Pharmacologic Interventions –– If N. gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia are confirmed
as the causative organism, repeat STI testing in 6
Urethral discharge present OR lab results indicate months
N. gonorrhoeae infection:
cefixime (Suprax), 400 mg PO single dose Referral

and either Refer to a physician if the client presents with

recurrent urethritis.
doxycycline, 100 mg PO bid for 7 days (if not
URINARY INCONTINENCE74,75,76,77,78,79,80
azithromycin 1 g PO single dose (if poor compliance Involuntary loss of urine. Incontinence is so frequent
is expected) in women that many consider it normal, although
it is not, nor is it age related. In men, dribbling is
Lab results indicate Chlamydia OR if
usually associated with other symptoms of bladder-
nongonococcal infection:
outlet obstruction (see the section “Benign Prostatic
doxycycline (Vibramycin), 100 mg PO bid for 7 days Hyperplasia”).
(if not pregnant)
One should routinely screen for incontinence in those
or who are at risk, as more than half of clients do not
azithromycin 1 g PO single dose (if poor compliance report it. It has a large adverse impact on quality
is expected) of life.
Lab results indicate Trichomonas or recurrence
of urethritis with no new partner or re-exposure
and good compliance with medication: See Table 1, “Incontinence Types and Causes”.
metronidazole 2 g PO single dose

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–14 Genitourinary System

Table 1 – Incontinence Types and Causes

Type Description and Causes
Stress Incontinence Leakage of urine due to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (for example,
cough, exercise, climbing stairs, sneeze) leading to impaired urethral sphincter
functioning or hypermobility. Most common type in younger women. Poor
pelvic support (for example, multiple vaginal deliveries, postmenopausal
estrogen deficiency, prostate surgery) is the primary cause.
Urge Incontinence Leakage of urine due to inability to delay voiding when an urge is perceived.
(overactive bladder syndrome) Causes include detrusor hyperactivity (contractions) or instability of the
bladder wall, disorders of the central nervous system (for example, Parkinson’s
disease), and bladder irritability from infection, stones, diverticula or tumour.
Functional Incontinence Leakage of urine due to inability to get to the toilet. Causes include age‑related
(potentially reversible) problems (for example, decreased mobility and manual dexterity, cognitive
disability), alcohol intoxication, environmental factors, medications (for
example, diuretics, sedatives) and diabetes mellitus (neurogenic bladder).
Can affect other types of incontinence and/or be a cause by itself.
Mixed Incontinence Combination of urge and stress incontinence. Most common type in women.
Overflow Incontinence Constant leakage of urine due to overdistention of the bladder (incomplete
bladder emptying resulting in high post-void residual volume) or fullness of the
bladder. Commonly caused by obstruction of the bladder outlet (for example,
prostatic enlargement, fecal impaction), impaired detrusor contractility and/
or neurologic disease (for example, multiple sclerosis). Often associated with
weak stream, hesitancy, frequency, and nocturia.

Risk Factors
Table 2 – Selected Drugs Related to Incontinence81
–– Childbearing (including vaginal delivery) Drug class Example
–– Obesity Drugs with anticholinergic effects
–– Increasing age
Antipsychotic agents prochlorperazine (Stemetil)a
–– Functional impairment (for example, lower and
Tricyclic antidepressants amitriptyline
upper extremity weakness, sensory or cognitive
impairment) Antihistamines b
diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
–– Other urinary symptoms (for example, dysuria) Hormones estrogen, oral
–– Childhood enuresis
–– Diabetes
Calcium channel blockers amlodipine, nifedipine
–– Menopause
–– Stroke ACE inhibitors enalapril

–– Spinal cord injury Loop diuretics furosemide

–– Depression a. Often used as an antinauseant
b. It is the older histamine H1 receptor antagonists that
–– Lower estrogen are a problem in this regard
–– Genitourinary surgery (for example, hysterectomy,
prostate surgery) Urge Incontinence
–– Medications that may cause or worsen urinary
incontinence are shown in Table 2 (see “Table 2”). –– Increasing age
Anticholinergic agents impair emptying and can –– Prostate disorder and/or radiation
cause retention of urine. Some drugs can cause –– History of urinary tract infections (in men)
pedal edema, which is associated with nocturia –– Constipation
and nighttime incontinence. Examples include
Stress Incontinence
gabapentin and pregabalin, thiazolidinediones
and calcium channel blockers. ACE inhibitors –– Pelvic trauma
can cause cough in some clients, which worsens –– High impact physical activities
stress incontinence –– Smoking

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–15

Overflow Incontinence –– Bladder diary is helpful if it is difficult to

determine the severity of incontinence, if nocturia
–– Previous anti-incontinence surgery
is present and/or if there is frequency. It can also
–– Pelvic organ prolapse help establish efficacy of treatment if done before
–– Older adult and after treatment. Ask the client or caregiver to
–– Peripheral neuropathy keep track of the time, volume (amount or drop,
small, medium, soaking), and circumstances of all
HISTORY continence and incontinence episodes for 3 days.
–– Loss of bladder control Also have them record associated activities (for
–– Onset and course (for example, sudden onset may example, time, type and amount of fluid intake,
indicate neurologic or neoplastic cause) exercise, hours of sleep). A sample bladder diary is
–– How often, how much and when leakage occurs available from the Institute for Clinical Evaluative
(severity) Sciences at: http://www.ices.on.ca/informed/
–– Qualify degree of difficulty in maintaining
continence Previously “dry” elderly clients who suddenly become
–– Urgency (strong and sudden, so lose control before incontinent may have an early urinary tract infection
getting to the toilet) or an intercurrent illness or infection elsewhere.
–– Precipitating factors (for example, medications, If infection is present, there will be symptoms of
caffeinated beverages, alcohol, amount of fluid cystitis.
consumed, physical activity, coughing, laughing,
sneezing, sound of water, placing hands in water) If diabetes is suspected, ask about polyuria,
and what caused loss of bladder control most often polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, recurrent cystitis
or vaginitis.
–– Associated symptoms (for example, frequency,
nocturia, hesitancy, interrupted voiding, dribbling,
continuous leakage, weak urinary stream,
incomplete emptying, straining to empty) The findings will depend upon the specific cause.
–– Assess bowel habits, sexual function, history –– Distention of the bladder may be present
of prostate disease and/or treatment, number of –– Cardiovascular examination to rule out volume
pregnancies and vaginal deliveries, postmenopausal overload (for example, peripheral edema)
symptoms, neurologic deficits
–– Palpate abdomen for masses and tenderness
–– Impact on quality of life of client and caregiver, (for example, bladder distention, costovertebral
if applicable (for example, restrictions to work, angle tenderness)
exercise, social activities); most bothersome part
–– Examine the extremities for joint mobility,
of incontinence
function, and venous stasis
–– Previous continence therapy, in particular, surgeries
–– Assess prostate, anal-sphincter tone, rectal wall
–– In females, feeling of prolapse (masses), amount of stool present in rectum
–– Comorbid conditions –– Note atrophic urethral and vaginal changes (for
–– Risk factors, as listed above and the timing of example, pallor, thinning, loss of rugae), relaxation
them compared to the onset of incontinence of pelvic floor (for example, cystocele, uterine
(see “Risk factors”) prolapse), pelvic masses (for example, fibroids)
and tenderness, inflammation (for example,
erythema, friability)
–– Assess penis, scrotal contents and pelvic
area for infection, masses, hernia, position of
urethral meatus
–– Assess for stress incontinence by asking client
to cough or bear down while observing their
urethral meatus
–– Assess deep tendon reflexes and perineal sensation

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–16 Genitourinary System

–– Neurologic examination if sudden onset, known PSA levels should not be drawn if a digital prostate
neurologic disease, or new onset of neurologic exam has been done in the previous 3 days because
symptoms (for example, perineal sensation, levels may be falsely elevated.
anal sphincter tone, anal wink, vibration and
sensation testing) MANAGEMENT85
–– Older adults: assess cognitive and functional status Management is based on identifying and treating the
(for example, mobility, ability to transfer, manual underlying cause. Treatment is focused on the most
dexterity, ability to toilet) troublesome aspects for the client, so the client’s goals
–– Screen for depression are consistent with the care provider’s and should start
with the least invasive (nonpharmacologic) measures
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS83 first, as they carry the least risk.
–– Cauda equina syndrome
Goals of Treatment
–– Spinal cord compression or trauma
–– Uterine prolapse –– Achieve relief of urinary symptoms (reduction in
–– Renal calculi incontinent episodes, urinary frequency, urinary
–– Multiple sclerosis urgency)
–– Brain or spinal cord tumour –– Increase functional capacity of the bladder
–– Cystitis or pyelonephritis –– Improve quality of life
–– Pelvic inflammatory disease Appropriate Consultation
–– Prostatitis
Consult a physician if the incontinence is associated
–– Vaginitis
with abdominal or pelvic pain, hematuria (and not
COMPLICATIONS cystitis), elevated prostate specific antigen, abnormal
prostate examination, a fistula is suspected, there are
–– Irritation neurologic abnormalities, medication is a suspected
–– Breakdown and ulceration of skin in the genital cause, or there is a pelvic mass or prolapse.
–– Social embarrassment Nonpharmacologic Interventions
–– Social and psychological problems The following simple measures should be tried.

DIAGNOSTIC TESTS All Types of Incontinence

–– Obtain urine for urinalysis (routine and –– Manage fluid intake (maximum of 1.5–2 L per day)
microscopy) –– Avoid caffeinated, carbonated, and alcoholic
–– Obtain midstream urine for culture and sensitivity beverages
if infection is suspected (to identify cystitis) –– Avoid constipation (for example, eat more fibre,
–– Post-void in and out catheterization to measure avoid straining while having a bowel movement)
amount of residual urine only if requested by –– Treat cough
a physician (for example, when the diagnosis –– Advise smoking cessation if the client is a smoker
is not clear or the client fails to improve after –– Avoid straining while urinating
nonpharmacologic treatment)84 –– Avoid voiding > 2 times a night, if possible
–– Perform complete blood count, and measure –– Bladder training (if cognitively intact) to gradually
creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and lengthen the time between voids by timed voiding
electrolytes to check renal function (start voiding at the shortest time between voids
–– Measure blood sugar to rule out diabetes (from a bladder diary) or every 2 hours while the
–– Serum calcium if frequency and/or increased client is awake and then increase by 30–60 minute
urine volume intervals after 2 days without leaking, until it is
–– In men, prostate surface antigen (PSA): optional a period that works for the client, or every 3–4
and controversial but is generally recommended hours without incontinence (for urge and mixed
when a diagnosis of prostate cancer would alter incontinence); reassure clients that this takes weeks
treatment in a healthy man between 50 and 70 years to achieve
of age and who is expected to live at least 10 years

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–17

–– Urgency suppression using relaxation techniques; Chronic Day and Nocturnal Incontinence
stand still or sit down when urgency occurs then
–– Advise client to toilet regularly at a bedside
take a deep breath and let it out slowly while
commode or urinal to train the bladder
contracting pelvic muscles; after feel in control
walk slowly to a bathroom (for urge and mixed –– Instruct client and family members about good skin
incontinence); reassure clients that this takes weeks care to prevent skin breakdown and infection
to achieve In the elderly client, assess life situation and any
–– Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic floor and recent life changes, cognitive status (to detect recent
perineal muscles; advise client to do 10–15 changes, depression or confusion), general medical
repetitions of slow velocity contractions, held status (to identify concurrent illness, medications and
for 6–8 seconds, three times a day for at least whether client has physical difficulty getting to the
15–20 weeks (for urge, stress, mixed incontinence, toilet). Correcting these factors should be the focus,
prevention); confirm that the client is doing them to start. Discuss medications, cognitive changes and
properly by digital vaginal examination (for uncontrolled comorbid conditions with a physician.
example, vaginal muscles squeeze, but not buttock Prompted voiding (like bladder training, but timed by
or abdominal ones). Educate that it takes 6–8 a caregiver) can help cognitively impaired clients.
weeks to start to see results. A client education
If client has a distended bladder, see “Acute Urinary
sheet on Kegel exercises is available from The
Canadian Continence Foundation at: http://www.
canadiancontinence.ca/pdf/pelvicmuscleexercises.pdf Pharmacologic Interventions
–– Suggest sanitary napkins or adult diapers
specifically designed for urinary incontinence Medications are sometimes used as an adjuvant
or a condom catheter to help maintain dryness therapeutic intervention to these nonpharmacologic
measures. They would be used only after clear
–– Explain disease process and expected course
diagnosis of the type of incontinence (see “Causes”)
–– Counsel client about appropriate use of medication and would be prescribed only by a physician.
(dose, frequency, side effects, completion of entire Examples of medications used to treat urinary
course prescribed) incontinence include anticholinergic agents such
–– Client education sheets on incontinence are as oxybutynin, flavoxate, tolterodine, trospium,
available to download from The Canadian solifenacin, and darifenacin; alpha-adrenergic
Continence Foundation at: http://www.continence- antagonists such as terazosin, doxazosin, tamsulosin,
fdn.ca/english/documents.html alfuzosin; and the antidepressant duloxetine. Injection
Stress Incontinence of botulinum toxin type A by a specialist into the
detrusor muscle may also be used in selected clients.
–– Encourage weight loss and increased physical
activity, if appropriate, to reduce symptoms Relieve fecal impaction with gentle disimpaction or
–– Encourage frequent toileting, complete emptying water enemas (see “Constipation,” in Chapter 5,
of the bladder, voiding before strenuous activities “Gastrointestinal System”).
and use of sanitary napkins to maintain dryness
Monitoring and Follow-Up
Urinary stress incontinence of some small degree may
Follow up in 1 month and in 4 months to ensure
be physiological and may not be abnormal.
client is continuing their Kegel exercises and other
Nighttime Incontinence nonpharmacologic interventions, and to provide
positive reinforcement. If no difference is noted
–– Advise client to reduce fluid intake in the evening
in 4 months and the client wants to pursue further
(especially caffeine products)
treatment, refer to a physician.
–– Advise client to take diuretic drugs earlier in the
evening or day Referral
–– Suggest a bedside commode or urinal, if available,
or a condom catheter Men with pelvic pain, severe incontinence or lower
urinary tract symptoms, and frequent urologic
infections should be referred to a physician
upon presentation.

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–18 Genitourinary System

Refer to a physician for evaluation if conservative Risk Factors

measures fail to improve symptoms, the diagnosis –– Hypertension
is uncertain, client has had prior pelvic surgery or
–– Age 20–49
irradiation, and/or the client would like further options
–– Family history of urolithiasis
(for example, pessary, medication, surgery).
–– Personal history of urolithiasis
Prevention –– Recurrent upper urinary tract infections
–– Bone resorption
–– Manage fluid intake (maximum of 2 L per day)
–– Low fluid intake
–– Avoid caffeinated, carbonated, and alcoholic
beverages –– Possible risk factors include diabetes, obesity, gout,
excessive physical exercise
–– Regular bowel movements
–– Asian or Caucasian race
–– Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic floor and
perineal muscles; advise client to do 10–15 Calcium stones (are most common)91:
repetitions of slow velocity contractions, held for –– Hypercalciuria
6–8 seconds, three times a day for at least 15–20
–– Hypocitraturia
weeks (for first year after vaginal delivery, after
–– Hyperoxaluria
pelvic or prostate surgery, older women). A client
education sheet on Kegel exercises is available –– Low urine volume
from The Canadian Continence Foundation –– Alkaline urine
at: http://www.canadiancontinence.ca/pdf/ –– Dietary factors (for example, low calcium, high
pelvicmuscleexercises.pdf oxalate (for example, spinach), high animal
–– Encourage weight loss (if obese) protein, high sodium, low fluid, high vitamin C
or D supplementation)
–– Increase physical activity
–– Primary hyperparathyroidism
–– Smoking cessation
–– Improve diet Uric acid stones:
–– Manage conditions associated with incontinence –– Acidic urine (for example, due to chronic diarrhea,
(for example, diabetes, neurologic conditions) gout, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome)
–– High serum uric acid
UROLITHIASIS86,87,88,89,90,91 Struvite stones:
Calculi (stone) in the urinary tract (for example, –– Upper urinary tract infection due to Proteus or
kidneys, bladder, urethra). Often cau˚ses renal colic, Klebsiella
a pain produced by the presence and movement of a –– Recurrent urinary tract infections
stone within the ureter or renal pelvis. Some clients
are asymptomatic. Clients may have one or more HISTORY
types of stones. –– Sudden onset of mild ache to severe, colicky pain
in one flank that often increases and decreases in
–– Calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate –– Pain may radiate to lower abdomen, flank, groin,
accumulation labia or testicle
–– Magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite stones) –– Exact location of pain depends on location of stone
–– Uric acid accumulation and level of obstruction (may be vague or acute,
–– Medications (for example, indinavir, acyclovir, abdominal or flank, may change location as the
sulfadiazine) stone moves)
–– Enhanced oxalate absorption (for example, gastric –– Gross hematuria present in most clients
bypass surgery) –– Dysuria, urgency, frequency may develop
–– Other genetic disorders (for example, cystine –– Nausea and vomiting are often present
stones, an inborn error of amino acid metabolism) –– May be penile or testicular pain
–– Stone or “gravel” in urine may be present
–– May have low fluid intake
–– Risk factors, as listed above (see “Risk factors”)

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–19


–– Temperature may be elevated (unusual unless –– Obtain urine for urinalysis (routine and
infection is also present) microscopic and for culture); often hematuria is
–– Heart rate may be elevated present
–– Blood pressure may be elevated –– Strain all urine for stones and send for pathology
–– Client appears in acute distress –– Pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy, if child-
–– Client pale, cool and sweaty bearing age
–– Client restless, tossing about, unable to find a –– Consider imaging in consultation with a physician
comfortable position
–– Abdomen may be distended (uncommon)
–– Costovertebral angle and/or abdominal tenderness If symptoms are mild, client is afebrile and able to
–– Bowel sounds may be decreased (because of tolerate oral fluids and medication, and diagnosis is
reactive ileus) clear, treat on outpatient basis.
If symptoms are uncontrollable or severe, client
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS is unable to tolerate oral fluids, or the diagnosis
–– Abdominal aortic aneurysm (the most important is questionable, consultation with a physician and
differential diagnosis to rule out, often mimics inpatient treatment will be needed.
urinary colic)
–– Ectopic pregnancy (important to rule out in any Goals of Treatment
woman of child-bearing age with abdominal pain) –– Control pain
–– Acute abdomen (cholecystitis, appendicitis, –– Maintain hydration
gastroenteritis, diverticulitis, peritonitis) –– Identify complications
–– Acute pyelonephritis
–– Peptic ulcer disease Appropriate Consultation
–– Biliary colic Severe Condition or Questionable Diagnosis
–– Salpingitis, tubo-ovarain abscess
Consult a physician as soon as possible.
–– Ovarian cysts
–– Herpes zoster prodromal pain (shingles) Adjuvant Therapy
–– Pancreatitis Severe Condition or Questionable Diagnosis
–– Low back pain
–– Renal carcinoma –– Start IV therapy with normal saline
–– Attention- or drug-seeking client –– Adjust rate according to severity of vomiting and
dehydration, client’s age and underlying medical
–– Renal abscess Nonpharmacologic Interventions
–– Ureteral perforation
Mild Condition
–– Ureteral stenosis and scarring
–– Urinary fistula formation –– Encourage increase in fluid intake (to produce
–– Recurrent stones 2 L of urine daily)
–– Chronic renal failure secondary to obstruction –– Strain urine to collect stones for several days and
send stones for pathology
–– Recurrent infection of the lower urinary tract
–– Hydronephrosis (asymptomatic obstruction of the Severe Condition or Questionable Diagnosis
kidney leading to decreased renal function or renal –– Bed rest
–– Nothing by mouth if vomiting
–– Pyelonephritis
–– Strain urine to collect stones for several days and
–– Sepsis send stones for pathology

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–20 Genitourinary System

Pharmacologic Interventions Severe Condition or Questionable Diagnosis

Mild Condition –– Monitor urine output
To control pain: –– Strain all urine for stones
–– Send all stones for laboratory analysis
ibuprofen 600–800 mg PO tid prn
–– Client may be discharged home once pain and nausea
or are controlled (and if they are not being medevaced)
naproxen 500 mg, then 250–500 mg PO tid prn –– Instruct client to collect and strain all urine for stones
(maximum 1500 mg/day) and save any stones that are passed and then bring
or them to the clinic so they can be sent for analysis
–– Encourage fluid intake to produce 2 L of urine
ketorolac 30 mg IM/IV q6h prn (maximum 120 mg/day)
For pain unresponsive to NSAIDs or in clients unable –– Follow up 12–24 hours after discharge
to take NSAIDs because of a contraindication (allergy,
history of ulcers, renal disease): Referral
morphine 5 mg IM or IV or SC once; Mild Condition
upon consultation with a physician
Refer to a physician if client fails to pass stone (as the
Antiemetics for nausea and vomiting: stone may have to be removed by some other means)
dimenhydrinate (Gravol), 50–75 mg IM/IV q4–6h or if pain is uncontrollable. Physician may order
as required medication such as tamsulosin (which can be obtained
through an NIHB pharmacy provider) to help with
Monitoring and Follow-Up stone passage.
Mild Condition Severe Condition or Questionable Diagnosis
–– Client may be discharged home once pain and Medevac to hospital upon recommendation of a
nausea are controlled physician if:
–– Instruct client to collect and strain all urine for
–– pain, nausea, vomiting or fever persist or are not
stones and save any stones that are passed and then
controlled; urosepsis;
bring them to the clinic so they can be sent for
analysis –– acute renal failure;
–– Follow up 48 hours after discharge; sooner if pain –– anuria
is uncontrollable Imaging studies or urgent urology consultation may
be warranted.


ACUTE PROSTATITIS12,13 –– Young and middle-aged male

–– Trauma (for example, bicycle or horseback riding)
Acute infection of the prostate gland. The diagnosis is
–– Dehydration
presumed with clinical symptoms and a swollen and
tender prostate on exam. –– Sexual abstinence
–– Chronic indwelling urinary catheter
CAUSES –– Urethral stricture
The same organisms that cause cystitis (E. coli, –– Intraprostatic ductal reflux
Proteus spp, Klebsiella spp). –– Phimosis
–– Unprotected anal intercourse
Risk Factors14 –– Acute epididymitis
–– Urinary tract infection –– Transurethral surgery
–– Prostatic calculi

2011 (Revised April 2013) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care
Genitourinary System 6–21


–– Abrupt onset of fever and chills –– Obtain urine for urinalysis (routine and
–– Genital pain microscopy, culture and sensitivity):
–– Lower abdominal pain –– Urine cloudy or clear
–– Pain in sacrum and low back may be present –– Dipstick test: blood and protein may be present
–– Perineal and/or rectal pain –– Microscopic examination of urine: bacteria,
–– Pain with ejaculation WBC and a few red blood cells (RBC) may
–– Dysuria, frequency, urgency (all symptoms be present
of cystitis), nocturia –– Take urethral swabs for culture (N. gonorrhoeae
–– Symptoms of bladder-neck obstruction may and Chlamydia) if an STI is suspected (because
be present of history) or urethral discharge is detected
–– Cloudy urine –– Offer HIV testing
–– Flow and stream may be abnormal (for example, –– Perform Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
dribbling, hesitancy, urinary retention) (VDRL) or Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) testing
for syphilis15
–– Pain with bowel movements
–– May be blood in semen MANAGEMENT
–– Malaise, myalgia
If the symptoms are mild to moderate, treat on an
PHYSICAL FINDINGS outpatient basis. If the symptoms are severe and the
client appears acutely ill, inpatient care is required.
–– May be a fever
–– May be tachycardia Goals of Treatment
–– Client may be in moderate to severe distress and –– Relieve symptoms
appear acutely ill (for example, septic shock)
–– Prevent complications
–– Client walks slowly, with legs apart
–– Eradicate infection (if present)
–– Bladder may be visibly distended on abdominal
inspection Appropriate Consultation
–– Prostate gland enlarged, acutely tender, warm,
Consult a physician, especially if the symptoms are
with soft-firm consistency
severe or the client appears systemically unwell.
–– Small amounts of pus may be expressed
from urethra Nonpharmacologic Interventions
–– Avoid massage of prostate (may cause bacteremia)
Educate the client that fever and dysuria usually
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS resolve after 2–6 days of treatment.

–– Benign prostatic hyperplasia with urinary tract Encourage intake of fluids (in particular if mucous
infection membranes are dry).
–– Epididymitis Severe Symptoms
–– Urethritis
Bed rest.
–– Cystitis
–– Pyelonephritis Pharmacologic Interventions
–– Malignancy
Mild to Moderate Symptoms
COMPLICATIONS Consider treating clients < 35 years for sexually
–– Epididymitis transmitted infections as well.
–– Pyelonephritis Antibiotics vary in their ability to penetrate prostate
–– Acute urinary retention tissue. Prolonged antibiotic therapy is often required
–– Sepsis to eradicate the causative organism. Because of the
–– Chronic prostatitis prolonged duration of therapy ensure that the dose
is adjusted in clients with the potential for renal
–– Prostatic abscess

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–22 Genitourinary System

dysfunction (for example, elderly clients, clients with Mild to Moderate Symptoms
renal disease and/or diabetes mellitus). Discuss dosing
–– Follow up at days 2 and 7 of therapy, sooner
with a physician.
if the client’s symptoms are not improving
sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (Septra DS), 1 tab or are worsening. Asses compliance with the
PO bid for 4 weeks medication regimen
For clients with an allergy to Septra or sulfa drugs, a –– Repeat urine culture on day 7 of treatment; a
fluoroquinolone can be prescribed: negative culture at this time predicts that the client
will be cured after 4–6 weeks of therapy; a positive
ciprofloxacin 500 mg PO bid for 4 weeks16
culture suggests that an alternative antibiotic should
Severe Symptoms be considered in consultation with a physician
For symptoms such as sepsis, hypotension, urinary –– Educate about the importance of finishing the
retention, inability to tolerate oral medication, and course of antibiotics
immunodeficiency, start IV therapy with normal saline Severe Symptoms
for fluids and IV antibiotics, after consultation with a
physician. –– Watch for distended bladder and/or signs of sepsis
–– If the client is unable to void and has a distended
Manage fever and pain: bladder, have him sit in a tub filled with warm
acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO q4h water and attempt to void into the water
prn (maximum 12 regular-strength tabs/day [4 g]) –– Do not catheterize, as it is contraindicated in acute
or prostatitis
–– See “Acute Urinary Retention” if treatment as
ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs
described here is not successful
PO tid-qid prn
or Referral
naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 250 mg, 1–2 tabs Severe Symptoms
PO bid-tid prn
Medevac as soon as possible for continued inpatient
Avoid NSAIDs in clients with renal dysfunction IV therapy.
and do not use if there are contraindications such as
a history of allergy to aspirin or NSAIDs or peptic
ulcer disease. BALANITIS17
Discuss the need for IV antibiotics with physician. Inflammation of glans penis.
Antibiotic selection will vary according to
circumstances. The dose of some agents (for example, CAUSES AND/OR RISK FACTORS
gentamicin) will need to be tailored to the client’s –– Allergic or irritant reaction (for example, after use
renal function. of latex condoms, contraceptive jelly, soaps)
–– Infection: Fungal (for example, Candida albicans),
Monitoring and Follow-Up viral (for example, herpes simplex), or bacterial
Be sure to review the results of the urine culture and (for example, Streptococcus spp or Staphylococcus spp)
sensitivities and adjust the antibiotic accordingly if –– Skin disorders (for example, circinate balanitis,
the organism is not sensitive to the empiric antibiotic psoriasis)
prescribed. –– Poor personal hygiene in uncircumcised males
–– Trauma (for example, zippers)
–– Reactive arthritis
–– Medication reaction (for example, tetracycline,
salicylates); causing fixed drug eruption
–– Presence of foreskin
–– Diabetes
–– Morbid obesity

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–23

HISTORY –– Take urethral swabs for culture (N. gonorrhoeae

–– Symptoms appear over 3–7 days and Chlamydia) if an STI is suspected (because of
history) or urethral discharge is detected
–– Penile pain
–– Serum glucose, after consultation with a physician
–– Tenderness
(if candidal infection is suspected – for example,
–– Pruritus associated with small erythematous lesions young client)
on the glans or prepuce
–– Thick, foul smelling, purulent discharge is often MANAGEMENT
–– Dysuria Goals of Treatment
–– Drainage at site of infection –– Relieve symptoms
–– Erythema of glans –– Prevent recurrence
–– Swelling of prepuce
–– Ulceration or scaly lesions Appropriate Consultation
–– Plaques Consult a physician if the lesion is well circumscribed,
–– Symptoms may be worse after sexual intercourse red and velvety, or if there is induration and white
–– Systemic symptoms may be present, such as patches. They may be indicative of carcinoma in situ.
painful joints or erections, mouth sores, swollen Additionally, consult a physician if there are systemic
or painful glands, painful voiding, and malaise signs and symptoms.
or fatigue
Nonpharmacologic Interventions
PHYSICAL FINDINGS –– Warm compresses or sitz baths
–– Redness, swelling of the glans penis –– Local hygiene: retract foreskin and wash with
–– Discharge around glans saline BID; ensure adequate drying of tissues
–– Examine genitals (in particular for paraphimosis), after cleansing and voiding; continue daily after
oral mucosa, joints, skin inflammation resolves
–– Ensure foreskin is easily retractable
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS –– Avoid chemical and soap irritants or allergens
–– Leukoplakia
Pharmacologic Interventions
–– Lichen planus
–– Psoriasis Start topical therapy. The choice of agent depends on
whether you think it is a fungal infection (40% are) or
–– Reactive arthritis
–– Nummular eczema
–– Scabies Fungal:
–– Human papillomavirus clotrimazole 1% cream (Canesten, generic ), bid to
affected area for 1–3 weeks
–– Urinary meatal stenosis
hydrocortisone 1% cream (Cortate), bid to affected
–– Premalignant changes resulting from chronic area for 1 week
–– Urinary tract infection Monitoring and Follow-Up
–– Ulcerative lesions of the glans/prepuce Reassess client in 1 week and then weekly if signs and
–– Phimosis, paraphimosis symptoms have not resolved.
–– Sample any discharge for culture and sensitivity, Refer to a physician if symptoms have not improved
KOH testing (for fungi) within 1 week or if signs and symptoms have not
resolved within 3 weeks. A referral for allergy testing
or biopsy may be warranted.

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–24 Genitourinary System


HYPERPLASIA18,19,20,21,22 –– Age > 50 years
Benign enlargement of prostate gland which may –– Higher free prostate specific antigen, testosterone
result in obstruction of the bladder outlet. and/or estradiol levels
–– Heart disease
CAUSES –– Beta-blocker use
–– Unknown –– Obesity
–– Possible link with hormonal activity –– Diabetes
–– Genetic susceptibility (for example, family history)
–– Lack of physical exercise
Drugs do not cause BPH, although treatment with
some classes of drugs can exacerbate symptoms and
thus should be avoided if possible; see Table 3 below.

Table 3 – Selected Drugs Associated with Urinary Retention that have the Potential to Exacerbate
the Symptoms of BPH23,24,25
Drug class Example
Drugs with anticholinergic effects
Antipsychotic agents Prochlorperazine (Stemetil)a
Tricyclic antidepressants Amitriptyline
Antispasmodic agents Hyoscine butylbromide (Buscopan)
Antiparkinsonian agents Benztropine (Cogentin)
Antihistaminesb Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
Inhaled anticholinergic agents (for COPD) Ipratropium, tiotropium26
Alpha-adrenergic agonists (in cold remedies) Phenylephrine, pseudoephedrine
Hormones Testosterone
Antihypertensive agents Hydralazine, nifedipine
Skeletal muscle relaxants Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril), diazepam, baclofen
a. Often used as an antinauseant
b. It is the older histamine H1 receptor antagonists that are a problem in this regard

HISTORY –– Continued sense of bladder fullness even after

Urinary symptoms occur when the prostate gland has voiding
enlarged to a size that produces partial obstruction of –– Sexual dysfunction
the bladder outlet. Usually symptoms start slowly and –– Risk factors as listed above (see “Risk factors”)
progress. –– 24-hour voiding chart to assess frequency, volume,
–– Hesitancy
–– Overflow incontinence Urinary tract infection or urinary retention may be
–– Straining to start flow the presenting complaint. Hematuria may be an early
–– Loss of stream force
–– Frequent urination in small amounts
–– Sense of urgency
–– Post-void dribbling
–– Nocturia
–– Hematuria

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–25

To rule out other conditions, assess for: DIAGNOSTIC TESTS22

–– Neurologic disease symptoms (neurogenic bladder) –– Urine for urinalysis (routine and microscopy,
–– Gross hematuria or bladder pain (bladder cancer culture and sensitivity)
or calculi) –– Rule out infection, hematuria and glycosuria
–– History of urethral trauma, urethritis, and/or –– Creatinine level
urethral instrumentation (urethral stricture) –– Prostate specific antigen (PSA): optional and
–– Family history of prostate cancer controversial but is generally recommended when
–– Medications that can impair the bladder (for a diagnosis of prostate cancer would alter treatment
example, anticholinergics) or increase outflow in a healthy man between 50 and 70 years of age
resistance (for example, sympathomimetics) and who is expected to live at least 10 years
PSA levels should not be drawn if a digital prostate
PHYSICAL FINDINGS exam has been done in the previous 3 days because
–– Abdomen: bladder may be enlarged if acute urinary levels may be falsely elevated.
retention present; enlarged bladder may be noted
on percussion MANAGEMENT27
–– Rectal exam: prostate gland enlarged, rectal
Goals of Treatment
sphincter tone strong
–– Prostate: normal consistency, top or margins may –– Improve or eliminate symptoms
not be palpable, median sulcus may be indistinct, –– Prevent the complications of long-term obstruction
no nodules, induration or asymmetry of bladder outlet (for example, urinary tract
–– Neurologic examination: within normal limits infections, bladder stones, hydronephrosis)
The clinical size of the prostate gland correlates Appropriate Consultation
poorly with the severity of symptoms. A client with
mild clinical enlargement may present with very Consult a physician if client’s symptoms are severe
troublesome symptoms. or bothersome enough that he wants immediate
treatment (low quality of life), if there is hematuria,
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS nodularity or induration or asymmetry of the prostate,
unexpected back pain, or if there is acute bladder
–– Cystitis obstruction (see “Nonpharmacologic Interventions”).
–– Cancer of the prostate
Prostatic carcinoma with metastasis to bone must
–– Bladder tumour
be ruled out in men > 35 years of age who have
–– Bladder calculi
symptoms of bladder-neck obstruction and new onset
–– Prostatitis (chronic) of back pain.
–– Urethral stricture
–– Bladder neck contracture Nonpharmacologic Interventions
–– Neurogenic bladder Assess the severity of symptoms once a client has
been diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia
COMPLICATIONS using the International Prostate Symptom Score
–– Recurrent urinary tract infections or renal calculi (available at: http://www.usli.net/uro/Forms/ipss.pdf).
–– Bladder wall trabeculation –– Educate that many men have symptoms improve or
–– Acute urinary retention stabilize, even without treatment
–– Hemorrhoids or hernias caused by straining with –– Instruct client to avoid fluids – especially tea,
urination coffee and alcohol – before bedtime or leaving
–– Renal damage secondary to chronic obstruction the house, as they tend to cause diuresis
–– Hydronephrosis –– Double void to help empty the bladder
–– Overflow incontinence
–– Erectile dysfunction

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–26 Genitourinary System

–– Review all medications that the client is taking; EPIDIDYMITIS28,29,30,31,32,33

discontinue if possible after consultation with
a physician Bacterial infection of epididymis leading to
inflammation. Epididymitis is one of the most
–– Cold remedies with decongestants,
common infections of the male reproductive tract.
antihistamines, anticholinergics, antipsychotics,
antidepressants and anxiolytics can cause poor
bladder emptying and increase obstruction of
the bladder outlet (see Table 3) Sexually transmitted infections: usually a sexually
–– Advise client to report any sudden change in transmitted infection (for example, Neisseria
symptoms for re-evaluation gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia).
–– Counsel client about appropriate use of –– Risk factors: client < 35 years of age, sexually
medications (dose, frequency, side effects, active, multiple sexual partners
adherence to regimen between attacks to prevent
Other infectious causes (for example, not an STI)
future attacks)
include urinary tract pathogens (Escherichia coli,
–– Surgery to reduce the size of the prostate may
Klebsiella, Proteus) most often, and more rarely,
be warranted: transurethral prostatectomy,
tuberculosis or a fungus.
transurethral incision prostatectomy or laser
prostatectomy –– Risk factors: client > 35 years of age, urinary tract
–– If surgery was performed, avoid lifting, performing infection, outflow obstruction, acute prostatitis,
strenuous exercises or remaining seated for urinary tract surgery, instrumentation of the
prolonged periods of time, for up to 1 month post- lower genitourinary (GU) tract (for example,
surgery catheterization), men who engage in anal
–– No sexual intercourse for several weeks post-surgery intercourse (insertive), and urethral stricture
Non-infectious cause: reflux of urine through
Pharmacologic Interventions ejaculatory ducts causing inflammation.
To improve symptoms, 5-α-reductase inhibitors such –– Risk factors: prolonged sitting, heavy physical
as finasteride (Proscar) or dutasteride (Avodart) and exertion or exercise, bicycle or motorcycle riding
α1-adrenergic blockers such as terazosin (Hytrin)
or tamsulosin (Flomax) may be prescribed. Clients HISTORY
prescribed a 5-α-reductase inhibitor should be advised
that 6–12 months of continuous treatment is required –– Gradual onset of unilateral testicular pain and
before the prostate volume decreases to an extent swelling
sufficient to improve symptoms.27 In contrast, the –– Elevation of scrotum provides relief of pain
onset of effect of the α1-adrenergic blockers is more –– Fever, chills, rigors, malaise may be present
rapid. Symptomatic improvement may be noted –– Symptoms of cystitis or urethritis may be present
within 1 month of initiating treatment. These must (frequency, urgency, dysuria, pruritus or meatal
be prescribed by a physician and the client usually discharge)
remains on them for the rest of his life. –– Take a sexual history; see “Personal and Social
History (Specific to Genitourinary System)” above
Monitoring and Follow-Up –– Risk factors as listed above (see “Risk factors”)
If symptoms are mild, arrange elective follow-up with
a physician. Client’s symptoms should be monitored PHYSICAL FINDINGS
every 6 months, and a digital rectal exam performed –– Temperature may be elevated (in acute
annually. If symptoms are moderate to severe, refer to epididymitis)
a physician. If a client is on pharmacologic therapy, –– Moderate distress
they should be reassessed every 3–6 months.
–– Client walks slowly and carefully, often holding
–– Unilateral testicular swelling, pain and redness,
Refer to a physician for assessment. Urological if advanced
consultation may be necessary if symptoms are
moderate to severe, causing inconvenience to the
client, or if there are complications.

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–27

–– Urethral discharge may be present after retracting MANAGEMENT

foreskin and/or after milking the urethra from the Treatment depends on suspected cause and severity of
base to the meatus (related to sexually transmitted symptoms. In general, mild infections are treated on
infection) an outpatient basis; more severe infections, which are
–– Testicle tender and warm to touch associated with fever and chills, require inpatient care.
–– Epididymis enlarged (may not be if subacute),
cord-like (indurated) and acutely tender Goals of Treatment
–– Hydrocele may be present –– Relieve symptoms
–– Abdominal (including costovertebral angle –– Eradicate infection (if present)
tenderness), digital rectal, lymph node, groin,
–– Prevent complications of infection
pubic area skin, and inguinal exams have no acute
–– Prevent recurrence
–– Prevent transmission (if STI)
Appropriate Consultation
–– Testicular torsion (surgical emergency)
Mild Infection
–– Scrotal abscess
–– Infected sebaceous cyst, folliculitis, insect bites Consult a physician if there is concern about
–– Trauma underlying non-infectious pathology, especially in a
–– Mumps orchitis client > 35 years of age.
–– Testicular tumour Severe Infection (for example, high fever, sepsis)
–– Spermatocele
Consult a physician regarding choice of intravenous
–– Hydrocele (IV) antibiotics and/or need for medevac.
–– Varicocele
–– Testicular appendix torsion Adjuvant Therapy
–– Inguinal hernia Severe Infection
COMPLICATIONS Start IV therapy with normal saline to keep vein open.
–– Spread of infection to testis Nonpharmacologic Interventions
–– Abscess
–– Bed rest during acute phase (1–2 days)
–– Orchitis
–– Elevation of scrotum to relieve pain
–– Atrophy
–– Client should use a scrotal support when
–– Infarction
–– Sepsis
–– Ice should be applied to scrotum for 20 minutes
–– Trauma q4–6h to relieve pain
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS –– Client should avoid heavy lifting, straining with
stool and sexual intercourse during acute phase
–– Obtain midstream urine for urinalysis (routine and –– Advise client to return to the clinic for
microscopy, culture and sensitivity) reassessment if symptoms worsen
–– Take urethral swabs for culture or first 20 mL of –– If sexually transmitted infection is suspected or
first morning (or at least 2 hours after previous) is the cause, educate client about the importance
void for nucleic acid amplification testing for of their partner being tested and treated
N. gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia
–– Offer HIV, hepatitis A, B, and C virus testing
for individual with risk factors for sexually
transmitted infections (STIs) (see adult Chapter 11,
“Communicable Diseases”)
–– Perform Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
(VDRL) or Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) testing
for syphilis

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–28 Genitourinary System

Client Education –– If N. gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia are confirmed as

–– Explain disease process and expected course the causative organism, ensure contact tracing (for
–– Counsel client about appropriate use of medication the 60 days prior to symptoms or the last partner
(dose, frequency, side effects, completion of entire if before that time) and a report to Public Health is
course prescribed) made according to the procedures in your region
–– Counsel client about preventing spread of STIs to
sexual partners (for example, abstain from sex until Referral
7 days after both partners started treatment for a Mild Infection
sexually transmitted infection)
If no response to pharmacologic treatment within
Pharmacologic Interventions 3 days consult a physician.

Mild Infection Severe Infection

Analgesia and antipyretics:31 Medevac as soon as possible for ongoing inpatient

intravenous drug and hydration therapy.
ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, generics), 200 mg, 1–2 tabs
PO tid-qid prn
naproxen (Naprosyn, generics), 250 mg, 1–2 tabs The inability to achieve or maintain an erection
PO bid-tid prn sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.41
Impotence affects males of all age groups, but
Avoid NSAIDs in clients with renal dysfunction and incidence increases with age. Can signal serious
do not use if there are contraindications such as a disease.
history of allergy to aspirin or NSAIDs, or peptic
ulcer disease. If NSAIDs are not well tolerated or are CAUSES
contraindicated use:
–– 80% of cases believed to have an organic cause (for
acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO example, pelvic trauma, medications, hormonal
q4–6h prn
abnormalities, neurologic or vascular concerns)
Antibiotics for treatment of acute epididymitis most –– Others believed to be psychogenic in origin (for
likely caused by chlamydial or gonococcal infection example, performance anxiety, no affection for
(for example, client < 35 years or client with multiple sexual partner, emotional concern)
sexual partners):34
Risk Factors
ceftriaxone 250 mg IM single dose
doxycycline 100 mg PO bid for 10 days –– Smoking
–– Medication use (for example, antidepressants,
Consult physician for choice of antibiotics for spironolactone, thiazide diuretics, cimetidine,
clients with severe infection, clients > 35 years with ketoconazole)
nonsexually transmitted infection (for example,
–– Psychosocial factors (for example, depression,
enteric organism; sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim
[Septra DS] or ciprofloxacin [Cipro] are commonly
used) or if a non-infectious cause is suspected. –– Serious disruption of marital or other sexual
Monitoring and Follow-Up –– Decreased testosterone levels
Mild Infection –– Obesity
–– Physical inactivity
–– Follow up in 48–72 hours and note response to –– Intercourse less than once per week
–– Bicycling (in those doing > 3 hours/week)
–– Follow up again in 10–14 days, when the course
–– Alcohol and drug use (for example, marijuana,
of antibiotics is completed, to ensure medications
were taken properly, symptoms have disappeared,
and there was no re-exposure to an infected partner

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–29

Irreversible: –– Assess for risk factors noted above (see “Risk

factors”), including a full assessment for depression
–– Pelvic trauma
and anxiety (see Chapter 15, “Mental Health”)
–– Prostate surgery (for example, radical
–– Take a sexual history; see “Personal and Social
History (Specific to Genitourinary System)” above
–– Increasing age
–– The “Sexual Health Inventory for Men” is a
–– Diabetes mellitus questionnaire that can be used to cover some of
–– Cardiovascular disease (for example, hypertension, the areas that need to be assessed. It is available
vascular insufficiency, dyslipidemia) on page 9 of the Towards Optimized Practice
–– Scleroderma Program guideline (available at: http://www.
–– Peyronie’s disease topalbertadoctors.org/cpgs.php?sid=13&cpg_
–– Neurologic disease (for example, stroke, multiple cats=43&cpg_info=20)
sclerosis, spinal cord injury)
HISTORY –– Occasionally, client will present with:
A nonjudgmental attitude and empathy in a –– Anxious appearance
confidential environment helps clients feel safer and –– Signs of depression (see Chapter 15, “Mental
more comfortable disclosing their sexual concerns. Be Health”)
direct with open-ended and specific questions to allow –– Rule out other causes with an assessment:
candid responses. Acknowledge that these discussions –– Palpate femoral and peripheral pulses
may be difficult and/or embarrassing.
–– Abdominal or femoral bruits (occlusion
Assess the impact on the partner as well, whenever of pelvic blood flow)
possible and if the client agrees, as it impacts both –– Ankle brachial index
partners. Often, sexual arousal and desire play a factor –– Hypertension
in erectile dysfunction. –– Heart sounds and size
–– Inability to achieve erection –– Visual field defects (hypogonadism with
–– Inability to sustain erection after penetration (often pituitary tumours)
due to anxiety or vascular steal syndrome) –– Gynecomastia (Klinefelter’s syndrome)
–– Sudden loss of erectile function – usually –– Penile plaques (Peyronie’s disease)
psychogenic in origin, unless genital tract trauma is –– Cremasteric reflex
present (for example, after radical prostatectomy) –– Testicular atrophy, fine body hair, hepatomegaly
–– Gradual decline in sexual function (for example, (hypotestosteronism)
sporadic at first then more consistent) –– Testicular asymmetry or masses
–– Erectile reserve (ability or inability to have –– Prostate enlargement (digital rectal exam)
spontaneous erections; for example, during night –– Neurologic causes (pelvic sensation and anal
or early morning); ask client and partner, if client sphincter tone)
–– Flaccidity of penis during foreplay, attempting DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
intercourse, wakening from sleep, and when self-
–– Vascular disease
–– Hypogonadism
–– Excitement (in mind) and arousal during sexual
activity may be reduced –– Hyperprolactinemia
–– Negative thoughts during sexual activity may be –– Hypo / hyperthyroidism
present (for example, fear of losing erection) –– Peyronie’s disease
–– Sexual thoughts, fantasies, and desire to self- –– Klinefelter’s syndrome
stimulate may be reduced
–– Desire for sexual intimacy and activity (libido)
–– Ability to ejaculate
–– Interpersonal conflict, often unexpressed

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–30 Genitourinary System

COMPLICATIONS Client Education

–– Marital concerns –– Educate about importance of controlling diseases
(for example, compliance with medications for
–– Quality of life decline
disorders that have a high prevalence of erectile
–– May be an indication of comorbid disease dysfunction)
(for example, diabetes, atherosclerosis)
–– Educate that specific sexual activities (for example,
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS oral sex) are engaged in by many couples
–– Explain causes (see “Causes”) and risk factors
In consultation with a physician, try to rule out (see “Risk factors”) and that many men are affected
conditions that may cause erectile dysfunction: as they age
–– Morning free and bioavailable testosterone –– Explain importance of foreplay
levels – may be decreased (for example, due –– Counsel client about appropriate use of medication
to hypogonadism) (dose, frequency, side effects, reinforce
–– Prolactin contraindications while taking medication)
–– Thyroid-stimulating hormone –– Priapism (erection lasting longer than 4 hours)
–– Fasting blood glucose requires one to get immediate help
–– Fasting lipid profile –– Towards Optimized Practice Program provides
–– Nocturnal penile tumescence test client information (available at: http://www.
MANAGEMENT42 cats=43&cpg_info=20)

Goals of Treatment Pharmacologic Interventions

–– Address underlying medical conditions that present Cessation of medications that may cause erectile
with erectile dysfunction dysfunction should be guided by a physician.
–– Improve or restore erectile function Treatment options to be prescribed by a physician
–– Correct reversible erectile dysfunction include:
–– Prevent complications
–– Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (for example,
Treatment depends on cause, severity of the problem, sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil)
and client preference. –– Alprostadil, administration intraurethrally or
by intercavernosal injection
Appropriate Consultation
–– Vacuum erection devices
Consult and refer client to a physician, as further tests –– Surgical interventions
(for example, to rule out cardiovascular disease) and/
or a referral may be warranted. Monitoring and Follow-Up
Follow up after 1 month of treatment, as there may be
Nonpharmacologic Interventions
more than one “cause” that can contribute to treatment
–– Encourage sexual intimacy (for example, making failure (for example, sexual arousal, low desire).
time, using sexual comments)
–– Avoidance of alcohol Referral
–– Smoking cessation Refer to a physician for assessment, treatment,
–– Healthy diet and weight loss (if obese) and possibly referral (for example, for surgery,
–– Increased physical activity psychotherapy, certified sexual therapist).
–– Decrease stress Psychological counselling has benefits if mainly a
–– Remove television from bedroom (to decrease psychogenic cause (for example, depression, anxiety).
fatigue) Couples counselling can help if the concern is likely
due to interpersonal conflict (helps in 25% of cases).

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–31



An accumulation of urine in the bladder due to an –– Strong urge to void but inability to do so for hours
abrupt inability to empty the bladder. It occurs most –– Suprapubic and/or lower abdominal fullness and
often in men over age 60, and is often the result of pain
benign prostatic hyperplasia. It is the most common –– Voiding habits before retention (hematuria, dysuria,
urologic emergency. hesitancy, dribbling, daytime frequency, nocturia)
–– Bowel habits, last bowel movement and its
CAUSES consistency
Usually related to obstruction, but may also be due to –– History of fever, low back pain, neurologic
trauma, neurologic disease, infection, or psychologic symptoms, rash, intravenous drug use, low back
concerns. pain (may be due to spinal cord compression)
–– Previous history of retention, surgery, radiation,
–– Any process that causes increased bladder-outlet
pelvic trauma, cancer
resistance or decreases bladder contractility
–– Causes (see “Causes”) and risk factors
–– Benign prostatic hyperplasia
(see “Risk factors”), as listed above
–– Side effects of drugs, both prescription and
–– Review medications, noting any drugs that might
nonprescription (for example, decongestants,
predispose to acute urinary retention (excessive
amitriptyline, oxybutynin, estrogen, haloperidol,
alcohol intake, sedatives, decongestants in over-
diphenhydramine), see “Table 3”
the-counter cold remedies, anticholinergics,
–– Constipation antipsychotics, and antidepressants)
–– Prostate cancer
With a neurogenic bladder, symptoms of pain, fullness
–– Genitourinary infection (for example, acute
and urgency may be absent. However, dribbling of
prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, vulvovaginitis,
small amounts of urine (overflow dribbling) may
genital herpes simplex virus)
be present.
–– Neurogenic bladder
–– Urethral stricture or stone PHYSICAL FINDINGS
–– Postoperative
–– Pulse may be elevated
–– Neurologic condition (for example, spinal cord
–– Client may appear in moderate to acute distress
injury, diabetic neuropathy, stroke, epidural mass
(but there may be no evidence of distress with
compressing the spinal cord)
a neurogenic bladder)
–– Impingement on sacral nerves by protruding
–– Client may be restless and sweaty
intervertebral disk or epidural mass
–– Bladder distention may be noted on abdominal
–– Malignancy – bladder neoplasm, tumour causing
spinal cord compression
–– Weak flow of urine
–– Phimosis or paraphimosis
–– Tender, distended bladder may be felt above
–– Pelvic mass
symphysis, often reaching umbilicus (neurogenic
–– Poorly positioned indwelling catheter bladder is distended but nontender)
–– Pelvic organ prolapse in women (for example, –– Rectal examination (in men and women): masses,
cystocele, rectocele) fecal impaction, enlargement of prostate, nodular
or rocky hard prostate, decreased anal tone, rectal
Risk Factors
sphincter tone or absent perineal sensation may be
Established for men with benign prostatic hyperplasia: present, bladder may be palpable
–– Age over 70 –– Pelvic examination for women with acute retention
to examine for anatomic distortions (for example,
–– International Prostate Symptom Score >7
fibroids, tumours of the pelvis, urethra or vagina,
(available at: http://www.usli.net/uro/Forms/ipss.pdf)
vulvar edema, labial fusion, imperforate hymen)
–– Prostate volume > 30 mL
–– Neurologic examination
–– Urinary flow rate < 12 mL/sec

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–32 Genitourinary System

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS –– If the client is known to have benign prostatic

See “Causes.” hyperplasia, a 14–16 French catheter may be tried
if catheterization is unsuccessful with the larger
COMPLICATIONS size of catheter; one may go down to a 10 French
if the client has had a previous transurethral
–– Decreased renal function procedure (for example, transurethral resection of
–– Post-obstructive diuresis the prostate) that may have left a scar; if there has
–– Renal failure not been previous transurethral instrumentation
–– Infection of stagnant urine try a 20 or 22 gauge Coude (firm tip) catheter if
an enlarged prostate is suspected93
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS –– Insert catheter and decompress the bladder by
–– Obtain midstream or catheterized urine for removing all of the urine at once until the bladder
urinalysis (routine and microscopy) and for culture is empty
and sensitivity –– Leave catheter in place after decompression
–– Perform complete blood count if suspected –– Monitor clients during this procedure, in particular
infection elderly ones
–– Measure creatinine and electrolytes to check renal –– Hematuria, transient hypotension and diuresis
function if the obstruction is prolonged are common, but not usually significant during
–– Imaging studies may be indicated: consult with this procedure
physician If retention is due to acute prostatitis, do not insert
catheter unless absolutely necessary, as this may
cause bacteremia. Likewise, do not insert catheter if
Definitive management depends on the underlying the pelvis is fractured or if there was recent urologic
cause and usually involves surgical or medical surgery. Do not attempt catheterization more than
treatment. three consecutive times.

Goals of Treatment Client Education

Educate clients who will be going home about catheter
–– Identify underlying cause
care (for example, emptying the bag, cleansing)
–– Relieve bladder distention and monitoring urinary output once the bladder is
Appropriate Consultation
Consult a physician for all clients. Most clients do not Pharmacologic Interventions
require emergency surgery, however, some do and/or
Medications are sometimes used in combination
require hospitalization.
with catheterization. They would be used if benign
prostatic hyperplasia is the most likely cause and
Nonpharmacologic Interventions
would be prescribed only by a physician. Ideally,
Encourage client to sit in a tub full of warm water and they should be started when the catheter is inserted
to try voiding into the water. If the client is able to do and continued after its removal: alpha adrenergic
so, reassess the bladder for residual distention. antagonists such as terazosin, doxazosin, tamsulosin
If the bladder is severely distended, the client is in or alfuzosin may be prescribed by a physician to relax
pain or it is still distended after trying to void in the bladder neck and prostatic capsule.
tub, prompt catheterization is required (unless there
Monitoring and Follow-Up
are contraindications). Use the following technique:
Monitor hourly urine output carefully for the
–– Use a Foley catheter (18 French in a male,
development of post-obstruction diuresis, a
16 French in a female)
complication that occurs after the release of the
obstruction, because of temporary impairment of
renal function.

2011 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Genitourinary System 6–33

Diuresis is generally self-limiting and can be managed PARTIAL OR INTERMITTENT

with oral fluid intake based on thirst, but a client may TESTICULAR TORSION99
require IV fluid therapy to prevent dehydration.
Torsion is not an all-or-nothing phenomenon. It can
If a client was initially sent home with a catheter: be complete (usually twisting ≥ 360°), incomplete,
–– Follow-up in 3 days, or sooner if the catheter stops or intermittent.
draining or volume declines or if the client has Some boys and men have warning pains in a testis
concerns every now and then, before a full-blown torsion.
–– At day 3, if output remains acceptable, try These occur suddenly, last a few minutes, then ease
removing the catheter and then seeing if the client just as suddenly. These pains occur if a testis twists
can void independently. If they cannot void insert a little, and then returns back to its normal place on
another catheter and have another trial without its own.
the catheter (to see if the client can void by
themselves) at 7 days. If they cannot void this time An incomplete or partial testicular torsion is difficult
insert a catheter and leave it in place to diagnose because of its subacute presentation with
–– Educate men that a recurrence after the catheter is nonspecific symptoms and signs.
removed is likely, so they should return if it occurs
prior to their referral to a physician for definitive
treatment –– Usually spontaneous and idiopathic (often occurs
during sleep)
Referral –– Predisposing structural (genetic) defect (for
Medevac to hospital, if after consultation with a example, inadequate fixation of testis to tunica
physician, they agree. Hospitalization is necessary vaginalis, bell clapper deformity)
for clients who could not have their bladder –– Occasionally caused by minor trauma to the groin
decompressed, clients with urosepsis or those –– Strenuous physical activity
with obstruction from malignancy or spinal cord –– Sexual activity or arousal
compression. Emergency surgery is rarely required –– Undescended testicle
any more due to its increased risks. –– Testicular tumour
All clients who are not seen by a physician initially
will require a referral to a physician, urologist, and/ HISTORY
or gynecologist to correct the cause, if possible. All –– Sudden onset of severe, constant, unilateral pain
referrals should be done after consultation with a in scrotum or testicle, usually for < 12–24 hours
physician. Surgery for those with benign prostatic –– Prior episode(s) of intermittent testicular pain may
hyperplasia usually takes place 30 days or more from be reported (torsion and then detorsion)
the acute urinary retention episode, to decrease the –– May be described as abdominal or inguinal pain
risk of complications.
–– Pain may radiate to lower abdomen
–– Pain made worse by elevation of scrotum
TESTICULAR TORSION95,96,97,98 –– Pain not relieved by lying down
Abnormal twisting of spermatic cord and testis, which –– Decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting may
compromises blood supply to these structures and be present
results in ischemic injury and pain. Testicular torsion –– Urinary frequency may uncommonly occur
is an acute, severely painful condition. –– Assess for causes as listed above (see “Causes”)
Testicular torsion is a medical emergency. If the blood For intermittent torsion:
supply to the testis is cut off for more than about six
–– Intermittent sharp testicular pain (resolves within
hours permanent damage to the testis is likely to occur.
seconds to minutes)
Torsion can occur at any age; however, it is most –– Long periods without symptoms
common in adolescence, with a peak at 14 years of age. –– Number of occasions it occurred

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

6–34 Genitourinary System


–– Temperature usually normal (rarely elevated) –– Testicular atrophy or loss
–– Heart rate elevated –– Abnormal spermatogenesis
–– Blood pressure mildly elevated (because of pain) –– Infertility
–– Client in acute distress –– Infarction of testicle
–– Client bent over or unable to walk –– Infection
–– Unilateral scrotal swelling
–– Testis acutely tender, may be warm DIAGNOSTIC TESTS
–– Testis swollen and found higher up (retracted) in None.
the scrotal sac than expected on the affected side
–– Affected testis might be lying horizontally MANAGEMENT
(epididymis not posterolateral)
Goals of Treatment
–– Hydrocele and scrotal skin erythema may be
present (often a later finding) –– Relieve pain
–– Slight elevation of the testis increases or has no –– Prevent complications
effect on pain (negative Prehn’s sign – used to
differentiate torsion from epididymitis) Appropriate Consultation
–– Cremasteric reflex (elevation of testis after stroking If you suspect testicular torsion at all, consult
the upper, inner thigh on the same side) almost a physician without delay. This is a surgical
always not present emergency; prompt diagnosis and surgical referral is
–– Perform a complete assessment of the abdomen, critical to a satisfactory outcome.
testes, epididymis, spermatic cord, scrotal skin If intermittent torsion is suspected consult a physician.
and inguinal area
For intermittent torsion, in addition to the above, Adjuvant Therapy
the following may also be present: –– Start intravenous (IV) therapy with normal saline
–– Very mobile testes –– Adjust IV rate according to age and state of
–– Bulky spermatic cord hydration
–– Normal examination Nonpharmacologic Interventions
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS –– Nothing by mouth before surgery
–– Epididymitis –– Bed rest
–– Orchitis –– Promote the client’s comfort
–– Trauma Pharmacologic Interventions
–– Hydrocele
Analgesia as needed with either an NSAID such as
–– Incarcerated or strangulated inguinal hernia
ibuprofen or naproxen or acetaminophen. If simple
–– Torsion of testicular appendage analgesics are ineffective then morphine could be used
–– Acute varicocele to relieve severe pain.
–– Testicular tumour
ibuprofen 200 mg, 1–2 tabs PO tid-qid prn
–– Scrotal abscess
–– Testicular infarction or

–– Henoch-Schonlein purpura naproxen 250 mg, 1–2 tabs PO bid-tid prn

–– Appendicitis Avoid NSAIDs in clients with renal dysfunction and
do not use if there are contraindications such as a
history of allergy to aspirin or NSAIDs or peptic ulcer
For severe pain:
morphine 5 mg IV or IM or SC once;
upon consultation with a physician

2011 (Revised April 2013) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care
Genitourinary System 6–35

Antiemetic for nausea and vomiting: Referral

dimenhydrinate (Gravol), 50–75 mg IM/IV Medevac as soon as possible. This is a surgical
q4–6h as required emergency.

Monitoring and Follow-Up For those with suspected intermittent testicular torsion
refer to a physician as a urology referral is often
If intermittent testicular torsion is suspected and the warranted.
examination was normal, follow up in 7 days (sooner
if the pain recurs) and do another complete physical


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6–36 Genitourinary System

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Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care 2011

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