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Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness

ISSN: 1934-5747 (Print) 1934-5739 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/uree20

Contributions of Academic Language, Perspective

Taking, and Complex Reasoning to Deep Reading

Maria LaRusso, Ha Yeon Kim, Robert Selman, Paola Uccelli, Theo Dawson,
Stephanie Jones, Suzanne Donovan & Catherine Snow

To cite this article: Maria LaRusso, Ha Yeon Kim, Robert Selman, Paola Uccelli, Theo Dawson,
Stephanie Jones, Suzanne Donovan & Catherine Snow (2016): Contributions of Academic
Language, Perspective Taking, and Complex Reasoning to Deep Reading Comprehension,
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, DOI: 10.1080/19345747.2015.1116035

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19345747.2015.1116035

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Contributions of Academic Language, Perspective Taking, and Complex Reasoning to Deep

Reading Comprehension

Maria LaRusso1,2, Ha Yeon Kim1, Robert Selman1, Paola Uccelli1, Theo Dawson3, Stephanie

Jones1, Suzanne Donovan2 and Catherine Snow1

Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
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Strategic Education Research Partnership, Washington, DC, USA
Lectica, Inc., Northampton, Massachusetts, USA

Address correspondence to Maria LaRusso, Harvard University, Larsen Hall 313A, 14 Appian

Way, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. E-mail: maria_larusso@gse.harvard.edu


Deep reading comprehension refers to the process required to succeed at tasks defined by the

Common Core State Literacy Standards, as well as to achieve proficiency on the more

challenging reading tasks in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)

framework. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that three skill domains not

frequently attended to in instruction or in theories of reading comprehension -- academic

language, perspective taking, and complex reasoning -- predict outcomes on an assessment of

deep reading comprehension. The Global Integrated Scenario-based Assessment (GISA;

O'Reilly, Weeks, Sabatini, Steinberg & Halderman, 2014) is designed to reflect students' abilities

to evaluate texts, integrate information from an array of texts, and use textual evidence to

formulate a position, all features of deep reading comprehension. We tested the role of academic

language, perspective taking, and complex reasoning in explaining variance in end-of-year GISA


scores, controlling for beginning-of-year scores and student demographics. All three predictors

explained small, but significant, amounts of additional variance. We suggest that these three skill

domains deserve greater attention in theories of reading comprehension and in instruction.

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reading comprehension, academic language, perspective-taking


Reading comprehension is undeniably the literacy challenge of the 21st century. A half-

century of systematic research has provided strong guidance to instruction in word reading

accuracy and fluency (NICHD, 2000). Whereas U.S. students perform well in international

comparisons at grade four (Martin & Mullis, 2013) when these technical reading skills are the

prime determinant of successful performance, they perform relatively poorly by high school

when comprehension tasks are more challenging (NCES, 2015). Unfortunately, research has
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generated much less consensus about either the cognitive processes involved in or the best

instructional approaches to successful reading comprehension (RAND, 2000).

In a notable exception to this generalization, the simple view of reading (SVR) has

achieved widespread acceptance. The SVR (Gough & Tunmer, 1986) is, simply, that

comprehension is the product of decoding and oral language comprehension. In other words, any

text that a student can understand orally also can be understood through reading, if decoding of

words in that text does not form a barrier. This view had the important effect of directing

attention to oral language as a crucial predictor of comprehension outcomes. It has generated

dozens of studies, most of which have generally confirmed the predictions of the simple view,

across several populations, including: monolingual normally developing participants reading in

English (e.g., Savage, 2001) and other languages (e.g., Gentaz, Sprenger-Charolles, Theurel, &

Colé, 2013; Ho, Chow, Wong, Waye & Bishop, 2012), second language readers of English (e.g.,

Erdos, Genesee, Savage & Haigh, 2010, Farnia & Geva, 2013; Proctor, August, Carlo & Snow,

2006), and children with a variety of language and cognitive disabilities (e.g., Catts, Adlof &

Weismer, 2006; Palikara, Dockrell & Lindsay, 2011). These various studies have operationalized

the key variables, decoding, oral comprehension, and reading comprehension, in a variety of


ways, and most have been conducted with students reading at or below grade four level, a level

at which comprehension is assessed using fairly simple texts and relatively low-inference

comprehension items. In fact, decoding skill has been shown to explain a large percent of the

variance on many of the widely used comprehension assessments, especially for younger readers

(Cutting & Scarborough, 2006).

Despite its success, the SVR has been criticized for its failure to recognize the role of
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broader cognitive abilities that are strongly related to comprehension, including memory and

word knowledge (Carrroll, 1993), IQ (e.g., Tiu, Thompson & Lewis, 2003), efficiency (Høien-

Tengesdal & Høien, 2012), and fluency (Silverman, Speece, Harring & Ritchey, 2013),

particularly in accounting for older students' reading (Macaruso & Shankweiler, 2010).

Furthermore, the SVR encounters limitations when extended to explaining performance on the

literacy tasks of adolescence, the comprehension outcomes defined as expected of all students by

the Common Core State Standards (CCSS; NGA, 2010), and the content-area-specific challenges

to comprehension described by those studying disciplinary literacy (Goldman, 2012; Goldman &

Snow, 2015; Lee, 2004; Shanahan, Shanahan & Misischia, 2011). It is these limitations that led

us to propose an enriched model of reading comprehension, a model to explain what we call

deep reading comprehension. The comprehension tasks encountered in secondary school, higher

education, and many employment settings require acquisition of knowledge, integration of newly

acquired with pre-existing conceptual structures, analysis and critique of texts and their sources,

and synthesis across multiple texts and sources. We hypothesize that success at these deep

reading tasks are, in turn, dependent on abilities in three domains that go well beyond decoding

and oral comprehension: academic language, perspective taking, and complex reasoning.


The purpose of the study presented here is to report the first findings testing this

hypothesis about the predictors of deep reading comprehension. The findings derived from a

study conducted under the Reading for Understanding initiative, in the context of a larger effort

to evaluate instructional interventions to promote deep comprehension skills. In this report,

though, we focus on examining relations among predictors and outcomes among students who

did not receive the intervention, rather than testing intervention effects. We start by exploring the
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characteristics of deep reading comprehension and ways of assessing it, and then go on to review

prior research supporting the relationship of academic language, perspective taking, and complex

reasoning to comprehension.

Deep Reading Comprehension

Literacy tasks envisioned in the CCSS (NGA, 2010) include reading to collect textual

evidence in support of a claim, inferring word meanings from close reading of text, integrating

information about a topic from multiple texts, and reading to critique others' arguments (e.g., 6th-

8th grade literacy in history/social studies reading standards 1, 4, and 8 respectively). Such tasks

are considered good preparation for the college- and career-ready literacy challenges toward

which the Common Core standards build. These challenges also are reflected in the expectations

of the 2012 Program of International Student Assessment (PISA) Reading Framework, which

defines the highest level of proficiency as follows:

Tasks at this level typically require the reader to make multiple inferences, comparisons

and contrasts that are both detailed and precise. They require demonstration of a full and

detailed understanding of one or more texts and may involve integrating information

from more than one text. Tasks may require the reader to deal with unfamiliar ideas, in


the presence of prominent competing information, and to generate abstract categories for

interpretations. Reflect and evaluate tasks may require the reader to hypothesize about or

critically evaluate a complex text on an unfamiliar topic, taking into account multiple

criteria or perspectives, and applying sophisticated understandings from beyond the text.

A salient condition for access and retrieve tasks at this level is precision of analysis and

fine attention to detail that is inconspicuous in the texts. (OECD, 2013, p.79)
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The difficulty of preparing students to be highly proficient at literacy tasks like those required by

PISA and the CCSS is clear from the finding that only 0.8% of U.S. high school students tested

by PISA perform at this level. So the questions that arise are what instructional approaches might

help students meet these challenges, and what skills those 0.8% possess that less skilled students


The default in comprehension instruction in the United State is teaching comprehension

strategies, the approach endorsed by the National Reading Panel (NICHD, 2000). At least before

the advent of professional development and curricula aligned with the CCSS, there was little

insistence in most U.S. schools that students grapple with critically evaluating complex texts on

unfamiliar topics, generating abstract categories for interpretation, or sifting through competing

information. Perhaps the primary locus for actual training in tasks like these in U.S. K-12

education has been Advanced Placement history and literature courses (Young & Leinhardt,

1998), courses to which only a small minority of students have access.

One reason that deep reading comprehension has received so little instructional attention may be

that standardized assessments of reading comprehension rarely measure deep comprehension

skills. Emphasizing deep comprehension may require features that have traditionally been


difficult to incorporate into relatively brief, group-administered, machine-scorable assessments,

such as the use of multiple texts and the option of open-ended responses with unconstrained

themes or formats (Sabatini, Petscher, O'Reilly, & Truckenmiller, 2015). Furthermore,

interpreting performance on deep reading comprehension assessments may require ancillary test

data, for example, an evaluation of respondents' background knowledge about the topic.

Fortunately for the program of research reported on here, novel and much more informative
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assessments have been made possible by the expansion of digital capabilities. For example,

Educational Testing Service (ETS) has developed an innovative suite of computer-delivered

assessments called the Global Integrated Scenario-based Assessments (GISA). GISA is a

theoretically-based measure designed to reflect an updated understanding of the construct of

reading comprehension while taking advantage of the affordances of technological delivery

(O'Reilly & Sabatini, 2013; Sabatini & O'Reilly, 2013; Sabatini, O'Reilly, & Deane, 2013). In

the study reported here, we use the GISA as our outcome measure of deep reading

comprehension (see Methods for a fuller description of the test and its psychometric properties).

Predictors of Deep Reading Comprehension

Hypotheses about the specific skills that need to be added to the SVR to explain deep reading

comprehension derive from a variety of sources: an analysis of deep reading tasks, evidence

about what professional historians, scientists, and literary analysts do when reading, evidence

about factors that increase processing load while reading, and hints derived from the content of

effective programs of professional development and instruction for (post)adolescent readers. In

the brief review that follows, we suggest how these various sources contributed to generating the

hypothesis to be tested in this study.


Academic language

Academic language is now widely cited as a literacy challenge for many students. Precise

definitions or conceptualizations of academic language have varied widely (Snow & Uccelli,

2009), and in the practice and professional development literature academic language is still

often primarily identified with use of “academic vocabulary,” itself a construct based on corpus

analysis (Coxhead, 2000) rather than theory. There is a long history of research within
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sociolinguistics and discourse analysis documenting the ways in which written language differs

from oral and formal registers differ from informal, all of which are relevant to defining the

endpoints of the continuum from casual to academic language. Key features of academic

language, described by Halliday (1987, 1993), Schleppegrell (2001, 2007), Scarcella (2003), and

others, include reduction in use of subject pronouns and action verbs; increase in

nominalizations, passives, embedded relative clauses; and lexicalized discourse, stance and

epistemic markers. These features have been shown to increase processing burden during reading

(Carpenter & Just, 1989), in particular for readers who have not encountered them frequently.

Schleppegrell has built programs of professional development around the analysis of

academic language features in high-school content-area texts, to display to teachers constructions

and linguistic usages that might well be unfamiliar and puzzling to their students (e.g.,

Schleppegrell, Achugar & Oteiza, 2004; Schleppegrell & deOliveira, 2006). The close reading

practices encouraged by the CCSS teaching guidelines also may be useful in focusing student

attention on the academic language structures in their texts. Instruction in writing often provides

students with model texts and sentence starters that display how academic language is used. To

our knowledge, though, in none of these instructional approaches have improvements in


academic language skills been specifically related to changes in reading comprehension


Perspective taking

Particularly when reading literary narratives and history, a great challenge is to recognize

that different actors have different experiences of the same events. The ability to understand and

to navigate those varying perspectives, which we refer to as perspective taking, is critical to

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understanding literary and historical conflicts, to attributing psychological causality, and to

evaluating actions. Chall‟s (1983) stage theory of reading development identified stage five,

which she associated with the high school years, as the stage of multiple perspectives, and a long

history of theorizing in literature studies promotes novel reading as a way to enhance

perspective-taking (Leverage, Mancing, Schweickert & William, 2011). The relevant empirical

literature, on the other hand, is scattered, in part because the construct of perspective-taking has

been variously operationalized as theory of mind (Pelletier, 2006), narrative empathy (Keen,

2007), social cognition (Shantz, 1982), or social information processing (Donahue, 2001).

Kessler and Donahue (2008) found that performance on a measure of students' social

information processing, in particular their ability to encode social cues, predicted processing of

character perspectives relevant to understanding a short story‟s surprise ending. Fewer than half

of seventh and eighth grade readers fully understood the surprise, a finding Kessler and Donahue

tentatively attribute to the difficulty of resolving the perspectives of three characters with

different representations of relevant information. Donahue (2014) hypothesizes that failure of

social information processing skills may explain the particular comprehension difficulties of

students with learning disabilities, and the unexpectedly good comprehension of second language


learners still struggling with reading proficiency (Pelletier, 2006). Gardner and Smith (1987)

defined the development of perspective taking within a Piagetian perspective, as increase in the

capacity to acknowledge reciprocal relationships; whereas they found that perspective taking

skills have no correlation with reading comprehension as measured by the California

Achievement Test, they did find perspective-taking skills to be significantly correlated with deep

reading comprehension as measured by responses to script-implicit (i.e., deep inferential)

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questions about a narrative.

In processing narratives about what happens when one character deceives or

inadvertently misleads another, good readers have to keep track of what both characters know.

Younger readers/listeners often attribute what they themselves know about the location of

objects or contents of a container to characters who have not had access to that information in the

narrative (Biancarosa, 2006; Lynch & van den Broek, 2007). Biancarosa demonstrated that better

comprehenders slow down when reading sentences that imply characters' access to concealed

information, suggesting strongly that good readers keep better track of characters' perspectives

than poor readers. These rather simple challenges to perspective taking presage the difficulty

older readers have in understanding that there are multiple defensible positions on many

questions, that people hold those opinions for reasons that have to do with their own life

experiences, and that understanding another‟s point of view neither requires nor excludes

agreeing with it.

Complex reasoning

The third skill hypothesized to relate to deep reading comprehension has to do with the

complexity of students' epistemic thought--- their reasoning about inquiry, evidence, truth,


knowledge, reasoning, conflict, and deliberation. It has been characterized as the ability to think

effectively about complex issues that have no single correct answer, such as those involving

relationships among food sources, breeding seasons, climatic conditions, and risks of predation

that determine growth or decline of a population within a particular biome. Problems like these

involve multiple statistical and transactional connections among events and consequences.

Reading an explanation of the carbon cycle, or the decline of the Roman Empire, or the long
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period of stagflation recently experienced by Japan requires understanding and evaluating claims

made with varying degrees of certainty about multiple, interlocking influences. Evidence that

tracking explanations of complex phenomena while reading is a severe challenge to students is

abundant in teacher reports, and in the workarounds content area teachers introduce -- lectures,

powerpoint presentations -- to convey basic information to students unable to process such

information by reading their textbooks.

Early research on children‟s and adolescents' reasoning focused on the changes, described

by Piaget, that occurred from concrete formal operational thinking, theorized to begin at about

age 11 or 12 and marked by the ability to use hypothetical and deductive reasoning, among other

abstract skills (Inhelder & Piaget, 1958). Later work undertaken by Carey (1985), Vosniadou

(2013) and diSessa (1988) has focused on the nature of the conceptual change that has to occur --

that is not so much on the reasoning process itself as the knowledge structures that students have

to reason with. Much of the relevant work uses a confusing mix of overlapping terms and

concepts, such as complex reasoning, scientific reasoning, argumentation, critical thinking and

scientific thinking, among others. Most of the research has focused on how these capacities

develop, with surprisingly few studies examining how reasoning skills relate to other


developmental outcomes. Nonetheless, it is clear that complex reasoning develops over the

course of the lifespan in a sequence of increasingly complex levels (Perry, 1970), and relates

moderately to academic and verbal ability (Wood, 1997).

However, research has shown that reasoning skills are often deficient or lacking for both

children and adults (e.g., Kuhn, 1991) and that classroom practices that promote argumentation

are rare (Newton, Driver, and Osborne, 1999). Studies in science education found that students
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struggle with several aspects of reasoning and argumentation, such as finding adequate evidence

to support a claim, integrating contradictory evidence, and challenging the claims made by others

(Bell, 2004; Cavagnetto, Hand, & Norton-Meier, 2010; Evagorou, Jimenez-Aleixandre, &

Osborne, 2012; Jimenez-Aleixandre & Pereiro-Munoz, 2002; Sandoval & Milwood, 2005).

However, children‟s scientific reasoning can be effectively promoted by specific classroom

practices, such as inquiry-based instruction (e.g., Gerber, Cavallo & Marek, 2001; Kuhn, 1997)

and implementation of classroom strategies for teaching argumentation (Osborne, Erduran, &

Simon, 2004). While it seems obvious that students need reasoning skills to navigate texts

reporting complex relationships or phenomena (for example, in history, science or literature),

such as those frequently encountered in the middle grades and higher, there has been little

research examining the relationship between reasoning and reading comprehension. In the

context of science literacy, however, there has been research demonstrating that students have

insufficient skills to evaluate and infer meaning from media reports about science (Norris &

Phillips, 1994; Zimmerman, Bisanz, Bisanz, Klein, & Klein, 2001).

Purpose of the Study


This study is designed to test the hypothesis that academic language, perspective taking, and

complex reasoning predict outcomes on an assessment of deep reading comprehension.

We collected data on academic language, perspective taking, and complex reasoning skills as

well as on deep reading comprehension performance from students in grades four through seven

participating in a large-scale experimental evaluation of a novel curriculum. Utilizing data from

the control group, we start with analyses relating academic language and perspective taking to
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deep reading comprehension, controlling for demographic variables and grade. We then present a

more exploratory model that includes the complex reasoning measure, which for technical

reasons is only available on a reduced portion of the sample.


This study utilizes data from an IES-funded evaluation of Word Generation (WG), a

research-based academic language program for middle school students designed to teach novel

vocabulary and literacy through language arts, math, science, and social studies classes. The WG

evaluation is a school-level experimental study that includes 24 schools randomized to treatment

and control conditions. The first cohort began in 2011 and participated for three years, and the

second cohort began in 2012, participating for two years. Data for the present study are from

control schools only (n = 12), in the second year of the study, after both cohorts were enrolled.


The participants in this study included 2933 students in with 124 classrooms (grades 4-7),

from diverse backgrounds reflecting the demographics of the urban and semi-urban communities

of the schools (51% female, 40% Black, 28% White, 3% Asian, 27% Latino, 1% Native

American/Pacific Islander, 1% Mixed Race/Other, 83% eligible for free/reduced price lunch, 8%


English language learners (ELLs), and 14% with special education classification (Table 1). The

study had “exempt status” and no consent process was required because assessments were

administered as part of standard educational practices to assess the effectiveness of school

curricula. Assessments were administered to all students present on testing days.


Core academic language skills

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The Core Academic Language Skills-Instrument (CALS-I) is a group-administered

instrument designed to assess core academic language skills (CALS) in grades four to eight.

CALS refer to the constellation of high-utility language skills that correspond to linguistic

features prevalent in oral and written academic discourse across school content areas, but that are

infrequent in colloquial conversations (e.g., logical connectives, such as nevertheless,

consequently; structures that pack information densely, such as nominalizations or embedded

clauses; markers of organization in argumentative texts, such as first, on the other hand) (Uccelli,

Phillips Galloway, Barr, Meneses, & Dobbs, 2015). Each CALS-I form consists of a 50-minute

paper and pencil test that includes eight tasks: Connecting Ideas, Tracking Themes, Organizing

Texts, Breaking Words, Comprehending Sentences, Identifying Definitions, Interpreting

Epistemic Stance Markers, and Understanding Metalinguistic Vocabulary. Tasks assess students'

skills through a range of multiple-choice, matching, or short written responses.

The development of the CALS-I was based on an extensive literature review, followed by

an iterative design process that unfolded in the following sequence: a task design phase, and pre-

pilot study, a series of qualitative and quantitative pilot studies, an expert review panel, and a

norming phase (for more information, Uccelli, Barr, Dobbs, Phillips Galloway, Meneses, &


Sánchez, 2014; Uccelli et al., 2015). Two forms of the CALS-I were used in this study: CALS-I-

Form 1 designed for grades four to six (α = .90, number of items = 49) and CALS-I-Form 2 for

for grades seven and eight (α = .86, number of items = 46). The items that were not scored

dichotomously as correct/incorrect were rescaled to be between 0 and 1 so all items were equally

weighted in estimating the total score. Using Rasch item response theory analysis, factor scores

were generated for the CALS-I using a vertically equated scale.

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Social perspective taking

The Social Perspective Taking Acts Measure (SPTAM) is a scenario-based instrument

that analyzes a participant‟s written short answer responses to standard questions across social

situations that commonly occur in middle schools. The SPTAM assesses the way individuals, at

grade four and up, take multiple individuals' perspectives into account when responding to

questions about hypothetical social dilemmas. As operationalized in the SPTAM, social

perspective taking refers to the skills people can draw upon to “read” the social world, e.g.,

through print text, through social discourse, and in the navigation of complex social relationships

and civic participation. A coding manual is used to assess the expression of three performative

social skills (acts): the acknowledgement of those parties relevant to the situation described in the

scenario, the articulation of the thoughts and feelings of selected parties acknowledged therein,

and the positioning of those scenario-based actors, depending upon their roles, circumstances,

contexts, cultural background, and motivations. In this analysis, articulation and positioning

scores are used. A validation study of the SPTAM found evidence of good internal reliability

(alphas for the three scales, acknowledgment, articulation and positioning were .80, .83, and .70),

with construct validity confirmed by the findings that girls and older participants exhibited better


performance than boys and younger students, and that the SPTAM exhibited a negative

association with aggressive interpersonal strategies and small to moderate associations with

academic language and with basic reading skills (Diazgranados, Selman & Dionne, in press). In

the present study, we utilize only the articulation and positioning scales. Acknowledgment, while

also important, captures a more basic perspective taking competency while the articulation and

positioning scales reflect more advanced perspective-taking skills needed by early adolescents to
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comprehend more complex texts.

Complex reasoning

Based on King and Kitchener‟s (1994) work, Lectica, Inc. built a set of developmental

assessments that measure the complexity of complex reasoning skills in children and adults,

referred to collectively as reflective judgment (RFJ) tasks. The version used in this study is the

RFJ001 which, like all forms of the RFJ, assesses the way individuals apply what they know

about inquiry, evidence, truth, knowledge, reasoning, conflict, and deliberation to the solution of

complex problems. This computer-administered assessment presents students with a scenario,

typically a complex but familiar conflict that has no correct answer. Students write responses to a

series of questions designed to elicit strategies for deciding on an answer to the conflict. Scores

on the RFJ001, like scores for all of Lectica‟s assessments (Dawson & Stein, 2008, 2011),

represent levels on Fischer‟s dynamic skill scale, a lifespan scale of increasing hierarchical

complexity (Fischer 1980, 2008; Fischer & Bidell, 2006). Responses are

scored with low-inference rubrics in which each choice is associated with a phase (on fourth of a

developmental level) on the skill scale. Previous research has shown that the RFJ is sensitive to

developmental differences, and reliably measures complex reasoning skills, that are


distinguishable from literacy skills (Dawson, 2014; Dawson & Stein, 2012). Based on the results

of a confirmatory Rasch item response analysis of 3,754 performances spanning nine phases,

Dawson (2014) has reported a person separation reliability of .91 with an estimated alpha of .94.

Deep reading comprehension

The Global Integrated Scenario-based Assessments (GISA), developed by ETS, are

computer-based assessments that use scenarios, technology, and reading strategies to motivate
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students, to model skilled reading, and to help disentangle key areas for improvement. In a

scenario-based assessment design, students are given a plausible purpose for reading (e.g., decide

if a wind farm is a good idea for your community) and a collection of source materials (e.g.,

blog, website, e-mail, news article, textbook excerpt).

Example scenarios include having students imagine that they are preparing to lead a class

discussion or that they are part of a study group. Sources are written by a variety of authors that

include a range of perspectives and levels of credibility on the issue in question. As such,

students are expected to evaluate, integrate and synthesize the materials in order to make a

decision, or solve the problem outlined in their original purpose for reading. Because the sources

are thematic, and the materials are sequenced to build up students' understanding of the topic,

deeper questions can be asked of the student that not only taps their basic understanding (what

the text is about), but also their ability to apply what they read to different contexts, situations

and perspectives.

Deep comprehension is in part, facilitated by adding a social dimension to the

assessment. In a typical GISA assessment, there are a number of simulated authority figures

(e.g., teacher) and peers (e.g. students). The simulated teacher is designed to clarify expectations


and provide hints that encourage desired responses. Simulated peers also may serve a similar

function, but sometimes the test taker is asked to comment on the simulated peer‟s understanding

of the sources that may contain misconceptions or errors in reasoning. Adding the simulated peer

responses allows the test designer to more effectively target metacognitive and self-regulatory

behaviors that encourage deeper understanding and perspective taking. This strategic approach to

reading also is facilitated by adding a range of empirically supported reading strategies as tasks
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(e.g., summarization, use of graphic organizers, questioning). The reading strategies serve to

encourage more thoughtful processing and model skilled reading.

GISA batteries cover a range of content areas, including science, social studies, and

English language arts. Presented with a specific purpose for reading, students are then provided

materials that are focused on a common topic and that include a variety of text types that

students regularly encounter (e.g., expository texts, fiction, e-mail, web pages, and blogs).

Students advance through the materials in a structured way that enables them to: produce

evidence of complex mental models of text content; organize what they read; and synthesize

what they have learned to satisfy their original purpose for reading.

Though it is a relatively new instrument and more nuanced evaluations are ongoing, the

GISA is appropriate for a wide range of ability levels, and can reliably measure a range of “21st

century” reading skills that go beyond those assessed in more traditional, low-inference

comprehension assessments (O'Reilly, Weeks, Sabatini, Halderman, & Steinberg, 2014; Sabatini,

O'Reilly, Halderman & Bruce, 2014a, b). ETS reported results from a study of middle school

students administered the organic farming version of the GISA that revealed adequate

psychometric properties (Sabatini, O'Reilly, Halderman & Bruce, 2014), including Internal


consistency (alpha) reliability (0.89) and split half reliability (.76), with each half of the test

showing adequate alpha reliability (α = 0.80 and α = 0.82 respectively). Test-retest reliability

was r (283) = .87 and there was no significant difference in mean scores. The GISA also

demonstrated a strong concurrent validity with more conventional reading comprehension tests,

as well as component reading subtests. For this study, the following versions of the GISA were

administered: Deserts (4th & 5th grade, Fall 2012), Satellites (4th & 5th grade, Spring 2013),
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Organic Farming (6th & 7th grade, Fall 2012) and Wind Power (6th & 7th grade, Spring 2013).

Although the GISA is currently designed to produce a single score, the items and tasks in these

forms in principle measure a skills including evaluation of websites, distinguishing claims and

evidence, integrating information across multiple texts, interpreting graphs or cartoons,

questioning, predicting, summarizing and evaluating of summaries, paraphrasing, using graphic

organizers, analogical thinking, and learning. Scores are reported on a common, cross form scale

based on a large-scale study conducted by the ETS research team. Scaling used a concurrent,

multi-group approach, with a two-parameter logistic IRT model (2PL) for form pairs.

Analysis Plan

Preliminary analysis

Table 2 presents means, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients for the main

variables of interest. Spring GISA scores (our measure of deep reading comprehension) were on

average higher than, and were highly associated with, fall GISA scores, r = .72, p < .001. In

addition, spring GISA scores were associated with the hypothesized predictors of GISA,

including the two perspective taking scores---perspective articulation (r = .38, p < .001) and

positioning (r = .30, p < .001) as well as complex reasoning scores (r = .52, p < .001), and


academic language (r = .68, p < .001). Predictors of reading comprehension were positively

correlated with each other as well, r = .29-.65, p < .001.

Missing information

The initial analytic sample for this study included students who attended the participating

control schools during the 2012-2013 school year and took any of the assessments administered

in this school year (n = 2933). Among the participants fewer than 3% were missing demographic
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information (race/ethnicity 3%; gender, free/reduced-price lunch eligibility, ELL status,

receiving special education 1%). The rates of missingness were larger for the student assessment

data, ranging from 12% to 25%. Specifically, GISA scores were not available from 17% of the

participants in both fall and spring; the perspective-taking scores (15%) and CALS (12%) had

slightly lower rates of missingness, whereas 25% of the complex reasoning scores were missing.

To maintain consistency across analytic models with respect to degrees of freedom and

allow comparison between models, only participants with complete data on the main predictor

variables (demographic characteristics, fall deep comprehension scores, perspective taking skills,

and academic language scores) were included in the primary models (n = 1965). Compared to the

full sample, this final sample was more likely to include white students (c2 = 4.38, p < .05),

compared to the full sample, and less likely to include students who were black (c2 = 6.61, p =

.01), mixed/other race (c2 = 6.49, p = .01), English language learners (c2 = 10.45, p = .001), and

eligible for special education (c2 = 35.98, p < .001).

Because of the large proportion of missing information, complex reasoning was explored

in a separate set of exploratory models, in which only the subsample with complete complex

reasoning scores (n = 1615) was included. Compared to the final sample above, this exploratory


sample was even more likely to be white (c2 = 34.98, p < .001) and Latino (c2 = 3.49, p > .05),

but less likely to include students who are black (c2 = 60.84, p < .001), eligible for free/reduced-

price lunch (c2 = 5.58, p < .05), or eligible for special education (c2 = 17.38, p < .001)

The high rate of missingness in assessments is not unexpected, given that 10-46% of

students switch schools within one academic year in the participating schools, which primarily

serve low income communities. In addition to high student mobility, there is an impact of student
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absences on testing days.

Multilevel models

Research questions were tested using a series of multi-level models to address the nested

structure of the data (i.e., children nested in classrooms and schools), using STATA xtmixed

procedure. In all models, continuous variables were group mean centered within classrooms, as

the main interest of the current study is to examine relations between individual students'

academic-related skills and their reading comprehension performance. This approach allows

unbiased estimates of relations between variables at the individual level and produces the most

accurate estimates of the slope variance (Enders & Tofighi, 2007; Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002).

Full maximum likelihood estimation was used in order to handle missing data in the outcome

variable (Allison, 2012).

Because of the data limitation of the complex reasoning measure, we tested the research

question using two separate sets of models. The first set of models examined the role of

perspective taking skills and academic language with the full analytic sample (n = 1965). The

second analysis explored the additional role of complex reasoning with a subset of the larger

sample (n = 1615).



Prior to testing hypotheses, an unconditional (i.e., null) model (Table 3 Model 1) was

estimated, to determine the amount of variance within and between classrooms and between

schools in three-level models. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of GISA scores were

.14 at the school level and .14 at the classroom level. This suggested the greatest variance in deep

reading comprehension scores was at the individual student level (.72), whereas the variance
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between classrooms and schools was large enough to be worth examining (>.10, Lee, 2000), with

design effects >2 for both classroom (2.92) and school level (2.24). Therefore we used three-

level models for further analyses.

Role of Perspective Taking skills and Academic Language

Models presented in table 3 tested the role of the two perspective-taking skills

(articulation and positioning) and academic language in predicting deep comprehension. Model 2

including the student covariates produced findings similar to those for the full sample, with sixth

(coefficient = 26.38, p < .001) and seventh (coefficient = 28.50, p < .001) grade showing

significantly steeper growth across one academic year than fourth graders, and fifth graders

showing a trend toward steeper growth (coefficient = 12.99, p = .07). Students who were low

income (coefficient = -10.98, p < .01), ELLs (coefficient = -20.22, p < .001), and in special

education (coefficient = -25.06, p < .001) had slower growth in their deep comprehension skills

than their peers in the subsample, echoing the findings for the full sample. These student

characteristics explained 45% of variance on GISA scores at the individual level (c2 = 853.73, p

< .001).

The role of complex reasoning is tested in Model 3. The results suggest that fall scores


were a strong and positive predictor of spring deep comprehension scores (coefficient = 44.24, p

< .001). Inclusion of complex reasoning scores in the model explained an additional 2% of the

variance at the student level over and above the student covariates (versus Model 2, c2 = 43.17, p

< .001).

Finally, Model 5 examined whether complex reasoning contributes to explaining the

growth of deep reading comprehension over and above perspective taking and academic
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language skills (see model 4, for the results with the subsample). The findings reveal that fall

complex reasoning independently and positively predicts deep reading comprehension

(coefficient = 18.01, p < .01), when perspective taking and academic language skills are

controlled for. Including complex reasoning scores in the model explained an additional .02% of

the variance compared to Model 4 (c2 = 6.94, p < .01). Overall, this final model including all

three predictors of reading comprehension (perspective taking, academic language, and complex

reasoning) and student covariates explained 52% of the total variance in deep comprehension at

the student level (c2 = 1012.84, p < .001).

Exploring the Role of Complex Reasoning

Due to the constraints on the available data, we examined the role of complex reasoning

in predicting GISA in a separate set of models (Table 4). Model 1 presents the null model for the

subsample with available complex reasoning scores. This subsample had slightly smaller ICCs

on deep reading comprehension, .11 at the school level and .12 at the classroom level.

Model 2 including the student covariates produced findings similar to those for the full

sample, with 6th (coefficient = 25.91, p < .001) and 7th (coefficient = 28.46, p < .001) grade

showing significantly steeper growth across one academic year than 4th graders, and 5th graders


showing a trend toward steeper growth (coefficient = 12.97, p = .07). Students who were low

income (coefficient = -11.09, p < .01), ELLs (coefficient = -20.35, p < .001), and in special

education (coefficient = -24.92, p < .001) had slower growth in their deep comprehension skills

than their peers in the subsample, echoing the findings for the full sample. These student

characteristics explained 45% of variance on GISA scores at the individual level (c2 = 845.85, p

< .001), as they did in model 2 for the full sample.

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The role of complex reasoning is tested in Model 3. The results suggest that fall scores

were a strong and positive predictor of spring deep comprehension scores (coefficient = 44.70, p

< .001). Inclusion of complex reasoning scores in the model explained an additional 2% of the

variance at the student level over and above the student covariates (versus Model 2, c2 = 43.40, p

< .001).

Finally, Model 5 examined whether complex reasoning contributes to explaining the

growth of deep reading comprehension over and above perspective taking and academic

language skills (see model 4, for the results with the subsample). The findings reveal that fall

complex reasoning independently and positively predicts deep reading comprehension

(coefficient = 18.56, p < .01), when perspective taking and academic language skills are

controlled for. Including complex reasoning scores in the model explained an additional .02% of

the variance compared to Model 4 (c2 = 7.28, p < .01). Overall, this final model including all

three predictors of reading comprehension (perspective taking, academic language, and complex

reasoning) and student covariates explained 51% of the total variance in deep comprehension at

the student level (c2 = 1005.31, p < .001).



The goal of the study presented here was to provide a first test of the hypothesis that deep

reading comprehension is co-determined by students' ability to understand academic language, to

take and understand social perspectives, and to engage in complex reasoning about challenging

problems. The findings support the credibility of the hypothesis. Academic language was the

strongest of our hypothesized predictors of deep comprehension, suggesting that this is an

important area of focus to prepare students for secondary school texts with their increasingly
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unfamiliar and challenging language (e.g., Schleppegrell, Achugar & Oteiza, 2004;

Schleppegrell & deOliveira, 2006). Both perspective articulation and positioning were found to

have relationships with deep comprehension, although when academic language is added to the

model, only positioning is statistically significant, suggesting that, in addition to academic

language, it is particularly important for early adolescents to be able to interpret varied

perspectives in the context of a character‟s or author‟s roles, circumstances, cultural

backgrounds, etc. This is aligned with Kessler and Donahue (2008)‟s work suggesting that early

adolescents' comprehension can be limited by insufficient skills for processing characters'

multiple and sometimes conflicting positions.

Additional exploratory analyses from the present study indicate that complex reasoning is

also a significant predictor of deep comprehension. While previous research has shown complex

reasoning to be related to academic and verbal ability (Wood, 1997), we believe this is the first

study to demonstrate that complex reasoning predicts deep comprehension. While these analyses

were conducted with a reduced sample and are interpreted with caution, they do offer

preliminary evidence that complex reasoning may be important for the reading comprehension

tasks required of young adolescents. In addition, academic language and perspective positioning


continue to be significant predictors of deep comprehension in these exploratory analyses that

include complex reasoning.

Taken together these findings on the roles of academic language, perspective-taking and

complex reasoning in deep comprehension suggest that, for students in grades four through

seven, we need to consider other models of reading comprehension beyond the SVR. In

particular, as students enter the middle grades and need to understand increasingly complex
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texts, decoding and oral language skill may be necessary but insufficient for reading

comprehension. Indeed the literature in support of the SVR has most often focused on younger

students and others have argued that the SVR neglects other skills, such as efficiency and

fluency, that may become more important for students as they reach the higher grades (Høien-

Tengesdal & Høien, 2012; Silverman, Speece, Harring & Ritchey, 2013; Macaruso &

Shankweiler, 2010). In addition, research on the SVR has utilized measures of reading

comprehension that assess a relatively basic level of reading comprehension, using relatively

simple texts and noninferential questions, while success in middle and high school requires

students to learn from more complex tests, across disciplines, and to interpret and analyze these

texts in more sophisticated ways. Our study is one of the first to employ a “deep comprehension”

assessment that incorporates a variety of textual sources and more challenging reading

comprehension tasks, such as evaluating and synthesizing materials and applying what has been

read to different contexts and perspectives. Thus, the results of this study demonstrate not only

that other reading related skills (e.g. academic language) are important in early adolescence, but

that such skills are important for the deep comprehension required of students in upper grade



This is, of course, only the first step in the analytic program testing this hypothesis; future

analyses should examine whether these three components predict reading comprehension beyond

the contributions of decoding and oral language. In future work we will conduct similar analyses

for a subsample of participants for whom we have measures of general vocabulary and decoding,

as well as fluency, and more traditional assessments of reading comprehension, including state

ELA tests, allowing us to more directly compare the SVR with our model of deep reading
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comprehension predicted by academic language, perspective taking and complex reasoning.

Our analysis of predictors of deep comprehension also included several key demographic

factors that deserve mention. After controlling fall deep reading comprehension scores, several

demographic variables predicted spring comprehension scores. Students who are eligible for free

or reduced lunch, English language learners, and/or have a special education classification scored

significantly lower on deep reading comprehension. While racial/ethnic differences on academic

outcomes including reading comprehension are common (National Center for Education

Statistics, 2013; Reardon, Valentino, & Shores, 2012), there was no relationship between

students' racial/ethnic backgrounds and GISA comprehension scores. This is true for other recent

studies using the GISA (O'Reilly, Sabatini, Halderman, Bruce, Weeks & Steinberg, 2015).

Lastly, there was a significant effect for grade, with students in higher grades scoring

significantly higher than 4th grade students on deep comprehension.

There are of course limitations to the analysis presented here. Missing data are a chronic

problem in school-based research, one that is exacerbated when the data derive from four distinct

assessments, administered in different sessions, in whole-class configurations, and in two cases

digitally in elderly computer labs. Though we made every effort to reschedule testing sessions


when absences were a significant problem, high school mobility rates and shifting class

schedules rendered success incomplete.

Nonetheless, we are able to report findings based on a substantial number of students.

Unfortunately, there is some suggestion in the pattern of missingness that the students whose

scores were omitted differed on demographic factors from those included in the final analytic

sample or subsample, a finding that requires on-going analysis. Fortunately, because the
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predictors reported here were assessed in only one wave of data collection, in a study in which

six waves are available on some participants and four on most, we will have the opportunity in

future analyses to pursue these same questions with additional waves of data, modeling growth

trajectories over as many as three years for both predictors and the outcome.

Another limitation is the lack of classroom and school level predictors (e.g., aggregated

student demographics) despite sufficient classroom and school level variance in deep

comprehension to warrant multi-level modeling. We decided to not include such predictors in

this analysis because of the challenges of multicollinearity among classroom and school level

demographics and because our focus in this paper is on student level questions. Future analyses

will examine the context-level variation in deep comprehension.

Despite these limitations, these results provide preliminary evidence that academic

language, perspective taking, and complex reasoning predict deep reading comprehension. This

finding has important implications for theories of reading comprehension and for designing

interventions to improve comprehension outcomes. These three predictive factors have not

previously been systematically attended to in curricular design or instruction. Programmatic

efforts to manipulate these input factors, through curricular design and/or special interventions,


and to assess impacts on reading comprehension outcomes will provide the ultimate test of their

importance as components of the deep comprehension process.

The relevance of academic language, perspective taking, and complex reasoning to deep

comprehension suggests as well the importance of ensuring that teachers of literacy-heavy

content areas (history and science, as well as English language arts) understand these

phenomena. It is difficult to predict where students will struggle with the text or misinterpret
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author‟s intent without some understanding of academic language and perspective taking. Texts

encountered in history are inherently perspectival, and science texts demand following extended

lines of reasoning explained verbally. Teachers' sensitivity to these challenges will improve

content area learning as well as literacy outcomes.

Practices widely promoted as helping students reach the expectations of the Common

Core State Standards include close reading and assigning more complex texts. Our findings

suggest these practices are unlikely by themselves to be helpful to students struggling with

academic language, perspective taking, and complex reasoning, and might in fact lead to

frustration and reduced motivation. A better understanding of the processes underlying deep

reading comprehension will, we hope, generate approaches to instruction that directly address the

linguistic and cognitive challenges students face.


The authors contributed to this manuscript in various ways. LaRusso and Jones directed the

research and advised on the analytic strategy. Kim conducted the analyses. Selman, Uccelli and

Dawson developed assessments for the key predictors, perspective-taking, academic language,

and complex reasoning respectively. The manuscript was prepared primarily by Snow, LaRusso


and Kim. Snow and Donovan were co-PIs. We would like to thank James Kim, Lowry Hemphill,

McCaila Ingold-Smith, Jen Winsor, Jill Joseph, Chris Barr, Emily Phillips Galloway, Silvia

Diazgranados and our many research assistants for their contributions to this research, as well as

the students, teachers, and administrators for their participation.


The research reported here was supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S.
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Department of Education, through Grant R305F100026 to the Strategic Educational Research

Partnership Institute and grant R305F100005 to Educational Testing Service as part of the

Reading for Understanding Research Initiative. The opinions expressed are those of the authors

and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Education.



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Table 1 Sample characteristics (N = 1965)

Variable %

Female 51%

Black 40%

White 28%

Asian 3%
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 04:08 12 February 2016

Latino 27%

Native American/Pacific Islander 1%

Mixed/Other 1%

Free/Reduced-price lunch 83%

English Language Learners 8%

Special education 14%

Grade 4 22%

Grade 5 23%

Grade 6 29%

Grade 7 26%


Table 2 Means and standard deviations of the measures (N = 1965)

M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Spring GISA Score 976.87 69.21 -

2. Fall GISA Score 963.56 69.30 0.72 *** -

3. Fall perspective articulation 2.03 0.66 0.38 *** 0.37 *** -

4. Fall perspective positioning 0.61 0.41 0.30 *** 0.23 *** 0.29 *** -
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 04:08 12 February 2016

5. Fall Academic Language 0.30 1.04 0.68 *** 0.67 *** 0.46 *** 0.36 -

6. Fall complex reasoning (subsample n

= 1610) 9.52 0.24 0.51 *** 0.50 *** 0.34 *** 0.26 *** 0.64 ***
p < .001


Table 3 Predictors of spring GISA scores: Role of academic language and perspective taking (N =


Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

Variables coefficient SE coefficient SE coefficient SE coefficient SE coefficient SE

Intercept 967.12 *** 7.65 962.15 *** 8.53 962.26 *** 8.50 957.16 *** 8.65 957.55 *** 8.63

Grade 5 14.27 * 6.40 14.41 * 6.52 13.53 * 6.73 13.64 * 6.78

Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 04:08 12 February 2016

Grade 6 26.20 *** 6.13 26.26 *** 6.24 24.82 *** 6.44 24.86 *** 6.49

Grade 7 28.03 *** 6.22 27.83 *** 6.34 27.04 *** 6.55 26.96 *** 6.59

Female -0.54 2.25 -3.61 2.30 -0.85 2.15 -2.41 2.21

White 4.16 3.86 4.33 3.82 2.82 3.69 3.00 3.68

Asian 12.47 6.88 12.82 6.82 9.63 6.58 10.01 6.56

Latino 4.97 3.66 5.57 3.62 4.69 3.49 5.07 3.49



Islander -1.17 14.15 -1.79 14.01 1.08 13.50 0.36 13.46

Mixed/Other 18.66 11.13 18.48 11.02 16.00 10.63 16.10 10.59


price lunch -11.93 *** 3.32 -11.53 *** 3.29 -8.36 ** 3.18 -8.39 ** 3.17



Learners -22.64 *** 4.57 -20.67 *** 4.54 -14.30 *** 4.42 -13.83 ** 4.41



education -25.55 *** 3.50 -22.42 *** 3.52 -16.30 *** 3.43 -15.22 *** 3.44

Fall GISA scores 0.59 *** 0.02 0.56 *** 0.02 0.44 *** 0.02 0.43 *** 0.02

Fall perspective

articulation 6.82 *** 2.05 2.65 2.00

Fall perspective
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 04:08 12 February 2016

positioning 12.40 *** 3.17 7.91 ** 3.07

Fall academic

language 20.66 *** 1.66 19.54 *** 1.71

Random effects Variance Variance Variance Variance Variance

School level 583.51 459.24 447.64 469.41 462.00

Classroom level 612.64 374.38 396.46 442.68 451.69

Student level 3654.04 2013.30 1971.81 1828.07 1816.22

p < .05;
p < .01;
p < .001


Table 4 Predictors of spring GISA scores: Role of complex reasoning (N = 1615)

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

Variables coefficie coefficie coefficie coefficie coefficie
nt nt nt nt nt
969. ** 7. 961. ** 9.0 960. ** 9.0 956. ** 9.1 956. ** 9.1
83 * 62 77 * 7 75 * 7 85 * 7 86 * 6
12.9 + 11.9 + 7.2 12.0 11.7 7.5
Grade 5 7.2 7.6
9 5 2 7 3 8
26.3 ** 6.7 26.1 ** 6.7 **
7.1 **
Grade 6 24.8 * 24.8 *
8 * 7 3 * 9 4 3
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 04:08 12 February 2016

** ** ** **
6.8 27.6 6.8 27.7 7.2 27.4 7.2
Grade 7 28.5 *
6 2 * 8 9 * 4 8 * 3
- - 2.4 - 2.4 - + 2.4
Female 2.5
2.72 3.99 7 3.89 4 4.36 4
4.2 4.1 4.0 4.0
White 6.61 6.99 + 4.56 4.89
4 8 1 1
13.6 + 7.5 11.8 7.4 7.1 7.1
Asian 9.88 9.49
1 7 4 5 6 4
4.0 3.8 3.8
Latino 7.54 + 7.5 +
4 6.15 6.27
6 5 4
American/P - 15. - 14. 14. - 14.
acific 6.96 1 4.56 87 27 0.65 23
Mixed/Othe 14.1 11. 13.9 11. 12.3 11. 12.4 10.
r 2 67 5 48 3 01 2 99

Free/Reduc -
** 3.6 - ** 3.5 * 3.4 - * 3.4
ed-price 10.9 -7.1
3 9.66 8 4 6.88 4
lunch 8

English - ** - ** -
5.2 5.1 * 5.0 - +
Language 20.2 * 17.0 * 10.2 5
2 7 1 9.75
Learners 2 4 5

- ** - ** - ** - **
Special 3.9 3.9 3.8 3.8
25.0 * 22.1 * 14.1 * 13.8 *
education 9 5 6 6
6 9 8 6
** ** ** **
Fall GISA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.6 * 0.54 * 0.43 * 0.42 *
scores 2 2 2 2


2.1 2.1
perspective 1.43 1.22
9 8

** 3.3 * 3.3
perspective 8.69 8.49
5 4
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 04:08 12 February 2016

Fall ** **
1.9 20.1 2.0
academic 21.9 * *
1 3 2
Fall **
44.2 6.6 18.0 ** 6.8
complex *
4 8 1 3
Variance Variance Variance Variance Variance
560.59 456.62 459.47 460 460.17
597.49 386.76 402.82 477.75 475.41
3758.7 2066.31 2000.17 1831.51 1822.72

p < .05;
p < .01; ***p < .001


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