Mec-001 Eng PDF
Mec-001 Eng PDF
Mec-001 Eng PDF
MEC-001 1 P.T.O.
3. Consider an economy with 2 persons and 2 goods.
The utility functions of the 2 persons are
UA =XiA X2 ; UB =(X13 Xil23 + 5) and the initial
endowments are given to be
WA = (6, 2) and WB = (2, 6)
(a) Draw Edgeworth Box and show the initial
endowment of the economy.
(b) Find the set of Pareto efficient allocations
and show your result on the Edgeworth box.
(c) Find the competitive equilibrium of this
4. A consumer's preference over a single good x and
other goods y is represented by a utility function
u(x, y) = log x + y.
If the price of x = P and that of y = 1 and income
(a) Derive the Marshallian demand for x and
(b) Derive indirect utility function.
(c) Use Slutsky equation to decompose the effect
of own price change on the demand for x
into an income and substitution effect.
Answer any five questions from this section. 5x12=60
5. Discuss the approaches adopted by Pareto and
Pigou for analysing the problem of welfare
6. A consumer's utility function from consumption
in two-period horizon is U = X1X2. 6. The income
stream is given as y 1 =1000 and y2 = 648 (where
1 and 2 stands for 'today' and 'next year'
respectively). If the market rate of interest is 8%
per annum, find the values for consumption in
two periods which maximises his utility.
MEC-001 2
7. Explain how Shephard's Lemma can be used to
derive production function from the cost function.
MEC-001 3
No. of Printed Pages : 16 I mEc -001
Term-End Examination
June, 2018
Answer any two questions from this section. 2x20=40
MEC 001
- 1 P.T.O.
(a) Find all values of A and B that are
consistent with the aggregate excess
demand functions being derived from
utility maximisation subject to a budget
(b) An owner o f a restaurant plans to employ a
manager. The manager can exert high
effort or low effort in running the
restaurant. Putting high effort costs
2 due to the reduction of his utility. This
effort is unobservable to the owner. The
manager could get utility 10 from his
outside option.
MEC-001 2
then the restaurant is profitable with
probability 0.8 and unprofitable with
probability 0.2.
MEC-001 3 P.T.O.
3. Suppose that the market demand is described by
P = 120 — (Q + q), where Q = output of the
incumbent, q = output of the potential entrant,
and P = market price.
The incumbent's cost function is given by
TC (Q) = 60 Q while the cost function of the
entrant is given by TC (Q) = 60 q + 80.
Player B
Rock 0, 0 —1, 1 1, —1
Player A Paper 1, —1 0, 0 — 1, 1
Scissors 1, —1 1, —1 0, 0
MEC-001 5. P.T.O.
(b) What is the premium to be fixed that
allows the insurance company to exactly
break even in this case ?
MEC-001 6
9. On the island of Andaman there are two lakes
and 20 fishing hooks. Each hook can fish on
either lake and keep the average catch on a
particular lake. On lake X, the total number of
fish caught is given by F x = 10 lX — 1 , where
/x is the number of people fishing on the lake. For
lake Y, the relationship is FY = 5 l y. What will be
the number of fish caught on this island ?
MEC-001 7 P.T.O.
11. The utility maximisation problem of a consumer
is given as
MEC-001 8
No. of Printed Pages : 12 MEC-001
Term-End Examination
December, 2011
MEC 001
- 1 P.T.O.
(d) Find the pareto efficient allocations for this
MEC-001 2
4. Consider the market for used cars. There are 100
cars for sale, half of them are bad while the others
are good. The owner of a bad car is willing to sell
it for any price above 400 but the owner of a
good car is only willing to sell it for at least
1000. The bad cars are worth 600 to buyers,
and some are worth 1200 to them.
(a) At a Pareto efficient allocation which car
will be sold ?
(b) If buyers cannot observe the quality of the
car for sale, how much would they be
willing to pay for a car ?
(c) Which cars will be sold in equilibrium in this
market ?
(d) Suppose that the fraction g of the cars in
the market are good. If buyer still cannot
observe the quality, how large must g be for
cars to be sold in equilibrium ?
MEC-001 3 P.T.O.
Answer any four questions from this section. 4x10=40
5. (a) Distinguish between pure strategy Nash
equilibrium and mixed strategy equilibrium.
When would you use mixed strategy
equilibrium ?
(b) Find all the Nash equilibrium of the
following game :
Player 2
Left Right
Player 1
Up (5, 4) (1, 3)
Down (4, 1) (2 , 2)
MEC-001 4
(a) if a risk neutral Rita would accept either,
both or neither of the gambles.
•(b) What would be her decision on the gambles
given her utility function U = ?
(c) Compare and explain your results in
(a) and (b).
MEC-001 5 P.T.O.
MEC-001 6
No. of Printed Pages : 11 MEC-001
r Term-End Examination
December, 2014
MEC-001 1 P.T.O.
2. Suppose there are two types of used cars : good
and bad. A good car if it is known to be good, is
worth Rs. 3000 to a buyer and Rs. 2500 to a seller.
You are told that the supply of cars in that market
is fixed and possible buyers are infinite. A bad
car, on the other hand, is worth Rs. 2000 to a
buyer and Rs. 1000 to the seller. There are as
twice many bad cars as good cars.
(a) What would be the prices of bad cars and
good cars, if there was perfect
information ?
(b) What would be the price of used car if
neither buyer nor seller knew whether a
particular car was good one or bad one and
all agents are risk neutral ?
(c) Assume buyers cannot tell if a car is good
or bad. Which would be the market price
for used cars and how many good cars
would be offered ?
(d) Consider that there are two good cars to
every bad car; but buyers cannot tell if a
car is good or bad. Which would be the
market price for used cars and how many
good cars would be offered ?
MEC-001 2
MEC-001 3 P.T.O.
8. Suppose 10 people live on street and that each of
them is willing to pay Rs. 2 for each extra dustbin,
regardless of the number of dustbins provided. If
the cost of providing dustbins is given by C (x) = x2,
what is the pareto efficient number of dustbins to
provide ?
Player 2
I 0
Player 1 A
1,1 3,3
N 2, 4 4, 2
MEC-001 4
(b) John drives to work every day and has to
spend money to pass through the toll gate.
He thought of devising a way to evade
payment. However, he knows that there is
a — probability of being caught at the gate
in a given day if he cheats and the cost to be
incurred by him towards payment of fine is
Rs. 36. If his daily income is Rs. 100, what
is the maximum amount he will be willing
to pay for one day at the toll gate ?
MEC-001 5 P.T.O.
No. of Printed Pages : 12 I MEC -001
Answer any two questions from this section. 2x20=40
MEC-001 2
(ii) At the price of (i) above, what is the
quality of the cars in the market ?
MEC-001 3 P.T.O.
MEC-001 4
(b) There are 2 goods, Fish (F) and Train (T),
representing private and public goods .
respectively. If n people in that economy
are having utility function, U i = (Fi)2 — T
and production possibility frontier is given
as F2 + 3T2 = 1800, what is Pareto optimal
provision of T ?
(b) write its normal form and solve for its Nash
(1, 2)
(2, 1)
MEC-001 5 P.T.O.
9. Utility from wealth for a person is given by
U = in (w), where U is the utility and w is the
level of wealth. The person has a prospect of good
income of 4000 with probability 0.4 and low
income of 1000 with probability of 0-6. How much
would she pay to insure against income
uncertainty ?
MEC-001 6
No. of Printed Pages : 12 MEC-001
Term-End Examination
June, 2014
ED2 = 3 P2 + 2 P3 =1,
P1 P1
4P2 2 p3
ED = =2.
P1 P1
(a) Show that these functions are homogeneous
of degree zero in pi, P2 and N.
(b) Use Walras law to show that if
ED2 = ED3 = 0, then ED1 must be zero.
MEC-001 1 P.T.O.
2. Consider an industry with two firms. Each firm
has constant marginal cost C'(q) = 0. Let the
market inverse demand function be
P(Q) = 100 — Q, where Q = qi + q2.
MEC-001 3 P.T.O.
7. A household lives for two periods, 0 and 1. It
begins its life with zero financial wealth, earns
Y0 = 100 in period 0 and income Y1 = 100 in
period 1. If the interest rate is given to be – % ,
and the utility function of the household is
U(CO3 C1) = U(C0) + 0.75 U(C1), find the
consumption in period zero.
MEC-001 4
9. (a) Find all the Nash equilibria and
corresponding payoff of the following
game :
B 80, 20 50, 50
(b) There are two players P-1 and P-2. P-2 could
be either type T or type P. The payoff
matrices accordingly are
P-2, Type-T P-2, Type-P
P-1 X 0, 0 0, 1 P-1 C 4,4 0,5
Y 0, 0 4, 1 D 5, 0 2, 2
MEC-001 5 P.T.O.
11. Write short notes on the following :
(a) Total Consumer's and Producer's Surplus
(b) Williamson's alternative theory of firm
(c) Shephard's lemma
(d) First Welfare Theorem
MEC-001 6
No. of Printed Pages : 12 MEC-001
June, 2015
Answer any two questions from this section. 2 x 20=40
1. Consider a small country with two individuals,
Anita and Babar, and two goods, corn (C) and
chicken (H). Anita and Babar have utility
functions given by
UA= 0.21n C + 0.8 in H,
U = 0.8 in C + 0.2 in H.
The economy as a whole is endowed with
100 units of corn and 50 units of chicken.
(a) Solve for the marginal rates of substitution
between corn and chicken for Anita and
Babar. Show the condition that represents
allocative efficiency in C and H.
(b) Derive Anita and Babar's demands for
C and H as a function of prices (P) and
income (I).
MEC-001 1 P.T.O.
(c) Assume that Anita has an endowment of C
equal to a and an endowment of H equal to
13. Solve for the equilibrium price ratio in
terms of a and 13.
(d) Suppose Anita has 80 units of corn and
10 units of chicken. Calculate the
quantities consumed by Anita and Babar in
MEC-001 2
3. There are two firms in an industry facing market
demand : Q = 3200 — 1600 P. Their costs are
given as follows :
Firm 1 : TC1 (q1) = 0.25 q1
MEC-001 3 P.T.O.
MEC-001 4
8. There are N people living in a village engaged in
fishing (F) and public transport services (T). The
utility function of each of these people is given
as Ui = (fi)2 . T. If the production possibility
frontier is depicted by F2 + 3T2 = 1800, find the
Pareto-optimal provision of T.
9. Consider the sequential game being played
between two U.S. firms thinking about entering
the Indian market. Firm 1 has a headstart in
completing the legal process and moves first,
choosing whether to enter or not. Firm 2 moves
second and is deciding whether to enter or not.
The profit for each firm is shown in the game tree
below :
Firm 1
Firm 2 F.
Enter Do not enter
Enter Do not enter
MEC-001 6
No. of Printed Pages : 8 I MEC-001 I
Answer any two questions from this section. 2x20=40
1. Consider a pure exchange economy with two
commodies (x, y) and total resources
(ex, ey ) = (5, 10). Consumers A and B have
identical preferences represented by the following
utility function :
ui(xi, yi) = (xi, yi) for i= (A, B). Suppose initial
endowments are ( e , e) (2, 1) for A and
MEC-001 1 P.T.O.
2. (a) In what type of market structure the
Stackelberg model becomes operational ?
Justify your answer.
(b) Find the Stackelberg model equilibrium if
market demand is
Q = 3200 —1600p where
Q= Qi + Q2 and the cost functions of two
firms 1 (the leader) and 2 (the follower) are :
TC1 (Qi) =0.25 Q1 and
TC2(Q2) = 0.5 Q2.
MEC-001 2
Answer any five questions from this section. 5x12=60
5. Determine the equilibrium output (Q), price (P)
and profit err) of a multi-plant monopoly firm with
Total cost function TC(fi) = 200 + 2(fi) 2 and market
demand faced is P =140 — Q. where Q = market
MEC-001 3 P.T.O.
8. Given the following extensive form game :
• (a) Find the subgame perfect Nash equilibrium
(b) Write its normal form and solve for Nash
(c) Compare the solutions of the game obtained
in (a) and (b) above and state which of these
offers a better solution.
P—2 P—2
0 0
(3, 8) (8, 3) (5, 5)
(2, 10) (1, 10)
MEC-001 4
No. of Printed Pages : 12 MEC-001
Term-End Examination
June, 2011
Answer any two questions from this section. 2)(20=40
1. (a) Why would you consider Pareto efficiency
conditions in multimarket equilibrium of an
economy ?
(b) Suppose that a pure exchange economy
consists of two consumers A and B and two
commodities 1 and 2. The endowments of
two goods are (0A = ((DA —10, (DA —10) and
00 (1) B = 0113'---8, -B =4 ) •
1 ( 2 )0
\ 0.25 .75
UB= XB )
MEC-001 1 P.T.O.
2. Let there be two firms (1 and 2) in an industry
with firm-1 as the leader. The market demand of
their product is given as P = 30 — Q with
Q = Ql + Q2 and marginal cost (MC) = 12. Find
the stackelberg solution of the model. How does
the solution compare with cournot model ?
MEC-001 2
profits. The worker is risk-averse and his
utility function is u = f , where
x = earning, i.,e, wage less of cost of efforts.
The cost of effort is given to be 10 when e 1
and 0 when e = 0. Let there be a negotiation
proposal that has provision to Pay w =SO if
y =100; and w = 70 if y = 60.
(i) If the employer plans to pay fixed-
wage, i.e, w is independent of y, what
level of effort will the worker choose
if he agrees to sign the contract ?
Which fixed-wage contract will the
employer choose ?
(ii) If the employer proposes to pay all
output to the worker, i.,e, w = y, will
the worker still shirk ? Will the
contract acceptable to the worker ?
(iii) Comment on incentive compatible
constraint and participation constraint
of (a) and (b) above.
4. Consider the Pareto efficiency conditions for the
provision of a public good. Show that if the sum
of the marginal rates of substitution adds up to
more than the marginal cost, then more of the
public goods and less of the private good should
be produced.
MEC-001 3 P.T.O.
MEC-001 4
6. Consider the following game played by player•1
and player-2
MEC-001 5 P.T.O.
1 2
8. Given the utility function u=x3 y3 , where x and
y are two goods and' p. and py denote their prices.
If M is the income of the consumer, derive the
expenditure function.
9. A revenue maximising monopolist requires a
profit of at least 334. Her demand and cost
functions are p =100 — 4q and c = 50 + 20q.
Determine her output level and price in the
ecluilibrium. Contrast these values with those that
would be achieved under profit maximising
10. Consider a profit function given by
Max N
= ey (13) Pi Use the envelope
yin= a 7(p) •
a Pi
MEC-001 6
No. of Printed Pages : 8 I MEC-001
Term-End Examination
CI er? December, 2018
Answer any two questions from this section. 2x20=40
MEC-001 1 P.T.O.
2. A consumer's utility function is given as
U(x, y) = 2x + f3 , where x and y are two
consumption goods.
(a) Find his indirect utility function.
(b) Examine if Roy's law is satisfied by
consumer's demand function for y.
(c) Find the expenditure function e(p, u),
where price of x = 1 and price of y = p.
(d) Find the Hicksian demand function h y(p, u)
for commodity y, where price of x = 1 and
price of y = p.
0* 5 q2 Firm2—›TC(q)=
If firm 1 is the leader and firm 2 the follower,
solve for Stackelberg output levels, market price
and profit levels of the firms.
MEC-001 2
Answer any five questions from this section. 5x12=60
Rock 0, 0 —1, 1 1; —1
Player 1 Paper 1, —1 0, 0 — 1, 1
Scissors 1, —1 1, —1 0, 0
MEC-001 4
No. of Printed Pages : 12 MEC-001
Term-End Examination
December, 2012
Answer any two of the following : 2x20=40
1. There are two persons (1 and 2) in an economy.
They consume two goods xi and x2 [where
i stands for commodities]. Their initial
endowments of the good i (i =1, 2) are wi and
w2. If you know that they have identical
preference, compute the equilibria of the
following :
0.6 0.4
MaX(X.ii ) (X)
Subject to P1 A + P2 x2 = P1 TV j. + P2 7,4
Where the endowments of the agents are given
Agent 1 : wl = 7, w21 = 5
Agent 2 : w? . 3, w22 . 7
MEC-001 1
2. (a) How do firms under Bertrand model arrive
at the equilibrium price ? In what way is
this model different from that of
Cournot's ?
(b) The linear demand functions faced by two
firms are given as
= — b1 p1 + cp2
y2 = a2 + cp1 — b2p2
Show that quantities are always lower and
prices higher in Cournot competition than
in Bertrand competition.
MEC-001 2
4. What problems would you encounter in making
social decisions if you want to implement the
following rule : an allocation X is socially preferred
to an allocation Y only if everyone prefers X to
To overcome the problems, what alternatives
would you advocate ? Discuss their features.
MEC-001 3 P.T.O.
Answer any five questions from this section : 5x12=60
Player 2
Left Right
Player 1
Up (5, 4) (1, 3)
Down (4, 1) (2, 2)
MEC-001 4
8. Assume that there are four firms supplying a
homogeneous product. They have identical cost
functions given by C(Q) = 40Q. If the demand
curve for the industry is given by
P = 100 — q,
find the equilibrium industry output if the
producers are Cournot competitors. What would
be the resultant market price ? What are the
profits of each firm ?
MEC-001 5 P.T.O.
11. Why is there a social cost to monopoly power ?
Suppose a production process gives rise to
negative externalities, would your answer on the
social cost of monopoly change ? Explain.
MEC-001 6
Jo. of Printed Pages : 11 MEC-001
0 Term-End Examination
December, 2013
vIEC-001 1 P.T.O.
2. Consider an industry with two firms. Each firm
has a constant marginal cost c'(q) = O. Let the
market inverse demand function be
P(Q) =100 — Q where Q = q1 + q2
Find :
(a) The competitive equilibrium level of
industry output.
(b) Compute optimal choice of output in
cournof equilibrium.
MEC-001 2
Answer any five questions from this section : 5x12=60
5. The marginal productivity of labour in a firm is
given as MPL = A (400 — L).
(a) If A = 0.2 and the real wage is Rs60/- how
many labour will the firm want to hire ?
What reason will you give for that result ?
(b) Suppose the wage is increased to Rs.75.
How many labour will be hired ?
(c) Keeping the real wage at Rs.60, how many
labour will the firm hire if A rises to 0.5 ?
Interpret your result.
6. Suppose utility function of the consumer is given
as u(X1, X2) = X10.5 X20.5
X1 = consumption in period 1
X2 = consumption in period 2.
The consumer lives for two periods. In period 1
her income is Rs.1000 and in period 2 she has no
income. If the market rate of interest is 50%, find
the optimum consumption in each period.
7. Suppose a farmer is deciding to use fertilizer or
not. But there is uncertainty about the rain, which
will also help the crops. Suppose that farmer's
choice consists of two lotteries
1 1
Fertilizer = (50, — 10, 2)
1 1
No Fertilizer = (30, 2 20, 2)
If the farmer is an expected utility maximiser and
has monotonic preference, what would he choose
if he were
(a) Risk lover
(b) Risk neutral and
(c) Risk averse ?
MEC-001 3 P.T.O.
8. (a) What is the meaning of inefficient provision
of public goods ? Explain how would you
relate this problem to market failure.
(b) Suppose that there are two goods fish (F)
and transport (T), one private and another
public. There are N people in the town who
use these and the utility function of the ith
person is given as tii = (fi)2T. If the
production possibility frontier is given as
F2 + 3T2 =1800, find the pareto-optimal
provision of T.
Plays 2
Heads Tails
Plays 1 Heads 1, —1 —1, 1
Tails —1, 1 1, —1
2.5 L' R'
(6,4) (5,4) (1,1)
MEC-001 4
[0. The utility function is given as u = x1/3 y2/3 where
x and y are two goods. If the prices of x and y are
px and py,and m is the income of the consumer
(a) Derive the expenditure function
E(px , py , u)
(b) Given px = 2, pv = 3 and m = 200 with the
above utility function, find the utility
maximising bundle of x and y.
MEC-001 5 P.T.O.
No. of Printed Pages : 6 MEC-001
Answer any two questions from this section.
1. (a) How do firms in Bertrand Model under
homogenous product industry arrive at the
equilibrium price ? In what way is this
model different from Cournot's Model ?
(b) Linear demand functions faced by two firms
are :
y1 =-- al — bi pi + cp2 ; y2 = a2 + cpi — b2p2.
Show that quantities are always lower and
prices higher in Cournot competition
vis-a-vis Bertrand competition.
MEC-001 1 P.T.O.
3. Discuss the two principles of justice as mentioned
by Rawls. Do you think Rawls' theory of justice
is relevant for the third world countries ? Using
the two principles of Rawls, justify your answer.
Attempt any five questions from this section.
5. Consider a 2 person, 2 commodity pure exchange
economy with :
_ p
1 (1 12 u 2 c12u 1 q22
q11 q21 q1 and q12 + q22 q2
Derive the contract curve as an implicit function
of q11 and q12. What conditions on the coefficients
a and 13 ensure the contract curve to be a straight
line ?
MEC-001 2
7. A perfectly discriminating monopolist faces a
linear demand fn : P=100 — 4q. Her total cost is
a linear function of her output and is given as
C = 50 + 20q. Determine the equilibrium level of
output and profit for the monopolist. Compare
these equilibrium values with those if the
monopolist was not in a position to practice
MEC-001 3
No. of Printed Pages : 12 MEC-001
Term-End Examination
June, 2012
Answer any two questions form this section. 2x20=40
1. Consider a world with two agents, A and B. There
are two goods 1 and 2 . The utility functions of
A and B are given as U A = X.?" XA2 and
UB = XB1 XB2• Their initial endowments are
WA =(1,2) and WB =(2,1)
(a) Draw the Edgeworth Box for the agents
considering their initial endowments and
commodity consumptions.
p (b) Find the contract curve through your
Lc) Edgework Box.
(c) Find the demand functions of A and B for
prices Pi,P2 and incomes mA of A and mB
of B.
(d) Find the competitive equilibrium price P*
and equilibrium allocation
()CAP A2,X*B1, X*B2) of this economy.
MEC-001 1 P.T.O.
2. A monopoly insurance company provides
accident insurance to two types of customers; low
risk and high risk, for whom the probability of an
accident is 0.25 and 0.5. There are customers in
the groups of low and high risks in equal number.
Without insurance, each customer's wealth is 16
if there is no accident but zero if there is an
accident. Customers utility function of wealth is
given as u(w) = . The insurance company
cannot identify the type of customer's when they
apply for insurance contract. The company plans
to offer two contracts; First, a payout of 8 in case
there is an accident and requires the customer to
pay a premimum of 7. Second, .a payout of 16 in
case an accident happens but requires customers
to pay a premiiim of 10.
(a) Determine for the low risk and high risk
customers which if any, of these contract
they will buy.
(b) Calculate the insurance company's expected
profit if it offers these contracts. comment
how does the company would like to screen
its customers with these contracts.
MEC-001 2
4. A consumer's utility function is given as
MEC-001 3 P.T.O.
5. Answer any four questions from this section. 4x10=40
(a) How would you differentiate a static game
from that of a dynamic game ?
(b) Suppose the following game is played for a
infinite number of periods. If the players
are discounting the future at the rates of 8A
and 6B respectively, find the conditions
under which they sustain the outcome (2,2)
in every period.
Player B
Low High
Player A Low (1, 1) (4, 0)
High (0, 4) (2, 2)
MEC-001 4
(a) Will Sita accept the insurance Explain
(b) What is the maximum amount that Sita
would pay for the insurance ?
MEC-001 5 P.T.O.
MEC-001 6
No. of Printed Pages : 11 MEC-001
0 Term-End Examination
3 June, 2013
Answer any two questions from this section : 2x20=40
MEC-001 1 P.T.O.
2. (a) Consider the Edgeworth box that describes
a two-person, two-commodity exchange
scenario. Explain how both parties enter
into trade starting from the initial
endowment position.
(b) There are two agents (A and B) with utility
functions given as
LTA = xax1—
1 2
a U B = xr31x1-13
N4EC-001 2
MEC-001 3 P.T.O.
8. Let the optimal incentive plan be given as
s(q) = wq +k
where s(q) =incentive scheme
q= output, w = wage
and k is a constant.
A worker can produce q units of output at a cost
of c(q) = — and he can achieve a utility level
(2, 6)
2 2
MEC-001 4
10. A perfectly discriminating monopolist faces a
linear demand curve :
p = 100 - 4q
Her total cost is a linear function of her output
level and given as C =50 + 20q. Determine the
equilibrium level of output and profit of this
monopolist. Compare these values with those of
the situation in which the monopolist were not in
a position to discriminate.
MEC-001 5 P.T.O.
( aim)
fl 7111 trfivr
1,.1, 2013
iITTE l 7)-51-79)t t 31* q'11*1 2x20=40
1. f-*7=ft -1111)--4Tff ct>I x AT -{49.11- -q-94 y
satzr-dr3-ff 1->1 4ol7-(1-
u(x, y)=1n(x)+ y zifq x c4 .W11Ta. p 3-fr( y chi 1 3
m tt,
(a) x chl
(b) 3 T T d4q)Plcil 4(11 4)) Ufa 1
MEC-001 7 P.T.O.