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Efficiency of Direct Microscopy of Stool Samples Using An Antigen-Specific Adhesin Test For Entamoeba Histolytica

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Efficiency of Direct Microscopy of Stool

Samples Using an Antigen-Specific Adhesin
Test for Entamoeba Histolytica

Article · September 2016

DOI: 10.5152/balkanmedj.2016.150978


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4 authors, including:

Arzu İrvem
Umraniye Eğitim Ve Araştırma Hastanesi


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Copyright 2016 © Trakya University Faculty of Medicine Original Article | 543
Balkan Med J 2016;33: 543-6

Efficiency of Direct Microscopy of Stool Samples Using an

Antigen-Specific Adhesin Test for Entamoeba Histolytica

Arzu İrvem¹, Kamil Özdil², Zuhal Çalışkan², Muhterem Yücel¹

Department of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
Clinic of Gastroenterology, Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey

Background: E. histolytica is among the common causes with the presences of erythrocytes, leukocytes, cysts, and
of acute gastroenteritis. The pathogenic species E. histolyti- trophozoites, respectively, using logistic regression anal-
ca and the nonpathogenic species E. dispar cannot be mor- ysis, leukocyte positivity was significantly higher. The
phologically differentiated, although correct identification odds ratio of leukocyte positivity increased adhesin test-
of these protozoans is important for treatment and public positivity by 2,530-fold (95% CI=1.01–6.330). Adhesin
health. In many laboratories, the screening of leukocytes, test-positivity was significant (p=0.047).
erythrocytes, amoebic cysts, trophozoites and parasite eggs Conclusion: In line with these findings, the consistency
is performed using Native-Lugol’s iodine for pre-diagnosis. between the presence of cysts and erythrocytes and adhe-
Aims: In this study, we aimed to investigate the fre- sin test-positivity was found to be highly significant, but
quency of E. histolytica in stool samples collected from that of higher levels of leukocytes was found to be dis-
788 patients residing in the Anatolian region of İstanbul cordant. It was concluded that leukocytes and trophozo-
who presented with gastrointestinal complaints. We ites were easily misjudged using direct microscopy. Al-
used the information obtained to evaluate the effective- though microscopic examination of samples stained with
ness of microscopic examinations when used in combi- Native-Lugol’s iodine is a cheap and simple method,
nation with the E. histolytica adhesin antigen test. the confusion of trophozoites with leukocytes may di-
Study Design: Retrospective cross-sectional study rect the clinician toward an incorrect pre-diagnosis. Be-
Methods: Preparations of stool samples stained with cause trichrome staining is difficult and time consuming,
Native-Lugol’s iodine were evaluated using the E. his- and results may vary depending on the technician, this
tolytica adhesin test and examined using standard light method is not preferred in most laboratories. Therefore,
microscopy at ×40 magnification. Pearson’s Chi-square an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method, which
and Fisher’s exact tests were used for statistical analysis. is a more advanced method than polymerase chain reac-
Logistic regression analysis was used for multivariate tion, should be used to distinguish between E. histolytica
analysis. and E. dispar in order to achieve an accurate diagnosis.
Results: Of 788 samples, 38 (4.8%) were positive for Keywords: Adhesin test, Microscopic examination,
E. histolytica adhesin antigens. When evaluated together Entamoeba histolytica

This study has been presented at the 2nd National Clinical Microbiology Congress, 10-13 November 2013 Antalya Turkey.
Address for Correspondence: Dr. Arzu İrvem, Department of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
Phone: +90 532 302 57 05 e-mail: arzuirvem93@gmail.com
Received: 10 July 2015 Accepted: 1 June 2016 • DOI: 10.5152/balkanmedj.2016.150978
Available at www.balkanmedicaljournal.org
Cite this article as:
İrvem A, Özdil K, Çalışkan Z, Yücel M. Efficiency of direct microscopy of stool samples using an antigen-specific adhesin test for Entamoeba histolytica.
Balkan Med J 2016;33:543-6
544 İrvem et al. Prevalence of Entamoeba Histolytica

Entamoeba histolytica, which is the causative agent of were used for statistical analysis and enter logistic regres-
amoebic dysentery and an important health problem for sion analysis was used for multivariate analysis. The results
developing countries, is an important parasite responsible were evaluated in 95% confidence interval and at a signifi-
for deaths worldwide. The genus Entamoeba contains fol- cance level of p<0.05 (Number Cruncher Statistical System;
lowing species: Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba dispar, Utah, USA).
Entamoeba moshkowskii, Entamoeba polecki, Entamoeba
coli and Entamoeba hartmannii. While pathogenic species
E. histolytica causes abscess in various internal organs most RESULTS
notably liver with tissue invasion, Entamoeba dispar which
is considered to be nonpathogenic species remains confined
Thirty-eight (4.8%) of 788 stool samples studied were de-
to the intestinal lumen without tissue invasion. It is estimat-
termined to be adhesin antigen test positive. Sixteen of the
ed that 500 million people are infected with E. histolytica
around the world annually; approximately 50 million result samples determined to be adhesin antigen test positive be-
in colitis and liver abscess and approximately 100,000 of longed to the female patients; 22 of them belonged to male
them in death due to complications resulting from invasive patients. The difference between female and male patients was
amoebiasis (1). It is observed that infection rate increases in not found to be statistically significant (p>0.05). Mean age
societies with lower socioeconomic status and in crowded was 30.1±3.2 years (range:1-75 years). No leukocytes, eryth-
living areas due to personal hygiene. Recently, World Health rocytes, cysts or trophozoites were observed microscopically
Organization (WHO) recommends to make a specific diag- in 23 (60.5%) of 38 stool samples determined to be adhesin
nosis of E. histolytica in the developing countries by using antigen test positive. Erythrocyte, leukocyte, cyst and tropho-
improved diagnostic methods specific for E. histolytica and zoite test results were determined to be positive in 11 (28.9%),
technologies developed for these countries (2). Currently, 10 (26.3%), 3 and 2 stool samples, respectively (Table 1). Ad-
specific methods to detecting E. histolytica specific adhesin hesin test-positivity was found to be significant with Pearson
antigen in the stool sample show higher specificity and sen- Chi-Square test in the samples determined to be erythrocyte
sitivity in differential diagnosis (3-5). Rapid and definitive positive (p=0.003). Adhesin test positivity was determined to
diagnosis of amoebiasis is important for administering treat- be significant with Fisher’s Exact test in the samples deter-
ment in the early stage. In our study, it was aimed to perform mined to be amoeba cyst positive (p=0.015). While erythro-
microscopic examinations of stool samples sent from vari- cyte, leukocyte and amoeba cyst positivity were statistically
ous departments to Microbiology Laboratory of our hospi- significant in logistic regression analysis of microscopic eval-
tal regarding 788 patients presenting due to gastrointestinal uation of erythrocyte, amoeba cyst and trophozoite; trophozo-
complaints and to evaluate the results of ELISA adhesin an- ite positivity was found to be non-significant (Table 2). It was
tigen test specific for E. histolytica together.
TABLE 1. Microscopic evaluation and Adhesin test positivity
Adhesin test Adhesin test
Microscopic Evaluation Total negative positivity
Nothing Visible (Leukocyte, 685 662 23
Erythrocyte, Cyst, Trophozoite)
Stool samples were sent from various departments to the
Leukocyte 22 19 3
Microbiology Laboratory of our hospital for 788 patients
Erythrocyte 27 24 3
with clinical suspicion of amoebiasis during the period
Cyst 1 1 0
from January 2012 to October 2013. The samples were in-
vestigated retrospectively (Ethics Committee Decision No: Trophozoite 3 3 0

18/12 Project No: KOU KAEK 2015/207). At microscopic Leukocyte + Erythrocyte 34 31 3

examinations of stool, approximately 2 g of stool sample Erythrocyte + Cyst 4 3 1
was stained with saline solution and Lugol’s Iodine Stain. Erythrocyte + Trophozoite 2 1 1
Preparations that were prepared have been investigated with Leukocyte + Cyst 2 2 0
x10 and x40 lenses. Then, E. histolytica adhesin ELISA test Leukocyte + Trophozoite 3 2 1
(a second generation monoclonal antibody-based ELISA, Leukocyte + Erythrocyte + Cyst 4 1 3
TECHLAB Blacksburg; VA, USA) was studied from these
Leukocyte + Trophozoite + Erythrocyte 1 1 0
samples in the direction of the recommendations of the
Total 788 750 38
manufacturer. Pearson Chi-Square and Fisher’s Exact tests

Balkan Med J, Vol. 33, No. 5, 2016

İrvem et al. Prevalence of Entamoeba Histolytica 545

TABLE 2. Logistic regression analysis (enter method) of microscopic evaluation of erythrocyte, leukocyte and amebic cyst and trophozoite
Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
95% CI 95% CI
p ODDS Lower Upper p ODDS Lower Upper
Erythrocyte 0.001 4.602 2.177 9.726 0.003** 3.465 1.518 7.912
Cyst 0.001 12.487 3.487 44.718 0.015* 5.704 1.402 23.201
Trophozoite 0.066 5.897 1.183 29.403 0.067 4.786 0.897 25.522
Leukocyte 0.001 4.426 2.046 9.575 0.150 2.050 0.772 5.447
ODDS ratio: relative risk; CI: confidence interval; P: p value

observed that leukocyte positivity was significantly higher histolytica is endemic in south and southwest regions of our
and it masked erythrocyte positivity. With determination of country. In our study, the prevalence of E. histolytica in the
significantly higher rate of leukocyte in adhesin positive sam- cases with clinical suspicion of amoebiasis was determined
ples, it was concluded that trophozoite and leukocytes could to be 4.8%. Consistent with the other studies, no statistically
not be differentiated very well. significant difference was found regarding gender in positive
cases (6,12,13). Since it is cheap and easy to administer, direct
wet mount examination method is the most commonly used
DISCUSSION method in the diagnosis of amoebiasis. Since it necessitates
experienced healthcare professional, the sensitivity of Native-
Eighty-five to ninety percent of E. histolytica infections Lugol method changes between 10% and 60%, amebic cyst
are asymptomatic. No clinical manifestation is observed. The may be confused with macrophages in stool sample or ame-
World Health Organization reported that cases determined to bic species such as E. dispar and E. moshkovskii that cannot
have E. histolytica should be treated, whether or not there are be differentiated but considered to be nonpathogenic may be
clinical symptoms (2). Prevalence is 1-21% in asymptomatic present in stool sample; false-positive results can be obtained.
cases in developing countries. While it is prevalent in all of Additionally, because the nucleus structure of Entamoeba spe-
temperate and tropical regions, it is essentially prevalent in cies cannot be discriminated with precision in some prepa-
Africa, middle South America and India. Prevalence is re- rations using the direct wet mount examination method, ad-
ported to be 4% in high risk groups in developed countries vanced methods such as Trichrome staining or E. histolytica
(6). In a study performed in the population of North Eastern antigen detection can be used. The most reliable discrimina-
Indian population, the prevalence rates of E. histolytica, E. tive methods for E. histolytica and E. dispar are reported to
dispar and E. moshkowskii in 1260 fecal specimens between be demonstration of specific antigens with different methods
2011 and 2014 with molecular methods were determined to be and determination of specific DNA regions. In evaluation per-
13.7%, 11.8% and 7.8; respectively (7). In a study performed formed with advanced methods, it has been reported that caus-
with 500 subjects in Malaysia, the rates of E. dispar, E. histo- ative agent was E. dispar in 90% of the people determined
lytica and E. moshkowskii in 93 stool samples considered to to be amoebiasis and E. histolytica in 10% of them (14,5).
be amoebiasis microscopically were determined to be as fol- While E. histolytica positivity has been determined to be at a
lowings with molecular studies: 13.4%, 3.2% and 1%; respec- rate of 43.2%, 54.5% and 72.4% with antigen-specific ELISA
tively (8). In a study performed in Bangladesh, the prevalence in the samples determined to have amoeba in different stud-
of E. histolytica in the children living in rural areas was deter- ies performed, the rate of ELISA positivity is not known in
mined to be 8% with ELISA method (9). In a study performed the samples that are microscopically negative (5,15,16). Since
in Egypt, the prevalence of E. histolytica in 600 children with both microscopic method and adhesin ELISA methods were
gastroenteritis was reported to be 20% with antigen ELISA studied in 788 samples in our study, it was determined that
method (10) and again in a study performed in Pakistan, the 23 (3.3%) of 685 samples that were microscopically negative
prevalence of E. histolytica was reported to be 21.69% (11). were ELISA adhesin test-positive (Table 1). This is an impor-
Since the discrimination of E. histolytica from the other non- tant rate and therefore trichrome staining should be performed
pathogenic species of the genus Entamoeba has not been together with adhesin antigen specific ELISA method or PCR
made in the backdated publications in Turkey, it is difficult method in all of samples with clinical suspicion of amoebiasis.
to make interpretation regarding its prevalence. However, the Although direct wet mount microscopic examination of the
prevalence in Turkey is estimated to be 0.4-18.4% (5,12). E. stool is inexpensive and easy, while the identification of leu-

Balkan Med J, Vol. 33, No. 5, 2016

546 İrvem et al. Prevalence of Entamoeba Histolytica

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Balkan Med J, Vol. 33, No. 5, 2016

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