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Paper 1 PDF
Keywords: Signalized intersections with marked crosswalks enhance pedestrian safety by providing the designated right of
Pedestrian fatality way to pedestrians. However, a significant number of pedestrian fatalities occur at signalized intersections,
Signalized intersections which may primarily be due to pedestrians’ violation behaviors. Since pedestrians’ fatalities are not uniform
Risk factors across signalized intersections in a city, it may be expected that violations would also vary across the sites. It is
Risk perception
thus worthwhile to investigate if the pedestrian signal violation is a good surrogate for fatal pedestrian crashes at
Signal violation
signalized intersections, and if so, what behavioral, spatial, and built environment related factors influence such
violations. To this end, present study analyzes pedestrian behavior and perceptions across twenty-four signalized
intersections in Kolkata city, India, out of which twelve intersections did not record any fatal pedestrian crashes
between 2011 and 2016 and the remaining twelve experienced at least three or more fatal pedestrian crashes
over the same period.
Using data from the video-graphic survey at these twenty-four signalized intersections violation behaviors are
extracted along with personal attributes at the pedestrian level. Further, pedestrian perception surveys are
carried out at each of the twenty-four sites, to obtain a user’s perception of safety and satisfaction. Results
indicate that pedestrians’ signal violations behavior and dissatisfaction are statistically significantly higher at
locations with recorded fatal pedestrian crashes. Results from different models and analysis clearly pointed out
several planning and design deficiencies such as longer waiting time before crossing, higher pedestrian-vehicular
interaction, pedestrian’s state of crossing, and a number of personal level attributes such as pedestrian’s intended
mode of transportation and their state of journey, pedestrian’s home location, pedestrian’s socio-demographic
characteristics as important predictors of pedestrians’ violation behavior. The methodology and findings are
useful not only for proactive safety improvement at signalized intersections but also to proactively identify
potential unsafe sites.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Mukherjee), (S. Mitra).
Received 26 October 2018; Received in revised form 17 April 2019; Accepted 13 June 2019
0001-4575/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
has also been cited as one of the major safety issues in Australia (King level attributes to identify factors affecting pedestrian safety; b) a
et al., 2009) and India (Tiwari et al., 2007), fewer studies have in- proactive approach with investigation on pedestrian’s signal violation
vestigated if violation is a good surrogate for pedestrian crashes in tendency and factors influencing such behavior; and c) analysis of pe-
general and fatal pedestrian crashes in particular at signalized inter- destrians’ perception and behavior at signalized intersection and its
sections (King et al., 2009). Further, very few studies if any have fo- relationship with pedestrian safety. In the following sections, important
cused on how violations vary across signalized intersections with the studies in all three categories are discussed with their findings.
varied record of pedestrian fatalities; and what pedestrian behavior,
spatial factors, and built environment related attributes influence such 2.1. Reactive approach of pedestrian safety
violations in general and for typical Indian cities in particular. This is
important as there needs to be a proactive mechanism to identify sites To assess the safety performance of existing traffic facilities, as well
that may experience fatal pedestrian crashes and identifying associated as facilities that have not yet been built, research in road safety has paid
risk factors is a logical first step. attention on the formation of ‘Safety Performance Functions’ (SPF) that
In order to address this issue, it is essential to compare and contrast associate the frequency of crashes to a number of traffic operational,
sites of a study area and check how pedestrian infrastructure, pedes- circumstantial and built environment related factors (Hauer et al.,
trian’s behavior, and perception have an association with the safety 1988; Harwood et al., 2000; Gettman and Head, 2003). Existing lit-
performance across these sites. For this purpose, a group of relatively erature on reactive approach of pedestrian safety assessment can be
“safe” (i.e., intersection without recorded fatal pedestrian crashes) and divided into SPF model for area level and SPFs at road network level,
“unsafe” (i.e., intersection with recorded fatal pedestrian crashes) lo- out of which pedestrian crashes at signalized intersections have re-
cations may be compared to check what varies across these locations ceived much attention due to the fact that a significant number of pe-
and to what extent. In order to investigate the effect of pedestrian in- destrian crashes at urban areas occur at these locations, even in the
frastructure and environment on pedestrians’ perception and violation presence of signalization (Ren et al., 2011; Zhuang and Wu, 2011). As
behavior this study first compares and contrasts a total of twenty-four the present study focuses on pedestrian risk assessment at signalized
signalized intersections in Kolkata which may be categorized in two intersections, studies focusing on pedestrian crashes at the intersection
groups: relatively “safe” and relatively “unsafe”. Out of these twenty- level are reviewed in depth.
four signalized junctions, half of them have recorded no fatal pedestrian Most of the studies on pedestrian crashes at the transport network
crashes in a six years’ period (i.e., “safe” group of intersection) while level have focused on pedestrian crashes at intersections. These studies
the rest of the sites recorded at least three fatal pedestrian crashes over mainly looked at the effect of two important exposure variables, ve-
the same duration (i.e., “unsafe” group of intersection). These sites are hicle, and pedestrian volumes on pedestrian crash frequency. In an
considered as relatively “safe” and “unsafe” signalized intersections early study, Brüde and Larsson (1993) studied the effect of pedestrian
respectively and road inventory surveys, video-graphic surveys, and and traffic volumes on pedestrian crashes at intersections (121 signa-
pedestrian perception surveys were conducted at each of these twenty- lized, 155 un-signalized, and 9 roundabouts) in Sweden. They found
four sites. This is essential as police recorded crash data are not easy to that pedestrian volume has a significant and positive relationship with
be obtained in Indian cities and that there need to be some surrogate pedestrian crash frequency. Lyon and Persaud (2002) studied the effect
measures with appropriate threshold values that may be used to iden- of vehicular volume on pedestrian fatality rate in Toronto, Canada, with
tify unsafe signalized intersections in a proactive manner. In this con- data collected from three-legged and four-legged urban signalized and
text, it is important to mention that even though pedestrian’s violation un-signalized intersections. Their findings indicate that not only the
behavior is believed to be associated with higher fatality risk; there are total entering traffic volume but also the amount of turning traffic plays
limited studies focusing on the impact of the pedestrian violation on the an important role in vehicle-pedestrian crashes. They also pointed out
observed safety performance of signalized intersections in general (Guo that the inclusion of pedestrian volume as an exposure led to a superior
et al., 2012; King et al., 2009) and especially in the Indian context. model, emphasizing the importance of collecting this information in
Previous research efforts in evaluating pedestrian risk at signalized routine traffic counting programs.
intersections in typical urban Indian context were primarily con- In addition to the vehicle and pedestrian volume, variables such as
centrated on pedestrians’ crossing behavior using various proactive road geometry, built environment and traffic controls, also play a vital
approaches (Marisamynathan and Vedagiri, 2013; Perumal, 2014; role in pedestrian safety at intersections (Rankavat and Tiwari, 2015b;
Tiwari et al., 2007). However, none of these studies have established an Harwood et al., 2008). Miranda-Moreno et al. (2011) established a
association between pedestrian violation behavior and pedestrian cra- pedestrian crash frequency model to examine the effect of built en-
shes and fatality, which is one of the primary motivations of this study. vironment on both pedestrian activity and frequency of pedestrian-ve-
Using data from Kolkata, a metro city in India, the present study de- hicular crashes at signalized intersections in Montreal Cities, Canada
monstrates a stepwise methodology to test performance across groups and concluded that the presence of mix land use significantly affects
of intersections with (i.e., “unsafe”) and without (i.e., “safe”) fatal pe- pedestrian safety. The study in London showed that pedestrian-vehi-
destrian crash history and checked if pedestrian violation behavior is a cular crashes are most likely to occur inwards of higher population
good surrogate for fatal pedestrian crashes at signalized intersections. density and in residential areas (Graham and Glaister, 2003). The type
Further, this study compared and contrasted various personal, situa- of road, land use as well as the road width, can have an influence on
tional and built environment related factors across study sites to de- pedestrian safety as well (Rankavat and Tiwari, 2016; Harwood et al.,
termine what influence pedestrian violation behaviors at signalized 2008; Morency and Cloutier, 2006).
intersections in a typical city of a developing country, such as Kolkata
in this case. Finally, pedestrians’ perception was captured and modeled 2.2. Violating behavior
to identify the possible reasons for their decision of signal violation. In
the following sections, the literature review is given first, followed by A detailed review of existing studies analyzing pedestrian crashes at
methodology, results, and discussion. signalized intersections reveals that road infrastructure; built environ-
ment and traffic operational characteristics significantly influence pe-
2. Literature review destrian safety. On the other hand, illegal crossing or pedestrian vio-
lation behavior could be seen as a proxy measure for the undesirable
Review of literature on pedestrian safety at signalized intersection performance of a signalized intersection (Koh and Wang 2014; Daff and
can be divided into three broad categories: a) with a reactive approach Cramphorn, 2006), in which pedestrians cross in a manner to reduce
focusing directly on pedestrian crashes or fatalities and intersection their crossing time and walking distance. Apart from these basic
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
principles of walking, there are maybe other site-specific as well as Johannesburg, South Africa, survey respondents who live close to a
pedestrian level factors influencing the risk of signal violation or illegal freeway (where 10 fatal pedestrian crashes occur per year), perceived
crossing. The significant findings are summarized in the following the lack of pedestrian crossing facilities as the main reason for pedes-
sections. trian crashes and survey respondents from other communities pointed
Findings from several studies indicate that factors such as age and out driver intoxication and carelessness as the primary reason for traffic
gender (Dommes et al., 2015; Brosseau et al., 2013) pedestrians’ injuries. Further, Cho et al. (2009) showed how perceived risk varies
movement characteristics i.e., if they are alone or in-group (Ren et al., concerning built environment features and concluded that residents
2011; Zhuang and Wu, 2011), walking speed (Ding et al., 2014) and who live in low density-single residential localities were more likely to
trip purpose (Guo et al., 2012) significantly influence pedestrian’s perceive their locality as unsafe compared to the residents of dense and
signal violation behavior. Evidence from existing researches also sug- mixed land-use localities. A study conducted in Delhi, India, showed
gests that distraction from electronic devices increase the likelihood of that 70% of the respondents perceived their residential neighborhoods
illegal crossing behavior of the pedestrian (Zegeer and Bushell, 2012). to be riskier than locations where actual crashes occurred (Rankavat
Further, Xu et al. (2013) found that previous experience of successful and Tiwari, 2016).
violations at the same location increases the likelihood of violating A recent study by Marisamynathan and Vedagiri (2017) used pe-
tendencies. destrian perception data to model pedestrian level of level of service at
Beyond the individual characteristics, waiting time at a signalized the signalized intersection under mixed traffic conditions in Mumbai,
intersection is another major factor influencing such violation behavior. India. Marisamynathan and Vedagiri (2018a) also developed a metho-
Based on a survey of pedestrian behavior at signalized intersections in dological framework to estimate pedestrian perception based safety
Beijing, China, Wang et al. (2011) found that the likelihood of com- level at signalized junctions in developing countries. Further,
pliance decreases with longer waiting time and that almost 50% of the Marisamynathan and Vedagiri (2018b) utilized pedestrians’ behavior
pedestrian would not wait more than 40 s. As per HCM (2000) when and safety perception data to evaluate pedestrian safety index value at
pedestrians experience more than a 30 s delay, they become intolerant signalized junctions in Mumbai city, India and validated the proposed
and engage in risk-taking behavior. Further, Ren et al. (2011) and Chen modeling methodology.
et al. (2011) concluded that time savings and convenience are the most For a better understanding of the context of the research, Table 1
important two factors influencing violation. summarizes the pedestrian risk factors identified in past literature.
Among the traffic operational attributes, vehicle volume (Sun, Hence, it is evident that a host of different planning, design as well
2004), speed (Hamidun et al., 2013) and available gaps (Koh and as socio-demographic attributes, influence pedestrians’ risk perception,
Wong, 2014; Xu et al., 2013) are observed to have a substantial impact which possibly affects their tendency of signal violation. Despite a wide
on pedestrian risk-taking attitude. Finally, there are also several tem- range of studies on pedestrians’ safety, crossing behaviour, and per-
poral and seasonal issues such as the time of the day, the day of the ception, no studies have compared and contrasted the pedestrian vio-
week, month and season that influence the pedestrian’s crossing be- lation as well as crossing behavior of pedestrians across signalized in-
haviour (Wang et al., 2011). tersections in general and across relatively “safe” and “unsafe”
signalized intersections, in particular, to identify what systematic dif-
2.3. Risk perception ferences across these sites influence pedestrians’ risk-taking behavior
and affect signal violation. It is expected that crossing behavior and
Although considerable research has been undertaken to address the violation will be different across “safe” and “unsafe” junctions, and that
problem of pedestrian safety but limited studies are available on pe- spatial environment and individual level factors will have a strong ef-
destrian perceptions and attitudes towards the existing facilities fect on pedestrian safety through crossing behavior at a particular site.
(Holland and Hill, 2007; Yannis et al., 2007). Kononov et al. (2007) However, to the best of author’s knowledge few studies if any, in-
showed that actual crash data only provide the information related to vestigated the components of pedestrians’ behavioral differences for
the crash frequency and the severity comparison, but does not provide which a site may perform safer than others. Further, pedestrians’ risk
any information related to the nature of the problem itself. On the other perception also influences their road crossing behavior, including
hand, risk perception is a useful technique to identify the location whether or not they use certain pedestrian facilities (Butchart et al.,
specific problems and define the proactive countermeasures that take 2000). Hence, it is equally important to investigate if there exists any
into account pedestrians’ needs and behaviors (Schneider et al., 2004; difference in pedestrians’ perception across “safe” and “unsafe” loca-
Zegeer et al., 2006). Rankawat (2017) documented the importance of tions due to its importance in promoting safe walking.
utilizing pedestrians’ perceptions about safety, convenience, security This study contributes to the current literature on pedestrian safety
and comfort of different crossing facilities and road infrastructure in an by addressing the following research questions: a) what influences pe-
urban setup in a developing country. destrian fatality at signalized intersections b) how pedestrians’ behavior and
The association between risk perception and built environmental perception are related with the safety performance c) what affects violation
features can present useful insights to the policy makers and planners to behavior at a location, and d) why pedestrians violate traffic laws at sig-
improve pedestrian safety. The literature on pedestrians’ risk percep- nalized intersections.
tion demonstrated a wide variety of outcomes. A study conducted by
Tanaboriboon and Jing (1994) reported the attitudes of pedestrians in 3. Methodology
Beijing, China, towards the satisfactoriness of crossing facilities and the
willingness of pedestrians to use them. The study compared between The methodology includes selection of study locations, data col-
signalized at-grade crossing and grade-separated crossing; and con- lection, and data extraction, data analysis using various statistical tests
cluded that users preferred the signalized crossings than grade-sepa- and modeling techniques. The overall study methodology is shown in
rated crossings. Rouphail (1984) performed user conformity and pre- Fig. 1.
ference study on marked midblock crosswalks in the business district of
Columbus, Ohio. The study findings showed that users perceived the 3.1. Site selection
un-signalized marked midblock crosswalk to be unsafe as compare to
the signalized midblock crosswalk. In this study, a total of 24 signalized intersections with mixed land
A study conducted in North Carolina, USA, showed that only about use and high pedestrian volume were identified from the Central
50% of the crash-prone locations were correctly perceived by the pe- Business District (CBD) area of Kolkata (as shown in Fig. 2). Out of
destrians (Schneider et al., 2001). Butchart et al. (2000) identified in these 24 intersections, 12 intersections have witnessed at least three
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
Table 1
Identification of pedestrian risk factors.
Research Objective Author Name Study Area Identified Factors
Factors influencing pedestrian crash Brüde and Larsson, Sweden Pedestrian volume
frequency 1993
Miranda-Moreno et al., Montreal Cities, Canada Traffic volume, mixed land use
Lyon and Persaud, 2002 Toronto, Canada Traffic and pedestrian volume
Lee and Abdel-Aty, Washington DC, USA Traffic and pedestrian volume, demographic characteristics, road geometry,
2005 environmental conditions
Bowman et al., 1995 Atlanta, Phoenix, and Los median characteristics
Angeles/Pasadena, California
Schneider et al., 2009 Alameda County, CA Land use type, median type, vehicle turning movement, on-street parking,
the presence of commercial activities, the presence of a regional transit
station within a 0.1-mile radius of an intersection, total population near the
Rankavat and Tiwari Delhi, India Road width, traffic and pedestrian volume, speed, road width, type of road
2015a and type of junction, land use type, transits characteristics
Harwood et al., 2008 USA Road width
Priyadarshini and Kolkata, India Minor road width, vehicle and pedestrian volume, post encroachment time,
Mitra, 2018 width of zebra crossing
Keall, 1995 New Zealand Time spent walking, number of roads crossed, presence of zebra crossing
Boarnet et al., 2005 California Road network planning
Matsui, 2014 Japan Vehicle characteristics
Factors influencing pedestrian’s unsafe Guo et al., 2012 China Age, gender, safety awareness, conformity psychology, trip purpose, red
act and crossing behavior light time, traffic volume, pedestrian flow rate, group number, crossing
Brosseau et al., 2013 Canada Age and gender, crossing speed, direction of crossing, number of pedestrian
crossing together, design built environment
Ding et al., 2014 China Walking speed, gap acceptance, pedestrian’s delay at a crossing
Tiwari et al., 2007 Delhi, India Waiting time before crossing, visual gaze and field of vision
Ren et al., 2011 China Time-saving, age and gender, pedestrian crossing alone or in a group, the
presence of police enforcement, pedestrian volume
Chen et al., 2011 China Time-saving before crossing the road
Gårder, 1989 Sweden, Signal timing, waiting time during red phase
Koh and Wong, 2014 Singapore Available gap, vehicle type, and volume
Retting et al., 2002 USA Vehicle speed, pedestrian stage of crossing, type of junction, gender, rolling
behavior of the pedestrian
Sun, 2004 Beijing Vehicle volume, waiting time, signal countdown, signal design
Li and Fernie, 2010 Toronto, Canada Weather condition
Zhou et al., 2009 Shanghai, China Societal conditions
Factors influencing pedestrian risk Diógenes et al., 2010 Brazil Design built environment, traffic volume, pedestrian volume, the presence
perception of bus bay and bus stop, parking, marked crosswalk,
Rankavat and Tiwari, Delhi, India Demographic characteristics, number of lane, vehicular volume and speed,
2016 width of side walk, pedestrian’s convince
Kadali and Vedagiri, Mumbai, India Vehicle volumes, vehicle speeds, crossing width and length of traffic signal
2016 cycles
Cho et al., 2009 Montgomery County, Maryland Built environment, land use
Petritsch et al., 2005 USA Demographic characteristics, vehicle volume and speed, the number of
traffic lane, the presence of right turning channelization island, pedestrian’s
Landis et al., 2001 Pensacola, Florida The presence of sidewalk and larger lateral separation from vehicles
fatal pedestrian crashes between the year 2011 and 2016 and the re- study, mainly fatal pedestrian crashes are targeted owing to two main
maining 12 intersections had no recorded pedestrian fatalities over the reasons— a) the reporting of fatal crashes are better in India, with a
same period. The selected signalized intersections could thus represent very low chance of underreporting compared to the non-fatal crashes
groups of “unsafe” and “safe” or “crash-prone” and “non-crash prone” (Dandona et al., 2011; Mohan 2009; Dandona et al., 2008; Singh et al.,
intersections respectively in Kolkata city. The selected intersections are 2018), and b) pedestrian involved crashes tend to be fatal as pedestrians
all signal operated intersections with marked pedestrian crossing and are not confined by any shield (Mohan, 2002; Chong et al., 2010; Anaya
sidewalk facilities. However, the selected intersections consist of varied et al., 2014; Mitra and Mukherjee, 2017).
road geometrics, traffic volumes, vehicle speeds and pedestrian beha- After identification of study locations road inventory survey, video
vioral characteristics with a wide range of pedestrian-vehicular inter- graphic survey, questionnaire survey and spot-speed survey were con-
action. ducted to collect the information regarding road geometry, existing
infrastructure, traffic signal details, vehicle and pedestrian volume,
3.2. Data collection traffic movement characteristics, pedestrians’ sociodemographic char-
acteristics, pedestrians’ risk perceptions and average vehicular speed of
Crash history records for this study were obtained from the a location. Since it was found by Mitra et al. (2016) that in Kolkata,
Headquarter of Kolkata traffic police. The police records only contain there is no particular season when fatal crashes are significantly higher
the information about the accused vehicle type, time of crashes, geo- over a typical year; the relevant data at each site were collected on a
graphic location of the fatal crashes. However, the data lacks a few weekday with normal weather condition.
significant information such as manner or causes of pedestrian-vehi-
cular collisions, socio-demographic characteristics of the victim, road 3.2.1. Road inventory survey
infrastructure and geometric condition of the site, etc. In the present The road inventory survey was conducted to collect the information
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
3.3. Modeling methodology and analysis first of all, the individual pedestrian level data collected from the video-
graphic survey and questionnaire survey were aggregated across each
The statistical assessment in this study started with a correlation site to obtain the share or poprtion or percentage of pedestrian violating
analysis using ‘Spearman Rank Correlation’ test to estimate correlation the traffic signal, the share of pedestrians having normal walking speed,
among the independent variables and that with the dependent variable. the share of pedestrian having speed changing condition, the share of
Further, for the identification of risk factors, several hypothesis testing pedestrian is crossing in group, the average value of the pedestrians’
was conducted first to compare and contrast pedestrians’ perception safety perception at a location, average safety score perceived by the
and behavior across “safe” and “unsafe” sites. After that, several models pedestrians, percentage of pedestrians working in different categories,
were developed to identify specific risk factors. To be able to do this, etc. The summary statistics of all observed and collected variables (i.e.,
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
Fig. 3. A. Signal violation / legal crossing (crossing during green phase). Fig. 3 B. Non-violation / illegal crossing (crossing during non-green phase) C1: ‘Camera 1′
with stand, C2: ‘Camera 2′ with stand, S1: ‘Surveyor 1′, S2: ‘Surveyor 2′, ZC: Zebra Crossing, PSH: Pedestrian Signal Head, P: Pedestrian, M: Road Median, C: Car, SL:
Stop Line, F: Footpath.
road inventory survey, video-graphic survey, questionnaire survey and etc. To avoid the problem of multi-co-linearity among the independent
spot speed survey) are given in Table 5. variables, only a few selected independent variables were used for
Once such data were aggregated, the proportions of these variables model building, which had lower correlations among them. The prob-
or the means of the variables as applicable were compared across the ability of occurrence of an alternative (“unsafe” versus “safe”) was es-
two different groups to check if there exists any difference across these timated based on a linear combination function (utility function) ex-
two groups (i.e. “safe” and “unsafe” locations). For this purpose, a pressed as Eq. (8):
statistical technique, such as independent sample t-test was used to
Yi = i + i1 X1 + i2 X2 + i3 X3 .............. + in Xn (8)
compare means of continuous variables such as waiting time, vehicle
and pedestrian volume, perceived satisfaction level, etc. across “safe” Where, Yi = the utility of alternative i at a particular location; i = the
and “unsafe” groups. The null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis alternative [Y = 1 (unsafe: at least three pedestrian fatalities occurred
of the test are stated as follows. in between 2011 and 2016); Y = 0 (safe: no recorded pedestrian
fatalities in between 2011 and 2016)]; n = number of independent
H0 : µ1 µ 2 = 0[the two population means are equal] (1)
variables; is a constant; i1 to in are the coefficients. The utility of
Ha : µ 1 µ2 0[the two population means are not equal] (2) alternative ‘i’ has to be transformed into a probability in order to pre-
dict the probability of a particular alternative occurring at a location
However, for comparing between population proportions, such as and the probability of alternative ‘i’ occurring could be calculated using
the percentage of the pedestrian violating traffic signal, the proportion the following function:
of male and female pedestrian, the percentage of the pedestrian fol-
lowing zebra crossing, etc. t-test is not suitable. In such case, the sam- 1
Prob(i) =
pling distributions of the sample proportions p1 and p2, and their dif- 1+e Yi (9)
ference p1–p2 are approximately normally distributed; and the Further, the percentage of pedestrian violation behavior at each sig-
competing hypotheses for the difference between population propor- nalized intersection was modeled using Multiple Linear Regression
tions are (Washington et al., 2003) (MLR) technique to identify what factors affect pedestrian violation
H0 : P1 P2 = 0[the two population proportions are equal] (3) behavior at a site. As the ‘% of pedestrian violation behavior’ is a
continuous variable and normally distributed, with a value of Ander-
Ha : P1 P2 0[the two population proportions are not equal] (4) son–Darling test statistic 0.295, p = 0.568 > 0.05 (Anderson and
Darling, 1954) the MLR model is the most suitable modeling technique
The test statistics follow a normal distribution and is given as
to build a association between independent variables and dependent
(p1 p2) 0 variable (i.e., share or the proportion of pedestrian signal violation).
p)( n +
) The model framework is given below:
1 n2 (5)
Y= 0 + 1X1 + 2 X2 + i3 X3 + ...…..+ n Xn (10)
Where, p1 = x1/n1 is the sample proportion of “safe” group; p2 = x2/n2
is the sample proportion of “unsafe” group, Where, n1 and n2 are the Where, Y = % of Violation Behavior at a particular location; Xi =
sample size obtained from an intersection under “safe” and “unsafe” Explanatory variables (for i = 1 to n); βi = Estimated parameters from
group, x1 and x2 are the sizes of a particular observed variable out of n1 the model (for i = 1 to n); β0= y-intercept of regression line.
and n2 observations, and p is computed as follows Finally, the cause of pedestrians’ violation behavior, which was
obtained from the questionnaire survey, was modeled using a
x1 + x2
p= Multinomial Logit Model (MNL). MNL is a discrete choice modeling
n1 + n2 (6)
framework, where various causes of pedestrian violation behavior (i.e.,
Subsequently, to estimate the probability of “unsafe” condition from a ‘Not accessible’/ ‘Walking distance is more’/ ‘Hurry’/ ‘Pedestrian does
certain behavior or perception related factor, Binary Logit (BL) model not know the traffic rules’, etc.) was expressed as a function of pedes-
was developed, such that factors influencing “unsafe” condition at a trian’s personal characteristics, trip purpose, state of journey, waiting
specific site could be identified. The binary logistic regression model time, perceived safety, crossing difficulty and satisfaction level, etc. The
establishes the relationship between a binary dependent and a set of linear function Yin that determines the outcome i of observation n may
independent or explanatory variables. The dependent variable was be written as (Washington et al., 2003)
considered as a binary variable indicating if a particular location is Yin = i Xin + in (11)
“unsafe” or “safe”, whereas the independent variables are considered as
volumes of pedestrian and vehicles, % of pedestrian violation, the Where βi is the vector of estimable parameters for discrete outcome i;
average speed of the vehicle, road width, perceived satisfaction level, Xin is a vector of observable characteristics that determine a
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
dichotomous outcome for observation n; in is the random error term, correlation’) test between the fatal pedestrian crash frequency and
and it follows Gumbel distribution. The probability of observation ‘n’ other independent variables was performed and summarized in Table 6.
having discrete result is calculated as follows: A number of observations can be made from the correlation test. First of
all, the fatal pedestrian crash frequency at a signalized intersection is
Prob (i)
n = P(Yin > Yin) I i (12) found to be highly correlated with pedestrians’ ‘signal violation’ be-
havior (σ = 0.660; ρ < 0.01) and ‘running behavior’ (σ = 0.752;
Where, Prob(i)is the probability of observation n having discrete out-
ρ < 0.01). Beyond the crossing behavior, pedestrians’ state of crossing
come i(i I ) , where, i denotes all possible outcomes for observation.
[i.e., pedestrian carrying the overhead load while crossing (σ = 0.794;
ρ < 0.01) or any distraction (σ = 0.869; ρ < 0.01)] is also linked with
4. Results and discussion pedestrian fatality risk in Kolkata. Findings from correlation also in-
dicate that pedestrians’ signal violation tendency increases with the
In order to understand the effect of several variables obtained from ‘longer waiting time’ before crossing (σ = 0.607; ρ < 0.01). Pedes-
video-graphic survey and questionnaire survey on the fatal pedestrian trian-vehicular interaction in terms of PET is also found to be negatively
crash occurrence, one-dimensional co-relation (i.e., ‘Spearman rank
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
Table 2
Descriptions of the variables extracted from thee video graphs.
Variable type Name of the variable Description
(a)Traffic Exposures Variables Log(Average Daily Traffic Volume) Average daily traffic volume of the study location
Log(Average Daily Pedestrian Volume) Average daily pedestrian volume of the study location
Pedestrian vehicular ratio Pedestrian and vehicle volume ratio of a location
(b) Pedestrian law abidance Pedestrian violating (illegal crossing/violation) Illegal cases are defined in this study as when pedestrians cross the road during the non-
the traffic signal: Yes (1) No (0) green phase (i.e., violation), whereas pedestrians crossing during a green phase are
considered as legal crossing (non-violation)
Pedestrian crossing along the zebra crossing: Whether pedestrian is crossing along the zebra crossing or not
Yes (1) No (0)
(c) Pedestrian demographic Age: Gender: Minor: up to 16; Young: 16 to 49; Elder: 50 and Above Male (1), Female (0)
(d) Pedestrian behavioral Walking speed: Normal, Fast, Running;
Speed Changing condition: Yes (1) No (0) Pedestrian changes speed while crossing the road
Path Changing condition: Yes (1) No (0) Pedestrian changes crossing path while crossing the road
Platoon Formation: Single (1) Group (0) Pedestrian is in a group (number of pedestrians ≥ 3)
Group Size: Total number of pedestrian crossing in a particular group
Presence of Rolling Behavior: Yes (1) Else (0) Pedestrian rolls over the available small vehicular gaps (Kadali and Vedagiri, 2017)
Waiting Time before Crossing: Sec Waiting time of the pedestrian before crossing the road
Following Footpath: Yes (1) No (0) Pedestrian is using the footpath
Stage Crossing: Yes (1) No (0) Pedestrian is crossing the road in a single stage or multiple stages
Number of stages while crossing Total number of stages while crossing the road
(e) Pedestrian’s State of Crossing Distracted Pedestrian: Yes (1) No (0) Pedestrian is using an electronic device while crossing (i.e. using a cell phone, tablet,
Carrying overhead loads: Yes (1) No (0) Pedestrian is carrying a load on his/her head that exceeds the standard or ordinary legal
size that really obstruct visibility of the pedestrian
(f) Pedestrian vehicular Interaction Post Encroachment Time (PET) “Time difference between the end of the encroachment of crossing pedestrian and the
time that the through vehicle actually arrives at the potential point of collision” (Gettman
and Head, 2003; Killi and Vedagiri, 2014)
and significantly correlated with fatal pedestrian crash count (σ = ρ > 0.10), monthly income (σ = -0.335; ρ > 0.10), educational
-0.730; ρ < 0.01). On the other hand, pedestrians’ socio-demographic qualification (σ = 0.202; ρ > 0.10), and home location (σ = 0.093;
characteristic such as age (σ = -0.312; ρ > 0.10), gender (σ = -0.023; ρ > 0.10) were not found to be significant; but pedestrians’ trip
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
Table 3
Variable description of questionnaire survey form.
Characteristics Variables Descriptions
(a) Pedestrians’ Perceptions Pedestrian’s perceived satisfaction level Based on the pedestrian perception: Excellent = 1 to Very Poor = 6;
Pedestrian’s perceived difficulty Not Difficult = 1 to Highly Difficult = 6;
Pedestrian’s perceived safety Highly Safe = 1 to Not Safe = 6;
(b) Demographic Characteristics Gender if, Male = 1; Female = 0
Age of the pedestrian a) up to 16; b) Young : 16 to 49; c) Elder: 50 and Above
(c) Frequency of use Daily user if, Yes = 1; No = 0
if, No, Frequency of use
a) Once in a Week b) Month c) Year d) 1 st Time
(d) Home Location Pedestrian’s home location Walking distance (i.e. Local Pedestrian) = 1; Other location = 0
(e) Trip Purpose Pedestrian’s trip purpose a) Education b) Business c) Job d) Entertainment e) Shopping f) Medical Treatment g) Others
(f) Mode of Transport Pedestrian’s Intended Mode of a) Public Transport = 1; b) Others = 0
(g) The pedestrian’s state of Journey Pedestrian is going or returning for the Pedestrian is going to the work purpose (onward trip) = 1
work purpose Pedestrian is coming back from the work = 0
(h) Socio economic characteristics Educational qualification a) Nil b) Primary Level c) Secondary level d) Graduation Level e) Post Graduation and above
Employment status a) Unemployed b) Office Worker c) Industrial Worker d) Business e) Student f) others
Monthly income a) up to 1000 b) 1001- 5000 c) 5001-15000 d) 15001-30,000 e) 30001-50,000 f) Above 50,000
(h) Crossing Behavior and law Pedestrian following traffic signal if, Yes = 1; No = 0
abidance Possible reason of signal violation a) Existing facility or facilities are not convenient to the pedestrian (it may be due to lack of
behavior of the pedestrian accessibility or walking distance is more form the pedestrian’s destination or signal is not
clearly visible to the pedestrian)
a) The pedestrian does not aware of the traffic rules
a) Pedestrian is in hurry and ready to take risk of signal violation
a) Other reasons
purpose and state of journey were found to have a good correlation dependent variable (i.e., “unsafe” or “safe”). Once this preliminary in-
with the pedestrian fatality risk. For example, the pedestrian who is vestigation was carried out, for each major risk categories, a combined
either going to work (σ = 0.346; ρ < 0.10) or to catch public transport model with several independent variables was developed (Model 4–6 in
(σ = 0.392; ρ < 0.05) are more likely to involve in a crash. Further, it Table 8).
was observed that several external exposures and operational para- The model finding shows that the approaching speed of the mo-
meters such as pedestrian volume (σ = 0.548; ρ < 0.01) and vehicle torized vehicle significantly increases the likelihood of “unsafe” con-
volume (σ = 0.602; ρ < 0.01), and vehicular speed (σ = 0.727; dition of a signalized junction. It is obvious that the possibility of a
ρ < 0.01) are highly significant with fatal pedestrian crash frequency pedestrian fatality will increase with higher operating speed (Eluru
at the signalized intersection level. et al., 2008). Ewing and Dumbaugh (2009) also found that vehicular
Further, to compare and contrast across “safe” and “unsafe” groups volume determines the crash frequency, whereas operating speed de-
of intersections an ‘independent sample t-test or z-test’ was performed termines the crash severity. Further, the model findings indicate that
to check if the means (t-test) or percentages (z-test) of the certain at- road width and traffic volume positively influence pedestrian risk at
tribute is different across the relatively “safe” and “unsafe” intersec- 90% confidence interval. Consequently, it can be concluded that in-
tions. The result in Table 7 shows that at “unsafe” locations the mean of tersections with a high traffic volume and wide road width are likely to
‘share of pedestrian violation behavior’ is 1.90 times higher than safe have more pedestrian crashes leading to fatalities. In this perspective,
locations, which is also statistically significant. Similarly, the mean of Zegeer and Bushell (2012) showed that road environments with high
‘percentage of running behavior’ is 3.75 times more at “unsafe” loca- volume traffic without adequate facility could be a significant reason
tions; whereas, the average value of the variable ‘percentage of dis- for pedestrian-vehicular crashes. Further, it was observed that hourly
tracted pedestrian’ is five times higher at “unsafe” locations. The mean pedestrian volume of an intersection, the presence of designated bus
of the variable ‘percentage of pedestrian carrying overhead load’ is 2.33 stop facility, and inaccessibility of pedestrian crosswalk don’t have any
times higher at “unsafe” locations. Further, it was observed that the significant impact on pedestrian safety, at least for the present case
mean value of pedestrian perceived safety and satisfaction are more study. Interestingly, it was found that pedestrian’s risk perception and
than 1.3 times higher at “safe” locations as compared to “unsafe” lo- crossing difficulty captured through “pedestrian satisfaction level” has
cations. At “unsafe” locations pedestrians’ average waiting time before a strong association with the likelihood of an “unsafe” intersection.
crossing is 1.5 times higher than “safe” sites. The mean value of the Finally, the variable “share of pedestrians’ signal violation beha-
85th percentile PET of “safe” group is significantly higher (1.6 times) vior” emerged to be the most significant factor for “unsafe” condition of
than “unsafe” group. It was also observed the average vehicle speed a signalized junction in Kolkata. A similar conclusion was postulated by
(1.19 times) and the average road widths (1.27 times) of “unsafe” sites several studies conducted in developed countries (Ren et al., 2011;
are statistically and significantly higher (at 5% level of significance) Zhuang and Wu, 2011) as well as in developing countries (Tiwari et al.,
than “safe” sites. Finally, the comparison also indicated that several 2007); where pedestrians’ signal violation or illegal crossing behavior
other factors associated with pedestrians’ socio-economic and socio- was identified as the predominant factor of pedestrian-vehicular cra-
demographic characteristics, trip purpose and state of the journey, shes at signalized junctions. Therefore, it became essential to identify
mode of transport, pedestrian volume are not statistically dissimilar factors influencing the high share of pedestrians’ violation behavior. To
across the “safe” and the “unsafe” group. investigate that, a linear regression model was developed to model
To develop an understanding of the variables significantly affecting “percentage of violation” across “safe” and “unsafe” sites. Results from
the probability of the “unsafe” condition of a signalized intersection, a this model are shown in Table 9.
set of binary logit models were formed (as shown in Table 8). In these The results obtained from the MLR model indicate that a host of risk
models, several attempts were made to associate the built environment factors ranging from the pedestrians’ personal level attribute to plan-
(Model 1), traffic exposures and operational parameters (Model 2), ning, design, and traffic operational attributes of the intersection in-
pedestrian behavior and perception (Model 3) with a dichotomous fluence pedestrian’s signal violation behavior. The model finding shows
Table 4
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra
Number of Pedestrian Pedestrian Crossing Vehicle Speed of (%) of Pedestrian Average Satisfaction Type of Accessibility of Designated Bus
Fatalities (2011-16) Volume per Hour Volume per Vehicle Violation Score of the Location Intersection Crosswalk Stop
Hour (kmph)
UNSAFE GROUP Ruby Intersection 11 8180 10374 62 70 4.85 4-Legged Absence Presence
EM Bypass & 8 2470 5619 55 75 4.73 4-Legged Absence Presence
Chiria More Crossing 7 2479 5204 60 47 4.69 4-Legged Presence Presence
Sealdah Bigbazar 6 2970 3631 45 66 4.60 3-Legged Absence Absence
EM Bypass Panchanna 6 751 2619 55 61 2.42 4-Legged Presence Absence
EM Bypass Mandir Para 5 2040 4160 60 32 4.52 4-Legged Absence Presence
Apollo Gleneagles 5 1277 3944 50 43 4.20 3-Legged Presence Presence
APC Rajabazar Crossing 4 2216 3137 55 77 5.02 3-Legged Presence Presence
Shyambazaar Crossing 3 2235 4129 40 57 3.30 5-Legged Absence Absence
Strand Rd & MG Road 3 2417 5673 35 70 2.84 4-Legged Absence Absence
CR Avenue and MN St 3 2826 5239 45 33 4.04 4-Legged Absence Absence
MG Road & CR Avenue 3 2350 5075 35 49 4.33 4-Legged Absence Absence
SAFE GROUP AJC Bose and Cathedral 0 2745 1939 40 62 2.20 4-Legged Presence Absence
Amhesrst St. & Surya 0 1236 2279 35 16 2.71 4-Legged Presence Presence
Sen. St
BB Avenue & JM 0 1903 3402 45 14 2.50 4-Legged Absence Absence
East and Esplanade 0 1113 4313 45 09 2.33 4-Legged Absence Absence
CR Avnu. Ganesh 0 1035 3965 40 26 2.87 4-Legged Absence Presence
JL Nehru Rd & AJC 0 1273 3747 45 32 5.02 4-Legged Presence Absence
Bose Rd
Bk Paul & R Sarani 0 1118 5189 35 26 4.89 4-Legged Absence Presence
AJC Bose Rd & Lenin 0 2357 3826 40 47 2.35 3-Legged Presence Presence
AJC Bose Rd & SN 0 3640 3118 45 40 2.33 3-Legged Presence Presence
CR Avenue & BB 0 2580 3748 40 30 3.44 4-Legged Presence Presence
Ganguly St
JL Nehru Rd & 0 1982 4357 50 41 3.92 4-Legged Absence Absence
Shakespeare Sarani
Cathedral Rd & Queens 0 1349 4010 40 21 2.24 4-Legged Absence Absence
Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
Table 5
Descriptive Statistics.
Characteristics Variable Names Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Safety Performance Fatal Pedestrian Crash Count 0.00 11.00 2.67 3.21
Unsafe Intersection = 1; Safe Intersection = 0 0.00 1.00 0.50 0.51
Pedestrian Crossing Behavior % of Signal Violation 0.09 0.77 0.44 0.20
% of Pedestrian Crossing Alone 0.30 0.90 0.62 0.16
% of Fast Walking 0.05 0.70 0.24 0.16
% of Running Behavior 0.01 0.38 0.10 0.10
% of Speed Changing Condition 0.09 0.67 0.34 0.15
% of Path Changing Condition 0.13 0.63 0.35 0.13
% of Rolling Behavior 0.01 0.90 0.16 0.20
% of Pedestrian Not Following Zebra Crossing 0.13 0.63 0.35 0.13
Pedestrian Perception Average Perceived Crossing Difficulty (Highly Difficult = 6; Not 2.25 4.98 3.53 1.04
Difficult = 1)
Average Perceived Safety (Not Safe = 6; Highly Safe = 1) 2.20 5.02 3.50 1.02
Average Perceived Satisfaction (Very Poor = 6; Excellent = 1) 2.20 5.02 3.60 1.06
Traffic Exposures Pedestrian Crossing Volume per Hour 751.00 8180.00 2272.58 1455.36
Vehicle Volume Per Hour 1939.00 10374.00 4279.04 1632.50
Speed (km/h: Kilometer per hour) 35.00 62.00 45.71 8.41
Pedestrian Vehicle Interaction PET (Sec) 2.02 4.14 2.90 0.76
Setae of Crossing % of Pedestrian Carrying Overhead Load 0.06 0.28 0.15 0.07
% of Distracted Pedestrian 0.01 0.17 0.06 0.05
Pedestrian’s Delay Waiting Time Before Crossing (sec) 3.65 30.23 14.65 6.33
Built Environment Road Width (meters) 16.76 42.98 24.78 6.91
Presence of Accessibility of Crosswalk (Yes = 1; No = 0) 0.00 1.00 0.46 0.51
Presence of Designated Bus-stop (Yes = 1; No = 0) 0.00 1.00 0.50 0.51
Length of Pedestrian Phase (sec) 0.00 81.00 11.00 22.26
Traffic Cycle Length (sec) 92.00 216.00 136.67 26.73
Pedestrian’s Intended Mode of Pedestrian using Public Transport (in %) 0.03 0.39 0.21 0.10
Educational Qualification Up to Primary Level (in %) 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.02
Primary to Graduation Level (in %) 0.69 1.00 0.84 0.08
Post-Graduation and Above (in %) 0.00 0.30 0.13 0.07
Working Status Unemployed (in %) 0.00 0.20 0.11 0.05
Office Worker (in %) 0.09 0.43 0.26 0.09
Industrial Worker (in %) 0.04 0.28 0.14 0.06
Business (in %) 0.06 0.39 0.25 0.10
Student (in %) 0.05 0.30 0.17 0.07
Monthly Income Up to 30,000 NIR (in %) 0.52 0.87 0.74 0.10
30001-50,000 NIR (in %) 0.05 0.39 0.21 0.10
Above 50,000 NIR (in %) 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.03
Frequency of Road Use Daily Users: Yes = 1; No = 0 0.50 0.91 0.68 0.12
Pedestrian’s Home Location Walking distance = 1; else = 0 0.00 0.69 0.25 0.17
Trip Purpose Education (in %) 0.09 0.27 0.15 0.05
Business (in %) 0.15 0.67 0.38 0.13
Job (in %) 0.00 0.39 0.13 0.08
State of journey Onward Trip 0.00 0.92 0.28 0.22
Demographic Characteristics Age up to 16 (in %) 0.02 0.34 0.12 0.08
Age (16-49) (in %) 0.27 0.88 0.68 0.14
Age (≥50) (in %) 0.08 0.40 0.20 0.09
% of Male Pedestrian 0.62 0.89 0.73 0.07
that the share of pedestrian signal violation significantly reduces with a oversized loads have more tendencies to disobey the traffic signal;
higher volume of traffic. A number of researchers also documented si- probably due to the inconvenience to wait with an oversized load on
milar findings, in which pedestrians’ risk-taking attitudes was highly their heads, which force them to violate traffic signal. Interestingly, it
linked with the traffic environment of the site. For example, a study was observed that distraction from any kind of electronic devices such
conducted in Beijing, China, by Guo et al. (2012) showed that pedes- as cell phone, electronic tab also significantly increases the pedestrian’s
trian risk of signal violation and traffic volume are inversely associated. signal violation probability. In general, mobile phone users pay less
Wang et al. (2011) also studied the influence of traffic volume on pe- attention while crossing, which leads to a more unsafe road crossing
destrian’s crossing behavior in Beijing, China, and concluded that the (Stavrinos et al., 2011; Nasar et al., 2008).
rate of pedestrian violation is significantly high when traffic volume is Interestingly, it was observed that the share of signal violation be-
very less. Further, Kho and Wong (2014) found that the traffic volume havior is also affected by the pedestrians’ intended mode of transpor-
and the available gaps between two consecutive vehicles are two pre- tation. For example, a pedestrian who is going to catch a public bus is
dominant factors of pedestrian’s decision of signal violation. The model more likely to disobey traffic signal, primarily due to the fear of missing
outcome also suggests that a longer waiting time encourages the a public bus and waiting for a long time. Pedestrians’ such unsafe be-
probability of signal violation. Several studies have documented that havior is also affected by the lack of information on the arrival of next
longer waiting time, which probably makes a pedestrian impatient, and bus, and the absence of designated bus stop facility, compelling them to
lack of safety consciousness are external and internal factors for pe- take unnecessary risk of signal violation. This is a very important result,
destrian violations (Guo et al. 2012; Wang et al., 2011; Van-Houten probably capturing the implications of wider planning and design level
et al., 2007; Tiwari et al., 2007). issues on pedestrians’ crossing behavior and risk-taking attitude.
A very unique finding from this study hints that pedestrians carrying The findings from this study indicate that the likelihood of traffic
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
Table 6
Correlation with crash frequency.
Characteristics Variables Correlation Coefficient
signal violation by younger pedestrian (16 to 49) is significantly higher results indicate that pedestrians above 50 years of age are more likely to
than the older pedestrian (50 and above). A comparable finding was violate due to inconvenience with the facility, but not due to time-
documented by Zhang et al. (2016), where the authors showed that in saving. While, waiting time is one of the major reasons for pedestrians’
Guangdong, China the age group between 25 and 59 has a high risk- signal violation, several other factors related to the pedestrians’ trip
taking attitude compared to the other age groups. Further, there is some purpose and state of the journey, their home location, their socio-de-
evidence that the risk-taking tendency of the local pedestrian is sig- mographic characteristics are also found to be highly significant with
nificantly higher. This is a very unique finding which indicates the their “time saving” behavior.
share of pedestrian signal violation is also affected by the home location Interestingly, it was observed that pedestrians who are either going
of the pedestrian. Subsequently, it was found that office workers are to work (i.e., onward trip) or to catch public transport are more likely to
less likely to violate traffic rules. The findings of the statistical assess- violate signals to save time and the odds of violation is more than three
ments clearly explain that there are other major risk factors than times higher than “inconvenience with the facility”. However, local
waiting time which affects pedestrians’ violation behavior significantly. pedestrians don’t care about the “convenience of the existing facilities”;
Finally, to identify the reasons for pedestrians’ illegal crossing or and they violate signals primarily to minimize the waiting time. Office
signal violation behavior from pedestrians’ perspective, a multinomial workers are found to violate traffic signal due to the inconvenience of
logit model was developed. As previously discussed, it was assumed the existing facilities, which is linked to a longer walking distance or
that a pedestrian may violate traffic signal due to reasons such as (a) the due to inaccessibility to their destination.
pedestrian is in a hurry, or (b) existing facility is inconvenient, or (c) the On the other hand, industry workers’ violation behaviors are found
pedestrian is ignorant about the traffic rules or something else other to be associated with waiting time as well as inconvenience. Finally, a
than these three reasons. The responses are summarized in Fig. 6, which striking finding emerged from this study is the effect of pedestrians’
indicates almost an even distribution of reasons (a) and (b), and a lesser education on their signal violation behavior. Findings indicate that
share of reason (c). However, there may be different groups of pedes- pedestrians with higher educational qualification are less likely to
trians with different backgrounds and requirements with different violate signals—probably indicating their better perception of risk from
reasons for violation. Hence, obtaining such insight is important for the signal violation.
specific intervention. Overall, the model outcomes with McFadden ρ2 value of 0.351 and a
To identify why pedestrians’, choose a certain reason for violation, significant χ2 value suggest that the model adequately fits to explain
an MNL model was developed, where reasons of violations are modeled causes of pedestrians’ violation behavior based on the explanatory
as ordered variables such that ‘0 = the pedestrian is ignorant about the variables.
traffic rules’; ‘1 = existing facility is inconvenient’; ‘2 = pedestrian is in
a hurry’, with a host of factors or covariates collected through ques- 5. Conclusion
tionnaire survey. Results from this model are shown in Table 10, where
‘the pedestrian is ignorant about the traffic rules’ was taken as the base Pedestrian fatalities constitute a significant percentage of road
variable. Results show the young pedestrians (age below 16 years) are traffic-related fatalities in Indian cities. While faulty-design built en-
more likely to violate due to lack of knowledge regarding traffic rules, vironment poses a high risk to pedestrians; pedestrians’ violation be-
whereas pedestrians between age 16 and 49 years were found to vio- havior is also a major risk factor, which is often influenced by faulty
lates traffic signal to save time, which is 3.3 times more likely than their facility planning, road design, and traffic operational characteristics. By
perception of “inconvenience with the facility”. On the other hand, comparing and contrasting pedestrians’ behavior and perception across
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
Table 8
Evaluation of “unsafe” condition of signalized intersection using binary logit model.
Attributes Model 1 (Built Model 2 (Traffic Exposure and Model 3 (Behavior Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Environment) Operational Characteristics) and Perception) (Combined) (Combined) (Combined)
the time-saving is the primary motivation of the pedestrian signal again a very important finding, probably capturing the implications
violation in Kolkata, and nearly 40% of the pedestrian violates of broader planning and design level issues on pedestrians’ behavior
traffic signal to reduce their waiting time before crossing. On the and risk-taking attitude. In the end, a remarkable finding was ob-
other hand, nearly than 31% of the pedestrian violate traffic signal tained from the study is that pedestrian with higher educational
owing to inconvenience with the facility. Surprisingly, it was ob- qualification is less likely to violate traffic signal, at least based on
served that in Kolkata around 22% of the pedestrian signal violation the data obtained from the survey of pedestrians at the study in-
occurs due to the lack of awareness and knowledge, at least from the tersections in Kolkata City.
survey findings.
• Finally, when investigated to gain plausible insights related to The overall study outcome suggests that signalized intersections
causes of pedestrians’ violation behavior using MNL model, it was with marked crosswalk facilities are strongly linked to pedestrians’
found that factors such as pedestrians’ age, their educational qua- violation tendency, which in turn is highly associated with planning
lification, trip purpose, state of the journey, and their home loca- and design issues as well as risky human behaviors. While improvement
tions are the significant determinants. Interestingly, it was observed in the design of the built environment and signal settings to facilitate
that young pedestrians mainly violate traffic rule to save time; pedestrians’ convenience and confidence are must, there is a crucial
whereas the older pedestrians are more expected to violate traffic need to incorporate innovative safety management techniques to ad-
rule due to inconvenience with the facility, instead of time-saving. dress spatial and temporal needs of an intersection. Based on several
Another unique finding of the present study is that the pedestrian unique findings obtained from this study following immediate measures
who is going to catch public transport is more likely to violate signal are recommended.
due to the fear of missing a public bus and waiting for a long time.
This is also influenced by the lack of information on the arrival of • Signalized junctions having high pedestrian and traffic volume
next bus, the absence of designated bus stop facility and proper should be upgraded by providing an exclusive pedestrian phase or
access to the bus stops, absence of marked pedestrian crosswalk and pedestrian scramble type signal to accommodate pedestrians’ de-
the absence of pedestrian signal head near the intersection forcing mand.
pedestrians to take unnecessary risk and violate traffic signal. This is • The sites with high commercial activities producing high volume of
Table 9
Factors affecting pedestrian violation behavior (location specific).
Characteristics Variables Coefficients t-statistics P-Value
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
pedestrians carrying overhead goods, demand special pedestrian • As it was identified that the chance of signal violation is significantly
phase with countdown signals or at least increased intervention higher for the public bus user, locations with more number of bus
from traffic police at certain hours of a day to ensure the safety. The routes should be prioritized for interventions to reduce pedestrian
same is applicable to intersections with higher pedestrian vehicular risk-taking attitude.
interactions, which requires the redesign of the signal cycle and • Additionally, there is a critical need for strict enforcement and
phase timing to cater to the pedestrians’ needs. regulations to prevent traffic signal violations and punish offenders.
• Additionally, to reduce jaywalking of pedestrian, marked pedestrian The traffic enforcement and control devices shall be set up effec-
crosswalk must be provided near the junctions, keeping in mind that tively to decline signal violations behavior of the pedestrians at
pedestrian sidewalk and crosswalk facilities should be well con- several “unsafe” locations or the key spots that record pedestrian-
nected. vehicular crashes regularly.
• In order to control the high approaching speed of vehicles “speed • Moreover, in order to enhance compliance with traffic signals, road
limit”, “speed camera”, “no overtaking” sign should be implemented safety campaigns, education, and awareness programs are must for
along with strict enforcement. In addition to these, at the intersec- better and safer road use, especially for young pedestrians.
tions with high approach speed, sufficient pedestrian green time and
clearance time are required along with the enforcement to reduce Similar to other studies, the present study is not without its lim-
illegal crossing. Further, for better safety management use of an itations. Based on the current study several risk factors were identified
appropriate informatory sign, a warning sign is to be provided at concerning pedestrians’ behavior and perceptions. However, drivers’
several “unsafe” locations. behavior was not taken account into account; whereas, some studies
Table 10
Cause of pedestrian signal violation tendencies (individual level).
Characteristics Variables Coefficients t-statistics Coefficients t-statistics
P (Y=1) Existing Facility is not Convenient P (Y = 2) Pedestrian in Hurry
Pedestrian’s Delay Waiting Time Before Crossing 0.016 0.660 0.221 6.616***
Pedestrian’s Perception Crossing Difficulty 0.375 2.791*** 0.073 0.391
Safety 0.203 1.501* 0.150 0.983
Satisfaction Level 0.380 2.990*** 0.425 2.371**
Demographic Characteristics Male −0.907 −0.200 0.441 0.640
Age < 16 0.299 1.231 0.093 0.173
Age 16 to 49 0.822 1.552* 2.710 2.909***
Age ≥ 50 1.850 5.527*** −3.413 −4.982***
Education & Employment status Graduation Level −1.100 −3.659*** −1.804 −2.715***
Industrial Worker 0.833 3.657*** 2.154 3.868***
Office Worker 1.074 3.639*** 0.159 0.529
Student 0.269 1.008 1.082 3.189***
Home Location Walking Distance (i.e. Local −0.436 −1.935** 1.542 4.238***
Frequency of Use Daily Users −0.453 −2.243** 2.087 8.256***
State of journey Onward Trip 0.282 1.558* 1.097 4.082***
Trip Purpose Pedestrian’s Intended Mode of Job 0.192 0.524 2.853 7.281***
Transport Public Transport (i.e., Bus) 1.053 4.863*** 2.993 10.277***
Model Summary Total Observation 1176
Log Likelihood −805.123
DOF 18
Pearson χ2 2188.871 (Sig: p < 0. 000)
Deviance χ2 1598.615 (Sig: p < 0.000)
Cox and Snell ρ2 0.530
Nagelkerke ρ2 0.600
McFadden ρ2 0.351
Model Accuracy 61.78%
D. Mukherjee and S. Mitra Accident Analysis and Prevention 132 (2019) 105218
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