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"Bio Gas Plant": Mechanical Engineering Department "Spoken Tutorial Project"

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1 Prof. Sanjay. O. Dahad Academic Director
Hon’ble. Nandkumar G. Bendale 2 Dr. Sanjay. R. Sugandhi Campus Director
President 3 Dr. Pradnya A. Vikhar Academic Dean
K. C.E. Society, Jalgaon
4 Prof. Kiran B. Patil HOD Basic Science
Khandesh College Education Society’s 5 Prof. Swapnil S. Patil HOD EXTC
College of Engineering & Management, PATRON 6 Mrs. Minal T. Kolhe HOD Computer
Jalgaon 7 Prof. Kalpesh M. Mahajan HOD Electrical
(NAAC Accredited) Dr. Kantilal P. Rane
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar 8 Prof. Sushant S. Sananse Diploma Coordinator
Technological University ,Lonere and Principal
Recognized by Government of Maharashtra ) 9 Prof. Rahul R. Patel FDP Cell
KCES’s COEM, Jalgaon.
Mechanical Engineering Department
In Association with
“Spoken Tutorial Project” Prof. Manoj D. Salunke
HOD, Mechanical Department Participant should register on the following link. The
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.
: Jalgaon.
KCES’s COEM, registration link is open till 24 OCT 2020. Participants
will be selected on a First Come First Served Basis.
Organizes Limited seats are available for the said workshop. E-
Mrs. Vidya Kadam Certificate will be provided after successful completion
Spoken Tutorial Training Manager the workshop.
One Week National Level Online Spoken Tutorial Project IIT, Bombay. Last Date of Registration: 24 OCT 2020
Registration Link:
Faculty Development Programme https://forms.gle/UTdjDeD5WJ5y4S6j6
On Scan QR code for Registration:
Mr. Avinash Y. Surywanshi
Asst. Prof. Computer Department
“Bio gas Plant” Mob. No. 9370679493
(Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National
Mission on Teachers and Teaching) Mr. Dhiraj S.Patil
26-OCT- 2020 to 30 OCT- 2020 Asst.Prof. Mechanical Department
Mob. No. 7248957483
COVID-19 Pandemic demands Teachers to learn
how to use online platforms, adapt new teaching What is Bio gas?
methods, maintain student engagement and find new Biogas is a gaseous fuel.
ways to evaluate and Moodle is a learning platform It is a fermenta􀀁on product from the remains of
designed to provide educators, administrators bio‐degradable organic waste.
and learners with a single robust, secure and The main component of biogas is methane.
integrated system to create personalised Biogas is eco‐friendly, non‐pollu􀀁ng and renewable
The College of Engineering and Management, Jalgaon learning environments. source
was established in year 2001, approved by AICTE, Moodle is used for blended learning, distance of energy.
New Delhi & affiliated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar education, flipped classroom, MOOCs and other e- It helps reduce the drudgery of women, in collec􀀁ng
Technological University ,Lonere, we are Khandesh learning projects in schools, universities, workplaces fuel
College Education Society’s brain child, an institution and other sectors. wood from long distances.
with a vigorous past, a dynamic present, and brilliant ELIGIBILITY Improves local sanitary ecosystem.
future. Minimizes health hazards during cooking in smoky
We offer a world of opportunities to students with 1. Faculties from any University, Faculty of kitchens.
modern educational philosophy and experienced engineering, art, science, commerce and It is a be􀀃er replacement of LPG, Kerosene and
faculty members. Our institution includes strong management institutions at Degree /Diploma firewood.
engineering foundation design to prepare engineers levels, of are eligible to participate. Biogas plants are easy to use and the maintenance is
with a broad base of technical knowledge and 2. All the Participants are required to fill up quite
personality. online registration form before the deadlines. simple.
Please visit https://coem.kces.in/ for more details. 3. The Spoken Tutorial Project team conducts Lifespan of a biogas plant is approximately 25 years.
online exam and gives certificate to those By‐product of biogas is the nutrient‐rich natural
who pass (by earning min.40% marks) the manure
Spoken Tutorial is a multi-award winning educational online test. called slurry, which improves soil fer􀀁lity.This
content portal. Here one can learn various Free and 4. Participants should upload the proof of Moodle series is divided into 2 parts –
Open Source Software all by oneself. Our self-paced, payment while registering through Google
multi-lingual courses ensure that anybody with a Forms. • One for Moodle site administrators and
computer and a desire for learning can learn from any 5.
• Another for Academicians.
place, at any time and in a language of their choice.
Please Visit https://spoken-tutorial.org for more 590 Rs (Including GST) IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS:
details. Account Details for NEFT through Bank:
A/C Beneficiary Name: Registrar, IIT Bombay 1. Resource Material Available:
A/C Number: 2724101113370 https://spoken-tutorial.org/tutorial-search/?
Bank Name: Canara Bank, Bank Branch: IIT Powai search_foss=Moodle+Learning+Management+Sy
IFSC Code: CNRB0002724 stem&search_language=English

2. Contact Hours: 11:00 am To 5:00pm.

3. Link to join the What’sapp Group:

Group 1
Group 2

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