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3.1.color Models Concepts:: Properties of Light

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Color Models – RGB, YIQ, CMY, HSV – Animations – General Computer
Animation, Raster,Keyframe - Graphics programming using OPENGL –
Basic graphics primitives –Drawing three dimensional objects - Drawing
three dimensional scenes

Color Model is a method for explaining the properties or behavior of color within some
particularcontext. No single color model can explain all aspects of color, so we make
use of different models tohelp describe the different perceived characteristics of color.

Properties of Light

Light is a narrow frequency band within the electromagnetic system.

Other frequency bands within this spectrum are called radio waves, micro waves,
infrared wavesand x-rays. The below fig shows the frequency ranges for some of the
electromagnetic bands.
Each frequency value within the visible band corresponds to a distinct color.
At the low frequency end is a red color (4.3*104 Hz) and the highest frequency is a
violet color (7.5 *10 14Hz)
Spectral colors range from the reds through orange and yellow at the low frequency
end to greens, blues and violet at the high end.frequency for the wave length λ of the wave.

The wave length ad frequency of the monochromatic wave are inversely proportional to
other, with the proportionality constants as the speed of light C where C = λ f
A light source such as the sun or a light bulb emits all frequencies within the visible
range to produce white light. When white light is incident upon an object, some
frequencies are reflected and some are absorbed by the object. The combination of
frequencies present in the reflected light determines what we perceive as the color of
the object.
If low frequencies are predominant in the reflected light, the object is described as red.
In this case, the perceived light has the dominant frequency at the red end of the
spectrum. The dominant frequency is also called the hue, or simply the color of the
Brightness is another property, which in the perceived intensity of the light.
Intensity in the radiant energy emitted per limit time, per unit solid angle, and per
unit projected area of the source.
Radiant energy is related to the luminance of the source.
The next property in the purity or saturation of the light.
- Purity describes how washed out or how pure the color of the light appears.
- Pastels and Pale colors are described as less pure.
The term chromaticity is used to refer collectively to the two properties, purity and
dominant frequency.

The set of primaries is generally referred to as the XYZ or (X,Y,Z) color model where
X,Y and Z
represent vectors in a 3D, additive color space.
Any color Cλ is expressed as
Cλ = XX + YY + ZZ -------------(1) Where X,Y and Z designates the amounts of the
standard primaries needed to match Cλ.
It is convenient to normalize the amount in equation (1) against luminance (X + Y+ Z).
Normalized amounts are calculated as,
x = X/(X+Y+Z),
y = Y/(X+Y+Z),
z = Z/(X+Y+Z) with x + y + z = 1
Any color can be represented with just the x and y amounts. The parameters x and y are called the
chromaticity values because they depend only on hue and purity.

RGB Color Model:

Based on the tristimulus theory of our eyes perceive color through the stimulation of
three visual pigments in the cones on the retina.
These visual pigments have a peak sensitivity at wavelengths of about 630 nm (red),
530 nm (green) and 450 nm (blue).

By comparing intensities in a light source, we perceive the color of the light.

This is the basis for displaying color output on a video monitor using the 3 color
primaries, red, green,and blue referred to as the RGB color model.

The sign represents black, and the vertex with coordinates (1,1,1) in white.
Vertices of the cube on the axes represent the primary colors, the remaining vertices
represents the complementary color for each of the primary colors.
The RGB color scheme is an additive model. (i.e.,) Intensities of the primary colors are
added to produceother colors.

Each color point within the bounds of the cube can be represented as the triple
(R,G,B) where values forR, G and B are assigned in the range from 0 to1.
The color Cλ is expressed in RGB component as Cλ = RR + GG + B

YIQ Color Model:

The National Television System Committee (NTSC) color model for forming the
compositevideo signal in the YIQ model.
In the YIQ color model, luminance (brightness) information in contained in the Y
parameter, chromaticityinformation (hue and purity) is contained into the I and Q
A combination of red, green and blue intensities are chosen for the Y parameter to
yield the standardluminosity curve.
Since Y contains the luminance information, black and white TV monitors use only the
Y signal.
Parameter I contain orange-cyan hue information that provides the flash-tone shading
and occupies abandwidth of 1.5 MHz.

Parameter Q carries green-magenta hue information in a bandwidth of about 0.6 MHz.

An RGB signal can be converted to a TV signal

CMY Color Model

A color model defined with the primary colors cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY) in
useful for describing color output to hard copy devices.
It is a subtractive color model (i.e.,) cyan can be formed by adding green and blue
light. When white light is reflected from cyan-colored ink, the reflected light must have
no red component. i.e., red light is absorbed or subtracted by the link.
Magenta ink subtracts the green component from incident light and yellow subtracts
the blue component.

In CMY model, point (1,1,1) represents black because all components of the incident
light are subtracted.
The origin represents white light.
Equal amounts of each of the primary colors produce grays along the main diagonal of
the cube.
A combination of cyan and magenta ink produces blue light because the red and green
components of the incident light are absorbed.
The printing process often used with the CMY model generates a color point with a
collection of 4 ink dots; one dot is used for each of the primary colors (cyan, magenta
and yellow) and one dot in black.

HSV Color Model

The HSV model uses color descriptions that have a more interactive appeal to a user.
Color parameters in this model are hue (H), saturation (S), and value (V).
The 3D representation of the HSV model is derived from the RGB cube. The outline of
the cube has the hexagon shape.

HLS Color Model

HLS model is based on intuitive color parameters used by Tektronix.
It has the double cone representation shown in the below figure. The 3 parameters in
this model are called Hue (H), lightness (L) and saturation (s).

Computer animation refers to any time sequence of visual changes in a scene.
Computer animations can also be generated by changing camera parameters such as
position, orientation
and focal length.
Applications of computer-generated animation are entertainment, advertising, training
and education.
Example : Advertising animations often transition one object shape into another.


In general, an animation sequence is designed with the tollowing steps:

l Storyboard layout

l Object definitions

l Key-frame specititatlons

l Generation of in-between frames

This standard approach for animated cartoons is applied to other animation

applications as well, although there are many special applications that do not
follow this sequence. Real-time computer animations produced by Bight
simulators,for instance, display motion sequences in response to settings on
the air-craft controls.

And visualization applications are generated by the solutions of the numerical

models. For frame-by-frame animation, each frame of the scene is separately

generated and stored. Later, the frames can be recoded on film or they can be

consecutively displayed in "real-time playback" mode.

The storyboard is an outline of the action. It defines the motion sequence as a

set of basic events that are to take place. Depending on the type of animation
to be produced, the storyboard could consist of a set of rough sketches or it
could be a list of the basic ideas for the motion.

An object definition is given for each participant in the action. Objects can be

defined in terms of basic shapes, such as polygons or splines. In addition, the

associated movements for each object are specified along with the shape.

A keyframe is a detailed drawing of the scene at a certain time in the

animation sequence. Within each key frame, each object is positioned
according to the time for that frame. Some key frames are chosen at extreme
positions in the action;others are spaced so that the time interval between key
frames is not too great. More key frames are specified for intricate motions
than for simple, slowly varing motions.

In-betweens are the intermediate frames between the key frames. The number
of in-betweens needed is determined by the media to be used to display the
animation. Film requires 24 frames per second, and graphics terminals are
refreshed at the rate of 30 to 60 frames per second. Typically, time intervals for
the motion are set up so that there arr from three to five in-betweens for each
pair of key frames. Depending on the speed specified for the motion, some key
frames can be duplicated. For a I-minute film sequence with no duplication, we
would need 1440 frames. With five in-betweens for each pair of key frames, we
would need 288 key frames. If the motion is not too complicated, we could
space the key frames a little farther apart.

There are several other tasks that may be required, depending on the

They include motion verification, editing, and production and synchronization

of a soundtrack. Many of the functions needed to produce general animations
are now computer-generated. Figures 16-1 and 16-2 show examples of
computer-generated frames for animation sequences


Some steps in the development of an animation sequence are well-suited to computer

solution. These include object manipulations and rendering, camera motions,and the
generation of in-betweens. Animation packages, such as Wavefront, for example,
provide special functions for designing the animation and processing individual bjects.
One function available in animation packages is provided to store and manage the
object database. Object shapes and associated parameters are stored and updated in
the database. Other object functions include those for motion generationand those for
object rendering. Motions can be generated according to specified constraints using
two-dimensional or three-dimensional transformations.
Standard functions can then be applied to identify visible surfaces and apply the
rendering algorithms.
Another typical function simulates camera movements. Standard motions are
zooming, panning, and tilting. Finally, given the specification for the key frames, the
in-betweem can be automatically generated


On raster systems, we can generate real-time animation in limited applications

using raster operations. As we have seen in Section 5-8, a simple method for
translation in the xy plane is to transfer a rectangluar block of pixel values from one
location to another. Twodimensional rotations in multiples of 90" are also simple to
perform, although we can rotate rectangular blocks of pixels through arbitrary angles
using antialiasing procedures. To rotate a block of pixels, we need to determine the
percent of area coverage for those pixels that overlap the rotated block. Sequences of
raster operations can be executed to produce real-time animation of either two-
dimensional or three-dimensional objects, as long as we restrict the animation to
motions in the projection plane. Then no viewing or visible-surface algorithms need be
We can also animate objects along two-dimensional motion paths using the
color-table transformlions. Here we predefine the object at successive positions
along the motion path, and set the successive blocks of pixel values to color-table
entries. We set the pixels at the first position of the object to "on" values, and we
set the pixels at the other object positions to the background color. The animation is
then accomplished by changing the color-table values so that the object is "on" at
successively positions along the ariimation path as the preceding posltion is set to the
background intensity.



We generate each set of in-betweens from the specification of two (or more) key
frames. Motionpaths can be given with a kinematic description as a set of spline
curves, or the motions can be physicdly based by specifying the forces acting on
the objects to be animated.
For complex scenes, we can separate the frames into individual components
or objects called cels (celluloid transparencies), an acronym from cartoon animation.
Given the animation paths, we can interpolate the positions of individual
objects between any two times.
With complex object transformations, the shapes of objects may change over time.
Examples are clothes, facial features, magnified detail, evolving shapes, exploding or
disintegrating objects, and transforming one object into another object. If all surfaces
are described with polygon meshes, then the number of edges per polygon can change
from one frame to the next. Thus, the total number of line segments can be different in
different frames.


Transformation of object shapes from one form to another is called morphing,

which is a shortened form of metamorphosis. Morphing methods can he applied
to any motion or transition involving a change in shape.
Given two key frames for an object transformation, we first adjust the object
specification in one of the frames so that the number of polygon edges (or the
number of vertices) is the same for the two frames. This preprocessing step is
illustrated in Fig. 16-6. A straight-line segment in key frame k is transformed into
two line segments in key frame k+1. Since key frame k + 1 has an extra vertex,
we add a vertex between 1 and 2 in key frame k to balance the number of vertices
(and edges) In the two key frames. Using linear interpolation to generate the in-
betweens. we transition the added vertex in key frame k into vertex 3' along the
straight-line path shown in Fig. 16-7. An example of a triangle linearly expanding
into ,a quadrilaterial is given In Fig. 16-8. Figures 16-9 and 16-10 show
examples uf morphing in television advertising

We can state general preprocessing rules for equalizing key frames in terms
of either the number of edges or the number of vertices to be added to a key
frame. Suppose we equalize the edge count, and parameters Lk and Lk+1 denote
the number of line segments in two consecutive frames. We then define

Then the preprocessing is accomplished by

1. dividing Ne edges of keyframemin into Ns+1sections
2. dividing the remaining lines of keyframe min into Ns sections
As an example, if Lk = 15 and Lk+1= 11, we would divide 4 lines of keyframe k+1
into 2 sections each. The remaining lines of keyframe k+1 are left intact.
If we equalize the vertex count, we can use parameters Vk and Vk+1to denote
the number of vertices in the two consecutive frames. In this case, we define

Preprocessing using vertex count is performed by

1. adding Np points to Nls line sections of keyframe,,
2. adding Np - 1 points to the remaining edges of keyframe,,
For the triangle-toquadrilateral example, Vk = 3 and Vk+1= 4. Both Nls and Np
are 1, so we would add one point to one edge of keyframek No points would be
added to the remaining lines of keyframe k+1.
Simulating Accelerations Curve-fitting techniques are often used to specify the
animation paths between key frames. Given the vertex positions at the key frames, we
can fit the positions with linear or nonlinear paths. Figure 16-11 illustrates a
nonlinear fit of key-frame positions. This determines the trajectories for the in-
betweens. To simulate accelerations,we can adjust the time spacing for the in-
For constant speed (zero acceleration), we use equal-interval time spacing
for the in-betweens. Suppose we want n in-betweens for key frames at times t 1
and t2 (Fig. 16-12). The time interval between key frames is then divided into n +1
subintervals, yielding an in-between spacing of

We can calculate the time for any in-between as

and determine the values for coordinate positions, color, and other physical
Nonzero accelerations are used to produce realistic displays of speed
changes, particularly at the beginning and end of a motion sequence. We can
model the start-up and slowdown portions of an animation path with spline or

trignometric functions. Parabolic and cubic time functions haw been applied to
acceleration modeling, but trignometric functions are more commonly used in
animation packages.
To model increasing speed (positive acceleration), we want the time spacing
between frames to increase so that greater changes in position occur as the object
moves faster. We can obtain an increasing interval size with the function

For n in-betweens, the time for the jth in-between would then be calculated as

where Δt is the time difference between the two key frames. Figure 16-13 gives a
plot of the higonometric acceleration function and the in-between spacing for n
= 5.
We can model decreasing speed (deceleration) with sine in the range 0 < θ
< π/2 . The time position of an in-between is now defined as

A plot of this function and the decreasing size of the time intervals is shown in
Fig. 16-14 for five in-betweens.
Often, motions contain both speed-ups and slow-downs. We can model a
combination of increasing-decreasing speed by first increasing the in-between
time spacing, then we decrease this sparing. A function to accomplish these time
changes is

with At denoting the time difference for the two key frames. Time intervals for
the moving object first increase then the'time intervals decrease, as shown in Fig.
Processing the in-betweens is simplified by initially modeling "skeleton"
(wireframe)objects. This allows interactive adjustment of motion sequences.
After the animation sequence is completely defined, objects can be fully rendered


OpenGL is a software interface that allows you to access the graphics hardware
without taking care of the hardware details or which graphics adapter is in the
OpenGL is a low-level graphics library specification. It makes available to the
programmer a small set of geomteric primitives - points, lines, polygons, images, and
OpenGL provides a set of commands that allow the specification of geometric objects
in two or three dimensions, using the provided primitives, together with commands
that control how these objects are rendered (drawn).
Libraries OpenGL Utility Library (GLU) contains several routines that use lower-level
OpenGL commands to perform such tasks as setting up matrices for specific viewing
orientations and projections and rendering surfaces.

OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) is a window-system-independent toolkit, written by

Mark Kilgard, to hide the complexities of differing window APIs.

Include Files
For all OpenGL applications, you want to include the gl.h header file in every file.
Almost all OpenGL applications use GLU, the aforementioned OpenGL Utility Library,
which also requires inclusion of the glu.h header file. So almost every OpenGL source
file begins with: #include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
If you are using the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) for managing your window manager
tasks, you should include: #include <GL/glut.h>
The following files must be placed in the proper folder to run a OpenGL Program.
Libraries (place in the lib\ subdirectory of Visual C++)

Working with OpenGL Opening a window for Drawing

The First task in making pictures is to open a screen window for drawing. The
following five
functions initialize and display the screen window in our program.
1. glutInit(&argc, argv)
The first thing we need to do is call the glutInit() procedure. It should be called
before any other GLUT routine because it initializes the GLUT library. The
parameters to glutInit() should be the same as those to main(), specifically
main(int argc, char** argv) and glutInit(&argc, argv).
2. glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB)
The next thing we need to do is call the glutInitDisplayMode() procedure to
specify the display mode for a window.
We must first decide whether we want to use an RGBA (GLUT_RGB) or color-
(GLUT_INDEX) color model. The RGBA mode stores its color buffers as red,
green, blue, and alpha color components. Color-index mode, in contrast, stores
color buffers in indicies. And for special effects, such as shading, lighting, and
fog, RGBA mode provides more flexibility. In general, use RGBA mode whenever
possible. RGBA mode is the default.
Another decision we need to make when setting up the display mode is whether
we want to use single buffering (GLUT_SINGLE) or double buffering
(GLUT_DOUBLE). If we aren't using annimation, stick with single buffering,
which is the default.
3. glutInitWindowSize(640,480)
We need to create the characteristics of our window. A call to
glutInitWindowSize() will be used to specify the size, in pixels, of our inital

window. The arguments indicate the height and width (in pixels) of the
requested window.
4. glutInitWindowPosition(100,15)
Similarly, glutInitWindowPosition() is used to specify the screen location for the
upper-left corner of our initial window
The arguments, x and y, indicate the location of the window relative to the
entire display. This function positioned the screen 100 pixels over from the left
edge and 150 pixels down from the top.
5. glutCreateWindow(“Example”)
To create a window, the with the previously set characteristics (display mode,
size, location, etc), theprogrammer uses the glutCreateWindow() command. The
command takes a string as a parameter which may appear in the title bar.
6. glutMainLoop()
The window is not actually displayed until the glutMainLoop() is entered.
The very last thing is we have to call this function Event Driven Programming The
method of associating a call back function with a particular type of event is called as
event driven programming.
OpenGL provides tools to assist with the event management.

//the following code plots three dots
glVertex2i(100, 50);
glVertex2i(100, 130);
glVertex2i(150, 130);
glEnd( ); // the following code draws a triangle

glVertex3f(100.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f);

glVertex3f(150.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(125.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f); glEnd( ); // the following code draw a lines
glVertex3f(100.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f); // origin of the line
glVertex3f(200.0f, 140.0f, 5.0f); // ending point of the line
glEnd( );

OpenGl State
OpenGl keeps track of many state variables, such as current size of a point, the
current color of a
drawing, the current background color, etc. The value of a state variable remains
active until new value is
given. glPointSize() : The size of a point can be set with glPointSize(), which takes one
floating point
argument Example : glPointSize(4.0); glClearColor() : establishes what color the
window will be
cleared to. The background color is set with glClearColor(red, green, blue, alpha),
where alpha specifies a
degree of transparency Example : glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); //set black
background color
Drawing Aligned Rectangles.
A special case of a polygon is the aligned rectangle, so called because its sides are
aligned with the
coordinate axes.
OpenGL provides the ready-made function:
glRecti(GLint x1, GLint y1, GLint x2, GLint y2); // draw a rectangle with opposite
corners (x1, y1) and
(x2, y2); // fill it with the current color;
glClearColor(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.0); // white background
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // clear the window
glColor3f(0.6,0.6,0.6); // bright gray
glRecti(20,20,100,70); glColor3f(0.2,0.2,0.2); //
gray glRecti(70, 50, 150, 130);

Polygons are the areas enclosed by single closed loops of line segments, where the line
segments are specified by the vertices at their endpoints Polygons are typically drawn
by filling in all the pixels enclosed within the boundary, but you can also draw them
as outlined polygons or simply as points at the vertices. A filled polygon might be
solidly filled, or stippled with a certain pattern OpenGL also supports filling more
general polygons with a pattern or color.

The following list explains the function of each of the five constants:
GL_TRIANGLES: takes the listed vertices three at a time, and draws a separate
triangle for each;
GL_QUADS: takes the vertices four at a time and draws a separate quadrilateral for
GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP: draws a series of triangles based on triplets of vertices: v0, v1,
v2, then v2, v1,
v3, then v2, v3, v4, etc. (in an order so that all triangles are “traversed” in the same
GL_TRIANGLE_FAN: draws a series of connected triangles based on triplets of
vertices: v0, v1, v2, thenv0, v2, v3, then v0, v3, v4, etc. GL_QUAD_STRIP: draws a
series of quadrilaterals based on foursomes of vertices: first v0, v1, v3, v2, then v2, v3,
v5, v4, then v4, v5, v7, v6 (in an order so that all quadrilateralsare “traversed” in the
same way; e.g. counterclockwise).

OpenGL Command Formats:

Working With Material Properties In OpenGL

The effect of a light source can be seen only when light reflects off an object s surface.
OpenGL provides methods for specifying the various reflection coefficients. The
coefficients are set with variations of the function glMaterial and they can be specified
individually for front and back faces.
The code: Glfloat myDiffuse[]={0.8, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0 };
sets the diffuse reflection coefficients( ρdr , ρdg ,ρdb) equal to (0.8, 0.2, 0.0) for all
specified front faces.
The first parameter of glMaterialfv() can take the following values: GL_FRONT:Set the
reflection coefficient for front faces. GL_BACK:Set the reflection coefficient for back
GL_FRONT_AND_BACK:Set the reflection coefficient for both front and back faces. The
second parameter can take the following values:
GL_AMBIENT: Set the ambient reflection coefficients. GL_DIFFUSE: Set the diffuse
reflectioncoefficients. GL_SPECULAR: Set the specular reflection coefficients.
Set both the ambient and the diffuse reflection coefficients to the same values.
GL_EMISSION: Set theemissive color of the surface. The emissive color of a face
causes it to “glow” in the specified color, independently of any light source.


OpenGL has separate transformation matrices for different graphics features
glMatrixMode(GLenum mode), where mode is one of:
GL_MODELVIEW - for manipulating model in scene
GL_PROJECTION - perspective orientation
GL_TEXTURE - texture map orientation
glLoadIdentity(): loads a 4-by-4 identity matrix into the current matrix
glPushMatrix() : push current matrix stack
glPopMatrix() : pop the current matrix stack
glMultMatrix () : multiply the current matrix with the specified matrix
glViewport() : set the viewport Example : glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
gluPerspective() : function sets up a perspective projection matrix.
Format : gluPerspective(angle, asratio, ZMIN, ZMAX);
Example : gluPerspective(60.0, width/height, 0.1, 100.0);
gluLookAt() - view volume that is centered on a specified eyepoint
Example : gluLookAt(3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glutSwapBuffers () : glutSwapBuffers swaps the buffers of the current window if
double buffered.
Example for drawing three dimension Objects glBegin(GL_QUADS);
// Start drawing a quad primitive
glVertex3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); // The bottom left corner glVertex3f(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // The top left corner
glVertex3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // The top right corner glVertex3f(1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); // The
bottom right corner
glEnd(); // Triangle
// Quads in different colours
glColor3f(1,0,0); //red
glVertex3f(-0.5, -0.5, 0.0);
glColor3f(0,1,0); //green
glVertex3f(-0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
glColor3f(0,0,1); //blue
glVertex3f(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
glColor3f(1,1,1); //white
glVertex3f(0.5, -0.5, 0.0); glEnd();
1.Implement a color models.
2.Implement a realistic scenes and objects
3.OPENGL is a easy way to make a real objects.

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