Online Anatomy and Physiology Lab Manual
Online Anatomy and Physiology Lab Manual
Online Anatomy and Physiology Lab Manual
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Online Anatomy and Physiology
Laboratory Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Orientation
The laboratory part of the course is meant to enhance the learning of the students regarding the
concepts and principles in human anatomy and physiology that were presented during the lecture
portion. With the shift of learning from face-to-face interaction to online distance learning, the
laboratory portion has shifted from actual human anatomy and physiology laboratory settings to
practical home settings, taking into consideration the safety of students in this time of the CoViD19
pandemic. When traditionally students learn thru the use of laboratory supplies and equipment, students
will enhance their knowledge by using practical resources such as downloadable 3D anatomy model
software and applications for PC, laptop, android and IOS phones and tablets. When deemed
appropriate, students shall also apply these laboratory activities with their family members living with
them at home.
At times, students shall be working individually but they may also ask the help of their
classmates and peers via online discussion. Each activity is structured to begin with a short introduction
to the exercises, highlighting the activity, the learning resource materials needed and the procedure.
While the activities are designed to be self-directed learning, collaboration with other students is highly
encouraged. While instructions are meant to be easily understood, students may contact the instructor
for further clarification.
The activities were developed in such a way that it is possible to accomplish everything at
home, with minimal supervision using resources that can be found in books, e-books, and electronic
sources such as software application from the internet. Students may also need to download and watch
videos from Youtube and other similar online sources to learn some skills related to the study of human
anatomy and physiology. Students are also advised to download the following:
General Rules:
1. Read the laboratory activity sheet before attempting to perform the tasks and answering the
questions. While the instructor will brief the class as to the objectives of the activity, as well as the
procedures, students will be basically working on their own, with little supervision.
2. Write your answers in the worksheets. Submit your worksheets in the FB Group Page created for the
3. Ensure safety always. Students shall be responsible in ensuring for their own safety practices such as
hand hygiene, social distancing and wearing of personal protective equipment when dealing with
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It is essential that people working in scientific and medical fields develop some facility with units
of measurement including the ability to convert between different systems of measurement. Unlike the
English (Apothecaries) system, conversions within the metric system are relatively easy; all being
based on increments of 10.
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The following activities will help to familiarize you with units of the metric system, use your text or lab
manual to answer each:
2.Complete the following sentences with the correct word (not abbreviation).
4. Make a diagram of your textbook, below, use arrows to indicated how the terms below apply, then
measure and record these dimensions of your textbook in centimeters below:
“dorsal” to “ventral”__________
5. What is the average normal body temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius (show your work,
or formula used)?
6. What was yesterday’s high and low temperature in degrees Celsius (show your work or formula
7. If someone weighs 154 lbs how much do they weigh in kilograms (show your work):
8. When you leave the SPUS Basic Education Campus/Gaisano Capital parking lot and have driven
one kilometer, where are you (be specific)?
9. Find and describe and attach an picture of an everyday object not mentioned in this exercise, the
textbook, or the lab manual that measures approximately:
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Lab Activities:
a. superior/ inferior
b. anterior/ posterior
c. medial/ lateral
d. dorsal/ventral
e. proximal/ distal
f. superficial/deep
2. Use the models above to find and describe the location of common surface landmarks listed below
a. axial region
b. appendicular region
c. head, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis
d. nasal, orbital, oral, buccal, occipital, cervical, axillary, thoracic, umbilical, lumbar, sacral,
gluteal, brachial, pelvic, abdominal, pubic, inguinal, femoral, patellar, calcaneal
2. Draw, describe and recognize the variety of sections on all models in the lab that show various types
of sections.
a. sagittal plane
b. frontal plane
c. transverse plane
4. List the major body cavities and name organs found in each
a. Dorsal
b. Cranial
c. Spinal
d. Ventral
e. Thoracic
f. Abdominopelvic
g. Abdominal
h. Pelvic
5. Study torso models and illustrations to be able to name which abdominal quadrants or regions
various organs are found in. Draw, illustrate or post pictures of the landmarks, cavities, planes,
organ system being discussed. Label and identify the pictures, illustrations as indicated below.
a. upper right and left quadrate; lower right and left quadrate epigastric hypogastric,
b. rt & lft hypochondriac, rt & lft lumbar, rt & lft inguinal
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Lab Activities:
1. Use models and charts to learn the major systems and some of the major organs of each organ
system listed below. Draw, illustrate or post pictures of the corresponding
a. Integumentary System
[the skin can be considered a membrane, a single organ or an organ system]
b. Skeletal System
each individual bone is a separate organ of the skeletal system (eg. humerus, radius, femur,
etc. )
c. Muscular System
each individual muscle is a separate organ of the muscular system (eg. biceps, triceps,
gastrocnemius. etc.)
d. Nervous System
brain, spinal cord, each cranial nerve, each spinal nerve
e. Endocrine System
anterior pituitary gland, posterior pituitary gland, thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal cortex,
adrenal medulla, ovaries, testes
f. Circulatory System
heart, each individual artery and vein is a separate organ of the circulatory system (eg.
aorta, pulmonary artery, hepatic portal vein, etc.)
g. Lymphatic System
right lymphatic duct, thoracic duct, tonsils, spleen, lymph nodes
h. Immune System
[Specific cells and chemicals in virtually every body organ help to protect the body from
i. Respiratory System
nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, diaphragm
j. Digestive System
mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, gall bladder,
pancreas, mesenteries, teeth, salivary glands
k. Urinary System
kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra
l. Reproductive System
male: penis, scrotum, testes, epididymus, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra, seminal
vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands
female: vulva, , mammary glands , ovaries, oviducts, uterus, cervix, vagina
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The Microscope
Laboratory Activities
(Ziser, 2018)
Learning Materials Needed:
1. Download and watch the youtube video on Microscope: Types, Parts and Function
2. Download a picture of a microscope.
Lab Activities:
1. Identify the major parts of the microscope and know the functions of each:
ocular lens, objective lenses, nosepiece, power switch, light control switch, mechanical stage,
condenser, iris diaphragm, coarse & fine focus , pointer
3. Distinguish between the scanning, low power, high power, and oil immersion objectives.
4. Watch and learn the proper focusing techniques and light adjustments at all magnifications and
determine the total magnification you are using when viewing the two slides listed above
5. Watch and learn how to properly handle, use and care of the microscope and of prepared slides.
6. Learn the meanings of the abbreviations below that are used on prepared slides:
wm = whole mount
sec = section of an organ or tissue; no specific kind of section designated
cs = cross section
ls = longitudinal section
sag = sagittal section
sm = smear cells are spread out in a single layer across the slide
ts = teased individual cells are pulled apart from each other on the slide
8. Make a summary of how you should be handle and use the microscope