Talent Management Dimensions Description
Talent Management Dimensions Description
Talent Management Dimensions Description
Talent management suddenly evoked the charm and attention for the business
world. Much of the reason may be due to the fact that technology has finally begun
to catch up. Human resource management systems (HRMS) providers, already
present in many businesses, have begun to create add-on applications that provide a
strategic layer on top of the more administrative HR functionalities they already
offer. It seems obvious then that the functions that make up talent management can
no longer be viewed independently, or hidden in HR or training departments if they
are to be truly successful. Rather, talent management must be counterfeit from a
true partnership between management and the departments that oversee the
"people function." The main characteristics of HR and TM are as shown in table 2
HR process TM Process
Goals Greater efficiency , obedience Better management of people to achieve
strategic business goals
metrics Shorter time to hire , lower cost to fill, Higher quality hires , stronger leadership
higher percentage of employees reviewed pipeline
benefits More efficient HR performance Better business performance
users HR professionals / power users Business managers , HR professionals
Decision HR specialist HR specialist, senior executives, business
makers managers,
Technology Feature rich single function applications, Comprehensive , configurable cross functional
solutions designed for HR professionals solutions designed for business managers
Table 2:- Characteristics Of HR And TM Process
Many HR processes and systems that organizations use today to manage people
suffer from three fundamental flaws as shown in figure () below
Figure 1: Fundamental Flaws In HR Systems
Because of these flaws in most HR systems – limited direct business impact, difficult
for managers to use, and poor integration – business managers use them only
halfheartedly. They do not adopt them as vital to achieving their business goals.
Effective talent management processes and systems can have a significant positive
impact on business. The most valuable systems are those that deliver direct value to
the business manager, which are easy to use, and that are integrated across
functions. Processes and systems that meet these criteria are well-suited to help
companies meet their critical talent management challenges.
4. Align training demand with performance needs and strategic goals directly there
by reducing time and money spent on non-strategic training activities.
Failures in talent management are mainly due to the mismatch between the supplies
and demand not due to the failure in the concept. We need a new way of thinking
about the talent management challenge. A new framework for talent management
has to begin by being clear about the objectives. Talent management is not an end
in itself. It is not about developing employees or creating succession plans. Nor is it
about achieving specific benchmarks like a five percent turnover rate, having the
most educated workforce, or any other tactical outcome. The goal of talent
management is the much more general, but the most important task of TM is to help
the organization to achieve its overall objectives.
During the boom time, Real Estate companies inclusive of Fund Houses grabbed the best
skills available in the market. With over- ambitious vision of timely execution of
projects, coupled with nascent nature of industry that was attempting to hurriedly
professionalize its operations in the over heated market, resulted in many companies
chasing few people with requisite skills leading to high cost compensation payout. ROI
was not an issue with them until the downturn started. The scenario changed with
downturn, which impacted the Indian real estate sector tremendously in terms of
slowdown of construction activities, shelving of projects/ restructuring loans and over
night loss ofjobs leading to disappearance of buyers from market , though we initially
believed that Indian economy was quite insulated from any such forces. Economic crisis
resulted in cost reduction by companies, which in turn lead to large scale layoffs; even
the best of employees were laid off perhaps to help improve the company bottom-lines
as a survival strategy.
Problem persisted for months & few quarters of 2008-09 and it is only recently that after
quarterly results & Capital Market revival that the Real Estate market began to pick up
moving away from earlier the negativity. Accompanied by Govt stimulus, low bank
rates, lower property prices, affordability orientation of builder – developers and return of
buyer / investor to the real estate market has again started fuelling the hope of millions of
Indians to acquire a roof over their head.
With the revival of interest both for residential and commercial premises, it is obvious
that the construction industry would accelerate it’s activities in the coming months to
meet the new as well as the pent up demand to cater to increasing urbanization at 40%,
population growth at 1.5 % per annum, rising income levels and new risk profiles.
According to 10th five year plan, there is a shortage of 22.4 million dwelling units,
translating in to construction of 80 – 90 million housing units for middle class. Both the
National building Organization & Deutsche Bank report put the shortage at 20 million
units and new requirements at 10 millionhousing units per annum till the year 2030.
Further the McKinsey report estimates average profit from construction in India at 18 %,
which is rather double than in US.
With the above backdrop of huge demand – supply gap and profitability for the investors,
the developers & real estate investors began to re-look at ramping up their operations
and acquire human capital / talent in the near to medium term; the activity as such has
already gained momentum. But the companies in their anxiety to acquire best talent
should not go overboard with erroneous assumptions without putting in place certain
recruitment fundamentals as the direct & indirect cost of bad recruitment is tremendous
with its negative cost & consequences.
The prerequisites to check are Knowledge, Skills and most importantly the ‘Attitude of a
person to perform the job, as the saying goes…. You are hired for the aptitude, but fired
for the attitude.
Firstly, one need to do the ‘Requirement analysis’ to identify whether the position can
be handled by the existing internal person as an add on responsibility before embarking
on therecruitment from outside & once it is established that, new incumbent is required,
it advisable to create the fundamental job descriptions, functional requirements of job
together with required behavioral specifications, which would help identify short listing
of right candidates and focus on role clarity when they join.
Thirdly, the interviewers should have interview plan to test the specific competencies
by probing through Behavioral Event interviewing techniques in the Quan-com
competency frame work to assess the motivational check & degree of future success of a
person on the job. This would prevent lot of performance headaches at later stages as
most of the issues crop up due to incongruent job-competency fit and results in attrition
& replacement cost.
Fourthly, the Interviewing is an art and comes at a massive cost, if we review the time &
resources being spent on the activities right from sourcing talent, short-listing, filtering to
final interview stage to selection. Therefore, organizations should get ready for this
institutional initiation with all seriousness, if required take professional help as the direct
&indirect cost of bad recruitment is colossal. Further, interviewers should be well trained
to identify the required competencies for the job rather than enamored by Halo effect of
candidates or do ‘hit & miss’recruitment. This could be true of most sectors.
Next comes the structured Induction, Mentoring and continuous productive engagement
of new joinees which is a crucial factor in assimilating them into the organizational
culture. Organizations should also periodically review theirRecruitment metrics like
attrition rate , retention rate, cost of filling jobs , Number of persons applied, short listed
verses selected candidates etc to improve these ratios continuously to help re-engineer
their internal processes. As the Real estate domain is still evolving, organizations should
create avenues for continuous learning foremployees inclusive of much needed ‘soft
skills’ to facilitate greater effectiveness & also help as a retaining strategy.
Finally, the Compensation & benefits should be structured to take care of the need of the
person with greater emphasis on pay for performance having a linkage with Individual &
team deliverable in the context of benchmark pay outs and Individual length of service
with the Organization. It has to be a balancing act, any anxious attempt to grab a superior
talent from the market at any cost may have long term effect on the morale &
motivational aspects of existing employees, though under paying would reversely lead to
avoidable attrition.
The Edelweiss June ’09 –Pan India Job Survey, latest D & B survey and CRISIL – Aug
’09 outlook also points out that large order inflows are expected due to improvement in
economic conditions and increased outlay in the Budget for development of infrastructure
coupled with easing of liquidity pressure would further propel construction activities. All
these coupled with Govt impetus to the sector through proposed regulatory mechanism
means the business is expected to grow further in a more transparent way requiring
talented people in terms of large number of Civil Engineers, Architects, Marketing /
Sales force, Finance, Legal & other support functionaries to man the activities through
leveraging the newer construction technologies to meet our huge demand-supply gap in
Realty, rising aspirations & increasing appetite of large Indian middle class.
Good Talent Management leads to capability building at Micro level which help achieve
Organization’s sustainable competitive advantage .Talent Management should always be
aligned with corporate strategy particularly in service industries to serve as a great
differentiator for superior returns