News Writing For Television and Radio: Ricky Telg
News Writing For Television and Radio: Ricky Telg
News Writing For Television and Radio: Ricky Telg
This publication on news writing television and radio is radio news story so people can “see” images just through
the fourth of a five-part series on news media writing. This your verbal descriptions.
series also covers an introduction to news media writing,
news writing for print, grammar and punctuation, and As with any type of news writing, you should try to identify
interviews for news stories. characteristics of your audience so you know what type
of information your audience wants. Use the criteria of
newsworthiness presented in News Media Writing in this
Introduction publication series to help you determine if your television
Creating a television or radio story is more than hitting or radio news story idea has news value. Television and
“record” on a video camera or audio recorder. You have radio news stories must have these attributes:
to learn the process of writing an effective television and
radio news story first. The term broadcast writing will be • The writing style should be conversational. Write the way
used interchangeably for television and radio news writing you talk.
throughout this publication.
• Each sentence should be brief and contain only one
idea. We do not always talk in long sentences. Shorter
Writing for the Eye and Ear sentences are better in broadcast news writing. Each
Writing for radio and television is different from writing for sentence should focus on one particular idea.
print for several reasons. First, you have less space and time • Be simple and direct. If you give your audience too much
to present news information. Therefore, you must prioritize information, your audience cannot take it in. Choose
and summarize the information carefully. Second, your words that are familiar to everyone.
listeners cannot reread sentences they did not understand
the first time; they have to understand the information in • Read the story out loud. The most important attribute for
a broadcast story as they hear it or see it. As a result, you writing for “the ear” is to read the story aloud. This will
have to keep your writing simple and clear. And third, give you a feeling for timing, transitions, information
you are writing for “the ear.” In print news stories, you are flow, and conversation style. Your audience will hear your
writing for “the eye”; the story must read well to your eye. television or radio news story, not read it, so the story has
The television or radio news story has the added complexity to be appealing to the ear.
that it has to sound good; when a listener hears the story
it has to read well to “the ear.” Also for a radio news story,
listeners cannot see video of what you are saying, so you
must paint word pictures with the words you use in your
1. This document is AEC531, one of a series of the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication
date January 2015. Reviewed February 2018. Visit the EDIS website at
2. Ricky Telg, professor, Department of Agricultural Education and Communication; UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL 32611.
The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to
individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national
origin, political opinions or affiliations. For more information on obtaining other UF/IFAS Extension publications, contact your county’s UF/IFAS Extension office.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, UF/IFAS Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A & M University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County
Commissioners Cooperating. Nick T. Place, dean for UF/IFAS Extension.
Television and Radio News Writing Television and Radio News Writing
Structure Techniques
• Be brief. A good newspaper story ranges from hundreds • Use a person’s complete name (first and last name) in the
to thousands of words. The same story on television or first reference, then the person’s last name thereafter.
radio may have to fit into 30 seconds—perhaps no more • Use phonetic spellings for unfamiliar words and words that
than 100 words. If it is an important story, it may be 90 are difficult to pronounce.
seconds or two minutes. You have to condense a lot of
information into the most important points for broadcast • Omit obscure names and places if they are not meaningful
writing. to the story.
• Use correct grammar. A broadcast news script with • Titles precede names; therefore, avoid appositives. Do not
grammatical errors will embarrass the person reading it write, “Tom Smith, mayor of Smallville, said today….” In-
aloud if the person stumbles over mistakes. stead, write, “Smallville mayor Tom Smith said today….”
(Other examples: “City councilman Richard Smith,” not
• Put the important information first. Writing a broadcast “Richard Smith, city councilman.” “Anyville High School
news story is similar to writing a news story for print student Beth Baker,” not “Beth Baker, Anyville High
in that you have to include the important information School student.”)
first. The only difference is that you have to condense the
information presented. • In age reference, precede the name with the age. (Example:
“The victim, 21-year-old Rob Roy…”)
• Write good leads. Begin the story with clear, precise
information. Because broadcast stories have to fit into 30, • Avoid writing direct quotations into a news script, if at
60, or 90 seconds, broadcast stories are sometimes little possible. Instead, let people say things in their own words
more than the equivalent of newspaper headlines and the during soundbites. A soundbite is the exact words spoken
lead paragraph. by someone in his or her own recorded voice. If you must
use a direct quote, set it off with such phrases as “In the
• Stick to short sentences of 20 words or less. The announcer words of...” or “As he put it...,” or try to paraphrase as
has to breathe. Long sentences make it difficult for the much as possible. Avoid saying “quote” and “unquote” to
person voicing the script to take a breath. lead into or end a direct quote.
• Write the way people talk. Sentence fragments—as long as • The attribution should come before a quotation, not after it.
they make sense—are acceptable. In contrast to writing for print media, the attribution of
• Use contractions. Use don’t instead of do not. But be care- paraphrased quotations in broadcast stories should be at
ful of contractions ending in -ve (e.g., would’ve, could’ve), the beginning of the sentence, before the paraphrase. The
because they sound like “would of ” and “could of.” listener should know where the quotation is coming from
• Use simple subject−verb−object sentence structures. before hearing the quote. Example: “Bill Brown said he
would run for re-election.”
• Use the active voice and active verbs. It is better to say “He
hit the ball” than “The ball was hit by him.” • Avoid most all abbreviations, even on second reference,
unless it is a well-known abbreviation. This is different
• Use present-tense verbs, except when past-tense verbs are from the Associated Press Style rules for print stories.
necessary. Present tense expresses the sense of immediacy. Write out days, months, states, and military titles each
Use past tense when something happened long ago. For time. About the only acceptable abbreviations are Mr.,
example, do not say, “There were forty people taken to Mrs., and Dr. Punctuate, by using a hyphen in between,
the hospital following a train derailment that occurred commonly used abbreviations. For example, write “U-S,”
early this morning.” Instead, say, “Forty people are in the instead of “US” (United States), and “U-N” for “UN”
hospital as a result of an early morning train accident.” (United Nations).
• For radio news stories, write with visual imagery. Make • Avoid symbols when you write. For example, the dollar
your listeners “see” what you are saying. Help them sign ($) should never be used in broadcast writing.
visualize the situation you are describing. Always spell out the word “dollar.” This is different from
the Associated Press Style for “dollar” when used in a
print news story.
Additional Information
The Associated Press. (2012). The Associated Press stylebook
and briefing on media law (46th ed.). New York: The
Associated Press.