Ammaar Hassan
Ammaar Hassan
Ammaar Hassan
NOTE: This monthly statement is being sent because of electronic fund transfer transaction in your account during the month. Please read carefully important
Information/ Notification printed at the end of statement.
Date Particulars EFT Type Channel Originator/ Originator/ Value Date Debit Credit Balance
Beneficiary Name Beneficiary Bank
BALANCE ** 25,271.80
01-Nov-19 01-Nov-19
ChargesAC-PL52736 160.00 25,111.80
ATM Card Annual
01-Nov-19 01-Nov-19
Charges 1,000.00 24,111.80
ATM Cash
01-Nov-19 01-Nov-19
Withdrawal709726 15,000.00 9,111.80
ATM Cash
04-Nov-19 04-Nov-19
Withdrawal101188 1,000.00 8,111.80
IB Inter Branch
05-Nov-19 FT MYABL GHULAM NABI Allied Bank Limited 05-Nov-19
FT360672 15,000.00 23,111.80
Inter-Bank FT
05-Nov-19 Charges-ADCAC- IBFT MYABL 05-Nov-19
29.00 23,082.80
IB Inter-Bank Habib Bank Limited
FT375994 Pakistan 5,000.00 18,082.80
Cash Withdrawal
14-Nov-19 ChargesAC- 14-Nov-19
18.75 18,064.05
ATM Cash
14-Nov-19 14-Nov-19
Withdrawal444738 11,500.00 6,564.05
IB Util Bill
16-Nov-19 16-Nov-19
Payment963949 50.00 6,514.05
IB Util Bill
16-Nov-19 16-Nov-19
Payment964001 50.00 6,464.05
Cash Withdrawal
20-Nov-19 ChargesAC- 20-Nov-19
18.75 6,445.30
ATM Cash
20-Nov-19 20-Nov-19
Withdrawal032166 6,000.00 445.30
IB Util Bill
21-Nov-19 21-Nov-19
Payment213826 70.00 375.30
IB Inter Branch
21-Nov-19 FT MYABL GHULAM NABI Allied Bank Limited 21-Nov-19
FT243622 20,500.00 20,875.30
Inter-Bank FT
21-Nov-19 Charges-ADCAC- IBFT MYABL 21-Nov-19
87.00 20,788.30
IB Inter-Bank Habib Bank Limited
FT244319 Pakistan 20,000.00 788.30
ATM Cash
25-Nov-19 25-Nov-19
Withdrawal000506 500.00 288.30
ATM Cash -
29-Nov-19 29-Nov-19
Withdrawal089830 15,000.00 14,711.70
29-Nov-19 FT MYABL Allied Bank Limited 29-Nov-19
FT660526 HASSAN 25,000.00 10,288.30
IB Util Bill
30-Nov-19 30-Nov-19
Payment736377 50.00 10,238.30
BALANCE ** 10,238.30
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1. The contents of this Statement of Account (SOA) will be treated as correct and conclusive for all purposes and all discrepancies or objections, if any, shall deemed to be
waived unless notified in writing to the Bank within 15 days from the date of issue after which Bank's statement will be considered final. Provided that the Bank
reserves the right to reverse and rectify, at any time; all errors/ omission/unauthorized/wrong credit afforded to your account.
2. If your (CNIC/SNIC), previously provided to the bank has expired, please provide a copy of your renewed /valid CNIC/ SNIC in order to up-date our records, so that
Bank could continue to provide you hassle free/smooth/ uninterrupted banking services.
3. Please notify any change in your registered address with the bank for proper communication / timely delivery of Statement of Account(s). Please be notified that “Hold
Mail” facility is no longer available.
4. Please be notified that if the Customer’s Account(s) shows “Zero Balance” for a specified period as decided by the Bank from time to time
(Currently twelve months) and six month for Allied Basic Banking Accounts, if not revived, the Bank reserves the right to close the Account without further notice to
the customer.
5. Please be notified that all account(s)/instrument(s)/article(s) not operated/collected during the last ten (10) years shall be surrendered to State Bank of Pakistan under
Section 31 of Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 as “UNCLAIMED DEPOSITS”. Additionally, an account not operated at a stretch for twelve months, will be
treated as “Dormant Account” which will require submission of your written request for recommencement of its operation. The detailed list of Unclaimed Deposits
surrendered to State Bank of Pakistan is available at your branch. Detailed list is also available on the ABL website and can also be checked through our
Call Centre No.111-225-225.
6. If you are a Govt. Pensioner and drawing your pension through Direct Credit System and fails to submit the Life Certificate / Non-Marriage Certificate after every six
months or do not withdraw pension for consecutive six months, your account shall become Dormant, resultantly further pension shall not be credited in your pension
account. Further, Undrawn pension for consecutive six months or over shall be withdrawn from your pension account and returned back to the concerned department.
7. International Bank Account Number (IBAN) enables hassle free receipt of international remittances in your account. In compliance with SBP directives, IBAN for each
account has been issued by ABL that is printed along with your account details overleaf. This IBAN can be quoted in place of existing account number to receive
international remittances directly in your account. Your existing account number will also remain effective for domestic and international transactions.
8.1 Please be notified that the Bank has arranged insurance cover, subject to the terms and conditions of the insurance policy, at its own costs, for the losses sustained and
discovered by reason of damage, destruction or loss by fire, burglary and locker breaking illegally. Maximum insurance ceiling provided for each category of lockers is
mentioned hereunder:
8.2 Payment of Insurance proceeds shall be made in accordance with the applicable law and other terms and conditions of Bank as well as the Insurance Company.
8.3 The above insurance arrangement(s) shall be deemed to be consented unless notified in writing to the Bank within forty five days from the date of dispatch of this
Statement of Account.
8.4 Locker rent default period is one year against all categories of lockers. Upon completion of one year of locker rent default period, bank reserves the right to proceed for
forced break opening of lockers as per terms and conditions. Keep your locker rent payment regular to avoid break opening of your locker.
8.5 If annual rent is not paid on due date, Late Payment Charges shall be recovered by the Bank @ 10% of the applicable locker rent with grace period of 30 days after due
date of locker rent.
9. For complaints which remain unresolved beyond 45 days, you may write to Banking Mohtasib Pakistan Shaheen Complex M .R. Kayani Road Karachi or visit
10. For complaints concerning your utility bill payments, you may directly contact the State Bank of Pakistan by writing to Policy Officer (Utility Bills), Banking
Policy and Regulations Department, SBP Karachi phone #021-32453555 Fax # 021-99212506 e-mail:
11. ABL does not require from its customers their sensitive information like OTP, PIN, Passwords, personal information through call/ SMS/ email/ web links/ social media.
It is your responsibility to protect your all such information and do not share it with anyone Otherwise bank will not be responsible in case of any loss. For more details
on safety and security, please visit our website or call at 111-225-225.
12. Schedule of Bank charges effective from July 01, 2019 to December 31, 2019 has been published. Copy of the same and further details can be obtained from the nearest
ABL Branch or visit our website
13. It is to inform that you can transfer your funds from Allied Bank branches to any bank in Pakistan through PRISM (RTGS) from 09:00AM to 03:45PM from Monday
to Friday.
14. Customer Alert: Kindly check security features to verify the genuineness of bank guarantees issued by ABL i.e. Ultraviolet ABL Logo on both sides of stamp paper,
Micro printing of bank guarantee details at border line, bank guarantee details printed diagonally multiple times on both sides of stamp paper also visible under
Ultraviolet light, 2D barcode containing guarantee details, Specific back ground pattern to secure against any kind of tempering attempt & in case the original ABL
Bank Guarantee is photocopied, the words “COPY - DUPLICATE” appears in the background of photocopy. The bank guarantees can also be verified by calling at 042
-35880043 Ext: 31436, 31547 or email:
15. Allied Bank’s Financial Consumer Protection Framework strives to create awareness about consumer rights and obligations. A summary of the Framework is available
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