Taller de Ingles
Taller de Ingles
Taller de Ingles
homelessness – poverty – drug abuse – gangs – violence – domestic abuse – teenage pregnancy –
underage drinking – bullying – unemployment
after all , I have to say. That , here we get many of them problems. Like teenage pregnancy ,
unemployment, homelessness, poverty, gangs, violence , domestic abuse and more . so , I can’t
say one is the most biggest that the others. But , I think the violence is one of them because ,
every day we see on the news . that , every day one person is murder or kidnaping.
2. Match the social problems in exercise 1 with three of the quotes below.
a) Teenage pregnancy
b) homelessness
c) unemployment
d) underage drinking
e) gangs- violence
f) bullying
3. In pairs, discuss which are the worst problems in your town or city?
Teenage pregnancy is a biggest problem. Because , when someone aren’t prepared to
become a mother or father . he or she are a problem in the family . So, their parents must
be face it . and raise up a new member in the family.
4. Look at the problems in exercise 1 again. Then listen to an interview. Which problem does
Claudia’s organisation help?
She Helps teenager in her city. And she give a home to Homelessness.
b. What does Claudia say is the most important thing that people need to start an
1. money
2. passion
3. a website
6. Do you remember how to give advice and suggestions?
c. What does Claudia say about money?
1. It’s not important.
2. You need money to start a business.
3. Your website can help you
6. Do you remember how to give advice and suggestions? Match the sentence halves. Then
listen to the last part of the interview again and check.
7. Look at the pictures. Think of a problem connected to each situation. Then give advice and
suggestions about the situation.
Example: You want to be in the school basketball team, but the coach never selects you for
the team.
You should train with your friends after school every day. Why don’t you try a different sport?
a. playing sport. I really like playing sports. But my knees hurt me. I should go to the
doctor and then I will go back playing sports.
b. working in a team. I like work with my partners. But sometimes they are such jealous.
I’ll go to the psychologist to get some therapist.
c. going camping. I really like go to the camping. But, the idea to go back to nature gets me
afraid . Then, I remember that the calm that I feel in that side so, I have to go.
d. eating well. I wish begin going a diet. But I like junky food. I have to try to go back to
healthy habits
e. learning to do something difficult. Mathematics could be the harder topic in the school.
But, if I do lots of exercising I will pass the text flying colors.
f. being in the hot sun. the most beautiful things is being lying in the beach . but the sun
could be hurt you . you should put on a sun cream to protect of its.