Organizational Expenses
Permits and Licenses ₱1,500
Meetings 2,400
Professional Fees 3,000
Bond 100,000
Grand Opening Expenses 12,862
Sub-Total ₱119,762
Physical Plant
Rental Deposit 15,000
Construction Costs 26,500
Equipment 28,750
Furniture and Fixtures 18,340
Sub-Total ₱88,590
Total ₱821,102
ABC Enterprises
Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the Year Ended December 31, 2019
Cost of Sales
Product A 96,100 89,900 105,710 102,300 105,710 111,600 115,320 115,320
Product B 63,426 59,334 63,426 61,380 63,426 61,380 63,426 63,426
Product C 75,191 70,340 75,191 72,765 75,191 72,765 75,191 75,191
Total 234,717 219,574 244,327 236,445 244,327 245,745 253,937 253,937
Gross Operating Profit 145,344 135,967 151,234 146,355 151,234 152,055 157,124 157,124
Operating Expenses
Payroll 60,000 57,000 62,700 63,954 65,873 64,555 65,846 66,505
Utilities 16,300 15,485 17,034 17,374 17,895 17,537 17,888 18,067
Transportation 7,200 6,840 7,524 7,674 7,905 7,747 7,902 7,981
Supplies 6,600 6,270 6,897 7,035 7,246 7,101 7,243 7,316
Rent 5,000 4,750 5,225 5,330 5,489 5,380 5,487 5,542
Marketing 1,500 1,425 1,568 1,599 1,647 1,614 1,646 1,663
Insurance 1,400 1,330 1,463 1,492 1,537 1,506 1,536 1,552
Repairs & Maint. 1,250 1,188 1,306 1,332 1,372 1,345 1,372 1,386
Total 99,250 94,288 103,716 105,791 108,964 106,785 108,921 110,010
Depreciation Expense 1,962 1,962 1,962 1,962 1,962 1,962 1,962 1,962
Income Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Amortization 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1,962 1,962 1,962 1,962 1,962 1,962 1,962 1,962
Net Income ₱44,131 ₱39,717 ₱45,555 ₱38,602 ₱40,307 ₱43,308 ₱46,241 ₱45,152
GOP Rate 38.24% 38.24% 38.23% 38.23% 38.23% 38.22% 38.22% 38.22%
Profit Rate 11.61% 11.17% 11.52% 10.08% 10.19% 10.89% 11.25% 10.98%
1,131,160 1,176,160 1,219,920 1,250,670
1.0398 1.0372 1.0252 1.0341
September October November December Total
44,245 51,181 48,195 50,968 553,299 46,108 21.69
Cash ₱1,611,895
Inventories 295,143
1907037.95 103.635274 1943832.95 Assets
Liabilities 18,401 87.5961241 18401 Liabilities
1925431.95 Capital
0.00955682 Debt-Equity Ratio
July August September October November December
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0