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Volume 10, Issue 5, December 5, 2010

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Church of Christ Newsletter

Volume 10 Issue 5, December 5, 2010 www.moosemountainchurch.com

Contact Info:
WORSHIP FULLY info@moosemountainchurch.com
It starts with Jesus. It ends with traditional views were that Chris- Because pagans celebrated false 1 Christina Street
Box 184
Jesus. This is the holistic tians wanted to usurp the other gods and birthdays, is no reason Kenosee Lake, SK
approach God had in mind for celebrations surrounding that to not celebrate Christ. In fact, it S0C0R0
Christmas. It’s a season where date. The Romans not only ob- is more reason to sing glory to
we are called to put down our served 25th of December as the God in the highest.
burdens and lift a song up to our birthday of their Sun god. The Assembly Times:
God. It’s a season where love Jewish Festival of Lights or Ha- In a world where Christmas is Sunday
wins, peace reigns, and a king is nukkah, The Yule Festival by the about consumerism and human Bible Class
tradition, it seems to me that this 10:03am
celebrated with each breath. It’s Norse, The Birthday festival of
the party of the year. Entering Lord Mithra by the Romans also “open” season is the best time of
Full Family
the story of advent (the coming commenced on the same day. year to emphasize the celebra-
of Christ) means entering this The church became successful in tion that really does matter. 11:03am
season with an overwhelming taking the merriment, light and What would it take for people to
Thursday Evening
passion to worship Jesus to the gifts from these festivals with the hear the angels singing once Bible Study
fullest. intention of turning them into again “Glory to God in the high- 7:00pm

more glory for God. It wasn’t est, peace and good tidings on
While Christmas was not earth!” It isn’t going to be in our Life Groups
until the 1800’s that the full
originally celebrated by the traditions, or that useless Christ- Alternating
celebration caught fire and Thursdays in various
church, by 400 AD the church became the tradition as we have mas gift. Instead, it is going to be communities
recognized that the pagan world it today. in a people living the celebration
commanded celebration of Sat- of the advent of Christ. This ***
urnalia, and anyone who did not So why do I tell you all of this? looks like a people who cannot
recognize the celebration was to Because, many of our traditions help but to worship God with all Leadership:
be persecuted. In response to surrounding Christmas stem of their being! Leaving our sheep
the pagan celebration, and to from these celebrations. in the fields, or our thrones as Minister
avoid persecution, it is There is NOTHING wrong with kings, we come to the king of Rolland Bouchard
thought that the 370 year these traditions, but there is kings bringing him our gifts. “I
old church began to give something wrong with urge you therefore brethren, in Elders
the appearance of the people throwing Christ view of God’s mercy, to offer Jim Sedor
Cameron Husband
celebration of saturnalia, out of a season of cele- your bodies as living sacrifices
Dale King
but instead would cele- bration when He holy and pleasing to God…”
Harold Floyd
brate the advent of should be in every
the Messiah. Other season of our lives! Rolland

Announcements and Upcoming Events Ministries:

THRIFT STORE DAYS party. There will not be a gift exchange this year. How-
We will be working the thrift store ever, we will be sending everyone home with a gift. We
December 28 & 30 are asking the ladies of our congregation to donate $5.00 Harold Floyd
*** towards items that will be purchased. See Judith or Laurie.
POTLUCK REQUEST *** Fellowship
We want to thank you all for your generous donations to LADIE’S CHRISTMAS DINNER FOR MEN! Monica McMillan
our potluck lunches. Because of known allergies within our Attention gentlemen, the ladies would love your help in
congregation we ask that you do not bring any items con- the kitchen on the evening of the Christmas
taining pork. Thanks! dinner. Please talk to Judith or Laurie to volunteer. Worship
*** *** Cameron Husband
Dec 9th - Ladies Christmas Dinner There is a kids Christmas fun day on December 11th. Vol- Education
Jan 14th - Spa Night unteers are needed to make it work. A sign-up sheet will
Feb 8th - Cake Decorating be posted. For more information talk to Judith or Laurie. Laurie Bouchard
Mar 19th - Ladies Day / Theme Supper ***
April 8/9th - Mini Retreat ADULT BIBLE STUDY Outreach
May 24th - Kennedy Memorial Gardens The Adult Bible Study will be over for the rest of Decem- Jim Sedor
June 14th - Tea House, Fairlight ber, and will resume at the building on January 13th with
*** an introduction to the Sycamore series.
Tonight at 7:00pm at the Kipling Lutheran Church Owen King
Several of our congregation are singing in the choir. Please
come and show your support and praise for all of their Maintenance
hard work. There will be a silver collection at the door with
Garnet Goud
the proceeds going to the Kipling Youth Centre and the
Health Foundation.
*** Finance
On December 9 at 6:30pm all ladies are invited to join the www.jointheconspiracy.net
Volume 10, Issue 5 December 5, 2010 www.moosemountainchurch.com
 All of those walking through grief.
ad·vent [ad-vent]
 Arnold Lawrence
 Marie McMillan 1. a coming into place, view, or being; arrival: the advent of th
 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard - Missionaries in e holiday season.
Mexico 2. the coming of Christ into the world.
 Joe Fox—recovery from surgery.
con·spir·a·cy [kuh n-spir-uh-see]
 Verna and Harold’s Sister Linda recovering from
car accident –noun
1. the act of conspiring.
 Chris Cornforth—continued health concerns. 2. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about
 Joe Cornforth, continued emotional and health a given result.
This Christmas, what if our celebration wasn’t about
 Catherine Taylor– seeing continued success and
consumerism? What if, instead, we made it about worshipping
healing after her surgery.
fully, and spending less so that we can give more. This is pre-
 Nancy Martinson—(Heather Kings Sister-in-law) cisely what Christ came near for, to make a profound impact on
Pray for success in cancer treatments. the world. Over the centuries, the significant impact of Christ’s
 Candy Wise—undergoing another surgery for an coming has melted away into spending, rushing, and the O-so-
aneurism. Pray for success. famous question, “what do you want for Christmas!” I know, I
know, Jesus wasn’t born in December or on the 25th, but HE
 Tammy Palmer—continued health concerns
WAS BORN! That God came into this world deserves, at the very
 Neil Palmer—Verna’s Cousin recovering from five least our worship! The Christmas celebration, historically, was
bypass surgery birthed out of pagan celebrations. The heart of it’s inception was
 Pam’s Uncle, John Dyck had open heart surgery. pure, early Christians thought that there was no greater reason to
celebrate than God coming into the world. What’s changed? Do
 Pam’s cousin Julie’s husband passed away from we believe that there is no greater joy than Jesus, His birth, His
cancer leaving behind 2 young sons and a widow.
life, His Death, His burial, and His resurrection?
 Pam’s step brother in the Hospital in Regina. In a world where Christmas is a consumer holiday, lights, trees
 Joe’s brother Dan was in a roll over with his and all the other accoutrements, what would happen if we recap-
tanker truck. He sustained some neck and back tured the joy of Christmas by worshipping fully, spending less,
injuries and will be out of work for a while. giving more, and loving all? Maybe the world would see the sig-
nificant impact that the coming of Christ has had on us!
 Krista Dolphin’s arm is broken, pray for a speedy www.jointheconspiracy.net
 Mary Elford—recently diagnosed with cancer. This year we will be taking up a special collection on
She is trying to get in for surgery as soon as possi- December 26th. The proceeds will go toward digging a well in
ble. India through the direct sponsorship of Compassion Canada.
 Upcoming weddings: Trevor and Raysha, and To give you an idea how much we will need to raise, it costs
Abby Hannah (recently engaged). $1500 to dig one well. This one well will service a family or
village. Please be praying about supporting such a project. If
 Glen and Kay—on their journey to Arizona
you would like, there are gift catalogues available for other
 Cody’s victory at agribition– thank God for His ideas on how you can support those stricken by poverty in
continued safety.
 Jeremy Hengen’s Dad Passed away
 Pamela King—pray for her personal well-being.
 That Christ would be made known throughout
this Christmas Season.

...and pray in the Spirit on all occasions...

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see http://biblewordgames.com and www.reverendfun.com

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Every Sunday: 11:03am (306)577

(306)577--2477 info@moosemountainchurch.com Join The Conspiracy!

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