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Linear and Nonlinear Lesson Plan

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DATE: MARCH 19, 2019

A. Content Standard
- The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-
American Literature and other text types serve as means of
connecting to the world; also how to use ways of analyzing one-
act play and different forms of verbals for him/her to skilfully
perform in an one-act play.
B. Performance Standard
- The learner skilfully performs in one-act play through utilizing
effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources
based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, and
Dramatic Conventions.
C. Learning Objective
1. Differentiate linear and non-linear texts.
2. Construct an example of linear and non-linear texts and
interpret them.
3. Organize information in chronological sequence for better
understanding of growth, change, recurring events, cause and
effect, and key events of historical, social, and scientific
A. Topic:
- Linear and Non-linear Texts.
B. Reference:
- Almonte, L.R., et. Al. 2014. A Journey Through Anglo-American
Literature: Learner’s Material 9. Department of Education. Pasig
City, Philippines, pp. 105 and 110.
- Teacher’s Guide for English 9, pp. 105 and 110.
- Palero, Jm. English 9. Linear vs. Non-linear Text. Retrieved
from https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/jmpalero/english-9-
C. Instructional Materials:
- Powerpoint/ Visual Aids
D. Value Integration:
- Organization of useful information in one’s life.
E. Subject Integration
- Biology and History.
A. Routinary Activities
1. Greetings
2. Collection of Assignment
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

B. Review

- Our lesson last meeting

Class, what was your lesson last
was all about diphthongs.

Very good! Can someone tell me - A diphthong is a vowel

what a diphthong is? sound containing two
elements during the
articulation of which the
tongue, jaws, and lips
Correct! What are the eight
diphthongs again? - The eight diphthongs are:

ea (long e)

Well done!

C. Motivation

Now class, I have here an

activity that we will be doing
before our discussion starts.
Class, are you familiar with 4- - Yes ma’am.

Well, you’re in luck because

our game for today is four-
pics-one-word. But before we
start, I will first group you into
six groups.

(The teacher will group the - (The students will be

students into six) grouped into six)

Now, I have here one puzzle - Yes ma’am.

per group. Are you ready?

Okay, start!
1. - Answers:

1. Non-Linear

_ _ _-_ _ _ _ _ _
2. Linear

_ _
3. 3. Bar Graph

___ _____
4. Pie Chart

___ _____
5. 5. Newspaper

6. Magazine


Well done, class.

1. Presentation of the

Class, before we start our

discussion, here are our learning
objectives for today, can someone please
read the first objectives? - Sense the difference
between linear and non-
linear texts.
How about the second objective? - Construct an example of a
linear and non-linear text
and interpret them.
Very good. How about the last
objective? - Organize information in
chronological sequence for
better understanding of
growth, change, recurring
events, cause and effect
and key events of historical,
social, and scientific

Well done!
Now class, in our game, what are
the words that you got from the puzzle?
- The words are linear, non-
linear, bar graph, pie chart,
Very good. Now, based on the words newspaper and magazine.
from our activity do you now have an idea
of what our lesson will be today?

- It is about graphic
organizers, and newspapers
and magazines. These
Correct! But there is a specific name things are used for sharing
for these tools in imparting information. and getting information.
What do you think are they called?

- These tools are called

Very good! What is a non-linear text, Linear and Non-Linear
class? Texts.

- Non-linear text is a text

combined with visual
What do you mean by non- elements. In this text, the
sequential? reading is non-sequential.

- It means that it is not

Correct. Can you give me more arranged in a particular
example of a non-linear text? order or in a sequence.

- Ma’am, line graphs, bar

graphs, cycle diagrams, and
tables are examples of a
Well done. We come now to the non-linear text.
linear texts. What is a linear text, class?

- A linear text is the most

common type of reading. It
focuses on the arrangement
of the words, both
grammatically and

Very good. Can you give examples of

a linear text?

- The newspaper, magazines,

Correct! Now, are you familiar with stories, letters are examples
the Venn Diagram? of a linear text.
(The teacher will show an example
of a Venn Diagram) - Yes, ma’am.
Can someone tell me what the
diagram shows?

Very good. Can someone please - The Venn diagram shows

interpret the information presented in the the similarities and
Venn diagram? differences between orange
and apple.

- Both the apple and the

orange are fruits and both
grow on trees. On the other
hand, the color of the apple
is red while an orange is in
Well done! Now that you know how orange color. Lastly, when
to interpret a Venn diagram, we will now it comes to their outer
make a Venn diagram showing the cover, apple has a thin peel
similarities and differences of a Linear and while an orange has a
Non-Linear Text. Are you ready? leathery rind.

Okay, I have here the diagram.

- Yes, ma’am.

Very good, class! Now, I have here

another example of linear and non-linear
(The teacher will show a diagram of
a butterfly’s life cycle)

- ( The students will scan the

diagram and will be given
time to observe it)
Can you tell me what happened in
the picture or diagram? - The picture shows the
different stages of life of a
butterfly starting from an
egg, to a caterpillar or
larvae, then to chrysalis or
pupa and lastly, to a
butterfly again.

Very good. Now, I also have a linear

text of a butterfly’s life cycle. Please read,
class. - “The Life Cycle of a
Butterflies go through a life
cycle. The first stage, is
when a girl butterfly lays
egg. A butterfly first starts
out as an egg. The second
stage is the caterpillar,
sometimes called larvae. It
starts to eat leaves and
flowers. While they are in
this stage, all they do is eat.
Stage three is chrysalis or
pupa. This is when the
caterpillar is done growing.
The caterpillar starts to
change and turn into a
butterfly, in stage four, the
chrysalis opens. Soon a
butterfly comes out. The
butterfly will look for food
and later, a mate. As soon
as it finds a mate, it will
then lay eggs. The life cycle
will start all over again.
Excellent! Now, class what did you
notice with the two way of presenting
- The information presented
through a non-linear text is
more direct to the point and
much quicker to
understand. In a linear text
on the other hand, the
information given is more
complete and elaborate,
and easier to understand
Well done! Which do you prefer to
read, the linear text or the non-linear text?
- Ma’am, we prefer to read
non-linear text because it is
easier to read for students
like us, since the
Okay. Now, different people have information given is direct
different preferences on how they want and concise.
their information to be presented. Some
may like to read or use linear text since it
is the most common type of reading, but
sometimes, it takes more time to read than
non-linear texts.
How about linear texts, what are its
advantages and disadvantages?
- A non-linear text is
sometimes more
complicated to read but it is
a good way of practicing
our comprehension and
reading skills. The
information given using
this tool is also more direct
to the point, thus, saving
Very good, class. Did you more time when reading it.
understand our lesson well?
Okay. - Yes, ma’am.

A. Activity

Class, earlier, we made a non-

linear text in a form of a Venn
Diagram, right?
- Yes, ma’am.
Now, what are we going to do is
the same but with a twist. You
are going to make, not only a
non-linear text but also a linear
text out of the information below:
1. No. of Teachers in SAIS
trained on K-12
- English- 5 teachers
- Science- 6 teachers
- Math- 4 teachers
- Filipino- 3 teachers
- A.P. – 2 teachers
- E.S.P. – 1 teacher
- MAPEH- 3 teachers
- TLE- 5 teachers
Linear: Rap Song - (Students’ linear text
Non-Linear: Bar Graph output may vary)

- (Students’ linear text

output may vary)

Very good, class!

- (Students’ linear text
b. Analysis output may vary)

Class, you now know that

graphic organizers such as charts and
graphs are called non-linear texts right?
Can someone tell me why they - Yes, ma’am.
are called non-linear texts? - They are called non-linear
text because in this type of
text, the information are
presented not just with
text, but alongside
graphical representation of
data. Because of this, the
reading path is non-linear
and non-sequential, thus, it
Very good! How about linear is called non-linear text.
- It is called linear text
because the reader make
sense of the text according
to the arrangement of
Correct. And in such reading words.
path there is a sequential time to the text.
Now, where can we find non-linear texts
such as graphs, tables, and charts?
- We can find it everywhere
from books to walls of
Very good! schools and offices.

(The teacher will show pictures

of the non-linear texts found in the school’s - (The students will state
corridor) where they’ve seen those
Very good!
As you can see class, linear and
non-linear types of information can be
found all over us. Not just in books or
other references but in real life as well.
Did you understand?
Okay. - Yes, ma’am.

c. Abstraction

Class, what is a linear text?

- A linear text is the most
common type of reading. It
focuses on the arrangement
of the words both
grammatically and
Correct! Can you give examples? stylistically.
- Examples of linear texts are
essay, newspaper, and
Very good! How about non-linear stories.
- Non-linear text is a text
combined with visual
elements. In this text, the
Well done! Can you give me reading is non-sequential.
some examples of a non-linear text?
Okay. Did you understand our - Ma’am, graphs, diagrams
lesson today, class? and tables.

d. Application - Yes, ma’am.

Class, you have already

experienced how to make a linear and non-
linear text using the given information.
This time we are going to make a
timeline of your life. Do you know what a
timeline is? - Yes, ma’am.

Very good. It is usually a graphic - Yes, ma’am. Timeline is a

design showing a long bar labelled with list of events in
dates and usually events. chronological order.
I have here an example:

Can someone please interpret

the information given in the timeline?

- Ma’am, the timeline shows

the life of Martin Luther
King Jr, He was born in
1929 in Atlanta. In 1953,
he married Corretta Scott,
two years later, in 1955,
the Montgomery Bus
Boycott occurred. In 1963,
the march in Washington
D.C. occurred where Martin
participated and he
delivered his famous
Okay. You can add more speech titled “I Have a
significant information in your timeline like Dream”. In 1968, he was
date of your graduation, date when you killed in Memphis.
meet someone special or any special days
in your life. Did you understand?
After making a timeline, you are
going to make an interpretation of it in a
form of a linear text. Are the instructions
clear? - Yes, ma’am.
Okay, you can start now.

Very good, class!

- Yes, ma’am.
E. Valuing - (The students will start
doing their activity.)
Now, class we have done
different activities concerning our topic for
today, right?
Why do you think we have to
learn how to make and interpret this
- Yes, ma’am.

- Because they can be a

useful tool for us in the
Very good. What are the future. It can also improve
purposes of these tools? our ability to understand
and comprehend

Correct. In what sequence or - To help us impart

order are these information usually information and also to aid
presented? in organizing these
Well done! Why is it that we use
these tools to show or share information? - In chronological order.

- For us to better understand

the growth, change,
Correct! Do you think these recurring events, cause and
types of text is important in our life? effect and key events of
historical, social, and
scientific significance.
Very good! - Yes, ma’am because it
makes presentation and
IV. EVALUATION sharing of information
Class, get ¼ sheet of paper and
prepare for a quiz.

Directions: Read each item

carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
1. Which among the choices
best describes a linear text?
a. It is a type of text
combined with visual
b. It is a text only and is the 1. B
most common type of
c. It is a text which shows
the list of events in one’s
d. It is a text which shows
the similarities and
differences of two or more
2. Which among the choices
best describes a non-linear
a. It is a type of text
combined with visual
b. It is a text only and is the
most common type of
reading. 2. A
c. It is a text which shows
the list of events in one’s
d. It is a text which shows
the similarities and
differences of two or more
3. Which is an example of a
linear text?
a. Organizational chart
b. Venn diagram
c. Timeline
d. Newspaper
4. Which is an example of non-
linear text? 3. D
a. Books
b. Timeline
c. Poem
d. Newspaper

- Observe the timeline below 4. B

an answer the
corresponding questions.
Sumuroy’s Revolt

Gov. General Fajardo
ordered people in Samar to
send men to work in Cavite

The people of Samar did not

heed his order.

A revolt started, led by Juan

Sumuroy of Palapag

The uprising began on June

1 and they killed the parish
priest of Palapag.

Sumuroy was capture and

later executed.
5. Which among the choices
below best explains the
information in the timeline?
a. The timeline shows the life
of Juan Ponce Sumuroy.
b. The timeline shows
greatness and bravery of
c. The timeline shows the
greatnes and bravery of
d. The timeline shows how
Sumuroy and the people
of Samar led the revolt
against the greedy

Possible Answer:

My dream 1. People will
is… not fight
each other.
There will be
2. Less
3. Everyone
will have
I HAVE A chances -
DREAM for - G
everything od
b they want ye,
Goodbye, class. See you next meeting. and they


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