Filigree Jewellery For Growth
Filigree Jewellery For Growth
Filigree Jewellery For Growth
Filigree Jewellery
for Growth
While gold filigree mostly
produced in Bengal
remains a hit, the
intricate craft is slowly
diminishing in Odisha,
t’s delicate, almost fragile, and Time-honoured craft But in its contemporary form,
the texture is reminiscent traditions filigree practice in India draws from the
of lace. Filigree has been To members and stakeholders in the technique’s rich heritage in Odisha, where
traditionally associated Indian jewellery industry, filigree hardly the art of filigree initially developed and
with fine craftsmanship and requires any introduction. The technique flourished. The tarakashi filigree is a
luxurious designs in classical jewellery. of ornamental metalwork gained favour long-standing tradition of crafting jewels,
The art of filigree has been utilised to craft among jewellers who found it possible practised by karigars in the eastern regions
artefacts for many centuries now, but its to use it to create fine, delicate jewellery of the state, primarily Cuttack. While
popularity rests on its incorporation into in gold and silver and more sporadically, practitioners in Cuttack traditionally
traditional jewellery. In Bengal, whose in other metals as well. Filigree has been employed silver in creating filigree
karigars are revered as being among the employed in crafting jewellery in cultures jewellery, the technique received a new
best makers of jewellery in the country, across the world – records show its use in lease of life as it gradually travelled to the
filigree has become an indispensable part ancient Greek and Phoenician civilizations neighbouring state of Bengal.
of the state’s cultural and artistic legacy. and it was a popular technique utilised
Thanks to the highly-skilled craftsmen and in Europe in the late medieval centuries Gold filigree popular
enterprising jewellery houses in the state, as well. But today, filigree has come to When it comes to sales figures, gold
filigreed gold jewels today constitute a be associated very intimately with the filigree jewellery is still shining brightly.
substantial portion of gold jewellery being jewellery craft in India, and, in particular, It is mainly artisans from Bengal working
sold within and outside the country. the state of Bengal. within the state or scattered across the
Iraq. Even in India, every store is sure Nilesh Parekh are however optimistic
to stock some amount of gold filigree about the future, especially with the
jewellery.” impending opening of an Indian Institute
Today, the craft has come to be of Gems & Jewellery (IIGJ) in Domjur,
country who are involved in the creation intimately connected with Bengal not West Bengal, where emphasis will be
of these metalwork wonders. Pankaj merely from a commercial perspective but laid on teaching artisans the means and
Parekh, vice-chairman of the Gem and also a traditional one. “Bengal has been a methods of employing new technology
Jewellery Export Promotion Coucil centre for both gold jewellery and the craft in creating innovative designs using
(GJEPC), sheds light on the astounding of filigree,” says Nilesh Parekh adding that traditional jewellery crafts such as filigree.
contribution of Bengali karigars in the sale what makes gold filigree so popular and It is also being hoped that the institute
of gold, saying that an average of 200 kilos successful is a combination of factors such will encourage young people to join the
of gold per day is crafted by the artisans in as cost-effectiveness, ingenuity of design industry.
and around the state. and immaculate craftsmanship. Filigree’s flourishing status in Bengal
Almost three-fourths of the massive In a market where gold prices are has much to do with the patronage
volumes of gold jewellery being crafted high, incorporating filigree designs have provided to the craft’s practitioners
for both domestic and international a number of advantages. To begin with, by the people of the state. Bengalis are
markets incorporate some amount of the signature wirework ensures that the traditional customers of gold filigree and
filigree. As Nilesh Parekh, chairman of pieces are lightweight and bigger pieces it’s practically impossible, even now to
the Kolkata-based manufacturers Shree can be crafted by the use of minimal gold. find a Bengali bride who will not have at
Ganesh Jewellery House Limited, puts it, To use a single design element in covering least a few pieces of filigreed jewellery in
“Since the expansion of export markets more surface area of the pieces, a few years her trousseau.