Covid 19 Dan Rokok PDF
Covid 19 Dan Rokok PDF
Covid 19 Dan Rokok PDF
Smoking is associated with one of five deaths in the United States. Multimodality tobacco
treatment increases rates of successful cessation by at least 20%. The coronavirus disease
2019 pandemic has put a halt to many inpatient and outpatient medical visits that have been
deemed nonessential, including tobacco treatment. The transition to telehealth has been
wrought with challenges. Although data on the association between coronavirus disease 2019
and tobacco products are mixed, the overall health consequences of tobacco point towards
increased risk of morbidity and death that is associated with the virus. This leaves smoking as
one of the few readily modifiable risk factors in an environment understandably not set up to
prioritize cessation. A military health facility on Fort Eustis in Virginia runs a successful tobacco
treatment program and adapted it to pandemic times. This article describes the process and
lessons learned from this initiative. The model is applicable and scalable to government and
civilian health centers as health care adapts to a new normal. CHEST 2020; 158(4):1770-1776
KEY WORDS: COVID-19; pandemic; public health; smoking cessation; tobacco treatment
Smoking has been shown to be a risk factor with those who did not smoke.7 Although it
for disease severity and poor outcomes in is unclear to what extent the severity and
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), management of these conditions mitigate
which is the disease caused by severe acute risk,1 no other risk factors are as immediately
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- modifiable as smoking.
CoV-2).1-3 It has been shown to increase the
Some researchers suggest a protective effect
risk of the development of various types of
of smoking and COVID-19 based on
viral infections and the incidence of
complications.4 Current smoking is epidemiologic data that were not controlled
for age and comorbidities and cell signaling
associated with poorer outcomes in those
hypotheses that were based on animal data.
with severe sepsis and septic shock5 and the
Although they have garnered media
development of acute respiratory disease
attention, they all conclude that the
syndrome in hospitalized patients.6 In a
cumulative risk of tobacco to the health of an
study that predicted the 90-day mortality
individual outweighs the theoretic benefits.8,9
rate from viral pneumonias (including
coronaviruses) in hospitalized patients, The Centers for Disease Control and
smokers were twice as likely to die compared Prevention and the World Health
ABBREVIATIONS: ACE 2 = Angiotensin converting enzyme 2; COVID- CORRESPONDENCE TO: Adam Edward Lang, PharmD, McDonald
19 = coronavirus disease 2019; SARS-CoV-2 = severe acute respiratory Army Health Center, 576 Jefferson Ave, Fort Eustis, VA 23604; e-mail:
syndrome coronavirus 2
AFFILIATIONS: From the Department of Primary Care (Dr Lang), Published by Elsevier Inc. under license from the American College of
McDonald Army Health Center, Fort Eustis, VA; and the Department Chest Physicians.
of Neurology (Dr Yakhkind), University of Pennsylvania Health Sys- DOI:
tem, Philadelphia, PA. 1771
TABLE 1 ] Barriers to Tobacco Treatment Campaign in the Time of Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Solutions
Variable Barrier Solution
Message Patients not subscribed to patient portal Counsel patients on signing up for patient portal
Administrators too busy to send messages to Send message to all organization constituents, not just
constituents administrators, and Reminder e-mail messages
Low electronic communication literacy Telephone line availability, advertising with television and
Limited clinic phone answering capabilities Forward clinic number to personal or home phone of
due to quarantine providers or staff
Behavioral Lack of provider time and expertise for Involve behavioral health specialists
health counselling
Social isolation Provide with online and phone-based counseling support
Resources Potential for overwhelming response, lack of Use clinic staff and questionnaires to gather medical and
provider time tobacco history
Primary care managers busy with surge Use clinical pharmacy or other providers who are certified in
responsiveness tobacco treatment
Not all tobacco treatment trained staff have Authorize standing order for tobacco treatment
prescribing authority medications
Virus exposure Use the mail-order pharmacy, 90-day prescriptions, and
telehealth 1773
tobacco cessation was created by the American Lung Rodent studies have shown a reduction in ACE2
Association.17 Long term, the widespread expression with cigarette smoke and nicotine in rats
implementation of telehealth may allow us to provide with pulmonary arterial hypertension due to
tobacco treatment to those in more rural areas who smoking.32,33 Although down-regulation of ACE2 could
previously would not have had the ability to follow up in decrease SARS-CoV-2 infection,8 it leads to an increase
person on a monthly basis. in vasoconstriction, vascular permeability,
inflammation, and acute lung injury downstream.
Review of the Literature Human studies have shown that cigarette smoke actually
There is no template for telehealth, let alone tobacco up-regulates ACE2 expression in the lungs, which could
treatment, during a pandemic. The literature that does lead to an increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection.34,35
exist is in support of such an intervention. Smoking has Either way, the effects of nicotine and smoking on
innumerable adverse health effects, and evidence points COVID-19 infection are inconclusive at best. Even if
towards increased disease severity and worse outcomes there was an protective effect of nicotine, nicotine
in patients who smoke and experience COVID-19.1-3 replacement therapy is substantially safer and less habit-
Also, the use of inhaled products or smokeless tobacco forming than tobacco use; clinical trials would be needed
requires the user to put their hands near their mouth, to determine the efficacy and safety of this approach.
which increases the risk of transmission of disease.18 A Overall, there are many deleterious effects that nicotine
better understanding of the interplay between smoking exhibits on the human body, so for now, the definite
and COVID-19 can help us learn more about the risks outweigh the potential benefits.
pathophysiologic effect of each of them individually and
Coagulation and Cardiovascular
identify targets for possible therapies and interventions.
In our review of the literature, we found that both severe Smoking, along with high nicotine and cotinine levels,
acute respiratory syndrome-related coronaviruses and have been shown to put smokers in a prothrombotic
smoking dysregulate the immune system, cell signaling, state.36 Risk of VTE has been shown to be higher in
coagulation, and the cardiovascular system, which smokers than former smokers or nonsmokers and may
cumulatively can lead to poor outcomes. cause a synergistic effect when combined with COVID-
19, which triggers the extrinsic coagulation cascade
Immune Modulation through cytokine storm.37-39 Interim guidance from the
Cigarette smoke has been shown to up-regulate International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
inflammation through activation of nuclear factor has recommended prophylactic dose low-molecular-
kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells, tumor weight heparin for all patients who are admitted to the
necrosis factor-a, IL-1beta, and neutrophils19,20 and to hospital for COVID-19 without contraindications.38
down-regulate successful immune function.21-24 This This guidance may be of even greater importance in
effect is proportional to an increase in smoking and does smokers.
not subside immediately after discontinuation of
Myocarditis is another complication that is associated
use.25-27 Patients with SARS-CoV-2 have been shown to
with COVID-19 through an unclear mechanism.40
have elevated levels of the inflammatory cytokines
Smoking has been correlated with myocarditis in
tumor necrosis factor-a, IL-2R, and IL-6 on
people41 and has been shown to exacerbate the severity
presentation, and the virus causes lymphocytopenia.28,29
of viral myocarditis in mice through a presumed
Cell Signaling and Viral Entry mechanism of catecholamine and adrenergic agonism.42
The mechanisms that coronaviruses use to get into cells
affect downstream signaling pathways that may Conclusion
potentiate immune system dysregulation in parallel with Tobacco treatment is important to decrease the risks of a
smoking. SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 enter cells myriad of health conditions. Quitting smoking during a
through cell wall proteins related to the renin- pandemic is an unprecedented challenge for patients
angiotensin system.30 The SARS-CoV spike (S) protein, and health care providers. We describe the process
once bound to Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 through which we learned the steps that lead to a
(ACE2), expeditiously down-regulates ACE2 successful tobacco treatment campaign in the setting of a
expression31; it is presumed that SARS-CoV-2 has the pandemic. They include a standing order for medication
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