Reviewer CA
Reviewer CA
Reviewer CA
TOPIC: INTRODUCTIONS to Non-Institutional Corrections
By the end of the orientation/overview, the students are expected to:
1. Analyze and explain what is Non-Institutional Correction;
2. Compare/Contrast Non-Institutional Correction to that of the Institutional Correction
3. Restate at least ten (10) vocabulary words on this particular TOPIC in CA2.
(If you have access to LMS MOODLE, you are instructed to open your Moodle account
and study the lesson as shown in the Power point presentation.)
Non-Institutional correction (Community Correction)
-That aspect of the correctional enterprise that includes pardon, probation, and parole activities,
correctional administration not directly connectable to institutions, and miscellaneous (activity)
not directly related to institutional care.
Scope of Community Corrections
-Community corrections: is a sanction in which offenders serve some or all their sentence in the
Community sentence seeks to:
1. Repair the harm the offender has caused the victim or the Community
2. Provide for public safety
3. Rehabilitate and promote effective reintegration
SPAN of Community-based sanctions:
1. Protection of the Public A major criticism of traditional probation and parole has been
the failure to protect the public from future criminal acts this criticism can be addressed
in several ways:
Appropriate risk assessment must be utilized to select appropriate offenders
The supervision of offenders should include proper monitoring of compliance
with conditions
Violations of supervised conditions must be taken seriously
2. Rehabilitation
A goal of community corrections programs is to correct inadequacies that contribute to
criminal behavior.
Typical problems encountered include drug or alcohol addiction, lack of emotional
control, inadequate education or vocational training, lack of parenting skills, mental
illness and developmental disability.
3. Correctional treatment or programming is the means by which offenders receive
assistance for their problems. Proponents believe that if the issues related to criminal
behavior for certain offenders are addressed, recidivism can be reducedbetween10 and
60% BUT
The Corrections Program Assessment Inventory (CPAI) indicates that only10-20% of all
correctional treatment programs are “high quality” The key is to replace ineffective
programs with one that work.
4. Community Reintegration The 1967 President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and
Administration of Justice introduced the term “reintegration”. Institutions isolate
offenders physically and psychologically.
What is special time allowance for loyalty of prisoner?
P r e j u d i c i a l q u e s ti o n i s a n e x c e p ti o n t o t h e r u l e t h a t t h e criminal
acti on shall be decided fi rst and that the civil acti on should be suspended. What is prejudicial
It is a question is one which arises in a case, the resolution of which is a logical antecedent of the issue
involved in said case, and the cognizance of which pertains to another tribunal.
1. PROBATION– I t i s a d i s p o s i ti o n w h e r e b y a d e f e n d a n t , a ft e r
conviction of an offense, the penalty of which does not exceed 6 years of imprisonment, is released
subject to the conditi ons imposed by the releasing court and under the supervision of a probation
officer.P r o b a ti o n i s a s u b s ti t u t e f o r i m p r i s o n m e n t , t h e p r o b a ti o n e r i s c o m p a r e d
t o a n o u t - p a ti e n t , a s i c k p e r s o n w h o d o e s n o t n e e d t o b e hospitalized because his
illness is considered less
serious.P r e s i d e n ti a l D e c r e e 9 6 8 o t h e r w i s e k n o w n a s t h e “ P h i l i p p i n e Probation Law”
approved and took effect on July 24, 1976. Section 18, PD 968 as amended states the creati on of
Probati onAdministrati onu n d e r t h e D O J , w h i c h s h a l l e x e r c i s e s g e n e r a l s u p e r
v i s i o n o v e r a l l probationers.
P a r o l e i s t h e p r o c e s s o f s u s p e n d i n g t h e s e n t e n c e o f a c o n v i c t after having served
the minimum of his sentence without granting him pardon, and prescribing the terms upon
which the sentence shall be suspended. (Cirilo Tradio).It is a decision by an authority constituted
accordingly by
statutet o d e t e r m i n e t h e p o r ti o n o f t h e s e n t e n c e , w h i c h t h e i n m a t e c a n c
o m p l e t e o u t s i d e o f t h e i n s ti t u ti o n . I t i s t h e s t a t u s o f s e r v i n g t h e remain
der of the sentence of a convict in the community in
accordancew i t h t h e r u l e s a n d r e g u l a ti o n s s e t - u p b y t h e B o a r d
o f P a r o l e . (Correctional and Parole Administration).* P a r o l e i s n o t a r e w a r d p e r s e f o r
g o o d b e h a v i o r b u t r a t h e r , i t i s a follow-up of his institutional program.* P a r o l e i s n o t
c l a i m e d a s a r i g h t b u t i t i s g r a n t e d b y t h e B o a r d a s a privilege to a qualified prisoner.
C o n d i ti o n a l p a r d o n s e r v e s t h e p u r p o s e o f r e l e a s i n g , t h r o u g h e x e c u ti v e c l
e m e n c y , a p r i s o n e r w h o i s a l r e a d y r e f o r m e d o r
rehabilitated but who cannot be paroled because the parole law does not apply to him.
Under the Probation Law of 1976, PPA is mandated to:
•P r o m o t e t h e c o r r e c ti o n a n d r e h a b i l i t a ti o n o f a n o ff e n d e r b y providing him
with individualized treatment;
•Provide an opportunity for the reformation of a penitent
offenderw h i c h m i g h t b e l e s s p r o b a b l e i f h e w e r e t o s e r v e a p r i s o n
sentence; and
•Prevent the commission of offenses.
The PAROLE AND PROBATION ADMINISTRATION - (PPA)'s mission is to rehabilitate
probati oners, parolees and pardonees and promote their development as integral persons
by uti lizing innovati ve interventi ons and techniques which respect the dignity of and
recognize his divine destiny.
A model component of the Philippine Correcti onal System to enhance the quality of life of its
clients through multi-disciplinary programs
andr e s o u r c e s , a n e ffi c i e n t o r g a n i z a ti o n , a n d a h i g h l y p r o f e s s i o n a l a n d c o m m i t
t e d w o r k f o r c e i n o r d e r t o p r o m o t e s o c i a l j u s ti c e a n d develop
Programs and Services
A. Post-Sentence Investigation.
Aft er convicti on and sentence, a convicted off ender or his counsel files a petition for
probation with the trail court, who in
turno r d e r s t h e P r o b a ti o n O ffi c e r t o c o n d u c t a p o s t -
s e n t e n c e investi gati on to determine whether a convicted off ender may be placed on
probati on or not. The role of the probati on offi cer in this phase is to conduct the post-
sentence investi gati on and to submit his report to the court within the period not later than 60
days from receipt of the order of the Court to conduct the said investigation.
The PAROLE AND PROBATION ADMINISTRATION - (PPA)c o n d u c t s p r e - p a r o l e
i n v e s ti g a ti o n o f a l l s e n t e n c e d p r i s o n e r s confined in prisons and jails within their
Purpose of Pre-Parole Investigation
The purpose is to determine whether off enders confi ned
inp r i s o n s / j a i l s a r e q u a l i fi e d f o r p a r o l e o r a n y f o r m o f e x e c u ti v e c l e m e n
c y a n d t o d i s c u s s w i t h t h e m t h e i r p l a n s a ft e r r e l e a s e . Probation officers
submit their pre-parole assessment reports to the Board of Pardons and Parole.
T h e A g e n c y s u p e r v i s e s t w o t y p e s o f o ff e n d e r s u n d e r conditional release:
Community Linkages
Probati on/Parole, as a community-based treatment program, depends on available resources
in the community for the rehabilitation of off enders. Thus, the Agency, recognizing the
important role of
thec o m m u n i t y a s a r e h a b i l i t a ti o n a g e n t , i n v o l v e s t h e c o m m u n i t y i n p r o b
a ti o n w o r k t h r o u g h t h e u s e o f v o l u n t e e r w o r k e r s a n d w e l f a r e agencies
Origins of probation and parole
Despite the differences between probation and parole, there are many similarities
between the two types of community corrections. Both were initially
developed as methods to mitigate the severity of punishment.
During the time of King Henry VIII, for instance, no less than 200c r i m e s w e r e
p u n i s h a b l e b y d e a t h , m a n y o f w h i c h w e r e m i n o r offenses.
Two names are most closely associated with the founding of probation:
1899The first juvenile court was established in Chic
a g o . Formalization of the concept of Intake is credited to the founders of the
Illinois juvenile court
1901- Had its beginning the Probation in New York State, with the
enactment of the first probation in the state.
1928- the Office of the Director of Probation was created. The State's
Division of Probation remained within the Department of Corrections until 1970
when it was organized as a separate state agency within the
Executive Department.
1944- a law was passed in the United States requiring all states for the
appointment of probation officers.
Edward Savage
W h a t i s P D N o . 9 6 8 , a s a m e n d e d b y P D 1 2 5 7 , B P 7 6 , a n d P D 1990?
It is a decree establishing a Probation System.
What is Probation?
What is Probation Officer?
It is one who investigates for the court referral for probation or supervises a
probationer or both.
Is Probation a Right?
No, it is a mere privilege. It is a privilege granted by the court; it
cannot be availed of as a matter of right by a
personc o n v i c t e d o f a c r i m e . T o b e a b l e t o e n j o y t h e b
e n e f i t s o f probation, it must first be shown that an applicant has none
of the disqualifications imposed by law.
A person can apply for Probation if he/she is a convicted offender who is eighteen
(18) years old or above and a first offender.
When probation shall be denied Probation shall be denied if the court finds that: the
offender is in need of correctional treatment that
canb e p r o v i d e d m o s t e f f e c t i v e l y b y h i s c o m m i t m e n t t o a n
institution; or there is an undue risk that during the period of probation, the
offender will commit another crime; or
p r o b a t i o n w i l l d e p r e c i a t e t h e s e r i o u s n e s s o f t h e o f f e n s e committed. The
grant or denial of an application for probation does not rest solely on the offender’s
potentiality to reform but also on the observance of demands of justice and public
interest. (Tolentinovs. Alconcel, 121 SCRA 92)
What is Post-Sentence Investigation?
The Probation Officer shall submit to the court the investigation report on a
defendant not later than 60 days from receipt of the order of said court to conduct
Who are the offenders disqualified from being placed
o n probation?
Those sentenced to serve a maximum term of imprisonment of more
than six (6) years and one (1) day and above;
Those convicted of subversion or any crime against the national security or
public order;
Those convicted who were previously convicted by fi
n a l judgment of an offense punished by imprisonment of not
l e s s than one month and one day and / or a fine not more than two
hundred pesos (P 200.00);
Those who have been once on probation under the provisions of the law; and
Those who are already serving sentence at the time the substantive provisions of
the law became applicable pursuant to Section 33 thereof.
Those whose conviction is on appeal.
May an offender be released from confinement while h
i s application for Probation is pending?
-Yes, the applicant may be released under the bail he filed in the criminal case, or under
How many times can one be granted Probation?
-Only once; that the probation granted to the offender.
W h a t w i l l h a p p e n i f a p r o b a t i o n e r v i o l a t e s t h e c o n d i t i o n s o f proba
-The court may modify the conditions of probation or revoke the same. If the
violation is serious, the court may order the probationer to serve his sentence. The
probationer may also arrested and criminally prosecuted if the violation is a
criminal offense.
When may a probationer be arrested, and what
i s t h e disposition once he is arrested?
The violation of the conditions of probation must be serious to justify the issuance
of a warrant of arrest.
The defendant may be admitted to bail pending hearing.
The hearing is summary in nature, but the probationer shall have the right to be
informed of the violation charged and to adduce evidence in his favor.
Court is not bound by the technical rules of evidence. If the violation is
established, the court may revoke or continue his probation and modify
the conditions thereof.
If revoked, the court shall order the probationer to serve the sentence originally
The order revoking the grant of probation or modifying the term and conditions
thereof is not appealable. (Circumlocutory Order)
Advantages of Probation:
The convicted criminal offender can continue to work in his place of
It prevents the tendency of broken homes.3 . I t r e l i e v e s p r i s o n
Transfer of Residence
Whenever a probationer is permitted to reside in a place under the
jurisdiction of another court, control over him shall be transferred to the
executive judge of the "Court of First Instance" of that place, a n d i n s u c h
c a s e , a c o p y o f t h e P r o b a t i o n O r d e r , t h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n report and other
pertinent records shall be furnished to said executive judge. Thereafter, the
executive judge to whom jurisdiction over the p r o b a t i o n e r i s t r a n s f e r r e d
shall have the power with respect to
himt h a t w a s p r e v i o u s l y p o s s e s s e d b y t h e c o u r t w h i c h g r a
n t e d t h e probation.
Revocation of Probation
At any time during probation, the court may issue a warrant for the arrest
of a probationer for any serious violation of the conditions
of p r o b a t i o n . T h e p r o b a t i o n e r , o n c e a r r e s t e d a n d d e t a i n e d
, s h a l l immediately be brought before the court for a hearing of the violation charged.
The defendant may be admitted to bail pending such
hearing.I n s u c h c a s e , t h e p r o v i s i o n s r e g a r d i n g r e l e a s e o n b a i l o f
p e r s o n s charged with crime shall be applicable to probationers arrested under this
provision. An order revoking the grant of probation or modifying the terms and
conditions thereof shall not be appealable
Termination of Probation
After the period of probation and upon consideration of the report and recommendation
of the probation officer, the court may order thefinal discharge of the probationer upon
finding that he has fulfilled
thet e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s o f h i s p r o b a t i o n a n d t h e r e u p o n t h e c a s
e i s deemed terminated.
What is parole?
The process of suspending the sentence of a convict after having served minimum of his
sentence without granti ng him pardon, and prescribing the
t e r m s u p o n w h i c h t h e s e n t e n c e s h a l l b e suspended.
It is a procedure by which prisoners are selected for released and a service by which they are
provided with the necessary controls, a s s i s t a n c e a n d g u i d a n c e a s t h e y s e r v e t h e
r e m a i n d e r o f t h e i r sentence in the free community.
It is a form of conditional released that is granted after a prisoner has served a portion of his
sentence in a correctional institution.
It is decision by an authority consti tuted accordingly by statute to determine the
portion of the sentence, which the inmates can complete outside of the institution. It is the
status of serving
ther e m a i n d e r o f t h e s e n t e n c e o f a c o n v i c t i n t h e c o m m u n i t y i n acc
ordance with the rules and regulati ons set-up by the Board and Parole.
parole is not a reward per se for good behavior but rather it is a follow-up of his insti tuti onal
program. It is not claimed as a matt er of right but a privilege to be granted by the board to
a qualified prisoner.
Who may grant Parole to a prisoner?The Board of Pardons and Parole, is an agency under the
offi ce of the Secretary of Justice.
When may a prisoner be granted Parole?
Whenever the Board of Pardons and Parole fi nds that there is a reasonable probability
that if released the prisoner will be law abiding citizen and that his released will not be
incompatible with the interest and welfare of society.
Origins of parole Parole comes from the French word parol referring to
"word" as in giving one's word of honor or promise.
I t h a s c o m e t o m e a n a n i n m a t e ' s p r o m i s e t o c o n d u c t h i m o r herself
in a law-abiding manner and according to certain rules in exchange for release.
In penal philosophy, parole is part of the general 19th-century trend in criminology
from punishment to reformation.
P r i o r t o t h e m i d - n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y m o s t o ff e n d e r s w e r e
sentenced to flat or determinate sentences in prison.
Under this type of sentencing, an off ender received a specifi c amount of time to serve
in prison for a specific crime.
This created a major problem when prisons became crowded.
Governors were forced to issue mass pardons or prison wardens had to randomly release
off enders to make room for entering prisoners.
In 1840, Maconochie was appointed governor of the notorious English penal colony at
Norfolk Island off the coast of Australia. At the time, English criminals were being transported to
Australiaa n d t h o s e s e n t t o N o r f o l k I s l a n d w e r e c o n s i d e r e
d " t w i c e condemned"; they had been shipped to Australia from England and
from Australia to the island.
C o n d i ti o n s w e r e s o b a d t h a t , a l l e g e d l y , m e n w h o r e c e i v e d reprieves
from the death penalty wept.
The first thing Maconochie did was to eliminate the flat sentence structure used in Norfolk at
the time of his arrival.
I n s t e a d o f r e q u i r i n g c o n v i c t s t o s e r v e t h e i r s e n t e n c e s w i t h n o hope of
release until the full sentence had been served, Maconochie initiated a"mark system"whereby a
convict could earn freedom by hard work and good behavior in the prison.
The earned marks could be used to purchase either goods or a reduction in sentence.
Prisoners had to pass through a series of stages beginning with strict imprisonment
through conditional release to final freedom.
Movement through the stages was dependent upon the number of marks accredited.
1. Strict imprisonment,
2. Indeterminate sentences,
3. and tickets-of-leave.
T h i s i n d e t e r m i n a t e s y s t e m o r I r i s h s y s t e m , a s i t c a m e t o b e known, permitt ed
convicts to earn marks to move from
solitaryc o n fi n e m e n t t o a r e t u r n t o t h e c o m m u n i t y o n a c o n d i ti o n a l pardon
or ticket-of-leave.
Zebulon Brockway
Z e b u l o n B r o c k w a y , a M i c h i g a n p e n o l o g i s t , i s u s u a l l y c r e d i t e d with initiating
indeterminate sentences and parole release in the United States.
Similar to Maconochie and Croft on, Brockway believed
inmatess h o u l d b e a b l e t o e a r n t h e i r w a y o u t o f p r i s o n t h r o u g h g o o
d behavior.
Thus, they should receive a sentence that could vary in length depending upon their
behavior in prison
First, it would provide a release valve for managing prison
Second it would be valuable in reforming offenders because they would be earning release
by demonstrating good behavior.
Brockway had the opportunity to pioneer this proposal
intop r a c ti c e i n 1 8 7 6 w h e n h e w a s a p p o i n t e d s u p e r i n t e n d e n t o f
Elmira Reformatory for youthful offenders in New York.
I n m a t e s a t E l m i r a w e r e g r a d e d o n t h e i r c o n d u c
t , achievement, and education.
On thebasis of their behavior in the
reformatory, theyw e r e g i v e n p a r o l e . V o l u n t e e r " g u a r d i a n s "
s u p e r v i s e d t h e p a r o l e e s a n d s u b m i tt e d w r i tt e n r e p o r t s d o c u m
e n ti n g t h e i r behavior in the community.
A conditi on of the parole was that the off ender report to the guardian each
Thus, by the turn of the century the major concepts underlying parole were in place in the United
(1) a r e d u c ti o n i n t h e s e n t e n c e o f i n c a r c e r a ti o n b a s e d o n g o
o d behavior in prison;(2) supervision of the parolee in the community; and(3) indeterminate
By 1901, twenty states had parole statutes and by
1944, every jurisdicti on in the United States had some form of parole
release and indeterminate sentencing.
What is Executive Clemency?
I t r e f e r s t o C o m m u t a ti o n o f S e n t e n c e , A b s o l u t e a n d C o n d i ti o n a l Pard
on, with or without parole conditi ons, as may be granted by the President of the Philippines
upon the recommendation of the Board of Pardon and Parole
Reprieve– a temporary stay of the executi on of sentence especially the execution of the Death
Sentence. Generally, reprieve is extended to prisoners sentenced to death. The date of execution of
sentenced is set back several days to enable the Chief to study the peti ti on of the
condemned man for commutation of sentenced or pardon.
Pardon– an act of grace extended to prisoners as a matt er of right, vested to the Chief
Executive (The President) as a matter of power.
What is amnesty? It is an act of the sovereign power granting oblivion or a general pardon for a
past offense, and is rarely, if ever, exercised in favor of a single individual, and is usually exerted
in behalf of certain classes of persons, who are subject to trial but have not yet been convicted.
(Brown vs. Walker, 161 US 602)
What is pardon? It is an act of grace proceeding from the power entrusted with the execution
of the laws which exempts the individual on whom it is bestowed from the punishment the law inflicts
for the crime he has committed.
Can the Offended Party grant Pardon? Yes, the offended party can grants pardon.
A p a r d o n b y t h e o ff e n d e d p a r t y d o e s n o t e x ti n g u i s h c r i m i n a l action except as
provided in Article 344 of RPC. But civil liability with regard to the interest of the injured party is
extinguished by his express waiver.
Pardon under Art. 344 of RPC must be made before institution of criminal prosecution.
Pardon under Art. 344 of RPC is only a bar to criminal prosecution. Art. 89 of RPC does not mentioned
pardon by the offended party as one of the causes of total extinguish of criminal liability.
Distinction of the pardon by the Offended Party and Pardon Granted by the President
1 . P a r d o n g r a n t e d b y t h e C h i e f E x e c u ti v e e x ti n g u i s h e s t h e c r i m i n a l liability of the
offender, but not in the pardon granted by the offended party.
2. Pardon granted by the Chief Executive does not include civil liability, which the off ender must
pay, while pardon granted by the off ended party can waive the civil liability, which the offender
must pay.
3. Pardon granted by the off ended party should be given before
thep r o s e c u ti o n o f t h e c r i m i n a l a c ti o n , w h e r e a s p a r d o n b y t h e C h i e f Exe
cutive may be extended to any of the offenders after conviction.
Amnesty is a general pardon extended to a class of persons or
community who may be guilty of political offenses. It may be exercised e v e n b e f o r e
t r i a l o r i n v e s ti g a ti o n . I t l o o k s b a c k w a r d a n d p u t s i n t o oblivion the crime that has
been committ ed. It is proclaimed by the President with the concurrence of congress.
W h a t a r e t h e p e n a l ti e s t o b e d e t e r m i n e d b y t h e c o u r t a s referred
to Indeterminate Sentence Act?
The two penalties are Maximum and Minimum terms. The law should be applied in imposing a prison
sentence for a crime punishable either by Special Law or by Revised Penal Code.
What is RA 9344?
An act establishing a comprehensive Juvenile Justice and WelfareSystem.
Abadinsky, Howard. 1997. Probation and Parole. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Simon &Shuster.Clear, Todd, and
George Cole. 1997. American Corrections. Belmont, Ca.: WadsworthPublishing.