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18 IBCAST-2021: Important Important Dates Dates

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18 IBCAST-2021
International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
Technical Co-Sponsor

th th
12 – 16 January, 2021


The revolutionary improvements in the information and communication
fields have opened great avenues of sharing scientific knowledge and DATES
experiences but still the most effective way is through conferences and
through direct interactions. In this modern era, there is a realization of
Abstract Submission
synchronization with the fast-growing technologies as well as the 31 July, 2020
identification of allied areas. This led to the idea of holding a series of
conferences, addressing the contemporary research areas – what is known Abstract Acceptance
as the International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and st
Technology (IBCAST). This effort was not only to promote the latest trends
31 August, 2020
in the research and applications but also to make them accessible to those
in need for industrial and economic growth of the country.
Paper Submission
The IBCAST is being held regularly in Islamabad since 2002, the capital of
05 October, 2020
Pakistan. Ten technological areas namely; Advanced Materials,
Paper Acceptance
Aerostructures, Artificial Intelligence and Software Technologies, st
Biosciences, Control & Signal Processing, Cyber Security, Fluid Dynamics, 1 November, 2020
Medical Sciences, Underwater Technologies and Wireless Communication
& Radar are being covered. From IBCAST 2021, another activity with the Participation Application
name of Artificial Intelligence and Software Technologies is being 20 November, 2020
introduced. So far, more than 13000 scientists and engineers have onwards
participated from Pakistani and foreign universities as well as scientific
organizations with around 2911 research papers having been presented. Participation/Nomination Deadline
The proceedings of the conference are published by IEEE and catalogued in 15 December, 2020
renowned international journals on yearly basis. So far, 17 conferences
have been successfully organized by the CESAT, Islamabad, which is a setup IBCAST SECRETARIAT:
of Centers of Excellence in Science and Applied Technologies of the country Patron-in-Chief IBCAST
with the research activities being in-line with the conference theme. Dr. Nabeel Hayat Malik, HI, SI
To expand the horizon of this conference, IBCAST, has formed associations Scientific Secretary IBCAST
with universities from China since 8th IBCAST, namely; Beihang University Dr. Muhammad Zafar-uz-Zaman, SI
(BUAA), Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), Nanjing University of Executive Secretary IBCAST
Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), Northwestern Polytechnical Dr. Sajid Raza Chaudhary, SI
University (NPU), Harbin Engineering University (HEU), Wuhan Institute of IEEE Publication Chair
Virology, CAS (WIV) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). Apart from Syed Ali Abbas
these universities researchers from other countries also participate in the Coordinator IBCAST
conference. More than 40 foreigners attend the conference every year. Abdul Ahad Qureshi
This conference has successfully provided a platform for bringing together Technical Coordinator IBCAST
Dr. Mohsin Raza
18 IBCAST-2021
International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
12th – 166th January, 2021

the researchers from the advanced and developing countries to discuss the
REGISTRATION FEE research problems with reference to the development needs of this part of
Organizations & Professionals the world. Every year the IBCAST technical programme aims at appropriate
Rs. 7000/- selection of the topics both at the frontiers of knowledge and their
Local Pakistani Paper Presenters & Students applications.
(excluding CESAT)
The 18th IBCAST will consist of the following ten activities:
Rs. 3000/-
1. Advanced Materials (AM)
Foreign Professors
2. Aerostructures (AS)
US $ 400/-
3. Artificial Intelligence & Software Technologies (AI & ST)
Foreign Students
(including CESAT scholars / other Pakistani) 4. Biosciences (BS)
US $ 300/-
* Accommodation at the venue shall
5. Control & Signal Processing (CSP)
6. Cyber Security (CYS)
only be provided to the paper
7. Fluid Dynamics (FD)
presenters and invited speakers coming
from outside Islamabad. 8. Medical Sciences (MS)
Other participants may make their own 9. Underwater Technologies (UT)
arrangements, IBCAST Secretariat may 10. Wireless Communication & Radar (WCR)
help them in this regard.

** Mode of Payment: will be exhibited IBCAST ACTIVITIES

on website. 1- Advanced Materials
Development of New Materials and their applications has always been the
** IEEE members will be given 20% area of great interest for researchers, indicated by innumerable applications
discount in Registration Fee. appearing in research journals every year. Advancements in
characterization techniques have led to the understanding of the materials
** Fee once deposited is non- properties to nano-level, which has open new horizons of both metals and
refundable and non transferable. non-metals. Addition of nano-phase in the polymers and polymer based
composites has resulted in entirely a new range of hybrid materials with
Note: Application Form is available at: improved properties and functionalities. Similar advancements are also
www.ibcast.org.pk visible in other fields of Materials' research.
The Advanced Material Chapter of 18 IBCAST Conference provide
Authors are invited to submit opportunities to scientists and engineers to share their knowledge and
extended abstracts of a length of ideas about materials, their properties, behavior and applications.
about 250-500 words in MS Word
The scope of the Advanced Materials Activity includes following areas:
Format, including title, author's
affiliation, email, phone number and ! Polymers Science and Engineering
mailing address. ! Composites Materials
! Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
! Advanced Alloys, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Composites
Abstracts may be submitted online
! Materials Manufacturing and Processing Technologies
on the IBCAST website
! Additive Manufacturing

02 Centres of Excellence in Science and Applied Technologies (CESAT) Islamabad, Pakistan

18 IBCAST-2021
International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
12th – 166th January, 2021

! Semiconductor, Fuel Cell and Energy Harvesting Materials

! Thin Films, Coatings and Surface Technology
! Carbon Nanostructures and Graphene
! Smart Materials
! Auxetic Materials and Meta-Materials
! Magnetic, Optical and Photonic Materials
! Shape Memory Alloys and Polymers
! Ceramics

2- Aerostructures
Today's aerostructures require stringent conflicting technical and certification as well as financial requirements
compliance. These requirement can be met effectively only with an extensive program of interaction of researchers both
from academia and industry. IBCAST is one such conference in Pakistan that provides a platform through its
Aerostructures chapter for the researchers from within Pakistan and abroad to share their experiences and knowledge in
this important field of science and technology. This forum encompass numerous challenges faced by the aerospace
industry during the design, development and testing phases and which can only be met by the use of state of the art
computational tools, e.g. finite element method, boundary element method, smooth particle hydrodynamics etc.
coupled with powerful computing hardware. The research areas that will be discussed in the forum include, but not
limited to;
! Aerospace structural design ! Structural Reliability Analysis
! Static, Dynamic and thermal structural simulations ! Multiscale Modeling
! Static and dynamic aeroelsticity ! Joints / Interfaces
! Vibration, acoustics and model analysis ! SHM (Structural Health Monitoring)
! High strain Rate impact simulations ! NDI for Composites
! Fracture and damage tolerance ! Wave and Wind Loading
! Fatigue life assessment ! Computer Aided Design
! Structural Optimization ! Case Studies of Structural Failure
! Biomechanics ! Materials' Dynamics Properties
! Advanced manufacturing techniques ! Design of Thin Walled Structures
! Advanced testing techniques

3- Artificial Intelligence and Software Technologies

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technological game changer and has important implications, not only for the impact of the
AI technology itself, but also for the related technologies of defense sector (such as aerial drones, electronic warfare,
command & control, autonomous system, and the development of swarm robotics).
Artificial Intelligence
! Deep learning, Optimization of Deep Networks ! Reinforcement Learning and Inverse
! Time Series Analysis, Recurrent Neural Networks Reinforcement Learning
! Active Learning, Bayesian Learning, Causal ! Graphical Models, Vibrational Inference
Inference, Gaussian Processes ! Deep Autoencoders, Adversarial networks,
! Data Science, Big Data Generative Models
! Classification, Regression, Unsupervised ! Multitask and transfer learning
Learning ! Brain computer interface, Cognitive Science

Centres of Excellence in Science and Applied Technologies (CESAT) Islamabad, Pakistan 03

18 IBCAST-2021
International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
12th – 166th January, 2021

! AI Safety, Fairness and accountability, Privacy ! Combinatorial Optimization

! Multi-Agent Learning, Swarm Intelligence ! AI based ASIC Design and Verification
! Natural Language Processing ! AI / ML on Embedded System

Software Technologies
! Requirements Engineering and Risk Assessment ! Formal Methods and Verification
! Algorithms Design and Evaluation ! Software Quality Assurance and Process
! Software Testing, Verification and Reliability Improvement
! Model Driven Development / Model Driven ! Internet of Things (IOT) and Embedded Systems
Architecture ! Software Economics, Measurements and Quality
! DevOps, Agile Development, Agent Oriented Metrics
Software Engineering ! Automatic Functional and Non-functional Testing
! Design Patterns, Architecture and Frameworks

4- Biosciences
Biosurveillance, Microbial Detection & Countermeasures
18th IBCAST Biosciences (BS) Module aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research
scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of “Biosurveillance, Mircobial
Detection & Countermeasures”. This may result in exploring collaborations and to spark new ideas, with the aim of
developing new projects and technologies.

The sub themes include:

! Components and tools of effective Biosurveillance Program
! Biosurveillance utility, effectiveness and challenges
! Process of sample collection, analysis interpretation, dissemination of data
! Zoonotic & Vector borne emerging infectious diseases
! Factors contributing to the emerging / re-emergence of infectious diseases
! Biological Risk Assessment
! Recent innovations, trends, concerns and practical challenges in lab and fields based biodetection
! Advancement made in the treatment, vaccine development, control / prevention of microbes and their

5- Control & Signal Processing

Control engineering is the science of manipulating engineering systems for optimal performance in real-operating
environments. Control engineers are concerned with mathematical modeling, computer simulation, control design and
its implementation. The field is, therefore, multi-disciplinary and covers a range of technologies. Control systems are
seen at work in small and simple household appliances, large-scale industrial plants such as steel rolling mills and
refineries, very sophisticated and complex systems such as aircraft, nuclear reactors and satellites. Control system
technology has thus driven the engineers to operate their systems at the peak of their performance without
compromising system stability or integrity. Furthermore, new developments in simulation techniques have helped in the
application of innovative control algorithms. The advent of high performance microprocessors has significantly
increases the capability of control systems. Efficient digital controllers have alleviated the need for expensive
instrumentation and costly components, contributing towards low cost quality products with enhanced performance.

04 Centres of Excellence in Science and Applied Technologies (CESAT) Islamabad, Pakistan

18 IBCAST-2021
International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
12th – 166th January, 2021

The importance of Signal Processing in the engineering domain cannot be over emphasized. With new generation
computer technology and configurable integrated circuits, powerful algorithms can be implemented in real time and
used in various contemporary fields such as telecommunication, image, video and audio processing, sonars,
biomedicine, seismology and computer vision.

In this conference, research papers are sought on the latest developments in control and signal processing theory and
technologies. Papers of interest include those that describe theory, analytical techniques, applications, and
technological developments. Topics to be covered in this activity include, but not limited to:

Control: Signal Processing:

! Advanced Control Techniques and Applications ! Computer Vision & Graphics
! Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Aerospace ! Statistical Methods and Learning Algorithms
! Remote Sensing
! Optimization and Model Predictive Control
! Big Data and Image/Audio/Text/Analytics
! System Identification and Parameter Estimation
! Pattern Recognition, Deep neural Networks,
! Guidance, Navigation and Control of Unmanned Bagging & Boosting Classifiers
Autonomous Systems
! Image Recognition and tracking
! Cooperative Guidance and Control Theory for
! Medical Imaging
Autonomous Multi-Agents Formation Flight
! DSP related RTOS Issues
! Artificial Intelligence and Control
! Multidimensional Signal Processing and Speech
! Advanced Filtering Techniques and Multi-Sensors
Data Fusion
! Sensor Networks
! Fault Diagnostics, Detection and Isolation
! Hyperspectral and Multispectral Imaging
! Fault-Tolerant Control
! Robotic Perception
! Hardware in the loop Simulation of Autonomous
Systems ! 3D point cloud Sensing & Processing
! Modeling and Control of Robots ! Video Processing and Compression
! Modeling and Control of Aero Engines ! Algorithmic Implementations on
FPGA/ASIC/Embedded Systems

6- Cyber Security
Revolution in digital information has evolved drastically and it has far broader applications and implications than we can
imagine. Electronic infrastructure serves as the communication backbone of this. Cyber security in today's world
encompasses everything that pertains to providing security in IT infrastructure and ecosystem, software and computer
networks, communications, cryptography and various other disciplines. From critical infrastructure of a state to the
health monitoring of an individual with an IoT device, the dependence on digitalization and its cyber security in both the
public and private domains is on rise. This reliance demands reliability and security of cyberspace and information flow.
Moreover, cyberspace attacks show a direct threat to banking institutions, energy infrastructure, state agencies and
even social affairs. Therefore, security and reliability have become vital.

The aim of the track is to bring together researchers working in different aspects of cyber security to make meaningful
progress in this body of knowledge and solve real-world security related problems. Particular focus is given to the
research areas involving latest topics & emerging cyber security concepts, techniques, technologies and trends like

Centres of Excellence in Science and Applied Technologies (CESAT) Islamabad, Pakistan 05

18 IBCAST-2021
International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
12th – 166th January, 2021

internet of Things (IOT), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in Cyber Security, Software Defined
Networks, Blockchain and CryptoCurrency,etc

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:-

! Emerging Cyber Security Trends: Threats and ! Data Loss Prevention Techniques
! Malware and Malicious Code Analysis
! Hardware and software Security
! Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
! System and Network Security
! Artificial Intelligence based Cyber Security
! Security, Privacy and Risk Management
! Internet of Things (IoT) Security
! Supply Chain Security
! Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
! Virtualization Security
! Mathematical Evaluation of Security Solutions
! Security of Cyber-Physical Systems
! Post-Quantum Cryptography
! Security of Industrial Control Systems (ICSs)
! Security Protocol Analysis
! Anonymity and Identity Management
! Blockchain Applications and Security Concerns
! Digital Forensics
! Social Media Privacy and Security

The track also invites and warmly welcomes the proposals for “Special Sessions”, “Tutorial”, “Technical Workshops”,
Training Sessions”, and “Security Demos” in allied areas of Cyber Security aligned with the regular theme of the track.

7- Fluid Dynamics
Fluid dynamics (FD) activity encompasses principally all the spheres related with the applied fluid dynamics. The main
theme is to encourage all the relevant novel ideas and research work carried out numerically and through experiments.
The application areas include flows inspired from nature and flow analysis around various aerodynamic objects. It also
covers the flow analysis carried out in automotive, civil, defense and process industries etc.

Information about the physics of the flow can be obtained from measurements in experimental test facilities or from
flow visualization studies. However, there are some limitations and a full picture of flow fields is often hard to obtain
from experimental studies.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a core research front in fluid dynamics. It is a technique to model and analyze fluid
flow using a computer simulation. CFD techniques can be applied to solve industrial flow problems especially in complex
flow situations of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics.

The IBCAST will provide an opportunity to the local and foreign researchers to benefit from mutual exchange of ideas,
discuss their queries and problems with the experts and to explore the new avenues in active research fronts.

The broader scope of the present IBCAST, FD – 2021, session is to cover the following areas:
! Gas Dynamics ! Experimental Fluid Dynamics
! Aerodynamics ! Multiphase Flows
! Hydrodynamics ! Reactive Flows
! Industrial and Environmental Fluid Dynamics ! Heat Transfer
! Fluid Structure Interactions ! W i n d Tu n n e l – D e s i g n , Te s t i n g a n d
! Turbulence Modeling Visualization

06 Centres of Excellence in Science and Applied Technologies (CESAT) Islamabad, Pakistan

18 IBCAST-2021
International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
12th – 166th January, 2021

It will also include:-

! High and Low Speed Wind Tunnel Design – Trends ! Visualization Techniques (PIV, PSP etc)
and Considerations ! Captive Trajectory Simulation (CTS) –
! Design and Calibration of String Balance and Challenges and Latest Trends
other Instrumentation ! Wind Tunnel and Water Tunnel experimental
! Latest Techniques in High and Low Speed Wind setup studies
Tunnel Testing
! Scale Down Model – Challenges and Limitations

8- Medical Sciences
18th IBCAST Medical Section, Scheduled from 12 to 16 January 2021, would include activity for following activities
Research papers regarding covid 19 pandemic
Plasma exchange and apharesis
Diabetic foot management
Hands on training
Nerve blocks and pain management
Intra articular injections
Lecture on recent advancements in
High risk pregnancy
Inherited metabolic disorders in paediatrics

Research papers regarding COVID-19 pandemic

Coravirus disease (COVID-19) caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has
transformed the lives of existing mankind. New norms of lifestyle have emerged across the globe. This disease has taught
us many lessons of human interaction. Medical Journals and mass media is full of research articles, treatment
controversies and myths. This will include research papers and personal experiences of various physicians of many
specialties during pandemic.

It will include the evaluation, techniques and long term management plans for various procedures like EMG & NCS for
neurological disorders, Plasma exchange and apharesis for GBS and Diabetic foot management.

Hands on training
Trauma is the most common cause of death worldwide. Trauma response protocols are ever changing, as are the ways
and mechanics of trauma causation. This session will cover hands on training for management of trauma, catastrophic
situations and various modes of pain management.
Lecture on recent advancements
Early diagnosis and management of newborns and infants with inherited metabolic disorder is essential for the affected
children's outcome. This symposium shall make use of an experienced team of pediatricians and gynaecologiest, who
are substantially experienced and have an excellent understanding of metabolic disorders in childhood.

Centres of Excellence in Science and Applied Technologies (CESAT) Islamabad, Pakistan 07

18 IBCAST-2021
International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
12th – 166th January, 2021

9- Underwater Technologies
Ocean is alive with noise and approximately 71% of the earth surface is covered by the ocean. The advancement and
research in underwater technologies has direct impact on human endeavor to explore the nature. The field of
underwater technologies spans over a wide range which includes ocean vehicles, underwater communications, sonar
systems, oceanography and has ever increasing role in defense applications. Research areas like marine life preservation,
seafloor geological resources and marine pollution hazards etc are of significant importance for Pakistan which has more
than 1000kms of coastline and an exclusive economic zone spread over an area of more than 2,35,000 km2.
The Underwater Technologies chapter of IBCAST provides opportunities for spread of information, exchange of
knowledge and novel ideas among the practitioners of various fields of underwater technologies.
The Underwater Technologies chapter of the 18th IBCAST - 2021 invites contributions in:

Underwater Acoustics
! Acoustic bathymetry mapping ! Acoustic Materials: Metamaterials and
! Ambient noise measurement and modelling Measurements
! Geophysical exploration & Geo acoustic inversion ! Sea surface acoustic scattering

Underwater Communication and Networking

! Underwater communications (Acoustic, Optical, ! Energy-efficient algorithms and protocol
MI, RF, wired and wireless) design for underwater networks
! Underwater network models and system ! Modem Architecture and Software Defined
architectures Modems
! Hardware and Software infrastructure for mobile ! Embedded System Design for Underwater
platforms Communication
! Networked underwater robotic and systems

Sonar Signal / Image Processing and Sensors

! Array Signal Processing and Array Design ! Sonobuoy Dynamics and Control
! Detection, Classification and Localization ! Sonar and Transducer calibration and
! High Resolution Spectral Analysis underwater standards
! Synthetic Aperture Sonar (Active and Passive) ! Sonar performance measurement and
! Sonar Imaging and Displays
! Passive Sonar Tracking for UUV and Diver
! Transducer arrays and Materials Detection
! Suspension System for Sonar Buoys

Marine Environment and Oceanography

! Marine Surveys ! Hydrography and Seafloor mapping
! Marine Renewable Energy ! Marine Renewables & Pile driving
! Marine Geology and Mineral Resources ! Offshore seismic monitoring and mitigation

Platform Design
! Magnetics Signature Control for Underwater ! Naval Architecture
Vehicles ! Platform integration Analysis for concept
! Stealth-Design for future proof underwater designs
! Batteries for underwater vehicles: development
and operational benefits

08 Centres of Excellence in Science and Applied Technologies (CESAT) Islamabad, Pakistan

18 IBCAST-2021
International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
12th – 166th January, 2021

Unmanned, Remotely Piloted & Autonomous Systems

! Autonomous underwater vehicles design ! Unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs)
! Navigation technologies for autonomous ! Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)
underwater vehicles
! Underwater surveillance and protection of
critical infrastructures

Emerging in Underwater Technologies

! Applications of machine learning in underwater ! Cloud based data models for underwater WSN
! Underwater internet of things (UW-IoT) based ! Challenges and Security issues in underwater
transducer, modem and network designs wireless sensor networks
! Big data analytics for underwater technologies

10- Wireless Communication & Radar

Microwave Engineering and Electromagnetics are key technology areas. Many of the modern day electronic gadgets and
devices owe their existence to some derivative of electromagnetics and microwave engineering. Radio sets & radio
broadcasting, televisions & real time video transmission through satellites, speed monitoring radars to space borne
imaging radars, sophisticated avionics to what has become a necessity of contemporary times, cellular communications
all stem from advancement in microwave engineering.Historically, it was the advancement in radar development during
Second World War that substantiated the potential of microwave engineering. As the products evolved through the
corridors of time, technologies associated with this sphere of engineering became pivotal in imparting cutting edge to
number of military and civilian equipment. The Wireless Communications and Radar Activity of IBCAST offers a broad
coverage of topics related to RF and microwave technology making it a premier event in this area for scientific and
educational community in Pakistan. Our endeavor is to promote research in this key technology area and bring academia
and industry closer to bridge this technology gap.

This track also has a unique feature of microwave technology coverage related to civil and military radar. Topics related to
technologies up to systems and applications are covered such as waveform generation; radar signal processing; antenna
systems; radar imaging and object classification etc.

Another salient feature of this year's activity is a special session on "Multifunction Phased Array Radar Design".

High quality papers reporting on novel solutions on the following topics are encouraged:

Radar Topics Wireless Communication Topics

! Synthetic Aperture Radars, ISAR ! Software defined Radios
! MIMO Radars ! Satellite & Space Communication
! Ultra Wide Band Radar, GPR ! Emerging Wireless Mobile Applications
! Radar Performance Modeling / Measurement ! Network Centric Warfare
! Bistatic / Multi-static Radars ! Electromagnetic Scattering, Channel /
! Analog / Digital Beam Forming Interference Modeling
! Near Field & Far Field Antenna Characterization ! Adhoc Networks
! Radar Signal Processing ! Wireless Technologies in Electro Medical
! Phased Array Radar Calibration
! Metamaterials, FSSs and Electromagnetic
! Multifunction Phased Array Radar Bandgap Structures
! Space Time Adaptive Processing (STAP)

Centres of Excellence in Science and Applied Technologies (CESAT) Islamabad, Pakistan 09

18 IBCAST-2021
International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
12th – 166th January, 2021
Radar Topics Wireless Communication Topics
! Radar DSP Hardware ! Communication Systems Simulation
! RF / Microwave Circuit Design, RFICs & MMICs ! Integrated Transceivers
! Reconfigurable Front-ends ! Wireless Power Transfer and Energy
! Active / Passive Device Modeling Harvesting
! Computational Electromagnetics ! Smart Antennas
! Radio Imaging including mm-wave and THz ! MIMO Systems
! Imaging systems ! Antenna Systems: Theory, Modeling and
! RCS Reduction / Stealth Design
! Internet of Things
! High Resolution Range Profile (HRRP)
! Near body communication

10 Centres of Excellence in Science and Applied Technologies (CESAT) Islamabad, Pakistan

18 IBCAST-2021
International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology Paste Recent
Technical Co-Sponsor
12th – 16th January, 2021 Size: (1.5” x 2”)

Application for Participation


*First Name: *Last Name:

*Nationality: *CNIC / Passport No.

*Affiliation & Position: DoB

Postal Address:

Phone: Fax:

*Email *Mobile:

*Residential Address:

Education (Highest Degree):

Institution Attended Period (years) Degree Obtained


Current field of interest:

Number of publications during last five years:

18 IBCAST Activities of Interest: (Please indicate one activity only)
1 Advanced Materials 6 Cyber Security
2 Aerostructures 7 Fluid Dynamics
3 Artificial Intelligence & Software Technologies 8 Medical Sciences
4 Biosciences 9 Underwater Technologies
5 Control & Signal Processing 10 Wireless Communication & Radar
Venue: National Centre for Physics, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad
Organized by: Centres of Excellence in Science and Applied Technologies (CESAT) Islamabad, Pakistan
Mailing Address: Dr. Muhammad Zafar-uz-Zaman
Scientific Secretary (IBCAST)
International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology
CESAT, H-11/4, Islamabad - Pakistan.
Secretariat Phone #: +92(051) 9257026, 2371024, Fax #: +92(051) 2371025
Secretariat Email: secretary@ibcast.org.pk, info@ibcast.org.pk, Conference URL: http://www.ibcast.org.pk
Note: Fields with (*) are mandatory.
Last Date of Application for Participation/Attendance is 15th December, 2020

第18 IBCAST会议-2021 国际Bhurban应用科技会议

Technical Co-Sponsor

2021 年1月12~16日

从2002年以来,IBCAST会议每年一次举行在巴基斯坦的首都伊斯兰堡。 主要日期
工程、计算流体动力学以及无线电通讯与雷达。后来,又增加了电子计算 提交摘要
机安全、生物医学、医学和水下技术等专业。在第17 IBCAST会议中,还
打算增加飞机结构这种一个迅速发展和应用的专业。 2020年7月31日
从建立以来,在一共有17个会议中,已经有13485多名巴基斯坦、国外大 接受摘要
2911多本论文也被提出和讨论过,而且每年的会议论文集出版在国际性的 2020年8月31日

第18 IBCAST会议将讨论以下10种专业:

1. 高级材料
2. 飞机结构学
3. 人工智能与软件技术
6. 网络安全
7. 流体动力学
10. 无线电通讯和雷达

REGISTRATION FEE Secretariat may help them in this IBCAST SECRETARIAT:

Organizations & Professionals IBCAST 主任
** Mode of Payment: will be
Rs. 7000/- exhibited on website. Dr. Nabeel Hayat Malik, HI, SI
Local Pakistani Paper Presenters & Students ** IEEE members will be given 20%
(excluding CESAT) discount in Registration Fee. 科技秘书
Rs. 3000/- ** Fee once deposited is non- Dr. Muhammad Zafar-uz-Zaman, SI
refundable and non transferable.
Foreign Professors Note: Application Form is available at: 行政秘书
US $ 400/- www.ibcast.org.pk Dr. Sajid Raza Chaudhary, SI
Foreign Students 提交摘要
Designed by Principal Graphic Designer (SID)

(including CESAT scholars / other Pakistani) IEEE出版长

作者应提交论文题目和长度为 Syed Ali Abbas
US $ 300/- 250~500英文词的摘要以及他大
* Accommodation at the venue shall 学名字、邮件、电话号码和地址 联系人
only be provided to the paper 等信息。 Abdul Ahad Qureshi
presenters and invited speakers
coming from outside Islamabad. 摘 要 可 以 通 过 IBCAST的 网 页 提 技术支持
Other participants may make their 交。 Dr. Mohsin Raza
o w n a r r a n g e m e n t s , I B C A S T 注:作者可以在线登记。

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