Hall Efefct
Hall Efefct
Hall Efefct
B=0 VH=((-3.1+1.0)e-1)-(1.81+0.01) I
Voltage (milliAmps)
-40 B=((-171.7+1.3)e-3) Tesla
VH=((-1.4+1.2)e-1)-((179.8+1.3)e-2) I
B=(-171.7+1.3)e-3 Tesla
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Current (milliAmps) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Current (milliVolts)
Graph 1: Transverse (Hall) Voltage plotted against the
longitudinal current, uncorrected for systematic errors. The Graph 2: Current plotted against voltage, corrected for
opaque squares and circles are voltages for opposite systematic error, such that there is no voltage reading for
orientations of the magnetic field, while the crosses are B=0. Straight lines are fitted to the data. The markers are
voltages in the presence of no magnetic field. consistent with graph 1.
Systematic errors, probably due to faulty The slope of both the lines (current plotted against
calibration, causes the voltage recorded without Hall voltage) for the different orientations of the
the magnetic field to be consistently non-zero. magnetic field, are similar. Since the values are
The transverse voltage should be zero in the so consistent, the average value of the two slopes
absence of a magnetic field because none of the (VH/I) is used and the errors of the individual line
charge carriers are deflected, and hence no Hall fits also propagate as averages, since this error is
Voltage can be set up. The Hall Voltage readings
S. Chandramouli: Hall Coefficient of Germanium
greater than simply the standard deviation of the References
two consistent slopes. The Hall Coefficient of Pugh, Emerson, M., Pugh, Emerson, W.,
germanium can thus be calculated: Principles of Electricity and Magnetism,
3 (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.,
−2 −2 m
R H = −1.907*10 ± 0.071*10 …6 1960).
C Feynman, Richard, P., The Feynman Lectures on
On observing the sign of the Hall Physics, Volume III, (Addison-Wesley Publishing
Coefficient of germanium, it can be concluded 3 Company, Inc., 1965).
that the charge carriers in Ge are in fact electrons. Junior Independent Study Lab Manual, Spring,
The above value compares favorably with –8*10 -2 1999, (Unpublished).
m3 /C, reported by Lerner et.al.4 The negative sign Lerner, Rita, G., Trigg, George, L., Concise
may arise also imply due to the connection of the Encyclopedia of Solid-State Physics, (Addison-
voltmeter. Keeping track of the magnetic fields 5 Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1983).
therefore becomes very important. Seitz, Frederick, The Modern Theory of Solids,
Further, the density of the electrons is First Edition, (McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,
calculated using equation 5. The Hall Coefficient 6 New York & London, 1940).
for germanium is known along with its associated Shockley, William, Electrons and Holes in
errors, Therefore, the density of conducting Semiconductors, (D. Van Nostrand Company,
electrons in Ge is: Inc.,1950.
n = 3.861*10 20 ± 0.14*10 20 electrons/m 3 …7
The density of the current carriers is also
consistent with values reported earlier. Shockely6
reported a value of 1.0*1021 electrons/m3 , and
Lerner et.al4 reported a value of the apparent
number of free electrons per atom as 1.7*10-9. To
convert to the units used in this paper,
(electrons/m3 ) we have to find the number of
atoms per unit volume for Ge. We find that there
are 4.4*10 28 atoms/m3 , and therefore, the density
of free electrons is: 4.4*1028 atoms/m3 * 1.7*10-9
electrons/atom = 7.48*1019 electrons/m3 .
The Hall Effect is important because it
enables us to make measures of mobility and
concentration, and gives insight into the
mechanism of conductivity in semi-conductors.
The Hall Coefficient and the density of carriers in
Ge are well known quantities, and have been
verified in this paper, given experimental
limitations, with values of the same order. Also,
it is established that the primary charge carriers
are electrons in our sample of germanium. In
some cases, conduction occurs in both the valence
bands and the conduction bands. Therefore,
electrons and positive holes simultaneously carry
current, though in the Ge sample used in the
experiment, the electrons predominate over the
positive holes.
If the experiment were conducted at low
temperatures, and a variable magnetic field used,
the Quantum Hall Effect could have been
observed. This is characterized by a step function
that arises when the resistivity of the sample is
plotted against the varying magnetic field.