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Evolution of Flight Data Recorders: Advances in Military Technology

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Advances in Military Technology

AiMT Vol. 13, No. 1 (2018), pp. 95-106

ISSN 1802-2308, eISSN 2533-4123
DOI 10.3849/aimt.01226

Evolution of Flight Data Recorders

M. Dub*and J. Parizek
Faculty of Military Technology, University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic

The manuscript was received on 6 December 2017 and was accepted

after revision for publication on 1 May 2018.

A flight recorder, commonly known as a black box, is considered the most important
witness in the investigation of air accidents. Flight recorders have been considered
important parts of onboard equipment for both military and civilian aircraft all over the
world already from 1950s. They are used not only for flight evaluation after an unex-
pected event, but also for a pilot training, pilot skills assessment, diagnostics of
on‐board systems, and evaluation of aircraft systems as a whole. Thus, these flight re-
corders contribute to high aircraft reliability and aviation operation safety. This article
focuses on Automatic Deployable Flight Recorders (ADFR), currently not often used in
the military or civilian aircraft. ADFRs are mainly used for aircraft that fly over vast
water areas as classic concept recorders were hard to find when the aircraft crashed
into water. This deployable recorder is a reliable flight safety system used e.g. in US
Navy F/A‐18 multirole combat jets. In addition, creation of this article was inspired by
the change in ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices for Operation of Aircraft,
implemented in July 2016 in the tenth edition of ICAO Annex 6.

aviation safety, flight data recorders, ICAO

1. Introduction
Flight safety is influenced not only by the quality of aircraft manufacturing and the
quality of on‐board systems, but also by the quality of ground support, pilot skills and
an air traffic control organization. Other items positively influencing flight safety are
also on‐board recorders of all types, out of which the most common are flight record-
ers. They are used mainly for reconstruction of the key flight situations and a flight
record when searching for the aircraft incident causes. This type of recorders has also
several other names, such as flight or data recorder, black box and in articles written in

Corresponding author: Department of Aircraft Electrical Systems, Faculty of Military Tech-
nology, University of Defence in Brno, Kounicova 65, 662 10 Brno, Czech Republic.
Tel.: +420 973 44 50 61, Fax: +420 973 44 52 35, E-mail: michal.dub@unob.cz
96 M. Dub and J. Parizek

English, the most commonly used names are FDR – Flight Data Recorder, or ADR –
Accident Data Recorder.
The newest edition of ICAO Annex 6 divides flight recorders into two groups –
crash protected flight recorders and lightweight flight recorders. However, lightweight
flight recorders are also crash protected, only then protection requirements do not meet
the requirements for crash protected flight recorders. According to Annex 6, crash
protected flight recorders comprise one or more of the following systems – a flight
data recorder (FDR), a cockpit voice recorder (CVR), an airborne image recorder
(AIR), a data link recorder (DLR). Lightweight flight recorders comprise one or more
of the following systems – an aircraft data recording system (ADRS), a cockpit audio
recording system (CARS), an airborne image recording system (AIRS), a data link
recording system (DLRS) [1].
Fitting Flight Data Recorders into large commercial aircraft became mandatory
after several serious crashes with neither survivors nor witnesses in mid 1950s. At that
time two models of flight recorders were constructed – the General Mills (GM) Ryan
Flight Recorder and the Australian Research Laboratories (ARL) Flight Memory Unit.
GM Flight Recorder was based on patent of Minnesota university professor James J.
Ryan and it was capable of storing four data parameters (velocity, g‐force, altitude,
and time) for up to 300 hours using a needle engraving into metal foil. The prototype
of ARL combined a cockpit voice and data recorder and it was based on an idea of
David Warren to use the voice wire recorder onboard. ARL Flight Memory Recorder
was capable of storing the cockpit speech and eight instrument readings per second for
the four hours [2-4].
While not the first wire recorder to be used by a flight crew, ARL device was the
first to be intended and constructed as a permanent part of aircraft to help accident
investigating boards. Similarly, while not the first flight‐data recorder, GM device was
the first to really emphasize the concept of crash protection, as well as the first to be
put through a rigorous program of scientifically controlled destructive testing. War-
ren’s and Ryan’s devices were not just flight recorders, but flight recorders designed
and deployed above all as accident technologies [5].
The first FDRs could only engrave 5 parameters onto a non‐reusable metal foil.
Czechoslovak Air Force had several Soviet manufactured aircraft with the first known
recorder of type K2‐717 (in Russian called barospeedograph), used for recording bar-
ometric altitude, speed and time using needle engraving into a floated whiting layer on
a paper strip. This recorder was then (in the 1970s) slowly replaced by SARPP-12
recorder, using photographic recording of up to six analogue parameters and ten dis-
crete parameters onto photographic film. The construction of flight recorders went
always hand in hand with the technological abilities of the era, however, the general
structure could be described as sensor – signal processing – recording.
Recorders technology has improved significantly from analogue to digital on
tape, then to solid state able to record over 3000 parameters. To fulfil the expected
task of revealing the causes of flight accidents, the flight recorders must fulfil the
several following important requirements:
• Relevant set of recorded parameters and relevant recording length.
• Survival (no damage) of the recorded data in the case of accident.
• Speedy recovery of the crashed aircraft record.
The relevant set of flight and aircraft parameters is undoubtedly an important re-
quirement for objective assessment of the flight incident. Selection of the parameters
is entirely dependent on the size and equipment of the aircraft. Different flight record-
Evolution of Flight Data Recorders 97

er manufacturers use different approaches to the available technologies, however, at

the beginning of 1980s, ICAO started to recommend recording of 32 flight and aircraft
parameters in the flight recorders of airline aircrafts.
Amongst the most important flight parameters were barometric altitude, real air
speed, indicated flight speed, vertical flight speed, flight course, pitch angle, roll an-
gle, and a multiple of overload in longitudinal and perpendicular axis. Amongst
recorded parameters of on‐board systems were also engine revolutions, aileron and
elevator positions, fuel pressure, oil pressure, hydraulic system pressure, discrete
signals of aircraft configuration about aircraft landing gear status, landing flaps status,
then electric generators cut off status, engine fire signals, etc.
Recording length depends on the length of the recording tape, memory size or
customer request. However, to evaluate an air incident, the last 30 minutes of the
recording is usually sufficient.
Survival and speedy recovery of the recording is a must for flight recorders to
fulfil their purpose. The recording must be useable to evaluate the situation. Therefore,
it is necessary to consider all the negative factors that can affect the recording during
the aircraft accident. They are mainly mechanical forces due to an overload, impact
force during an impact into the terrain, action of heat during fire, salt water attack if
landed in sea, and attack of aircraft fluids including extinguishing agents.

2. Flight Data Recorders

Historical development of the flight recorders is best described according to the tech-
nologically available principles and recording protection. First generation of flight
recorders were analogue, based on the above mentioned mechanical or photographic
principles and only a small amount (in the order of units) of continuous parameters
were recorded. For example, in the former Czechoslovak Air Force, Su‐7 aircraft had
K2‐717 recorder, called Barospeedograph, recording barometric altitude, speed and
time and the recording was engraved by needles into a coloured paper with a layer of
floated whiting (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 K2‐717 Barospeedograph

98 M. Dub and J. Parizek

The second generation of flight recorders (1970s and 1980s) was based on the
principle of digital‐magnetic recording onto a plastic or metallic magnetic strip or
a wire. Apart from data recorders, also audio recorders started to appear. The Czecho-
slovak Air Force aircraft had PARES flight recorders (of Czechoslovak production)
and TESTER, BUR and MSRP recorders (of Soviet production). The third generation
of recorders (from 1990s until present) use (theoretically, for unlimited number of
parameters) non‐volatile FLASH or EEPROM memories and are so called recorders
with solid state memory (SSFDR – Solid State Flight Data Recorder – see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Aero L‐159 SSFDR by SPEEL Prague

Another classification of recorders can be sorted according to the methods for
limiting the negative impact on survival and record recovery. According to this princi-
ple, two basic concepts were created already at the beginnings of the flight recorders
development – crash‐protected recorders (fixed, crash‐protected FDRs) and deployable
recorders (deployable FDRs).
Both concepts are based on the same data collection method (flight history log
and aircraft systems log) and the same data recording method or storage method in the
memory unit. However, these two concepts have different methods of survival and
record recovery. It is interesting to note that the two patents for these two recorder
concepts, submitted to USA patent office, were only 4 years apart.
Crash‐protected recorders (US patent No. 2959459) are supposed to have a per-
manent location in a suitable place under the aircraft body cover and should also have
protection against the influence of negative factors. A suitable place for fixing the
recorder is the aircraft tail part as this part is relatively undamaged during aircraft
accidents and also often out of centre of fire. Currently, the majority of military and
civilian aircraft are equipped with these types of recorders all over the world.
A disadvantage of the crash‐protected recorders is a quite complex system of the
data protection in order to match the regulations for endurance or, in other words, to
be useable after the crash. In 1958, CAB (Civil Aviation Board, US agency in 1940-
1985) created technical standard (TSO C‐51) for the first generation of recorders,
defining the record crash resistance as withstanding an impact with overload of 100 g
and resisting a heat of 1100 °C, over 50 % of the recorder’s surface during a period of
30 minutes [6].
For the generation of the digital magnetic‐stripe recorders, this standard was
amended in December 1965 by FAA (Federal Aviation Administration, US civil avia-
Evolution of Flight Data Recorders 99

tion authority formed in 1958) to TSO C‐51a, increasing e.g. the impact resistance to
1000 g. These two standards also define, apart from mechanical and heat resistance,
the resistance to salt water attack and the resistance to operational aircraft liquids
attack including extinguishing agents, as well as they also describe test methods for
the flight recorders testing.
For the generation of the solid state recorders, standard TSO C‐124 has been ap-
plied since 1992. This standard defines that the recording should withstand:
• Mechanical impact: 3400 g for 6.5 milliseconds.
• Penetration: 227 kg pin dropped 3 m, each face.
• Crushing force: 22 250 N for 5 minutes each axis.
• Fire: 1100 °C for 30 minutes.
• Seawater pressure: of 60 MPa (depth of 6 000 m) for 24 hours.
• Seawater immersion: up to the depth of 3 meters for 30 days.
• Aircraft fluids (jet fuel, oil, hydraulics etc.) contact: for 48 hours.
• Extinguishing fluids contact: for 8 hours.
The fulfilment of the above mentioned requirements is technically feasible only
thanks to the small dimensions of the solid state memories (board with memories
covers only about 5 % of the whole volume of the protected memory unit), and for
example, the recording protection technology against flame is usually the know‐how
of the FDR manufacturer.
European organisation dealing with standards for flight recorders endurance is
EUROCAE (European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment). European stand-
ards concerning endurance have preceded the American standards that are based on the
European once. For example, European standard ED 55 was accepted in May 1990
whereas TSO‐C124a was accepted in January 1996. The newest standard ED 112
(merging standards for FDR and CVR, thus ED 55 and ED 56) from 2003 (ED‐112A
from 2013) was a baseline for TSO‐C124b from 2007 (TSOC‐124c from 2013) [7‐8].
In order to locate the protected memory unit, the flight recorders used in flights
over vast water areas, are equipped with ULB (Underwater Locator Beacon). If the
aircraft crashes into the sea or the ocean, the water activates this beacon that starts
transmitting 10 millisecond pulse signal every second with a frequency of 37.5 kHz.
According to the actual charge of the battery, it can transmit over a period of 30-90
days. Acoustic signals of these beacons should be well audible in good conditions
within the quite small range of 5 km if considering the size and depth of the sea and
the ocean. Additional locator called ULD (Underwater Locator Device) operating at
a frequency of 8.8 kHz is attached to the airframe of airplanes performing public
transport flights over maritime areas to locate aeroplane wreckage below the surface of
water (i.e. increasing range) [1, 9].

3. Automatic Deployable Flight Recorders

The second concept of recorders, firstly called ejectable flight recorders and published
in 1964 (US patent No. 3140847A), states that the most effective factor for survival of
the recording is if the flight recorder is detached from the aircraft in an appropriate
time and lands separately, away from the rest of the aircraft. However, this very idea
of separating a device during crash from the aircraft to overcome its damage has al-
ready been published in 1960 (US patent No. 2959671) [10, 11].
This patent describes a deployable position indicator (current ELT – Emergency
Locator Transmitter), enabling fast recovery of the crashed aircraft in unpopulated and
100 M. Dub and J. Parizek

inaccessible areas. Emergency Locator Transmitters ELT (also called EPIRB – Emer-
gency Position Indicating Radio Beacon; or ELB – Emergency Locator Beacon; or
PLB – Personal Locator Beacon) can be activated manually or automatically. They
transmit emergency signal on the frequency of 406 MHZ and more modern transmit-
ters use also GPS receivers and thus it is possible to recover them fast and accurately
using satellites.
Both above mentioned patents are based on the same principle – a device which
needs protection from the destructive action of the crash is inserted into a housing and
then attached to the aircraft so that as soon as a crash is identified, the device can be
relatively easily detached from the aircraft. Thus, this device lands onto a terrain or
water area separately, away from the crash epicentre and away from the destructive
conditions. It is clear that impact and crash forces will be in this case much lower than
on the aircraft, the device will not be exposed to high temperatures and thus less atten-
tion and money can be paid to the device protection against damage. However, for the
case of landing on water, the device has to be afloat, ensuring unlimited floatability
and has to have emergency signal transmitter, enabling the device’s localisation.
Deployable recorders were not, according to the accessible resources, used during
the development of the first and second generation flight recorders. Perhaps, it was
due to the fact that the then used constructions were quite heavy and large and also
that there was no option for locating the recorders using satellites. The first search and
rescue satellite system Cospas‐Sarsat was established already in 1979, and in 1982 was
used to rescue 3 people from a small crashed aeroplane. However, only in 1988
a contract about final rescue organisation structure was signed, allowing the rescue of
human lives all over the world [12].
Robert Austin, a system engineer of DRS Flight Safety and Communications
Company, mentioned in his publications that deployable beacons and recorders of
DRS Company have been flying in military jet planes, turbo‐propeller planes and
helicopters for more than 30 years. That would mean that they were used at least from
1970. However, from the above mentioned reasons, they were most likely used only
regionally. In the late 1990s, DRS Company gained contracts for the modernisation of
Canadian Marines patrol aircraft CP‐140, F/A‐18 Hornet aircraft of American Marines
and Tornado aircraft of German Air Force [13-14].
The modernization consisted of replacement of existing recording systems by de-
ployable system EAS‐3000F that integrated voice and data recorder and emergency
locator transmitter (CVR + FDR + ELT) into one unit. This article also stated that
DRS Company had gained contracts for EAS‐3000 (helicopter version of this system)
for the modernisation of Canadian Cormorant Search and Rescue helicopters, United
Kingdom Marines, Italian Marines and Tokio Metropolitan Police helicopters. The
same article also cited that currently used deployable systems were mainly used in
aircraft and helicopters of Marines, rescue systems or police and also in Norwegian
helicopters of Norsk Helikopter Company, transferring workers to oil rigs in the North
Sea [15].

3.1. Location, Activation and Deploying Methods

Constructions of the system, locations in the aircraft and deployment methods from the
aircraft have been changing in line with the technological abilities of the eras. Original
patent stated that the tape recorder and radio transmitter should be placed in one unit
near the aircraft tail. Figure 3 shows a device with the recorder itself (26), radio trans-
Evolution of Flight Data Recorders 101

mitter (28), rocket engine (20), inertia switches kit (36-40), battery (66), thermal
switch (142) and parachute (31).

Fig. 3 Principle of ejectable recorder patented by US patent 3140847 [10]

Activation of the deployment was assured by a system of inertia switches, having
their sensitive axis positioned in all possible directions of the impact or by the thermal
switch in case of explosion or on‐board fire. Electrical contact in any of the switches
opened the door, ignited the rocket engine and then, with a certain delay, deployed the
drag parachute. At the same time, the radio transmitter started transmitting a signal to
locate the geographical position of the recorder. From the patent description, it is clear
that the author of the patent didn’t consider the aircraft crashing in a large water area –
the device has no means of keeping afloat and it is very likely that after submersing
into the water, the radio beacon would stop working [10].
The most recent patents from 2014 state the unit should be placed near the air-
craft tail in order to use aerodynamic forces when the unit is deployed. As helicopters
do not reach high speeds, the aerodynamics cannot be considered when placing the
recorder near the tail part of helicopters [16-17].

Fig. 4 ADFR installed on AP‐3C Orion and S‐70 Seahawk [DRS technologies]
102 M. Dub and J. Parizek

Depending on the used model, the deployment system consists of a set of sensors
placed in various parts of the aircraft – impact sensors, airframe integrity sensors and
immersion sensors (0.9 m depth). The control unit is configured to activate the de-
ployment when the deployment criteria are fulfilled. The deployment criteria are
gradually evaluated and four accident risk levels are set depending on the flight mode
and parameters. The system differentiates between a ground activity phase, a take‐off
phase, a flight phase and a landing phase. The system sensitivity to the signals coming
from the sensors and deciding the recorder deployment is then increasing with the
increased risk of an accident. The control unit also evaluates signals from the aircraft
warning systems and warns the pilot about the failure of important aircraft systems,
about the loss of altitude, oncoming collision, etc.
It is clear that, unlike the patented system in 1960s, the current systems are more
sophisticated and advanced due to the availability of microprocessors and MEMS
technologies. Therefore, it is a paradox that the unlimited floatability of these modern
systems and at the same time the impact protection are assured by an ‘ordinary’ water-
proof foam that fills the whole free space of the system housing. Principles of the
system release and deployment can vary.
The system on F‐18 aircraft uses, for a reliable deployment during an accident in
high speed, a small pyrotechnical cartridge, while system DFIR 2100 for Boeings
RC‐135 and other subsonic aircraft uses electromagnetic principle during deployment,
i.e. an electromagnet and a spring. The deployment time is in this case less than 50
milliseconds, regardless the speed and the aircraft position [13].
Many companies from all over the world are manufacturing flight recorders with
protected memory, including the one from made in the Czech Republic (SPEEL Pra-
gue). However, deployable recorders are, according to the newest information,
manufactured only by DRS Technologies Inc., based in Arlington, Virginia, USA [18].

Fig. 5 ADFR deployment system structure [16]

Evolution of Flight Data Recorders 103

3.2. Experience with Deployable Recorders in Air Traffic

According to the manufacturer of the modern deployable recorders of EAS‐3000F
type, the recovery percentage is very high (more than 95 %) and the usability of the
recording is 100 %. It means no recording has been damaged so far. The same infor-
mation was confirmed by R. Austin, stating that the recovered recorders were always
in a good state and only slightly damaged. In one reported case the data from the re-
corder on F‐18 were successfully downloaded despite the fact that the aircraft landed
on its tail and the system did not have a chance to deploy the recorder. A question
remains, in how many cases the download was not successful [13-14].
The recovery percentage of the deployable recorders is very high. Another case is
worth mentioning which happened on 29th January 2005 when the F/A‐18F Super
Hornet aircraft fell in the sea near Japan after an unsuccessful landing on the USS
Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier and its recorder (DFIRS) was deployed successfully. How-
ever, the recorder was not recovered without any particular reason. Nearly 6 years
later, the recorder was found on a sandy beach on Hawaii Island Oahu by a local surf-
This fact and Fig. 6 show that DFIRS recorder was not mechanically damaged,
corrosion caused by sea water was insignificant as the data in memory module was not
damaged and was successfully downloaded. The important fact is that the recorder
floated nearly 6 years and was practically unsinkable [19].

Fig. 6 DFIR found on the beach of Oahu, Hawaii [20]

3.3. ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices

According to the new edition of ICAO Annex 6, automatic deployable flight recorder
containers shall be painted a distinctive orange colour (surface visible from outside the
aircraft may be of another colour), they shall carry reflective material to facilitate their
location and they shall have an integrated automatically activated ELT [1].
The following requirements shall apply to an ADFR:
• deployment shall take place when the aircraft structure has been significantly
• deployment shall take place when an aircraft sinks in water;
• ADFR shall not be capable of manual deployment;
• the ADFR shall be able to float on water;
• the ADFR deployment shall not compromise the safe continuation of the flight;
104 M. Dub and J. Parizek

• the ADFR deployment shall not significantly reduce the chance of survival of
the recorder and of successful transmission by its ELT;
• the ADFR deployment shall not release more than one piece;
• an alert shall be made to the flight crew when the ADFR is no longer captive to
the aircraft;
• the flight crew shall have no means to disable ADFR deployment when the air-
craft is airborne;
• the ADFR shall contain an integrated ELT, which shall activate automatically
during the deployment sequence. Such ELT may be of a type that is activated in
flight, providing information from which a position can be determined;
• and the integrated ELT of an ADFR shall satisfy the same requirements as an
ELT required to be installed on an aircraft. The integrated ELT shall at least
have the same performance as the fixed ELT to maximize detection of the
transmitted signal.

4. Conclusions
Each concept of the flight recorder brings certain advantages and disadvantages. The
disadvantages are going to show only in particular unsuitable conditions for the partic-
ular recorder type. There are many other recent cases, for example MH370 aircraft of
Malaysia Airlines, on 7th March 2014, when after 41 minutes of flight, the aircraft lost
contact with the control centre and stopped replying to the radar responder. The air-
craft (and the onboard recorder with protected memory) have not been so far
recovered. As for the deployable recorder, it is technically possible that the system
would wrongly evaluate the situation as an emergency, deploy the recorder and the
plane would continue being airborne. Then, the recording would be lost for the rest of
the flight. Current trend of the onboard recorders includes integration of the individual
recorder types into one unit, making their size smaller and improving the data protec-
tion against harsh environments.
Also, current aircraft accidents and disasters drive the improvement for protec-
tion of the aircraft data log and the flight data log. One of the first improvement ideas
was to increase the battery capacity for acoustic beacon to extend the working time of
the beacon from 30 to 90 days and thus increase the chances of recovering the record-
ers (mandatory from 1 January 2018). Two advanced options of flight recorders
installation were also suggested. The first option required installing two combined
CVR/FDR recorders with protected memory. One would be installed near the aircraft
nose, the second near the aircraft tail and both would record the same voice and data
information. The second option would require installation of two different recorders –
one recorder with protected memory and the second recorder would be a deployable
recorder. Then, the aircraft would have both types of recorders. Airbus SE Company
now considers utilising both options and the company will be certified for installations
of DFIRS for aircraft A350 in 2019 [1, 21].
The last known idea introduced a concept for ground collecting and analysing
flight data. The main idea of this system is that all information about the aircraft and
flight would be transferred online using ground communication stations or satellite
networks and then stored at the ground monitoring station for later analysis. Special
software would identify a non‐standard behaviour of the aircraft in real time (for ex-
ample a flight diversion from the usual route, unusual position or vertical speed of the
aircraft, etc.) and apply a relevant corrective action if needed. This idea was most
Evolution of Flight Data Recorders 105

likely planned mainly for civilian airline aircraft as it may attract a few concerns about
the complexity and financing of the implementation, international relations, operation
system responsibilities and securing the system against political changes or similar
events [22].
Based on the air transport development, covering mainly an increase of power
and flight density, it is clear that the need for flight recorders or any other device for
analysing emergency situations is and always will be always increasing. Current mod-
ern technologies are enabling miniaturisation, back‐ups, unsuitable conditions
protection, large data transfers, implementation of the earlier‐proposed but
not‐yet‐implemented principles, but cost will always be considered when implement-
ing technologies for increasing flight reliability and safety. On the one hand,
manufacturers can provide the best equipped and the most reliable aircraft, but on the
other hand, there are many cases where financial gain or political issues were of more
interest than flight safety.

The work presented in this article has been supported by the Ministry of Defence of
the Czech Republic (UoD development program “Research of sensor and control
systems to achieve battlefield information superiority”).

[1] Annex 6 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Part I – International
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106 M. Dub and J. Parizek

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