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C++ AMP Errata: Chapter 1: Vectorization (Page 8)

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C++ AMP Errata

The following is a list of the errata for the book. If you find other errors with the book text then please
report them on the O'Reilly Errata page. For issues related to the code samples please file an issue on

Chapter 1: Vectorization (page 8)

The code fragment should read as follows. Note the use of the & operator rather than &&.
int CPUInfo[4] = { -1 };
__cpuid(CPUInfo, 1);
bool bSSEInstructions = (CpuInfo[3] >> 24 & 0x1);

Chapter 1: OpenMP (page 10)

There is a small technical mistake here. The text should state that the loop is not parallelizable in its
current form. This loop is parallelizable but must be rewritten to remove the loop carried dependency.

The developer is responsible for writing a loop that is parallelizable, of course, and this is the truly hard part of
the job. For example, this loop is not parallelizable in its current form:
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
a[i] = a[i - 1] + b[i];

Chapter 2: The CPU NBody Classes (page 36)

The code fragment should read as follows. Note the use of the += operator add the current particle's
acceleration to acc, rather than using the = operator to set the value.
std::for_each(pParticlesIn, pParticlesIn + numParticles, [=, &acc](const ParticleCpu& p)
const float_3 r = p.pos - pos;
float distSqr = SqrLength(r) + m_softeningSquared;
float invDist = 1.0f / sqrt(distSqr);
float invDistCube = invDist * invDist * invDist;
float s = m_particleMass * invDistCube;
acc += r * s;

Chapter 3: array_view<T,N> (page 52)

The code fragment should read as follows. The reference to av.grid has been replaced with av.extent.
The grid property was the name used for extent in the beta release of C++ AMP.
std::vector<int> v(5);
std::iota(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
array_view<int, 1> av(5,v);
parallel_for_each(av.extent, [=](index<1> idx) restrict(amp)
av(idx) = av(idx) * 2;

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Chapter 4: Tile Barriers and Synchronization (page 74)
The references to variable TS should refer to TileSize. The code fragment should read as follows.
for (int i = 0; i < W; i += TileSize)

tile_static float sA[TileSize][TileSize];

tile_static float sB[TileSize][TileSize];
sA[row][col] = a(tidx.global[0], col + i);
sB[row][col] = b(row + i, tidx.global[1]);
for (int k = 0; k < TileSize; k++)
sum += sA[row][k] * sB[k][col];

Chapter 7: Efficient Accelerator Global Memory Access (pages 148-9)

This section does not contain any technical mistakes but feedback from readers suggested that it was
not entirely clear. It's been reworded and the second diagram updated to convey the correct meaning.

This difference in execution time is due to the writes to outData being uncoalesced. Although the reads from
inData on each thread are from adjacent memory addresses, the writes to outData from consecutive threads oc-
cur on different rows.

inData outData

1 2 3 4 1 5 9 13

5 6 7 8 2 6 10 14

9 10 11 12 3 7 11 15

13 14 15 16 4 8 12 16

This explains the big difference in performance. The threads (numbered in the diagram above) are writing to
memory locations that are not adjacent. Remember that C++ AMP, like C and C++, stores multi-dimensional data
in row-major order, so the shaded row represents coalesced memory access while the column in outData is an
uncoalesced access.

It's actually possible to use tile static memory to mitigate this by adding an additional set of copies, as shown
in the following example:
... Code sample is unchanged. See the original text.

Here the kernel is divided into two phases using the familiar tiled kernel pattern introduced in Chapter 4. In the
first part of the kernel each thread in the tile copies coalesced data from inData in global memory into tile static
localData and transposes it during the copy to tile static memory. After the barrier—which ensures that all threads
have finished the copy—the data is written in a coalesced way back to global memory. Tile static memory has a
much higher bandwidth and smaller interface width than global memory, so the penalty for uncoalesced memory
accesses is far less. By transferring the matrix elements by means of tile static memory and doing the transpose
there, uncoalesced writes to global memory can be eliminated. The diagram shows four tiles (numbered in bold),
each with four threads. The memory accesses for the threads in tile 2 are shown shaded. It clearly shows that the
writes to outData by threads 1 and two in tile 2 are now coalesced.

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inData localData outData

11 2 21 2 21 3 11 2 31 2

3 4 3 4 2 4 3 4 3 4
31 2 41 2 21 2 41 2

3 4 3 4 21 2 3 4 3 4

3 4

Chapter 12: Additional C++ AMP Features on Windows 8 (page 295)

This section did not contain any mistakes at the time of writing.

Since publication of the book Microsoft has released the Platform Update for Windows 7. This update enables
both debugger support and the WARP accelerator on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. The following
blog posts detail how these features are now enabled.

 C++ AMP CPU fallback support now available on Windows 7

 C++ AMP GPU debugging now available on Windows 7

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