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November 2020 Messenger PDF

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V 27 N 3 November 2020

Message from the Minister Preaching Schedule INSIDE THIS ISSUE

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, Two Sunday services:
For nearly seven years, I had the privilege of 8:30am and 10:30am
serving as Chaplain to the South Holland Fire Up Front
Department. Every Thursday I would head to
Station #1 for donuts and devotions from November 1: 4-5
7:30-8:00am, as the shifts were changing. We All Saints Sunday
would spend time talking about the calls they Three services today: 8:30am, Music & Worship
received overnight, who was milking overtime 10:30am, 5:00pm
and what they were eating for lunch that day. I so enjoyed 6-7
Note: The Gathering takes
getting to know these humble, hardworking men and women Serve
who saved lives, saw unthinkable trauma along the highway place the first Sunday
and ran into burning buildings when everyone else was of each month.
running out. The Reverend
One thing you need to realize about the fire service industry is Dr Matthew Waterstone
that there is a very clear totem pole of seniority. Oftentimes Candles and Bells
the low man or woman on the totem pole would get the worst
shift, the most menial chores and last dibs on overtime. One of
the rookie firefighters I got to know quite well was a short, November 8
thin young man named Dylan. He was in his early twenties The Reverend
when I first met him. He was one of those guys who just loved Dr. Matthew Waterstone Learning, Caring,
being around the fire station. One time, the Chief even said to Lord of History Growing
Dylan, “Boy, will you just go home?” Dylan loved every part of
his job. Sweeping the floors, cleaning out equipment, or being November 15 10-11
last in line for dinner never seemed to bother him. He took a The Reverend Children & Youth
special liking to my son Willem, who I would bring for donuts Dr. Matthew Waterstone
and devotions on the way to school. We even have a picture of Rebuilding the House
Willem in Dylan’s fire fighter jacket and helmet. Dylan was just of the Lord
a nice, energetic, easy-to-talk-to young man. He always wanted
to refill my coffee cup or help Willem get a second donut. November 22:
Christ the King Sunday
On September 30, Dylan died in an underwater training
accident in the Kankakee River. He was just 29 years old. The Reverend
He left behind a fiancée and an unborn child. I received text Dr. Matthew Waterstone
Ironic Power 12
messages all through that day from friends in the fire
Last Words
department. There was an accident. Things didn’t look good.
He is being airlifted to Northwestern Hospital. He’s in a coma. November 29:
We don’t think he’s going to make it. Candidly, as a minister, First Sunday in Advent
I’ve been around a lot of death, but not death like this. This The Reverend
was sudden, tragic, heartbreaking. I just assumed Dylan Dr. Matthew Waterstone
would scurry up the ranks in the department and ascend to A Good Cry
Lieutenant. But at just 29 years old, he was gone. ______________
Friends of The Reformed Church and beyond, the veil between
life and death is so, so thin. We are not guaranteed tomorrow.
If 2020 is any indication, we certainly don’t know what next
week, let alone next month will look like. And I’m not telling
you something you don’t already know. But I think if we were
Continued on page 9
2 A R O U N D R C B
Consistory News We l c o m e , N e w M e m b e r s !
By Sam Clover Joined October 18, 2020
Consistory met via Zoom the evening of October 13
for its first bi-monthly meeting of the program year. Sara Aliu lives in Bronxville with her
We reviewed all church worship and programming, husband, Dardan, and nearly two-year-old
including the information highlighted below. son, Ariot. Sara grew up in Kosovo during
2021 Nominating Committee some very difficult years. At that time, she
Consistory chose four of its members to serve on the witnessed the work of World Vision, and
2021 Nominating Committee. Deacons Paul Muir, Amy eventually traveled the world working for
Parsons and Kate Milliken Vaughey, along with Elder them. Since moving to the US she has been
John Torell, were elected. They will serve alongside working in the restaurant industry, and
the six members voted by the congregation: David hopes to continue her education in health managment. She
Agnew, Jennifer Buttigieg, Judy Foley, Emily Liggitt, moved to Bronxville two years ago, and looks forward to
Andy Rubenstein and Arleen Thomas. Elder Dan connecting with our community of faith at RCB.
Johnson is serving as chair.
Catherine Campbell and
We’re grateful to all who agreed to be considered. Arthur Scinta live in Pelham and
To assure the congregation’s involvement in this tell us, “We’ve enjoyed the warm
process, all church members are encouraged to suggest welcome we’ve received while
names of elder and deacon candidates to Elder Dan worshipping at RCB, even in this
Johnson, Chair, at danielfjohnson@gmail.com. time of social distancing.”
Stewardship Catherine is a law partner with
Stewardship Chair Mark Liggitt reported that for 2020 DelBello, Donnellan, et al. in
more than 225 families in our congregation pledged a White Plains, focusing on
total of $1.43 million, which allowed us to meet and commercial litigation and transactions. Arthur is an attorney
exceed our goal of $1.4 million. On average, pledges and real estate broker. With a Bachelor of Architecture
from 2019-2020 were up by almost 20% over the degree, he also has a passion for historic preservation, urban
previous year. We’re blessed and grateful that even in planning, and landscape design. A former mayor and trustee
this challenging time, most families have fulfilled their for the village of Pelham, he is a founder and board member
pledge or are on track to do so by year’s end. We will of the Pelham Preservation. Catherine is a board member of
launch our 2021 Stewardship Campaign on November the Pelham Public Library, and past president and legal
15, with Mark once again serving as the campaign co- counsel for the Bartow-Pell Conservancy. Both Catherine
chair along with Elder John Torell. Expect to receive a and Arthur were active in their prior churches.
letter in your home mailboxes around that time.
Action Committee on Race and Justice Ashley and Mike Ching live in
Over the last few months, the “ACRJ” has identified a Bronxville with their three
number of action steps to work for racial justice, many children: Dakota, 6; Emerson,
of which are in process. These include: 4; and Maverick, 2. Ashley is a Head
· Offering racial justice training for the Merchant for The Company Store
committee and any church members and staff in NJ. She grew up in the Catholic
who wish to participate church, and finds she loves our
church community and “taking an
· Inviting preachers and guest speakers of color hour each Sunday to reflect.”
to participate in Sunday services and education
She finds Pastor Matt’s sermons
hours “inspirational and relevant.” Mike is
· Participating in youth mentorship programs a principal at Tarsadia Capital in NYC, and was also raised
· Adding books exploring race and ethnicity to in the Catholic church and an all-boys Jesuit high school.
our libraries and partnering with local churches He says, “Since we began attending The Reformed Church,
of color to build relationships and serve together. I have thoroughly enjoyed the community, introduction
· Creating clear messaging that our church of religion to our children, spiritual reflection, and quiet
stands against racism. prayer time.”
The committee is energetic and eager to continue Continued on page 3
meeting and working together.
A R O U N D R C B 3

Welcome New Members! Prudence (Pru) Milite lives in

Continued from page 2 Eastchester and has been attending
The Reformed Church for two
Kristin and Andrew Kennedy live in years. She attended Union
Bronxville with their two children: Theological Seminary in NYC,
James, 4; and Charlotte, 1. Kristin grew which “deepened my understanding
up attending First Presbyterian Church of the church and its role in the
in Lake Forest, IL, and works at Hearst. world.” She received her Masters
Andrew grew up in Bronxville, went to of Social Work degree from Hunter College, and
The Reformed Church Nursery School, although now retired, she currently leads some
and grew up attending the Church of programs for senior citizens at Bronx House
St. Joseph. He works at WeWork. Over Community Services. She was drawn to our church
the past few years, he’s taught himself and the nature of our worship services and Bible
to fly fish. He and Kristin enjoy tennis and skiing, and studies, and as a way of continuing in her own
are looking forward to becoming part of our church commitment of faith.
community. They anticipate it will be “meaningful to our
faith and spirituality.” Alexandra and Towson
Remmel moved very
Emily and Nik Johnston have four recently to Bronxville
boys: James, 6; Joseph, 4; George, 2; from NYC, with their two
and Hugh, 5 months. They live in little ones: Georgina, 2;
Bronxville, and two of their sons and Charles, 1. Alexandra
attend RCNS. Emily is a Senior is a wealth advisor for
Vice President in Marketing for Morgan Stanley, and
Citizen Relations, a communications Towson works in
agency. She says, “Service and investment banking at
giving back have always been the Bank of America. Each grew up in different Christian
driving forces to my involvement in church, and after churches, and understand the importance of being “in a
having kids, I’ve tried to share the love of God and give community that comes together to worship and support
them a spiritual grounding.” Nik is a managing director one another.” Alexandra attended Juilliard as an
at JP Morgan. He grew up in the Catholic church and undergraduate for violin. She loves trying new recipes,
attended a Catholic boys school. Both agree that “the strong and a good glass of red wine. Towson attended
community and approachable sermons kept us coming back Princeton as an undergrad, then went on to Columbia
and enjoying our time at The Reformed Church.” Business School, where he played rugby. He and
Alexandra met in the university gym one night, went
Lillian and William McCaw live in out to dinner, and the rest is history!
Bronxville and have two children:
Augustus, 6; and Robin, 4. They have Jamie Schwartz lives in
been regular worshippers at RCB for Bronxville with her
the past year. Lillian is Director of husband David and their
Human Resources for White & Case in three children, Julian, 9;
NYC. She grew up in the Episcopal Nina, almost 6; and Blair,
church in Georgia, and from a young nearly 2. She works at home
age has appreciated the community caring for their children, and
spirit and the impact of faith-related volunteers with the Junior
messages. William is a headhunter with Principal Search League of Bronxville,
Ltd., London, and plays rugby and football (soccer). He Bronxville School PTA,
grew up attending church off and on, and appreciates the and Feeding Westchester.
impact Christian principles have on their family. “We want She previously worked as an attorney, and met David
them to be part of the fabric of our children’s upbringing.” while both were attending Fordham Law School. She
The McCaws have enjoyed the messages delivered in the enjoys hiking, and feels that our church “has a warmth
sermons at RCB, and look forward to becoming actively and kindness that embodies the spirit of Christ.”
involved as members.
4 M U S I C A N D W O R S H I P

Top: the socially-distanced RCB Schola. Bottom: Youth

handbell choirs rehearse in the cloister.
Join the Chancel Choir for a Virtual Visit
to Austin Organ Company Children’s and Youth Vocal Choirs
Wed., Nov. 18, 7:00-8:00pm. Via Zoom. Carol Choir (1st-3rd grade): Wed., 4:00-4:30pm
The Chancel Choir continues our Zoom Lecture series in Cathedral Choir (4th & 5th grades):
November with a featured presentation by Austin Organ Wed., 4:45-5:15pm
Company in Hartford CT, where our organ resides during its Chapel Choir (6-8th grade): Wed., 5:30-6:00pm
current restoration. Austin representatives will show us
around the factory and explain all the steps our organ has to Children’s and Youth Handbell Choirs
go through before it returns home to RCB. We’d love to have
Whitechapel Ringers (6-8 grades):
everyone join us—choir members or not!—for this exciting
Sun., 12:00-12:30pm
Zoom! With 3,000 pipes there is quite a lot to cover. For info,
contact Caitlin Dowling at cdowling@reformedchurch org. Kirk Ringers (9-12 grades): Sun., 12:45-1:45pm
Stay tuned for more Chancel Choir events. All are welcome! Calvin Ringers (New 5th and 6th grade):
Sun., 2:00-2:30pm

Wednesday Evening Prayers The Gathering

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:00pm, Narthex. (Fellowship 6:00-6:30pm) First Sunday of every month, 5:00pm, Congregational Hall
In the tradition of compline, this service offers the chance to Gifted pianist and singer Chris Whittaker leads an
re-connect with God and each other. Worship time features a expanded band including Sylvia Lee on drums and
brief homily and communal and individual prayer. We’re Eric Thompson on bass! Bring your masks and your
meeting in the Narthex, but may re-locate to the Edwards praise on November 1 and December 6 for this
Room, when renovations are complete. re-invigorated service.
M U S I C A N D W O R S H I P 5
All Saints’ Sunday: November 1 Advent Snapshot: Special Events
At all three services (8:30am, 10:30am and 5:00pm), In addition to regular Sunday worship services, please
names of all the saints who died over the past year join us for one (or all!) of the following Advent
will be read. special programs:
Members of This Church Who Have Died Sun., Dec. 13, 5:00pm, Christmas Concert featuring
Over the Last Year youth handbells
(November 4, 2019 – October 31, 2020)
Sun., Dec. 20, 5:00pm, Annual Gift Service
M. Chase Griffith
Marc Guild Mon., Dec. 21, 6:30pm, Longest Night Worship Service
Madeline Jordan
Mary Kahlert Thu., Dec. 24, Christmas Eve Services:
Lorraine N. Lange This year we intend to offer several service times to
Jean Miller accommodate as many worshippers as possible in
Alexander Mohtares this Covid time. Details to come.
Sarah W. Peters Fri., Dec. 25, 10:30am, Christmas Day Service
John A. Quisenberry Sun., Dec. 27, 10:30am, One service only
Mary Anne Rittenhouse
Robert H. Shaw
The Reverend Dr. William L. Steele Christmas Memorials
Katherine Strickler We are now making plans for the annual church Christmas
Charles J. Urstadt decorations—lights, trees and poinsettias. If you care to
Peter Williamson make a contribution in memory or in honor of loved ones,
George Young whose names will be printed in the Christmas Eve and
And we remember all others who have departed Christmas Day bulletins, you may donate via our website,
and live on in our hearts, and all the saints using the instructions below.
of the church universal Go to WWW.REFORMEDCHURCH.ORG
Names of All Who Have Been Baptized
at This Church Over the Last Year Click “GIVE” dropdown menu
Audrey Alford
Michael Ching Click “FLOWERS & MEMORIALS”
Henry Hutchinson Jacobs
Charlotte Kennedy
James Kennedy
Shirley Sprague and complete the online form
Gabriella Szabados

Christmas Concert
Sun., Dec. 13, 5:00pm, free
Featuring our Youth Handbell Choirs and a special
performance of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite for two
Christmas Pageant
Sun., Dec. 20, 5:00pm, free
The Annual Gift Service is happening! Working with
Covid-19 restrictions, it might look a little different this
year, but will be just as special. Please mark your
calendars now. More information will follow. If you’re Use the “comments” field (above) to fill in the name(s) of
interested in participating this year, reach out to Caitlin your loved ones.
Dowling at cdowling@reformedchurch.org.
6 S E R V E

Left: attendees at the

opening of Donna Hylton’s
“A Little Piece of Light”
office in Bedford-
Stuyvesant, Brookyn.
Right: Donna Hylton and
RCB’s Mary Mackintosh.

As a women’s rights and criminal justice reform advocate,

Donna is determined to bring love and belonging to
women and girls who have never experienced love. She
is an example to them of how to overcome trauma, abuse
and incarceration. She models for them forgiveness of
self, as well as the perseverance to build a life of meaning
and purpose.
In one of the most moving tributes to Donna that rainy
Friday afternoon, one of her corrections officers spoke
about meeting Donna in prison for the first time. She said
that Donna’s positivity and determination to make a
difference even while still incarcerated was like a beacon
to all around her. She ended by saying, “I’m so proud of
her right now because this is the realization of a dream.”
How many formerly incarcerated people are given a
tribute from a corrections officer?
A Little Piece of Light Donna was ordained as a Christian minister in 2011 while
By Mary Mackintosh still incarcerated. Even after her long years of abuse and
incarceration, she was able to write, “Jesus has always been
Sometimes God calls us to action at a really inconvenient a constant for me. No matter what’s happened in our lives,
time or calls us to do something we are reluctant to do. I he loves and accepts everyone.” On the night before her
find that when I overcome my human inclination to avoid release from prison, she preached the Sunday sermon at
discomfort, I usually receive a gift far greater than Bedford Hills Correctional Facility based on Isaiah 61:1:
anything I might have given up.
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord
Friday, October 16 was our first cold and rainy autumn has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek.
day, a day when staying inside and sipping on a cup of tea He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim
was about all I really wanted to do. And yet, I had been liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them
invited to the opening of the office of “A Little Piece of that are bound.”
Light” by my friend—and our Coming Home Resource
Network partner—Donna Hylton. I will be honest. When And all I can say is “Amen.”
I looked at Google Maps and saw that it would take over Note: Donna will be speaking at RCB as soon as we can
90 minutes to drive 18 miles to Bedford-Stuyvesant, I host her in person.
thought twice. But this day was not about me. It was about
Donna and all she has achieved in the 27 years she spent in
prison and in the eight years since she came home. Clothing Closet Update
Donna Hylton and “A Little Piece of Light” (the name of Due to the risks from COVID-19 to volunteers and
both her book and her organization) are changing lives. patrons, the Clothing Closet is closed until the church
Donna writes in the preface of her book, “A prison worse resumes normal operations.
than any government facility is the feeling that nobody We are not accepting donations at this time,
loves you. Nobody wants you. You belong nowhere.” but will reopen as soon as we are able.
S E R V E 7
Hunger and Food Insecurity
in Our Own Backyards
If there is a gift from Covid-19, it is the light it
has shed on many of our country’s deep systemic
issues, including the scope of food insecurity and
hunger across the nation and in our own
backyard. Many of you recognized this issue in
your mission survey responses.
This week, the Fulton and Dallendorfer families
joined mission to provide dinner to serve about 60
people at the “grab-and-go” food pantry in Mount
Vernon run by Community Service Associates.
The following day, Janet Dessart and I helped
community volunteers to unload boxes of milk,
potatoes, meat, fruits and vegetables delivered by
Feeding Westchester to the Westhab Mobile
Food pantry in Yonkers.
Please join us in upcoming opportunities to do our
small part in addressing our neighbors’ hunger.
For more information, contact
Westhab Mobile Food Pantry
Thu., Nov. 12, 12:00-2:00pm
Join Mary Mackintosh, and fellow congregants to
unload trucks and pack food bags for Westhab’s
mobile food pantry in Yonkers.
Community Service Associates Make a Difference This November
Dinner: Cook for Mount Vernon with These Opportunities to Volunteer
Tue., Nov. 17 Be on the lookout for our monthly Mission News E-blast, or visit
“Grab and Go” weekday evening soup kitchen. www.reformedchurch.org to learn how you can become involved in
We need 5 or 6 volunteers to cook and serve. mission programs.
Food should be delivered to RCB by 3:00pm.
For additional info about the opportunities below, contact Mary
Broadway Manor Soup Kitchen Mackintosh, mmackintosh@reformedchurch.org
Wed., Nov. 18, 11:00am
Help deliver food to our homeless friends Coming Home Resource Network
in Yonkers. Our network provides opportunities for partnership with a
Westhab Turkey Drive person returning home from prison. For info, contact Mary,
Kate Milliken Vaughey (kate@milligrace.com), or Paul Muir
Sat., Nov. 21, 11:00am (pmuir@mse-management.com).
Donate turkeys for at least 30 Westhab families.
Join us in Yonkers to distribute the turkeys and The Fuller Center for Housing
cards made by Church School children to Westhab Date, time TBD
families. Families are all welcome at this event. Help build a home for our neighbors in Westchester.
Thanksgiving Meal Delivery “Little Piece of Light” Pen Pal Program
Wed. Nov. 25
Correspond twice monthly by email with a woman incarcerated
Deliver Thanksgiving meals to congregants and
in a New York State prison; meet monthly with other pen pals to
friends in lieu of traditional RCB Community
discuss issues and insights into our criminal justice system.
Thanksgiving Dinner. For details, contact
Keeping in Touch By Judi McCandless
For many of us, “Zoom-fatigue” has become all too real. But please consider joining one of our virtual discussions for a
sense of connection and growth…not only for yourself, but for others who may be longing for community.

Virtual Coffee Hour Bibles, Books and Faith Conversations

Sundays, immediately after livestream worship Wednesdays, starting Nov. 4,
Refill your cup of coffee or tea after worship, and join us on 9:30-10:45am. Via Zoom
Zoom for a half hour of conversations with each other, and a Join us for a 6-week series on
chance to reflect on the sermon or scripture of the day. Adam Hamilton’s newest book,
Link and passcode will be provided in the bulletin each The Walk: Five Essential Practices
week. Questions? Contact Judi McCandless at of the Christian Life. This book
jmccandless@reformedchurch.org. focuses on five spiritual practices
rooted in Jesus’ own walk
Praying Through the Pandemic with God. Deepen your walk
Tuesdays, through Nov. 24, 9:00-10:00am. Via Zoom. with Christ as we explore the
Are you sensing an undercurrent of sadness, anxiety or practices of worship, study, serving, giving and
loneliness during these unsettling times? Are you wondering sharing our faith. Participants should purchase
how to help your loved ones? Let’s gather virtually and the book in advance. For more info or the
deepen our ties with each other as a faith community through Zoom link, contact Judi McCandless:
prayer, by listening to one another, and by cultivating ways to jmccandless@reformedchurch.org.
draw closer to God in our daily lives. We will touch on such
themes as simplicity, generosity, gratitude, and other inner Tea Time
disciplines. For information, questions or to get the Zoom
link, contact Judi at jmccandless@reformedchurch.org. Thu., Nov. 19, 3:00-4:00pm. Via Zoom.
We miss our Tea Time friends, and hope you will
Weekly Parent Support Group: join our virtual attempt to re-connect. Bring your
own tea or snacks, and join in conversations
Where’s Your Oxygen Mask? with a community of friends. RSVP to
Thursdays, 1:00-2:00pm. Via Zoom. jmccandless@reformedchurch.org by November
Starting this month we will be using Bishop 19 to get the Zoom link. Not familiar with Zoom?
Michael Curry’s uplifting book, Love Is the Reach out to us in advance, and we will be happy
Way, to help us see how to “hold on to hope to help!
in troubling times.” By posing questions he
is frequently asked about the nature of love, Pandemic Pals
Bishop Curry reminds us that “the way of Pandemic Pals is a new, intergenerational initiative
love is essential for addressing seemingly intended to create community and connection
insurmountable challenges facing the world during Covid-time! We will be pairing families
today… This book will lead readers to with children with other church members with the
discover the gifts they need in order to live intention of building friendships and providing
the way of love: deep reservoirs of hope and resilience, simple support during these challenging times. Once we
wisdom, the discipline of nonviolence, and unshakable regard match you up, participants can decide what works
for human dignity.” For more information and the Zoom link, best and what feels most comfortable while we are
contact jmccandless@reformedchurch.org. in the midst of the pandemic—whether this means
being pen-pals, dropping off treats, having socially-
Lectio Divina distanced visits or running simple errands.
Fridays, 10:30am-12:00pm, via Zoom We ask for a minimum of a once-a-month
Pastor Sam will lead this ancient form of Bible study that commitment, at least through the winter.
invites all participants to offer insight on the passage to be If you would like to participate in this new
preached the following Sunday. Go deeper in the Word program, please contact Judi McCandless,
and connect to a community of friends. Email jmccandless@reformedchurch.org, or 914-337-
sclover@reformedchurch.org to receive the Zoom link. 6776, ext. 120.
Something to Think About Message from the Minister
By Alexis Mastromarino Continued from page 1
One of our Sunday morning offerings for students this fall is honest with ourselves, we would see that we
Begin with the Bible. Ellie Dessart, a young congregant, leads don’t live like this. We live more like we’re
two sessions, via Zoom, for students in our Kindergarten invincible. We have our 5-10-15 year strategic
and first-grade classes and our second- and third-grade plans. We are already thinking about retirement
classes. Both groups read a Bible story, answer questions, or that next season of life.
and play games.
None of those things are guaranteed to us.
A couple of weeks ago, our Bible story was the story of Cain Instead, what we are left with is a mixture of
and Abel. Cain and Abel are brothers. Cain is the jealous gratitude and dependance. Gratitude to God for
brother who ultimately kills Abel. As one of the young the daily provisions we do have and dependance
students read aloud, one line particularly stood out to me. upon God to provide all that we need for this
God asks Cain where Abel is and Cain says that he does not day. In this season of Thanksgiving, I would
know, adding, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” encourage you to go back to the basics in your
mental rolodex of gratitudes. Be thankful for life.
I asked the students, “What does it mean to be your brother,
Be thankful for another day. Be thankful for
or sister’s keeper? Does “brother” mean only those related
having a family. Be thankful for sunrises and
to us or can it mean all God’s people? What is the answer to
good cups of coffee. And be thankful for things
the question, am I my brother’s keeper? How can we be his or
like grace and love. So if tomorrow isn’t
her keeper?”
promised us, then don’t go to bed angry with a
Even as I asked the students, these questions stayed with me loved one. And don’t forget to call your Mom or
as well. Dad and tell them you love them. And give some
This simple story out of a children’s Bible is such a profound thought to our finances and closets and garages,
reminder of what God wants of us—to be our brother (and knowing we can’t take it with us.
sister’s) keeper—to love each other as God loves us. While tomorrow may not be promised us, we do
Right now, we find our country, the world—perhaps even our have several other promises we can count on.
own families—in such a sad state. There is so much animosity, Promises like, God will be with us. Promises
division, and anger. What would our world look like if we like, God hears us when we talk to God.
answered Cain’s question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” the Promises like all of these headaches and
way God wants us to answer—with a resounding yes? How heartaches can’t compare to the glory that
would that translate into our behavior? How would we model awaits us in Christ Jesus. And that promise,
that for those who encounter us at home, at work, in the coffee Dylan doesn’t have to wait for.
shop, in the grocery store? Grace & Peace,
Perhaps today we can challenge ourselves to do one or two
things that show we are indeed our brother and sister’s keeper!

Sundays @ 5:00pm: There’s Something Happening for You!

If your Sunday mornings are busy with family visits or children’s ball games (or if you simply need to catch up on
sleep), RCB has Sunday evening programming for your heart, mind and soul.
The Gathering: First Sunday of every month, 5:00pm, Congregational Hall. Join pianist and singer Chris Whittaker
and the Gathering band for this contemporary worship service. Bring your masks and put your praise on!
Adult Education: Various Sundays. RCB clergy and guests will present topics to help deepen your relationship
with God and with the world.
Music At RCB: Various Sundays. This fall, we hosted two concerts featuring the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. Next
up is the annual Christmas Concert on December 13, featuring our Youth Handbell Choirs and a special performance
of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite for two pianos.
10 C H I L D R E N A N D Y O U T H
Church School News What’s On Offer to Church School
By Alexis Mastromarino Students (and Parents) this Fall
Our Church School year began on Sunday, September 13. With the For all Students:
uncertainty of Covid-19 and the construction projects at the church • Lessons are sent via email and regular mail
still underway, we started remotely. each week, prior to Sunday. Parents may
In late September, we sent a survey to all Church School parents. use them at any time.
We hoped to gain insight on how comfortable parents would be to • We sometimes use Zoom for our older CS
have their children attend Church School on site. The responses classes. Zoom sessions are held on Sunday
were kind and thoughtful. Most parents were happy with our mornings after the service at 11:45am.
current remote program. Below are one parent’s comments that • “Take home” materials are being mailed to
seemed to capture the general feeling regarding Church School: students’ homes.
I appreciate the efforts of the staff and volunteers who are putting together • The Parenting Christian Kids newsletter is
turn-key lessons for our children. This helps keep them engaged and sent to CS parents every month.
connected to the church school and mitigates the risks of meeting in person. • All students are invited to participate in a
[…] Asking church school volunteers to enforce safety measures puts them Bulletin Cover contest.
in a tough position, as it's a challenge during normal years to keep the • All students are invited to make
children from sitting too close, etc. Church school should be a place for them Thanksgiving cards to be sent with boxed
to feel loved, relaxed and safe and not worried about following strict rules meals that will be distributed near
[that would be necessary for everyone’s safety]. Thanksgiving.
After analyzing the results, and much thought and prayer, we have For the youngest students:
decided to continue remote Church School through the end of
• Simple lessons for the 2-year-olds and
December. In the meantime, we are providing a wide variety of 3-year-olds are mailed monthly and emailed
offerings for students from two-years-old through seventh grade to weekly. Recorded Bible stories for the
keep them connected to Church School. Our teachers and volunteers 2– and 3-year-olds are emailed each week
are doing an amazing job creating engaging, easy-to-use lessons. with the lesson.
Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help your • Learning Bags for the young children are
child have a good Church School experience this year. If you are not available during We Worship Together
receiving the lessons via email or through postal mail, please contact Sundays. The bags contain activities that
me at alexis@reformedchurch.org or at (914) 337-6776, ext. 118. coincide with the sermon or church season.
Most activities are also emailed
• On holiday weekends, a “Special Sundays”
Church School Bulletin Cover Contest lesson and craft are mailed to students, then
Church School students are invited to design a cover to be emailed as well.
considered for the 10:30am worship bulletin for Sun., Nov. 22 For grade school students:
(the week before Thanksgiving). Artwork should be related to • We offer two 15-minute Begin with the
Thanksgiving and/or to the Church School theme from Bible Zoom sessions on Sunday mornings.
Philippians: Celebrate God All Day, Every Day. Entries should The 9:00am session is geared toward
be submitted by email on an 8½ x 11 sheet of paper to kindergarten and first grade. The 9:30am
alexis@reformedchurch.or, no later than Tue., Nov. 17; winner session is geared towards second and third
announced that week. grade. Both are led by one of our youth.
Church School Students: Make a Thanksgiving Card! • Our chapel sessions for 4-year-olds and
RCB is delivering meals Thanksgiving week. We’re asking Kindergarten classes are recorded and
students to make a card that can be sent with each meal. Please emailed with the lesson each week.
design your cards on an 8½ x 11 sheet of paper that we can fold Plans for Thanksgiving, Advent, and
and put in a 6” x 9” envelope. Envelopes will be provided. Cards Christmas are underway. Although the lessons
can be emailed (ready to print) to alexis@reformedchurch.org or will be “remote,” they will be fun, inviting
dropped in the basket in the Narthex by Thu., Nov. 19. Make as and easy. For more info, contact Alexis at
many as you like! alexis@reformedchurch.org or call the church
at 337-6776, ext. 118.
C H I L D R E N A N D Y O U T H 11
RCB Youth: A Month of Growth!
By Christian Verwys
Our Student Ministries Youth Groups have
experienced a month of steady growth together.
We have grown in attendance, in Adult Leader
participation, and in slices of pizza, chicken wings, and
tacos consumed. But most importantly, we have grown
in our sense of community with one another. We have
been incredibly blessed with wonderful fall weather—
save for a few rainy nights—in which to enjoy food,
scriptural teaching and discussion and socially distant
games! Somehow, the Covid era has provided an
opportunity to turn “old school” games like tic-tac-toe,
rock-paper-scissors, and even Pac-Man into active,
hilarious, and safe games that get our bodies moving.
We’re excited to launch a new program for boarding
school students. In a monthly virtual Zoom call, led
by me and high school senior Connor Randall, we will
encourage, support and pray with our students who are
learning away from home, and make sure they know
they are a part of our family as well!
As our new youth suite nears completion, we’ve had
the opportunity to give some brief tours, sharing the
vision for how we hope to use this space, not only for
the beloved youth of this congregation, but also for
those who are in our community and our village and
who are not yet known to us. Top: The High School Youth Group shows off their pumpkin
For the student in need of belonging who is unsure of carving skills with their custom jack-o’-lanterns.
where to find it, for the young person searching for a Bottom: The Middle School Youth Group cavorts in the Cloister.
place to call their spiritual home, our prayer is that our
Student Ministries programs will become a place of High School Youth Group: Mon., 6:00-7:00pm
radical welcome, where middle and high schoolers are Note: No meeting on Mon., Nov. 23.
able to embrace and grow into the people God has
created them to be. Email cverwys@reformedchurch.org Middle School Youth Group: Wed., 6:00-7:00pm
for more info. Note: No meeting on Wed., Nov. 25

Confirmation Sunday: October 18, 2020

This year’s confirmands found themselves in an
unusual situation: Confirmation Sunday, which would
have taken place last spring, had to be postponed due
to the pandemic.
Undaunted, our confirmands kept in touch via Zoom
and were more than ready to enjoy their confirmation
on a beautiful Sunday in October, followed by a
socially-distanced lunch in the Cloister.
12 L A S T W O R D S
STAFF LISTING Consistory Council Chairs
Management: Rosanne Welshimer
The Rev. Dr. Matthew Waterstone, Senior Minister, ext. 131 Stewardship: Mark Liggitt
Fellowship: Laura Redican
The Rev. Samuel T. Clover, Associate Minister, ext. 134 Education: Don Bringle
sclover@reformedchurch.org Mission: Joe French
Caitlin Dowling, Director of Music & Liturgy, ext. 126 Congregational Care: Fran Harris
cdowling@reformedchurch.org Worship: Gary Reetz
Youth and Family: Amy Parsons
Christian Verwys, Student Pastor, ext. 124
Book of Life
Judith McCandless, Director of Member Engagement, ext. 120
In Memorium
M. Chase Griffith, who joined the church in 1954, died
Mary Mackintosh, Director of Missional Engagement,
September 23.
Mary Kahlert, who joined the church in 1963, died April 6.
Alexis Mastromarino, Director of Children’s Ministries, ext. 118
alexis@reformedchurch.org Lorraine Lange, who joined the church in 1961, died May 7.

Margaret Murtagh, Director, Reformed Church Nursery School,

Robert Shaw Sr., who joined the church in 1962, died
914-337-6332, ext. 143, margaret@reformedchurch.org March 24.

P.J. DeGenaro, Communications Associate, ext. 112 Baptisms

Janice Sachtjen, Executive Administrative Assistant, ext. 132 James Kennedy, son of Kristin and Andrew Kennedy, on
jsachtjen@reformedchurch.org September 11, 2020.
Carla Savage, Payroll and Benefits Administrator, ext. 116 Charlotte Kennedy, daughter of Kristin and Andrew
csavage@reformedchurch.org Kennedy, on September 11, 2020.
Louanne Mitchell, Administrative Assistant, ext. 153 Audrey Caroline Alford, daughter of Brooke and Sean
louanne@reformedchurch.org Alford, on September 19, 2020.
Alan Zanzano, Chief Operating Officer, ext. 117 Henry Hutchinson Jacobs, son of Jennifer and Walker
azanzano@reformedchurch.org Jacobs, on October 11, 2020.
Joseph DeBisceglie, Bookkeeper, ext. 155 Adults:
joseph@reformedchurch.org Michael Man-Li Ching, son of Alice Ka-Yan and David
Nick Leff, Facility Supervisor, ext. 149 Tai-Ming Ching, on October 3, 2020.

Minister of Sacred Music Emeritus: Rodney D. Schuller

Happy Thanksgiving!
“Give thanks to the Lord,
for he is good; his love
180 Pondfield Road, Bronxville, NY 10708
914-337-6776, www.reformedchurch.org
endures forever.”
The Reformed Church Nursery School
—Psalm 106:1
The Counseling Center 914-793-3388

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