Customer Perception Towards E-Banking Services Provided by Commercial Banks of Kathmandu Valley Questionnaire
Customer Perception Towards E-Banking Services Provided by Commercial Banks of Kathmandu Valley Questionnaire
Customer Perception Towards E-Banking Services Provided by Commercial Banks of Kathmandu Valley Questionnaire
Mr. Prajwalkarki
Ace Institute of Management
Cell no: +9779843702207
Section A: Personal Information
Please select among the best alternative and write the number down in the box aside.
Q1. Your gender:
Male ………………………………………………...1
Female ………………………………………………2
Q5. Your employment status (please check out the most engaged one)
Employee ………………………………………. 1
Businessman …………. ……………..………….2
Retired ……………………………………… …..3
Student ………………………………………. ….4
Section B: Customer Perception
Q6: Number of banks in which you have your account
One ………………………………..1
Two ………………………………..2
Three ………………………………3
Four or more……………………..4
Q7: Which E-Banking services do you use the most? ( you can choose more than one)
1. Internet Banking………………………………..
2. ATM…………………………………………
3. Mobile banking………………………………
4. Smart cards…………………………………….
5. E-cheque……………………………………….
6. Demat facility……………………………………
Q11: How do you perceive following factors after using the services of E-banking. Please tick
the following factors according to your perception towards the factors.
SN Factors Strongl Agre Neutral Disagre Strongly
y agree e e disagree
1 E-banking helps to save your time
2 E-banking is less costly than other
banking services
3 I get information about E-banking
transaction in my account details
4 E-banking is trust worthy
5 E-banking eliminates risk of carrying
6 E-banking helps to transfer money
7 E-banking helps to do banking
transaction from anywhere at anytime
8 The personal data that are entered in
E-banking is secured
Q.12 Please rank the E-banking services provided by the commercial bank, with 1 being your
most preferred service and 6 being your least.
1. Internet Banking………………………………..
2. ATM…………………………………………
3. Mobile banking………………………………
4. Smart cards…………………………………….
5. E-cheque……………………………………….
6. Demat facility……………………………………