Biotecnika - Web - Newspaper - 16 - October - 2018
Biotecnika - Web - Newspaper - 16 - October - 2018
Biotecnika - Web - Newspaper - 16 - October - 2018
●● The notification for the IISER TVM PhD Admissions ●● Check out the notification for the National Geo-
January 2019 has been released. Interested and eligible graphic Early Career Grant 2019. This is a grant that is
can check out all of the details on the course, the fees, the available for candidates all over the world. Interested
fellowship, the application procedure and apply... individuals can check out all of the details on the Appli-
cation process, deadline, Project description...
Page 5 Page 11
HEADLINES October 16th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 48
Please note:
Apply Online
CAREER ADVICE October 16th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 48
Setting meetings with your Ph.D. su- use. They should be able to provide ad- What to do if things go wrong No one, in any school, is setting limits
pervisor vice also on different issues that come in terms of you changing your supervisor.
up while doing your research. Most of Frictions between you and your super- The goal here is to find the perfect fit for
The frequency of meetings you hold all, they should be able to provide a visor are inevitable during your post- you, regardless of how long it takes or the
with your supervisor depends on your helping hand in writing your thesis and graduate studies. But this should not be number of times you have to change. Just
progress. There are some who needs to also give constructive and critical feed- a reason for you to change supervisors. make sure that you have already carefully
meet them as often as possible while back. Remember the ground rules you set in examined which supervisor is the best for
others only need to see their supervi- On the other hand, while this is some- pointer number one. Communication you. Only when it does not work should
sors in certain times. But the end game thing that’s really good, you shouldn’t should be vital. Put into mind that dis- you switch teams and change your super-
is the same: Meet them regularly or at rely everything to be offered to you on a agreements are natural, and it will pop visor.
least twice a month. The best way to do silver platter. Also, if you can research up from time to time, especially when So there it goes. Ten pointers for you
this is to talk with your supervisor and it on your own, then do so. Do your own you are in the same team. But if you to take into consideration when it comes
discuss the frequency of your meetings. research first, and if you still can’t find have a strong communication founda- to getting the most out of your PhD su-
It is something that only the both of you the answers, then ask for help. tion, these disagreements will be han- pervisor. We hope that these pointers will
can agree to. dled in a manner that will help both of help you land the perfect fit for you. Just
Furthermore, a great supervisor must you grow and learn. remember that when things go wrong or
What your Ph.D. supervisor can do have the ability to teach and guide you In other words, do not hesitate to have if you’re no longer happy with the super-
for you in writing journal articles and grant a conversation with your supervisor. If visor you currently have or when you are
proposals as well as connecting you you’ve exerted all effort and still the not getting the most out of him or her,
Helping you produce a high-quality with some researchers in your field. But disagreement is not solved or the situa- you have the option to change supervi-
research should be on top of the list of there’s a limit to that too. They should tion gets worse, then it’s time to change sors. Just don’t do it in a blink of an eye.
the things that your supervisor can do not in any way do the job hunting for your supervisor – this should only be a Take some time to think about it and do
for you. They should give you the best you or do the writing for you. last resort. what you can within both your powers to
guidance they have to offer in terms of To make it clear, ask your supervisor make it work. After all, it is your future
your research structure, including the for help or advice only when you need How many times can I change my that is at stake here, so everything should
questions to ask and the methodology to it. PhD supervisor? be within your ideas and preferences.
PH.D. ADMISSIONS October 16th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 48
Academic program:
Advt. No: NISER/ACAD/PhD/2018-19 (2) Biological Sciences Stream: ities & Social Sciences and Computer
INTERESTED APPLICANTS Sciences must have qualified at least
C A N C H E C K D E TA I L S O N Applications are invited from Indian citizens 60 Percent or equivalent GPA in Masters one of these national level examinations
THE ELIGIBILITY CRITE- for admission to the PhD program scheduled or M.Tech in any branches of Biology, i.e. CSIR-UGC NET/GATE/JEST/IN-
RIA, COURSES OFFERES, to commence from 4th January 2019 in the Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, SPIRE (Doctoral fellowship under AORC
following schools of NISER, Bhubaneswar: Agricultural Sciences, Veterinary Scienc- Scheme with fellowship) or some other
A P P L I C AT I O N PROCE- es, Computer Sciences, Bioinformatics equivalent national level exam, valid for
DURE, RESEARCH AREAS, 1. School of Biological Sciences (SBS) and Biotechnology. Students with Mas- the current year in the appropriate field
C O N TA C T D E TA I L S A N D 2. School of Chemical Sciences (SCS) ter’s degree in Physics, Chemistry or of research.
A P P L I C AT I O N L I N K A L L 3. School of Physical Sciences (SPS) Mathematics having interest in pursuing
G I V E N B E LO W 4. School of Humanities and Social Sciences a career in Biology are encouraged to ap- (b) Candidates applying for admission in
(SHSS) ply. School of Biological Sciences must have
5. School of Computer Sciences (SCPS) qualified at least one National Level Exam
By Diluxi Arya
(a) Candidates applying for admission in
Eligibility: School of Chemical Sciences, Human-
Next Page>>>>
PH.D. ADMISSIONS October 16th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 48
with fellowship (CSIR-NET, DST IN- • RA lab: Structure-and-function; mechanis- from the candidates that apply for the PhD pro-
SPIRE, DBT, ICMR or some other equiv- tic insights into the functioning of two-com- • The application form needs to be filled up gram.
alent) and should have valid fellowship ponent systems and transporters online at and appli-
certificate for the year 2019 in the time of cants ought to follow stepwise instructions • Each school will send the call letters to the
application. Fellowship certificate/award • SC lab: Cellular immunology of T cells and mentioned to finish the application submis- candidates individually.
letter should be submitted in the time of macrophages: implication in infection immu- sion procedure. At the time of application,
application. nity and cancer Immunity along with this online form, the candidate • kindly refer to this site for the announcement
must upload a soft copy of the supporting of the chosen candidates.
(c) Candidates applying for admission in • TKC lab: Structure-function relationship documents according to the eligibility stand-
School of Physical Sciences must have qual- of Dengue Virus replication complex proteins ards. • The registration is scheduled to be held on 1st
ified at least one National Level Exam i.e January 2019 (Tuesday).
CSIR-UGC NET/GATE/JEST or some other (AR = Dr Abdur Rahaman, DPA = Dr Debas- • Can- didates planning to apply for at least
equivalent national level exam valid for the mita P Alone, HM = Dr Harapriya Mo- 1 school must fill up online ap- • If you have any additional query, kind-
present year. hapatra, KCP = Dr plication forms for ly send an email to,
KC Panigrahi, each school and,, cp-
The scholarship given by NISER is Rs. PA = Dr submit, for
25,000/for first two years, which will Palok sepa- Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Humanities
then be enhanced to Rs. 28,000/- for re- & Social Sciences and Computer Sciences
maining three years, subject to the condi- respectively.
tion that he/she fulfills all of the require-
ments of this Institute which will be • Applicants are invited to see school website
specified from time to time. Fellow- for information on research activities.
ship amount from outside sources
will be regulated in accordance with Checklist for application submis-
the rules of their respective funding sion:
During online submission, you Will
Research Areas: Have to have the following ready
with you for uploading;
School of Biological Sciences
• JPEG file of your passport size
• AR lab: 1. Regulation of photograph.
Lipid Homeostasis and Mem-
brane Biogenesis: role of a • JPEG file of your valid signa-
phosphatidate phosphatase (PAH) and tures.
2. Mechanism of Nuclear Remodelling:
role of Drp6 and its interacting proteins • Birth Certificate/10th pass certification
in the nuclear expansion of Tetrahyme- in support of date of birth.
• Certification in support of category (SC/
• DPA lab: Molecular Genetics, Epigenetics ST), just if applicable.
and Genomics of Ageing Disorders:
Neurodegeneration and Cancer • Certification and mark sheets in support of
passing qualifying exam i.e Master’s degree.
• HM lab: Antimicrobial resistance
and virulence: The lab focuses on stud- Aich, rate • Certification (s)/document(s) in support
ying abiotic and biotic stress response PSS = Dr forms of qualifying national degree exam (s) viz.
in gram-negative opportunistic bacteri- PS Singru, with ap- CSIRUGC NET/GATE/GPAT/JEST/INSPIRE
al pathogens. Candidates having sound PVA = Dr propriate (Doctoral fellowship under AORC Scheme) or
knowledge and experience in microbi- Pankaj support- some other other.
ology, molecular biology, cell biology V Alone, ing docu-
techniques and bioinformatics are en- RA = Dr ments. Address for communication and more details:
couraged. For further details please visit Rudresh Acha-
lab homepage at: rya, SC = Dr Sub- • Two Faculty-In Charge (Academic Affairs),
users/hm hasish Chattopadhyay, sealed letters of National Institute of Science Education and
TKC = Dr TK Chowdary) reference in the prescribed format with Research (NISER),
• KCP lab: Molecular genetic approach to the signature of the referee on the envelope Po-Bhimpur-Padanpur,
understand light signalling and flowering Selection Procedure: ought to be generated by the student in the time Via-Jatni, Dist-Khurda-752050
time control in plants of interview. The copy of the reference letter Phone: 0674-2494013,
• The selection committee of the respective can be obtained online. Fax: 0674-2494004
• PA lab: Microbiota and Gut-brain-gut schools will short-list the candidates among Email:
axis: The Aich Lab focuses on the under- those who meet the minimal educational qual- • NISER doesn’t demand any application fee
standing of the role of intestinal microbiota ifications and meet additional criteria that each
on gut-brain-gut axis. The main objective school could set as deemed necessary.
of the lab is to correlate and establish the
mechanism of host physiology in terms of • The short-listed candidates will be called Important Dates:
metabolism and immunity as a function of for an interview, supplemented with a written
commensal microbiota. Work requires a exam, if needed, for the admission.
systems biology approach with expertise
in immunology, microbiology, bioinfor- • dependent on the academic record along with
matics, and mathematical biology. People, the performance of the candidates in the se-
with experience and interest in any or many lection procedure, the selection committee of
of the areas with a strong desire for PhD re- this school will recommend candidates to the
search with a predefined question in mind, Chairman, Academic Council for admission to
are preferred the Ph.D. program.
• PSS lab: Neuroendocrine regulation, Neu- • All candidates known for the Test / Interview
ral circuitry of energy balance and reproduc- will be paid to and fro single, secondsleeper
tion class railway fare by the shortest route from
their place of residence to the Institute / ven-
• PVA lab: Molecular mechanism of eukar- ue of this Test and Interview. They must pro-
yotic start codon selection fidelity and its ef- duce evidence (railway ticket) in support of the
fect on differential protein expression pattern claim.
and cellular physiology
How to Apply:
October 16th, 2018
By Diluxi Arya
opment, acquisition of particular hands-on scientists at the first phase of their career • SMART Fellowships support mobility be-
M S C C A N D I D AT E S , YO U N G training in technology offered in the receiv- wishing to invest between 3 and 9 months in tween labs situated in the Member States.
RESEARCHERS WITH ing lab and raising bilateral cooperation in a research institution within an ICGEB Mem- • Awards aren’t meant to prolong visits start-
BACKGORUNDS IN LIFE science and technology, and should reveal ber State other than their own. ed under other auspices; to encourage partic-
SCIENCES ARE ENCOUR- clear evidence of strong cooperation between • Fellowships for mobility assistance to lab- ipation in courses, workshops or symposia or
A G E D T O A P P LY F O R T H I S both labs. Applicants should concentrate on oratories located in Italy, India and South as bridging fellowships involving, or before,
the impact for the fellow’s career, the advan- Africa could be considered in the event the long-term stays funded by ICGEB or other
C O L L A B O R AT I V E E F F O R T. tage to the applicant’s home lab and also the research activity proposed isn’t covered by associations.
C H E C K D E TA I L S B E LO W suitability of the receiving lab. one of those ICGEB labs (please visit ICGEB
Arturo Falaschi Short-term fellowships). Terms and Gains:
By Diluxi Arya
Subject Area: Applications are welcome in • There is absolutely no age limitation. How-
any area of the Life Sciences. ever, preference is awarded to young scien- • Awards are for a minimum of 3 to a
Goal: tists at the start of their research career. maximum of 9 months. The fellowship
Qualification: • Applicants must be registered for a PhD or covers global economy return journey,
The program promotes the mobility of re- have acquired their PhD degree within the health insurance and subsistence of this
searchers involving the ICGEB Member • The call is open to nationals of ICGEB previous five years. Young scientists holding
States as a means of improving skill devel- Member States and provides fellowships to an MSc or equivalent can apply. Next Page>>>>
SCHOLARSHIPS October 16th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 48
fellow only. The stipend ranges from accessible to the ICGEB SMART Fellow qualities of the candidate’s CV and also ICGEB, Padriciano 99,
US$ 800 to 1,500 a month based on local instantly, free of any administrative over- the influence on his/her career, the possi- I-34149 Trieste, Italy
conditions in the receiving country and head expenses. ble advantage for the home and the host
seniority of the applicant. Furthermore, a country, competence, abilities and equip- E-mail:,
US$ 500 monthly bench fee could be paid ICGEB makes no financial provision, ment available from the receiving lab. Tel: +39-040-3757382,
directly to the receiving lab depending on nor will it provide administrative as- ICGEB will favourably appreciate any Fax: +39-040-226555
the recommendation of the ICGEB Fel- sistance for relatives of participants in extra support provided by the receiving
lowships Committee. the programme. institute into the fellow’s living expenses Final Report:
• The fellowship stipend will be paid by (i.e. an immediate participation for living
bank transfer directly to the individual’s Selection: costs, guest house lodging, etc.. ) The successful candidate may jointly pre-
bank accounts. Upon joining the receiv- pare a final scientific report together with
ing lab, ICGEB will transfer the bench • The ICGEB Fellowships Selection Submission: the host supervisor highlighting the accom-
fee allocation into the receiving lab, Committee will evaluate complete appli- plishments reached during the period of
which will cause the management of the cations received by the closing date. The Please complete the application form in all this Fellowship.
capital and the certificate of expenses to candidates will be informed of the result components and return the form, by email,
ICGEB. The receiving lab is expected a by email when possible after the final together with all attachments to: The host Institute will submit a signed fi-
guarantee that adequate provisions are in date for the applications. nancial statement reporting that the cost
place for the particular research project • The key criteria for selection include ICGEB Fellowships Unit covered by the bench fee allowance re-
and also to make the bench fee allocation scientific excellence of this project, the Att: Barbara Argenti, ceived.