French 75-MM. GUN: Notes
French 75-MM. GUN: Notes
French 75-MM. GUN: Notes
CLASS NUMBER____¥__9^3r_Bls.
Accession Number
1*2019 T.
" Washington, October 22, 1917.
The following pamphlet Notes on the French 75-mm. Gun,"
reprint from an article in "The Engineer" (London), January
22, 1915, is published for the information of all concerned.
[062.1 A. G. O.]
oedeb of the Seceetaey of War :
General, Chief of Staff.
Official :
The General.
21868°— 17 (3)
With the exception of the German 42," no gun in the war
has created more interest than the famous French 75-mm.
field gun, popularly known as the soixante-quinze. That it
did magnificent work in the early stages of the war can not
be doubted, and if its influence is at present not so great as it
was, the reason is to be found in the siege conditions that pre
vail and to the momentary need of heavier pieces. We do not
" "
doubt, however, that the 75 will come by its own again soon,
when this interminable trench war reaches an end and more
rapid movements begin.
It will surprise many of our readers to learn that the
"soixante-quinze" is not a new gun. It was invented as far
back as 1897, and two such famous artillerists as Deport and
Sainte-Claire Deville had a hand in its design. Studying it in
detail, as we are now able to do, through an admirable article
recently written by M.Dumas for Le Genie Civil, we are struck
by the excellence of the design. In all respects it is far ahead
of any gun not only of its time but oflater years. Itrepresents
the first real attempt to produce a fieldpiece that could quite
correctly be called a quick firer, and it was probably the earliest
in which independent recoil was combined with independent
training, a quick-action breech mechanism, and fixed loading
that is to say, loading in which the projectile and the charge are
united in a single cartridge, just as they are in the charge of a
The gun proper consists of a barrel rifled with cuneiform
grooves and strengthened by a breech hoop pressed on cold ; its
— —
bore is 75 mm. practically 3-inch and its length is 2.475 m.,
or 33 calibers. The breech is not closed by a block with an
interrupted thread, nor by a sliding block, as in most other guns,
but by a revolving block, the axis of which does not coincide
with the axis of the gun. At one place a deep notch is cut into
this block, which, in a certain position, coincides with the bore
of the gun and permits the cartridge to be pushed in. By giving
half a revolution to the block the notch is moved out of the way
and the breech is closed by the solid part. The block is screwed
1. Breechblock,
Fig. 2.
—Recoil cylinder.
trunnions on the gun carriage. Itconsists of two parts, the
cylinder C and the cylinder R. The former of these, C, is at
tached rigidly to a projection L on the breech of the gun, and
— —
when the gun recoils toward the left this cylinder is drawn
back with it. The other cylinder R is attached to the cradle
and remains at rest. In it is a diaphragm or piston D. Solid
with R is a hollow piston rod provided with a piston which fits
the cylinder 0. The end of the hole in the rod is closed by a
spring-loaded valve S, beside which, through small holes pro
3. Wheel-brake gear.
Itis claimed for the carriage of the soixante-quinze
" that
it has three essential points of difference from any carriage
that preceded it. They are: (1) The combination of a trail-
spade with wheel brakes; (2) the possibility of training the
gun without moving the wheels; and (3) a mechanism which
permits aim to be taken during recoil. We shall take them in
the order given. In the firing position the carriage rests on
three points, namely, the end of the trail and the two brake
blocks, which are forced under the wheel. All three have
spades, so that they attach themselves firmly to the ground.
The wheels, it willbe seen, are entirely out of action and the car
riage is borne by a three-point suspension, which, as everyone
knows, is ideally the best possible. The method of raising the
wheels onto the shoes is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 3.
Each shoe is attached to the extremity of a radius rod centered
on the axle, and the two rods are connected together by a cross
piece, and to the trail by rods represented by O T. On the
under side of the trail is fixed a rack, shown in the plan view,
Fig. 3. When the gun is to be brought into action the trail
is raised as shown dotted, and the. end O of the rod O T slides
along the rack to the point Tl.T1 On lowering the trail O engages
with the rack and prevents E P from closing up on the trail,
with the consequence that as the latter descends rotation takes
place about P and the wheel mounts the shoe.
Having got the carriage into position with the gun pointing
as nearly as possible in the right direction training is effected
by lateral movement of the gun, not about a point on the axle
as center of rotation, but about the trail spade as center of rota
tion. This is a very important point, because it results in the
thrust of the recoil always being carried in a straight line
Fig. 4.
through the trail and there is very little tendency to throw off
sideways. The desired movement is effected by cutting a screw
on the central portion of the axle and fittingit with a nut which
can be rotated by a handwheel. The nut is suitably attached
to the upper end of the trail and consequently carries the latter
with it. It follows from this movement that one wheel tends
to go back and the other forward in the endeavor of the axle to
remain normal to the trail, and the arrangement of the rods seen
in the plan view of Fig. 3 permits this small displacement to
take place.
Turning now to the aiming mechanism, we direct attention to
Fig. 4. Suppose a gun placed at P and desiring to strike a tar
get at O. It must obviously be given an upward inclination
equal to S+T, S being the angle which makes it point direct at
O and T the angle necessitated by the curved trajectory of the
projectile. Itis desired to make the adjustment of these two
angles independent of each other. How this is affected will
be gathered readily from Fig. 5, which is purely diagrammatic.
—Elevating gear.
<;rew looks after one handwheel and another looks after the
other, and the two work quite independently, the one always
maintaining the angle S of the piece while the other gives the
necessary elevation. The procedure probably is to put the ele
vating gear at zero, angle T =0, and then direct the gun point
blank at the target by turning the pinion R. This will incline
the level, which must be again brought back to the horizontal
and fastened in that position. The necessary degrees of eleva
tion are then fixed on the graduated quadrant H, or rather on
its equivalent, a drum which gives a magnified reading.
Its ammunition wagon is almost as interesting as the
" soixante-quinze " itself. A perspective drawing
is given in
Fig. 6. Itconsists of two compartments separated by a locker
and space for a fuze-setting appliance. It is shown in Fig. 6
in position for use with the covers open as shields for the men
behind. On the road the covers are closed and the wagon is
6. Ammunition wagon.
7. Fuze setter. Fig.
8. Time and percus
sion fuze.