Austrade 2020 Benchmark Report PDF
Austrade 2020 Benchmark Report PDF
Austrade 2020 Benchmark Report PDF
Why Australia 3
1. Resilient Economy 4
2. Dynamic Industries 14
3. Innovation and Skills 27
4. Global Ties 37
5. Strong Foundations 48
Australia finished 2019 strongly with a balanced In new industries like fintech and agtech, Australian
budget, relatively low global debt levels, a AAA global businesses are pioneering new ways of adapting
credit rating and historically low unemployment. technology. In the biotech sector, our research
teams attract global investment.
2020 of course has presented global challenges.
From a strong foundation, Australia’s effective and Meanwhile, our minerals reserves create fresh
proactive response to the global economic downturn prospects for investment and growth. New sectors
has protected the Australian economy. Australia’s include lithium mining and processing for electric
ability to adapt is our great strength, and it helps vehicle batteries, and rare-earth minerals.
us meet current challenges. We have a flexible and
Perhaps our greatest asset is our diverse, highly
resilient economy, strong institutions and open
skilled and entrepreneurial workforce. As one of the
markets, which help us respond effectively to all
most multicultural and multilingual countries in the
manner of disruptions.
world, we use our global ties to connect with the
Australia’s network of 14 free trade agreements best the world has to offer.
– covering approximately 70 per cent of trade and
Australia remains globally focused and open for
working towards 90 per cent – gives Australian
business preferential access to fast-growing
markets, including in the proximate Asian region.
Before lockdowns interrupted global supply chains,
fast-increasing exports created record trade Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham
surpluses for Australia. Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment
A resilient economy, In turbulent times, the Australian economy While over 80 per cent of Australia’s
benefits from rock-solid foundations. Prior economy is services-based, global
based on strong exports, to 2020, the economy experienced just leadership in several key industries powers
two years of negative growth during the our exports. Asian markets are hungry
vibrant services and sound
previous six decades. And since the last for Australian minerals and energy.
institutions. recession in 1991, our growth rate has Our agricultural industry is highly
averaged 3.2 per cent, which is higher than efficient, and our clean, green produce
every other major developed economy in fetches premium prices in Asian markets.
the world. Australia’s trade links with near Underpinning everything is our sound
neighbours are a major factor. The Asia financial system, strong fiscal position
region is ultra-fast growing, and Australia’s and low government debt. This permits
network of 14 free trade agreements strategic investment in future industries
across Asia and the Pacific have helped agile and infrastructure.
Australian businesses to rapidly expand.
Brazil 2.1%
Italy 2.3%
India 3.4%
Australia 1.6%
New Zealand
Sources: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database,
October 2019; Austrade
Percentage change
average increase of 3.2 per cent over 28 years. 4
AAGR = 3.2%
-1 -0.7
Notes: 1. AAGR = Average annual growth rate.
Sources: Australian Bureau of Statistics Cat. No. 5206.0 Cat. No. Australian
National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, Table 1
(Released 3 June 2020); Austrade
(1.6 per cent p.a.), UK (2.1 per cent p.a.) and the 9.5
2.6 2.7
Notes: 1. The IMF considers the following markets as part of the ‘Advanced
economies’ group: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong
SAR, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Euro Major UK Emerging Advanced US Latin Australia India Emerging China ASEAN-5 World Japan
Macao SAR, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Puerto Rico, area advanced and economies America and
San Marino, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, economies developing and the developing
Taiwan SAR, United Kingdom, and United States. (G7) Europe Caribbean Asia
Sources: International Monetary, World Economic Outlook Database,
April 2020; Austrade
and Southeast Asia, and a network of 14 free Newly Industrialised Economies 3 8.4
40,000 25
10,000 5
Notes: 1. The bar represents the value of the regional gross domestic
product at current prices based on purchasing power parity. 2. To avoid 0
double counting with NIEs and ASEAN, Singapore was excluded. 3. Newly 0
Industrialised Economies (NIEs): Singapore, Hong Kong SAR, Korea and Taiwan. 1980 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 2019
Sources: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database
April 2020 (Released 15 April 2020); Austrade
the country’s services and goods industries Accommodation and Manufacturing1 5.9%
Food Services 2.4%
accounted for 82 per cent and 18 per cent
of real gross value added (GVA) respectively. Information Media and
Telecommunications 2.6% Agriculture, Forestry
The largest contributor was the financial and Fishing1 2.2%
Electricity, Gas, Water and
services sector (generating 9.3 per cent of Waste Services 2.6%
GVA), followed by mining, healthcare and Rental, Hiring and Real
Financial and Insurance
construction. Technology-driven sectors – Estate Services 3.2%
Services 9.3%
including professional services, education and IT Administrative and
Support Services 3.7%
– are worth over 15 per cent of total economic
Total GVA = A$1,778bn
Wholesale Trade 4.0%
Healthcare and
Social Assistance 8.0%
Retail Trade 4.4%
Notes: 1. Goods comprise agriculture, manufacturing and mining. Professional, Scientific and
2. Ownership of dwellings is not classified as a good or service. Public Administration and Safety 5.6% Technical Services 7.5%
Sources: Australian Bureau of Statistics Cat. No. 5206.0 Australian National
Account, March 2020, Table 6 Gross Value Added by Industry, Chain volume
measures (Released 3 June 2020); Austrade
technical services (4.9 per cent), and healthcare Financial and Insurance Services 4.4%
Australia’s services sector has expanded at a Administrative and Support Services 3.8%
CAGR of 3.4 per cent since 1991, outpacing the Retail Trade 3.6%
2.4 per cent CAGR of the goods sector, and the 3.6%
Wholesale Trade
3.2 per cent CAGR of the Australian economy as
Arts and Recreation Services 3.4%
a whole.
Transport, Postal and Warehousing 3.2%
average for advanced economies. With low public 100 G20 Emerging 38.1
Percentage of GDP
sector debt, the Australian Government is well 89.8
Latin America 45.3
positioned to support economic recovery. 81.1
75.5 74.4
Notes: 1. For cross-economy comparability, net debt levels reported by national
statistical agencies for economies that have adopted the 2008 System of
National Accounts (Australia, Canada, United States) are adjusted to exclude
60 58.2
unfunded pension liabilities of government employees’ defined-benefit pension 55.9 55.7
plans. 2. Belgium’s net debt series has been revised to ensure consistency 50.9
between liabilities and assets. Net debt is defined as gross debt (Maastricht 45.1
definition) minus assets in the form of currency and deposits, loans, and debt 41.6 41.3
securities. 3. Based on nominal GDP series prior to the recent revision; therefore, 40
data in the tables are not comparable to the authorities’ numbers. 4. Net debt
for Ireland is defined as gross general debt less debt instrument assets, namely, 26.9 26.5 25.9
currency and deposits, debt securities, and loans. It was previously defined as 23.2
general government debt less currency and deposits. 5. Net debt for Iceland is 19.7
defined as gross debt less currency and deposits. 6. Net debt figures were revised
11.2 10.3
to only include categories of assets corresponding to the categories of liabilities 8.0
covered by the Maastricht definition of gross debt. 7. Emerging economies
include: Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Chile, China,
Colombia, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Hungary, India, Indonesia,
Egypt 3
South Africa
Iceland 5
Canada 1
Finland 6
Australia 1
New Zealand
Iran, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Peru,
Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Sources: International Monetary Fund (IMF), IMF Fiscal Monitor April 2020,
Statistical Tables A8, A15 and A16; Austrade
Global demand for Energy and resources made up around Australian agriculture is truly world-
75 per cent of Australia’s goods exports in leading – in efficiency, technology and
Australia’s energy, 2019. The export mix is changing, however. environmental credibility. This helps
minerals and food. During 2019, Australia rivalled Qatar as Australian farmers attract investment
the world’s largest exporter of liquefied from around the world, and secure new
natural gas. Fresh investment in the mining customers for clean, green produce in
and processing of lithium and rare-earth Asia’s premium food markets. Our services
minerals will grow Australia’s role in the industries are also strong. Australia’s
supply chain for electric vehicles and high- financial markets manage the world’s
tech devices. fourth largest pool of pension fund assets
– a sector that is growing faster in Australia
Meanwhile, renewables are taking off.
than in any other developed economy.
Australia’s coastal population and sunshine
climate have seen wind and solar power
soar. Today, they account for half of
Australia’s renewable energy generation.
significant industries
Foreign students in tertiary education1
Australia is a leading provider of goods and (7.2% of the world’s total, 2017)
services that are in high demand across the Third largest in the world.
global economy. The country is one of the Source: UNESCO, Institute for Statistics
Australia’s transition to a services-based 800 fintech 500 medtech
economy is driving the development of new companies1 companies
technologies in agriculture, education, financial US$600 million invested across US$1.8 billion digital health market7
28 deals (2018)2
services, health and other sectors. Innovation World top 20 for medtech patents 8
Seven fintech companies in the
includes the use of blockchain in finance, A$20bn Medical Research Future Fund
world’s top 1003
immersive simulation technologies in education,
robotics in medical procedures and the Internet
of Things in agriculture. Australia is also
recognised as a world leader in silicon-based 350 edtech 400 agtech &
quantum computing research. companies foodtech companies9
1,100 online education providers 4 15 agtech incubators/accelerators10
A$1.7 billion edtech market by 2022 A$90.4 million invested in Australian
agtech sector (2019)11
Fastest-growing startup sector 5
Australia has the world’s largest reserves of iron Crude petroleum A$8.5bn
ore, gold, lead and zinc, as well as the second
largest reserves of bauxite, nickel, lithium Natural gas A$49.7bn
and cobalt. With the world’s largest uranium Iron ore A$77.2bn
Sources: 1. DFAT, Trade statistical pivot tables; Austrade, Last updated: Australia’s world ranking for minerals and energy2
November 2019 using ABS catalogue 5368.0 (September 2019 data).
Production Reserves Production Reserves Production Reserves
2. USGS (Mineral Commodity Summaries 2019), OECD Nuclear Energy Agency/
International Atomic Energy Agency (The Red Book 2018), World Nuclear Iron ore 1 1 Uranium 3 1 Nickel 6 2
Association (World Uranium Mining Production, August 2019 update), BP Bauxite 1 2 Zinc 3 1 Silver 6 3
Statistical Review of World Energy 2019, International Energy Agency Lithium 1 2 Cobalt 3 2 Natural gas 7 14
(Coal Information 2019 Overview), BGR Energy Study 2018 and Geoscience Gold3 2 1 Black coal 4 4 Tin 8 4
Australia. 3. Gold including (in the chart): $19.7bn; Gold: $18.9bn plus gold coin Lead 2 1 Brown coal 6 2
& legal tender coin; Coin (excl gold coin) not legal tender: $0.8bn
Rare earths 2 6 Copper 6 2
A$ billion
Export earnings are expected to remain strong, 80
Notes: 1. CAGR = Compound annual growth rate.
Sources: Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, Office of
the Chief Economist, Resources and Energy Quarterly, March 2020; Austrade
25 10
20 8
15 6
10 4
Notes: 1. Includes all unprocessed food and live animals; raw hides, skins and
furskins; and all unprocessed textile fibres. 2. Export value of Australian food
and fibre is defined as the total export value of primary products (unprocessed
– food & live animals total); primary products (unprocessed – Other – Hides 12. Thailand $0.9bn
skins & furskins raw); primary products (unprocessed – Other – Textile fibres
6. New Zealand $1.7bn
unprocessed & waste); and primary products (processed – food total).
3. The Asian region is defined as Asia, ASEAN and Oceania. 8. Singapore $1.3bn
Sources: Exports by country data based on the DFAT Trade Statistical pivot table,
country and TRIEC pivot table 1990 to 2019; Austrade
A$ billion
drives the country’s export trade in high-value, Commodity 2018–19 E
branded, premium products. Australia is a Cattle and calves 6 11.1
2018–19. 6
Poultry 2.8
3 $2.9
Notes: 1. Including greasy wool exports shown on a balance of payments basis 2 $1.8
before 2015-16. Australian Bureau of Statistics recorded trade data adjusted $1.6
$1.4 $1.3
for changes in stock levels held overseas. 2. Includes wheat flour. 3. Excludes $1.1 $1.1
cotton waste and linters. 4. Includes malt. 5. Includes all bovine for feeder/ 1
slaughter, breeding and dairy purposes. 6. Includes dairy cattle and excludes
skin and hide values. 7. Shorn, dead and fellmongered wool, and wool exported
on skins. 8. Milk intake by factories and valued at the farm gate. 9. Excludes
Beef Wool Wheat² Wine Raw Lamb Barley4 Sugar Fruit Live feeder/ Mutton Tree nuts
skin and hide values. 10. Includes all bovine for feeder/slaughter, breeding and
and veal total¹ cotton³ slaughter cattle5
dairy purposes. 11. Value delivered to gin.
E = ABARES estimate.
Sources: The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and
Sciences (ABARES), Agricultural commodities –June 2019, Tables 13 and 17;
financial markets
Australia has well-developed financial markets,
including the world’s fifth largest pool of US$6,645 billion1 US$2,077 billion4
Assets of Australian Pension assets*
managed funds, ninth largest stock market financial institutions*
4th largest in the world
and tenth largest foreign exchange market. 4.8 times Australia’s nominal GDP
2nd largest in the Asian region
The US$2.2 trillion managed funds sector is *December 2019
underpinned by a mandated retirement savings
scheme – called superannuation – that has
created the fourth largest pension pool in the
US$2,201 billion2 US$119 billion5
world. Fund assets under OTC foreign exchange daily
management* average turnover*
5th largest in the world 10th largest in the world
*December quarter 2019 5th largest in the Asian region
*April 2019
Sources: 1. Data was estimated from Reserve Bank of Australia Statistics (RBA),
B1 Assets of Financial Institutions (updated 1 June 2020); RBA Statistics, B19
Securitisation Vehicles (updated 1 June 2020); RBA Statistics, Exchange rates US$1,231 billion3 US$1,959 billion6
(extracted on 10 June 2020); Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Cat. No.
Stock market* International and domestic debt
5655.0 Managed Funds (released 4 June 2020); ABS, Cat. No. 5206.0 Australian
securities outstanding*
National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, March 2020 9th largest in the world
(released 3 June 2020); Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), 11th largest in the world
Quarterly General Insurance Performance Statistics, March 2020 (released 28 3rd largest in the Asian region
May 2020). 2. Investment Company Institute, Research & Statistics, Worldwide 3rd largest in the Asian region
*Market capitalisation of freely
Market Data (released 25 March 2020) survey does not include Hong Kong SAR floating stocks, December 2019 *Total outstanding value, December quarter 2019
and Singapore. 3. Standard & Poor’s, S&P Dow Jones Indices World-By-Numbers:
December 2019. 4. Willis Towers Watson, Global Pension Assets Study 2020
(released 10 February 2020). 5. Bank for International Settlements, Triennial
Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and OTC Derivatives Markets in 2019
(updated 16 September 2019. 6. Bank for International Settlements, Debt
securities statistics, C1 summary of debt securities outstanding by residence
and sector of issuer (updated 28 May 2020); Austrade
to the overall size of our economy. The total Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs) and 9.3
Registered Financial Corporations ( RFCs)1
estimated value of all financial assets rose to
Managed funds 9.4
A$9.5 trillion in 2019. This equates to almost Reserve Bank of Australia 6.3
five times Australia’s GDP. On average, the Total all financial institutions (AFIs) including other2 9.2
A$ trillion assets
6 300
5 250
Notes: CAGR = Compound annual growth rate from December quarter 1999 to
4 200
December quarter 2019. 1. ADIs: Banks, Building Societies and Credit Unions.
RFCs: Money Market Corporations, Finance Companies and General Financiers.
2. Other: General Insurance Offices and Securitisation Vehicles. 3 150
Sources: Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Statistics, B1 Assets of Financial
Institutions (updated 1 June 2020); RBA Statistics, B19 Securitisation Vehicles
2 100
(updated 1 June 2020); RBA Statistics, Exchange rates (extracted on 10 June
2020); Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) , Cat. No. 5655.0 Managed Funds
(released 4 June 2020); ABS, Cat. No. 5206.0 Australian National Accounts: 1 50
National Income, Expenditure and Product, March 2020 (released 3 June
2020); Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), Quarterly General
0 0
Insurance Performance Statistics, March 2020 (released 28 May 2020);
Austrade 1999 2004 2009 2015 2019
60,000 57,505
12,188 10,488
8,601 6,088
3,340 1,061 29
Notes: 1. Enrolment numbers reflect international student enrolments (by Northeast Southern and Southeast Americas North Africa Sub-Saharan North-West Southern Oceania and Other4
country of citizenship). 2. 2019 data contains statistics relating to enrolments
Asia Central Asia Asia and the Africa Europe and Eastern Antarctica3
Middle East Europe
in higher education courses in each Australian Higher Education Provider
and is correct as of the April 2020 release of student data (revised monthly).
3. Excludes enrolments from New Zealand as students do not require an
international student visa to study in Australia. 4. ‘Other’ includes enrolments
from countries not known or where no further information was provided.
Sources: Austrade, Market Information Package, Detailed Pivot Table, April
2020 release
6. Italy $49.8bn
4. Thailand $60.5bn
8. Australia $46bn
Research, academia Australia is one of the most creative Then there’s the Australian workforce.
countries in the world. Overall spending on Diverse, multilingual and multicultural, more
and diversity spark an research and development (R&D) has grown than 28 per cent of our population was born
by 7 per cent per year since 2001. Business overseas. Combined with the high skill levels
innovation nation.
is the driving force, with commercial R&D of migrants, this multitalented workforce
rising almost 2 percentage points faster helps Australia thrive in today’s globalised
than Australia’s GDP. economy.
Our universities are partly responsible.
Seven Australian universities make it into
the top 100 global rankings. In terms of
academic impact, Australian publications
outperform other countries’ in 20 out of 22
fields of academic research.
Australia is a nation of inventors and CSIRO ranks in the
entrepreneurs. The electronic pacemaker
Ranked 1st Top 1%
(1926), the ‘black box’ flight recorder (1958),
For technological readiness1 of the world’s scientific institutions
ultrasound (1961), multi-channel cochlear
in 14 of 22 research fields4
implants (1970s), wi-fi (1990s), the polymer
banknote (1988), Google Maps (2003) and a
cervical cancer vaccine (2006) are all Australian
innovations. With dynamic links between
academia, industry and public services, 3rd highest About 50%
Australia welcomes investment in its intellectual Number of universities in the of Australian firms are
world’s top 1002 innovation-active5
capital to help lay the groundwork for future
educated nation
International studies recognise the high levels
Australia US UK France Germany Japan Korea China India Singapore
of skill and education in Australia’s workforce.
WEF Global Competitiveness Report 2019
According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) Ranking (141 economies)(a) in:
Global Competitiveness Report 2019, Australia’s School Life Expectancy Years 1 30 6 39 17 49 25 76 88 27
scientific publication scores are among the Diversity of Workforce 3 7 14 65 16 106 86 78 80 1
world’s highest, and so are its metrics for critical Reliance on Professional Management 6 10 26 32 25 12 54 51 41 3
top 10 for availability of skilled labour, according Ratio of Wage and Salaried Female Workers/ 10 39 12 23 27 62 59 56 128 31
Male Workers
to a study by the International Institute for
Mobile-Broadband Subscriptions 1 10 7 34 42 58 2 21 36 116 6
Management Development (IMD).
Scientific Publications Scores 10 1 2 5 3 6 18 13 21 23
UK Japan
Canada Australia Germany
New Zealand
Spain GERD US$ current
US Regions prices (PPP terms)
$A2.8bn, 26.8% A$10.9bn, 33.3%
GERD Total = $A5.0bn, 47.8% BERD,
A$10.4bn GERD Total = A$17.4bn, 53.4%
Notes: 1. 2017–18 GERD in the chart total were estimated, based on FY2017– $A2.4bn, 22.6%
18 data for BERD, 2016 data for HERD, and FY2016-17 figures for GOVERD and
for Private non-profit ERD.
Sources: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Cat. No. 8104.0 Research A$3.3bn, 10.0%
and Experimental Development, Businesses, Australia, 2017–18 (Released
20 September 2019); ABS Cat. No. 8109.0 Research and Experimental
Development, Government and Private Non-Profit Organisations, Australia,
2016–17 (Released 5 July 2018); ABS Cat. No. 8111.0 Research and
Experimental Development, Higher Education Organisations, Australia, 2016
(Released 22 May 2018); Austrade
environment/ecology, and plant & animal Plant & Animal Science 1.45
Geosciences 1.36
Microbiology 1.35
Chemistry 1.29
Psychiatry/Psychology 1.21
Sources: InCitesTM (Web of Science Group, Clarivate Analytics). Data as at 27 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
August 2019, accessed 6 September 2019; Austrade
academic institutions
Australia has seven universities in the top 100, Economies Top 100 Top 200 Top 300 Top 400 Top 500 501 to Top 1 to
1000 Top 1000
according to the 2020 Academic Ranking of
1 USA 41 65 94 114 133 73 206
World Universities (ARWU). These are: the 2 UK 8 20 28 34 36 29 65
University of Melbourne; the University of 3 Australia 7 8 15 22 23 11 34
4 China–Mainland 6 22 32 49 71 73 144
Queensland (Brisbane); the Australian National
5 France 5 8 12 16 17 13 30
University (Canberra); the University of New 6 Switzerland 5 7 7 7 8 1 9
South Wales (Sydney); the University of Sydney; 7 Germany 4 10 19 24 30 19 49
in 2004. 13 Denmark 2 3 3 5 5 1 6
14 Singapore 2 2 2 2 2 2 4
15 Israel 1 4 4 4 6 1 7
16 Norway 1 2 2 3 3 2 5
17 Russia 1 1 1 2 3 8 11
18 Finland 1 1 1 2 3 5 8
19 Italy — 3 7 10 17 29 46
20 China–Hong Kong — 2 4 5 5 2 7
21 Saudi Arabia — 2 3 3 4 — 4
22 South Korea — 1 6 9 11 21 32
23 Spain — 1 5 9 13 27 40
24 Austria — 1 3 5 7 7 14
25 Brazil — 1 1 3 6 16 22
Top 1 to 25 economies 100 198 290 382 466 380 846
Top 26 to 63 economies 0 2 10 18 34 120 154
Sources: The Academic Ranking of World Universities, Shanghai Ranking Total 100 200 300 400 500 500 1,000
Consultancy (; Austrade
education is more common than not. Administrative and Support Services 3.4%
In some services sectors, over 60 per cent of Healthcare and Social Assistance 13.3%
Financial and Insurance Services 3.6%
the workforce holds a tertiary qualification.
These high-skilled sectors include: education
Transport, Postal and Warehousing 5.1% Total employed persons:
and training; professional, scientific and
13 million
technical services; financial and insurance
Services: 88.9%
services; and health care and social assistance. Public Administration and Safety 6.4%
Goods: 11.1% Retail Trade 9.9%
Construction 9.1%
Notes: Data may not sum to totals due to rounding. 1. The percentage of total
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services 9.0%
employed persons by industry was calculated using ABS August 2019 data.
2. Including Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services (1.7%), Arts and Recreation
Services (2.0%) and Other Services (4.0%).
Sources: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Cat. No. 6291.0.55.003 Labour
Force, Australia, Detailed, Quarterly, Table 04. Employed persons by Industry
division of main job (ANZSIC) - Trend, Seasonally adjusted, and Original, Time
Series Workbook (released 26 September 2019); Austrade
tertiary education, and many of them are from
Asia (around 2 million) or Europe (1.1 million).
With a high proportion of skilled migrants,
Australia’s workforce is culturally diverse, with
language and business skills that give Australia
a built-in advantage in many aspects of cross-
border business.
Slovak Republic
Czech Republic
OECD average
New Zealand
Notes: Data refer to 2000 or the closest available year, and to 2018 or the
most recent available year. The OECD average is simple average based on rates
presented. For Japan and Korea, the data refer to the foreign population rather
than the foreign-born population.
Sources: OECD (2019), International Migration Outlook 2019, Page 40, Figure
Location and low tariffs fire Australia is a trading nation, with exports Growing 8.5 per cent per year since 2011,
and imports of goods and services making foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows help
up a trading powerhouse. up 42 per cent of our gross domestic power our capital-intensive industries.
product in 2018–19. With 14 free trade In 2019, the mining sector accounted for
agreements in place, approximately 35.3 per cent of the total stock of
70 per cent of Australian trade enjoys overseas investment in Australia, worth
liberalised access to overseas markets. A$360 billion. This FDI directly contributes
Twelve of our 15 largest markets are in to Australia’s minerals and energy exports,
Asia and Oceania, generating a trade value which reached around A$280 billion in
of around A$577 billion in 2018–19. Trade 2018–19. Australia’s thriving manufacturing
in services has grown at 6.3 per cent per sector attracted A$131 billion of overseas
year for the past two decades, helping to investment in 2018–19.
steadily broaden our export mix beyond
resources and agriculture.
Credit rating (Moody’s): Aaa Aa (Aa2, Aa3) A (A1, A3) Baa (Baa1, Baa2) Ba3
Notes: 1. All data is on a balance of payments basis, except for goods by of which: APEC 3 484.9 528.2 587.1 652.4 73.2 11.1 5.7
country which are on a recorded trade basis. Totals may not always add up ASEAN 95.6 101.0 110.1 123.7 13.9 12.3 4.1
exactly due to rounding. 2. Refer to the DFAT website (
au/trade/Pages/trade-and-investment) for more information and a list of the European Union4 98.7 100.4 106.2 114.3 12.8 7.6 5.3
commodities excluded. 3. Includes DFAT estimate for the United States for OECD3 310.1 321.7 357.3 375.9 42.2 5.2 4.7
2015-16 & 2017-18. 4. Includes DFAT estimates for 2016-17 & 2017-18.
SAR = Special administrative region of China.
Sources: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) data, based on DFAT
STARS database, ABS catalogues 5368.0 (Sep-2019) & 536830.55.003/4 and
unpublished ABS data; Austrade
export market, with iron ore, coal and liquefied Exports of goods & services 2017–18 2018–19 Exports of goods & services 2017–18 2018–19
Primary products2 243.1 289.2 19.0 Rank Commodity
natural gas the key products. The combined
Unprocessed food 15.9 13.8 -13.3 1 Iron ores & concentrates 61.4 77.2 25.7
export value of these top three commodities Processed food 26.2 28.9 10.1 2 Coal7 60.4 69.6 15.3
(A$197 billion) accounted for 42 per cent of the Minerals 89.7 109.2 21.7 3 Natural gas 30.9 49.7 60.9
nation’s goods exports in 2018–19. Australian Fuels2 101.3 127.0 25.4 4 Education-related travel services 8 32.6 37.6 15.2
Other primary 9.9 10.3 4.2 5 Personal travel (excl education) services 21.3 22.5 5.2
services are a fast-growing export earner too,
Manufactured products 46.1 53.9 16.7 6 Gold 19.3 18.9 -2.2
with a total value of A$97 billion in 2018–19. Simply transformed manufactures (excl nickel)3 14.9 18.0 20.4 7 Aluminium ores & conc (incl alumina) 9.4 11.4 20.2
Their success demonstrates the global pull Elaborately transformed manufactures4 31.2 35.9 15.0 8 Beef (fresh, chilled or frozen) 8.0 9.5 19.0
Other goods (incl gold) 25.3 24.3 -3.9 9 Crude petroleum 6.5 8.5 30.5
of Australia’s world-class education and
Services exports 88.1 97.1 10.2 10 Copper ores & concentrates 5.7 5.9 4.1
tourism sectors. Balance of payments adjustment 5 5.7
Total exports 6 403.4 470.2 16.6 Imports of Goods & Services Total 2017–18 2018–19
Imports of goods & services Rank Commodity
Primary products 57.2 64.3 12.4 1 Personal travel (excl education) services 42.7 46.3 8.6
Unprocessed food 2.2 2.3 5.7 2 Refined petroleum 21.7 25.1 15.7
Processed food 16.5 18.4 11.5 3 Passenger motor vehicles 23.3 21.6 -7.4
Minerals 1.6 1.2 -26.8 4 Telecom equipment & parts 13.4 14.6 8.8
Notes: 1. Goods on a recorded trade basis, Services on balance of payments Other primary 2.0 2.1 4.0 6 Goods vehicles 10.2 10.6 3.8
(BOP) basis, original data; 2. Includes the DFAT adjustment for coal (based 7 Freight transport services 9.4 10.1 7.3
Manufactured products 231.0 231.0 0.0
from the ABS catalogue 5368.0, Value adjustments, Sep 2019). 3. STM
Simply transformed manufactures 3
14.9 15.4 3.6 8 Computers 8.8 9.8 10.5
– Simply transformed manufactures; 4. ETM – Elaborately transformed
manufactures. 5. BOP adjustment includes low-value goods for imports and Elaborately transformed manufactures4 216.1 215.6 -0.2 9 Professional services 6.7 7.8 16.8
timing and valuation adjustments. 6. BOP basis. 7. Includes BOP adjustment. Other goods (incl gold) 13.0 11.4 -12.2 10 Passenger transport services9 7.1 7.5 5.5
8. Includes student expenditure on tuition fees and living expenses. 9. Includes
Services exports 93.2 101.6 9.0
Related agency fees & commissions.
Sources: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Data were based Balance of payments adjustment 5 1.2 13.1
on based on DFAT STARS database, ABS catalogue 5368.0 & DFAT estimates; Total imports 6 395.6 421.4 6.5
Two-way trade 799.0 891.6 11.6
of foreign investment – which includes both Other Investment1 (left-hand axis, 8.6%)
Notes: 1. Other investment is the balance of total investment less direct 0
investment. As such, it represents portfolio investment, financial derivatives
and other investment categories from the source ABS data. 2. Foreign
investment stock as at December.
Sources: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Cat. No. 5302.0 Balance
of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia, Table 15.
International Investment: Foreign Liabilities – Quarter (released 2 June
2020); ABS Cat. No. 5206.0 Australian National Accounts: National Income,
Expenditure and Product, March 2020, Table 1. Key National Accounts
Aggregates (released 3 June 2020); Austrade
A$1 trillion
Rank 2009 2017 2018 2019 % Share % CAGR Growth ($b) % of Australian
Australia’s ability to attract investment helps 2019 Country A$ billion A$ billion A$ billion A$ billion 2019 2009–2019 2009–2019 GDP, 2019
keep the economy on strong foundations. 1 US 98.2 199.2 219.5 205.2 20.1 7.6 107.0 10.3
Australia’s stock of inward investment reached 2 UK 61.0 89.4 98.8 127.1 12.5 7.6 66.2 6.4
A$1.02 trillion in 2019, up 2.5 per cent on 2018. 3 Japan 45.6 97.9 109.1 116.1 11.4 9.8 70.5 5.8
4 Netherlands 31.4 55.9 52.0 54.8 5.4 5.7 23.4 2.7
This was a modest rise by recent standards:
5 Canada 12.2 32.6 40.4 47.1 4.6 14.4 34.9 2.4
from 2009–2019, Australia’s stock of foreign
6 China (excludes SARs and Taiwan) 9.1 38.4 41.8 46.0 4.5 17.6 36.9 2.3
direct investment grew at a compound annual
7 Bermuda 9.5 42.2 44.5 41.6 4.1 15.9 32.1 2.1
growth rate of 7.6 per cent. Investment from 8 Singapore 16.7 27.7 32.7 36.1 3.5 8.0 19.3 1.8
China, Canada, Malaysia, Hong Kong SAR and 9 Germany 18.1 24.0 24.3 22.0 2.2 2.0 3.9 1.1
Korea grew particularly quickly. Nevertheless, 10 Virgin Islands, British np 20.8 22.0 21.9 2.1 np np 1.1
Australia’s two largest overseas investors 11 Hong Kong (SAR) 5.4 15.9 17.9 16.1 1.6 11.5 10.7 0.8
remain the US and the UK, with holdings 12 Malaysia 4.5 13.5 14.1 14.7 1.4 12.7 10.3 0.7
13 France 13.0 6.3 27.5 12.6 1.2 -0.3 -0.4 0.6
equivalent to 10.3 per cent and 6.4 per cent of
14 Switzerland 17.8 9.7 11.3 10.5 1.0 -5.1 -7.2 0.5
GDP, respectively.
15 Luxembourg 3.2 9.4 8.4 8.1 0.8 9.6 4.8 0.4
16 Korea 1.3 5.4 6.8 7.5 0.7 19.3 6.2 0.4
Other economies 143.1 208.5 223.2 239.5 23.5 5.3 96.3 12.0
FDI stock – all economies 490.2 896.9 994.3 1,019.5 100.0 7.6 529.3 51.1
Notes: ASEAN = The Association of Southeast Asian Nations. CAGR = compound
OECD 327.4 547.4 618.6 630.8 61.9 6.8 303.4 31.6
annual growth rate. np = not available for publication but included in totals
where applicable, unless otherwise indicated. na = not applicable. APEC 200.6 442.0 494.6 500.7 49.1 9.6 300.1 25.1
Sources: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Cat. No. 5352.0 – International
EU 144.8 196.0 224.5 238.1 23.4 5.1 93.3 11.9
Investment Position, Australia: Supplementary Statistics, 2019 (released 7 May
2020), Table 2; ABS Cat. No. 5206.0 – Australian National Accounts: National ASEAN 22.1 46.6 52.6 56.6 5.6 9.9 34.5 2.8
Income, Expenditure and Product, December 2019, Table 3 (released 4 March FDI stock as a percentage of GDP 38.9 49.6 52.3 51.1
2020); Austrade
Investment powers productivity and growth Professional, Scientific and Technical $8.0bn, 0.8%
in some of Australia’s most valuable export Accommodation and Food Service $9.3bn, 0.9%
industries. In 2019, the mining sector accounted Construction $18.1bn, 1.8%
for 35.3 per cent of the total stock of overseas Utilities and Related Industries $21.7bn, 2.1%
Mining $360.1bn, 35.3%
investment in Australia, worth over A$360 billion. Transportation and Storage $23.3bn, 2.3%
Next came Australia’s manufacturing sector, which Information and Communications
$30.5bn, 3.0%
attracted A$131 billion of overseas investment
and then financial services, with A$113 billion in
Wholesale and Retail Trade
investment. This distribution of foreign direct and Related Industries $60.3bn, 5.9%
investment (FDI) is being steadily rebalanced, with
FDI in services growing approximately twice as fast
as FDI in goods industries.
Real Estate $110.9bn, 10.9%
World Average
Notes: The KOF Globalisation Index measures the economic, social and political
dimensions of globalisation. The current KOF Globalisation Index is available China
for 195 countries and covers the period from 1970 to 2017. The index measures
globalisation on a scale from 1 to 100.
Sources: Gygli, Savina, Florian Haelg, Niklas Potrafke and Jan-Egbert Sturm 10
(2019): The KOF Globalisation Index – Revisited, Review of International
Organizations,; Austrade
Sound recording
Motion pictures
Commercial banking
Maritime transport
Logistics cargo-handling
Air transport
Notes: 1. The OECD Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI) is a unique,
evidence-based diagnostic tool that provides an up-to-date snapshot of
services trade barriers in 22 sectors across all OECD member countries and
non-OECD (Brazil, China, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Russian
Federation, and South Africa). These countries and sectors represent over
80% of global trade in services.
Sources: OECD.Stat, Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (https://stats., Data extracted on 16 Sept 2019;
Australia commenced negotiations with the UK to
Ze a
conclude a post-Brexit FTA.
l ay
x ic
N ew
Th a
Ko r
Pe r
V ie
Co l
Ph i
AANZFTA (2010-11)
Notes: 1. The Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) Plus ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free
have been concluded but was not in force at time of publication. As at June Trade Area
2020, Australia’s FTA negotiating agenda included: an Australia-European CPTPP (2018-19)
Union Free Trade Agreement, an Australia-India Comprehensive Economic Comprehensive and Progressive
Cooperation Agreement, an Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement, a Pacific Agreement for Trans-Pacific
Alliance Free Trade Agreement, the Regional Comprehensive Economic
Partnership and Trade in Services Agreement. Information on the status of RCEP (under negotiation)
FTA negotiations can be found at: Regional Comprehensive Economic
Pages/trade-agreements.aspx. Partnership
Sources: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; and Austrade PACIFIC ALLIANCE
(under negotiation)
A pro-business culture, According to global measures, Australia Our regulation is transparent and efficient.
outperforms in three key world-of-business Resilience is based on the fundamentals
sound banks and good metrics: we are one of the most business- – good governance, strong institutions
governance. friendly countries in the world; we have the and the rule of law. The World Bank gives
highest digital standard of living; and our Australia some of the highest scores in the
cities have a low cost of living compared Asia-Pacific for the integrity of its legal
to major cities in the Asia-Pacific region. system. In an uncertain world, this makes
Australian commerce thrives because our Australia a secure destination for foreign
economy is resilient. According to World investment.
Economic Forum’s 2019 survey, Australia
outranks most developed countries for the
soundness of our banks. Before the onset
of the COVID-19 pandemic, we had one of
the lowest public debt-to-GDP ratio across
major developed economies.
most business-friendly
countries Ease of
Dealing with
Getting credit Enforcing contracts Starting a business construction permits
in 2020. When comparing economies with a Hong Kong SAR 3 37 8 7 31 385 10.0 5 2 1.5 1 8 69
Denmark 4 48 8 6 14 485 14.0 45 5 3.5 4 7 64
population of more than 20 million, Australia now
Korea 5 67 5 8 2 290 14.5 33 3 8 12 10 27.5
ranks fifth in the world, behind Korea (1st), the US
US 6 4 11 8 17 444 14.6 55 6 4 24 16 81
(2nd), the UK (3rd) and Malaysia (4th). Globally, UK 8 37 7 8 34 437 15.0 18 4 4.5 23 9 86
Australia ranks fourth out of 190 economies in Malaysia 12 37 7 8 35 425 13.0 126 8 17 2 9 41
terms of gaining credit, and seventh for ease of Australia 14 4 11 8 6 402 15.5 7 3 2 11 11 120.5
Taiwan 15 104 2 8 11 510 14.0 21 3 10 6 10 82
starting a business.
UAE 16 48 6 8 9 445 14.0 17 2 3.5 3 11 47.5
Thailand 21 48 7 7 37 420 8.5 47 5 6 34 14 113
Germany 22 48 6 8 13 499 12.5 125 9 8 30 9 126
Notes: 1. Doing Business 2020 is the 17th in a series of annual studies
measuring the regulations that enhance business activity and those that Canada 23 15 9 8 100 910 11.0 3 2 1.5 64 12 249
constrain it. The survey covers 12 areas of business regulation. Ten of these Japan 29 94 5 6 50 360 7.5 106 8 11 18 12 108
areas – starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting
electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, China 31 80 4 8 5 496 16.5 27 4 9 33 18 111
paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, and resolving France 32 104 4 6 16 447 12.0 37 5 4 52 9 213
insolvency – are included in the ease of doing business score and ease of doing
Italy 58 119 2 7 122 1120 13.0 98 7 11 97 14 189.5
business ranking. Doing Business also measures regulation on employing
workers and contracting with the government, which are not included in India 63 25 9 7 163 1445 10.5 136 10 17.5 27 15 106
the ease of doing business score and ranking. Data in Doing Business 2020
Vietnam 70 25 8 8 68 400 7.5 115 8 16 25 10 166
is current as of 1 May 2019. The indicators are used to analyse economic
outcomes and identify what reforms of business regulation have worked, Indonesia 73 48 6 8 139 403 8.9 140 11 13 110 18 200
where and why. The Australian city covered in the 2019 report is Sydney. South Africa 84 80 5 7 102 600 8.5 139 7 40 98 20 155
Sources: World Bank Group, Doing Business 2020: Sustaining the pace of
Philippines 95 132 1 7 152 962 7.5 171 13 33 85 22 120
reforms (released 24 October 2019); Austrade
helped create the world’s fourth largest pension- 2. UK 2,102 3,451 7.4 5.1%
200 3. Japan 3,355 3,386 7.2 0.1%
assets market, valued at A$3 trillion (US$2 trillion)
4. Australia 1,096 2,077 4.4 6.6%
in 2019. As a proportion of GDP, Australia’s pension 180
5. Canada 1,112 1,924 4.1 5.6%
savings are now the second most valuable in the Other economies 3,541 6,700 14.3 6.6%
South Africa
entities. 6. Only includes pension assets for company pension schemes. 7. Only
includes Enterprise Annuity assets. 8. The 10-year growth rate of all markets does
not include assets in the calculation for the following markets: China; India; Italy;
and Malaysia.
Sources: Willis Towers Watson, Thinking Ahead Institute and secondary sources,
Global Pension Funds Assets Study 2020 (released: 20 February 2020); Austrade
efficient business
Australia has one of the world’s strongest Hong
Australia US UK China India Japan Korea Kong Singapore
and most efficient regulatory environments. SAR
According to the World Bank, the country ranks WEF Global Competitiveness Report 2019 Ranking(a) in:
strong institutions
Voice and Political stability and absence Government Control of
The quality of governance in Australia ranks Economy accountability of violence/terrorism effectiveness Regulatory quality Rule of law corruption
among the best in the world. Australia’s New Zealand 99.5 99.0 93.8 98.6 98.1 99.5
Switzerland 99.0 95.2 99.5 96.6 99.0 96.6
regulatory environment, rule of law and lack of
Norway 100.0 90.5 97.6 95.7 99.5 97.6
corruption are all graded highly by the World
Sweden 97.5 80.5 96.2 97.6 98.6 98.1
Bank. Strong governance is key to economic Netherlands 97.0 78.1 96.6 99.0 96.2 96.2
growth and security, providing a drawcard for Canada 96.1 84.8 94.7 93.8 94.7 94.7
multinationals expanding their businesses or Australia 95.6 82.9 92.8 98.1 92.8 92.8
considering Australia as a base for expansion in Ireland 92.1 86.2 89.9 92.8 89.9 90.9
Germany 95.1 66.7 93.3 94.7 91.3 95.2
the Asia-Pacific region.
Singapore 41.9 98.6 100.0 99.5 97.1 99.0
Japan 80.3 88.1 94.2 88.0 90.4 89.4
Hong Kong SAR 62.1 74.8 98.1 100.0 95.2 92.3
UK 93.6 48.1 88.0 96.2 91.8 93.3
US 81.3 61.9 92.3 92.3 89.4 88.5
Taiwan 78.8 75.7 88.5 89.4 83.2 82.2
France 88.2 51.9 91.8 83.7 88.9 88.0
Korea 73.9 65.2 84.1 82.2 86.1 72.1
Spain 82.8 55.2 79.3 80.3 80.3 72.6
Italy 81.8 57.6 68.3 73.6 61.5 62.0
Notes: 1. The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project reports
aggregate and individual governance indicators for over 200 countries and Malaysia 41.4 54.3 81.3 74.0 74.5 63.9
territories over the period 1996–2018, for six dimensions of governance in India 60.1 14.8 63.9 46.6 55.3 49.5
the above table. They are based on over 30 individual data sources. Economy
Indonesia 52.2 27.6 59.1 51.0 42.8 46.2
scores are reported as percentile ranks, with higher values indicating better
governance ratings. The WGI are produced by Daniel Kaufmann, Natural Thailand 20.2 19.5 66.8 59.6 54.8 40.9
Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) and Brookings Institution. China 8.9 36.7 69.7 48.1 48.1 45.7
Sources: The World Bank, The Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2019 Update
Brazil 60.6 31.9 36.1 39.9 44.2 40.4
(released 20 September 2019). Full interactive access to the aggregate
indicators, and the underlying source data, is available at http://info. Vietnam 9.4 53.8 53.4 36.5 54.3 38.0; Austrade
Philippines 47.8 12.9 55.3 56.7 34.1 34.1
Brisbane 126
Perth 104
Sydney 66
Canberra 118
Auckland 103
The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) is Australia’s leading trade and investment
We are experts in connecting Australian businesses to the world and the world to Australian businesses.
Austrade is the national point-of-contact for investors. We partner with state and territory governments
to provide the information and contacts you need to establish or expand a business in Australia.
We help companies around the world to identify and take up investment opportunities in Australia as well
as to source Australian goods and services for their global supply chains.
This report has been prepared by the Commonwealth of Australia represented by the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade). The report is a general
overview and is not intended to provide exhaustive coverage of the topic. The information is made available on the understanding that the Commonwealth of Australia is
not providing professional advice.
While care has been taken to ensure the information in this report is accurate, the Commonwealth does not accept any liability for any loss arising from reliance on the
information, or from any error or omission, in the report.
Any person relying on this information does so at their own risk. The Commonwealth recommends the person exercise their own skill and care, including obtaining
professional advice, in relation to their use of the information for their purposes.
The Commonwealth does not endorse any company or activity referred to in the report, and does not accept responsibility for any losses suffered in connection with any
company or its activities.