Southest Bank
Southest Bank
Southest Bank
Broad Objective:
The primary objective of this report is to fulfill the requirement of BBA program. This
contains nine credit hours for internship and to apply the theoretical knowledge gained
from the coursework of the BBA program in a specific field.
Specific objective:
To understand and analyze the credit policy of Southeast Bank Limited.
To evaluate the existing credit appraisal techniques of Southeast Bank Limited.
To study the operational efficiency of Southeast Bank Limited.
To suggest the ways and means for improvement in policy and techniques
To relate the theoretical leanings with the real life situation
The study requires various types of information - past and present policies, procedures and
methods of Credit Management. Both primary and secondary data available have been used
in preparing this report.
And carefully developed, disguised queries, trend and growth rate analysis, ratio analysis,
graphical presentation such as pie chart, bar, graphs have been used, Raw data collected
from various sources required to be processed, edited for the purpose of the study.
For this study mainly secondary source of data had been relied on, because secondary data
can be an immediate and cost effective means to gaining valuable insight into research
issues; provided that the information comes from reliable and timely sources. Its sample was
small and no representative. The research has been started with secondary data and preceded
to primary data only when the secondary data sources have been exhausted or yield marginal
returns. An analytical approach has been followed to conclude the decisions. At last the study
tries to give a comprehensive picture of the commercial banks' involvement in credit
appraisal. The relevant information regarding this study has been collected primarily from
analyzing different relevant books.
In spite of related peopleswillingness I could not avail the full concentration as I supposed to
have. The officers are extremely busy with their assigned jobs. And even I had to perform the
internship while doing the job. On the way of my study, I have faced the following problems that
may be termed as the limitations/shortcoming of the study. The main limitations encountered in
producing this report are:
I am a full time employee of Southeast Bank Limited. It was difficult for me to allocate
enough time to prepare the report. For an analytical purpose adequate time is
required.Due to the time limit, the scope and dimension of the study has been curtailed.
At the time of preparing my report I tried to gather every details of process but the major
limitation is lack of adequate information.
Due to lack of experience, there may have been faults in the report though maximum
labors have been given to avoid any kind of slip-up.
Load at the work place also stood as a barrier to prepare this report.
Poor Library Facility: Most of the commercial bank have it’s own modern, rich and
wealthy collection of huge and various types of Banking related books, Journals,
Magazines, Papers, Case Studies, Term Papers, Assignments etc. But the library of
Southeast Bank Limited is not well ornamented
Generally bank is referred to an organization that deals in money. The definition of Bank may be
as follows:
- Banking Company means any company which transacts the business of banking
in Bangladesh and includes a new bank and specialized bank.
- Banking means the accepting for the purpose of lending or institute of deposit of
money from public repayable on demand or otherwise and withdraw able by draft, order
or otherwise.
The above-mentioned characteristics sketched to outline the definition of a “bank” are nowadays
shared by a lot of different types of financial institution. Therefore, because banking activities
now overlap many diverse businesses, we will consider a variety of modern financial institutions
– including commercial banks but also savings-and-loan associations, brokerage firms, and
mutual funds – as “banks”.
The objectives of a Bank can be looked at from 03 different perspectives of the 03 key parties to
the banking activities. The Bank owner, the Govt. and the bank clients.
i) Earning Profit: Just like any owner(s) of a commercial institution, a bank owner’s main
objective is to earn profit, which is achieved mainly through monetary exchanges.
ii) Rendering Service:Banks provide different types of services to the government and people of
the country.
iii) Good Will: In order to earn profit through rendering services, banks need to have a lot of
good will, maybe a bit more than other commercial institutions.
iv) Raising Efficiency:To earn maximum profit, banks need to provide efficient service, for
which they require expert workforce.
to regulate the activities of other banks. All the commercial private and/or nationalized, and
specialized banks perform service related activities within the jurisdiction of the central bank. In
our country, Bangladesh the role of the central bank is entitled to be executed by Bangladesh
As different banks are in the field to satisfy the customers of different requirement, we can
classify the banks using a diagram which is replicated in the following page.
Some words used in abbreviated form in the following diagram require explanation.
1. BKB = Bangladesh Krishi Bank
2. RAKUB = RajshahiKrishiUnnayan Bank
3. BSB = Bangladesh Shilpa Bank
4. BSRS = BangladeshShilpaRinShangstha
5. BASIC = Bank of Small Industries and Commerce, Bangladesh Ltd.
The emergence of Southeast Bank Limited at the junction of liberation of global economic
activities, after the URUGUAY ROUND has been an important event in the financial sector of
Bangladesh. The experience of the prosperous economies of Asian countries and in particular
of South Asia, has been the driving force and the strategies behind operational policy option of
the Bank. The Company Philosophy – “A Bank with Vision” has been preciously the essence of
the legend of bank’s success.
Southeast Bank Limited has been awarded license by the Government of Bangladesh as a
Scheduled Bank in the private sector in pursuance of the policy of liberalization of banking and
financial services and facilities in Bangladesh. In view of the above, the Bank within a period of
10 years of its operation achieved a remarkable success and met up capital adequacy requirement
of Bangladesh bank.
It has been growing faster as one of the leaders of the new generation banks in the private sector
in respect of business and profitability as it is evident from the financial indicators.
To stand out as a pioneer banking institution in Bangladesh and contribute significantly to the
national economy.
Core Objectives
The bank's overall objective is to have a higher profitability than that of the weighted average of
other banks. As such the main focus of the Bank is on highly profitable business with convincing
growth potential. Vision for the future is the characteristic that differentiates Southeast Bank
from other competitors.
As a commercial bank, Southeast Bank does all traditional banking business including the wide
range of savings and credit scheme products, retail banking and ancillary services with the
support of modern technology and professional excellence. The bank has launched a number of
financial products and services since its inception. Among them different types of monthly
savings schemes have achieved wide acceptance among the people.
12. Return on Assets : 1.11%
15. It is a Publicly Traded Company : Share quoted daily in DSE & CSE
Shariah System
18. Technology Used : Member of SWIFT
In Mill. Tk. 30000
20000 Total Asset
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
In Mill. Tk.
Total Advance
In Mill. Tk.
The CAMEL rating system provides a general framework for evaluating and assimilating all
significant financial, operational and compliance factors in order to assign a summery of
composite supervisory rating to each regulated commercial bank. The purpose of the rating
system is to reflect in a comprehensive and uniform fashion an institution’s financial soundness.
In addition, it serves as a useful tool for summarizing the condition of individual institutions.
This rating system is based upon an evaluation of five crucial dimensions of bank’s operations.
These are –
Each of these dimension is to be rated on a scale of one through five in ascending order of
performance deficiency on the basis of approved formulas. Thus “1” represent the highest and
“5” represent the lowest (and most critically deficient) level of operating performance. On the
basis of average of the above rating, each bank is assigned a composite rating. This composite
rating is based upon a scale of one through five is ascending order of supervisory concern. Thus
“1” represents the highest rating and consequently the lowest level of supervisory concern, while
“5” represent the lowest, most critically deficient level of performance and, therefore, the highest
degree of supervisory concern.
Composite Rating
Composite rating is average of all ratings. This is calculated as follows:
SWOT is an important part for evaluating the company’s Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and
Threats. It helps the organizationto identify how to evaluate its performance and scan the micro
In the year 2011, Southeast Bank is celebrating 16 years of its success track record in
Bangladesh. The Strength, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats of the bank are identified as
Strength (S)
Southeast Bank is having the following strengths.
Transparent and quick decision-Making
Efficient team of performers
Satisfied customers
Internal control
Skilled risk management
Diversification to perform business operation
Weaknesses (W)
Southeast Bank Limited has the following weaknesses:
Poor market share (deposit and lending share around 1.5% in the total industry).
Low geographical coverage of service (only 27 branches at present)
Lack of succession plan
No research and development facilities for innovating new products.
Long management hierarchy
Absence of Total Quality Management(TQM)
Concentration on Large Loan.
Opportunity (O)
Threats (T)
Southeast Bank Limited encounters the following threats:
Body Part
Lending is one of the two principal functions of commercial banks not only because of their
social obligations of catering to credit needs of different sections of the community but also
because lending is most profitable, the rates realized on loans have always been well above those
realized on investments. Having sterilized a portion of deposits in cash reserves and highly liquid
assets which yield little or no earnings for the purpose of satisfying liquidity requirements, a
banker has to deploy the residual funds in profitable outlets so that he may be able to pay interest
on deposits, salary to the staff, meet other establishment expenses, build-up reserves and to pay
dividend to the shareholders. This is why bank loan accounts form a major portion of the residual
funds of a commercial Bank. Some of the important characteristics of bank loans may be
3.2 Risk:
Risk is the potential that a chosen action or activity (including the choice of inaction) will lead to
a loss (an undesirable outcome). The notion implies that a choice having an influence on the
outcome exists (or existed). Potential losses themselves may also be called "risks".
The following risk areas should be considered for analyzing a credit proposal.
The majority shareholders, management team and group or affiliate companies should be
assessed. Any issues regarding lack of management depth, complicated ownership structures or
inter-group transactions should be addressed, and risks mitigated. The following questions may
be asked to assess the Management Risk:
The key risk factors of the borrower's industry should be assessed. Any issues regarding the
borrower's position in the industry, overall industry concerns or competitive forces (demand
supply gap) should be addressed and the strengths and weaknesses (SWOT Analysis) of the
borrower relative to its competition should be identified. For the above purpose the Credit
Officers/ RM may obtain / collect data from the statistical year book/ economic trends of
Bangladesh Bank / public report / newspaper/ journals etc. The following questions may be
asked to assess the Business and Industry Risk:
Are there any significant concentrations of sales (by customer, industry, county,
How does the borrower rate with its competitors in terms of market share?
Can increased direct production costs be easily passed on to customers?
Does the borrower deal in any specific product that may be subject to obsolescence?
Is the purpose of borrowing consistent with the objectives of the Company?
Is the purpose legal? Does it contravene any rules and laws of the country and any
instruction issued by the Bangladesh Bank/Head Office?
Where term facilities (tenor > 1 year) are being proposed, a projection of the borrower's future
financial performance should be provided, indicating an analysis of the sufficiency of cash
flow to service debt repayments. Loans should not be granted if projected cash flow is
insufficient to repay debts. In this regard the possibilities of cost overrun and sensitivity
analysis should be done. The following questions may be asked to assess the Financial Risk:
High debt
Rapid growth
Debtors issues
3.6 Security:
A current valuation of collateral must be obtained from Bank’s approved surveyors and the
quality and priority of security being proposed should be assessed.
Loans should not be granted based solely on security. Adequacy and the extent of the insurance
coverage should be assessed. The RM must look into the client’s interest / dependability on the
collateral offered as security.
Has the borrower complied with the terms and conditions of the facility?
Adverse feature include: any past dues / excesses / delays / check returns and or
defaults in covenants and / or failure to meet interest when due.
Does the account fluctuate with the seasonality of the business?
Has the relationship strategy and earnings for the last twelve months been met?
Presently the Bank is following/ conducting the Lending Risk Analysis to assess the risk grade.
The concerned Credit Officer/ RM must clearly indicate the risk grade (as per the finding) in the
specific column of credit appraisal form so that the authority can take decision on the matter.
Score Risk
Borrower / Group: Grade
Aggregate Score:
Industry Code: 95+ B
75-94 C …………………..
Date of Grading: 65-74 D
55-64 E
Date of Financials: 45-54 F Risk Grade:
35-44 G
Completed by: < 35 H …………………..
Criteria Weight Parameter Points Actual Points
< 0.25 100
Gearing 20% 0.26-0.35 95
0.36-0.50 90
0.51-0.75 85
The ratio of a borrower's 0.76- 1.25 80
1.26-2.00 75
Total Debt to Tangible 2.01 -2.25 70
2.26-2.50 65
Net Worth. 2.51 -2.75 60
2.76-3.00 55
> 3.00 0
In Banks and Financial Institutions Credit risk is considered as an essential factor that needs to
be managed. Credit Risk is the possibility that a borrower or counter party will fail to meet its
obligation in accordance with agreed terms and conditions. Credit Risk, therefore, arises from the
Bank’s dealings with or lending to corporate, individuals, and other Banks or Financial
Credit Risk Management process enables Banks to proactively manage loan Portfolios in order
to minimize losses and earn an acceptable level of return for shareholders. A comprehensive IT
system is essential which should have the ability to capture all key customer data, risk
Some of the most important characteristics of bank credits in Bangladesh are given as below:
Bulk of the bank loans in Bangladesh is provided to trade and industries. Banks are
lackadaisical to agricultural sector because of relatively greater credit risks inherent in it
and inability of agriculturists to furnish good amount of security. However, since
nationalization banks are evincing keen interest in this sector. Nevertheless, industrialists
and traders are the prominent borrowers of the Banks.
Another striking feature of a bank loan in our country is that the principal portion of it is
given for a period of less than one year. This is essentially because of high liquidity of
such loans. The short-term loans are given for financing seasonal needs of business-men
and also for working capital purposes to facilitate the process of production and
distribution. Seasonal loans are primarily for the purpose of increasing the inventory of a
business firm and are repaid as the inventory is liquidated. Short-term funds are also
borrowed for increasing current assets in general need of expanding production. Such
loans are repaid out of net operating earnings of the firm. Working capital loans are not
always of a year or less maturity but may extend for a period in excess of one year. On
the country, seasonal loans are sought for a few months.
Short-term loans may take the form of cash credit and overdraft, demand loans and
purchase and discount of bills. Among these, cash credit and overdraft are most
prominent form of bank loan.
Commercial banks in Bangladesh demand sound security for loans. A very high
percentage of advances by Bangladeshi banks are secured by goods, financial assets and
Bank borrowers mostly lie in average profitability group. A highly profitable firm would
rely less on bank loans for financing expansion or current needs because it has sufficient
earnings to do so. Contrary to this, less profitable concerns or less sustaining concern
need bank support to tide over their grim financial position caused by shortage of liquid
funds. There may be many specific circumstances responsible for tight current position of
a firm, but meager earnings or losses are frequent reasons which call for extreme
carefulness from the bankers while granting loans to firms and taking all protective steps
to minimize the risk.
Lending is most profitable business of a commercial bank but at the same time it is highly risky.
Loans always accompany credit risk arising out of borrowers default in repaying the money. A
banker should, therefore manage loan business in a profitable and safe manner. He should take
all precautions to minimize the risk associated with loan. In considering loan proposal the banker
Safety – Safety of funds is the most important guiding principle of a banker. While
lending out funds a banker should ensure that funds being lent out would remain safe
otherwise the bank will not be in a position to repay his deposits and consequently it will
lose public confidence which may subsequently spell death knell of the bank itself. Safety
of funds implies that the borrower would repay the principal sum and interest as per the
terms and conditions provided in the loan agreement. Every care should be exercised to
see that the loan to a particular borrower would not involve risk of non-payment. A bank
follows aggressive policy and more of deposits in its bid to maximize earnings but it has
always to be defensive at the same-time because in cannot afford to loss people’s money.
A banker should always take a calculated risk. This is why a banker always insists upon
collaterals margins and guarantees in additions to personal promise of the borrower.
Liquidity – Since majority of commercial bank liabilities are payable either on demand
or after short notice the banker should ensure that loan would be liquid, Liquidity as
already defined signifies the readiness with which the bank can convert its assets into
cash with no or insignificant. A loan will be liquid if it has been given for a short period
of finance some purchase of stock, raw materials, etc. A banker should, therefore, provide
short-term advances which could be recalled in time to satisfy the demands of the
depositors. The bank cannot afford to lend short period funds for a long time because in
that case its loans and advances will tend to be less liquid and it would be a great problem
for the banker to realize cash in case of emergency. Furthermore, loans to be liquid
should be provided against security of highly shift able assets so that in the event the
borrower defaults in repaying the principal sum these could be readily converted into
The most important form of diversification which a banker should attempt to achieve in
the bank’s loan portfolio is maturity diversification. Under maturity diversification loan
portfolio is staggered over different maturity periods so that a certain amount of loans
mature at regular intervals which could be utilized to meet the depositors demands. If
such funds are not needed, the same can be lent out or invested in securities that best fit
into the bank’s loan and investment portfolio.
Purpose – Bankers should inquire into the purpose of the loan for which it is taken. As a
matter of fact safety and liquidity of loan depend on the purpose. If an advance is given
for productive purpose, say for financing purchase of inventories, in all probability-it will
be rapid because grant of loan will a generate additional income sufficient to repay the
loan. On the advance made for non-productive and speculative purpose is subject to
greater credit risk because the purpose for which loan was sought would in no way
improve repaying capacity of the borrower. Banker should, therefore, avoid making loans
for financing wasteful expenditure on social functions and speculative transactions. It is
very difficult to ensure that the loan has been utilized for the purpose for which it was
required, funds borrowed obviously for a productive use may have been spent on
speculation. Banker should, therefore, take follow-up steps to see that the end use of
credit is not for some other purpose.
3.12LoanPolicy of a Commercial Bank:
Formulating and implementing loan policies is amongst the most important responsibilities of
bank directors and management. Since formulating a definite loan policy for the bank calls for
expertise knowledge and experience in various aspects of bank credit, the Board of Directors call
In deciding loan polices for the bank, the policy formulators must be very cautious since lending
activity of the bank interests both the bank and the public at large. They should give serious
consideration to all the factors that are likely to influence the loan policies and workout the
polices accordingly. A discussion in brief of all these factors is, therefore, necessary before
dwelling upon how a bank formulates loan policies.
Earnings Requirements
Deposit Variability
Banks that have experienced credit movement in their deposits will have to follow conservative
lending policy. They cannot afford to incur undue risks by extending term-lending facilities.
Similar policy should also be followed where banks are faced with declining deposits. In a
refreshing contrast with this, liberal lending policy can be pursued by banks whose deposits how
little or no fluctuation and who can easily predict fluctuations in deposits and loan demands and
make provision for them through secondary reserves.
Within the framework of banking legislation regulating the size of loan portfolio of banks, bank
has to determine optimum size of its loan portfolio keeping in mind the environment within
which it is operating.
In Bangladesh, Banking Companies Act does not put any limitation on the size of the loan
account. However, an indirect control over the magnitude of the loan account is provided in
Credit Authorization Scheme which was introduced in November 1965. Under the scheme banks
The Bank management should also keep in mind technical acumen and experience of loan officer
of the Bank while taking policy decisions regarding composition of the loan portfolio. If the bank
does not process experienced personnel in that line. Where credit department of a bank is
equipped with personnel specialized in different types of loans, as is the case with large
commercial banks, the bank should make use of its staff and make different type of loans.
While determining policy regarding security aspect of bank loan the management should see that
the security requirements as stated do not violate the statutory provisions. Banking Regulation
Act 1949 has made the following provisions in respect of security and margins.
Besides, the Reserve Bank of India has been authorized by the provisions of the Banking
Regulations Act, 1949 to give directions to banks in respect of the margins to be maintained in
the case of secured loans. Policy regarding margin requirement must be mad within the
directives received from time to time by the Reserve Bank.
The standard liquidity ratios cannot be uniform for all the groups of industries and trading
concerns, will have to be different depending on the nature of the borrowers business. Similarly,
range of profitability rates could be fixed keeping in mind market rates of return. Norms of
judging funds management capacity of the borrowers firm may also be included in the policy
statement. This will, besides saving the time of the credit department and enjoying the job of the
lending officers, bring about uniformity in the extension of credit and reduction in the risks of
3.14.5 Maturity
Loan policy should also cover loan maturities. One of the most constructive characteristics of
good loan policy is to make loan for such a period that could be called upon in times of need to
There are banks who have the general policy of making short-term loans in the first stage which
is subsequently renewed depending on the progress done by the borrowers firm and liquidity
needs of the bank. If the bank management wisher to pursue this policy, then the policy
statement should spell out in unequivocal terms types of loans in respect of which renewals
would be granted, circumstances under which renewals would be possible, the period of
renewals and also times renewal facility will be extended. In a sharper contrast, to this, there are
some banks who grant loan straight for a long period, say five years and its repayment schedule
is tailored to yearly income flows of the borrower.
3.14.6 Compensating Balance
Banks often require borrowers to maintain a deposit balance bearing some relationship to the
aggregate amount of loans made of the maximum line of credit. This is done with a view to
increasing effective rate of interest. Furthermore, compensating balance is a protective device to
save the bank against risk of default. If it appears that the default is imminent, the bank can apply
the balance on deposits to the loan. this practice is also known as the right of offset. i.e. right to
use all the deposits balance a bank customer has with the bank, to offset a portion of any loan to
this customer. By virtue of this device the bank funds to get slightly better settlement if it were
general creator of the bankrupt customer.
The compensating requirement may not be common for all the customers. It may not be
applicable in respect of certain customers while some customers may be asked to observe the
minimum rules without fail. In considering a new loan application the banker may be influenced
by the amount of deposits held by the applicant in the bank at the time of loan request. Further,
3.14.8Loan Territory
Some banks may wish to limit their lending business to certain area. Some others may limit their
lending territory to their country. In such a case loan policy statement of the bank must include
regions to be served by the bank. This will save the time and efforts of the credit department
which will in that case know from whom to receive loan application. Territorial limit to lending
business may be imposed due to the limited size of the resources of the bank, and inadequate
staff to supervise the loan work. A bank whose customers come from certain regions may wish
to limit its lending business to these regions. Where the loan territory clause does not appear in
the policy statement as is the case with larger banks lending officers are free to consider loan
applications pouring in the bank from within the country or outside of it.
There are a number of sources of credit information that lend insight into credit worthiness of the
potential borrowers. Their use will depend upon the nature of business of the applicant, form of
loan required and amount of loan request.
a. Interview
An interview with the applicant enables the bank to secure the information about the history of
the borrowers business, its record of growth, types of product made or services rendered,
competitive position of the firm, and markets and check them against other sources. Through
interview the lending officer discovers the purpose of the loan sought and the applicants plan of
repayment. An idea about the applicants honesty and ability may also be had in course to talks
with the applicant. In course of discussions with the credit applicant lending officers endeavor to
b.Financial Statements
Financial statements including balance sheet and profit and loss account of the prospective
borrower are invaluable sources of credit information. Such statements are most readily obtained
from the applicant himself. Besides, financial statements of the last few years, proforma Balance
sheet and Income Statement and budgets should also be obtained. An analysis of these financial
statements would provide an insight into the borrower’s financial position, funds management
capacity, liquidity, profitability and loan repaying capacity.
Balance sheet in an aid to the banker to judge the credit, worthiness of the borrower, it is a
snapshot, a photograph of a financial worth of the borrower’s firm at a point of time. It depicts
the financial position of the borrower’s business as on a particular date.
b. Market Reports
Reports about the applicant can be obtained from the various markets particularly from
businessmen carrying on the same trade and suppliers – those from whom the borrower buys for
his firm. The bank may correspond with the businessmen and suppliers to ask about the payment
habits of the applicant, promptness of the borrower in repayment, his practice of availing all cash
discounts, etc. Some of the businessmen may happen to be the borrowers friends, others his
rivals. Some may, therefore, give exaggerated reports about the applicant’s means while others
may try to run him down. All such reports, sometimes contradictory to each other, have to be
weighed independently and a balanced opinion has to be formed about creditworthiness of the
d. Other sources
Other sources of credit information on business firms, especially the largest ones might be trade
journals, periodicals, newspapers, trade directories, public records such as income tax statements,
wealth tax returns, sales tax returns, reports about actions and decrees in government gazette,
registration revenue and municipal records.
Ratio Analysis
Cash Flow Projections
Funds-Flow Statement
A brief discussion of these tools will now be made.
Financial ratios become meaningful to assess financial strength and other related aspects of the
firm only when there is comparison. In fact, analysis of ratios involves two types of comparison
(1) a comparison of present ratio with past and expected future ratios for the same firm, (2)
comparison of the ratios of the firm with those so similar firm or with industry averages.
Ratio as tools of measuring liquidity, profitability, efficiency and financial position of a firm can
be classified into four basic types: Liquidity, Leverage, Activity and Profitability.
A.Liquidity Ratio
Bank loan officer is very keen to determine the instant ability of the concern to honor the current
delegations. Calculation of liquidity ratios and their interpretation provide considerable insight
into the present cash solvency of the firm and its ability to remain solvent in times of adversities.
Two commonly used liquidity ratios are : current ratio and quick or acid test ratio.
a. Current Ratio:
Current ratio expresses relationship between current assets (cash, marketable securities, accounts
receivables and inventory turnover) and current liabilities (accounts payable, short-term notes
payable, current maturities of long-term debt, accrued income taxes and other accrued expenses
especially wates). It is computed by dividing current assets by current liabilities. A higher current
ratio is a clue that the company will be able to pay its debts maturity within a year. On the other
hand, a low current ratio points to the possibility that a firm may not be able to pay its short-term
C.Activity Ratios
Banker is also interested to know how efficiently funds are managed in the firm. For the purpose,
activity ratios are calculated. These ratio express relationships between the level or sales and the
investment in various assets, viz, inventories, receivables, fixed assets etc. The important activity
ratios are (a) Inventory turnover (b) Average Collection period (c) Total assets turnover.
Inventory Turn-over
Average collection period = ----------------
(Net sales) _
No. of days in a year.
This ratio reflects the credit and collection policies of the firm and the effectiveness of
collection machinery. A longer period of collection indicates the leniency of credit policy
This ratio, to be of value, must be compared with the selling terms of the business firm. If
the selling terms of the firm were 2/10 net 30, collection period of 30 days would appear
to be acceptable. If, however the period were 90 days, it would indicate that there were
three months receivables still on hand.
Total assets turnover indicate the efficiency with which assets of the firm have utilize. A
higher ratio would mean better utilization and vice-versa. However, care should be exercised
in drawing conclusion. Sometimes the purchase of asset may not result in higher sales but
may, however, cause reduction in cost and thereby result in an increase in profits. Under such
cases, even if the ratio declines, the situation is considered favorable.
D. Profitability Ratios
Profitability ratios, as matter of fact, are best indicators of overall efficiency of the business
concern, because they compare return of value over and above the values put into a business
with sale or service carried on by the firm with the help of assets employed. Thus,
profitability ratios are of two types. Profitability as related to sales and profitability as related
to investments.
The funds statement prepared on cash concept basis depicts on sources side the following items:
(i) A net decrease in any asset other than cash or fixed assets.
(ii) A gross decrease in fixed assets.
(iii) A net increase in any liabilities.
(iv) Funds provided by operation.
Uses of funds in the statement show the following items:
(i) A net increase in any asset other than cash or fixed assets.
(ii) A gross increase in fixed assets.
(iii) A net decrease in any liability.
(iv) Retirement debt or purchase of stock.
(v) Payment of Cash dividend.
Uses of funds side of the funds statement depict all such changes that cause decrease in total
funds of the business. The following items are shown on the ‘uses’ aspect of the statement:
(a) Decrease in liabilities.
(b) Increase in assets.
(c) Decrease in Capital funds
In simpler words, only the following changes in fixed part of the balance sheet are shown as
sources of funds in the statement :
(i) Such increase in fixed liabilities that caused decrease in current liabilities or increase
in current assets.
(ii) Such decrease in value of fixed assets that caused increase in current assets or
decrease in current liabilities.
Similarly, under the heading uses of funds the following changes in fixed assets and liabilities
are shown:
(i) Such decrease in fixed liabilities which caused rise in current liabilities or decrease in
value of current assets.
(ii) Such increase in fixed assets which caused reduction in current assets or expansion in
current liabilities.
The following format of the funds flow statement will make the above points more
It should be remembered that the statement would not record such changes in fixed assets and
liabilities ad do not affect the level of working capital.
Actual Task
My Duty:
Provided account opening information.
Provided the account opening form to the customers.
Helped the customers to complete the form.
My Duty:
Evaluate customer performance with other bank.
Evaluate Security Value of Customer.
Evaluate industry/ Business condition.
My Duty:
Analyze Business experience of customer.
Analyze Security Value of Customer.
Analyze nature of Business.
Analyze Liability of customer with other banks.
Analyze Net profit of customer.
Examine Sales volume of customer.
My Duty:
Report to Bangladesh Bank.
Report to Head Office.
Report to Audit team.
My Duty:
Measure duration of risk sensitive asset
Measure duration of risk sensitive liability
Gap Analysis
My Duty:
Help to buy T-bill
Help to buy T-Bond
Research part
SBL faces some problem during the Investment period which is Risky and inconvenient the
Credit Risk Management system. That’s why I wanted to find the reasons behind the problem
and try to give some suggestions. For this reason I am doing this research.
For project purpose, I spend the whole month of July-Week 4 to August Week 3, 2013. I have
5.3.7 Instrumentation:
Through face- to- face interview and structured questionnaire with 5 point likert scale questions
the survey process has been done within the required time frame. Developed by RensisLikert,
this is a composite measure in which respondents are asked to choose from an ordered series of
five responses to indicate their reactions to a sequence of statements (e.g. Strongly Disagree ....
Disagree........... Neither Disagree nor Agree......... Agree........... Strongly agree). Likert Scale
was used for this survey research to come up with a quantitative outcome.
1. HA: Southeast Bank introduces new credit policy for effectiveness of credit Risk
management policy.
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10
1=Strongly disagree 3 5 3 2 1 3 1 8 9 3
2=Disagree 3 5 2 2 2 1 3 11 12 2
3=Neither agree nor 5 4 5 8 3 4 5 9 6 1
4=Agree 15 11 13 15 18 14 16 5 6 19
5=Strongly agree 14 15 17 13 16 18 15 7 7 15
Total 154 146 159 155 166 163 161 112 110 161
Average 3.85 3.65 3.98 3.88 4.15 4.08 4.03 2.80 2.75 4.03
Standard Deviation 1.19 1.41 1.19 1.08 0.94 1.15 1.01 1.36 1.41 1.13
Z-test value 7.15 5.17 7.82 8.08 11.14 8.67 9.53 1.39 1.12 8.54
HO: µ=2.51
HA: µ>2.5
Here, X = 3.85
= 1.19
Z cal=
( X ) /( / n)
Since Z cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can
be said that introduces new credit policy for effectiveness of credit Risk management
8% 1=Strongly disagree
13% 2=Disagree
3=Neither agree nor
38% 5=Strongly agree
Fig-9: Respondent’s view towards introduces new credit policy for effectiveness of credit
Risk management policy.
In a 5-point scale, the mean value is 2.5
HO: µ=2.5
HA: µ>2.5
Here, X = 3.65
= 1.41
Z cal=
( X ) /( / n)
Since Z cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can
be said that credit performance is an effective method of Credit Risk Management.
38% 13% 13%
1=Strongly disagree
3=Neither agree nor disagree
28% 5=Strongly agree
HO: µ=2.5
HA: µ>2.5
Here, X = 3.98
= 1.19
( X ) /( / n)
Z cal=
Since Z cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said
that Credit Investigation is an effective method of Credit Risk Management.
1=Strongly disagree
43% 8% 2=Disagree
3=Neither agree nor
5=Strongly agree
Here, X = 3.88
= 1.08
( X ) /( / n)
Z cal=
At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z 0.05 = 1.645
Since Z cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can
be said that Southeast Bank offer standard credit facility for effectiveness of credit Risk
management policy.
1=Strongly disagree
33% 5%
5% 2=Disagree
3=Neither agree nor
38% disagree
5=Strongly agree
Fig-12: Respondent’s view towards offering standard credit facility for effectiveness of
credit Risk management policy.
HO: µ=2.5
HA: µ>2.5
Here, X = 4.15
= 0.94
( X ) /( / n)
Z cal=
Since Z cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said
that credit product must introduce for betterment of credit Risk management policy.
1=Strongly disagree
40% 3% 5% 2=Disagree
3=Neither agree nor
5=Strongly agree
Fig-13: Respondent’s view towards credit product must introduce for betterment of
credit Risk management policy.
HO: µ=2.5
HA: µ>2.5
Here, X = 4.08
= 1.15
( X ) /( / n)
Z cal=
Since Z cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said
that Bank should put emphasis on SME loan.
1=Strongly disagree
8% 3% 2=Disagree
3=Neither agree nor
5=Strongly agree
Fig-14: Respondent’s view towards Bank should put emphasis on SME loan
HO: µ=2.5
HA: µ>2.5
Here, X = 4.15
= 0.94
( X ) /( / n)
Z cal=
Since Z cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said
that Debt rescheduling is an effective method of Credit Risk Management.
1=Strongly disagree
40% 3% 5% 2=Disagree
3=Neither agree nor
5=Strongly agree
Fig-13: Respondent’s view towards Debt rescheduling is an effective method of Credit Risk Management.
2. Monitoring loan performance helps bank to minimize the risk of NPL (Non-Performing
Loan). So 37% of respondents agree and 33% of respondents are disagreeing that
Monitoring credit performance is an effective method of Credit Risk Management.
3. Credit Investigation is a process used by bank to verify and attain a borrower’s identity,
personal background, and financial capability and credit history. Credit investigation also
as security measure that protects creditor from credit identity theft and other fraudulent
credit actions. So 28% of respondents agree and 38% of respondents are strongly agreed
that Credit Investigation is an effective method of Credit Risk Management.
4. Southeast Bank offer standard credit facility for effectiveness of credit Risk management
policy. So 40% of respondents agree and 32% of respondents strongly agreed that
Southeast Bank offer standard credit facility for effectiveness of credit management
5. New credit product must introduce for betterment of credit management policy. So 48%
of respondents agree and 24% of respondents strongly agreed that new credit product
must introduce for betterment of credit management policy.
6. Bank should put emphasis on SME loan. So 56% of respondents agree and 24% of
respondents strongly agreed that Bank should put emphasis on SME loan.
As the recent banking trend pursues more towards gradual reduction of reliance on security
in lending activities, the necessity of a sound appraisal process in a bank is being proven as
the ultimate area to concentrate on. The credit appraisal process of Southeast Bank has not
yet been able to reach the desired level of perfection. Besides, to ensure transparency and
corporate governance in the institution some specific measures may also be taken. In light of
the findings of the report the following measures may be taken:
1. New credit policy of southeast bank limited provide a new effective credit policy
which is more relaible than the previous one. So they need to empasize on this policy.
2. Although the bank has attained remarkable development in different operational areas
as far as the introduction of technology is concerned but there has not been much
development in terms of implementing paperless banking concept. Provided the
information technology revolution all around the country is not at all a difficult
assignment to introduce information technology in the credit appraisal and credit
approval process. Credit proposals may be forwarded to Head Office through a
secured intranet instead of the traditional paper form and not only that the approval
process may also be shortened down if the approving authority receive the credit
proposals to their respective desks, provide their comments and recommendations
through the intranet at their convenient time so that the very conventional file
movement process may be eliminated.
3. The credit policy guideline provides the business approach or the philosophy on
which the bank is supposed to be operating. So it becomes very important that this
policy guideline is followed with utmost rigidity and perfection. To oversee the strict
adherence of credit policy guideline within the bank “Internal Control and
Compliance Division.
5. Bank bringing new credit product for betterment of Credit Risk policy but in many of
cases it is not enough to make fulfilment of proper output. So the bank authority
should be take more analysis on this type of policy.
6. It is very important to take a look on SME sector. This step can change the overall
transaction image of bank at bringing more benefits at a time.
7. Presently, the ultimate approving authority i.e. The Board of Directors of the Bank
are required to sit at their convenient times, called the “Meeting of the Board of
Directors” for approval of the credit facilities. So, it is very important that the
minimum number of Board members remain present in the “Board Meeting” to fill up
the quorum. But there are occasions when it becomes difficult for the members to
attend “Board Meetings” due to their pre-occupation. This problem may be removed
through introduction of teleconference concept which will enable the members of the
Board to attend the meeting from any place and henceforth, the approval process may
be shortened to the minimum.
Banking industry has significant role to play in the economic development of a country. The
banker would lead if the purposes of the advance is for overall national development plans
necessitating flow of credit to priority sector in the larger national interest. Sometimes the need
of the borrower may be considered so essential for the benefit of the national economy that
despite heavy risks involved the advance may be granted. In the changing concept of banking,
national interest for financing in some areas, especially in advances to agriculture, small
industries, small borrowers and export oriented industry, are assuming great importance.
Investment is the most important asset as well as the primary source of earning for the banking
institutions. On the other hand this is also the major source of risk for the Bank Management. A
prudent Bank Management should always try to make an appropriate balance between its return
and risk involved with the investment portfolio. Close supervision and effective follow up of
investment activities might reduce the risk to a great extent. An unsupervised investment might
be fraught with unmanageable risk and eventually might be stuck up. Consequently not only the
depositors but also the general shareholders will be deprived of getting back their money from
the bank.
ii. http://www.
Dear Respondent,
I’m Md. Moshiur Rahman, a student of BBA (Major in Finance and Banking) from IUBAT
(International University of Business Agriculture and Technology). I am conducting a report on
topic, “Credit Risk Management Policies & Procedures of Southeast Bank Ltd.” For my
BUS-490 : Practicum course. I need your valuable opinion. Let me assure you that all the
information provided by you will be used only for academic purpose and kept under strict
Information of Interviewee:
Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… i.
Occupation i.
Service Business Student Housewife Others: ………….. i.
Contact Into: …………………………… i.
Identification of sector wise loan limit is an effective method of Credit Risk Management.
viii. Judicial proceedings and execution is an effective method of Credit Risk Management.
ix. Adjust bad debt from Reserve and provision is an effective method of Credit Risk
Thank You