Case Study For Gender Bias
Case Study For Gender Bias
Case Study For Gender Bias
Jessica, Nate, and Ms. Phillips experience gender bias because they didn’t reach
the expectation of the people. People don’t accept the facts that they are having
differences in other things that they are good, even they have a skill, talents and
own will they need to cope in the things that wanted by the people surround
them. They being criticize base on their gender and not on their capabilities to do
what they want. Jessica is being discriminated because she has the talent of
playing soccer and she’s better that the boys in playing the sports but she
doesn’t have opportunity to show it because the school prioritize the Boys Team
in soccer than the girls.
Jessica is not the only one being discriminated but all of the teammates that she
belongs it showing the Gender bias in school. Nate is making his image in a good
state because in his case, He rather not choosing the program that he really
wanted because he will be discriminated on that program because the usual
student on it is girls that’s why he choose the program the suit for the eyes of
others that his passion to avoid being discriminate. Ms. Phillip case is shows
about the gender bias in the high position, people usually thinks that only men
can manage a business or they are the only one can handle big field because
they are more competitive that the women. Students wanted to be employed in
this company and want to ask some advices and question and they are expecting
a Man as a CEO that’s why they became shock on the person they see.
There’s a lot of way to avoid gender bias in one society. For me one of the
ways is treating the both genders equally and avoid the discrimination of their
capabilities doing the things they want to pursue. There must be a law of having
a fair treatment on the both parties that will be respectful and righteous that show
the equality of men and women in different way. The types of guidance and
solutions offered to address gender inequality more frequently address the
symptoms of bias, not the cause. Guidance is often aimed towards the processes
a classic approach is to increase the number of women on the talent pipe line.
Although there is no one-size-fits-all remedy for gender discrimination, there are
few solutions that we can implement to help to improve the situation. We should
try to increase the diversity in the school and workforce by reducing or
eliminating experiences requirements for some position. This helps fight gender
discrimination, because people who wants to shows their capabilities and
passion in the work can be notice fairly and it helps to increase the confidence of
both parties because they can do what they want that no one will judge them.
1. In a wider perspective, I can say that Adams High School, according to the
given statements, shows the best examples of gender discrimination which
comes in different levels: the you-can't-take-away-the-crown level, generalisation
level and stereotyping level.
The second situation falls in Generalisation level. Nate is a guy who has a
passion same as of the girls. Normally, a passion is something that our hearts
always takes us to go, but in this situation, Nate does not want to take the path
his heart is telling him to go. Why? It is because of the generalisation mindset
that "child care is just for the kids".
Lastly, Stereotyping level. Normally, we encounter successful businesses that
usually has a male foundation. That is the stereotype. People doesn't want to
hear opinions from girls and because of this, girls are also not allowed and
capable enough to handle and manage big businesses. But this mindset is
2. One possible circumstance would be, the group of boys teasing Jessica were
notorious bullies of their campus. Everybody are afraid for they do not want the
attention of the bully to be drawn upon them. But if I was there, I would stand up
and fight for the rights of a woman. No one will ever have the rights to humiliate
their fellow men just because their egos were crushed.
It is obvious that these boys cannot accept their lost so they make a way to get
even. But I would tell them this famous quotation, "If you cannot beat her, join
her." Individuals with the same interest blends well, isn't it? In fact, both parties
can benefit from each other through learning new strategies. Make her one of
you. Do not be afraid to be called losers, because accepting that you once lost in
a fight that you really wanted is already winning. Why? Because you were
humble enough to admit that you cannot always win.
3. Upon Jessica's observations, girl's team were not treated the same as the
boy's team. This could be due to the reason that soccer was created and was
born for boys. Also, the school might believe that the boy's team could be more
wort it because they possess stronger attributes than of the girls so they invested
bigger on the boys' team. It is a problem for it creates a connotation that the
boys' group is better that the girls' group. This situation also influenced the
audience to support gender bias or support boys more than the girls, not knowing
that girls can also do the things that the boys can. In this matter, I believe that it
would be better if the school would start to form a co-ed team to let the audience
see that both genders can play the sport equally and that girls can get along with
how boys play the sport and to clearly eliminate the inequality.
4. Nate's decision only shows that even him is affected and is still stuck with the
idea of stereotyping. This decision that Nate made looks more harmful to himself
than to others. Why? Because he robbed his own passion from himself. He was
the only victim of his own decisions. It is very important for someone to be
satisfied and be truly happy. In this case, Nate threw away his happiness due to
the assumption that he will be teased if he followed his heart. But mind you,
following your heart, whatever the scenario takes, is already winning. It is
something bigger that all the laughs and all the tease you would get. So always
follow your passion.
5. No, I wasn't surprised that the CEO of the company was a woman. Why?
Because there have been a lot of successful entrepreneurs and businesses that
were controlled by a woman. Women are born to be good in managing and we
got all the characteristics that it takes. Man's job can be worked out by a woman,
same as woman's job can also be took overed by a man. The world today shouts
equality, and if you are still thinking that we, women, cannot do things that man
can do, then you have a problem. We always think of a man when first heard of a
boss, but in today's world, i must say that we must "EXPECT THE
6. TRUST. This is what companies usually lack of when they are considering a
woman to take over their company. Why? Because they are still under the
impression that men are better than women. That women cannot handle
companies this big. That technology development is better for men. But no, the
improvement and development of one's business do not rest on the gender of the
leader. It is based on the passion , the fire and the desire of the leader to make
the firm better, regardless of their genders.
8. If I were the principal of Adams High School, I think that one of the best
resolution to implement is a yearly team building. Where as groups will be formed
with boys and girls together in one group. This strategy would help both genders
to learn to respect each other. This could also be a way to open the eyes of
everyone to see the strengths and weaknesses of each gender and the things
where they excel the most, even if it is not under the usual job of their gender.