Make Your CX Efforts Sing With Channel Orchestration
Make Your CX Efforts Sing With Channel Orchestration
Make Your CX Efforts Sing With Channel Orchestration
Companies get it. Customers want fast, convenient, and frictionless support.
That’s why businesses are investing in digital transformation initiatives that
improve the customer experience. From social media and mobile apps to chat,
video, and voice, there are many ways for businesses to support customers.
However, it’s not uncommon for customers to miss or ignore some of these
tools. A focus on channel orchestration that aligns the best channels to the right
interactions is at the core of a successful digital transformation.
The good news is there are ways to solve these issues with robust data analytics
and a deep understanding of customer needs and behavior.
A focus on channel
orchestration that aligns
Read this whitepaper to learn:
the best channels to the
Why customers continue to make voice calls—even when better
right interactions is at
options exist
the core of a successful
How channel orchestration enables companies to balance customer
expectations with business needs
digital transformation.
Work smarter, not harder......................................................... 2
How channel orchestration can help....................................... 3
4 keys to successful channel orchestration............................ 4
Channel orchestration in action………………………………………... 5
A note about metrics................................................................ 5
Harmonious support hinges on customer understanding .... 8
About TTEC............................................................................... 9
Work smarter,
not harder
Though voice calls are still the most common But it can be equally frustrating to wait several minutes
route for a majority of customer service and other just to ask a quick question or be forced to repeat
brand communications, customers just want their questions multiple times.
problem solved quickly, regardless of whether they’re
This leaves companies with an undesirable scenario:
communicating with a human or a bot. Yes, some people
spending a lot of money to deliver a poor experience
prefer human touch, but others are fine with as little
to the customer. What’s more, numerous studies have
human intervention as possible. That’s why bots and self-
shown that consumers will switch providers after just
service options are on the rise.
one bad customer service experience. More companies
However, bots have limited uses—the average bot can are therefore coming to the realization that they need
only respond to straightforward questions and perform to overhaul their customer experience and provide
simple tasks. As a result, many customers turn to what’s customers with the right kind of support, in both digital
familiar: making a phone call. This tendency isn’t limited to and traditional channels.
Baby Boomers, either. In fact, millennials call their bank at
nearly three times the rate of older customers, according
to a study by Bain & Company. However, bots have limited uses—
the average bot can only respond to
straightforward questions and perform
simple tasks.
How channel
orchestration can help
Adopting the latest contact center technologies
and tools to modernize the customer experience
is one thing, but it’s another to create a seamless
experience that effectively integrates multiple
traditional and digital support channels to balance
customer expectations and business needs.
Channel orchestration
leverages customer
preferences for different
channels while driving down
costs and improving the
quality of the experience.
Collaboration and open dialogue between various stakeholders across channels and lines of business is
important for developing initiatives in which everyone feels ownership. Appointing a dedicated change
management team or point person to provide focus and keep track of the initiative’s progress is also important.
To address the problem, we started with an evaluation of the call volumes. The analysis helped identify four customer
segments, each with a different reason for calling. The four segments were: No self-service option; not aware of self-service;
tried self-service unsuccessfully; and aware of self-service option but didn’t try it.
No SSO for call reason 33% Identify opportunities to create new SSOs
Aware of SSO but didn’t try it 18% Explore reasons for reluctance to use SSO
Source: TTEC
Our next step was to launch a test-and-control pilot to identify the segments that were most likely to respond to a
customer education program on the benefits of self-service channels.
−− Frequent callers were directed to pilot or control associates. Control associates performed their duties as usual, but the pilot
associates offered the caller information about the self-service options.
−− The primary objective of the Caller Education Inbound Pilot was to deflect future frequent callers (digitally active and non-
digitally active) to self-service/digital channels through a series of bundled communications and call treatments. This pilot
provided frequent callers consistent, enhanced service throughout the pilot period.
−− Pilot associates educated callers using advanced features such as co-browse, simulator, and other personalization methods.
Associates also followed up with a personalized email to customers to reinforce the self-service functionality, or walked the
customer through a demonstration of the self-service IVR.
Having a test-and-control framework enabled us to drill into the data and produce insights that would have been impossible
to produce otherwise. For example, we determined that caller education helped reduce call volume for only certain call reasons.
This finding helped reduce the AHT impact of the program because associates only offered education where it reduced
call volume.
The Caller Education pilot helped reduce the 30-day callback rate by 18 percent. These improvements were sustained in 60-
day and 90-day call back rates. Supported by these findings, we developed a data-driven rollout plan (prioritized by call reason)
that provided close to $3 million in annual savings for the company.
By analyzing the reasons customers were calling and developing a test-and-control model to refine those insights, we identified
the most effective way to address the problem—unnecessarily high call volumes—and direct callers to other options that
better met their needs. This also enabled associates to focus on more complex consultative calls or account issues. As a result,
customers received better service and the client reduced unnecessary costs (e.g., employing associates to answer tier 1 or
rote questions).
Contact TTEC today to learn more about how to align the right channels
with the right interactions to create a harmonious customer experience.
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