The Mystic Circle
The Mystic Circle
The Mystic Circle
by Kristjan Matthiasson
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The Mystic Circle.
DM’s Background
The Village of Myrehall Part 1 – A Wizardly Offer
The village of Myrefall is a small 60-man The adventure starts as the players are
village located a short distance inside the eating breakfast at the Bullfrog Inn. A young
Wolfpine forest. The occupants of the village man, finely dressed, approaches the players
are mostly trappers, hunters, and and speaks politely
lumberjacks, with some tradesmen and their
families. Myrefall is only about a half days
walk away from the town of Talbet, which Excuse me.
lies at the edge of the forest.
The wizard Chariz sent me to
The Wolfpine forest consists mostly of tall inform you of an endeavor he
pine trees with other hardwoods such as would like to involve you with.
cedar and oak. It also has a rich variety of
game such as squirrels, deer, and rabbits. If you are interested he would like
to meet you at his home after
While the immediate area is considered breakfast to discuss the details.
mostly safe, the hunters and trappers speak
of strange sounds that they sometimes hear Shall I inform him of your
from deep within the forest. imminent arrival?
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Now remember that old
I have a task for which I need a dungeons like these could contain
group of able folks like yourself to some danger so best be prepared
complete. for any eventuality.
The dungeon is rumored to hold a The journey takes over a day so the players
silver disk, about the size of your need to make camp for a single night.
hand with a distinct symbol set in
its middle. As the player reach the stone circle they see
that is lies upon a gentle hill reaching slightly
I can offer you 100 gold pieces over the tallest trees around. The stones that
each if you accept this task and make the circle are large granite rocks which
you can keep whatever else you must have been transported to the hills as
find in the dungeon. I only ask for there is no source of granite rock nearby.
the silver disk.
When the players start searching the area
So what say you? for an entrance to the underground dungeon
they will soon find what appears to be a rock
slab covering an opening into the hill.
If the players accept he then reaches for a
map of the area and hands it to the players. A strength check (CR 20) is needed to move
the rock, the players can assist each other
(Map handout) and get an advantage on the roll.
He then points out the location of the stone If that consistently fails other means such as
circle and wishes them good luck. using a lever or blasting the rock with magic
will either move it or make it crumble.
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Part 3 – Under the Stones. After the battle the players have a chance to
explore and search the room. The stone from
the walls and ceiling has begun to crumble
During this dungeon crawl the players can and some strange fungus is to be found in the
take rests as they need since nothing in the cracks. A fourth skeleton still lies on its slab
dungeon will disturb them. unmoved.
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avoided as it is triggered by a pressure plate As the players are searching the bones will
on the ground. suddenly rise from the group and reform
into a group of three skeletons which attack
However, if it is not spotted there is a 25% the players.
chance for each player that passes to trigger
the trap dealing 1d8 in fire damage to that As the skeletons are forming the players can
player. A successful dexterity save (CR 10) spot the star key on the floor, which they can
will reduce that by half. retrieve after the battle.
3. The Pentagram 5. A Locked Steel Door.
Within this room, a bright red pentagram If they investigate the door they find that it
has been drawn on the floor. At its center lies is locked and there are two slots on the door
one of the star keys. Behind the petagram in the shape of a star. It is also completed
the players also see what appears to be unrusted.
splatters of old dried blood.
To open this door the players will need to
Should the players enter the pentagram collect the two star keys from the side
nothing will happen, as the magical defenses rooms. Any attempt of forcing the door will
have faded to nothing. But I expect you will fail. When the players have the star keys they
enjoy watching the players figure out ways can place them in the slots which will cause
to get the key without entering the the door to open on its own.
Behind this door is a hallway to another
4. The Bone Room. crossroad much like the one before. Here
there is a trap that is sprung as soon as the
This room is quite ominous. On the floor a players enter this area. A blazing light bursts
collection of bones lie, covered in old dried from the ceiling causing everyone to become
blood. The players will need to shift through disoriented for a few minutes and deals 1d2
the bones in search of the other star key. burn damage. This trap is magical and can
only be detected by a detect magic spell.
6. The Statue Room
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or disassemble the armor, it will make a
surprise attack at the players doing so and If the players attempt to take the cube or
then attack the rest of the players. touch the swords two of them reveal
themselves to be flying swords and attack
the players.
To open this door the players will need to can place them in the slots which will cause
collect two silver cubes from the side rooms. the door to open on its own.
Any attempt of forcing the door will fail.
When the players have the silver cubes they
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9. The Silver Disc. If the players kept the silver cubes they can
sell them for 50 gold pieces each.
In this room the players will finally find the addition, he will offer to teach any wizard in
silver disc the wizard sought. It rests upon a the group a single 1st level spell of his choice.
pedestal in the center of the room. The room
itself is covered in arcane symbols and any If the players kept the silver cubes they can
magic user will feel a weak sense of magic sell them for 50 gold pieces each.
emanating from the silver disc.
Experience rewards
In one of the corners there stands a well-
preserved ornate sword. This is a longsword
200 experience for each player for
+1 (or any other weapon suitable for the
completing the adventure.
When the players take the disk, they fell a
600 experience divided amount the players.
tremor in the ground. The tremor slowly
builds up and soon cracks start to form in the
stone walls. This is followed by some debris
falling from the ceiling and then larger rocks.
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Appendix A: Maps
The village of Myrehall
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Talbot road and the surrounding area.
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The Stonecircle Dungeon
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