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1 Amlgrmation (3) Rftonsrru - Lion 2, R/i "" /"' R-' '"' 3, (C)

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r24/ 2014

1 No l4untadon tates Pli.c in lhe cde ot:

(A) Amlgrmation (3) Ab$tPrion
{(:) Inlerml Rftonsrru.lion (D) €xis@l Raoslrucrion

2, Tn. inbinsic valur ot equity rhd6 B :

Iotal tunds r\i lab. fortquiv shJrPholdc6

"" I.talnumbcrolcqurryshiPb

lotJl tunds ir.'lable 60rcquiy +rrPholdls

\"' Tolal nlmber oI prctmMe sha6
lodl jund) a\dlible lor p'plekm slueholdeb
r-' TotJ numberofequity shr6
Tobllunds.rvailJble ror paLFnrshrEholdcE
'"' Toidl n-b.rof prcrerm \hae

3, The liquidab'rs lin.l sralemt of a.Mnl is PdfEFd :

{A) only in c@ ol cr€diloa volunt rv windina uP

(B) only in cise ot membeE voluntiry winding {p
(c) onry in ce of omPulsory winding up bv ttu 6un
(D) W}.b.t may bc rhe mod€ or windins rp
4. Tht Prolit in.lude! in lhe .to6ing stftk on rhe datc of 'on$td'lim b :

(A) Ner prolit {B) Unrealized Pntit

lc) cros rb6r (D) Unedcd Prc'rt

5. calculaic lh. MWCA lrom thc followinS:

100 1A

Avcraa<,ndet for tie y.nr 110

(A) 320 (B) 460 (c) 1000 (D) 300

Ano izatjon of an inlangble eskt m€aB :
(A) Purhanl8 a*r (B)
(c) RsordlnE rhe assel in bmls (D) Writing off ov€r Gtimar€d

A .dh florv rtak'rgl

ev@ls :
(A) Nel osh flow durin8 a Friod (S)
(c) C,sh Geipts alon. {D)

Divisible protts do .ol iElude:

(c) R€vatudtion4erve

L A compdy olfds h{o shar€ tor s.ry liv€ held lo its shareholdffi. Th€ isue price
Rs 14 tnd lh€ Mrket price is Rs 19. What is th. matket value of a RiAhl ?
(B) r.43 (c) .143 (D) r43

T@tbmt of Ev€nue iims as c.pilal

(B) End. of.odmi$id
(D) cl€ric.l errca

whi.h of rhd rouowing methods oI vahlnE stek8 rill give ih€ lw€st Bss prc6r
(a) uFo (B) FrFo {c) l{Fo (D) NIFO

Undff Pldn, dr€ rate ot b.nus payable to ore wo.k€s will ina6* alont with

(A) A(eldal.d Premium Bonus nan

(B) El]rtlr€eht
- Eliciency !on$ nan
(C) 3.rtn Vaiable Bon6 nan
(D) Gnad's Tark Bon$ Plm

13, The total c@t ol i.dn(r material" indip.r labos .nd indirR:t exFtu$ ;, .a ed :
(A) Prodnction ovcrhcad (B) otrie and admlnbh.rive ov€rh€ad
(c) s€nin8 and disr.ibution ov6h.ad (D) Nore of th€ above

14. The dilfdeftr b€tuRn sl6 volllm.nd tF mrgiel cGr rd6 is cdlled :

{A) T.ht.ost (B) conhibutio. (g Fired cosr (D) V.riabte ct

lt. In ontra(r wilh'Escala(lon claosd, the 'onfa'lof 'an claim lot incrsa*
oI inlub to the agFed *lend
(c) covemitnt (D) I'ubli.

is cons ered a5:

15. II the adual loss is l€$ than rhenolmal lo$, th€ dirldence
(A) r}as cain (B) PGt$ Lo$ (c) ADnoitul cain (D) Abnolml Losg

17, c.lcutaed b) taldng lhe diff.rem€ in srandard outPut a adual oltPnr

thg standard vanabb overh@d mle.
produ.ti6n overhead eaP€ndiirre varian.€
prcduction ovdh@d Gt variarce'
producijon olerhead varianc€
prod!.tion ov.rhad e(ici€ftv varnrcr'

la. An jnc@F sare F@:

'n (B) DeftcF rlE $EP
(A) Ind€s6 rhe BEP
(q aEPmains eft (D) Nom ol l-he above

activili€s ar reevalualed each {ime wh'n a budeet is set

(A) Pcllorn,n(e (B) Prosnm (c) zc'o_Ba* (D) turiiciPiriv€

20. Oairy indusrry us6

(A) unit (c) Job

21, l'iesnl Pdfomance ol an emProY* is d.termined ldgelY rrcn

(A) APPraisal .lnradon (B) AdvistY aaluabon
(c) suFrisoryevaluatiDn

22. Hawthome 5nrdi6 is Plat€d to shi.h sb8€ ot tE otSani$tioml bchaviour evolutidn ?

(A) lndnsdal Pvolltid (B) scie lric nan.Sement

(c) OrBanistidal b€havidr (D) Uljmn rcralions Nverenl

23. Frcm lox€sl lo hiSh6l order, how can se anaflge Abraham Maelow s five clas*s ol

(A) Sdhl'eslem Phvriolo8ictr s ctv scli_act{alizntid

(B) nhyiologrcrl etcto_qDl_*lt_a(tuah4tion etlem
(\i rht'rolo5",l "tf€h'diol e"l*mFJ_J\|uiliTrlion
(D) sclfdtua[arion€re€m_if€rtsial_Phvsiological
24. Which @ of rhe following dsigs the appnisatplrj€ ?
(A) workshop {B) Facrory (c) D.prmenr
TheFimiple or paritt ot au$onty lnd respoEibihy is.o@trEd rvith
(A) cGopebtim (B) c+.r.tin.lion (c) oft.nrrarjetion (D)

26, refs to rhe nu(ber olubordinates a superior can €fi.ctively hm.de

{A) DMrralisrion (B) span of conhol (c) r..dc,me

27. WtEi i! tE da1tunin8 of @@g€mnl by mePtion ?

(A) Mandgirg pol'cy ma pr rr rh€ top and teaving rhe resr to be handted by
(B) Completina ttE wdk in tire.
{c) Conlmnding the subordinai.r 30 th6r tney tuy omptele dE wo,t in
(D) Crili.eing rhe work*r ror whdpve rhey hdve d.nt

24. _ j. a g@al tnm ,?pllug to the mti'e clds of driw$, d€sir6, nedt wishc,

(A) communicarion {3)

(c) l2.d.EniP (D)

2r, Fq lhe 3!(sstul ph.tis'ng of_ he ln,F,udleFes such ar Do rl njshr FiBr

Tft (DlRFr). JGr tn Tims 0D rnd 1?ro Df,ds (zD) iRrtbecmbred.
(A) Tor.I Qulity MaEscmr
{D) Toral coet M.tugerenr

30. of pla tq. give futu.c Fnod in num€rjcal

(c) Budgetary Mrtul (D) auds€r mnu.l

31. Bond washinE trae.rion ir .n

{A) Tax mms€funr (B) Tax Platrnin8
(D) Td avoidatre

Whlch oI thE follow,n8 As65e h:s 3

(3) AOP (C) HUF

33, lncone lrom saLary of an MIi is taxrble und€r th€ head l
(^) silary (E caPiial sain
(c) lncone tom othcr sorrces (D) Incohe hom Prct$ion

34, IJ'Iference belwRn GTI and TI is duc !o :

(A) llx.€Pftrtrs (R) D.dn.tioN (c) Co.c*ion (D) Allow'rc

(A) P6ona! txd6{ A(outrt (E PeMnar ldr adunt

(C) Proit .nd L!$ Actut (D) Norc ot th€e

36, S(rior 30D ol the IT Aci 1961 denh wnh :

(A) D€duciion or Lirc hsuEre Premum
(B) Dedu.lion oI a(idhl insuEa€ lrehjum
(c) Deduclion ot lanily planning pmi6
(D) D€duction or med 2in PMdu
37. +ruic lar .am inb Iore in India w e a :
(A) 1-4-1994 lB) 17-1$4 (C) 1-4-1995 (D) r-7-lgs

33. Er-p6ny as6sMt is the r.me as lh.r ol :

(A) asssrenl
S€'f {B) B.lalcd arslrmt
(c) B6t Fdsment as*$m (D) cmPulsry b€t jnd8@r asffit

39. $'hici of the foll ing staletMt is true ?

(A) l tr avoidance is in€8.1
(B) T.x mna8t:Ilmr B a Pad of ttx PlanninS
(c) Iftome tax win not te .onsidetd while preP.tng th€ uni6 budgd
(D) Cot pcKmttac of sales r,x on perrcl tu the tevdu€ oI rhe ltttt gov€@l

40. ln.rpital stru.ture dcisions, debt.an b€ iftluded in caPital if:

(A) RoI is moE rh.n the 6te or bo&,in8
(B) ROI b Iess rhan the rare or borrowing
(c} ROI is qud ro the rald ot borrewing
(D) None or tl'ese

{c) Dsision tukjn8

42. OnlE tys!.6r oR
(A) TPS (B) DsS (c) Ers (D) ERP

the tollowing r!bsystens of MlS, assisr managers in makint unsttuctured

(A) TPS (B) DSS (c) oAs (D) IPS

14, tmg ran6e d*isiG de call€d

(A) Srrab8i. d€.isions
(C) M€diun Term dccioN

45, l,Vhich of dp followinS is nol . tufttion

ol MIs ?
(A) Dat Gadenns (B) Data Pyoc*sins (C) Dara Stonse

LAN miglt bc cmE red b a wAN thbu8h

{A) Rorrer (B) Garqay (D) Bndse

(A) virtul Protml Networt (B)

(c) virtul ttivaL Nerwork {D)

43, whi.h ore b $e Data Hlerarhy ?

(A) (t Drr. ir€n (n) (iit D.ta
(B) (t Data R@rd (n) (in) Ddta
(c) (i) D.r.Iren (ii)
(D) (i) Dara lren (it

49, Commrnic.tlon d@ic6 are d €xample ol i

(A) H,rdwae (B) solteN (c) Darab.re

50, Pfrne to have'{ac to tac.' . ommnicarion wiln a 8@p

sePaEt€d by long dbtancas.

(c) vid6-con666cint (D) VOrP

51. undd which b.nk Gn bonow funds Ircn RBI on rhe !ar! ol th€ir Net D€Mntl
The facility
ard Ti@ Liabtlities is called:
(A) uquidiry Adjudftnt Frcility (B) Repo Facility
{q Ma!8ft81 Standin8 Facilitt (D) Liqddily l\,lainIemre F&ility

r24/2014 I
i'Eh'nenls whi'll rre is!!c{l by l;lls ro toPiSr invcslors drccallcd:
52, OlGhore derivativ.
{) Clobal L>PoliNry RNiPts (q Pini.iFlory Nols
(D) Dcrivrlivdcutiri.dtcs

53, ln which anilysis i6 Locdlion Q!'uent u*d ?

(A) FlNnorli. Anrlysi3 (B) Indtrnrv Ana\sn

(c) ConP.ny Analvsis (D) lmhnicrl Afitvsis
.liilefthce beiw*n tunrl reluin and
54. Whi.h of rhc following is a fleasue o! volatilitv ol
b€mhmark rhlm ?
(A) Tracking riror
(c) letuen,s Mea'ure

5s. In a Pub[. htue, whal the mnlimum aPPlit?tion rir bv rn An.hor hrv6l'or ?


tollding ?atm in T4hni.al AnalYsis ?

56. !!lti.h ot $c
(IJ) ic) I'cnnants (D) wedg€

fordalualirrg ponrolio wts ddcloPed bv:

(A) Eugmc Faro (B) SharPe Iv I (q Nl6in J

53, ComFn! 'X' h.s Fiid Rs. 5 as diriden ?dshNr€dnringrh'lasr

Whal D the
anri(iPib 10i! de.llne dividctd in lho ncrt Ycat
$e anli.iPntcd nlud

!!d ll are 5 Md 3 resP.ctilely and lhei conelahon

59. Stand.id d.viaiion\ ot two *urilies A
coelficienr is U3 Whar is rhr.ovfiitue beh€n
(R) lo.4 (c) 16.25 (D) 50
(A) 32

every nrkrm€(liary shall mtinhrr

50. Und{ the Pievention of Moncy rarndoring A.t, 2002,
as FquiFd lntld lhir A.l lora
pcnod or I
rhe r{ordr
(B) 3 Yeas {c) 5 Ye'rs

(B) 316 (C) F 5i6

of tlE Listing Agrem€nr Speifi6 dEr nor l6s rhan
.onpris or lon+Kutivd difttds.
(A) 25i (B) 3',r.3r% ((-) 501 (D) 74.-

a credft hciliry in 6p6:r or whiih dle i.ter6t and/or pincipal has lfuin d dtr

6{. Ba*l lll Capital ReSaraiids

(A) hnuary 1,2013 (B)
(c) S€prmber 30,2015 (D)

In India, Ttsco €ndudpd lhe tN *i.t dudn in th€ y.,

( ) 197e (B) tee3 (c) 2oo2 (D) 200s

Tutuk. [r 6f,€d as*rs Blio iJ I : 15 value of g@ds sld is Rs. 8

(a) Rs.5 ralr (B) R' 16 la*n (c) Rs, 9 rakh (D) R5.12 blrl
57, Sction 80 D of rh. Incore Tax Acr, 1961 dears wnh
(A) Medical tr6|'Mr of dtebl€d p.Bds
(B) In€rrmr In €qufty n.ked 3aving &here
(c) Medi.al i.surane premi(h
(D) Inrer6r m I@n fd higher €du.arion

68. whid ol the foltowln8 b nor includerl in rh€ nioo €nv,rcMent

(A) S{Pptids {3) Eotunnc (c) Pubri.

wlich k nd a levet of brand loyalry ?

70. slbmilling an iDurane poljcy bact ro rh€ i|1'@r bcfoF mturily tu ull€d
(A) (B) Nominarior {c) Su@nder {D) Rdival
724/2Or4 10
71 A godd s.,rntilic resedch is.h.ra.lerlzed bt
(^) ll rqui$ .leu arti.ubtion ora 8ol
(R) lt toUows sPLr i. Plan and Piocsluio
(C) ft acePb Gt in oiU@r r$umPlioE
(D) Au ih" ibovc

lndcBrand hum.n behivior and rea$ns ovd. long period of iime o@ h's to tlo

(A) Hnbri.al slndy (B) Quasi exP€dmenlar studv

(c) I ongihdinal ttudy {D) crc$ edional studv

73. T€..hing and leaming in snaU 8p!F, th.i aft slrucrlEd to Produ.e
,.iiv" Fn'ciP.hon n

74. r)iRtly useful aPllicario. oi sciddlic P|inciPle lo-r{hnologv
(A) Knovl.dS€ (B) s(icn€ (c)

75. Which ol tht folowing qualiri€s

(A) Cnrious nbdt d€ wo d (B) Lognal a.d stslqdtic
(c) lnleU<tually honest (D) AU the above

of studdls
76. Ine most eftr.tive tra.hinE dethad l1lrt ensDe maximlm Padicipanon
(^) rF.1ui8 nethod (B) Texl bdk m.thod
(c) Disussion m.thod (D) Demonslr.tton m.rhod

nGl idPortdi indicalo' of quality ol cduution in t $hool ?

77- Wii.h of thc followin8 is rhe
(A) Inrraslru.runl ta.ililies
(3) Qualiliarion or r€a.hd
(c) Di$iPline ndntain{d in the sh@l
(D) srnd€nis achievemenb

?3. Whi.h of rh. folloling is not a qualily of eff(tive t"'kr ?

(A) lrss inlera.lio. in lhe cti$

(s) Adopt int€racrive ncthod or bachjnS
(c) R€dD.e the auiely ls.l ot sbdmrs
(o) Motiv.re th€ srudenb to lale injtiativc

79. whl.h ol the lollowing can be achiwed rhruEh v.he education ?
(a) to inolete ol virtuc (B) D€velopjobsrilb
(c) Aware o physical rit ess (D) D.v.lopdsr or FEonaUry

30, Teadring nethod wh€rc purFserd ..tieiry rhar vill remove. kogni2ed difiiculry or
Frpleuty in .irurion rhmu8i dF F()G of rdonin8 ir .
(B) Pmuen solving method

31, dikts th€ sr.te to oganire villaEe panchayah and

!o fun.tion as unjrs of Fli-gove'lftnrs.

32. Ani.h oI The Constitution ot India imp66 a duty upon cilians ro uphold and
prcle.t lhe $vereiAnty, mity rnd inhgriiy of India.
(A) 5r.^{b) (B) sl-A0) (c) 51-A(c) (D) 5r.A{t
33. Al]-lndia *rui.6 can be cmted by th€ P.rliamr a3 dpow€rcd udd _ ot nE
Coatitulion ol l.dia,
(a) Artrcre rr2-A (c) Adicl€ 313

6{. Iredom a3 b pryMr of tax6 fd premtion of any Frriolar religion is $aEnte.l u.dr.
Anide - ot TIE Cwtitutid ol India.
(A) 26 (B) 27 (c) 28 (D) 29

3s. In srld Singh v Ns Delhi Municip.tiy AIR 1989 SC t9€3, Th€ Slptem Cdrr wa @[ed
upon to d€.ide wherh€r __.
(A) Muicipal authoritid c.n ih!@ Fltndios on sLughrer h@rs undd Arr|le t9(6)
(B) lmploys hrd . fimdarunhl nghr ro ro si.ike wirhoul nori.€
(c) Local auihditi.s cd l€vy . hx ehosp€ctiv€ly
lD) flawk€F had a tundanenrdt righr Lo carry on theb trad€ on pavenenls hdnt tor

36. risr app€dl undd Secuon 19(1) ol The RiShr io hrorharion Ad 2m5 has ro be pretelRd
Fithin _ daF lrom rhc €IPiry of period tor l*ipt
ot inlormarion or iroh da!€ oI

(A) tin€.n (B) (D) r;ty

s7, As pd Sdtion 4(1Xc) ol-rhe National Grq TnblMl A.t 2010, The Tributul shdll ot
d n'n'num ot lull-tibe erp€rl n.mts-
(^) rive (B) twoty (q fift*n (D) ten

ss. A\ F s..ri6 -,0)&) or Ihe Tt n\Planrrnon of Humon Orgttu A'r 1qq! no

hhn 'oud
h\;.osiznco'tn dfttrc e cPpr on.omPlln rled by d Fr{n hc'SivPn
nor t6;than .- dats to th€ ApptuPriale Aurhditv, of ln. all€8€d ottme and bs
intention !o make lh€ rcmPlaint
(c) n'i€ry (D) r'tu€m

s9. As pd s€.1ion 100 ) oI The S<hedlled Ctsl6 and Scheduhd Trib.s (Prcv.nrion ol Atrdilies)
Aci 1939, a sF.ial coun d Pass an ekt€mffit o.dd agniNr a
litelv ro omnnt
ollene, and di.€.i him nor lo retum lo rhe conc.ned atea for such p€liod tol elce€ding
as may b€ sPcjlicd in dE oder,
(A) sn @nrhs (B) one y.a. ic) h/oym (D) Iivevedr

90. A.@ding to Rule 20) of Tne Nd* Pouuhon (R€8llatid da .onlrl) Rul6 2000,
'NiSht f ime' has le€n defined as the leriod bttu*n
(A) 10 Pm.nd 6 an (B) loPmand5am
(C) 10 pm rnd ? an (D) 93oPmand630am
91. Who wa3 dE f@ndd of 'sadhu J.na Pdipalam s.nghu' ?
(A) See Nraya.. Grru (B) AYY.nkali
(C) chatlampi sddjkal (D) sahodaBn AvvaPPan

92. nE si.l orSanietion in Kerala,'samthwa sndajsn was cstablish€d in tlF vear:

(^) 1836 (3) 1851 (q r3s5 (D) 1898

93, Whtch rmng th€ loUowilg is nol Fntlen bv C Sankaa KmP 2

(A) sD'yabnthi (3) Nimi$d

(C) vkwa Darsanam (D) Kunnim'nil€l

94, Autho! ol tle lamols b@k 'Jaathikkumni' :

(A) K,P. K'uPP.n (B) T.R KrisnMstami lver
(c) P.K. chatlan Masts (D) KP vellon

95, Th. Rmais@ lcader in Kdala, *ho 8ot rnc nam'(urort Guru' :
(A) ManpDrm rbanE.l 1B) Pampadi Jots J@Ph
(C) Poikayil Yohan.an (o) Moorkoth (umaran

13 r24/2014
Thc nane Biven Io the Ajrto.cc's re*u€ op.hr'm provid€d to rhe rlood vid'mt

(A) ope.tion HoF

surya (B)
(C) opsation Can8a ?rahar (rr) Opsarion Blo$m Stdng

lortuUy drlared by UN Cenqal Asmbly as'Inremhonal yd ot f.mily

(A) 2014 (B) 2010 (c) 2005 (o) 2oo9

omiEsion appointed lor sludyhg tne conEibulory p.nsid lyst n in K€nla :

comm$lion /B)
R rEa Ra,a^ hazrn Commi.s'on
(g SE KrislM Comni$id {D) thatta.harya Comi$ion

99a Amendmenr ranchdydti Rd, Sy!tpm in our

(B) 74th Amendn.nt
(D) aas A*"dm€nr

nodal aSqEy for 6timtion ol pov€rty.t tne mtioml and sbtc lset in india
{a) Planning commision
(c) (D) Hon. Ministry


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