1 Amlgrmation (3) Rftonsrru - Lion 2, R/i "" /"' R-' '"' 3, (C)
1 Amlgrmation (3) Rftonsrru - Lion 2, R/i "" /"' R-' '"' 3, (C)
1 Amlgrmation (3) Rftonsrru - Lion 2, R/i "" /"' R-' '"' 3, (C)
100 1A
Ano izatjon of an inlangble eskt m€aB :
(A) Purhanl8 a*r (B)
(c) RsordlnE rhe assel in bmls (D) Writing off ov€r Gtimar€d
(c) R€vatudtion4erve
L A compdy olfds h{o shar€ tor s.ry liv€ held lo its shareholdffi. Th€ isue price
Rs 14 tnd lh€ Mrket price is Rs 19. What is th. matket value of a RiAhl ?
(B) r.43 (c) .143 (D) r43
whi.h of rhd rouowing methods oI vahlnE stek8 rill give ih€ lw€st Bss prc6r
(a) uFo (B) FrFo {c) l{Fo (D) NIFO
Undff Pldn, dr€ rate ot b.nus payable to ore wo.k€s will ina6* alont with
13, The total c@t ol i.dn(r material" indip.r labos .nd indirR:t exFtu$ ;, .a ed :
(A) Prodnction ovcrhcad (B) otrie and admlnbh.rive ov€rh€ad
(c) s€nin8 and disr.ibution ov6h.ad (D) Nore of th€ above
14. The dilfdeftr b€tuRn sl6 volllm.nd tF mrgiel cGr rd6 is cdlled :
23. Frcm lox€sl lo hiSh6l order, how can se anaflge Abraham Maelow s five clas*s ol
24. _ j. a g@al tnm ,?pllug to the mti'e clds of driw$, d€sir6, nedt wishc,
33, lncone lrom saLary of an MIi is taxrble und€r th€ head l
(^) silary (E caPiial sain
(c) lncone tom othcr sorrces (D) Incohe hom Prct$ion
42. OnlE tys!.6r oR
(A) TPS (B) DsS (c) Ers (D) ERP
51. undd which b.nk Gn bonow funds Ircn RBI on rhe !ar! ol th€ir Net D€Mntl
The facility
ard Ti@ Liabtlities is called:
(A) uquidiry Adjudftnt Frcility (B) Repo Facility
{q Ma!8ft81 Standin8 Facilitt (D) Liqddily l\,lainIemre F&ility
r24/2014 I
i'Eh'nenls whi'll rre is!!c{l by l;lls ro toPiSr invcslors drccallcd:
52, OlGhore derivativ.
{) Clobal L>PoliNry RNiPts (q Pini.iFlory Nols
(D) Dcrivrlivdcutiri.dtcs
5s. In a Pub[. htue, whal the mnlimum aPPlit?tion rir bv rn An.hor hrv6l'or ?
of tlE Listing Agrem€nr Speifi6 dEr nor l6s rhan
.onpris or lon+Kutivd difttds.
(A) 25i (B) 3',r.3r% ((-) 501 (D) 74.-
a credft hciliry in 6p6:r or whiih dle i.ter6t and/or pincipal has lfuin d dtr
(a) Rs.5 ralr (B) R' 16 la*n (c) Rs, 9 rakh (D) R5.12 blrl
57, Sction 80 D of rh. Incore Tax Acr, 1961 dears wnh
(A) Medical tr6|'Mr of dtebl€d p.Bds
(B) In€rrmr In €qufty n.ked 3aving &here
(c) Medi.al i.surane premi(h
(D) Inrer6r m I@n fd higher €du.arion
70. slbmilling an iDurane poljcy bact ro rh€ i|1'@r bcfoF mturily tu ull€d
(A) (B) Nominarior {c) Su@nder {D) Rdival
724/2Or4 10
71 A godd s.,rntilic resedch is.h.ra.lerlzed bt
(^) ll rqui$ .leu arti.ubtion ora 8ol
(R) lt toUows sPLr i. Plan and Piocsluio
(C) ft acePb Gt in oiU@r r$umPlioE
(D) Au ih" ibovc
lndcBrand hum.n behivior and rea$ns ovd. long period of iime o@ h's to tlo
73. T€..hing and leaming in snaU 8p!F, th.i aft slrucrlEd to Produ.e
,.iiv" Fn'ciP.hon n
74. r)iRtly useful aPllicario. oi sciddlic P|inciPle lo-r{hnologv
(A) Knovl.dS€ (B) s(icn€ (c)
of studdls
76. Ine most eftr.tive tra.hinE dethad l1lrt ensDe maximlm Padicipanon
(^) rF.1ui8 nethod (B) Texl bdk m.thod
(c) Disussion m.thod (D) Demonslr.tton m.rhod
79. whl.h ol the lollowing can be achiwed rhruEh v.he education ?
(a) to inolete ol virtuc (B) D€velopjobsrilb
(c) Aware o physical rit ess (D) D.v.lopdsr or FEonaUry
30, Teadring nethod wh€rc purFserd ..tieiry rhar vill remove. kogni2ed difiiculry or
Frpleuty in .irurion rhmu8i dF F()G of rdonin8 ir .
(B) Pmuen solving method
32. Ani.h oI The Constitution ot India imp66 a duty upon cilians ro uphold and
prcle.t lhe $vereiAnty, mity rnd inhgriiy of India.
(A) 5r.^{b) (B) sl-A0) (c) 51-A(c) (D) 5r.A{t
33. Al]-lndia *rui.6 can be cmted by th€ P.rliamr a3 dpow€rcd udd _ ot nE
Coatitulion ol l.dia,
(a) Artrcre rr2-A (c) Adicl€ 313
6{. Iredom a3 b pryMr of tax6 fd premtion of any Frriolar religion is $aEnte.l u.dr.
Anide - ot TIE Cwtitutid ol India.
(A) 26 (B) 27 (c) 28 (D) 29
3s. In srld Singh v Ns Delhi Municip.tiy AIR 1989 SC t9€3, Th€ Slptem Cdrr wa @[ed
upon to d€.ide wherh€r __.
(A) Muicipal authoritid c.n ih!@ Fltndios on sLughrer h@rs undd Arr|le t9(6)
(B) lmploys hrd . fimdarunhl nghr ro ro si.ike wirhoul nori.€
(c) Local auihditi.s cd l€vy . hx ehosp€ctiv€ly
lD) flawk€F had a tundanenrdt righr Lo carry on theb trad€ on pavenenls hdnt tor
36. risr app€dl undd Secuon 19(1) ol The RiShr io hrorharion Ad 2m5 has ro be pretelRd
Fithin _ daF lrom rhc €IPiry of period tor l*ipt
ot inlormarion or iroh da!€ oI
s9. As pd s€.1ion 100 ) oI The S<hedlled Ctsl6 and Scheduhd Trib.s (Prcv.nrion ol Atrdilies)
Aci 1939, a sF.ial coun d Pass an ekt€mffit o.dd agniNr a
litelv ro omnnt
ollene, and di.€.i him nor lo retum lo rhe conc.ned atea for such p€liod tol elce€ding
as may b€ sPcjlicd in dE oder,
(A) sn @nrhs (B) one y.a. ic) h/oym (D) Iivevedr
90. A.@ding to Rule 20) of Tne Nd* Pouuhon (R€8llatid da .onlrl) Rul6 2000,
'NiSht f ime' has le€n defined as the leriod bttu*n
(A) 10 Pm.nd 6 an (B) loPmand5am
(C) 10 pm rnd ? an (D) 93oPmand630am
91. Who wa3 dE f@ndd of 'sadhu J.na Pdipalam s.nghu' ?
(A) See Nraya.. Grru (B) AYY.nkali
(C) chatlampi sddjkal (D) sahodaBn AvvaPPan
95, Th. Rmais@ lcader in Kdala, *ho 8ot rnc nam'(urort Guru' :
(A) ManpDrm rbanE.l 1B) Pampadi Jots J@Ph
(C) Poikayil Yohan.an (o) Moorkoth (umaran
13 r24/2014
Thc nane Biven Io the Ajrto.cc's re*u€ op.hr'm provid€d to rhe rlood vid'mt
comm$lion /B)
R rEa Ra,a^ hazrn Commi.s'on
(g SE KrislM Comni$id {D) thatta.harya Comi$ion
nodal aSqEy for 6timtion ol pov€rty.t tne mtioml and sbtc lset in india
{a) Planning commision
(c) (D) Hon. Ministry