Module 1 (V)
Module 1 (V)
Module 1 (V)
Reservoirs: As nutrients move through their biogeochemical cycles, they may accumulate
in certain portions of the cycles and remain there for different periods of time. These
temporary storage sites such as the atmosphere, the oceans and other water bodies of
water and underground deposits are called reservoirs.
Cycle Types: Hydrologic (water), carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and sulphur cycles.
Nutrient or Biogeochemical Cycles
➢ Water cycle
Effect of
➢ Carbon Cycle Human
activity on
these cycles
➢ Nitrogen cycle
➢ phosphorous
➢ sulphur cycles
1. Water cycle
The hydrological/water cycle collects, purifies and
distributes the earth’s fixed supply of water.
• The carbon cycle is based on CO2 gas (0.039 % of volume of the earth’s
atmosphere), and it is dissolved in water.
• If the carbon cycle removes too much CO2 from the atmosphere, the
atmosphere will cool.
• If the carbon cycle generates too much CO2, the atmosphere will get
Terrestrial Producers remove CO2 from the atmosphere.
Aquatic Producers remove CO2 from the water.
Consumers and decomposers carry out aerobic respiration. This
process breaks down glucose, and other complex organic compounds
to produce CO2 in the atmosphere and water for reuse by producers.
Linkage between photosynthesis in producers and aerobic respiration
in consumers and decomposers circulates carbon in the biosphere.
Two natural processes convert/fix N2 into nutrients which can be used by plants and animals.
1. Electrical discharge/lightning taking place in the atmosphere.
2. In aquatic systems - in soil, and in the roots of some plants, nitrogen fixing bacteria
completes this conversion as part of nitrogen cycle.
The bacteria use some of the NH3 as nutrient and excrete the rest into the soil / water.
Some of the NH3 is converted to ammonium ions (NH4+) – plants can use as a nutrient.
Plants and animals return nitrogen –rich organic compounds to the environments through wastes and cast-off
particles of tissues such as leaves, skin or hair and through their bodies when they die. and are decomposed or
eaten by detritus feeders.
In ammonification, specialized decomposing bacteria converts this detritus into simpler nitrogen containing
inorganic compounds such as NH3 and water soluble salts containing ammonium ions NH4+.
In de-nitrification, specialized bacteria in waterlogged soil and in the bottom sediments of lakes, oceans convert
NH3 and NH4+ back into nitrate ions (NO3-), and then into N2 gas.
These gases released to the atmosphere to begin the nitrogen cycle again.
Explain with a help of a diagram and the effect of human activities on
nitrogen cycle
Human activities have more than doubled the annual release of N2 from the
land into the rest of the environment through the greatly increased use of
inorganic fertilizers (straight type: ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) and binary
type: diammonium phosphate (DAP, (NH4)2HPO4)) to grow crops.