Blood Collection: Routine Venipuncture and Specimen Handling
Blood Collection: Routine Venipuncture and Specimen Handling
Blood Collection: Routine Venipuncture and Specimen Handling
The venipuncture procedure is complex, requiring both knowledge and skill to perform.
Each phlebotomist generally establishes a routine that is comfortable for her or him.
Several essential steps are required for every successful collection procedure:
1. Patient comfort. Is the seating comfortable and has the patient been seated for at
least 5 minutes to avoid being rushed or confused?
2. Carry out hand hygiene before and after each patient procedure, before putting
on and after removing gloves.
3. Identify the patient using two different identifiers, asking open ended questions
such as, "What is your name?" and "What is your date of birth?"
4. Assess the patient's physical disposition (i.e. diet, exercise, stress, basal state).
5. Check the requisition form for requested tests, patient information, and any
special requirements.
6. Label the collection tubes at the bedside or drawing area.
7. Select a suitable site for venipuncture.
8. Prepare the equipment, the patient and the puncture site.
9. Perform the venipuncture, collecting the sample(s) in the appropriate
10. Recognize complications associated with the phlebotomy procedure.
11. Assess the need for sample recollection and/or rejection.
12. Promptly send the specimens with the requisition to the laboratory.
A requisition form must accompany each sample submitted to the laboratory. This
requisition form must contain the proper information in order to process the specimen.
The essential elements of the requisition form are:
An example of a simple requisition form with the essential elements is shown below:
A properly labeled sample is essential so that the results of the test match the patient.
The key elements in labeling are:
Evacuated Collection Tubes - The tubes are designed to fill with a predetermined
volume of blood by vacuum. The rubber stoppers are color coded according to the
additive that the tube contains. Various sizes are available. Blood should NEVER be
poured from one tube to another since the tubes can have different additives or coatings
(see illustrations at end).
Needles - The gauge number indicates the bore size: the larger the gauge number, the
smaller the needle bore. Needles are available for evacuated systems and for use with a
syringe, single draw or butterfly system.
Holder/Adapter - use with the evacuated collection system.
Tourniquet - Wipe off with alcohol and replace frequently.
Alcohol Wipes - 70% isopropyl alcohol.
Povidone-iodine wipes/swabs - Used if blood culture is to be drawn.
Gauze sponges - for application on the site from which the needle is withdrawn.
Adhesive bandages / tape - protects the venipuncture site after collection.
Needle disposal unit - needles should NEVER be broken, bent, or recapped. Needles
should be placed in a proper disposal unit IMMEDIATELY after their use.
Gloves - can be made of latex, rubber, vinyl, etc.; worn to protect the patient and the
Syringes - may be used in place of the evacuated collection tube for special
NOTE:Tubes with additives must be thoroughly mixed. Erroneous test results may be
obtained when the blood is not thoroughly mixed with the additive.
If possible, speak with the patient during the process. The patient who is at ease will be
less focused on the procedure. Always thank the patient and excuse yourself
courteously when finished.
The Patient's Bill of Rights has been adopted by many hospitals as declared by the Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). The basic patient
rights endorsed by the JCAHO follow in condensed form are given below.
Although the larger and fuller median cubital and cephalic veins of the arm are used
most frequently, the basilic vein on the dorsum of the arm or dorsal hand veins are also
acceptable for venipuncture. Foot veins are a last resort because of the higher
probability of complications.
Extensive scars from burns and surgery - it is difficult to puncture the scar tissue
and obtain a specimen.
The upper extremity on the side of a previous mastectomy - test results may be
affected because of lymphedema.
Hematoma - may cause erroneous test results. If another site is not available,
collect the specimen distal to the hematoma.
Intravenous therapy (IV) / blood transfusions - fluid may dilute the specimen, so
collect from the opposite arm if possible. Otherwise, satisfactory samples may be
drawn below the IV by following these procedures:
o Turn off the IV for at least 2 minutes before venipuncture.
o Apply the tourniquet below the IV site. Select a vein other than the one
with the IV.
o Perform the venipuncture. Draw 5 ml of blood and discard before drawing
the specimen tubes for testing.
Lines - Drawing from an intravenous line may avoid a difficult venipuncture, but
introduces problems. The line must be flushed first. When using a syringe
inserted into the line, blood must be withdrawn slowly to avoid hemolysis.
Cannula/fistula/heparin lock - hospitals have special policies regarding these
devices. In general, blood should not be drawn from an arm with a fistula or
cannula without consulting the attending physician.
Edematous extremities - tissue fluid accumulation alters test results.
Palpate and trace the path of veins with the index finger. Arteries pulsate, are
most elastic, and have a thick wall. Thrombosed veins lack resilience, feel cord-
like, and roll easily.
If superficial veins are not readily apparent, you can force blood into the vein by
massaging the arm from wrist to elbow, tap the site with index and second finger,
apply a warm, damp washcloth to the site for 5 minutes, or lower the extremity
over the bedside to allow the veins to fill.
Approach the patient in a friendly, calm manner. Provide for their comfort as
much as possible, and gain the patient's cooperation.
Identify the patient correctly.
Properly fill out appropriate requisition forms, indicating the test(s) ordered.
Verify the patient's condition. Fasting, dietary restrictions, medications, timing,
and medical treatment are all of concern and should be noted on the lab
Check for any allergies to antiseptics, adhesives, or latex by observing for
armbands and/or by asking the patient.
Position the patient. The patient should either sit in a chair, lie down or sit up in
bed. Hyperextend the patient's arm.
Apply the tourniquet 3-4 inches above the selected puncture site. Do not place
too tightly or leave on more than 2 minutes (and no more than a minute to avoid
increasing risk for hemoconcentration). Wait 2 minutes before reapplying the
The patient should make a fist without pumping the hand.
Select the venipuncture site.
Prepare the patient's arm using an alcohol prep. Cleanse in a circular fashion,
beginning at the site and working outward. Allow to air dry.
Grasp the patient's arm firmly using your thumb to draw the skin taut and anchor
the vein. The needle should form a 15 to 30 degree angle with the surface of the
arm. Swiftly insert the needle through the skin and into the lumen of the vein.
Avoid trauma and excessive probing.
Patient identification
Filling out the requisition
Apply tourniquet and palpate for vein
Sterilize the site
Insert needle
Drawing the specimen
Drawing the specimen
Releasing the tourniquet
Applying pressure over the vein
Applying bandage
Disposing needle into sharps
labeling the specimens
Follow the procedure as outlined above for greeting and identifying the patient. As
always, properly fill out appropriate requisition forms, indicating the test(s) ordered.
Verify the patient's condition. Fasting, dietary restrictions, medications, timing, and
medical treatment are all of concern and should be noted on the lab requisition.
Position the patient. The patient should either sit in a chair, lie down or sit up in bed.
Hyperextend the patient's arm.
The best locations for fingersticks are the 3rd (middle) and 4th (ring) fingers of the non-
dominant hand. Do not use the tip of the finger or the center of the finger. Avoid the side
of the finger where there is less soft tissue, where vessels and nerves are located, and
where the bone is closer to the surface. The 2nd (index) finger tends to have thicker,
callused skin. The fifth finger tends to have less soft tissue overlying the bone. Avoid
puncturing a finger that is cold or cyanotic, swollen, scarred, or covered with a rash.
Using a sterile lancet, make a skin puncture just off the center of the finger pad. The
puncture should be made perpendicular to the ridges of the fingerprint so that the drop of
blood does not run down the ridges.
Wipe away the first drop of blood, which tends to contain excess tissue fluid.
Collect drops of blood into the collection device by gently massaging the finger. Avoid
excessive pressure that may squeeze tissue fluid into the drop of blood.
Cap, rotate and invert the collection device to mix the blood collected.
Have the patient hold a small gauze pad over the puncture site for a couple of minutes to
stop the bleeding.
Dispose of contaminated materials/supplies in designated containers.
Label all appropriate tubes at the patient bedside.
Deliver specimens promptly to the laboratory.
Proper location on finger
Puncture with lancet
Drop of blood
Wipe first drop
Collecting the specimen
Specimen container
To prevent a hematoma:
A test that has been ordered may be cancelled due to problems unrelated to drawing the
specimen, and these are the most common causes for cancellations:
A test may be cancelled due to a technical problem in the specimen collection process:
Because of contacts with sick patients and their specimens, it is important to follow
safety and infection control procedures.
Practice universal precautions:
o Wear gloves and a lab coat or gown when handling blood/body fluids.
o Change gloves after each patient or when contaminated.
o Wash hands frequently.
o Dispose of items in appropriate containers.
Dispose of needles immediately upon removal from the patient's vein. Do not
bend, break, recap, or resheath needles to avoid accidental needle puncture or
splashing of contents.
Clean up any blood spills with a disinfectant such as freshly made 10% bleach.
If you stick yourself with a contaminated needle:
o Remove your gloves and dispose of them properly.
o Squeeze puncture site to promote bleeding.
o Wash the area well with soap and water.
o Record the patient's name and ID number.
o Follow institution's guidelines regarding treatment and follow-up.
o NOTE: The use of prophylactic zidovudine following blood exposure to
HIV has shown effectiveness (about 79%) in preventing seroconversion
Place blood collection equipment away from patients, especially children and
psychiatric patients.
Practice hygiene for the patient's protection. When wearing gloves, change them
between each patient and wash your hands frequently. Always wear a clean lab
coat or gown.
Change the position of the needle. Move it forward (it may not be in the lumen)
Adjust the angle (the bevel may be against the vein wall).
The vein may have collapsed; resecure the tourniquet to increase venous filling.
If this is not successful, remove the needle, take care of the puncture site, and
The needle may have pulled out of the vein when switching tubes. Hold
equipment firmly and place fingers against patient's arm, using the flange for
leverage when withdrawing and inserting tubes.
The blood is bright red (arterial) rather than venous. Apply firm pressure for more
than 5 minutes.
Prewarming the infant's heel (42 C for 3 to 5 minutes) is important to obtain capillary
blood gas samples and warming also greatly increases the flow of blood for collection of
other specimens. However, do not use too high a temperature warmer, because baby's
skin is thin and susceptible to thermal injury.
Clean the site to be punctured with an alcohol sponge. Dry the cleaned area with a dry
cotton sponge. Hold the baby's foot firmly to avoid sudden movement.
Using a sterile blood lancet, puncture the side of the heel in the appropriate regions
shown above in green. Do not use the central portion of the heel because you might
injure the underlying bone, which is close to the skin surface. Do not use a previous
puncture site. Make the cut across the heelprint lines so that a drop of blood can well up
and not run down along the lines.
Wipe away the first drop of blood with a piece of clean, dry cotton. Since newborns do
not often bleed immediately, use gentle pressure to produce a rounded drop of blood.
Do not use excessive pressure or heavy massaging because the blood may become
diluted with tissue fluid.
Fill the capillary tube(s) or micro collection device(s) as needed.
When finished, elevate the heel, place a piece of clean, dry cotton on the puncture site,
and hold it in place until the bleeding has stopped.
Be sure to dispose of the lancet in the appropriate sharps container. Dispose of
contaminated materials in appropriate waste receptacles. Remove your gloves and wash
your hands.
Children, particularly under the age of 10, may experience pain and anxiety during the
phlebotomy procedure.
A variety of techniques can be employed to reduce pain and anxiety. Effective methods
use distraction. These may include listening to music or a story, watching a video,
playing with a toy, having a parent provide distraction with talk or touch, using flash
cards, and squeezing a rubber ball. (Uman et al, 2013)