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Nanomaterials For Renewable Hydrogen Production, Storage and Utilization

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Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 2012;22(6):522–534

Chinese Materials Research Society

Progress in Natural Science: Materials International



Nanomaterials for renewable hydrogen production, storage

and utilization
Samuel S. Maoa,, Shaohua Shena,b, Liejin Guob
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA 94720, United States
International Research Center for Renewable Energy, State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering, Xi’an
Jiaotong University, Shaanxi 710049, China

Received 23 August 2012; accepted 10 November 2012

Available online 10 January 2013

KEYWORDS Abstract An ever growing demand for energy coupled with increasing pollution is forcing us to
seek environmentally clean alternative energy resources to substitute fossil fuels. The rapid
Renewable energy; development of nanomaterials has opened up new avenues for the conversion and utilization of
Hydrogen production; renewable energy. This article reviews nanostructured materials designed for selected applications
Fuel cell; in renewable energy conversion and utilization. The review is based on the authors’ research, with
Hydrogen storage particular focus on solar hydrogen production, hydrogen storage and hydrogen utilization. The
topics include photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting and photocatalytic hydrogen production,
solid-state hydrogen storage, and proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). It is expected
that the rational design of nanomaterials could play an important role in achieving a renewable
energy based economy in the coming decades.

& 2012 Chinese Materials Research Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction relies on alternative energy sources that are renewable and

environmentally friendly. As the sun is our largest and cheapest
As the global consumption of fossil fuels grows at an alarming and (free) energy resource available, it could be considered the ultimate
unsustainable rate, the associated emissions of greenhouse gases renewable energy resource. It continuously bombards our planet
and other toxic pollutants are reaching levels that are environmen- with solar energy, with 1 h of solar energy equating to more than
tally unacceptable. The future sustainable development of society all of our annual energy consumption [1]. Among the limited

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: ssmao@lbl.gov (S.S. Mao).
Peer review under responsibility of Chinese Materials Research Society.

1002-0071 & 2012 Chinese Materials Research Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nanomaterials for renewable hydrogen production, storage and utilization 523

methods for solar energy conversion and utilization, solar water consisted of a TiO2 anode and Pt cathode for oxygen and
splitting has been considered as the most effective and cleanest hydrogen production [4]. PEC water splitting has been considered
way to produce hydrogen. The hydrogen produced can then be as the most attractive method over other hydrogen production
used by fuel cells to generate electricity, where water constitutes approaches. As schematically shown in Fig. 2, when a TiO2
the only emission. Starting from solar energy conversion and anode is irradiated by light with energy larger than its band gap,
ending with hydrogen utilization, a renewable energy based electrons and holes are generated in the conduction and valence
economy could be proposed and successfully structured in the bands, respectively [5]. As a result, water is oxidized by photo-
coming decades. Fig. 1 shows the scheme of a renewable energy generated holes on the TiO2 anode to produce oxygen, while
economy (e.g., solar energy and hydrogen) based on some selected photogenerated electrons transfer to the Pt counter electrode and
technologies of renewable energy conversion and utilization. In participate in hydrogen production. In the PEC process, oxygen
order for solar energy to be the major contributor to the production on photoanodes, involved in a 4-electron reaction, is
generation of clean fuel (hydrogen), the efficiencies of solar kinetically limited for water splitting. Thus, much research effort
water-splitting devices need to be improved. Technologies for has been focused on the design of nanostructured photoanodes
high-capacity hydrogen-storage and high performance fuel cells for oxygen production via PEC water splitting.
must also be developed in order for hydrogen to become the TiO2 represents one of the most important semiconductor
primary fuel for future renewable energy based economy [2]. materials for PEC water splitting [6,7]. Due to its large band gap
Throughout human history, advances in civilization have been of about 3.2 eV, TiO2 cannot absorb visible and infrared light for
associated with the discovery, development, and use of new solar water splitting. Thus, doping of either metal or non-metal
materials [3]. In many respects, materials can be considered as ions has been widely adopted to narrow the band gap of TiO2 by
the parents of almost all technologies as most technological introducing acceptor or donor levels in the forbidden band,
breakthroughs have been achieved through the development of making TiO2 sensitive to visible light [5,6]. For example, a
new materials. Nanomaterials are beginning to play an important C-doped TiO2 nanocrystalline film, prepared by controlled
role in creating new fields of science and new nanotechnologies. In combustion of Ti metal in a natural gas flame, exhibited a high
order to achieve technological breakthroughs in effective renew- water-splitting performance with a total conversion efficiency of
able energy conversion, storage, and utilization, we need smart
nanomaterials to fully develop the potential of renewable energy.
To this end, the potential capabilities of nanomaterials must be
extensively discovered at a more fundamental level.
In this article, we provide a brief overview on nanomaterial
designs for selected technologies of renewable energy conversion
and utilization, based on the research activities of the Clean
Energy Engineering Laboratory in the University of California
at Berkeley. The topics include (1) photoelectrochemical (PEC)
water splitting, (2) photocatalytic hydrogen production, (3)
solid-state hydrogen storage, and (4) proton exchange mem-
brane fuel cells (PEMFCs). We hope that these concepts of
nanomaterial designs will offer a new paradigm for realizing a
renewable energy based economy in the not so distant future.

2. Nanostructured electrodes for PEC water splitting

Pioneered by Fujishima and Honda, the first reported success on Fig. 2 Schematic representation of a photoelectrochemical
solar-driven water splitting in a photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell (PEC) cell.

Fig. 1 A scheme of renewable energy (e.g., solar energy and hydrogen) based economy based on some selected technologies of renewable
energy conversion and utilization.
524 S.S. Mao et al.

11% and a maximum photoconversion efficiency of 8.35%. This TCO interface, which is often a critical operational aspect of
was mainly due to its enhanced visible light absorption [8]. The working optoelectronic devices.
morphology of TiO2 anodes will also affect the PEC water ZnO, as another wide band gap semiconductor, has also
splitting performance, by varying the charge transfer ability. been widely investigated as a photoanode for PEC water
Grimes and co-workers prepared and examined the use of TiO2 splitting [17,18]. Different approaches, such as ion doping
nanotube arrays for PEC water splitting, which greatly benefits [19–21] and visible light sensitization with narrow band gap
from the nanotubular architecture that gave rise to superior semiconductors [22–24], have been used to expand the light
electron lifetimes and, hence, more efficient charge separation absorption region and hence improve the PEC performance
[9–15]. A high photoconversion efficiency of 16.5% under UV for water splitting over ZnO anodes under solar light irradia-
light illumination could be obtained with 24 mm-long nanotubes tion. Recently, a novel concept was demonstrated by our
electrochemically fabricated in an ethylene glycol based electro- group, with ZnO nanostructures doped in core regions with
lyte [14]. shallow Al donor levels for enhanced electronic conduction
The electron transfer process, considered as an interfacial and in the near-surface volume with intragap Ni impurity
phenomenon greatly determining the performances of various states for increased optical absorption [25]. In this study, we
(opto)electronic devices, including solar cells and PEC water designed a novel isostructural ZnO:Al/ZnO:Ni core/shell
splitting cells, is directly influenced by the character and nanorod structure for PEC water splitting, as shown in
occupancy of electronic states near the interface. Thus, our Fig. 5(a). The broad absorption features at long wavelengths
group investigated the electronic structure of the interface of in Fig. 5(b) overlapped with transitions associated with
TiO2 and fluorine-doped tin dioxide (SnO2:F, and FTO), one tetrahedrally coordinated Ni(II) in the ZnO lattice. Ampero-
of the most common transparent conductive oxides (TCO) metric (current–time) measurements with application of color
used as substrates for photoelectrodes in PEC cells, by a filters, as shown in Fig. 5(c), indicated that approximately
synchrotron-based soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) 44% of total photocurrent originated from wavelengths
[16]. The distinct interfacial electronic structure of TiO2– beyond 410 nm, and 4.4% originated from beyond 510 nm.
SnO2:F was established by contrasting spectra with those for IPCE results in Fig. 5(d) showed that approximately a three-
anatase and rutile TiO2, SnO2:F, and ZnO–SnO2:F and CdO– fold enhancement in conversion efficiencies for solar-abundant
SnO2:F interfaces. Oxygen 1s absorption spectra, as shown in visible wavelengths was achieved over a ZnO:Al/ZnO:Ni core/
Fig. 3 and which relate to the O 2p partial density of states of shell structure by distributing the absorptive species normal to
the conduction band, indicated that the interface was asso- the substrate and along the direction of light propagation. The
ciated with a reduction in Ti d–O p orbital hybridization and proposed band diagram and charge transfer processes within
an alteration of the TiO2 crystal field. These observations were the core/shell structure were established in Fig. 5(e).
consistent with measured Ti 2p absorption spectra (Fig. 4), Hematite (a-Fe2O3), known for its abundance, non-toxicity
which in addition provided an evidence for the distortion of and exceptional chemical stability, is an increasingly promis-
long-range order around the cation site in the interfacial TiO2. ing material for solar-driven PEC water splitting, due to its
The results indicate that the quasi-Fermi level of electrons in narrow band gap of approximately 2.1 eV, enabling the
the interface will differ from predictions based on bulk oxide absorption of a large portion of visible light in the incident
material properties. The interfacial electronic structure also solar spectrum. However, the poor charge transport property
influences the electrostatic potential distribution at the oxide– of a-Fe2O3 greatly limits its efficiency as a photoanode for

Fig. 3 (a) O K-edge x-ray absorption spectra for SnO2:F and the TiO2–SnO2:F, ZnO–SnO2:F, and CdO–SnO2:F interfaces. Peak A
corresponds to the O 2p orbitals hybridized with Sn 5s orbitals at the bottom of the conduction band. Peaks B, C, and D primarily
correspond to the O 2p orbitals hybridized with Sn 5p orbitals deeper in the conduction band. Peak E results from the hybridization of
unoccupied Ti d(t2g) levels with O 2p levels, which exist in the conduction bands of titanium oxides. (b) Oxygen 1s absorption spectra for
anatase TiO2, rutile TiO2, and TiO2 thin film deposited on SnO2:F. The interfacial TiO2 spectrum was obtained by subtraction of the
SnO2:F O 1s absorption spectrum such that the intensity remained positive. The dashed vertical lines indicate the energies of the Ti t2g
and eg band maxima for anatase TiO2. The inset provides the interfacial TiO2 spectrum at higher energies. Reprinted with permission
from Ref. [16]. Copyright 2012 American Physical Society.
Nanomaterials for renewable hydrogen production, storage and utilization 525

Fig. 4 Ti L2,3-edge x-ray absorption spectra for anatase TiO2 (red), rutile TiO2 (dark red), and TiO2–SnO2:F (blue). (a) Complete
spectra; (b) L3-eg band; (c) high-energy bands, normalized to peak Y. (b) and (c) follow the same order and color convention as in (a).
Peaks T and W reflect transitions to empty t2g levels, and peaks U, V, and Y reflect transitions to empty eg levels. The leading-edge
multiplet structure of TiO2 (peaks R and S) are assigned to 2p6d0-2p5d1 for Ti4þ in Oh symmetry. Reprinted with permission from
Ref. [16]. Copyright 2012 American Physical Society.

Fig. 5 (a) A schematic of idealized operating mechanisms overlayed onto the tip of an individual nanostructure. (b) Absorptance spectra
of ZnO/FTO/glass structures. (c) Amperometric (current–time) measurement at 0.6 V versus Ag/AgCl with chopped AM 1.5 G-filtered
100 mW cm2 irradiation, with application of wavelength filters. (d) Incident photon conversion efficiency at visible wavelengths for
ZnO:Al–ZnO:Ni homojunction array (blue squares), ZnO:Ni thin film (red circles), and ZnO:Al nanorod array (black triangles), with
þ1 V applied versus a Pt counter electrode. (e) Idealized energetics of the functional homojunction nanostructure. Reprinted with
permission from Ref. [25]. Copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

PEC water splitting. Thus, many different dopants have been morphological, optical, and photoelectrochemical character-
employed to increase the electrical conductivity for improved izations of doped a-Fe2O3 films for solar water splitting have
PEC activity of a-Fe2O3 [26]. In our group, the fabrication and been carefully investigated. We deposited Ti-doped a-Fe2O3
526 S.S. Mao et al.

on FTO substrates by pulse laser deposition (PLD) in an arrays, could be tailored by adjusting solution composition with
oxygen environment at a moderate vacuum pressure of growth along the (001) direction. Photoelectrochemical measure-
4 mTorr, from a Fe2O3:TiO2 target [27]. We determined that ments showed incident photon-to-current conversion efficiencies
despite the apparent increased surface area, porous electrodes higher than 60% at 400 nm with a photocurrent of 1.43 mA/cm2
deposited at 23 1C were significantly less efficient than denser under AM 1.5 G illumination. They further coupled WO3 with
electrodes deposited at 300 1C. It is hoped that such a finding BiVO4, which has a smaller band gap, by spin coating [35]. The
is applicable to future studies of the fabrication of efficient heterojunction structure offered enhanced photoconversion
iron oxide-based photoanodes, which is known to require efficiency and increased photocorrosion stability. Compared to
careful film growth engineering. We also successfully tuned the planar WO3/BiVO4 heterojunction films, the nanorod-array
surface composition of a-Fe2O3 nanorod arrays modified by films showed significantly improved photoelectrochemical prop-
doping of Cr3þ or W6þ using a general process involving a erties due to the high surface area and improved separation of
combination of aqueous chemical growth and spin coating [28,29]. the photogenerated charge at the WO3/BiVO4 interface.
The photoluminescence spectra indicated that photocurrent
enhancement was mainly due to the enhanced charge transfer in
the surface tuned a-Fe2O3 nanorods, as shown in Fig. 6 (taking 3. Nano-photocatalysts for hydrogen production
Cr3þ doping as an example). We also paid particular attention to
one-dimensional core/shell nanorod structures, as structures of In 1979, the concept of photoelectrochemical water splitting was
this type are most likely to utilize the benefits afforded by designed applied by Bard to design a photocatalytic water splitting system
surface overlayer coating and are likely to show functional using semiconductor particles or powders as photocatalysts [36].
behavior relating to the core/shell interfacial region. Novel core/ In the photocatalytic system as depicted in Fig. 7, electrons and
shell nanoarrays, based on a-Fe2O3 nanorods with the surface holes photogenerated in the conduction band and valence band
modified by a thin WO3 or TiO2 overlayer, were fabricated by a transfer to the surface of particulate photocatalysts, and then
combination of aqueous chemical synthesis and vapor phase partake in a redox reaction, producing hydrogen and oxygen,
deposition [30,31]. The enhanced photoelectrochemical activity respectively [5]. By looking into the basic mechanism and process
of the a-Fe2O3/WO3 core/shell structure indicated that the of photocatalytic water splitting, one could find that efficient
modification of a-Fe2O3 nanorods with WO3 overlayer promoted photocatalysts should have (1) suitable band gaps and band
the extraction of surface-trapped holes from the a-Fe2O3 core [30]. structures to absorb abundant solar light to drive hydrogen- and
This should be directly related to the unique futures of the core/ oxygen-evolution half-reactions; (2) good charge transfer ability
shell nanoscale architecture, such as interface electronic orbital for electrons and holes moving to the semiconductor/electrolyte
reconstruction via p–d orbital hybridization as well as quantum- interface with retarded charge recombination; and (3) high
mechanical tunneling. Further formation revealed that core/shell surface catalytic reactivity for half-reactions. In the past decades,
heterostructures, comprised of an a-Fe2O3 core coated with a numerous efforts have been dedicated to meet these critical
TiO2 overlayer, resulting in an emergent degree of p–d orbital requirements of photocatalysts designed for high efficiency
hybridization and spontaneous electron enrichment in the inter- hydrogen production from water [5,37–41]. In this section,
facial region and thus possessed a unique electronic structure [31]. research progress in our group on the design of nano-
WO3 is also a visible-light-sensitive anode material attractive photocatalysts for hydrogen production was introduced, showing
for PEC water splitting [32]. Studies have mainly focused on our great efforts and professional ideas to advance this technol-
nanostructure and heterojunction design for the outstanding ogy, applicable for high-efficiency and low-cost solar fuel
PEC performances of WO3 films [32,33]. The authors’ colleagues production in the near future.
in Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China, successfully As discussed in the previous section, TiO2, as the most
synthesized WO3 nanowire arrays using a solvothermal techni- studied wide band gap photocatalyst, has been extensively
que on FTO substrates [34]. WO3 morphologies of hexagonal doped with ions to narrow its band gap for efficient visible
and monoclinic structure, ranging from nanowire to nanoflake light photocatalytic hydrogen production [6]. However, the

Fig. 6 (a) Photocurrent and photoluminescence intensity as a function of Cr dopant content for Cr-doped a-Fe2O3 nanorod films.
(b) Proposed schemes for photoinduced charge transfer in the Cr-doped a-Fe2O3 nanorod films with different Cr dopant contents, (i) at
low Cr dopant content and (ii) at high Cr dopant content. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [29]. Copyright 2012 Elsevier.
Nanomaterials for renewable hydrogen production, storage and utilization 527

doping-created energy levels could act as recombination surface layers [42]. With anatase TiO2 crystals of ca. 8 nm in
centers for photoinduced charges, which would seriously limit diameter hydrogenated in a 20.0-bar H2 atmosphere at 200 1C
the photocatalytic activity of doped TiO2. Recently, our group for 5 days, the obtained black TiO2 nanocrystals had the
put forward a conceptually novel approach to enhance solar surfaces disordered, where the disordered outer layer surround-
absorption of TiO2 nanocrystals by introducing disorder in the ing a crystalline core was about 1 nm in thickness as depicted in
Fig. 8(a). From Fig. 8(b) it is clear that the band gap of the
unmodified white TiO2 nanocrystals was ca. 3.30 eV, while the
onset of optical absorption of the black disorder-engineered
TiO2 nanocrystals was shifted to 1200 nm, suggesting that the
optical gap was substantially narrowed to be ca. 1.0 eV by
intraband transitions, as illustrated in Fig. 8(c). A 22 day test
demonstrated that black TiO2 nanocrystals produced hydrogen
continuously at a steady rate, as shown in Fig. 8(d). This
hydrogen production rate (10 m mol h1 g1 of photocatalysts),
with a solar energy conversion efficiency as high as 24%, is
about 2 orders of magnitude greater than the yields of most
semiconductor photocatalysts [5,40]. This could be attributed to
the efficient harvest of photons from UV to near-infrared by the
disorder-engineered black TiO2 for photocatalysis, and the
retarded charge recombination due to the localization of both
photoexcited electrons and holes.
Fig. 7 Illustrated scheme of photocatalytic water splitting. Photocatalytic activity is strongly dependent on the photoin-
duced charge transport and separation efficiencies in the

Fig. 8 (a) Schematic illustration and TEM image of the structure of disorder-engineered black TiO2. (b) Spectral absorbance of
the white and black TiO2 nanocrystals. The inset enlarges the absorption spectrum in the range from approximately 750–1200 nm.
(c) Schematic illustration of the DOS of disorder-engineered black TiO2 nanocrystals, as compared to that of unmodified TiO2
nanocrystals. (d) Cycling measurements of hydrogen gas generation through direct photocatalytic water splitting with disorder-engineered
black TiO2 nanocrystals under simulated solar light. Experiments were conducted over a 22 day period, with 100 h of overall solar
irradiation time. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [42]. Copyright 2011 American Association for the Advancement of Science.
528 S.S. Mao et al.

photocatalysts. To promote charge separation, semiconductor back’’ potential formed by parallel nano-twins in the Cd1xZnxS
heterojunctions have been frequently designed to create an crystals could significantly improve the separation of the photo-
electrostatic field for directional migration of electrons and holes generated electrons and holes and thus enhance photocatalytic
[5,43]. However, these heterojunctions will hinder the transport activity. The concentration of free electrons at the central region of
capability of free charges [44]. Therefore, in recent years, our group the twins was markedly higher; the twins can effectively separate
has focused on the microstructured refinement of semiconductor the H2 evolution sites (electrons) from oxidation reaction sites
photocatalysts, aiming at promoting charge separation as well as (holes).
facilitating charge transport. We systematically investigated the Loading cocatalysts onto photocatalysts to form hydrogen
effects of synthetic conditions on the microstructure and hence or oxygen evolution sites have been considered as an effective
photocatalytic activity of ZnIn2S4 for hydrogen evolution under method to enhance photocatalytic activity for water splitting.
visible-light irradiation [45–47], and found the d (001) space and In the past decades, different kinds of materials such as
internal electrostatic field of ZnIn2S4 were controllably tuned. The transition metals (especially the noble metals), metal oxides,
d (001) space increased, leading to the increasing distortion extent and metal sulfides have been developed as effective cocatalysts
of [ZnS4] and [InS4] tetrahedron in ZnIn2S4 structure, the internal for photocatalytic water splitting [5,38]. It is well known that
electrostatic fields induced by dipole moment increased, which was some noble metals, such as Pt, Ru, Au, etc., and metal oxides,
considered useful for electron–hole separation and hence beneficial such as NiOx, Rh/Cr2O3, etc., perform well as water reduction
to photocatalytic hydrogen production. Cd1xZnxS solid solutions cocatalysts by entrapping electrons from semiconductors;
with nano-twin structures (Fig. 9(a)) were synthesized by our while many other metal oxides, such as IrO2, RuO2, Rh2O3,
colleagues in XJTU and exhibited superior photocatalytic activities Co3O4, and Mn3O4, have performed as effective oxidation
for hydrogen evolution from water under visible light irradiation cocatalysts by entrapping holes [37]. In our studies on the
without noble metals, with an extremely high apparent quantum screening of cocatalysts for photocatalytic hydrogen produc-
yield of 43% at 425 nm [48]. As shown in Fig. 9(b), the ‘‘back to tion, we found that loading noble metals and metal sulfides

Fig. 9 (a) TEM image of Cd1xZnxS solid solutions with nano-twin structures. (b) Parallel boundaries provided twin boundary-
dependent potential, which derived the ‘‘back to back’’ Schottky barrier and would control the migration of free charges. Reprinted with
permission from Ref. [48]. Copyright 2011 Royal Society of Chemistry.

Fig. 10 Schematic illustration of the photo-generated charge transfer process for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution over (a) Pt–Ag2S
co-loaded CdS, and (b) Pt–CuS co-loaded ZnIn2S4, from an aqueous solution containing Na2SO3/Na2S under simulated solar light.
Reprinted with permission from Ref. [49]. Copyright 2010 Elsevier. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [50]. Copyright 2011 Springer.
Nanomaterials for renewable hydrogen production, storage and utilization 529

as dual cocatalysts (Pt–Ag2S and Pt–CuS), which acted as reduction in the hydrogen weight percentage. In our group, an
reduction and oxidation cocatalysts by entrapping electrons Mg nanoparticle layer in the form of sandwiched Pd/Mg/Pd
and holes from semiconductors (Fig. 10), respectively, could thin films was deposited using the PLD method, as shown
cause more efficient separation of photogenerated electrons in Fig. 11(a) [59]. This nanoparticle film could reduce the
and holes, and hence resulting in enhanced photocatalytic enthalpy of formation and the thermodynamic barrier to
activity for hydrogen evolution [49,50]. hydride formation, complementing the enhanced kinetics from
the Pd layers. The reduction of the formation enthalpy could
be explained by the concept of excess volume associated with a
4. Solid-state nanomaterials for hydrogen storage film of nanoparticles. Both the metal and the metal hydride
phase can be destabilized by excess volume. The enthalpy of
As discussed in the previous two sections, hydrogen can be formation of the hydride phase will only decrease if the metal
sustainably converted from solar energy via a photochemistry hydride phase is more destabilized than the metal phase
process. However, hydrogen storage also remains as one of the (Fig. 11(b)). While further reduction is necessary for practical
key challenges to realize hydrogen economy. In general, hydrogen applications, substrate-free thin films appear to be a useful
can be stored as pressurized gas, cryogenic liquid, or in a suitable approach for exploring new metal hydride materials for
solid-state material such as metal hydrides, metal–organic frame- hydrogen storage. Thus, we fabricated free-standing Mg–Ni
works and carbon materials [51–53]. Compared to the two former films with extensive nanoscale grain structures using a combi-
approaches of gaseous and liquid-state hydrogen storage, solid- nation of pulsed laser deposition and film delaminating
state hydrogen storage could be done at near-ambient tem- processes [60]. Oxidation of the material was reduced through
peratures and pressures with hydrogen chemically or physically the use of a sandwiched free-standing film structure in which
absorbed to the solid-state materials. Moreover, storage of the top and bottom layers consist of nanometer-thick Pd
hydrogen in liquid or gaseous form requires a large container layers, which also act as a catalyst to promote hydrogen uptake
and poses important safety problems for on-board transport and release. An improvement in hydrogen storage capacity over
applications. Therefore, solid-state storage is potentially the most the bulk Mg–Ni target material was found for the free-standing
convenient and the safest method from a technological point of films, while the thermodynamic stability of the nanograined
view. For solid-state hydrogen storage, the storage capacity and films was similar to that of Mg2Ni. These results suggest that
kinetics strongly depend on material-specific surface interactions, free-standing films, of which better control of material composi-
no matter how hydrogen binds to surfaces of solid-state materials, tions and microstructures can be realized is possible for
either strong chemical associations (chemisorption) or weak conventional ball-milled powders, represent a useful materials
dispersive interactions (physisorption) [54,55]. platform for solid-state hydrogen storage research.
Although limited by high thermodynamic stability or poor To offer an advantage in studying multi-component alloys
reaction kinetics, metal hydrides, as the reversible chemisorp- and their phase transition to metal hydrides, high throughput
tion materials, represent an important class of candidate materials fabrication and characterization techniques were
materials for solid-state hydrogen storage due to high formula developed in our group [61]. We fabricated an Mg–Ni–Al
hydrogen storage capacities [56]. MgH2 is of particular interest and Ca–B–Ti ternary alloy libraries using a continuous
due to the abundance of Mg and the relatively high hydrogen combinatorial material synthesis technique, and measured
weight percentage (7.6%). However, due to its high enthalpy the optical reflectance to examine the formation of the metal
of formation, bulk MgH2 generally does not release hydrogen hydride phase when the alloy library was exposed to hydro-
below 300 1C. Therefore, a reduction in the enthalpy of gen. The results indicate that mapping the change in reflec-
formation is required to improve the thermodynamics of tance is a viable method to study the kinetics of hydride
an MgH2 based system to make it a viable candidate for formation. Monitoring the optical properties provides evi-
hydrogen storage application. A common method to address dence for the ‘‘black state’’ formed during the transition from
this high enthalpy problem is to alloy Mg with metals such as the a-phase to b-phase. In addition, we found that the fastest
Ni or Al [57,58], however, this negatively leads to a significant reflectance change occurred when the alloy has an Mg to Ni

Fig. 11 (a) A typical AFM image of Mg nanoparticle film without a Pd capping layer. (b) Schematic illustration of the reduction of the
enthalpy of formation with both Mg and MgH2 destabilized. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [59]. Copyright 2010 Elsevier.
530 S.S. Mao et al.

Fig. 12 (a) Time-resolved reflectance measurements at 323 K in 300 psi H2. The Mg–Ni and Mg–Al curves are taken from a region at
roughly 2Mg for each Ni or Al atom, respectively. (b) Percent decrease in reflectance after 1 h in 300 psi H2 at 323 K. (c) Time-resolved
reflectance from the Ca–Ti region of a Ca–B–Ti sample in 300 psi H2 at 473 K. (d) Percent change in reflectance after 1 h at 473 K in
300 psi H2. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [61]. Copyright 2010 Elsevier.

ratio of approximately 2:1, and with low concentration of Al increase the density of stored hydrogen we introduced chemi-
(Fig. 12(a,b)). Initial testing of a Ca–B–Ti sample indicates sorption into SiO2 nanoparticle networks, while maintaining the
that some reaction has occurred in the Ca and Ti regions benefit of the high-surface area for additional storage through
under slightly higher temperature conditions than were functionalized physisorption. At the same time, the high-surface
required for Mg–Ni–Al (Fig. 12(c,d)). The high throughput area nanoparticle network provided the additional benefit of
optical reflectance method developed here would be a valuable markedly improved chemisorption kinetics by increasing reaction
tool for screening metal hydride materials with the goal of surface area as well as reducing diffusion distance. We fabricated
practical hydrogen storage applications. a composite material using MgNi (o5 wt%) implemented in an
Mesoporous materials offer several advantages over other ultralow-density SiO2 aerogel nanoparticle network. Preliminary
materials due to their large surface area, open porosity, small measurements indicated chemisorption of hydrogen in the
pore sizes, and the ability to coat the surface of the mesopor- modified silica network, in addition to physisorption due to very
ous structure with one or more compounds. For example, with large surface area offered by the oxide network. With the scale-
exceptionally high surface areas and chemically-tunable struc- up manufacturing feasibility of nanostructured oxide networks
tures, metal–organic frameworks have recently emerged as based on the aerogel technology, ultralow density active ceramic
some of the most promising candidate materials for physisorp- networks represent a clear alternative to existing porous media
tion hydrogen storage [62]. We have been investigating for solid-state hydrogen storage [65].
the preparation and properties of ultra-low density nanoma-
terials based on the aerogel technology for many years. Using
this technology, we have prepared a wide variety of aerogel 5. Nano-electrocatalyst for PEMFCs
compositions including metal oxides (SiO2, TiO2, Fe3O4,
Al2O3, MgO, Cr2O3, and Zr2O3), mixed oxides, and other As clean energy conversion devices, proton exchange mem-
compounds [63]. Moreover, aerogels can be readily modified brane (or polymer electrolyte membrane) fuel cells (PEMFCs)
by incorporating transition metals into the oxide network. can harness the chemical energy of hydrogen to generate
We found that the SiO2 nanoparticle networks could store electricity at a high-energy conversion efficiency of greater
hydrogen up to 2.5 wt% through physisorption at liquid nitro- than 70% without combustion and pollution. These advan-
gen temperature, due to their very large surface area [64,65]. To tages render PEMFCs an attractive replacement for
Nanomaterials for renewable hydrogen production, storage and utilization 531

combustion engines for both mobile and stationary applica-

tions. Fig. 8 is a schematic illustration of the basic structure
and the operation principle of a typical PEMFC [66]. In
operation, hydrogen is ionized on the anode to produce
electrons and protons. The protons move through the mem-
brane, while the electrons move through an external circuit.
The protons and electrons recombine on the cathode, reducing
oxygen to
water in the process [67]. As shown in Fig. 13, attached to
either side of the electrolyte membrane are porous gas
diffusion electrodes consisting of the catalytic active layer
with electrocatalysts.
Due to the slow kinetics of the oxygen reduction reaction on
the cathode, which is primarily responsible for high voltage losses
in a PEMFC and therefore low conversion efficiency, effective
electrocatalysts are required to enhance the rate of the reaction.
Moreover, electrocatalysts must be durable in an acidic environ-
ment for the continuous operation of PEMFCs. Platinum (Pt) has
been regarded as the most active catalyst for the oxygen reduction
reaction. However, the high cost and scarcity of Pt greatly limits
the development and widespread commercialization of PEMFCs
[68]. Thus, in the past decades, low-Pt containing alloys have
been made to reduce Pt usage in the fuel cell cathode [69,70],
and different kinds of non-Pt electrocatalysts such as metal
chalcogenides, metal oxides, metal carbides and nitrides, and
Fig. 13 Schematic of the working principle of a typical PEMFC macrocycles, have been proposed as alternatives to replace noble
(direct hydrogen) and the involved porous components. metals in PEMFCs [71]. Of these non-Pt electrocatalysts,
((1)—Bipolar plate; (2)—backing layer; (3)—microporous layer; chromium nitrides such as CrN and Cr2N have been considered
(4)—electrocatalyst layer; and (5)—membrane). Reprinted with as potential electrocatalysts, due to their high resistance to wear
permission from Ref. [66]. Copyright 2012 Elsevier. and corrosion [72,73]. We demonstrated that highly crystalline

Fig. 14 (a) TEM images of CrN/C prepared at 800 1C. The inset shows a high resolution TEM image of a single CrN nanocrystal.
(b) Polarization curves of fuel cell devices with CrN loading of 0.5 mg cm2 prepared at different temperatures: (1) 800 1C, (2) 900 1C, and
(3) 950 1C. (c) Polarization curves with different CrN loadings: (2) 0.42 mg cm2, (2) 0.5 mg cm2, and (3) 1.08 mg cm2 at 800 1C.
Reprinted with permission from Ref. [74]. Copyright 2007 American Institute of Physics.
532 S.S. Mao et al.

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Samuel Mao is Director of Clean Energy

Engineering Center at the University of Cali-
fornia at Berkeley. He received his Ph.D.
degree from Berkeley in 2000, and since then
he has been leading a multidisciplinary
research team developing clean energy tech-
nologies as well as investigating enabling
materials science. He has published over a
hundred peer-reviewed journal articles, which

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