Impacts of Parenting Practices To The Academic Behavior of Grade 12 Stem Students of Cor Jesu Co
Impacts of Parenting Practices To The Academic Behavior of Grade 12 Stem Students of Cor Jesu Co
Impacts of Parenting Practices To The Academic Behavior of Grade 12 Stem Students of Cor Jesu Co
Ma. IZ
Practical Research 2
attainment (Henderson & Berla, 1996; Kellaghan, Sloane, Alvarez & Bloom,
most adults would undertake and regard as one of the most significant steps in
their lives. This is certainly evident in Philippine society, where the family is
development, given substantial research evidence that how parents raise their
from school and work success to antisocial behavior and mental illness
certain: All parents want what is best for their family. Lynn (2017), says her
best ‘Children need unconditional love from their parents and they need
parents who are doing the job of child-raising in a thoughtful and considerate
Schools are the largest provider of child behavioral health services and
for many children, the only community environment where they will receive
problems can be efficiently reduced if families and children are engaged at the
tier of support appropriate for their needs (Dishion & Kavanagh, 2003;
Dishion & Stormshak, 2007; Horner et al., 2009). Thus, behavioral health
services that are school based and family focused have the potential to engage
behavioral health and learning needs (Yu, & Chen, 2014).In the family,
behavioral problems have received little attention and research interest in Iran.
Therefore, the current research is deemed necessary and timely. Thus, the
(Baumrind, 1991).
Any ignorance on the part of parents may lead to unwanted damaging
effects on children’s growth and there after may create misbehavior problems
in children. Parenting
1969), authoritative parents have supporting style. They are mostly adopted by
parents who had both responsive dimensions and demanding. If they had
rational demand from their children; they would respond accordingly to the
children’s need. Authoritative parents also recognized what was their own
exhibit responsive and supportive behavior, the children can create their own
self-confidence and responsibility with less problematic behaviors, high rate of
but were not demanding, so these parents lacked the demanding dimension.
Thus, permissive parents dislike control and authority over their children.
They do not guide their children to regulate their behavior and allow them to
make their decisions alone. Therefore, their children will receive passive and
become dependent and lack social responsibility and are low in cognitive
or externalizing behaviors.
parents are not only demanding but they are unresponsive to the demand set
harshness are mostly techniques that authoritarian parents use to exhibit their
stages of the children’s life. They are not warm and seem to use more
punishment, and therefore the authoritarian parents adopting such practice can
influence the behaviors of their children and their activities society have been
practices are defined as specific behaviors that parents use to socialize their
raise their children". The purpose of this study is to examine how parenting
This study aims to determine the significant relationship between the Parenting Style
and Students’ Behaviour of Grade 12 STEM students. More specifically, this study
Research Questions
Parents. This study will give knowledge to the parenting style and the behavior of
their children as student and will help in guiding them to having a more positive
outlook in school.
Students. Through this study, students will able to understand and realize the
importance of their relationship with their parents and how it affect in their behavior
as a student.
Teachers. The results of this study may use as an instrument of the teachers
and it will help them to know the reasons why the attitudes of their students is
Future Researchers. This would further guide and give additional perceptions and
information and finding this study will help the future researchers in determining the
significant relationship between parenting style and the behavior of the Grade 12
STEM students.
The respondents of this study is the students who have a strong relationship with their
parents and students who are ineffective in the classroom because they may be
The following terminologies to be used in this study are operationally defined in order
to give
Parenting Style.This refers to a style or strategy of a parent in how they will going to
handle, raise and discipline as well their children. This also a communication between
a child and a parent and a relationship is involves the full extent of a child’s
Student Behavior. Described in this study, the respondents of the study which he/she