1 SL Ia BM Examiner
1 SL Ia BM Examiner
1 SL Ia BM Examiner
Examiner comments
Criterion A 4 4
Criterion B 4 5
Criterion C 4 5
Criterion D 3 3
Criterion E 3 4
Criterion F 2 2
Criterion G 2 2
Total 22 25
A very good SL IA that is clearly worth a level 7. Only minor aspects could have been better
(especially for B).
Criterion D – Conclusions
The conclusion page 9 answers the question very clearly, recapping the key points without adding
new elements.
Criterion E – Evaluation
There is evidence of evaluation all along (for example in the section “customer and competition
analysis” on page 8: “the risk is enhanced by… this is due to…”). The teacher awarded 3 and the
moderator agreed, although a mark of 4 could have been considered.
Criterion F – Structure
Logical structure, easy to follow.
Criterion G – Presentation
In particular: very well referenced (see all footnotes).