Say No To Plastic Bags
Say No To Plastic Bags
Say No To Plastic Bags
We can lessen our environmental footprint by minimizing our use of plastic shopping
bags. If we do so, our world will become a cleaner, safer place for all living things
There are Alternatives to Plastic Bags. All of This Death and Pollution
is Unnecessary
Countries all over the world are slowly becoming aware of the threat plastic bags present
to our world. Many have enacted laws aimed to decrease the use of plastic bags, while
others have, or are, planning to impose taxes on the use of plastic bags.
These forward thinking, socially conscious countries, cities and corporations should be
commended, but the reality is, none of these steps would be necessary if individuals
would make the same commitment, or if at the very least, people would do the following:
It might take a little planning and a little more time to say no to plastic bags, but by
putting life ahead of inconvenience, each and everyone of us can make a difference to the
health of our planet and to all of those living things that have no choice but to live or to
die because of the decisions we make.
Plastics are made from nonrenewable natural resources such as crude oil, gas and coal. Just 8.7
checkout bags contain enough embodied petroleum energy to drive a car 1km.2
Persistence in the environment Non-biodegradable plastics bags can last in the environment for up to
1,000 years. Litter
Landscapes littered with plastic bags are hazardous to wildlife and visually unattractive. What’s more,
because plastic bags last so long, every year the number of plastic bags littering the environment are
accumulating. Plastic bags are lightweight and moisture resistant which means they float easily in air
and water, often travelling long distances. It is estimated that a total of between 50 and 80 million bags
enter the Australian environment as litter every year.2 Unless they are collected, they stay there. If 80
million plastic bags were made into a single plastic sheet, it would cover 16 square kilometres. Each
side of the plastic sheet would be 4km long and it would be big enough to cover the Melbourne CBD.
Clean up costs It has been estimated that it costs governments, businesses and community groups
over $4 million per annum to clean up littered plastic shopping bags. Marine life There are
approximately 46,000 pieces of plastic floating in each square mile of our oceans. It is estimated that
plastic kills up to 1 million sea birds, 100,000 sea mammals and countless fish each year. 3 90% of
Albatross chicks on Midway Island (a remote Pacific atoll) had plastic bag remnants in their gullets,
while turtles, dolphins and killer whales can choke or starve by confusing plastic bags for jellyfish.
Landfills An estimated, 3.76 billion or 20,700 tonnes of plastic bags are disposed of
in landfill sites throughout Australia
each year. Some plastic shopping
bags are disposed directly into the
waste stream, while many are reused
as garbage bags, and subsequently
sent to landfill.
Greenhouse gases
When oil, gas and coal are used to
produce plastic bags, they emit
dangerous greenhouse gases. The
burning of plastics also creates
emissions of toxic gases, dioxins and
heavy metals.
Greenhouse gases contribute to
worldwide climate change. Scientists
predict that such climate change will
impact on all our lives, especially in
the areas of agriculture and health.
Plastic bags are made from two types
of plastic:
1. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
bags - The thin ‘singlet-style’ bags
used by over 80% of retailers. 50%
of HDPE bags come from nonsupermarket
sources.2 This plastic
can easily be recycled.
2. Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
bags -The thicker bags used by less
than 20% of retailers, usually
department and boutique stores.
These bags are not currently
Did you know?
The average Australian
household uses 502 plastic
shopping bags every year.1
Australians dump 7,150
recyclable plastic bags into
landfill every minute or
429,000 every hour.
It takes 21,540 tonnes of
plastic to produce 3.92 billion
plastics bags.
If 3.92 billion plastic bags
were tied together, they
would circle the globe 24
Plastic shopping bags can be
returned to your supermarket
for recycling. Currently only
approximately 3% of bags
are being recycled.2
Plastic Bags and
Clean Up Australia Day
Each year on Clean Up
Australia Day we identify
plastic as the major source of
rubbish throughout Australia.
In 2005, 32% of all items
collected were plastic and
7% of all plastic items were
supermarket and retail
shopping bags.
In 2005, 12.7% of bags were
found at rivers/creeks,
followed by 10% found at
beach/coastal areas.
Saying NO is easy
In response to the plastic bag problem, Clean Up Australia
developed Say NO to Plastic Bags - a National Plastic Bag
Action and Awareness campaign.
The Campaign
Clean Up Australia is committed to
getting rid of lightweight plastic
shopping bags.
Saying NO to Plastic Bags brings
individuals, community, business,
government and environment groups
together to Refuse, Reduce, Reuse
and Recycle plastic bags.
By the end of 2005 participating
retailers committed to reducing the
number of plastic bags used by 50%.
Supermarkets achieved a 41%
reduction in use of plastic bags.
Overall, a reduction of 34% from 2002
to 2005 saved 2 billion bags from
being produced.1
Things you can do today
If you're only buying a couple of
items, consider carrying them.
When shopping, take reusable
alternatives like ‘green bags’,
calico bags, string bags, baskets or
boxes with you. Keep them in the
car, or put your car keys in them at
home so you don’t forget to take
them with you.
Consolidate purchases into one
bag rather than getting a new bag
at each store.
Be aware that the thicker
department store bags are
generally non-recyclable, so the
best action is to avoid taking them.
Count the number of plastic bags
you use and aim to reduce that
number each week.
Avoid putting items that already
have handles, eg. dog food and
nappies, into plastic bags.
Avoid using small plastic bags as
bin liners. Simply put your rubbish
straight into your household bin
and give the bin a quick rinse
afterwards then reuse the water on
your garden
Biodegradable (break down using
natural processes) and Degradable
(can use chemicals to break down)
plastic bags are becoming
available. However, be cautious
when using these bags, as there
are no standards in place to test
their effectiveness. Degradable
bags just break into smaller pieces
and can be even more damaging
to flora and fauna.
Reuse plastic bags at home for:
freezing food, packing children's
school lunches, storage of clothing
and other household items.
Keep a spare reusable shopping
bag in your handbag or wallet for
those times when you thought you
would not need a bag, but did.
It is estimated that in 2001-02,
approximately 180 million bags or
1,000 tonnes, were recycled. This
represents only 2.7% of all plastic
shopping bags.2 Help us to increase
that rate by:
Finding a local supermarket that
offers recycling facilities for plastic
supermarket bags and taking your
used plastic bags back for
recycling the next time you go
Returning unwanted plastic bags to
the driver for recycling if you have
your shopping delivered.
Turning bags inside out and
removing any receipts and food
scraps before recycling.
Contamination can cause
problems in production and
prevent recycled plastic from being
Approaching your local council to
see if they have plans to include
plastic bags in kerbside recycling.
Remember, if your council does
not provide plastic bag recycling,
don’t put plastic bags in with your
normal recycling; it can cause
major problems in processing.
1 Department of Environment and
Heritage, Plastic Retail Carry Bag Use
2002-2005 Consumption – end of year
report – Hyder Consulting.
2 Environment Australia,
Plastic Shopping Bags- Analysis of
Levies and Environmental Impacts
(Nolan ITU, 2002)
3 Australian Marine Conservation
4 Environmental Protection and
Heritage Council
5 EcoRecycle
6 NSW Department of Environment and
Shopper driven action:
If you can't find the recycling bin at
your supermarket, suggest to the
store manager to plastic
bags campaign.
Environmental issues
Plastics are durable and degrade very slowly; the molecular bonds that make plastic so
durable make it equally resistant to natural processes of degradation. Since the 1950s, one
billion tons of plastic have been discarded and may persist for hundreds or even
thousands of years.[21] In some cases, burning plastic can release toxic fumes. Burning the
plastic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) may create dioxin.[22] Also, the manufacturing of plastics
often creates large quantities of chemical pollutants. Prior to the ban on the use of CFCs
in extrusion of polystyrene (and general use, except in life-critical fire suppression
systems; see Montreal Protocol), the production of polystyrene contributed to the
depletion of the ozone layer; however, non-CFCs are currently used in the extrusion
By 1995, plastic recycling programs were common in the United States and elsewhere.
Thermoplastics can be remelted and reused, and thermoset plastics can be ground up and
used as filler, though the purity of the material tends to degrade with each reuse cycle.
There are methods by which plastics can be broken back down to a feedstock state.
To assist recycling of disposable items, the Plastic Bottle Institute of the Society of the
Plastics Industry devised a now-familiar scheme to mark plastic bottles by plastic type. A
plastic container using this scheme is marked with a triangle of three cyclic arrows,
which encloses a number giving the plastic type:
While containers are usually made from a single type and color of plastic, making them
relatively easy to be sorted, a consumer product like a cellular phone may have many
small parts consisting of over a dozen different types and colors of plastics. In such cases,
the resources it would take to separate the plastics far exceed their value and the item is
discarded. However, developments are taking place in the field of active disassembly,
which may result in more consumer product components being re-used or recycled.
Recycling certain types of plastics can be unprofitable, as well. For example, polystyrene
is rarely recycled because it is usually not cost effective. These unrecycled wastes are
typically disposed of in landfills, incinerated or used to produce electricity at waste-to-
energy plants.
Research has been done on biodegradable plastics that break down with exposure to
sunlight (e.g., ultra-violet radiation), water or dampness, bacteria, enzymes, wind
abrasion and some instances rodent pest or insect attack are also included as forms of
biodegradation or environmental degradation. It is clear some of these modes of
degradation will only work if the plastic is exposed at the surface, while other modes will
only be effective if certain conditions exist in landfill or composting systems. Starch
powder has been mixed with plastic as a filler to allow it to degrade more easily, but it
still does not lead to complete breakdown of the plastic. Some researchers have actually
genetically engineered bacteria that synthesize a completely biodegradable plastic, but
this material, such as Biopol, is expensive at present.[23] The German chemical company
BASF makes Ecoflex, a fully biodegradable polyester for food packaging applications.
Main article: Bioplastic
• from pea starch film with trigger biodegradation properties for agricultural
applications (TRIGGER).[24]
• from biopetroleum.[25]
Main article: Oxo Biodegradable
Oxo-biodegradable (OBD) plastic is polyolefin plastic to which has been added very
small (catalytic) amounts of metal salts. As long as the plastic has access to oxygen (as in
a littered state), these additives catalyze the natural degradation process to speed it up so
that the OBD plastic will degrade when subject to environmental conditions. Once
degraded to a small enough particle they can interact with biological processes to produce
to water, carbon dioxide and biomass. The process is shortened from hundreds of years to
months for degradation and thereafter biodegradation depends on the micro-organisms in
the environment. Typically this process is not fast enough to meet ASTM D6400
standards for definition as compostable plastics.
For decades one of the great appeals of plastics has been their low price. Yet in recent
years the cost of plastics has been rising dramatically. A major cause is the sharply rising
cost of petroleum, the raw material that is chemically altered to form commercial plastics.
With some observers suggesting that future oil reserves are uncertain, the price of
petroleum may increase further. Therefore, alternatives are being sought. Oil shale and
tar oil are alternatives for plastic production but are expensive. Scientists are seeking
cheaper and better alternatives to petroleum-based plastics, and many candidates are in
laboratories all over the world. One promising alternative may be fructose.[26]